Allocation of Growth in Food-Stressed Atlantic Puffin Chicks
The Auk 113(4):830-841, 1996 ALLOCATION OF GROWTH IN FOOD-STRESSED ATLANTIC PUFFIN CHICKS HILDE STOL •JYAN • AND TYCHO ANKER-NILSSEN NorwegianInstitute for NatureResearch, Tungasletta 2, N-7005 Trondheim,Norway ABSTt•CT.--In long-lived seabirdsthat lay a single-eggclutch, allocation of growth to certain body parts may be advantageousfor the chick if food is limited. To investigatethis, 40 Atlantic Puffin (Fraterculaarctica) hatchlings were distributedin sevengroups that were raisedon differentamounts of food to 38 daysof age.When food intakewas reduced,growth rateswere depressedfor all charactersmeasured (i.e. body massand length of the wing, 2nd primary, forearm, head + bill, culmen, skull, tarsus,and middle toe). Head and wing parts grew preferentiallyrelative to the other characters,and onsetof growth was delayedin the primaries.All chicksaccumulated significant amounts of subcutaneousfat, whereasinternal fat depositswere presentonly in the chicksthat receivedthe mostfood. Received14 July1995, accepted20 March 1996. ONEWAY that parent birds adjustfor variation The wide variation in chick growth rates in food availability is to vary clutch size (Lack among speciesof alcids has been attributed to 1954,1966, 1968). In long-livedspecies that lay constraintson feeding ecology, such as spe- a single-eggclutch, alteration of chick growth cialized foraging behaviors,unpredictable and rate apparentlyis the only strategyavailable to patchy food distributions, and great distances adjust for variation in food. Slow growth re- between feeding and nesting sites (Lack 1968; duces daily energy requirements and allows Ricklefs 1968, 1984;Ashmole 1971;Sealy 1973; food to be delivered at a lower rate (Lack 1968; Nelson 1977; Birkhead and Harris 1985). Thus, Ricklefs 1968, 1979; Harris 1977; Nelson 1977; chicks of pelagic alcids often face the problem Drent and Daan 1980).
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