בס"ד שבת פרשת Beis Tefillah Yonah Avraham ע"ש ר‘ יונה אברהם בן ר‘ שמואל ז"ל נשא Nachal Refaim 34A

HoRav Chaim Malinowitz, Sh’lita, Rav יב‘ סיון, התשע“ב אבות פרק ב Tzvi Gherman, President

LifeCycles Derech Chaim The Rav’s on Pirkei Avos, sefer Derech Chaim תזכו לבנות בית נאמן בישראל!! to Yissachar and Riki Fried on the engagement of (Maharal), resumes this Shabbos, from after the 6:00 PM מזל טוב their daughter, Elisheva, to Yosef Ehrenzweig, son of mincha until about 30-40 minutes before sheki'a. אבות ובנים .Avraham and Chana, from Atlanta השבוע מתחילים את המבצע "אותיות מחכימות" !! קידוש נגלה את הפרטים בסדר הלימוד בשבת - להתראות !! Esther and Seth Grossman invite the entire Kehilla to a kiddush after davening at their home (20/3 Rechov AUB is sponsored this week by the Feiner Family in honor Yerushalayim in Ramat Shiloh) in honor of the recent of Yehuda's , MAZAL TOV ! !!!מזל טוב ..birth of their daughter, Yael Devora יישר כחכם!! All Tied Up? Shavuos was a tremendous success with the “oilam” was קול תורה together. The קבלת התורה On Sunday night, Padowitz’s 8 PM celebrating Mishna Berurah Shiur will begin Hilchos awesome, and there could not be a better venue for Teffilin (Orach Chaim Siman 25) followed Shavuos night learning than at BTYA! by 8:45 Ma’ariv. It is a great time to join the shiur. We want to thank specifically: throughout הרבצת תורה Shul Set-Up  The Rav, for the continued שבועות the year, and especially the allnighter on .(and for keeping the night full of fire) פרשת בהעלותך Avi Factor, Yitzchak Glickstein, and Yirmi Gold  Dr. David Kallus for 'putting together' the whole Shavuos night program: Food, arranging for the AUB !!opening', shiurim, publicity… yeyasher kochachoh' לוח שבת Shabbos Schedule  Zevy Weissmandl for literally being busy the entire ערב שבת Erev Shabbos night feeding people who from the looks of things מנחה ”מוקדם“ Early” Mincha :5:5“ had not had anything to eat or drink for about 3 הדלקת נרות ”מוקדם“ Early” Candle Lighting 6:12 - 6:27“ days. And this includes the Kiddush after davening. A הדלקת נרות Candle Lighting 45:5 !groise, groise yeyasher ko'ach מנחה Mincha 7:24 יש לקבל שבת לפני One should be mekabel 4555  Elli Davids, Beryl Thomas, and Dovi Adler (and their kids) for the flowers and for decorating the shul with שקיעה Shabbos before Sh’kia to Elli who רפואה שלמה .the appropriate décor יום השבת Shabbos Day יישר כחך sprained his leg on Thursday, and an extra שחרית כותיקין Shacharis - Vasikin :5:5 !for putting out the effort despite the injury נץ החמה ::Netz HaChama :5595 ברכות וקרבנות ::B’rachos and Korbanos 45  The Maggidei Shiur who shared from their Pesukei D’Zimrah .knowledge with the tzibbur פסוקי דזמרה ::55 נשמת ::Nishmas 55  Shlomo Weis who organized the neilas hachag, at סוף זמן ק"ש לגר"א Latest Shema – G’ra 95:4 breakneck speed. תפילת מנחה גדולה ::Tefillas Mincha Gedola 05 . The Kupa Shel Tzedaka for the beautiful posters פרחי ::Pirchei 55 .Please, bring any monies in to Ari Stern אבות ובנים ::Avos U’Banim :5 - The Rebbitzen, for the cheesecakes for the post תפילת מנחה קטנה Tefillas Mincha Ketana 0066 Vasikin KIddush שקיעה Sh’kia 4555 קידוש לבנה מעריב Ma’ariv 55:5 שבת הבאה Next Shabbos you ,שבועות after קידוש לבנה If you didn’t make הדלקת נרות Candle Lighting 6:15, 7:07 .can do so through Sunday night מנחה Mincha 5:57, 7:27

.the women’s shiur מלכים ב‘ פרק י‘ - shiur–7:25 AM נ“ך  The Rav’s .PM 4:15 –עין יעקב, אגדות הש “ ס  The women’s shiur in English will be given by Reb.  The Rav’s shiur in .after TMK - דרך החיים Yehudis Landau, at 4:45 PM at the home of Minna  The Rav’s shiur in :דף יומי Levinson, Nachal Ayalon 13/6  R’ Gruen ,בית מדרש PM in the 9:30 ליל שבת after  - הלכות שבת  Malinowitz’s Shiur in

R’ Gruen ,בית מדרש PM in the 4:00 שבת with the Rav. If possible, please let the  סעודה שלישית Shabbos Shiurim R’ Zabrowsky ,בית מדרש PM in the 4:00 שבת that you will be joining.  שבת Rav know before

בס"ד Beis Tefillah Yonah Avraham AND THE WEEK TO ע"ש ר‘ יונה אברהם בן ר‘ שמואל, ז"ל

בהעלותך HoRav Chaim Malinowitz, Sh’lita, Rav 054-914-6311 or [email protected] Tzvi Gherman, President, 052-768-0638

Suspended Shidduchim The Rav’s Thursday night Tanya shiur is suspended We are happy to announce that the BTYA until a group is re-formed to learn it. committee is back in full force! Meetings: Please contact Reuven Goldman ([email protected] Monday, June 4th, at 8:30 PM, one at the Lorings, or 992-1925) or the Rav if you are interested in joining Nachal Noam 6/2 and another at the Leibas, Nachal the group to this restarted. Luz 8/2. Another on a different date: Contact Mrs. Marla Sklar at 9916938 or Mrs. Naavah Thomas at 077-4186918.

BTYA’s 120K Campaign  Hakaras Hatov. The shul needs your support, this crucial time de-  Achrayus. mands your participation. Let’s all stand up and  Standing up in a time of need. take responsibility for our shul and contribute to  Helping our shul continue being the great ma- the 120K Campaign … NOW. kom , Chessed, Avoda, and Tefillah and To those of you listed below - kol hakavod for being an example to all of RBS. makir tov and standing up to accept achrayus in  Answering the call. our shul’s critical time of need.  Giving generously and with all your heart. To those of you not listed below, we look forward to – no, we NEED to add your name to that list. If we do, b’ezras Hashem, we will make it through this That’s what our emergency fundraising campaign is nisayon and be better and stronger for it. all about. That is what the shul needs of all of its May we be zocheh to see the tremendous impact members and non-members – whoever benefits that a tzibbur makes when we stand together, in from what the shul provides – and it provides so appreciation and in accepting responsibility, as we much to so many. did at Matan Torah.

 The Rav  Eliyahu Gherman  Nir Kedar  Rafael Sait  Chaim Beinash  Tzvi Gherman  Edo Lavi  Jonathan Sassen  Mordechai Bernstein  Beinish Ginsburg  Ayton Lefkowitz  Yossi Schneiderman  Shmuel Bisk  Steven Glanz  Moshe Lichtenstein  Shlomo Scholnick  David Blass  Yirmi Gold  Noach Magedman  Ari Shapiro  Matthew Bornstein  Reuven Goldman  Yechiel Nussbaum  Mordechai Slovin  Pesach Chapler  Rafi Goldmeier  Yehudah Nyssen  Aryeh Sonnenberg  David Cohen  Dov Greenberg  Yonatan Pachas  Ari Stern  Reuven Cohen  Ephraim Greene  Joel Padowitz  Baruch Tenenbaum  Yehuda David  Ari Gruen  Zevy Reich  Beryl Thomas  Benjamin Fishman  Mr. Gruen  Shraga Rosenberg  Mutti Frankel  Avi Kamionski  Eliyahu Ross If you made a pledge and it is not listed here, please accept our apologies, and contact Dr. Ari Stern, Tzvi Gherman, or Mordechai Slovin to correct the error. We welcome and value your ideas for keeping BTYA financial healthy. Please contact Tzvi Gherman (052-768- 0638 or [email protected]) or any Board member with comments or questions.

שחרית כוותיקין שחרית )ימי א, ג, ד, שחרית )ימי תפלת מנחה תפלת מנחה מעריב זמנים מיום א‘ עד שבת )ימי א-ו( ו( ב, ה( גדולה קטנה פר‘ בהעלותך 8:45, 10:15 51:7 :1:1 6:50, 8:00 6:55, 8:00 5:24 - 5:23

Comments? Suggestions? Contact [email protected]. A service of BTYA Communications, 5772