u !:W ro

lty J H K na r • I • t J d l e ur r t"ntn N w r f t r . 1r Y lc Un ty 1 Loeb tud nt l l of d rhln t t r b 1t 1 ut1ful" th t d tl pt to b ~ ntl l nt I f 1r ( ol sn r f z pop l"t.­ l •1ur of Mr C hn n th Wo y r lu h In n .. ,.. 0 1n , tf t, } iillln nd , J 8 pi y d ror htm­ f ,r th m rt, m r n l I M rlcy M kowatz. th trump t r, for t :,~ntim ntahty th n for t Jlmmv Raney, th tt 1 t, wh fl w mut in from K~ntu ky for th o JOn , and Zoot • am , the ophon1 t. H• npfor r. Cohn' pp r nc , ~ ~r . wife, Flo, ng • rm in Lo w th Wtld r v the pr c dtn tr - You, Honey,'' and EJhot wr nc ~ , sn m ndou lift with a oft, in 1n , mut d band M r. ohn once pi } d trurn t olo th t wa n1 t rful d1 • presented htm with "H1ghllgh t 1n pi y of j zz b llndry; r. H rri , on Jazz" plaque pi no, plo d "Body nd oul'' w1th With 1ll the c ng on nd th fr hn th t rn de U11 old f vont number or mUSICian th t 1r K ln- ound th ugh no on h r in r ~ad 1 mblw for the lut ~ pl d it b for . among th m P pper d tnt , J 11- Th rhythm ction r. li r1 , r der, Barry l-larn , ilt Htnton L roy li1nton nd r. I and r v \ ry W llianl nd Mou ~y Al andcr ~r . ohdl 1n 1n untt, but on of th ohn him elf nd htt1e opportunt ty to t h r loa t , not e' n U u u JI y pia Th a unfortunat b u r lr bl r. am , w r bl to n h1 h o ppe r nc a fr ol ck- b outlne I \ 1 of rform n •

r 10 . 1 t t , n turn d up mpr,~r: ,___-----On Jaz dltton f I n I ln ..... Jack Kleingalnger'a n t how w111 be a h d d t d r tnbute to AI ~ T show, to take place cl t t phr Dec mb r 15 t NYU, w111 feature Zoot c r d v H r t, ...., Sima, Barry H rrl , , Milt Hin­ Cohn t t...... ,. ton, Joe Wilder, Pepper Adam and that perennial f vont , "surpn guest " p t 0

m m 1 d trump t r o tz t•u,.., tt h p rem h h n t th t .,&,., The ft Cohn numb rs br u t th t t I to 13 h t r th thus t c d•on d lu y f1 r md d ED KEllEHER

Down at a Ldeb Student Center, anctum 1n Greenwtch te Will be pMd at AJ at the T'hurMey, Decaellb ar 11

la 10 back w, Woody IS SAX NECESSARY? On Thur$dey. ftr)' Rlcb. ia stiR 15 tI n YU 'a loeb Cen­ ter LaGuardia Place). to mthe fellow ~ bonot iJl be tenor UxCIPhorust AI CoM for his COI'"ft 10 lhe big bands of Artie lnd WOOdy ,. ~ at the ooncert will be Zoot s . " Hrion, Jimmy Raney Barry Hams. Wld others {588.3757) l l

ry 23

n ,...... Zo t t ct y L pt f r no d l u vo d r pp n by SC P p ...,,..., J h ht R r I n J z t .. ,.. . h rh m onl "'-"'1.."../'!,~:l"..'lJ'..~-••- ....- ~-- .~~.. ,~.---... thr pr h t t rr t t !"-."-u _)L~-"!.I"'~~~~~!""...... ,.;:. l f t n Zoot t nd ~L r ad t th t C n f I H com d ""''"" H r n b m t nd ul ch c t n d man t tu n out to p tn II d m dl y th t Jo

b~-';H; ~~~~~"'!..... ~~~"'1..."'.1 t rb t to h r fn nd m ny th W ld r t t r turn · nto t r d 1 n ho pi d r f r r h 1 t r p t H Th t ~ ar y r o tz 8 rry A Itt r ly topp d th ho o At nd r J m mu h th t ch ul d b olo 1 I 11 r P p r b H nt h ttl c c II d A pi m r t n th occ nt d by El L d tn n1 urr n AI If I , ' '•

1 1 h in J u er.. ..:;. t 'i l: Lo b Studen n e ho p r1 u e to Cohn b · d Z o+ m Cohn old d B I r 1 J mm) Ran y ni , on t m u r t r r \\ t-t m red tt'r t tnfr t u nth 111 p r ll t ~ l 1 •\ H r th f1r br t I , rt 1n • r. nd t 1 [)[ ' 1 LaGu r 1 Pl dtns t 1 a, mn thl r t t t Jth m, Phtl I ten r u l • r oot dam , at J k Kl r ' • 1 It llantoa, P " II rr , J Wild r, .. I nd • • •

., Dec. 1 8:00p.m. ute o

zoot Slm e lh H nto n thto many ut t n rn u t n th th1 e k, 8 rry H rr • I mm R n Y th~ t n "' a ph t t nd b ppear at the Van uard foe ilder • Pep r d m th unda ' De I rue da I J• L n er rrtve for a fiv ni ht Mou Ale and r ta d ' N.Y.U. Loeb and of honor t I•' lit~ Jll_l t tn r f. clciJe m ht unaque v T JOn of old n• new fa\ rtt tn ~udm ' Ther I G , "th u h un , ith a quartet. Student Ctr. .... llclaMd ttn.a, e h m nt~Pctm nd Innovative the • 'ne UGu rdta PI M a Cohn or T 757 J•u" pant t appear a r 1 bl t t dm qu et th u h aturdav n1 ht, s ,..-s•.so DK 17 I 00 H p~r' the h 'h pn~d. ut mfl rtabl r t urant b r, eature the -~ alto ophone nd f PWI ... and l nd h~ u h D 24. d , a

TonWtat, Dec IS. at U' Loeb tudtnt ent , l uaother of h uH In Jazz" n ert era , tribute Mit H..._, J.rry H.m. and Mr ohn h1 f nb th Juz-mania Jan F~ tvaJ TonJ ht, ,...,.. aacl the featured fu aon arbat • hUe Fr1da a...t.ea-J 1n theJaznn a m an all n t J&m ton aturda all the All tar perforn1 rth• an enorn1ou Jy talett1ed aJtot t I , the bk piani t com r nd u t r, , all ppear h a tet at tbe Viii Gate . D- n l:nrted Jazz Coalit e' en ofMoo

I • I ur th ' h t' t 1 f t r th ...... 11- t up r. 1 r' "H t n 11 1. • J ~ •n Jazz"" 1 I { t p PP r d 1t tnnua :tlut t l ~1 t lp mu i 1an u H r 1u f ) lJ L< ll tudent Cen er ( ~ L,... "' pr i ri e 1111 ar. th tJ e 1 t n )f x- h t p l p \; ~' nt t J C lhn. and d< n 1 urrn ...... _d tf Z< t 1t in t r m ot th• ~ '•tl< t•l1 ••1u tl I\1f·llntoJll ,'' utd ,a pit ndHI I til HI rn dh , lH "hiC'h Pt p[ )I t\d ull'-''b fur tou~, flo thiP tlrninJ' Jll oh xlt \ "'cl ·ft i(_ tl\ t ' 1hnu riJ H Pit lr·d aut 0 I ot ( nlJ fl(• Hl ub Pqtu nt pu s lex~ \\I lld(·r , u tng n cup rnut<· t»n hi 0 or bt'11Jtd ,uul t plunp •r 011 "M lllotntH , ' ' dPllcat<•ly fill • S( d lu swn1, rhythn1s \.VJth t~n nttr4l<"'tivt•ly coy tone. Hr rnndP • ( ( •i II • thP rno t ol \\ tllidn1 · rulCllltnton's dapr>Pr supp n1, n. dHJ I '~ •nr~ • t fIll ll;tn.. l., \\hn Junnt d hvo choi"USPs of ''Body and Soul'' w1th

r~ IK I nthtt l l t llt t h .tl l\ Int. P' 1h tp tht h l\ no tyli h p4tt nphrtt: a ilfid ,. nn • l(!g(U1C ~of cl·slgn. 1 (holt f fltt Ut 1 'Jlllfnr'iOI HtP 1~ h rlt1 ( tl P, n I Uu fir t , Stnl~.t \\cl ltl H gr·uffJy ctggr(•SS1Vt OlOOd, hut tus solos dr lplt t .at t< l't l Jt h l' hPt OlllP Ul o c t 1011 ol nn I tit II s('PUH c1 to Paul just ns thPy fu Pd up. I hs play1ng has p1 •nH • "}u 11 .t •t oup of th I 1tlt r 11 1 Pflthl£ d ln ~ht_)COOlP r.;o Plhpttcal that hk · [iPn WPbst ~r, ouP of tus tilt< •11 ~ P\ t'll thou rh tht pt OJ HI 1 ~tll (•I\ ful all(·d F(tJ n 1o Iris, tu c·( n ace lt 1 att s\\ 1ng W1th a vocabulAry of t \. u r pi ', .t h •P douhlc· llf triP I I 1 t \\ Pk. 'l'llOt~. hltt t s, n Oiuls, and fnfflfis. J 1111n1y J~nn ·y play ell wn ~ 11 t t hPr' v. 1 ,J tel Kl •111 Ul ( r • S duh t , \I ( ohn. ThP p1e t•s 1n 1 t r1o r tin , , gPttn1g" VcigliPiy [>Jango ·sguP tone~ ut 1 \\ • t lrulrtthlf. Cutu1 1 .1 d1 llfl 'HI In I 1 npll<,rn t nn "Ju~t FraPnds" v.hPr) hP ciPverly n1anipulatt'd twn -...-~ \\tlh 1 Ultll dt\nhdfo1hw.,,nr, tndthn •Ju •nttnfludPd 111d)rst tPdstopttn1'rhorus . Cohnhadonlyott piPepto ~------""--"- " fA( 1( . 111 , B~uT Il.tnls, M1lt fhnton • .Jtn1n1' HttnP\, 1iil1J.;f•lf. "An1 f1('a," l!l\ ln a toughPr r'Padtng thctn on thC' I' •ppP1 \d ntt . Jn \~ rldt·t, .u1d 1ttrky 1 u k '\\ttl. B•1t rf cord rnay1 • tx~cdUSP h had bP •n st .rtng 1t up fot t\vo

._.._~ thou ,htful rnu a< 1 uJt •d onl~ tnt 1 n111tPntlv, JH inuu1l\J hour . IJP pia) d on' tunf' \Vtth Sirus, on whtch h1s fltud h(•t 1u f' i\ ou ' ~Jc... 1ndPr' drununfn1 \\.ts 1ns1p1d, rush of pd stonat r 1ffs nnd n1ore \vistful 111"'10dlrs \Vf'J"(\ in < quttll\ n1tt 1t1n•. tht !lt st of hono1 \\,Is kt·pt \\illlllt, tn 11k111g contrast to SinL'i's humotous hut h.: s..~ thoughtful thP \\Ill·~ until nt'.H 1~ th · Pnd, JH~~ltntc.thl) for dtttllh1tu.· ffa"'1ng. I·~v t}one plnyt"'d on a final "P(•rdido." hutld up Stnt P ( 'ohu ~\\ ung lllOJt\ 1n1p •tuousl~ than an~ one PI t' Ius hr h'f Pl)t'(U UH"' \\as dS fruRtr,tttng s It \Vas I('\\ .l I lang 'othin'" i nun · u1n )\tng ..tt .t J:lZJ (1 •t for n1ttn •p th,tn a hft•IP s dr UJlllllt\1. AJ ·xttnd "~J 's p1 psPn <' \\.3 not in,tppro­ prtnl• , tnct tnuch " h(' on<' 1 pitt~ t'd '' ith th ) ('ohn-Sirns qurntPt, hut lht• dO!J T •d Slll1phclt\' of hts ctung•tl·Chings \\aS h 'V': r:r T ed ~ K Ab , , . dr .llllfl II t II" umb I ( '{U'Pri \\ hl'll U•ruy \\ Illldlll"" rpp lac d Every t ing .I 0 u vv ant .1. 0 now 0 ut ,._ ~ ~ """"' hun on t\\O nun1lwt \\'1lhan1 ~ l so s :.Jf ( ffc c1ng ~ ou h u ih knO\\ hp's thPt e. P ePpt b) thP flutd pul P ttnd th dPft h~1d1ng JIta RJldf kt~d the n1ost satl f) 111g hlnv~.'lng pi ·e~

Photo by Mitchell Se•del

Tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m., Highlights in Jazz honors saxophonist (left). He is shown here ·with his long-tin1e friend and n1usical acquaintance Zoot Sin1s, \Vho will also be in attendance. Cohn and Sims at the concert will be joined by other jazz veterans. As is custon1ary with Highlights in Jazz concerts, there will also be "surprise" guests. ~.:\1 CAlhn : storing up his solo for two hours Past unannounced guests have included Eubie Blake, Earl Hines, Dizzy Gillespie, and Gerry Mulligan. The concert, as always, \vill be hosted by the infamous Jack Kleinsinger, who is known to local music critics for his mainstream jazz concerts and his lengthy in­ troductions. The pre entation will be co-produced by Kleinsinger and the NYU Program Board. • t aJilirht In u• it' anaual salute to muddeD on Thursday, December p.m. Thq gue t .of honor (whO' will also be ing) is tenor saxophonist Al Cohn. Cohn i known for his contribution to the big bf'd of Artie Shaw, Woody Herman. Georaae Auld aad Buddy Rich. During the 1950s he and Zoot Sin1s formed their own group and played in ntghtclubs and concert balls in the U.S .• Canada. South America COHN lalourwJ at New Yorlr and Europe. Their most recent record totether. on the So net label. is titled ''Motoring Aloag.'' Cohn ha written for television and Broadway. • Fellow musicians whO will be paying tribute to AI Cohn tbe night of the concert ,IIi include Zoot Sints (saxophone), Milt Hin­ ton. (bass). (piano), Jimmy Raney (guitar), Joe Wilder (trumpet), (baritone saxophone) and Mousey Alexander (drums). There will also be a surprise guest. The concert will take place at NYU Loeb Student Center (Eisner & Lubin Auditori­ um), 566 LaGuardia Place at Washington Square South. Tickets sell for 55.50: $4.50 for students; and SJ.OO for student balcony. Tickets can be obtained at the box office. For further inforntation call (212) 598-3757. by Ira Git/er

Another in the series of Jac~ Hinton and Alexander wasn't com­ hear him every }ear at Dick Gibson's Klein inger' H1gltllghts in Jazz pletely compatible but it got the job Colorado Jaz.z Party but he doesn't get bouQuet to the li~iOJ ~as the done. H'hat Is This Thing was followed jazz gi s in New Yor:k , onl) studio December JSth "Salute to AI Cohn.·' by a pirited Groovin , H1gh and then "ork. A lot of people at Lo~b were ertamt> one of the mu ician most the horns and Harris departed to be probably hearing him for the fu st time worth · of a eap·tippiilJ. Obv1ou Jy a replaced by another ex-Hermanne, and all were properly impres ed. lot of people agreed because the auitarast Jimmy Raney. He started off The second half of the concert auditorium at e~ York University• How A bout You on the other s1de of opened with Cohn's wife , Flo Cohn L~b Student Center '4as fiiJed to the stag~ from his bass and drum (professionallr known as Flo Handy), capacity• . partneh, but by the end of the number backed by Harris, Hinton and The form t or the .. ~alutes ., is a cast had mo\ ed in closer and, properly Alexander in I 'm Begmning to See thC'­ of top mu icians ·ho have been warmed up, finished with kind of a Light. Flo, who does most of her a ociated 'A ith the man-of·the hour free-form flourish. singing in Pocono f\.1ountains' mght during his career. As &ood as they Raney's long-lined brilliance came pots the e days, accompanyi ng her elf u u ll are, you are left wanting more through on Just Friends despite an on piano, was a standup inger th is of the main protagonist, especially inferior instrument ~ ith a staticky mght. She's definitely a jau singer ·hen much ttme b con umed by ound. (Hi ov.·n guitar had malfunc­ ~ ith her own approach to a lyric. with h t Klein inaer's announcements. tioned the pre"rious night after hts bent note! horn-like approach, and a Thj naae-houtng is taken for aranted arrival from Louisville, and he had to trong beat. She ~as a bit tentative at by the Htghltghrs in Jazz. reaulars who borrow one from an acquaintance.) f1rst on L ight but warmed a she"' ent. ccept h with an understanding shrua J tmmy is one of the true guitar artist . The follo~up was an extremely per­ and concentrate on the aood music 1t v.·ould have been nice to hear him in sonal treatment of the old standard, programmed by their host. tandem with Cohn on Tain't No Us~ Honey, sung with genuine feeling as The musical sah·o for Cohn wa no or a standard if they didn,t have time she beamed it at her man sitting front e ception. There should have been to run down one of At's oldies. row center. It was very touching. Too more of AI. He was in the consistently The next trouping included baritone bad AI d id not get a chance to ac­ fine form he has shown over the past sa."lophoni t Pepper Adams (on his compan)' her sometime during the e' eraI car since taking some time own now after many years of yeoman concert. from his t'fer busy writing schedule to ervice ~·i th the Thad Jones-Mel Lewis The man of the hour finally reached concentrate mo~ on blowifll than he on:hestra) and the seldom-heard Joe the ~rage , o~ning with a number that had in the first half of the '70s. \\'ilder on trumpet with Harris, Hinton he has really stamped as hi own-­ The e,·eninJ opened with a jam on and Harris' usual side-kick, drummer A m~rica th~ Beautiful, bossa novaed H'hat Is Thu Tiring Cilll~d Love? with Leroy Williams. Wilder's precise · to fine turn. Then he and Zoot - a Zoot Sims; Marky ~tarkowiu on trum­ plunaer work sparkled on In D tandem as right as salami and eggs - pet; Barry Harris. piano; Milt Hinton. MellotoM and Pepper sounded good heated up Fast, a Cohn line on Exactly bas ; and Mousey Alexander, drums. . . . what you could hear of him. He Like You and cl~ed ~ i th J\fornirrg It was the kind of ~iq-bop fusion ·was too far from the mike and that Fun, the blues line they wrote and one heard at the se sions of the mid· took away from the impact of his bi&. always use as a sign-off. Sims did his J9-405 brouaht up to the ·10s. autsy sound. Williams got in some nice most inspired playing at the concert in • Sims and Markowitz's connection solo licks during the chase choruses this set with his long-time buddy. • ith Cohn aoes back to the Woody •ith the horns at the tail-end of the Wilder. on fluegel, Markowitz and Herman band of the late '40s. Sims· tune. Raney then joined the tenor rwvosome desened fa•ne is worldwide; Marky One of the con~rfs outstanding for J.J. Johnson's blues Jf/n Dot. The has been 1 lifelona sideman whose solo sqmmts was the ballad medley. crowd wanted an encore and P~rdido abilities have been illuminated recently Harris, marvelous throuahout, played was the answer with excellent fluegel in some recordinas with various aroups a Body ond Soul that blended the by Wilder and some more strong for Harry Lim's famous Door label. sona's inherent. everareen charac­ Cohn. For the out chorus th~· used He has the' powerful chops of 1 &ead teristics with his o"~ acute sense of Benny Harris' line on P~rdio Wt~hoo. • man and an play up hiJh with power. harmony and dynamics. Considering an the elements at the He Obviously likes Roy Eldridae and After Adams moved My /d~ol producer•s disposal, it could have been abo shows traces of the late Sonny throuah the convolutions of hi! brain a better cotlcert. But this is not to say lka tdiR, his old Herman section .. mate and the tubin& of his hom, Wilder did that in the main, it was not enjoyable­ who also chaa Roy. a lovely T1t11t's All, with Harmon more of Cohn, however, would have The rhythm section of Harris, mutt, that speUbound the audience. I made it more so.