
Strengthens ankles, legs, arms, releases stiffness in shoulders, promotes steady balance and concentration

Preparations Draw big circles in the air with the points of the elbows, fingers lightly touching shoulders. Clockwise then anti clockwise. From Mountain () pose, hug one knee into chest then straighten, repeat with other leg Dynamically move into and out of Chair pose () with the breath.

Description: Asymmetrical, standing balance Stand in Mountain (Tadasana) Reach arms out to the sides Bend both knees Lift right leg and cross thighs tightly, placing right toes down on floor to steady yourself Keep left knee bent Lift right toes off floor, find your balance and then tuck toes behind left ankle. Hug yourself bringing right arm under left Bring back of hands together, keeping left elbow tucked deeply inside right Entwine wrists around each other to bring palms together.

Points to watch out for: Keep standing knee bent - squeeze thighs together tightly so that there is no twist in that knee Lift elbows, drop shoulders - press elbows and palms together tightly Fix gaze on one spot in front of you to steady your balance.

Once there: Settle into the pose, draw sitting bones downwards, draw elbows forward, and become sturdy and compact. Breathe into back ribs

Coming out: Release arms out wide Uncross and straighten legs Come into Mountain pose.

Modifications: Arms only: Bring arms into position with knees bent and both feet on floor Legs only: Keep arms outstretched at shoulder height and practice bending knees, crossing one leg over the other, touching toes to floor when necessary. Supported by wall: Lean back against wall, bend knees, cross legs into position, bring arms into position, back supported by wall.

Esoteric: Garuda, the king of birds, the vehicle of

Uttanasana- preparation

Cross legs, toes lightly on floor to find balance

Stretch out arms

Tuck foot behind ankle

Hug yourself and then entwine arms

Breathe into back ribs

Supported by wall

Taking it further