The Metaua Pto Exeltiag, Sad Eaassosed the Ahnrivxesbay Csl BR ATTO N.- Wragsmas at Tew Ass I Torasehera E of the Committee, Appointed on the Eveeaag of •Eb
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Tas BUM L sse.-The etat for the TnA (fOLD CoxxrrrITR.-The reportrt!b. Hatfeld Abrad Haines IJ I Harper Thal, M ayoralty was quite The Metaua Pto exeltiag, sad eaassosed the AhnRIVxEsbAY CsL BR ATTO N.- wragsMas at tew ass i torasehera e of the committee, appointed on the eveeaag of •eb. attet.a of quite a member 'WmainMo's of the talklag faters. birthday anliveresry was eelebratOd latest in thislice is one whieh has receatly teeneen 11th, for the purpose of regulatinag themeeting, prce of heldgold14 Hawthorn Wm Hanitin John Hart Cha. ( -ty daring the day. The taindust, was handea in at the adjourned two eadidates were yesterday In de form, by f e Masons sad Firemen, made is some little swags lytng on the mountain Id Haudley 8 J Harwood Sam'I Hason l1hra., SATURDAY, seek sad meek usdI withia a half hoar of the elo- Sison last Monday evenin and will be hand in FEBRUARY 21, Ill7 SaItpublio generally. beatli lostIIed between St. Louis and Shelley gulches. It is rtanother is olum. of this paper.g . The rates for thein Hatherel 8ole'n Hamelton Jas Hawl.v E k Slgocthe polls whel Cataerlapped over Lee slight. btr es the he Harrisn-Hall John H-M W Harrington C F T boa masy dg staf•s, ad thee h triple cetsdllerent grades of dust, as r'oommemded to be e-er HendersonJ C J D HarrisnHerges Joo Joe 1) Harbertllitche",.lHarris w J~oai k }F' _y sad reached the wimaing post am lch or two ahead dhued baner, ylng am the pole on the PT or- ae-abouteight feet to the bed-rock, and the pay dirt is nalltablished by the committee are: For retort, Silver We hope OUR AGENTS. he may enjo the laurels, as well as he e et, kept watch and ward over the conduct of a adha"dfulSaresomeor- such eighteen tofthat dirt they inches will almost iapma depth; surpassout oneand belief. dollar.the prospectsA smallas anHildreth Jae Hines )aniel 1Hillltobt daMms. sad thetallowl is th vote east:-Caetn, Srwmes as an.gulchBow and dust, Boise 618 dust, per on. 616, The per foregoingox; fir all otherrates clean are reHotchkiss A J Hogan Thomas loinesc;,. w A. B. HAMILTON, is our Agent at Fort Bestow. a. ; T1Lee, 2;: RugAes arasen whisk tim harp, the shamrock, and 3; Ohole, 1. Total, 44. has been taken out to the pea. ,to is take effect on and after the first of March next. MR. A. J. SITrH is our Agent at Bannack. Castuer's majority, 10. the se-but were bleaoed, and whieh greeted thee aHolfmes'h t as forty gualeh, dollars some four miles from this plae, is it. Harwood J W Hodykins Ward Ilob~.t \WVi J. M. FISH, Sterling, Hot Spring District. eyes of the lovers ef ould Ireland, from early dawn new whbeh promisee at Homier Jos Howe Samuel lut'hit.o 1, edalso another discovery, well in our citizens will sign the papers to that (Eo. S. RAWLINGs, Silver Creek. THE CURItIFNOUGHT MIll..-This mill till dewey eve. At one p. m., the Pioneers formed cr the spring. On the whole, we cannot but thinkI in provided J. M. MII.Ls, Sthatthe prospects for the coming seasmo are suchink uchnotgiveeffect. theirWe see adhesion no good to reasonsuch an why arrangement. they should asId Hulley E H Huey J 11 Silver Bow. is rapidly approaching completion, and will be mn in processioe, and with their fine Hook and Ladder as "JAMEs STUART. Deer Lodge. runniang SaCIr. e, phaded theploip streets. They wem rostthe rates proposed are fair, equal and just to every order by next week. The machinery used as will entitle us to pronounce it one of the most WORTIE\ & CO., Hell Gate. will handsomely unifoamed In bfaek pants, red shirts, sd euccessful we have as yet had. •: be Chilian crushers, nadbarrels. Sixteen bar-V white belts and gloves, one-both to the miner, the merchant, and laborer. r. Irin T'' V" Irwin \Vin la.nel Agecy of Post, 5 Bridge street, rels and looked, marched, and 1Igernol J Idaho Gold Minio• ', Haena. will be used. The shalf ee the Oro Cache. 0. were, really spledid. We have witnessed Fire. JOHN TEMPLE, Junction Cit-. from which they re- From Thsrrsday's 7Ti- W'ekly. are taking rock, is some 75 or $0 men's proces in the principal cities of the SURowICAtL.-Drs. Glick and Maupin CHAS E. 8rr. Gallatin City. feet in depth, and they will have some 200 tons out Union. -REsOLuTIoNs passed at an adjourned Itperformed a very delicate surgical operation on Mr. sad unreservedly assert, that for I. Johnstone Ja Jordon obt ,ohn., MAX I~AGNP.R. German Oulch. to start on. It is expected that first rate returns material and ap- peamuse, we have not see the Pioneers excelled. Samuel Smith, one day last week. in extracting a H. H. HATHAWAY, Highland Ditrict. will be made from this mill as rndpiece of gun cap which had lodged in the corner ofif Johnson Jta: H ,,e J,. the rock being takenA Aer the parade, they marched to the Court meeting of the miners and merchants of Helena and as Jones : BR JeffreyJones Vi'm . F. CHURCa, Summit City. out justifes great expectations. room, when Jdge Hesmer entertained the large asembl- l vicinity, held for the purpose of regulating the his eye. The operation was the more diffcullt, as CAMPBELL & CO., Confederate Gulch. n- K R. with an eloqaeot and appropriate address, wheih it nad to ie performed by candle-light. These gen- C. JOHNSoN, Blackfnot. price of gold dust : m Kastner Joe Kelley Mich'l J K*, 1I-env I. N. ACCDmnaT.-Dr. Cornell had a rib was listened to with profonad attention and elicited tlemen also operated on a Mr. Iarrabee, fromre Kelley Chas WV Kennedy John Kelpuir I;r.,, BuctK. Boulder Valley. broken on Saturday r. bursts a Whereas, at an adjourned meeting of the citi- Diti-Deer Lodge, for tonsillitis.of the noula.cutting out two large S. W. REYNOLM. last in a rather singular manmer. frequent of applause. The balls at Nevada dzees of Helena held at the court house, on Monday laytonsils and a portion Reynolds' City, Elk Creek. A muscular gentleman in a sudden - and the Kindlesperger L Kimble Mrs M Ki, t~ •.c 8. V. BALL, Beartown. attack of friend- Council room, were very largely attended, ethe 11th day of February. 1L67. for the purpose of ship embraced him. and the hug which followed d The Council room oould not contain the large consideringte the necessity of fixing a value uponof King Cameron Kline Perry A KrauLich l. l J. W. MAGRUERY. Rocker J H &Co City. was rather too much pressure on those bony pro-- number present, and a portion adjourned to the d.certain gold dust now circulateng in the community, A tItIwIER (GRADEr.-The much-neededxi Koster J. S. WIILIAMu. St. Louis, Mo. of L tectors of the heart. This came the nearest beingg Planters H..use, where the festivities continued. ty. improvement. mentioned a few days since, of L. P. FislER, San Francisco. Cal. toat a value of eighteen dollars per ounce, and whichich grading a portion of the sidewalk on the west ride Ihadi Ja a successful attack on the Doctor's heart, that wee Just as we weregoing to press, we learned that the ledof Main street. has been further carried out, and d Lane G(reen 4 Lattin Mars.hall 11 are aware of. Jwo. THowicty, of Virginia, is our athearised Masoue ball at Adelphi Hall was brilliant in the isofwere worth appointed much less a committee than said value,to consider the undersignedthe mutter,ter,now all that section between King & tillette's andid Lawson Ansel L.ancasteirSaltm Agent extreme, and e Lewis GW V Leslie James leo J A to receive subscribers and moneys. His 'i FIREMAN'S PARADE.-At a meeting of was progressing with the prospect of and were instructed to report at an adjourned meet-et-Dunmphy & Bentley's granite blocks, are on the receipt f rosy daylight lighting the participants It will be good. home in the t h,. the Pioneer Company last evening, forty-five mem- -morning. ing of the citizens, to be held at the court room on level, and it certainly adds much to the improve-e. Lindsay John LoughridgelTho Lo.rd Momday evening. February, 18, 18•7. nmentand appearnce of the street. Long Frank lIottiu- Mr Iutipp ,.., bers were present in uniform, and everything augurs Lynch Pat M1 Lyon Ed S well for a splendid turn-out on Friday. The com- SACUITTAL OF JOSEPH MAGEE.-U n Now, therefore, we, the undersigned committee- pon former-r- Me Arrivals and Departures Drling the e pany meet at 2 p. m., on Thursday in the Councili Wednesday and Thursday the District Court was rmen, do make this, our report, and move the adop- .GOT HoME.-Mr. James Laird, of the Montana PosT. arrived atit Mc('ain J M McCullhk J T Mcli:vov. II r Chamber, for drill, and a full attendance is re- engaged in the trial of Joseph Magee. who hadd tion ot the same: ly in the employ Week.-Arrised. about the middle of last month.h~ McFadden Jas Mc(;uire John Mc'(;it,:.i1k,4 quested. been indicted by the Grand Jury for ambesalingg Resolved. That the article of dust known as first Irsthis home in Illinois. S Brown B Ellis R Shannon tnquality mill retoit, he received and paid out by Laird met with something of a loe., in crossing thee MlcKenuey C W McManus Thus McMlhon J:- Bin$150.