French Communists and the Uses of the Past: History and Memory in L'humanite, 1944-47

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French Communists and the Uses of the Past: History and Memory in L'humanite, 1944-47 NOTE TO USERS This reproduction is the best copy available. UMI French Communists and the Uses of the Past: History and Memory in L'Humanite, 1944-47 by James Beattie BA (Hons, History), UNB, 2005 A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements For the Degree of Master of Arts in the Graduate Academic Unit of History Supervisor(s): Sean Kennedy, PhD, History. Examining Board: Gary Waite, PhD, History, Chair Steven Turner, PhD, History External Examiner: Mark Jarman, PhD, English, UNB This Thesis is accepted by the Dean of Graduate Studies THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW BRUNSWICK May, 2007 ©James Beattie, 2007 Library and Archives Bibliotheque et 1*1 Canada Archives Canada Published Heritage Direction du Branch Patrimoine de I'edition 395 Wellington Street 395, rue Wellington Ottawa ON K1A 0N4 OttawaONK1A0N4 Canada Canada Your file Votre reference ISBN: 978-0-494-56529-2 Our file Notre reference ISBN: 978-0-494-56529-2 NOTICE: AVIS: The author has granted a non­ L'auteur a accorde une licence non exclusive exclusive license allowing Library and permettant a la Bibliotheque et Archives Archives Canada to reproduce, Canada de reproduce, publier, archiver, publish, archive, preserve, conserve, sauvegarder, conserver, transmettre au public communicate to the public by par telecommunication ou par I'lnternet, preter, telecommunication or on the Internet, distribuer et vendre des theses partout dans le loan, distribute and sell theses monde, a des fins commerciales ou autres, sur worldwide, for commercial or non­ support microforme, papier, electronique et/ou commercial purposes, in microform, autres formats. paper, electronic and/or any other formats. The author retains copyright L'auteur conserve la propriete du droit d'auteur ownership and moral rights in this et des droits moraux qui protege cette these. Ni thesis. Neither the thesis nor la these ni des extraits substantiels de celle-ci substantial extracts from it may be ne doivent etre imprimes ou autrement printed or otherwise reproduced reproduits sans son autorisation. without the author's permission. In compliance with the Canadian Conformement a la loi canadienne sur la Privacy Act some supporting forms protection de la vie privee, quelques may have been removed from this formulaires secondaires ont ete enleves de thesis. cette these. While these forms may be included Bien que ces formulaires aient inclus dans in the document page count, their la pagination, il n'y aura aucun contenu removal does not represent any loss manquant. of content from the thesis. •+• Canada ABSTRACT During the period between the Liberation of France in 1944 and the spring of 1947, the Parti Communiste Francais (PCF) was at the height of its popularity, and enjoyed new access to political power. Through a detailed examination of its newspaper L 'Humanite, this thesis shows that appeals to the past, especially its resistance record but also earlier French traditions, were crucial to the PCF's attempts to promote its political agenda and gain legitimacy. Numerous commemorations emphasized the sacrifices of Communist supporters during the war, and identified the PCF with events from France's past, such as the Paris Commune and the French Revolution. Appeals to the past were very important in the party's efforts to win over French women and youth, and to criticize its foes. Historians have debated to what extent the PCF was a genuinely 'French' party, as opposed to supporting the goals of the Soviet Union. The PCF's commemorative activities show that while it identified with the USSR, it also sought to emphasize its devotion to France. This identification with French traditions was not enough to keep the PCF in government following the onset of the Cold War, but it likely helped to win the party considerable support. n DEDICATION I dedicate this thesis to my father, Eric Beattie. ACKNOWLEDGMENT First, I would like to acknowledge Amanda Dunham, the person who had to submit herself to my constant ramblings in the apartment as I researched, wrote and re­ wrote this thesis during these past two years. From beginning to end, she always pushed me and encouraged me the most, often volunteering to read my material and correct my mistakes. Secondly, I want to thank Dr. Sean Kennedy, my advisor for this thesis. Without his help and guidance, the completion of this thesis would have been impossible. Ever since that first history course I enrolled in, while studying at UNB in my undergrad, Sean was the professor who inspired me to excel the most, encouraging me to join the honours program and masters program thereafter. 1 would also like to thank the other professors in the UNB history department however, because during my undergrad and MA degrees, it is their guidance as a group that has led me to where 1 am today. I would like to thank Dr. Turner, who taught me the value of questioning everything, Dr. Gail Campbell, who challenged my arguments in every way, Dr. Linda Kealey who showed me the humorous side of historical medicine, Dr. McTavish, who gave me a new appreciation for popular culture and professionalism, Dr. Brown, who taught me to consider subjects with an open mind, Dr. Milner, who taught me the importance of military punctuality, Dr. Parenteau, who taught me a lot about living in the Maritimes, Dr. Waite, who taught me the basics of historical sermons, Dr. Charters, who challenged me to dig deeper when conducting research, and finally Dr. Kent who is really the most inviting and enjoyable professor 1 have ever been taught by at UNB. In the end it is usually the people who have the most important jobs in the department that we sometimes forget to thank. I would like to thank Elizabeth Adshade iv and Carole Hines who always take their jobs far beyond the original requirements and help students and faculty with administrative tasks, organizing events and promoting events. I cannot remember how many times I ran to their office at the stroke of 4:00pm to hand in a paper, which they always helpfully stamped and accepted. I would also like to give a special thanks to all the staff at the Harriet Irving Library, who also dedicated their time and efforts to helping students, graduate or undergraduate with their research needs. When all is said and done, in the end I would like to thank my parents who supported me all the way, in times of health and sickness to achieve this goal. v TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGMENT iv TABLE OF CONTENTS vi 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 2.0 CHAPTER 1 21 2.1 Realities and Myths of Resistance 21 3.0 CHAPTER 2 44 3.1 L'Humanite and Propaganda in France, 1944-6 44 4.0 CHAPTER 3 62 4.1 Last Chance at Leadership, 1946-7 62 5.0 CONCLUSION 83 6.0RERENCES 89 CURRICULUM VITAE or CV vi 1 On 23 February 1945, the Parti Communiste Francais (PCF) held a large celebration to commemorate the 27th anniversary of the creation of the Red Army. Maurice Thorez, the secretary general of the PCF, presided over a crowd of 6,000 spectators at the Salle de Mutualite singing L 'Internationale. The importance of this occasion is twofold; first, the PCF was trying to show how its political culture and Soviet traditions were clearly linked. Secondly, by overtly celebrating the Red Army the PCF associated closely the memory of the French resistance with all the fallen soldiers from the Red Army fighting on the Eastern Front. A quote from the ceremony illustrates this: Vive PArmee Rouge! Vive le marechal Staline! Vive P ami tie franco-sovietique! Vivent Punion et la victoire des nations libres!3 Large banners in the arena glorified the Red Army and Stalin, and called upon Frenchmen themselves to join him by chanting slogans such as "Let us form a powerful French Republican army of our own, indispensable to France's independence." The PCF repeatedly melded Soviet memory with French memory through large gatherings and commemorations such as these. At the same time, however, the PCF identified strongly with French historical traditions. On 18 March 1945, at the Salle Japy, the PCF celebrated the 74th anniversary 1L Humanite, 24 February 1945, 1. 2 Palme Dutt, The Internationale. London: Lawrence &Wishart Ltd, 1964. 72: L 'internationale was originally written in 1870 by Eugene Pottier, a member of the French Commune. From 1918 until 1944 L 'Internationale was the national anthem of the Soviet Union, whereupon in 1944 it chose the Hymn of the Soviet Union as its national anthem. 3 L 'Humanite, 23 February 1945, 1. 2 of the Paris Commune, to the applause of thousands of Parisians again greeting Maurice Thorez. This was followed by the traditional singing of the Marseillaise and I'internationale. At the rear of the tribunal was a large panel with the inscription "Liberty guiding the people" and beside it stood the old flag of the "Anciens Combattants et Amis de la Commune" draped in national colors, inspiring patriotism and remembrance in the French spectators. Both Thorez and the PCF deputy Jacques Duclos proceeded to give speeches on the details of the Commune and how its historical significance affected the PCF.5 Specifically from Thorez's speech, Duclos even quoted Adolphe Thiers6 in front of the inquiry on 24 August 1871 stating that "the entry of the Prussians into Paris was the principal cause of the insurrection." Then Thorez exclaimed: Yes, yesterday like today, Paris was the heart and brain of France. Paris heroically rose up against those that handed it to the Prussians against the wishes of the people and democracy. The victory of Paris and France over the Prussians was the victory of the Republic and that of the laboring masses over the privileged and the parasites that cooperated with the enemy.8 Thorez was directly likening the PCF's position to that of the Paris Commune of 1871.
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