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*Ffil§Ffiffiffi' *ffil§ffiffiffi' Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche, Sezione di Igiene, Epidemiologia e Management Sanitario Prof. Lamberto Manzoli Ferrara,28.06.17 Chiar.mo Prof. Roberto Manfredini Direttore Dip. Scienze Mediche Università di Ferrara Oggetto: Richiesta di approvazione di un ciclo di seminari dal titolo "La crisi di credibilità ed elficacia della ricerca scientifica: quali soluzioni?", tenuto dal Prof. John P. Ioannidis. Chiar.mo Direttore, con la presente sono a chiedere cortesemente l'approvazione del Dipartimento per il ciclo di seminari dal titolo di cui all'oggetto, tenuto dal Prof. John P. Ioannidis. I seminari sono rivolti a personale docente, ricercatori, specializzandi, e studenti dell'area biomedica. Come sai, il Prof. Ioannidis è direttore di tre dipartimenti presso l'università di Stanford ed è uno dei massimi esperti sulla metodologia della ricerca epidemiologica. Egli ha approfondito, orami da diversi anni, le problematiche inerenti la validità interna ed esterna delle evidenze scientifiche, il tema del conflitto di interessi, e del publication bias. Tutti questi temi sono ora oggetto di un vivace dibattito scientifico a livello nazionale ed internazionale, e si è manifestata da più parti l'esigenza di accrescere le competenze dei ricercatori e clinici in questi ambiti. Grazie ad una fortunata coincidenza, il Prof. Ioannidis ha accettato di fare scalo per alcuni giorni a Ferrara, durante un percorso dagli USA a Madrid. L'occasione era unica per poter usufruire dell'esperienza di uno degli scienziati più citati al mondo in questo momento. Ho ritenuto quindi doveroso organizzare questo ciclo di seminari, che si terranno venerdi 7 luglio dalle 9 alle 1l (riservato ai docenti, presso la sede di Igiene), e dalle 11 alle 13 (aperto, presso il Castello Estense, sala lmbarcadero2), e sabato 8 luglio dalle 9 alle l3 (riservato ai docenti ed agli specializzandi, presso la sede di lgiene). Le spese di viaggio, vitto e alloggio saranno coperte da me direttamente. Sarà quindi prevista una spesa, da caricare interamente sui fondi FAR a me assegnati, esclusivamente per i seminari. La durata complessiva di questi sarà di ore 8, per un compenso lordo previsto di euro 120 x 8:960,00. Si allega il Curriculum Vitae aggiornato del Prof. Ioannidis, e si porgono cari e distinti saluti, Vecchi Istituti ,,o,"*t.,, U:*3,r di'Mortara64B - 44121Ferrara +3 93 47 47 27 282, [email protected]. edu JOHN P.A. IOANNIDIS Short biosketch, June 2017 C.F. Rehnborg Chair in Disease Prevention at Stanford University, Professor of Medicine, Professor of Health Research and Policy, and Professor (by courtesy) of Biomedical Data Science at the School of Medicine; Professor (by courtesy) of Statistics at the School of Humanities and Sciences; co-Director, Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford; Director of the PhD program in Epidemiology and Clinical Research. Born in New York City in 1965 and raised in Athens, Greece. Valedictorian (1984) at Athens College; National Award of the Greek Mathematical Society (1984); MD (top rank of medical school class) from the National University of Athens in 1990; also received DSc in biopathology from the same institution. Trained at Harvard and Tufts (internal medicine and infectious diseases), then held positions at NIH, Johns Hopkins and Tufts. Chaired the Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology, University of Ioannina Medical School in 1999-2010 (tenured professor since 2003). Adjunct faculty for Tufts University since 1996 (professor rank since 2002), Director (2008-2010) of the the Center for Genetic Epidemiology and Modeling; also adjunct professor of epidemiology at Harvard School of Public Health and visiting professor of epidemiology and biostatistics at Imperial College. Member of the executive board of the Human Genome Epidemiology Network and Senior Advisor on Knowledge Integration at NCI/NIH (2012-6). Served as President, Society for Research Synthesis Methodology, and editorial board member of many leading journals (including PLoS Medicine, Lancet, Annals of Internal Medicine, JNCI, Science Translational Medicine, Clinical Chemistry, Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, AIDS, IJE, JCE, Clinical Trials, and PLoS ONE, among others) and as Editor-in-Chief of the European Journal of Clinical Investigation (2010-now). Delivered ~500 invited and honorary lectures. Recipient of many awards (e.g. European Award for Excellence in Clinical Science [2007], Medal for Distinguished Service, Teachers College, Columbia University [2015], Chanchlani Global Health Award [2017]). Inducted in the Association of American Physicians (2009), European Academy of Cancer Sciences (2010) American Epidemiological Society (2015), and European Academy of Sciences and Arts (2015). Honorary titles from FORTH (2014) and Ioannina (2015) and honorary doctorates from Rotterdam (2015) and Athens (2017). Multiple honorary lectureships (Caltech, Oxford, LSHTM, Yale, U Utah, UConn among others). The PLoS Medicine paper on “Why most published research findings are false” has been the most-accessed article in the history of Public Library of Science (>2 million hits). Author of 6 literary books in Greek, two of which (“Toccata for the Girl with the Burnt Face” (Kedros 2012) and “Variations on the Art of the Fugue and a Desperate Ricercar” (Kedros 2014)) were shortlisted for best book of the year Anagnostis awards. Brave Thinker scientist for 2010 according to Atlantic, “may be one of the most influential scientists alive”. Author of ~900 papers in peer-reviewed journals, 68% of papers as single/first/last author. Highly Cited Researcher according to Thomson Reuters in both Clinical Medicine and in Social Sciences. Citation indices: h=156, m=7 per Google Scholar (h=126 per ISI and Scopus). Current citation rates: ~2,500 new citations per month per Google Scholar, ~1,300 new citations per month per Scopus or Web of Knowledge. Current citation rates suggest that I am among the 20 scientists worldwide who are currently the most commonly cited, perhaps also the currently most-cited physician. This probably only proves that citation metrics are highly unreliable, since I estimate that I have been rejected over 1,000 times in my life. Regardless, I consider myself privileged to have learned and to continue to learn from interactions with students and young scientists (of all ages) from all over the world and I love to be constantly reminded that I know next to nothing. 1 Detailed CV, June 2017 John P.A. Ioannidis, MD, DSc C.F. Rehnborg Chair in Disease Prevention Professor of Medicine Professor of Health Research and Policy Professor (by courtesy) of Biomedical Data Science Stanford University School of Medicine Professor (by courtesy) of Statistics Stanford University School of Humanities and Sciences Co-Director, Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford (METRICS) Member, Stanford Cancer Institute Member, Stanford Cardiovascular Institute Affiliate, Stanford Center on Longevity Affiliated faculty, Woods Institute for the Environment Member, Stanford Center for Population Health Sciences Faculty Fellow, Stanford Center for Innovation in Global Health Program Director, PhD in Epidemiology and Clinical Research, Stanford University ADDRESS Medical School Office Building Room X306 1265 Welch Rd Stanford, CA 94305 USA Tel (administrative assistant Tamica Garner): +650-7255465 Fax: +650-7256247 E-mail: [email protected] Address for European Journal of Clinical Investigation Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology University of Ioannina School of Medicine Ioannina 45110, Greece E-mail: [email protected] WEB: Stanford – personal profile: med.stanford.edu/profiles/John_Ioannidis SPRC: prevention.stanford.edu/ METRICS: metrics.stanford.edu GoogleScholar: http://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=A9e6sPYAAAAJ BACKGROUND * Born 8/21/1965 in New York, NY, USA; married in 1993 to Despina Contopoulos- Ioannidis, MD (Clinical Associate Professor of Pediatrics/Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Stanford University School of Medicine); children: one daughter (Angeliki Diotima, born in Boston in 1994, graduate of UC Davis in Environmental Toxicology, pursuing postgraduate studies at UC Davis on Forensic Sciences) * Citizenships: USA and Greece/European Union 2 * Languages: Greek, English, French, German, and Italian. EDUCATION Undergraduate: Athens College, Athens, Greece (1984). Valedictorian, rank number 1 in my class Medical degree: University of Athens, Athens, Greece, M.D. (1990). Grade: Excellent, rank number 1 in my class Residency: Internal Medicine, New England Deaconess Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA 1990-3. Fellowship: Infectious Diseases, New England Medical Center Hospitals, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA 7/93-6/96 (concurrently doing research at the Division of Clinical Care Research, currently Institute for Clinical Research and Health Policy Studies). Doctoral thesis: Department of Biopathology, University of Athens School of Medicine (“Development of human brain cultures, isolation of microglial cells and study of their infection with HIV-1”) – DSc Grade: Excellent, defended and awarded in 1996. CURRENT APPOINTMENTS 2010- Professor of Medicine and Director, Stanford Prevention Research Center, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, USA (appointed 8/2010) 2010- C.F. Rehnborg Chair in Disease Prevention, Stanford University 2010- Member, Stanford Cancer Institute 2010- Member, Stanford Cardiovascular Institute 2011- Professor of Health Research and Policy, Stanford University School
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