IC South Africa is extremely proud to announce that South Africa is the winner of the IC Africa Junior Challenge!

In this issue: Played in perfect conditions at the Gaut- eng East Complex in Benoni in  IC Africa the first weekend of September, the Junior Challenge players from South Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia and Botswana entertained  KZN Golf spectators to some excellent perfor- Day action mances. The IC values of sportsmanship and friendship were evident throughout  Invitation the event and roving umpires and the to IC referee had a stress-free tournament. Uruguay Prague Germany & A Development Clinic for 20 of our Namibia Vosloorus kiddies was also held and they were joined for a while by members The teams line up for the prize-giving ceremony: of the Gauteng East squad. Nambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Botswana

Some of the action at the IC Junior Challenge P A G E 2


Lorna Krog with the SA Davis Cup team at the event held in Potchesfstroom in September. SA lost to Croatia -1 4.

Kevin Anderson, Rik de Voest, John Laffnie de Jager (coach), Izak van der Merwe and Raven Classen


The first six months of our involvement with this project has been a major learning curve. We have sur- vived a few challenges and become a lot more familiar with the difficulties our kids and staff face on a daily basis. Excellent news is that the Gauteng East Tennis Association has also joined forces with us for the fore- seeable future and, together with SATA, we are now able to have a coach and two teachers involved at each of our two schools. A small clinic was held during the IC Junior Challenge, with 20 kids being brought into Benoni by taxi. The IC Executive also arranged for an exciting video shoot. The footage will be shown to donors at the Philanthropy Ball in London at the end of November. Two local high schools and a school for the disabled, have also requested coaching. This opens up more possibilities and SATA, GETA and the IC will have to discuss how to in- corporate this. Development players from Vosloorus took part in the clinic held during the IC Junior Challenge

Some of the children from the Vosloorus Development Project

INTERNATIONAL CLUB P A G E 3 Urgent : What would you like to do in 2012??

There are various opportunities coming up next year – The tennis level of the players is discussed before the we need you to let us know ASAP what you would be start so that players in the sections are more or less the interested in doing. We cannot do any planning until same level. There are no indications of cost at this we know whether you will support the initiatives. stage.

URUGUAY FRANKFURT IC Uruguay is celebrating its 30th Anniversary and is or- Germany again intends to hold a "Germany´s IC Na- ganising a special Celebratory Men’s Doubles event to tions Trophy" in September 2012, near Frankfurt, but take place in Punta del Este from 8 – 12 March 2012. only if enough nations are able to send a team within The event takes place in a fantastic location with golf, the corresponding age groups. It is a 4 night, 3 day beaches, colourful ranches, a casino as well as other event. The most important details: sightseeing attractions. 1.500 Euro per team. It includes 3 nights in a 4 star ho- Each team will play 4 matches in a Round Robin event. tel with breakfast; lunches on 3 days; welcome dinner Each team to consist of two players on Thursday; Official dinner and party on Saturday Categories: +40, +50, +60, +70 and +75. evening. If less than 6 international teams enter, they Each IC can enter teams in one, several or all catego- will postpone the next NATIONS TROPHY to 2013 or ries. Should there be sufficient interest from Ladies, a 2014 and will organize another event. similar event will be organised for them. Accommodation will be at Club del Lago which has 8 Competitions are held in age-groups: Singles and dou- clay courts and an adjoining golf course. bles are played ( Men : Ladies: Costs: US$990 single or US$535 pp double occupancy. 1. Open (18 yrs plus) 1. Open (18 yrs and over) (Partners welcome). It includes five nights, breakfasts 2. 35 and over 2. 40 and over and four luncheons at Club del Lago, welcoming cock- 3. 40 and over 3. 18+ and 40+ (doubles) tail, farewell dinner and transportation to and from the 4. 45 and over centre of Punta del Este at stated times. Airfares from 5. 18+ and 35+ (doubles) SA must be added. 6. 40+ and 45+ (doubles)

PRAGUE: WE NEED TO ADVISE GERMANY BY 15 DECEMBER The IC Czech Republic (President Helena Sukova) is a very small club of about 30 members, of which only NAMIBIA about half are active ( They therefore This is an ideal opportunity for our W. Cape members, have difficulty fielding teams for the bigger IC events but for anyone else too. A fun trip (probably 3 days) to and have successfully hosted this social event for a our neighbours who are very keen to entertain us – will number of years now. be less costly and less time consuming than an overseas This tennis event is always held the first week after the trip. We hope for at least a team of 8 men and 8 wom- . They use the tennis facilities of I.CLTK en. Date tentatively end April or May. Suggestions Tennis Club in Prague which is situated almost in the welcome. Cost not available, but could be in region of middle of Prague, on Stvanice Island, within walking R2500 plus travel. The format will be either an IC team distance from Prague´s Old Town Square. (see vs Namibia, or a social event e.g. 190’s. Urgently need The official hotel is Holiday Inn Prague - input as Namibia waiting to hear from us. Congress Centre (, situated also not too far from the historical part of the city. Indicate your interest ASAP by There are usually 4 participating IC teams per section with six playing members (men and women) in each contacting a committee mem- team. Doubles or mixed doubles are played and each ber – see contact details on last player on the court will be from a different country.


The IC Golf Day in September at the Umhlali Golf Club was held in windy conditions which made things difficult. Lots of fun was still had by all and luckily there was no rain. A total of 52 players took part and the winners on 40 pts were: Margy May Rigby and Judy Clow—well done! Runners-up were Gill Birch and Louise Langton and in third place was Malcolm Hayward and John Morton. Our thanks to the following people who made the day such a suc- cess:  Umhlali Golf Club who gave us great rates  Golfers Club who helped sponsor prizes Jean Hubert, Gill Birch and Neville Wright  Malcolm Hayward who donated 12 bottles of wine  Tony Jackson who donated 2 by R200 vouchers  Neville Wright who donated 2 bottles of wine and a Johnny Walker Black  Judy and Doc Clow, Gill and Margy for welcoming and send- ing off the players  Claudia and Marina for doing the scorecards so ably  Judy Goss for doing the raffle and general help

The hamper we raffled made R1425 won by Rob Veale Gill Birch, Margy May Rigby and Judy Clow PLEASE VOLUNTEER - WE NEED YOU!

The IC committee urgently needs you to get involved  Visits from overseas ICs to SA and assist with any of the following:  Purchase and monitor clothing, flags, pins etc.  Serve on the Committee in your area  Assist with our Development project (Central, East  Help organise one or more of the IC’s trips abroad Gauteng)  Organise a Tennis Day in your area or any other If you feel you can assist in any way, please local event in your area contact Leonie as soon as possible.  Secretarial : Minutes (JNB based) [email protected] or 082 871 7885  Communication: Distribution of newsletters IC news updates IC South Africa

 Congratulations to Terrey Schweitzer who Contact Details: International Club

has been appointed to the new SATA Junior Chairperson: Leonie Grondel: [email protected] Selection panel for 2011/2012 Secretary: Terrey Schweitzer: [email protected] Doug : [email protected]  IC India Event—Steven Brown has withdrawn Moira : [email protected] due to injury and has been replaced by Schalk Lorna : [email protected] Miles : [email protected] Vorster. The team left on the 11th November Ronel : [email protected] for New Delhi. Michael : [email protected] Neville: [email protected] Visit the new IC Council website at