United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,997,882 Briles Et Al
USOO5997882A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,997,882 Briles et al. (45) Date of Patent: *Dec. 7, 1999 54) EPITOPIC REGIONS OF PNEUMOCOCCAL Crain, M.J., Waltman, W.D. II, Turner, J.S., Yother, J., SURFACE PROTEIN A Talkington, D.F., McDaniel, L.S., Gary, B.M., and Briles, D.E., Infection and Immunity, Oct., 1990, pp. 3293–3299. 75 Inventors: David E. Briles; Janet L. Yother; Talkington, D.F., Crimmins, D.L., Voellinger, D.C., Yother, Larry S. McDaniel, all of Birmingham, J., and Briles, D.E., Infection and Immunity, Apr. 1991, pp. Ala. 1285-1289. McDaniel, L.S., Scott, G., Widenhofer, K., Carroll, J.M., and 73 Assignee: UAB Research Foundation, Briles, D.E., Microbial Pathogenesis 1986, 1:519–531. Birmingham, Ala. McDaniel, L.S., Sheffield, J.S., Swiatlo, E., Yother, J., Crain, M.J., Briles, D.E., Microbial Pathogenesis 1992, * Notice: This patent is Subject to a terminal dis 13:261-268. claimer. McDaniel, L.S., Scott, G., Kearney, J.F. and Briles, D.E., J. Exp. Med. vol. 160, Aug. 1984, pp. 386–397. Stover, C.K. et al., “New Use of BCG for Recombinant 21 Appl. No.: 08/468,985 Vaccines”, Nature, vol. 351, Jun. 6, 1991, pp. 456-460. 22 Filed: Jun. 6, 1995 DNA Sequencing, Chapter 13; A Laboratory Manual, 1989. McDaniel et al., 1989 Abstracts of the 89th Annual Meeting Related U.S. Application Data of the ASM, Abstract D-255. Rijn et al., “Growth Characteristics of Group A Streptococci 63 Continuation of application No. 08/319,795, Oct.
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