Reagan Reviewing Recommendations on Arms Strategy
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ewYear r Register VOL. 107 NO. 156 YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER ... SINCE 1878, MONDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1984 25 CENTS New year Reagan reviewing starts with recommendations high hopes By The Associated Preii Counttaf the houn left before IMS, New Jersey residents art drawing up their New Year'i resol- on arms strategy utkmi, with man; vowing not to repeat the mishaps and embarraMmenti suffered In 19M. PALM SPRINGS, Calif. (AP) - adviser Robert C. McFarlane to us. We think the research should Rap. Peter Rodlno retolved to continue ai President Reagan received rec- discuss the recommendations and definitely go on," he added. chairman of the Houae Judiciary Committee, to fight ommendations yesterday (or U.8. was almost certain to meet Tuesday Reagan has asked for $26 billion in Reagan administration efforta to turn "back the strategy In the upcoming arms talks with Shulti and Weinberger. research money for the program. clock on civil righta," and to "not get bumped from with the Soviet Union, prior to a An administration official, speak- The official said general agree- any flights by Richard Nixon." Mid the Newark planned meeting tomorrow with top ing on the condition that he remain ment had been reached within the Democrat's prtM secretary, Deborah SUthower foreign policy advisers to finalise anonymous, said the president prob- administration that Shultz would be Rodlno referred to a May JO incident in which be the U.S. position. ably would make final decisions at empowered to "deal with broad had to give up hli customary aecond-row teat (or the At an expected New Year's Day the Tuesday session. concepts" during the talks, but back of the plane on a (light from Newark to meeting with Secretary of State Those decisions would form the would not have time to get into the Washington because the former President was also George P. Shulti and Defense basis for Shultz' negotiating posture specifics of arms negotiating. on the flight and secret service agents cleared out Secretary Caspar Weinberger, the when he meets Soviet Foreign "As far as getting down to the the front few rows for security reasons. president was likely to ratify a Minister Andrei Gromyko in Geneva nitty-gritty of negotiating, I Just Rodlno chaired the Jadiciary committee in 1«74 consensus recommendation that on Jan. 7-4. don't think we can do it in a couple when it considered the Impeachment of Nixon, who U.S. research Into a long-range The Soviets are likely to be upset days," said the official. resigned his office la August of that year. defense against missile* would not about the administration's unwill- This official said Shultz would Among other politicians, Republican Gov. Thomas be subject to bargaining. ingness to negotiate on the strategic have his hands full trying to reach H. Keen said that in 1W he Intended to "be the best THOMAS H. KEAN Reagan, who it vacationing at the defense initiative, the formal name agreement with the Soviets on how governor I can in 1N6." walled estate of millionaire pub- for the so-called "Star Wars" re- to structure further nuclear arms lisher Walter Annenberg, was re- See High, page » To be beat governor search proposal on ways to develop negotiations. ceiving yesterday materials a space-based anti-missile system. "I don't think either side has prepared by a White House working "The strategic defense initiative much of a feel for what the other group that hat developed rec- side is thinking," said the official. ommendations for the arms talks. Is on the table (or discussion and explanation, but not to give away," One U.S. idea was to have an After reviewing the materials overall group of nuclear arms yesterday, the president was meet- said the official. Ing today with national security "It's a very important concept to See Reagan, page B8 Man accused of bombing Florida abortion clinics PENSACOLA. Fla (AP) - A 21- conference. action by a federal grand jury on year-old construction worker was "Mr. Goldsby ii being charged Jan. IS, said Assistant U.S. Attorney arrested yesterday and charged with numerous violations of the gun Susan Novotny of Pensacola. with using "sophisticated" devices control act of ISM and explosives Conroy said Goldsby used large to bomb three abortion facilities on laws," Conroy said. "Specific black-powder pipe bombs about 12 Christinas Day and one last June, charges relate to the illegal pos- inches long and six inches in federal officials said session and manufacture of destruc- diameter in the four bombings. Matthew J. Goldsby. of Canton- tive devices commonly referred to Timing devices were used in each ment, a rural area about 10 miles as bombs." case, he said. north of Pensacola, was charged Goldsby never participated In "I think we can call these fairly with the June 2$ bombing of The anti-abortion protests but his sophisticated bombs," Conroy said. Ladles Center, and the Christmas mother, Rhonda Goldsby, did, said Conroy refused to say what led Day bombings of the same facility John Burt, an anti-abortion picket- investigators to suspect Goldsby, and two doctors' offices, said Step- Ing leader. but he did say the searches of his ben E. Hiuins, director of the Authorities obtained search war- borne and vehicle were productive. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and rants Sunday morning for Goldsby's "Located and seised at this time PETER RODINO MALCOLM FORBES Firearms hi Washington. home and car, and then took him to was a large quantity of physical Want* fewer accident* The bombings remain under in- the Escambia County Jail for ques- evidence which would be consistent IFon'f bow to Nixon vestigation and the probe covers tioning, Conroy laid. with the physical evidence picked up such aspects as whether more than He was (ben arrested at a-.ii at all four bombing sites," Conroy one person may have been involved p.m. at the Jail where he was being said. and the motive, said Dan Conroy, held pending a first court appear- The predawn Christmas Day agent In charge of the U.S. Bureau ance and bond hearing set for bombings, which occurred within 22 of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms' Monday morning. minutes of each other, caused a Redevelopment in Jersey Miami office, said at a The final list of charges will await See Maa, page Bl running into roadblocks BY ALAN PRAM tween New Jersey and HUD. about the rules. Associated Press Writer Early In ISM, Jersey City re- But an official who asked not to be ceived 940 million under the Urban Identified said they would require WASHINGTON (AP) - New Jer- Development Action Grant, or market studies proving that the sey officials, who hive had a tough UDAG, program that New York money would not be used to lure Jobs year fighting (or federal urban claimed would be used to steal Jobs from another ailing city. There alto development grants, are likely to from Manhattan. would be language ensuring that experience more of the same When HUD Secretary Samuel such studies could not be negotiated trouble In UK. Pierce Jr. awarded that money, be out of the package. Efforts by two of the state's vowed to formulate rules that would "I think New Jersey will be deteriorating communities to get prevent communities from using upset," the official said. "We've federal aid to attract businesses and federal development aid to lure been providing them with UDAGs Jobs will probably run Into road- firms from other troubled cities that have helped them steal Jobs. I blocks from two directions: New These regulations should be it- think they'll try to block them (the York City and Ike U.S. Department sued soon, and one federal official proposed rales)." of Housing and Urban Development familiar with them says New Jersey HUD Is considering two appli- New York City hat long com- Is not likely to be pleased. cations from New Jersey for funds plained that New Jersey vats feder- Jeffrey Pinkie, HUD'i acting that have already raited the Ire of al aid to entice employers to pack deputy assistant secretary, read a New York City. their bags and move across the statement last week saying mil One is $15 million for the proposed Hudson River. This dispute has Just these rules "will make It extremely Lincoln Harbor project in taken the form of legal action, and difficult to relocate Jobs from one Weehawken. N.J., Just north of the that battle will be Joined hi a New distressed city to another as part of Lincoln Tunnel. The money would be York LflUliatn ID January a UDAG project." used to help build office and com- A jPlT^aaffaaaBMffjfgigMn* alaw ssitilea k Flnkle would not discuss details Monday No Register Movies M tomorrow Advloe A8 People A2 A7 The Daily Register will not be Ant ..: B8 Obituaries eeusneo tomorrow in ooservaace Classified Be Opinion of New Yean Day. Publication will Comtet B5 8por» B2 with Wednesday's Lifestyle A8 Television B6 Make a dais Btf Your Town Nn Year's Eve* New Years mm - —- - *• y— —T . MQI tuVettes, r HEAVY FLOODING — Aerial photo of the flooded Saturday night and "early yesterday morning Oeoa New Year's Day 1» N-lfc.m. Marty'•sl FamoBS Chicken k Hetasken lUM/case I W River TfT-cbfc lHOBM New Year s Eve Caa Ht. Ate lasswiaet •rea in Pulaski. N.Y., where approximately 1,000 because of heavy flooding. See story on page A3 flit D Dav Save You Money??? Call 747-4000. persons were evacuated from their homes late ' MONDAY. DECEMBER 31.