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CHAPTER XXVI While Dhritarashtra and Vidma were conver­ sing thus, the sage Narada suddenly appeared DHRITARASHTRA'S ANXIETY hefore them and declared: "Follfteen vcars from ~ . - '" this day tlIC will become extinct as the WilEN nw set Ollt· for the forest, there rcsult of- the crime committed by " and arose a great damour of lamentation from people vallished from sight. who throngcu the streets and climbeu the roofs anu Duryodl JaIl a and his companions were filled towers and trees to see them go. The princes, who, of yore, rode in jewelled chariots or on loruly ele­ with fear uncI approached with a prayer never phants to strains of auspicious music, now walked to abandon them, whatever happened. away from their birthright on weary feet, accom­ Drona answered gravely: "I believe with the wise panied by weeping crowds. On all siues cries arose that the Paildavus are of diviile birth and uncon­ of "Fie and Alas! Does not God see this from !lis querable; yet my duty is to fight for the sons of heaven ?" Dhritarushtta who rely On me and whose salt I eat. I shall strive for them, heart and soul, but uestiny is The blind Dhritarashtra sent for Vidma and ail))owerfu! .. The. Pandavas will surely return from askeu him to uescribe the departure of the Panduvas eXile, bUr11l11g wl~h anger.. I should know what into exile. anger is, for I dethroned and dishonoured prupadil. Viuura replied: ", the son of , on account of my anger towards him. Implacably went with his face covered with a doth. revengeful, he has performed a sacrifice so that he , went behind with his eyes lowereu on his arms. might be blessed with a son who would kill me, and proceeued scattering sand on his path. it is said is that son. As destiny anu Sahaueva besmeared their houies with woulu have it, he is the hrother-in-Iaw and fast dust anu closely followed· Yuuhishthira. Drallpaui friend of the Pandavas, and things are. moving as accompanied Dharmaputra, her dishevelled hair foreordained. Yom actions tend in the same direc­ covering her face anu her eyes streaming with tears, tion, and your days are numbered. Lose no time in Dhaumya, the priest, went along with them singing doing good while YOll may; perform great sacrifice, Sarna hymns, auuresseu to Yam a, the Loru of enjoy sinless pleasmes, give alms to the needy. Death." Nemesis will overtake you in the fourteenth year. When he heard these words, Dhritarashtra was Dmyodhana, make peace with Yudhishthira this is filled with ever greater fear and anxiety than before. my cOlInsel to you-but, of course, YOl,l will do what He asked: "What do the citizens say?" you like." Durvodhana was not at all pleased with these answered: "0 great king, I shall tell words of Orona. you in their own words what the citizens of all castes and creeds say: 'Om leaders have left liS. asked Dhritarashtra: "0 king, why are Fie on the elders of the Kuru race who have sllffered you worried?" . stich things to happen! The covetous Dhritarashtra The blind king replied: "How can I know peace and his sons have driven away the sons of after having injmed the Panclavas?" to the forest: While the citizens blame us thus, the Sanjaya said: "What you say is quite true. The heavens are vexed with cloudless lightning, and the victim of adverse fate will first become perverted, distressed earth quakes, and there are other evil utterlv losing his sense of right and wrong. Time, portents." the all destrover, does not take a club and break - ,• •• c' '." '< '

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