back to school Late nights spent studying and making memories. The buzz of the crowd before a football game. The smell of books in the library. You’re in a great place. The only thing you have to do is take it all in. For tips on how to make the most of your year, read on. CONSTRUCTION OXFORD’S LITERARY SCENE FOOTBALL see pages 2-3 see pages 8-9 see pages 14-15 PAGE 2 | THE DAILY MISSISSIPPIAN | 20 AUGUST 2018 | BACK TO SCHOOL UM to finish construction projects by summer 2019 BRIANA FLOREZ located along All American
[email protected] Drive to prepare for con- struction of the new STEM Building. Work on All Amer- With roads closed, walk- ican Drive is now finished, ways blocked off and green but fences will stay in place fences everywhere, it feels until construction on the like campus is constantly new building starts. under construction and stu- Crews have also been re- dents are never able to truly working the roundabout in enjoy all it has to offer. front of Guyton Hall to align Luckily, for returning stu- with Guyton Place and Mag- dents and incoming fresh- nolia Drive, in accordance men alike, this school year with the university’s master is expected to bring the plan. completion of several cur- “The new design will allow rent construction projects on for a safer, more convenient campus, including the Stu- roadway for pedestrians and dent Union and a recreation motorists in front of Guy- center on Chucky Mullins ton Hall,” Banner said.