December 1966
DECEMBER 1966 Executive Secretary-Treasurer Birney Mill* Secretary General of Secretary General for the Europo Western Hemisphere Svend Rnntil Fernando de Aldecoa Sweden ArgenIin a THE OFFICERS OF SCIRA SEND THIS GREETING TO ALL SNIPF SAILORS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. 3 An Other* See It Voice Of The People Successful Sails 1965 WINNERS Are The Result Clearwater Midwinter A GOOD IDEA — AND A LARGE ORDER! of Continual U.S. National Championship •• Recently you wrote in the BULLETIN seeking more news 1st, 2nd, 3rd for it. You also commented that most " how to", measurement Development. problems, controversies of various kinds, etc. .had long since Dist. 4 Championship been gone over. 1st, 2nd, 3rd While this, I'm sure, is true, I'd like to interject this We Do Dist. 3 Championship thought: they haven't been gone over for all the members. Many 1st, 2nd, 3rd of us are newcomers - I got my Snipe just a year ago. This! Knowing I was going to buy one, I borrowed about 8 years of back BULLETIN issues from Jim Pierce. They were all in three-ring folders, and I thoroughly enjoyed following the development of many things like rules,bending masts, weight discussions; and also personalities and successes. It seems to me that you have a wealth of material right in your own office already written Which many people would enjoy reading. Some of it could simply be reprinted. Some ideas or controversies could be rewritten and re-presented. History of many facets could be traced. You might consider getting copies made of the most active subjects (like how to put a wooden deck on a fiberglass hull; best methods and tools used for measuring hulls; how to put fiberglass cloth on a wooden hull; how to rebuild an old wooden hull; etc) and then furnish these at slight cost when enquiries are made on the subject.
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