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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 049 843 RC 005 073 Small.a CoTmunitics Program, Stonk County, Mississlppi. Dart I: Economic Base i:effort; Part 13: Manpower EE_ Source Report. 11.1,,SIIIUIWei Mississippi Emplcym(nt Security Commission, Jackson. iitIE LAZE Nov 69 NL1E 157p. FLL.c.-3 Pi IC LL ES Pricc ME -$0.6b HC-$6.5b LFSCi.IPIOLIS Academic AcnievemEJnt, Pusiness, *Community Study, *Fccnomic actors, *employment Trends, Income, *Living Standards, Occupational Surveys, Population Trends, Resources, *Dural Areas, Services, Statistical Data, Vocational Education, Work Experience- ILENTIFIEltS *Mississippi AhSraACT Inc 2-part docurent, published by the Mississippi Employment Security Commission, relates to the Smaller Communities Program conatcted during 1969 to help alleviate employment problems in rural areas of Mississippi and to provide employment services in areas with varying economic problems. Based on data secured from Federal, state, and private sources, Part I of the report presents a general aescription of Stone County, Mississippi, along with trends concerning lator force, GCOLOg1C pattern, resources, and community facilities. Part II of the report surveys the county's current and potential manpower resources in terms of such factors as population, latcr torce, occupations, eaucational levels, and vocational. training. Data were bases on census reports or were secured from county residents thrcugh survey and through an application-taking and aptitude-testing process. (AN) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECES- SARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDU CATION POSITION OR POLICY SMALLER COMMUNITIES PROGRAM STONE COUNTY MISSISSIPPI PART I ECONOMIC BASE REPORT PIIIPTIEL" 4,4NPOWF' /WS? t/Rd t gEIW7 An Evaluation cif the Economic Resources of A Rural Mississippi County Prepared by MISSISSIPPI EMPLOYMENT SECURITY COMMISSION John E.
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