Plant Physiol. (1969) 44, 503-507

Gibberellin and CCC Effects on Flowering and Growth in the Long-day Plant Lemna gibba G31 Charles F. Cleland2 and Winslow S. Briggs2 Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 Received October 11, 1968.

Abstract. The application of (GA3) to the non-rosette long-day plant Lemna gibba G3 at concentrations from 0.1 to 100 mg/l did not induce flowering on short days and inhibited flowering on long days at ooncentrations of 1 mg/l and higher. On both short and long days GA3 concentrations above 1 mg/l caused a decrease in frond size and fresh and dry weight, but an increase in the rate of frond production and thus an increase in the # VF (number of vegetative fronds). Identical results were obtained when gibberellin A7 was used instead of GA3. The addition of the plant growth retardant CCC [ (2-chloroethyl) trimethylammonium chloride] to the culture medium on long days resulted in almost complete inhibition of flowering at 10-3 M. Vegetative growth was also inhibited to some extent. With CCC at 10-3 M the simultaneous addition of GA3 resulted in partial reversal of inhibition with 0.3 mg/l GA3 being optimal. The inhibition of vegetative growth as measured by fresh and dry weight was also partially reversed by GA3, but the threshold concentration for reversal of flower inhibition was at least 10 times lower than that for inhibition of vegetative growth. These results are interpreted as indicating that gibberellins are important for flowering in the non-rosette long-day plant L. gibba G3, but apparently are present in non-limiting concen- trations on short days.

Gibberellic acid (GA3) is known to cause stem of the plant growth retardants CCC [(2-chloroethyl) elongation and flower induction in many rosette trimethv lammonium chloride] and AMO 1618 (2-iso- long-day plants (11,12). Induction of flowering by propyl-4 -dimethylamino-5-methvlphenyl-l -piperidine- GA3 has also been reported in the non-rosette long- carboxvlate methyl chloride) which are thought to day plant Loliumn temnulentuni (6), the long-short-day act primarily bv inhibiting endogenous gibberellin plant Bryophyllum daigremitonitianunt (22), and the biosynthesis (5, 7, 10, 15, 18). The application of short-day plant Impatiens balsamnina (14). How- CCC or AMO 1618 to the long-day rosette plant, ever, in each of these last 3 cases flower induction, Sacitolts parvifloruts, the long-short-day plant, Bryo- whether by photoperiodic treatment or GA3 applica- phyllunm daigremontianum, and also the short-day tion, is accompanied by considerable stem elongation. plant, Pharbitis .il, when grown on inductive photo- In contrast, with the exception of Lolitrn and Im- periods, resulted in complete or nearly complete in- patietns, gibberellin treatment does not result in flower hibition of flowering with only a small accompanying induction in caulescent or non-rosette long-day plants inhibition, of growth (1, 23.24). In each case the and short-day plants (all of which are caulescent) simultaneous application of GA3 reversed the inhibi- (12) and may even prove inhibitory to flowering in tion of both flowering ancd growth, but a 10 to 50-fold a few cases (8, 19, 21). On the basis of such results higher concentration of GA3 was required to reverse it appears that endogenous gibberellins may be im- the inhibition of growth than was needed to reverse portant for flowering at least in those plants in which the inhibition of flowering. flower induction is accompanied by considerable stem These results provided further evidence that gib- elongation. berellins might be important for flower induction in In recent years further evidence for the involve- long-day rosette plants and in the long-short-day ment of gibberellins in the flowering process of at plant Bryophyllumn. In addition, the results with least some plants has been obtained throtigh the use Pharbitis suggested that even in plants for which GA3 treatment does not result in flower induction, gibberellins might be involved in the flowering process. In view of these results it was felt that 1 Supported by grant GB-2846 to W.R. Briggs from plant the National Science Foundation, a grant from Research similar experiments on a non-rosette long-day Corporation to W. R. Briggs, and by a National Science might provide additional in,formation on the role of Foundation Predoctoral fellowship to C. F. Cleland. gibberellins in flowering. 2 Present address: Biological Laboratories, Harvard The non-rosette long-day plant used in this study University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138. was Lemina gibba G3 which previously has been 503 504 shown to exlhibit a qualitative long-day flowering of magnitude. It has been assumed that autoclaving response with a critical daylength of about 10 hr has a similar effect in the present study. However, (3). The present paper reports the effect of GA3 the concentrations of GA3 listed are those that were and the plant growth retardant CCC on flowering actually incorporated in the medium and do not and growth in this particular non-rosette long-day represent estimates of the effective concentrations. plant. It has also been reported that CCC may be some- what unstable to high temperature treatment (2). Consequently, each of the experiments to be pre- Materials and Methods sented has been repeated with the GA3 and CCC added to previously autoclaved medium by sterile The aquatic flowering plant Lemna gibba L., filtration. In each case there was complete qualita- strain G3 was grown aseptically in 125 ml Erlenmeyer tive agreement with the results obtained when GA3 flasks with 50 ml of E medium. The E medium is and CCC were autoclaved with the medium. There- based oni the MA medium of Hillman (9) and differs fore, it is clear that the results to be presented are only in the addition o,f 30 ,uMNM ethylenediamine.etra- due to the GA3 and CCC in the medium and not to acetic acid (EDTA). All experiments lasted 11 days any breakdown products that might possibly have and were carried out in model MB-54 growth cham- resulted from the autoclaving. bers '(Percival Refrigeration and Manufacturing Company) at a temperature of 28±3- 1° and a light Results intensity of 600 to 700 ft-c at plant level. The light source consisted of 4 cool-white VHO fluorescent The application of GA3 to L. gibba G3 when lights (Sylvania F48T12-CW-VHO) supplemented growing on short days did not result in flower in- with four 25 watt incandescent bulbs. Short-day duction at any of the concentration,s that were tried conditions consisted of 9 hr light followed by 15 hr (Fig. 1). At higher concentrations GA3 inhibited of darkness (9L:15D), while lon,g-day conditions growth somewhat as indicated by a slight drop in the consisted of continuous light. A more detailed de- fresh and dry weights with a minimum at 10 mg/l scription of the medium, culture conditions and gen- GA3. Furthermore, at GA3 concentrations of 10 eral experimental procedures used in this study has mg/l and higher the fronds were noticeably smaller been given earlier (3). and less gibbous than in the short-day control. How- The total frond numnber of a culture was deter- ever, at these higher GA3 concentrations, the rate of mined by counting all fronds, no matter how small, frond production was increased, and there was an whichl visibly projected beyond the margin of their increase in the # VF. mother frond. For the evaluation of flowering the flowering percent (FL %) was determined by divid- 100 ing the numiiber of fronds with or flower SD TREATMENT primordia by the total number of fro,nds examined 80 100 o and multiplying this value by 100. Flowering was 0 0 also evaluated by determining the total number of z VF 80 m vegetative fronds (# VF) in a culture. Providing LLJ 60 ~~~~~~~~l'& G) the growth rate for different treatments is approxi- 0 ) 0.04. mately the same, there is always an inverse relation- n 40 0.4 60 mx ship between the FL % and # VF values with the z (;~~~~~~~~~~~)0 LL- z change in the # VF often being more dramatic 20 0.2 _---FW8., 0.02 40 0 than the corresponding change in the FL %. CCC was dissolved in the medium and used at 0 - t - 0 20 M. 0l concentrationls from 10- to 10-3 It was donated 0 0.11 iO 100 by the Agricultural Division of the American Cvan- (SDC) amid Company, Princeton, New Jersey. GA3 (K GA CONCENTRATION, mg/l salt, 75 %, Nutritional Biochemical Company) was FIG. 1. Influence of GA3 on flowering and growth dissolved in the medium and used at concentrations on short days. from 0.001 to 100 mg/l (corresponds to actual molarity of 2.17 X 10-9 to 2.17 X 10-4 M). When The application of GA3 to plants growing on CCC or GA3 were used they were present in the long days had an inhibitory effect on flowering at medium for the full duration of the experiment. concentrations of 1 mg/l and above (Fig. 2). At It is well known that gibberellins are somewhat these higher concentrations there was also a definite unstable to heat (20). Hillman (8) investigated the inhibition of growth with a substantial decrease in effect of autoclaving for 10 min at 15 psi on the GA3 fresh weight resulting from the fronds being rather activity for the growth of dwarf pea seedlings. His small and only slightly gibbous. The dry weight, results indicated that autoclaving the GA3 with the however, showed only a slight decrease at higher medium resulted in a loss in activitv of about 1 order GA3 concentrations. CLELAND AND BRIGGS-FLOWERING Of LEMNA GIBBA G3 505

and dry weights at 10-4 and 10-3 M CCC and also by 100 l .8| LD TREATMENT the tendency at these concentrations for the fronds to remain attached together in 1 or 2 large clumps z 80 640 instead of separating into numerous 2 to 8-frond z colonies as in the long-day control.

LU 60 1-.4 ,- 480 M Attempts were made to reverse the inhibition of FW P) flowering caused by 10- M CCC by the simultaneous 0 06- .'0.0 T concentrations o,f to the n 40 1 .0 0.10 320 addition of various GA3 LU O~~W 3 clulture medium (Fig. 4)a Clearly GA3 can effect z partial reversal of the flower inhibition caused by - 0.06 8 20 10.6 160 n CCC. The optimum GA3 concentration of 0.3 mg/l o-c#VF %FL corresponds to an actual molarity of 6.5 X 10-7 M 0 0.02 1 0.2r 0 (the effective concentration was probably less than O 0.1 10 100 10-' M GA3; see Materials and Methods). (LOC) GA CONCENTRATION, mg/l FIG. 2. Influence of GA3 on flowering and growth 440 on continuous light. 100 ,31.63M LD ,

-1.2L D C VF, Z 80 360 From the above results it would appear that the 01.2 0 only influence exogenously applied GA3 has on the z LLJ 60 -0.8 280 Mri flowering response of L. gibba G3 is to be inhibitory C) at concentrations over 1 mg/l. However, in the 0 T 40 £0.4 S D 0.04 200 short-day plant Pharbitis nil Zeevaart (24) showed LL- LLJ 0 that although gibberellin treatment on long days did z 0~~~~~~~~~~~ 120 0 not induce flowering, the inhibition of flowering on o 20 short days by CCC could be overcome by the simul- SD LDC~ taneous application of GA3 to the plants. Conse- o 140 10 quently, it appeared that gibberellin was important O' 0.01 0.1 for flowering in Pharbitis but was present in non- GA CONCENTRATION, mg/l limiting concentrations on long days. FIG. 4. Effect of GA3 on reversing the inhibition of In view of the above results with Pharbitis, it flowering and growth caused by 10-3 M CCC. All ex- was decided to try similar experiments with L. gibba perimental treatments included 10-3 M CCC in addition to concentration of G3 using CCC. When plants were grown on long the indicated GA3. days in the presence of CCC there was only a slight inhibition of flowering at concentrations as high as The GA3 also partially reversed the growth in- 10-5 M (Fig. 3). However, at a CCC concentration hibition caused by CCC. However, the threshold of 10-4 M flowering was strongly inhibited, and with for the reversal of growth inhibition was 0.1 to 0.3 an increase to 10-3 M only 2 very small flower pri- mg/l GA3, whereas the threshold for the reversal of mordia were seen in a total of 552 visible fronds flower inhibition was about 0.01 mg/l GA3. Fur- examined for the 3 flasks. thermore, the optimum GA3 concentration for flow- Growth was also inhibited to some extent by ering was 0.3 mg/l, while the optimum for growth CCC. This was shown both by the decrease in fresh was 1 or 3 mg/l. From these results it seems clear that CCC is able to inhibit flowering independent of

100 200 LD TREATMENT P. 100 500 > 1.8; 'FLlI#VF LD TREATMENT 80 16060O z 400 z 8C D %FL0 H F L121 120 M lLI 6 0 F 1.-. z CR C) LLJ 60 .2. FW- 300 m C) 40 > 1.0t ,,--__ ,-' % 0.09 80 0 ...... SDC0 )LJ 0 CO 0.8 7 DW 0.08. 200 m -- DW GC) z O-J 40 0 LL0.6 a05 C z 20 (I) LLJ - oC0 too a 2C (I, j 0.4 vDC*o 0.04 0.2 SDC DOCD 0.01 0 - o -_ -6 A0 - l C 0 .0 0 0 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 DC) 0 3 10 i8 320b IU (L (LDC) CCC CONCENTRATION, LOG M AMO 1618 CONCENTRATION (x 10 M) FIG. 3. Influence of CCC on flowering and growth FIG. 5. Influence of AMO 1618 on flowering and on continuous light. growth in continuous light. 506 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY its effect on growtth, and thus the ability of GA3 to growth effects of GA3 may prove typical for most cause partial reversal of flowerinig suggests that a species of Lemnsla. certain level of endogenous gibberellin is needed to The failure of GA3 to produce a complete reversal obtain flo,wering in L. gibba G3. of the CCC inhibition of flowerin,g is open to several When AMO 1618 was used instead of CCC. in- possible explanations. First of all if GA, was less hibition of flowering was also obtained (Fig. 5). effective than the endogenous gibberellin(s) for However, several attempts to reverse the inhibition stimtlating flowering, then application of GA., might of floweriing caused by 3.2 X 10-4 M or 1.8 X 10-4 M only produce a partial reversal of the CCC inhibition AMO 1618 with GA3 have been completely unsuc- of flowerin,g. Secondly, CCC may affect processes cessful. other than the biosynthesis of endogenous gibberel- lins, and thlus GA, or any other gibberellin might Discussion only be expected to cause partial reversal of the CCC inhibition of flowering. One process that may be affected by CCC is the metabolism. Norris The results of the present study indicate that (16) has shown that CCC results in a reduced level most non-rosette long-day L. gibba G3 is like other of auxin in wheat seedlings. Cleland (4) showed plants that have been examined in that the applica- that AMO 1618 inhibited the growtl of Avena leaf on short days does not tion of GA: to plants growing sections, and that this inhibition was partially re- result in flower induction. This result is further versed by auxin, but not by GA. Thlus it is possible substantiated by preliminary findings wvhich indicate that tlle application of auxin to L. gibba G3 along that treatnmelnt with gibberellini A7 (GA7), w-hich with 0.3 mlg/l GA3 wo,uld have resuilted in a further often proves nmore effective for flower induction than reversal of the CCC inhibition of flow-ering. GA3 (13), does not lead to flower induction when The failure of GA3 to produce any reversal of tested over the dosage range of 0.1 to 30 mg/l. A conflicting report for L. gibba G3 has been the inhibition of flowering caused by AMO 1618 that AMO 1618 inhibits certaini processes in publishedl by Oota (17). He claimed that GA3 suggests enhances flowering and that 10-5 AI reduces the addition to gibberellin biosynthesis. However, at- GA, to reverse the AMO 1618 inhlibition of flower- critical daylength by about 2 hr. However, the re- tenllpts ing by substances other than gibber-ellinis have vet to sults are based on a very small flowering response, and the reported differences are extrenmely small and be made. thus of questionable significance. In addition, on a The results of the present study indicate that 12L:12D regime lo,w concentrations of GA3 have no endogenous gibberellins are important for flowering effect on flowering, while concentrations of 1 mg/l in L. gibba G3 but apparently are present in non- and higlher inhibit flowerinig (Cleland and Briggs, limiting concentrations on short days. However, the unpublished restults). Consequently, it is the opinion results do not indicate whether gibberellins may play of the present authors that the results of Oota do not some direct role in the flowering process per se, or support his conclusions and thus do not contradict simplv influence flowering in some indirect fashion. the results of the present study. Furthermore, since the CCC and GA, were present In this study the only effect exogenously applied throughout the 11 day experiment, it is not clear GA3 had on flowering was to prove inhibitory at wshether gibberellins influence flowering through an concentrations of 1 mg/l and higher. In preliminary effect on flower induction or some later stage of work GA7 was also found to inhibit flowering on flower development. long days at concentrations of 1 mg/l and higher. The results of the present study are similar to In the short-day plant Lemna perpusilla 6746 GA3 those obtained with Samoluis, Brvophyllum, and also proved inhibitory for flowering (8). The Pharbitis where gibberellin reversal of CCC or AMO mechanism of this inhibition remains unknown. 1618 inhibition of flowering has also been reported However, in Fuchsia it appears that gibberellin- (1,23,24). However, the significance of the results induced inhibition of flowering occurs at the receptor with these 4 plants for a better understanding of the meristem (19). Therefore, by analogy it may be flowering process in general is somewhat question- that the high gibberellin levels inhibit flowering in able since Cathey and Stuart (2) tested the effect of Lemna by interfering with the expression of the CCC and AMO 1618 on a great numnber of plants and flowering stimulus rather than with its formation. obtained inhibition of flowering in only a few cases. In addition to the effects on flowerin,g GA3 had Furthermore, in the long-day rosette plant Silene some rather strikin,g effects on growth. On both armiieria a very high dose of AMO 1618 sufficient to short and long days at concentrations of 1 mg/l GA3 completely block bolting on long days had absolutely and higher, there was a decrease in the frond size no effect on flower initiation (Cleland and Zeevaart, and fresh and dry weight, but an increase in the rate unpublished results.) Therefore, it would appear oif frond production which resulted in an increase in that the extent to which gibberellin influences flow- the # VF. Similar results were obtained by Hill- ering may vary considerably from plant to plant and man (8) for L. perpusilla 6746 and by Kato for the only in a few cases can an actual dependence upon short-day plant L. paitcicostata (see 20). Thus these gibberellin for flowering be demonstrated. CLELAND AND BRIGGS-FLOWERING OF LEMNA GIBBA G3 507 Literature Cited 13. MICHNIEWICZ, M. AND A. LANG. 1962. Effect of nine different gibberellins on stem elongation and flower formation in cold-requiring and photope- 1. 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