PEDECIBA Informática Instituto de Computación – Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad de la República Montevideo, Uruguay Reporte Técnico RT 10-01 Representation of metamodels using inductive types in a Type-Theoretic Framework for MDE Daniel Calegari Carlos Luna Nora Szasz Alvaro Tasistro 2010 Representation of metamodels using inductive types in a Type-Theoretic Framework for MDE Calegari, Daniel; Luna, Carlos; Szasz, Nora; Tasistro, Alvaro ISSN 0797-6410 Reporte Técnico RT 10-01 PEDECIBA Instituto de Computación – Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad de la República Montevideo, Uruguay, 2010 Representation of Metamodels using Inductive Types in a Type-Theoretic Framework for MDE Daniel Calegari∗, Carlos Lunay, Nora Szaszy, Alvaro´ Tasistroy ∗Instituto de Computacion,´ Universidad de la Republica,´ Uruguay Email: yFacultad de Ingenier´ıa, Universidad ORT Uruguay Email: fluna,szasz,
[email protected] Abstract—We present discussions on how to apply a type- (type) and satisfying a certain (pre-)condition, an output theoretic framework –composed out by the Calculus of In- model exists which conforms to a given metamodel and ductive Constructions and its associated tool the Coq proof which stands in a certain relation with the input model. assistant– to the formal treatment of model transformations in the context of Model-Driven Engineering. We start by studying Proofs of such propositions in the CIC are constructive and how to represent models and metamodels in the mentioned therefore it is possible to automatically extract from each theory, which leads us to a formalization in which a metamodel of them a provably correct (functional) program computing is a collection of mutually defined inductive types representing the output model from any appropriate input.