Menu Set Weather Classifieds Sign In Search 'Doctor Who' class notes: Sarah Jane Smith, Lalla Ward and the unbearable Mary Whitehouse FEATURED JOBS Equipment Operator II (2nd Shift Routers) Anaren 02.17.18 East Syracuse, NY Equipment Operator II (1st shift Router/Lam) Anaren 02.17.18 East Syracuse, NY Infection Preventionist MORE LOCAL ENTERTAINMENT Restaurants & Dining: Your guide to eating out in CNY Lalla Ward and Tom Baker as Romana and Doctor Who. (BBC video still) Movies: Latest news, By Katrina Tulloch |
[email protected] Print reviews, trailers & Follow on Twitter Email more on February 24, 2015 at 12:00 PM, updated February 24, 2015 at 8:47 PM Comics Kingdom: Read your favorite SYRACUSE, N.Y. -- In Monday night's Doctor comics online Who and the Digital Age class, we continued DOCTOR WHO CLASS covering the long reign of Tom Baker as the 2015 jelly-baby-loving Fourth Doctor. The TARDIS and 1963 television Thanks to the creative energy of showrunner ENTERTAINMENT PHOTOS Patrick Troughton and the Philip Hinchcliffe, script editor Robert Holmes Cybermen and Baker, the show enjoyed a golden era from the mid 1970s to the late 1970s. Doctor Who class 'tapped into the global juggernaut of fandom' These years were arguably the best of the classic "Doctor Who," with appearances from Tom Baker and the Daleks beloved companions Sarah Jane Smith, Romana and K-9, the robot dog. Sarah Jane Smith, Lalla Ward and the unbearable Mary Whitehouse "Doctor Who" class professor Anthony Rotolo treated his class to two major surprises on Free 'Doctor Who' class at Palace Zac Brown Band fans Monday night: an appearance from K-9 itself Theater draws 200 students and jelly baby cupcakes.