Background of and Nehemiah Following ’s reign, Israel was divided into two kingdoms. Israel, the Northern Kingdom, was captured by the Assyrians in 722 BC. , the Southern Kingdom, went into captivity under the Babylonians between 605 BC and 586 BC.

When King Nebuchadnezzar of conquered Why do you think God would allow His people to be Judah, he made it a Babylonian colony, allowing captured and the temple destroyed? Answer with Jewish kings to rule under his authority. He took your own thoughts and the following scriptures: only selected young nobility, officers, fighting men, craftsmen and artisans, 10,000 in all, to Babylon, and »»II Chronicles 36:14-16, left the poorest people in Judah. Ezekiel 39:23-29 and Joel 2:12-13. During the reign of Cyrus over Babylon, approximately 70 years after the first Jews were taken captive, God’s people were given permission to return to to rebuild the temple, and later the wall around the city. Scholars believe the books of I and II Chronicles, Ezra How do people experience God’s discipline today? and Nehemiah were written and/or edited by the (Share a personal experience if you have one.) same person. Please read through the books of Ezra and Nehemiah over the next four weeks since this study will only cover highlights of the scriptures.

»»Read II Chronicles 36:5-14. II Chronicles 36:21-22 speak about fulfillment of Describe the spiritual state of the kings of Judah from Jeremiah’s prophecy. If you are doing this lesson at this passage. home, in preparation for your small group discussion, read Jeremiah 25:1-14. Briefly summarize what you learn from this passage.

From verse 14, how did King Zedekiah influence the priests and people?

Summarize what you learn form Isaiah’s prophecy in Isaiah 44:24-28 and Isaiah 45:13. (Isaiah was writing »»Read II Chronicles 36:15-20. 175 years before Cyrus was born!) From this passage, along with II Chronicles 36:6,7 »»Read :1-8. and 10, describe what happened to Jerusalem and the people of Judah. How did Cyrus fulfill the Lord’s word prophesied by Jeremiah? How does studying prophecy and its fulfillment affect your faith? What does it teach you about God?

In 521 BC Darius I became king of Persia. Work on the temple had stopped in 534 BC and resumed in 520 BC, during Darius’ reign. The Persian governor and other local officials questioned King Darius about whether the Jews were authorized to rebuild the temple. »»Read :7b-17. Summarize the contents of the governor’s letter to King Darius this passage. Why do you think the officials would be concerned about the rebuilding of the temple?

»»Read :1-14. Summarize Darius’ decree.

How did God use King Darius to accomplish His purposes?

In what kinds of situations is it difficult for you to trust in God’s sovereignty?

Give an example from your own life where God showed you He is sovereign What strikes you as interesting about Nehemiah’s EZRA AND prayer in chapter 1:5-11? NEHEMIAH Session Two How could the way Nehemiah prayed affect our Background: prayer life? (Talk about ACTS: adoration, confession, thanksgiving, supplication) Seventy years had passed since the temple was rebuilt. Nehemiah and his people had to travel 800 miles by foot to get to Jerusalem! Please read through the books of Ezra and Nehemiah over the next three weeks since our study will only cover highlights of the scriptures. Describe Nehemiah’s prayer in 2:4. When could or should we pray like this?

»»Read :1 – 2:10. What do you think was involved in being cupbearer to the king?

With what aspect of prayer do you find yourself struggling the most?

What positive and negative reasons can you think of for giving up a great job and taking on a whole new career? Think first in general, then about Nehemiah’s specific situation. What do you think it would take to make prayer a regular routine or habit in your life?

Describe the situation in Jerusalem from verse 3. How could prayer help you respond to the challenges ahead of you this week or month or year

What was Nehemiah’s reaction to the news?

Pray together, offering short prayers of praise, thanksgiving, confession and personal requests.

What types of situations might we face where a reaction like Nehemiah’s would be appropriate? Share about a time when you mourned and prayed as Nehemiah did. What can we do to resist Satan’s work in our lives and to EZRA AND overcome fear and discouragement? NEHEMIAH »»See I Peter 5:9-10. Session Three

Background: How can your faith help you fight off discouragement? Summarize what we have studied so far. »»Read :11-20. Leader summarize chapter 3. »»Read Nehemiah 4:1-23.

How did Sanballat, Tobiah and their followers react to Share about a time in your life when an achievement or the rebuilding of the wall? Why do you think they were victory was more meaningful because of obstacles that opposed to the rebuilding project? were overcome. Why was that the case?

How is this similar to Satan’s work in our lives as we are built up by the Holy Spirit?

Think about a godly strategy for overcoming discouragement or facing opposition in some real life situations:

»»See I Peter 5:8. When people criticize me … When I hear rumors or gossip … How did Nehemiah and the Jews overcome the When friends, family or teammates get discouraged … opposition, fear and discouragement they experienced? When I get discouraged … How did the opposition move the work ahead? When threats come … In all these situations I will (or should) … (Feel free to think of other situations!) Share a current situation you are facing where you could give in to discouragement.

In what kinds of situations do you experience opposition or discouragement?

What obstacle is the ministry you’re currently involved in facing? How could God use you as part of a solution?

In what ways have you experienced fear as a barrier to accomplishing what God has called you to do? What about ministry or spiritual leadership scares you?

Pray together to bind Satan’s power and work in our world, nation, church and personal lives. »»Review Nehemiah 2:4-10. EZRA AND What were Nehemiah’s first acts of leadership? NEHEMIAH Session Four

Background: Often, in our desire to be godly, we can see planning as unspiritual, or even “worldly”. Why? Summarize what we have studied so far. At some time in our lives, we will all be in a position of leadership, whether in our homes, jobs or ministries. Let’s take a look at Nehemiah as a leader and see what we can learn about leadership today. (It you haven’t taken the time to read the books of Ezra and Nehemiah during your devotions, we encourage you to!) As Nehemiah made thoughtful preparations, how do »»Review Nehemiah 1:1-10. you still see faith, prayer and reliance at work? Describe the situation and insight you receive about Nehemiah’s heart. »»Read Nehemiah 2:11-17. Describe Nehemiah’s goal, starting point and resources as he constructed a feasible plan. How could Nehemiah’s model help you as you plan? The heart of an effective spiritual leader is captured with things that capture the heart of God. How does this happen?

»»Read Nehemiah 5:1-13. Describe the situation Nehemiah was facing. »»Review Nehemiah 2:1-6. Why was Nehemiah afraid in this situation? What was at risk?

In verses 6 and 7, Nehemiah was very angry, yet took time to “ponder them (the charges) in his mind.” What Spiritual immaturity often separates faith from actions lesson can we learn about leadership here? and actions from prayer. Describe how faith, action and prayer work together in this passage.

As Nehemiah discovered dishonesty among the nobility, What do you learn about godly leadership from he confronted them. The courage to confront is needed Nehemiah in this passage? in leadership. Describe Nehemiah’s confrontation and the result. When have you had to confront someone about something they were doing wrong? How did you feel before the conversation? What made you go through with it?

How do you respond when someone confronts you when you could do something better or have done something wrong? (Being teachable is an important part of leadership!)

What nugget of truth from this study of Nehemiah’s leadership applies to your own heart or situation at home, work or in ministry?

Pray together.