Strategy Plan 1997
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, '~~' \\\ '.. \ ) ~ '~~,\ ~.~ j .c'" 'I \" RURAL CITY OF W ANGARATTA I RURAl CITY Of Wangaratla , } ,-," : I " i .~ STRATEGY PLAN .... ~ 1997 - 2007 Prepared by the Town Planning Section of the Rural City ofWangaratta I RURAL CITY OF WANGARATIA Preamble This paper is another step in the long process required for the adoption of a planning scheme for presentation to the Minister for approval. It is part of the state government's requirement for planning reform. The process began over twelve months ago with the distribution of a questionnaire in the Rural City of Wangaratta, a series of community meetings between February and April 1996 in Whitfield, Glenrowan, '" Moyhu, Waldara, Everton and Springhurst, the preparation of two background papers and the presentation of a draft strategy plan at two meetings in November and December 1996. These meetings were advertised widely in several editions of local papers and were the subject of two television interviews. Only 62 public responses to the draft plan were received by closing date of 6 January 1997 - this is somewhat disappointing given that the Rural City has a population of over 26,000 people. The common threads of the replies are quite clear - a major concern was expressed about the nature and extent of industrial development in north Wangaratta. A second issue raised was the need for a properly developed and logical plan for all development in the municipality. As over half the replies commented on possible industrial development in North Wangaratta the Commissioners have given significant attention to the views expressed. Of the replies objecting to the } location of industries in North Wangaratta, over 20 contained the same or similar two paragraph wording and in many cases carried an illegible signature and/or no address. On the other hand a smaller number of replies endorsed the strategy plan and accepted the identification of North Wangaratta as a possible location for industry. It is the Commissioners view that we need to seek a compromise on this matter thus, while we fully agree that it may be entirely in~ppropriate for noxious and offensive industries to be located ina rural area, there is a case for other industries requiring very large sites, to be situated outside urban areas. The general reasons for this is that such large sites are just not available in built up areas and the cost of purchasing and consolidating small urban titles is prohibitive. The question, then, is where such industries should be and the safeguards needed to protect local people from defined noxious and offensive industries. None of the letters objecting to the siting of industries in North W~mgaratta offered any alternative site as a solution other than saying they should be in the urban area of Wangaratta. This is not a viable solution for industries requiring large sites for the reasons given. It is also the Commissioners view that industries which utilize agricultural an¢ forestry products from rural areas and thus benefit farmers and primary producers could well be located in those areas. To accept the "not in my backyard" argument from people who benefit from such industries is difficult to sustain. r . ,I __ PLANNING & EPA 711.4099455 Rura1~tyOfW -l LIBRARY ,WAN:R strategy plan: 1997 - 2007 \ January 21,1997 2 --- ------------- ----------------------------------------, RURAL CITY OF W ANGARAITA STRATEGY PLAN For these reasons we reaffirm a statement made in the draft plan .. It reads: A group of local residents has expressed concern at the further development of industries in the north Wangaratta area. However decisions by earlier councils now make this a difficult point. Already the development of Dominance Industries, the refurbishment of existing sewerage works, the construction of the freeway and the location of waste landfill sites either side of the freeway have alienated the pre-existing agricultural uses. All that can be done now is to minimize developments which are not consistent with present uses. Thus while agricultural and forestly based industries may be consistent with present uses, the locption ofdefined noxious and offensive industries are not. This approach, while it may not meet the wishes of several North Wangaratta people, can be used to clearly protect the area from noxious industries. However, one NorthWangaratta resident made a comment that Wangaratta does need new industry but industry which does not compromise health and does not detract from the general amenity. He also made the point that such industry may well be in rural areas and that it should be subject to the saine tests. We agree. If this view is not acceptable then the incoming council, which will make the final recommendations to the Minister, may wish to consider a plebiscite of all ratepayers on the preferred location for large agricultural and forestry based industries. The Commissioners have attempted to give a clear indication of our views in this matter while acknowledging that there are differences between some rural and urban views. But, after a long period of consideration and after extensive opportunity for comment, we feel that the logic of the situation leads us to the views we have expressed. We would change such views only if there was broad agreement on an alternative location for acceptable rural industries. We have given much attention to the issues raised above because of the public debate which has gone with them. We now also publicly recognize the many positive contributions which have been made to the plan by . members of the public and officers. This is best sumrped up in comments from two rural families who stated that the- draft plan is "positive, comprehensive and democratic" and that the "draft shows an in depth feeling for the overall development of the Rural City of Wangaratta." , We now move to commence the preparation of the Municipal Strategic Statement which will be again available for public comment. In turn this will lead to the presentation of a draft Planning Scheme which will be placed on public exhibition in June and July. The elected council of the time will then further consider the submissions made. Once the draft Planning Scheme goes to the Minister he will form a panel which will again hear submissions from the public. This process will conclude in January 1988. We wish the community well in its deliberations. 1 Warren Garrett '1- John Terlll ..1 Nanene Green .Commissioners January 21, 1~97 3 RURAL CITY OF WANGARATTA STRATEGY PLAN Preface STATE PLANNING REFORMS In August 1993 the Minister for Planning announced that the reform of Victoria's existing planning system. was necessary in order to make Victoria competitive into the next century . •.' The aims of the reform are to:- • increase the certainty of outcomes, • provide clear direction for the future, • remove avoidable delays, and • facilitate appropriate development. To achieve reform, the State Government has prepared, with public input, including that' of Local Government, the Victorian Planning Provisions (VPP's) which will result in a consistent format and a single set of planning zones across the state. Local variations can be accommodated within this format. However state policies must be included, as must new standard definitions and some specified use and development requirements. This planning reform process emphasises the key role of strategy plans. In the town planning context a strategy plan develops the policy framework within which the planning scheme operates. Hence the . strategy plan must be developed before the planning scheme can be revised. The Milawa Planning Scheme incorporates six different planning schemes from the six former municipalities now amalgamated as the Rural City of Wangaratta. The Scheme itself was amalgamated when the Rural City of Wangaratta was named the Shire of Milawa, and hence its name. During the revision process the name of the Scheme will also· be revised. As part of this process of developing a strategy plan and revising the Planning Scheme, this strategy plan has been produced. The strategy plan is..intended to be a dynamic document which will be used, and where and when appropriate, revised and updated. January 21,1997 4 RURAL CITY OF W ANGARAITA STRATEGY PLAN STRATEGY PLAN Preamble Preface 1 CONTENTS ~ ". 1.0 Process 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Methodology 2.0 Mission Statement 3.0 Municipal profile 3.1 Population projections i 3.2 The Rural City ofWangaratta in the world context 3.3 State and Regional Policy 3.4 Economy 4.0 Municipal Portrait/Future Strategies 4.1 Housing 4.1.1 Urban Housing I '~ 4.1.2 Rural Residential Housing '.' 4.1.3 Strategic Directions 4.1.4 Action Plan reference 4.2 Commerce 4.2.1 Strategic Directions 4.2.2 Action Plan reference January 21,1997 5 RURAL CITY OF WANGARA ITA STRATEGY PLAN 4.3 Industry 4.3.1 Strategic Directions 4.3.2 Action Plan reference 4.4 Built and Natural Environment 4.4.1 Natural Environment 4.4.2 Built Environment 4.4.3 Strategic Directions . 4.4.4 Action Plan reference 4.5 Built and Natural Heritage 4,5.1 Strategic Directions 4.5.2 Action Plan reference 4.6 Recreation, Culture & Entertainment 4.6.1 Strategic Directions 4.6.2 Action Plan reference 4.7 Open Space 4.7.1 Strategic Directions 4.7.2 Action Plan reference 4.8 Tourism 'j, 4.8.1 Strategic Directions 4.8.2 Action Plan reference 4.9 Lifestyle 4.9.1 Strategic Directions 4.9.2 Action Plan reference 5.0 Action Plans \ 6.0 The Next Step , ,~ January 21,1997 6 RURAL CITY OF W ANGARATTA STRATEGY PLAN STRATEGY PLAN 1. PROCESS: 1.1 Introduction: The Rural City of Wangaratta is an amalgamation of all or parts of six previous municipalities and covers an area of 3,670km?-.