Faculty Oflaw Proceedings Institute of Criminology
ISSN 0085-7033 I THE UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY FACULTY OF LA W PROCEEDINGS ofthe -‘ INSTITUTE OF CRIMINOLOGY No.72 MEDIA EFFECTS ON ATTITUDES TO CRIME REGISTERED IN AUSTRALIA FOR TRANSMISSION BY POST AS A BOOK INSTITUTE OF CRIMINOLOGY SYDNEY UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL Address: 173-175 Phillip Street, Sydney, N.S.W. 2000 The Institute of Criminology is an organization within the Department of Law of the Sydney University Law School for teaching and research in criminology and penology. STAFF Director Professor Brent Fisse, LL..B (Cantuar.) LL..M (Adelaide) (Criminal Law). Deputy Director P. G. Ward, M..A, B..E (Sydney) (Statistics). Associate Professor S D. Hotop, B. A, LL..M (Sydney) (Criminal Law) Senior Lecturers G. L. Certoma, Dott. Giur. (Firenze), B..,A LL.M. (Sydney). B. A. McKillop, LL.M. (Harvard), BA, LL.B., B.Ec. (Sydney) (Criminal Law). Dr R. T. Stein, LL.B., (A.N.U.), LL.M. (Dalhousie), Ph.D. (Sydney), A. Mns. A. (A.M.E.B.). Lecturers J. A David, LL. B. (A. N. U.) (Criminal Law and Criminology). G. B. Elkington, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Warwick), B.Sc., LL.M. (Sydney) (Criminal Law) Dr P. B. Shea, B. H. A., Grad. Dip. (Health Admin.) (N. S. W. ), B. A., Dip- Env. Stud. M. Env. Plan. (Macquarie), M. B, B. S., M. P. H., D.P.M., Dip.Crim. (Sydney), F.R.A.N.Z.C.P., F.R.A.C.M.A., F.A.I.M.,’L.H.A. (Forensic Psychiatry; Part-time). S. Yeo, LL.B. (Singapore), LL.M. (Sydney and Wellington) (Criminal Law and Criminology).
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