INFRASTRUCTURE STATUS REPORTS COMPILED BY FISCAL SERVICES DIVISION FEBRUARY 2012 Marcia A. Tannian Legislative Analyst 2 Ola Babcock Miller Building Des Moines, IA 50319 Phone: 515.281.7942 E-mail:
[email protected] Glen Dickinson, Director Memorandum To: Chairpersons Matt McCoy and Dan Huseman and Members of the Transportation, Infrastructure, and Capitals Appropriations Subcommittee From: Marcia Tannian, Legislative Analyst Date: February 3, 2012 Re: Infrastructure Status Reports The reports referenced in this document were submitted by various state agencies to the Legislative Services Agency in accordance with the following provisions: Iowa Code sections 8.57(6)(h) and (i), 8.57A(5), 8.57B(5), 8.57C(4), 12E.12, 12.79, 12.88 and 12.88A and chapter 1179, section 19, 2006 Iowa Acts. These provisions require the agencies to submit reports annually regarding appropriations received from any of the infrastructure funds, including the Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Fund, Environment First Fund,1 Vertical Infrastructure Fund, Technology Reinvestment Fund, FY 2009 Prison Bonding Fund, the restricted capital tobacco funds, Revenue Bonds Capitals Fund, and the Revenue Bonds Capitals II Fund. Per the statutory provisions, agencies must provide the status of all projects, completed or in progress, including: • Description of the project. • Progress of work completed. • Total estimated cost of the project. • List of all revenue sources being used to fund the project. • Amount of funds expended. • Amount of funds obligated. • Date the project was completed or an estimated completion date of the project, where applicable. Legislative intent required receipt of annual infrastructure reports so the General Assembly could have detailed updates on capital projects and the use of infrastructure funds.