Unger Memorial Library 835 Austin Plainview TX 79072 Zone 2 (6-07)


Volume 2, Number 9 , JfH!UR~D A Y March 1, 2007 Miss Lubbock Teen USA Scholarship Pageant

Miranda Adams Peter~burg ' will be weJlrepresented door. , Miss Lubbock USA director Nancy awards for Most Photogenic, Miss rd , this Saturd~y" March J , wh~n Lacey The winner earns the Miss Lub­ Smith said the event will have' a Congeniality, Best Swimsuit and Best 'Ellison: ; Whitley 60nzales and bock Teen USA title, crown and priZe three-person panel ofjudges. Contest­ Evening Gown. The 2007 Miss Lub­ Miranda .t\dams compete in the 2006 pa~kage, as well as a berth in the ants will compete on stage in swim­ bock USA Scholarship Pageant will Miss Lubbock Teen USA Scholarship Teen USA Pageant in suit and, evening wear competition be held simultaneously with the Miss 'P,agean('at ,7 pm in the Irons -Junior November in . The state win­ following personal ,interviews with Lubbock Teen USA competition. J:ligh au!iitorium in Cubbock. Tickets ,:ner will compete for the Miss Teen judges prior to the competition. ,'are-$1 O,:" and ~.ill be available , ~t the USA 'honor. Contestants will be honored with see Pageant page 4

(AUSTIN) - A second group 0'1' property ca~ualty programs one of these valuable life sav­ at related activities. In the re~ of 116 , school dis,tricts has without a break in coverage' for' ing tools. "We are extremely , cent past, several student ath­ been _ ~elected -to tect;:ive auto­ 20 or more years. Elizabeth excited to receive the AED, letes have experienced sus­ mated ,external defibrillators , Bownds, a. representative of which comes with several im­ pected heart trouble and AEDs (AEDs) from the Texas Asso­ the T ASB Risk Management portant accessories as well. played a large role when there ciation of School Boards We deeply appreciate the gen­ was a positive outcome. We (T ASB) Risk Management "Time is often crucial in erosity of T ASB in helping us sincerely believe that provid­ Fund. These life.saving de­ these situations. because maintain the safest environ­ ing these devices ensures that vices can dramatiCally ' increase there is a velY good chance ment possible for our students our members are better pre­ the chance of survival for vic­ emergency medical services ' and staff," said Nichols. pared'forlife-threatening situa­ tims Qf sudden cardiac arrest. (EMS) cannot respond fast "TASB has been an invaluable tions as they integrate the The Fund ,Board expanded its enough to save someone in partner, serving us in a number AEDs into their first responder cardiac arrest" and first-aid programs," said special loss prevention award of ways over mliny years." Elizabeth Bownds, a repre ­ to recognize member school "Medical emergen~ies in­ Ed Thompson, TASB Loss sentative of the TASB Risk districts that have maintained Fund, traveled to Petersburg volving , students, staff, and Prevention Services director. Management Fund, trav­ eled to Petersburg to pre­ their participation in the recently to present PISD , SU'" visitors 'could . happen at any se~ Life-Saving page 4 sent PISD superintendent Fund's workers' compensation perintendent Joey Nichols with time on school campuses and Joey Nichols with an AED. Page 3 . , . , THE PAPER ' Page' 2 Thursday. March 1, 2007 THE PAPER LETT·ERSTO THE EDITOR .. -r' , TARLETON STAT.E UNIVERSITY LISTS SPRING HONOR ROLL, DISTINGUISHED STUDENTS side' and inspiring also. can see how you could get caught up in ' o wailing about my It was really nic'e of you to ' write: a STEPHENVILLE, TX - The A Honor Ron With a population of 16,500, Stephenville is t}ights last week althoug, h personal note and send a copy of The Sincerely, the work and lose some consciousness Twilla Morris; Petersburg abbut wha.t's going on at home; but 'l and Distinguished Student Jist for the fan known as one of the country's most desirable r did have to deny board­ Paper with Jim 's obituary. He loved 2006 semester ·has been released at Tarleton places to live, and it is included in Norman . Petersburg and. liked to, go when they 'Thank YO Il Twilla for' taking the time' know 'it's hard on you al1. '. '., ' N ing to a woman who was ... After reading John Perry" 's column. I ' State Uniyersity. Dr. Gary Peer, provost and Crampton's The 100 Best Small Towns In had "Petersburg Days" and especially throwing a fit in the jetway last to write! I am~ definitely more inspired vice president of acaqemic affairs at the uni- America published by Prentice Hall. his class reunion. He was at the one in some weeks than others. I was qli'aid think he should nm for Pre,sident!!! week ... 1'11 fill you in later on that . I'm still just enioying reading al1 versity, released the names of students recog- The Paper is pleased to announce that one! We have so much news that I 2000. that my writing about work wOllldn't ~ He and I would have been married interest aityone here so I am happy to your stuff in THE PAPER .. Maybe you . nized. Brittney Fullingim is on the Distinguished can't fit myself in this week. I did 1h Students listed on the A Honor Roll have a Student List for Fall of 2006. Brittney is a 40 years April 8 • Weertjoyed a·lot of don't hear that' now as much as in the want to share some letters to the edi­ heal' that at least one of my readers blessings. Jim was sick a long time. I liked the column! The more I work ant! beginning; but it is still a g ~eat . little tor. we have received. We truly appre­ 1. I.,I{'61' ,",! , '111' ,.1:"'1. . ". '., ,'" '. 4.0 grade point ratio (GPR) on the 4.0 system Senior this year at Tarleton and will be admired his courage and determination ' . am home. the less in rllne I publication! . Ir... II . and are taking a minimum of 12 hours. Dis- graduating this date your comn'lents - good or bad! aw{~) ' fhJlI1 and his acceptance of the things we '(1111 to what is going on in Petersburg Mary Be~ h, Inman, Lubbock; Texas tinguished Students include freshmen, and May with a degree Keep them coming our way. Have a could not change. We were a team, an'd bllt more aware of rhe big wide iwir[d. Wow.' Another c,0l/1mentm7 /I~Y edilo- . '.' D ' li l lP.llll~gll".· 6 , ' sophomore students who have a minimum in Education- GPR of 3.25 with no grade lower than c, and certified to teach blessed week! ,..., Ktlt I miss him a lot. .around liS - I 0111 guing to be'slI;iving to rial! I all' ,.eJt~yed thatlolfrs are enjoy- '. ~gg ,. , . I : ., If tI. · .', . , " PS Thallh./II JI/((I' MII/'rin BIJII:I'C!/'jill' leffillg I appreciate your mother.'s ~or9s . of .'" get the pel:feei balance in my editorials ;,!g . my, doiljgs, ,Ollt / here i/1. ;he real ~: ~pra, ~ri~~fs · ~I!P.!t!v~~~Yleld : ~:tii~/~.::\;' ;'.': ' juniors ' and se'niors who have a minimum Math and Sci- comfort. ' .., I/ .~ kllllll' rhl! ('0/'/'1(('( I\ 'm:\'hip ;illll!.tiw rhl! £(/.~r . so' be,,;' with me! I appreciate YO Il;-iwte ' . : 1 1'b N~. . qf'cOllj:v~: !:f!.I!\ · ~;p'i;k \\,o/'fid is ~o rot!on 'fiber "'-(life.Ask rseeodilaler"Y· ··tus 't, ,, ' ".,', .. ' " "GPRofJ.50 with no grade lower than C at:ld ~nce grades 4~8 . Sit/e' Church l!t' Chrisr I ~'II/'sl1ifl sl!/,I·i('I!.~ - Sincerely. LInda ford _ JplUl is alil'ays ' a/ier me becQ//se vel,' d~tferel1llhan most peop/J . . place ' rAitto~~iorrilo¥iMo_n. ". ~ , ,J ' ." ," ' , "" are 'lil good standing with the university. ' . .. Congratulations 1:l!adl!/'s. dill/ 'r " I!.~ ir(/re to /er 1/.\' kilo II' if' 1I'i' Paris. Texas ' I. " .....write toa much .... " in my editori- "4Ii'o'l ;k, it ma.v jlist .veen" a tad\ bit ex­ 1,'\: , .1 ', . ...,... · A m~t11ber of The Texas A&M University Brittney you:i prim er/'ol/i'lI/is il!fiwllltlliol/! als! ' otic, hence interesting to trod about KEY ONE TON VARlE11fS System since 1917, Tarleton is one QfTexl;ls' make a great 'E Friday morning Here's" sweet l10te li'om Jim Feints evel:J' now and thel7! Thanks .fiw the FM958U.· fastest growing institutions, with fan 2006 ambassador for ' Dear Kat, fM '95suB: "'idOl\'. Linc/a Ford /thol/ght el'el:l'Ol1e complimeilts 017 The Popel' - I'e are i=M989AR FM906of· enrollment exc!!e~ing . mor~ . than 9,000 stu- Petersburg, Just a note to tell you how mllch .' 1 1I'0uid like to /'ead 11011' /III/ell Ji/ll loved Kat. ,linding il eqsier to pllt together /lowa­ ~960B2R FM9()6.1BiF dents. ·yarleton .is : 100; a~ed.in StephenVille, enjoy "From The Editor" ill the Paper. ' 'FM989B2R fiberMax' .... Petersbl/rg ... y 9llr ~tory about ¥out" 'work was days but a pat on the back a"I'a,.s l(lis which. is 60 miles southwest.of Fort Wot:th, Brittney Fullingim It is so refreshing to read huinal1 inter~ January 21, 2007 really interesting. I feel fot you so the spirits! . -- est writings· something on the . lighter Dear Mrs. Gicante. much being a~ay from yo.ur. family. I I .. , I ' 1'1 I f~6~(/~P~/~ ~~f~ §

.~ .~ L~~t S&;l"t~ .r~iJY ttle wind gu~ts topped 70 mph at Reece. They sure above: Jim Parks sitting on his " 51 seemed to 'gust higher than that t'lere in Petersburg! With Spring blow­ Ford in 1966...... Ing in, please remember to be very careful with any open fires. The left: Jim's high school football picture high winds will turn a small fire into a towering inferno very quickly! TRUE Al\tfERICAN ·QUALITY '~f.JU1.e.rr '1 MJtRC)!: 2,1 .' :. J1Jtn.,cft G eorey i'hompsof.) . '[(.tItHf\VE~, Il~RKER,;. , . ,'" . . _."", ~ jI Friday: AUSTIN, TX· County music thelTIselves. A limited num- took to N~mber One. He ~is~ ' Honky Tonk Heros album, Songwriters" will be phiced Mostly sunny, superstars and respected With a high near' ber of tickets are available wrote "Easy Come, Easy widely considered the first on a' pemianent "HonOl: Roll" 53. North northwest wind songsmiths Larry Gatlin, . online at http:// Go", "Love Withollt End "outlaw" country album. in the Darrell K. Royal ' between 5 and 10 mph Billy Joe Shaver and Aaron texasheritagesongwrit- Amen ", "1 'd Like ~o Have'. Others covers Shaver songs . '· Pickin' Parlor, the permanent : " and a ,Io.,yar:ound ~6. Barker have been selected as ers.com. That One' Back" and' "I , include Kristofferson (Good exhibit space loc'ated 'on the f ',. the 2007 Texas Heritage The trio will join past hon- Know SIre Stiil Love.~ Me", Christian Soldier), Tom T. grounds of the' historic Hill's Songwriters and will be hon­ orees Kris Kristofferson, all songs recorded by Strait Hall {Willie the Wandering Cafe. ored in special ceremonies on We are always looking for,that quick CHICKEN AND' PEPPERS IN CREAM SAUCE . ~Season chic;ken with .1Iz t salt, and spoons, about 1 minute; Stir in mustard . . Freddy Powers, Sonny . Gyp.~y and Me), -Bobby Bare , In association with the fix for din.ner and here is a great recipe . 4 boneless chicken '. breasts, pounded Yoi- pepper to taste: Heat olive oil over me­ Add broth; reduce 2' minutes. Add cram, Sunday, March I I. Throckmorton and Sammy (Ride Me DO,,!/i , E.asy) .and Center foc'Texas Music His- The Te.xas Heritage Song­ that is deliciou5:enough to be used for a . inch thick " dium-high heat ,in 'a large skillet. Add stirring constantly, until. it thickens, about Allred with recognition' Elvis Presley (YOII ~sked Me . tory !it Texas State - San company meal. rhe in'gredients ,are .1't salt, divided. chicken; cook until golden on one side, 30 seconds. Reduce heat to low; return writers Association (THSA), based on their immense To). " Marcos, THSAinvites'artists readily available and I was amazed how black pepper to taste ': : about 6 minutes. Turn, cook l minutes. chicken and pepper strips to the pan. Add in conjunction with the Cen­ sOllgwriting success. ' Gatlin, with his brothers, ' :tQ d<;mate their. works; memo- quickly this recipe . came together. Fix 2 r olive oil Remove chicken from pan; set aside, remaining salt or to taste. Heat another 2 ter for Texas Music History "We don't give. enough, . ',. hfl~ , ~cored~n<,>r~,. than a dozen , rabjHa Jm<:\ .9,e,loqgings , to , ~e . some rice, c a veg~table ' alongwit~ a' ' 1 mediuJTfred'bell pepper, seeded, cut into _,\ ~ Add pepp~rstrips to pan; drizzle with minutes. (CTMH) at Texas State Uni­ recognition .' to ~ ~~o$e , who,:).""; Top 40 hits, " in~ludi .t;lg, ,,,~p.rote§ sL9r ~ ll lf h'i .., ar.chi'i~~ . green Salad and yoiihave Ja super din-· strips '.', 'ilittle oil ifneeded. Stir-fry over medium­ ~ Makes 4 servings,E versity n San Marcos, wiII write the gl: ea.tn:llIsic. ,~e hear ~', ' .. ' "Denvel;::~ . , :'1!(JllstQn'\ , , th.rQu~lh) ~e i:Sp'e~ ,i.~I ! <;:QHe~.: , nerthat your whole 't8mily will 1/3', white wine' make the presentations d!lr­ every day," THSA ~ou,n~er ,.",,' ..... ,:, .,:;""./" "Mid";I{!"~ , P~f!,~r.: ; ,ard "She ' . tion of th!! Sout/1,W~ster\Vr~t,-. appreci~ high heat until pepper begins t~ soften, ing an intimate concert' and Terry Boothe o~ Al\~ti!1 . s!lid :: }~~~ , ~~P,t to the,,~ tQ(>;: _ o~ tQ5l \Jl U,~f ,.,,,'f0 l . ,JJ~ , $,ol"tlebody's '. ~Fs .C?IIectiol1. The.. i,rlt,eqta- ate. John, who doesn't like bell. pePP,ers, 1' TQijon rriustar~ " Remove peppers form the pan; setaside, awards ceremony at historic "The ,2007 class ' of Herit~g'e charts. His songs have also Raby". He won ,a Orammy tJonaIly known coIIectlon requests this dinner, it's th,at good I %'. c canned " low fat, reduced sodium , ~Pou'r wineinto'skilIet; cook; stirring'up Hill's Cafe in Austin. Song'Vriters shares' the suc~ " . ~e~~ · r~~~rdid by such ~rtisls , :, A,'r.al·~. .fQ · r~~JJ/i;ke~) Lady" features other archives re- ' chicken broth ' . , . . browned bits clinging to pan, over high Ceremonies will begin at 3 cesses with iTIIIllY of our most as WlIIie" Nelson,CI'ay'U . ~nd 'scored' ~himber One hits lated to Texas music and . 2TYlhippi~g : creamorhalf and half heat until wine is reduced to 2 Table- p.m. in the Cafe's concert beloved artists," Walker and Nei;ll McCoy;~. -... with :;'!l,..JII,~/ , W;s"_ YOll-Were- . Texana, · made available - to ,- area and feature entertain- Baker's tirst attempt ,a! Shaver's legendary career SOlllemrf!; '/ f..o,'e" ,and "All students and scholars. I ment from a variety of musi- songwdting was "Bab)' iri~ll!cJes fVritillg all but one tile G(JId.. ilJ. Califilrnia". ACROSS cians as well as the honorees Bille", which George Strait song on Way,19n Jenning's .T11e ... three new "Heritage 1 - Baba 4 Some statuary . was born December 29, 1913 in Rom- 9 Homer Simpson's @"BIRTHDAY AND ANNIVEliSARY D~TE$ . _ " '9a-gLe$$e~ tlye tVlOse ney, Texas, ' She married Aubrey "Drl;lt!" : Byrd in Clovis, New Mexico . . They 12 Lair l~~ed to be-sent,..!o editt([email protected](~n~ ,orjl1~liled to' r"'f~E f'P.APER, P9"Box wl1o Ctlr~ ~gtve- wa/VtOut I resi'ded;j Il~Pete'i's bhr~ for. lllahY:Years.'! F] ': 1'3,Phantom's baili- '. ()4, Petershllr~, I X 79~bO or call us at 806-667-0581. Please mdude a phone l1Ulll- I" ~ .J L,.. S~e was preceded in death by her , wick husband; a son, Burle Dean' Byrd; 3 14',,- Got a Secret" I>er t IJat we can reac I1 you at 1'f' ,~ ' e nee( I to c Ian 'f' y anytI lln~. . PI ease mc. IU( Ie t Ile ~iear yeVVteVVluen,V\,g tl V\,(A ttl J'Ge brothers ~ and it sister. . 15 Were oftwo l()r any allni"ersary dates. . wttl10ut foygetttV\,g. '9a Survivors include 2 daughters, Ava- minds T"elma Catheri,te Byrd , lie Mann and husband Edward of 17 Vast expanse . ' . B k f L b 18 Mai - (cocktail) .Graveside ser~ices for Thelma Austin and PatriCia a, er 0 u - 19 British king who bock; 7 grandchildren, Eddie Mann ' Be Ca,reful When Wishing ,for Jackpot Catherine Byrd, 93, of Lubbock will abdicated ·iiiO....-f .... ·.-· ....~ ' ...- ...... - .....- .....- ...... - .....- .....-...... - ...... - .-..- .....- ....- ....._ ..... _...... _ ..... _ , ... _.. , ....., ...... , IIIinois woman, apparently desper- squelch the rumor. that . Pa~la Abdul is underestimate Americans' "can-do" be held Thursday, February 22, 2007 and wife Beth, Kathy Mann, Brett at 2:00 p.m. at th.e Petersburg Ceme­ Baker and wif~ Ke'ny, ·Pal.nela Em. ery 21 Apple drinks ~ n·Flood ately seeking the Wife of the C,entury drunk dudng "American , (dol" audi- spirit when it comes to self-delusion,. and husband David, Andrew Byrd, 24 Thick chunk ----::;....;,;;..;;;....:=-=:::...:=;;..' award. recently arranged to have her tions. I know this for fact .because (This does not include me, of course. tery inP~tersburg, Texis' under the 25 Kyoto cummer­ =-=. ~ Margaret Byrd and Kaye Byrd; and 8 labor induced early so that her 'hus- she releases a news bulletin every I really . am a gifted singer, and I'm direction of Sanders Funetal Home. . bund great-grandchildren. Here's a sign that YOll may be band could attend a Chicago Bears day saying she is not drunk, sure Paula .Abdul wo,uld agree, espe- Mrs. Byrd passed away Monday, . 26 Afternoon soCial spending too much time at the casino: football game. Not just~ny ·ga\l1e. of If there was a Paula Aboul cable cially if she 'was hammer~d alld I told February \9, ' 2~07 in L~bbock ~ S~le ~ 28 Burst forth giving birth. A woman at ' Atlantic course, This was the NFC Champion- cha,nn!!I-. and there should be -- it her she was really hot.) 31 Fail to hit City, N.J .. casino recently hit the ship game against the · New Orl~ans would .have a QOljstant news crawl at I believe that immigrants came to . 33 Pinch jackpot and had a baby boy while WEEKLY SUDOKU 00 TIII HAVE 35 Birthright barterer DOWN 22 Wading bird Saints. the , bottol11. saying" ' ''Paul~ Abdul is America . all dreaming the same . ANSWERS FROM PAGE 8 visiting to pl ay the ' penny slots. "I thought, how could [Mark] miss not drunk. P~ula . Abdul IS really not dream: that one day they or their chil- 36 Honshu port 1 Put together with 23 Vanish NEWS I1I IfJE 27 Help (Would she have had multiple births this one opportunity that he might drunk, Paula Abdul is so NOT drunk, dren or their grandchildren would be 6 S · 4 1 38 Happy companion? 2 Floral neckwear 40 Screw up , 3 Office hQlders 29 Rid of rind if she'd been playing the quarter never have again in his life?" said and why does everybody keep saying discovered on a TV show that high- PAPER? slots?) 2 ·6 7 4 41 Typewriter type 4 "Maltese Falcon" star 30 Swerve CoIIeen Pavelka, who immediately that ... " Speaking of "American Idol," lighted amateur singing talent and E-mail us with your news . at 43 Tum blue? 5 Out of bed 32 Leave out J mention this because gambling became the National Poster Girl for it's time to tackle one of the great featured a daffy female judge who experts warn that if you are among 1 9 3 5 kat@thepaperweb,cDm; mail it to us at 45 Musical about Char­ 6 Catch a glimpse of . 34 Stamps Incredibly Understanding Wives, controversies facing America, an is- was not drunk, even though every- - The Paper. PO Box B4. Petersburg. TX lemagne's son 7 Kilmer classic 37 Tart those who regularly give birth while (President Bush hailed her as one of sue that pits brother against brother, body said she was. 5 7 4 8 at a casino, this could be a sign that 78250; or phone it in to us at,808-BB7- 47 Numerical prefix 8 Bareback lack 39 George Washington America's heroes in his State of the cat against dog, and~ in our house- Overall, . though, I'd rather hit the you're gambling too much. 7 9 .3 6 48 Praise in verse 9 Free from error 42 The inner 'self Union address.) hold, sadly, wife against husband: jackpot -- as long as it was a cash 0581. The deadline for getting news into This is especially true for men. In 49' Repudiation 10 Finished 44 God (Italian) Good point. I mean. kids get born Are the "singers" on "American Idol" jackpot. us is every Tuesday at noon, This will 11 Be the leader 45 Horse play? fact, men who even think they are 1 3 8 5 54 Meadow all the time. This was an NFC title auditions faking it? Are they trying to Write to Don Flood in care of King guarantee your news will make the 55 Mirror's offering 16 Consumed 46 Notion about to give birth whil e at a casino game. Who knows when the Bears sound awful? My wife says yes, in- Features Weekly Service ·P.O. Box 4 . 2 6 8 Thursday issue the same week. Any,news ·56 WaH climber 20 Piece of merchan­ 50 Potential syrup should see their doctor immediately, will get another shot, especially with sisting nobody can sound that bad 536475, Orlando, FL 328~B-6475, or that comeS in after noon on Tu·esdays. 57 Rowing need dise 51 Victory even if they're on a "hot" streak. 8 7' 4 1 Grossman as quarterback? and not realize it. send [email protected]. ·58 'Frolic 21 "Catch a FaIling 52 "Hail, Caesar!" Elsewhere ' in birthing news, an we will try to get it i.nto the s,ame week's But, if nothing else, today I want to I disagree, saying no one should (c) 2007 King FC"lures Synd" Inc. 2 5 '3 9 issue but we cannot make promises .. 59.Born Star" crooner 53 Caustic solution ----..-----....,..-- ... ''''.---.--~-~-

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' For c ons ig nment ' W\\,\\ '. lIp,d llt :HI.(f CUIi 1 ., ~ PI ~a " alltIY ' II \ ild dimalt": . · 1 . ~ ' u.' r~". ' 90 InCorm a ,'lon : www.bun ll onauction .com . milt!' 1$ oC short"lInt", N~\'~r orre-red bf'Corf' 1 ~~oo . :\ .'~ . -,n(.:~ . A C OOl. TK .-\\,~: I . ,108. NQw hilill£ I ~ ~ .! . I · with :!O% pr «.' ~ d t" \·t" lopm"" llt dlu ·ount. 90 ~ ] .~ LL <'ASII ('AND\' RoUtl~. Do )'OU ,~ :tI' U ~~~~~:~; ~ ~I'~~ n:;~~~~ tll!,~ rl:'t"~i ~~ t:~~I1~:~~ . ~~ai~ ~i~~a~:;.i;cf~/ ~ ;~ ~~ .N(, L-like ,Front PtOp~rti ~8. $SOI) ill :a day"! \'0111' ow,i 10 .... :l l l· 3I1d)' f'OU h ' . today. II t:II" lodl):·. S.E.S .. l ·S,17~64b,~~. ... WHY LEASE WHEN \'Oll "an OW II ~ HU 'lIt ~ , .\ O · 1I1 :u:· hhH~ '" aud l' andy . •1\ 1I ,. i'or $!1.99!1i .·. 1\10\1IE E XTRAS. ACTOR.'S. Modt"I .. ! Mlk~ lilt, r311 ('h < l OO a ..~ r~ s · $399 p ~r lI c:r~ . Trophy I ~:;t 8;;C C' . '~ ~ · I ::< 1. Muiti \\·ud . LLe. ~. up to ,$Z50/dll),. All agek .and r. ..· ... 11 wantrd. -;: , :~::I~" ~!~~ ' '?U~:'O~~('I~~; . t ~I~I~:::!~I.· T~~~~ I l l ll VI:: RS ~_~oeO~~~ I~~~I;~~~~eqUircd, ' FT/PT. C'TN Corp.. Land Sal"'l1 ~ LL(,. 1.9 71 ~ !'4 2. 664 2 : , CDL-A DRIVERS: Eili. p 3. ndil1£. r- l i.~~ t ofru : ,70.29 ACRES. ' BORD E RS large Ing R('E,ioll allOTR run s. Outshnding pay ranch . Whiteta il. ·Ixll, bog • • tu'tke y , pa(' ka gt', EXl' t" lIl'.nt ben r fh ll . O"'n No u . gtC'lt hunting. hC'lv y covet. $1.19.5 hOI11 (> (IIII (>. L(~:t ll t" Purl'll3!'l:C;" 0 11 '0 7 Pl" tt"f ' pC'r acrC' . t c: rm s ;: 1 ~8()O~876- 9 72 0. biltlJ. Nallo ll a l C:U'rit!'l'li. 1 ~ 888~707 - 17:!9. www.trxa Rr an(.hland.com www.natlon3k:trrlt>rit.com , ".0 ACR ES .$39.900. h t time offned. Per­ CDL-A DRIVERS . Low ('oil Least' Pur(' hast!'. , re~ t for huuting .retreat. Big buok area, plul ___ turke-y, dove . quail Ind more. Vf!ry private "" :,~· ,,~~"~o,',r~dl:~.a !N~I ~'~ r~l"~' ~~~~~:;.i' ~~~: :'!~~~~B ('~~~~ ~' ~ w/EZ 3Cl' E'1J8. 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"'o.u~"1 .~~::~::! ~:~;~.~~"!~ gl!'i~hh.~:~t~d~::! ~ .1<1. It Quolltl.d. C.II ~ . $~n,II. C,TR • . c.n J.vey' 1 .. 900 .. 65$·.669. w.. 11 ...~ • • I:.uv 110",•• • 1 - IIOQ . 9'4 " 964~ , '.. !Jrect (,I L dl " A,I'" Pit .. ~ s. r .'ICf) a1 tj --_.. =;*:;~~;;:~~:~;:;~:;':;';;;~::' ~~*,~;;~-;'cxtuc~-o-r ' oeNI-_-__ "jH~~~~U"'ee~ .ou1 ~".Uioa""'~h,doubt.~MOt 1 14 ttl ~ !otja .." .... Uro: T.,... A1I"""", 00Ilt0<1II .. '1 '1100 ~ I 1,1508"" "",'_ TrwJo (;"'• ••_"" lit HI77-I'I'C·IUlLP.·"'" FrC ~ ..... 1. wwwJ14:."",l\oW>i> .

WEEKLY SUl)OKU b~' Linda Thistle ANSWERS ON PAGE 7 6 8 4 ,1 2 6 7 4, 1 9 3 5 5 7 4 8

~ 7 9 3 6 1 3 8 4 2 6 8 .. Tb 8 7 4 1 divers from . 2 5 3 9 one th Place a number i.n the empty boxes in such a way torcyc that each row across, each column down and each respec small 9-box square contains all of the n~mbers very I frol11 one to nin ~. .., and s( 'spect, DIFFIClJLlTY TillS WEEK * Wi * Moderate ** ChalIeriging wliat . *** HOD BOY!! . wheth ©2006 by King Features Syndicate. Inc. World rights reserved ·_~ _ ___ _ ... . ~..., ,,,,",'" .... - ~-- ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ... ~ __"'_""'-"lIOJ-"''' __ ' _~f\:J"",,~''''r=.!..''.-,,-~.a.- .... -•• "'":-~ 1 Unger Memorial Library 835 Austin Plainview TX 79072 Zone 2 (6-07)


\ ' FOR li al t:' ~ . O OO sq . Ct. .r 600 ft. ,.· of ~~. 7 48· I O:!4 .

~ Leu n houn ~ 4 . 900 . · O ld fl it),. In ,,~ r~ d · 'litly running e.,t opography. 'f'm ll ili. Call ! tt ':\ o r viall Volul't'e 2, Number 10 THURSDAY March 8,2007 .1', Community; , ~ ' .(,H"II . 90 'fe-r e d b .. forll' hJC' ount . 90% II Prop,"r ti ~9 . LACEY ELLISON WINS MISS TEEN LUBBOCK USA n OWll '? Hullt­ acre. Tro phy ng h i ll . ~ good tf'rm •. Texu 1642.' CR S hrge rg •• tu'r k e y , te r . $1 . 19.5 ~ 8 7 6 ,: 9 72 0 9

~ c k area, plu. Vny prlv :Uf' lab Ie. Tfi" ~u ~ r Del R i o Int )' . d ove!', •• r (l .... no .. •· l:.lO·;JU*'I.


2007 Miss Lubb~ckTeen Pageant 4th Runnel::-t,lp Whitley Gonzale~, :2~CI ~u Queen Lacey' Ellison, 1st Runner-up Miranda Adams and 3rd·Runner:'up: D.0ugl~~ \'

Lacey Ellison, Miranda 1st runner up and Whitley was crown, sash and bouquet: She . , Adams and Whitley Gonzales 4th runner up! will be making gue~t appear.. represented Petersburg w.ith As the new Teen Queen, ances , around ' the:, ;LuQlfuc~ flying colors this past week- Lacey won a wonderful prize area in parades aQd at: schools end at the Miss Texas Teen package including jewelry, a and.hospitals and she t~c~ived USA · pageant. ·At the end of gym membership, nail care, $300 towards her college .· '.. 2007 Miss Lubbock Teen Pageant the evening, Lacey had cap- hair care, tanning and teeth Quee.., Lacey ,Ellison tured the crown, Miranda was whitening for a year, a crystal s ~~ . p:a,g~~ fit~ p~ge ,2' : '. Patriot ·Guard Riders Mission Statement ,.",The Patriot Guard' ,Ridets' is a "dove". It is,'not a requirement that 1. Show our sincere respect for, diverse amalgamation". of .·iiders you be a veteran. It doesn't matter our fallen heroes, their families, from across the nation. We"' Hiive where you're from or what your and their communities. . one thing In common he'sides:lri o­ incom~ is. You don 'teven have 2. Shield the mourning family and torcycles. We have an url"waVering to ride. The only prerequisite is friends from interruptions created 1 a way by any protestor or group of pro­ nd each respect for those who 'ri&k their Respect. . Our main mission is to attend testors. rt:Ibers very lives for America ~ s freedom and security. If you share this re­ the funeral services of fallen 'spect, please join u~ . American h~roes as invited guests We 'accomplish the latter We don't care what you ride, of the family. Each mission we ' through strictly legal. and non­ what your political views are, or undertake has two ' basic objec­ violent means. whether y?u're a "hawk" or a tives. www.patriotguard.org -; reserved THE PAPER PQ9~ 3 -~ ThurSdQY, March 8, 2007 THE' PAPER '. ' '" wwwJ'h ~ .. ~ageant from page 1 . ed~~jt i~h '.: id; ~Jot! :: \v~~g:~ was,- "What one quality d6 "fdt like aprin~~ss'; ' up on a rehearSal that lasted from famili~s got looms together ' -Texas House OKs 'Ma,king y'otes .. :pgb.li~,~, . the crown gives Lacey a you possess that makes you stage all dressed up, the pres- ~ 8:45 to l'I am. ' The judges at another hotel and· they re­ lJe~~ .rJ?;.'.th~ ; Miss ..!~ 'e.n · ie~as · stand out?" Lacey was able ' sure was Qffand she j!}st en­ bega" their one-on-one inter­ lall-ed , and . wa:tched parts of · AUSTIN - Texas House members 'reached change reqtii~s ':vqt~ ~ " t<;> .be : fyc.~rd~i(aiid : Y'~l~ 'p'~~ ~ap~ , t~is ','K~ye~~ r: to 'answer that she has faith in joyed the pageant ' ej{peri­ xiews ,with the girls starting the movie We Are Marshall a milestone Jan. 19 and made their business made ' pu~Ji~: witr ' ~:: ~I:{ 'li~ur . qri , tJieJ~~eOi~~ : . lil "Houston, . wIth tier fees ' herSel(a~d is anindependen:t ence! Whitley's favorite part at 2pm and then they' were on while getting ·.their:. m'akeup · ~venmore transparent. The Ho~se approved .' Record' votes alr~a~Y·~ w.~i'e. :!i)oi ~ tb'pi,~ " lhl,!! : auic5tn:atit ally' -p~iii .· She will . person. She stands up by her- of the pageant was answering their own uiltil 6pm when and hair done by Rene. These an amendment to its rules that requires votes ' ses~~on when ~o~s~ '\me~~erS:: fe-~ l~c~~~ . gain great ~xperierice:" ~swell _self and doesn't go with the the one-on-one ,questions t~e they had to be back at tl1e two gjrls even ate Subway to be recorded and made public on the third .their sp~aker. To1J1, C.r~~dl (!~, ,: ,:, _', ' .... ::,:.:, .~ ; : ..: . ~~ ; ~c9 tiir,f ~h~! d~) nf(j.tmat1o~ crowd if sh~ feels it isn ~ t the judges pose<;l in the afternoon auditorium. The competition sandwiches (I,know that if it . reading of a bill. The amendment passed 84 ."This amendment abolishes' ·the .system th'i's:summer"wnen'!ihe travels . rightthing·to do. She enjoyed session. They asked her a lot began at 7pm. I wanted to had been me, I would have · to 57. that . .lets' ,' i~gisla~9ft ~V9i~ ··.)~~iJlg·~ ~,~t;Ji~~ w·.th fVfiss' [ ul'>l:i6Cid )sA 'and 'this part 'of the comp~tition of questions about herself - know what they did in their been way too nervous' - these "Four days into the 80th Legislature, we. stan6~s ' 6i{jtppoi1~rif.i~sqe~ ~y:.r~qii i ~i qg l~~ ~ : tr~ , d!~c~9.·~~ . i~~:~r~~Q ~~ere. . oecnusesne felt that she had goals, aspirations, qualities free time ... did they drive all girls are coo} customers)! · have changed the way the Texa$ .House of..' is~a~o'rs ' t9 :' ~Ubfi(Hr.A~9~~ . ~j~ ' ~r ~~F' Y~t~ · ~~ : soc: will' observe' .Mlss Lub- ' to be"mentally very alert to she has, etc. This is one rea- the way back to Petersburg Once the pageant was un­ Rt;preSentatives does business, ". fr~shman , .. eV,~~m~!lsqre a~-4 , ~~~I ~n" a9?AI~p t~¥; , ~Ji~ ~.~. bOtk'pre pllr'e ' ~nd' colitpete' in. ' 'give 'ananswer quickly, con- son why she loves participat- and pace in their houses, der way: it was all business. Rep. Juan Garcia of Corpus Christl, who pre:- )Tote,s Qn th~ . Intemet. m r.el!.l-..t I.Q1~, .. s~](l q~}'-, . t~~: M ts( "te~~~ 'lisA':' pag- ' Cisety, apd yet present .it 'ing ' in these pageants she driving their families crazy Lacey 'won Miss Congenial­ sented the amendment, told the Victoria Ad- . cia: "Less' tiian half ~f; i:be :'votes f,aken In' the. vocate. '.. eari.t : ~ · .'..... " ... '.' .F •• • . , ' well. Miranda's favorite part said. They have helped her or what? No, the girls and ity as well (as the Evening ~ T~~asH~,us¢ are t~c'or~ed 'id ' ~ ' iria:nner' tha(!~ ·. In past sessions if a citizen wanted to find . ) l!!.eful ~o, th~ puql~c il1 ; dy.t,ermi~~ng.. ~q~~er ' Yg~t' t(f ~p'e-ak l'~r tie gltk" of ihe competition was the become more confident as their families went to hotels Gown cQ1Jlpetition and as'. ~ .~ a~~,", : ~n~YI!iId · .~i1i 1,~~~' J~~(: ~1~hi ~b~~f i , ~o(': Eve9irtg : Gown segment. By . well as make her grow as a in Lubbock where they were mentioned' . abo¥e, .. Miranda ' out how a representative voted on a.particQ- their repr:esentath:es' vo~ed'iri th.~ I~ be~,f ~ft~e~~ . ~ltI!lifiber ~w:~.A*JOII i: $8e(!~eaII!r.()I:vlslt~/!.t . - lar issue they had to jump through hoops and . est. Tpdar~ we m~~e ~.. ~i~t~fy b~~. day J last ' ' answered, the dreaded Bath- . this year was more nerve- hours before the pageant .got the 'Swimsuit segment. When might spend hours researching it. But now the ~emQcrlitic prot:es~ to , ~U:!~~ a~~ . _'.' ; ~ '.!:~: Saturday. Lacey's . favorite iog, Suit .competition· .was wracking for her than lll$t under way. Miranda and her asked if she 'Was nervous .be­ KEY.ONE TONVNfIE11E$ the process should be a· lot easier. The rule . _ . ' , ~ ' ''"_'',,',, part·()f'tlie-·competitioli 'was' ' over (which; by the way, year because she knew what family had a suite and every­ fore going out in front 'of a the : Quest(d ?: .:' ~~~ ~Ari~~we f. .::.: ~iian~a , ,,:,on) and, ti1J1e sud- was coming! .' one just hung out and . large audie).ce ina b~thing MARC'H EXr.IRAtloN;,~ tIS· t ~ :", ~ segment thllt w as ' C'onducted . denly slowed down. She was I asked the girls what the Miranda even watched the see Pageant page 6 .. on ~tage during the page'ane ' able to breathe and enjoy day was like on Saturday.. movie Maid In Manhattan. le]!£ The question posed Lacey being in the pageant. She They started out the day with Lacey, Whitley and their FOR THE PAPER '

~'~V."" ~ A GUARDIAN GREMLIN REPO,RTS FOR DUTY. .~ Rickie Etie Lorenzo Examiner Terri Herrington South Plains Catholic Debbie Robertson Ray Sell . , ,'Two , weeks agq,. lQ accompal1Y me to surgery .. Th.~y . , and went performing their duties. I tal. I am now on the way ttl' a full re- , Church Abernathy Review ·Carmen Diaz this . chiid suddenly w t!~e , hung on the IV stand !I~d stayed., ,told one nurse th /lt he had re~J1y covery. Froggy now floats dejectedly ; . High Plains Water Walter Driver fo~nd I . was experi- with me during my entire hospital . wanted to go with me to surgery, 'but along the ceiling in my den, ' no : ~_~; 21"~ :.~"M.. fjC ~;,_ IiiIjI ~ _~""r.~ . ;miU2~~tof.f!ii l ~i1 _"2I31I" ~Cili Wiih ...... cIi.D,flpriaii k - encing a potentially stay. These little dolls have accompa­ they could not find a pair of surgical longer in a position to be something 'eesmcooi7 serious . health everit. nied me to other hospital stays as scrubbs big enough around and no more .than just an air filled -balloon ~ ...... ~. ~ ...... : In a very short time .I · well-. Well, anyway First Wife re­ cap that had a place for the eyes on and slowly losing this capabilitY each ~L:.::::'::':'':''::':'~ found myself 'in an minded me of this as I was going to top of the . c day as the gas gradually esc ~pes . But , DAYL.I6.Hi ~AVIN6.~ TIMf,~iA~T~ THI~~UNDAY THE PAPER 'EMS vehicle on th~ '-way. ,to . local. surgery, but it was too late for my Every night while in ,the hospital I just like my iittle dolls, Froggy had YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION RATE :emergency room, It wa~ dete{R1irred. ' little companions to go with me. would be awakened by the nurses as his .day iti the sun., He brought a ray $ 25.00 IN HALE' COUNTY ,there that local hospit,a\- ,does 'not ;yet The surgery went welJ'and I was they ~ame for blood samples and . JeYity to a rather s.omber. situation ~ $30.00 OUT OF HALE CO.uNlY .' :have the facility or capability to .do soon back into my room for recovery. other errands. Froggy always man­ . ..~ Who could ask for allytliing :more? o RENEWAL o NEW SUBSCRIPitON :the procedure that I iieeded: ·Once . I had been back ,in the room only a Ilged to make a scraping sound as he I ,. <1, .: : -NOTE; Last week-' was tlie firSt NAME: ______-.---___...... ,.....;.,...... ;:-; .: : " """ : ·more I-found myself in an ambulance short time when my grandson came inched along the ceiling, causing on time in tw~·niy .; years, {' haublication No-- USPS 602-240 ISSN-I050-5 113 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR will be accepted on a space available basiS, solely at the discretion of the Petersburg, Texas 79250 POST MASTER send address corrections to THE PAPER Po Box 64 Petersburg, Editor. Letters need to be no more than 150 words, author can submit no' more than j per month. Petersburg Elementary spring musical program will. be on 806-667-0581 Editor reserves the right to edit leiters for darity, grammar or overall length. All letters must .i!e signed Tuesday, May 1st, at 7:00 pm Texas 79250. John and Katheri ne Gicante, Publishers 806-776-0581 and have a phone number for verification. Names and.cit y of location ",III be publishedwlth letter. THANK YOU, ,. •.. How To Contact Us ANNOUNCEMENTS We welcome wedding, engagement, anniversary an~ birth .announcements on a COMMUNITY BILLBOARD SPONSORED . BY [email protected] . kat@th~paperweb.com (806)-667-0581 fax (806)-667-0581 (call first) space-available basis. Information and pictures must be In our office'by Monday nights. i Owner/Editor: Kat Gicante [email protected] www.securit,-banlLclm www.thepaperweb.com. . • DEADLINE FOR NEWS AND ADS IS TUESDAY AT NOO'N 'Owner!Adve rtising: Joh~ Gicante [email protected] . " . ." HOUSING •runrn '. ' .41 : • ••• 1 •••• • < •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• ~

~ .' THE pAPER ELEMEN1:ARY "A'; HONOR:llQLL '! Lo9P'Track' 3RD GRADE 4TH GRADE Emily Moralez '" ElizabethNesler , Saturday '~arph 3"'. the Bliffalo Jr. High ' Brett Hedden Zack Byrd Ryan Smith " ' " ... Paige 'Nichols 6TH ';, Ramsey ,and ' High School! l)'ack Teams ,started the ~;;'! Marcos llinojos STHGRADE GlUD'E ~ T~'?"-Reese Re'agan Ramsey . .. 2007 seaspn with a whidwind of success. 1600 I1l: Riljf ~,~ :! Makenna Etie ' Zane Byrd Both teams ~ad outstanding performances. - Place 400.m'Rulf';; :~ 'Easton Gutierre Tori Jones , The young men had to endure,- coldtempera~ Vir~!,yRodrlg~ez - Ji!l')?iac.e ~~O m _R~la~ " ; tures, gusty winds, anq blowifig sand. The SJevep, Pig~te~~f~;~~!-~~a~;. ;1.tJ~,~: ~~~¥,,>! ELEMENTARY "A- B" HONOR:- ROLL end results of many ribbons, medals, a~d 1st Pl!l~e 800 m ' Rela:-Y ; 'J:: ~ll!.(;~ ~QVg:tUJlllf ,'! Two Team Championships made braving the ' ':': ,- ,; .~':': :",(pS: Bbts ~c, .. ;';.'~~:~.: ,!";;":;';"'-:, : 3RD GRADE 4TH GRADE Christopher Sharples Rage Richardson weather seem like a small price to pay. . EricSanchez -,:,:'2~ ·Yia£e' 320q~ni:it'tltj.. .,""!:: .: Jared Cantu Brett LaBadie Todd Smith KrystaJ Rodriguez , '-Coach Pearce 1st Placi i60~0:Pi :R~n :::;~ ,"E:;:::... :~::: " Avel Castillo Andres Reyes Milena Valencia BrYaden Salas , JH Boys ' , Ja~;ob Sillaz~r ; '::' 6Ih::P i~ce 320Q·,m.it~:::;::: : th th Morgan Marquez Sth GRADE 6TH GRADE Gilbert Salas _5 Place 100 ri1 Dash, 6 ~lac~, j 60Q' rt1: RUfi~,.:.~~::~~';~(~~:;:~:::;:::' : nd nd 'Makenzie Ramos Ricardo Ortiz Becky Guerrer~ , 2 Place Shot Put, 2 Place Discus AdaOi Mirel~s ' ;- ' 2ndp ia~(8QO~rtirrU9"'::;~" ,<' st Ariana Silva Marissa Ramirez Rance Mayfield Kearby Garza _ 1 Place Shot Put, ' sth Place,400 n1 , Dash ~:':::::::':;:::::-':::'::;::;::::-~:">'::< nd Elementary "A",

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