May 22, 2015 – 4, 5775 Flamingo E Weekly 622641 Erev Parshat Bamidbar/Chag . Avot Chapter 6. Yizkor may only be lit anytime from 7:09 pm onwards, until: 8:24 pm Shabbat ends: 9:35 pm. Yom-Tov ends: 9:37pm The Family Shul Wishes You a Sunny Shabbat Shalom & Chag Sameach

Shavuot Holiday Weekend Schedule Friday, May 22. Shabbat (Saturday), May 23 Sunday, 5/24. Shavuot Day 1 Monday, 5/25. Shavuot Day 2 6:30 am Maamer Moment 8:30 am The Chassidic Reader 9:15 am Shacharit Services 9:15am Shacharit Services 6:40 am Early Minyan 9:15 am Shacharit Services 10:30 am All Youth Programs Kids 9:30 am Youth Minyan 7:00 am Regular Minyan 9:30 am Parents n’ Kids Youth Ice Cream Party following 10:30 am All Youth Programs 6:30 pm Early Mincha, Minyan the ! 11:45 am Yizkor Service Sefer HaMitzvot 10:30 am All Youth Programs 10:45 am The Ten Commandments 7:30 pm Mincha Service Express and 8:20 pm Mincha Service followed 12:30 pm Grand Dairy 7:50 pm ‘Holiday Closing’ Shabbat Insights by S”Sh in Song & Study 8:30 pm Mincha Service followed 9:30 pm Ma’ariv, followed by followed by 9:30 pm Yom-Tov Ma’ariv by Sefer HaMitzvot, and & the Living Torah Video! Kabbalat Shabbat! 11:59 pm Late Night Learning! Guest Holiday Lecture, 9:30 pm Yom-Tov Ma’ariv Kiddush Honours: Kiddush Honours: Kiddush Honours: The Maged Family A Kiddush Cartel Available Women’s Mikvah: Women’s Mikvah: Women’s Mikvah: Women’s Mikvah: by appt. only by appt. only by appt. only 10:15pm – 12:00am

Get Into the Groom – Today, Friday, May 22 is only the 48th day of the Omer, but it’s the last weekday before Shavuot arrives, so we have to do all the prep one day earlier for this special Chag (a Biblically-mandated Holy Day). Jewish tradition ordains that we groom ourselves - this includes styling or cutting our hair and nails and, if possible, buying new clothing or jewelry. It’s also customary to decorate our homes with fresh flowers. Many men also perform some extra “spiritual grooming” by immersing in the Mikvah. It’s free for Family Shul members, and non-members are welcome to use it with a minimum donation of $10. Shul members who aren’t familiar with our Mikvah procedures can contact Rabbi Yossi. And don't forget to bring a towel!

Weathering Shavuot – Tonight is the start of a three day continuum of holiness beginning with Shabbat Kodesh. Because it immediately precedes the Festival of Shavuot, this Shabbat serves as a day of spiritual preparation for the special celebration and observances. Although the weather has been fluctuating, we’re expecting the most beautiful weather for Shabbat and the first day of Shavuot. This sunny weather will help put us into the holiday spirit and enhance this unique weekend, so we hope you can join us, especially on Sunday morning, the first day of Yom-Tov. The Shabbat Kiddush is sponsored by Ian & Sara Maged in honour of Ian and Benji’s birthdays! Note: the regular Seudah Shlisheet at Shul will be observed with the usual arrangement of Song & Study only; they’ll be no food afterwards, so be sure to eat your third Shabbat meal before Mincha which begins late at 8:20 pm. Note further that absolutely no preparations for Yom-Tov should be made until after 9:35 pm.

Champion Daveners – Kids Alert! Get into the Shavuot holiday spirit by attending our exciting 9:30 am Shabbat Morning Youth Minyan, and be sure to be on time for your chance to win big! In honour of Shavuot, the Top Daveners will get a chance to win up to 50 points! Be there from the beginning to give yourself a head start to win the most points which will be entered into Rabbi Avrumi’s RPS (Reward Points System) that’s always full of surprises. Parents Alert! Please participate with your children to make the most of your Family Shul. This Shabbat also primes us for the celebration of Matan Torah and a big event where your children play a major role (see below). There’s no better time to ensure their joyous involvement in Yiddishkeit than doing it together with them!

Some Assembly Required – At 10:30 am, the fun begins at the Children’s Program with circle time, age-appropriate Davening, refreshments, and entertaining learning and games. We’ll enjoy the beautiful weather by going outside for some fun outdoor activities! To help the children appreciate this week’s Torah portion which talks about the census count and how our ancestors schlepped through the desert, we’ll play games like Ba-Mid-Bar and The Syllable Game. We’ll also be playing some fun Parsha Trivia for all age groups where we learn about The Mishkan (the traveling ) that we assembled and disassembled on each desert journey! As usual, all the children are invited to help lead the entire congregation in singing of Ein Kelokeinu in the Main Sanctuary. Mazal Tov to Mensch of the Week: Batya Nachim!

TLS With Some TLC – On the first night of Shavuot, everyone’s invited to participate in a spiritual SNL also known as Tikkun Leil Shavuot (TLS), where we stay awake studying Torah to prepare for a special Soulware Upgrade that can be obtained the next morning during Kriyat HaTorah. This will be a memorable night of education, inspiration and spiritual enrichment for parents and children. While we'd love for you to join us, we remind you that it’s more important to attend Shul the next morning, so please come only if you’re sure you can also attend the next day after just a couple of hours of sleep! The late night learning will begin Motzai Shabbat (Saturday night), May 23, at 11:59 pm. Delicious (age-appropriate) refreshments will be served, along with plenty of strong coffee! All of the refreshments have been anonymously sponsored by a dear Shul member to honour the memory and elevate the Neshama of his late brother Eliazar ben Gershon and for the merit of a Refu’ah Sh'leimah for all of the Cholim in our community. As advertised, Rabbi Kaplan will lead a frank and open Q & A Session for Adults, responding to the questions that were submitted. The session concludes at daybreak: 3:51 am. Our Youth Minyan Leader, Rabbi Avrumi will lead the Youth Sessions in an exciting roster of learning opportunities that runs from 12 to 2 am. We hope to see all the young Flamingo’ers there, but remind you that staying up late at night should never be an excuse for missing Shul the next morning! Note: the Youth Minyan is canceled due to the late-night programming.

Remember the Future at Sinai – Shavuot Morning is one of the best times of the year to re-energize your commitment to and enhance your personal relationship with G-d. According to the Midrash, attending Shul and listening to the Asesret HaDibrot – the 10 Commandments on the first day of Shavuot is extremely important because it simulates that G-d is giving us the Torah all over again, as our listening to the reading of this passage on this day literally mirrors our ancestors’ receiving the gift of Torah at Mount Sinai. Since our sages teach that G-d agreed to give us the Torah only if our children would be our guarantors, we need lots of children to participate! Therefore, please help us by bringing as many children (and adults) as you can, and try to arrive no later than 10:30 am. Our exciting special kids’ holiday program (see below) includes a Delicious Ice Cream Party immediately following the Torah reading. It will be on a Sunday so there’s no excuse not to be there! Please participate with your family and friends to get the freshest installment of spiritual Jewish empowerment, version 3.327!

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for … Shavuot! – Beginning at 10:30 am, the Children’s Holiday Program takes off! We'll explore the story of Matan Torah, where our entire nation stood at Mount Sinai while G-d proclaimed the Ten Commandments! Moses then became G-d’s disciple, learning all the commandments and the proper meaning of the Torah which was to be handed down eternally from generation to generation. The program will break for the Torah reading, at which point all the children will enter the main sanctuary to hear the Aseret Hadibrot being read, followed by an Ice Cream Party that will include lots of educational, fun holiday games! Afterwards, the children will then return to the main sanctuary to participate in Birchat Kohanim and in leading the congregation in singing Ein Kelokeinu. Smile and Say “Cheese”! – Following our holiday Musaf services, all are invited to join us for a Super-Lavish Grand Traditional Shavuot Dairy Kiddush Luncheon in our beautiful ballroom. Parents and children will enjoy this special holiday meal together that includes some amazing cheesecakes baked this week by our ladies - Yasher Koach! The Kiddush has been sponsored by a group of ten devoted Shul families including: David Hirsch, Derek & Leanne Segall, Brad & Annie Sugar, Malcolm & Tilda Roll, Jonathan & Rene Goldman along with five other families who have chosen to remain anonymous. On behalf of the entire congregation, we extend our sincerest thanks to all the sponsors who have enabled this once-a-year luncheon to happen! May the Zechut bring them all many blessings!

(We’ll) Just Do It. – The Youth Minyan happens on the second day of Shavuot. Please be on time because the second day means double points for everything! The sooner you arrive, the more points you can collect for great prizes, so be there on time at 9:30 am! The Children's Program for day 2 is also on and fully loaded for fun! The educational fun and games begin at 10:30 am with circle time that focuses on how Mount Sinai is a historic fact that involved several million living witnesses, and the idea that all the Jewish souls that were someday to live on planet Earth were actually there! The children will also learn about how our ancestors committed themselves by solemnly proclaimed Na’aseh v'Nishma - we shall do and learn, forging an eternal covenant with Hashem. All the children will go to the main sanctuary to participate in Birchat Kohanim and then ascend the Bima to lead the entire congregation in singing Ein Kelokeinu! Greetings from Gan Eden – Services begin on the second day of Shavuot as usual at 9:15 am. At about 11:45 am, Yizkor, the Memorial Service, will be communally recited by those whose parents are no longer with us in this terrestrial world, having moved on to their eternal rewards. It's a sacred tradition that on every Yom Tov, we take the time to remember and connect with our loved ones who now reside in Gan Eden. We resolve to carry on their memories and to bring them Nachas by pledging to give , as well as by intensifying our observance of Mitzvot and committing to increased Torah Study: all of this is intended to demonstrate our fresher and greater dedication to Yiddishkeit. The Congregational Kiddush following services has not been sponsored to sponsor please contact Rabbi Yossi. Farbrengen? Far Out! – As the holiday draws to a close on Monday evening, please join us for a 7:30 pm Mincha, followed by a special holiday-closing Farbrengen. This traditional and inspirational gathering will provide nourishment for your mind, body, and soul, with a generous helping of tasty treats accompanied by plentiful L’Chaims to conclude Shavuot and commemorating the Yahrtzeit-Hilulas of both King David and the Ba’al Shem Tov. The Farbrengen is sponsored by our dear Shul members Issie & Illana Birman on the occasion of Issie’s completion of the recitation of Kaddish for his mother on that very day during the Mincha service.

Post-Shavuot Weekday Schedule Tuesday, May 26 Wednesday, May 27 Thursday, May 28 6:30 am Parsha Perspectives 6:30 am Parsha Perspectives 6:30 am Parsha Perspectives 6:40 am Early Minyan 6:40 am Early Minyan 6:35 am Early Minyan 7:00 am Regular Minyan 7:00 am Regular Minyan 7:00 am Regular Minyan 7:30 pm Mincha and Sefer 10:30 am Annual Golf Tournament! 7:30 pm Mincha and Sefer HaMitzvot Express 7:30 pm Mincha and Sefer HaMitzvot Express 7:55 pm Ma’ariv HaMitzvot Express 7:55 pm Ma’ariv 8:30 pm Haftorah Hyperlinks! 7:55 pm Ma’ariv 8:05 pm Men’s Chavruta 8:30 pm Studies Women’s Mikvah Women’s Mikvah Women’s Mikvah 8:30 - 10:30 pm 8:30 - 10:30 pm 8:30 - 10:30 pm

The Avengers: Age of Shavuot – Immediately following the celebration of Shavuot and the anniversary of our receiving the Torah, we should return to regular Torah study classes with greater zeal. You may begin on Tuesday morning with an insightful edition of Parsha Perspectives at 6:30 am, or join us later that evening for Mincha that is followed by our Sefer HaMitzvot Express. However, most importantly at 8:30 pm, everyone is invited and urged to join us for another fascinating Haftorah Hyperlinks lecture. Learn all about the amazing circumstances that precipitated the birth of Samson, who was ordained from heaven to become a lifetime Nazirite and become the mightiest defender our people have ever known. This Haftorah naturally links to the Torah portion because Parshat Naso discusses (amongst many other things) the laws of the Nazirite, yet there are profoundly deeper connections to the entire Parsha that contain some surprising life lessons. Channel your Shavuot inspiration into this practical personal project and attend an intriguing lecture about the dramatic story of a childless couple from the Tribe of Dan who meet an angel and find their lives turned inside out! You'll be amazed by the story of their repeated meetings that concludes with the angel ascending heavenward in a sacrificial flame and ends with the birth of the “Jewish Rambo”. For a taste of what this class will be like, visit our website to watch Rabbi Kaplan's most surprising Haftorah Hyperlinks to date about the prophet who fell in love with a prostitute! Watch the video and be amazed by one of the strangest Biblical stories of all time!

Trotting off To Tottenham– Join the party with us this Wednesday, May 27 for our one-of-a-kind annual Charity Golf Event! If you haven’t signed up yet, there are still a handful of spaces left! Reserve NOW to join us at the beautiful Woodington Lakes Golf Club in Tottenham, Ontario. But you must reserve no later than Friday, May 22 at 12 noon. Whether you golf regularly or participate in this tournament only once a year, the awesome greens, great golf and loads of fun perks will delight, inspire and entertain you. The Baruch Kotton Memorial Tefillin Classic promises to be an incredible and memorable day of kosher fun, rejuvenation and inspiration! We thank the many players who have already signed up, our generous sponsors and the many individuals who have contributed towards making this milestone event a reality.

This BMC Has Some VIPs – This Thursday, our Bat Mitzvah Club girls will be graduating and celebrating the achievement of reaching this very important Jewish milestone in their lives together. Over 450 members of their families, close friends and well-wishers for this incredible group of 32 girls will gather to hear them deliver Divrie Torah in the main sanctuary, and then enjoy a lavish celebratory dinner in our stunning ballroom. Kudos to our dynamic BMC instructor Rebbetzin Goldy Grossbaum for yet another great year of education, inspiration and motivation for our girls. We know that the many important lessons they have learned will accompany them on their continued journey into Jewish womanhood with verve, exuberance and joy. Parents who have a soon-to-be Bat Mitzvah age daughter (or granddaughter), are encouraged to register them immediately, because for the past three years, we’ve filled all the available spaces, and many girls ended up on a waiting list! So call the BMC ASAP so your daughter will soon be a VIP - with the Bat Mitzvah gift that lasts a lifetime!

Get Sharp: Get Talmud – By a remarkable stroke of divine design for Shavuot, last week our Thursday Talmud Class finally completed (after many years) the study of Tractate Berachot! On Thursday, May 28, we’ll be beginning a brand-new ancient book. The entire community is invited to join us for our unique Talmud Studies as we start learning Tractate Shabbat. Our studies of this new Masechet will begin this week with the second chapter that discusses the mitzvah of lighting Shabbat candles to honour the holiest day of the week. Discover the meaning and purpose of kindling the special lights and gain a newfound appreciation for this unique time- honoured Jewish practice. The class is open to both men and women – there’s no better time to make Talmud study a part of your weekly schedule. For centuries, the Talmud has represented the ultimate in Jewish scholarship and discussion, so every educated Jew really owes it to themselves to discover this thoughtful reservoir of extraordinary knowledge and its unparalleled analytical methodology that has sharpened Jewish minds for nearly two millennia!

GoodFellas, Good Gala – The planning for our Annual Gala is well underway! The stunning invitations have all been mailed out. And the responses are starting to come in! If you haven't received yours, please call our office and we’ll be sure to send you another. Ads for the Souvenir Journal have also started to arrive – they’re the perfect annual opportunity to express your gratitude or honour someone in our community in a beautiful and respectful way. For the Gala itself, we’re hoping to sell out and also hope that you’ll take part in that by joining us to show your support for our Shul and honour an exceptional group of honourees, all of whom are Defending our Freedoms. Please purchase your tickets this week and save the date of Monday, Sivan 28/June 15, 2015 to attend this memorable evening. Even if you can’t afford to attend, please help us organize a memorable event that showcases our Shul to the broader community. On Wednesday, May 27th at 8 pm, we’ll be holding another Gala Dinner Committee Meeting. Everyone is invited to attend and get involved in selling ads and seats to make this Gala the best one yet!

Meet Ten Holy Brothers– Working with ’s Terror Victims Project of Israel, we’re proud to host an amazing group of Giborai Yisrael who were seriously wounded in Gaza and are only now in varying stages of completing their rehabilitation. We aim to bring some rays of joy to these young Israelis who have suffered so much defending Israel by giving them the trip of a lifetime. They are scheduled to arrive in Toronto on July 7 and will be staying one week. We’re holding a special community-wide to honour them, and need volunteers to help arrange and execute this project. To help out, please contact Shul members Sari Bachar ([email protected]) or Greg ([email protected]). Here’s this week’s bio profile: Adiel L. is a 21-years old man from Kiryat Ata. He was injured on July 28, 2014. During the destruction of four terrorist tunnels during the Gaza War, Adiel and his unit discovered a cement plant used to manufacture concrete for the tunnels. During the demolition of the plant, a wall fell onto an electric pole creating a short circuit and a fire that struck Ariel’s bulldozer; this caused severe burns to his arms and hands. He was evacuated to the Israeli border and then airlifted by helicopter to the burn ward in Tel Hashomer Hospital. Adiel remained in a coma for 11 days and underwent eight surgeries and skin grafts. He is still in rehabilitation and expects to undergo a series of treatments for another two years.

A Soulful Convention – This year, Gimmel , our beloved Rebbe’s Yahrtzeit-Hilula falls on Shabbat Parshat Korach (June 20). Thousands of Jewish people will travel from six continents to spend this very special Shabbat in close proximity to the Ohel, the Rebbe’s sacred resting site. Due to the weaker Canadian dollar and the drop in gas prices, we will be making the round-trip travel and lodging arrangements on a luxurious RV – and lodging for Shabbat in it. We’ll leave Toronto Thursday, June 18 and spend the night at the beautiful campus of Chabad SUNY in Binghamton New York. The next day we will continue our trek down and arrive in Queens, New York to settle in for Shabbat. After an incredibly spiritual Shabbat that will include writing letters into our community’s nearly finished new on Sunday morning (June 21), we’ll return directly to Toronto. All meals and snacks as well as travel and accommodations will be included for one price. For more information about this memorable opportunity, please contact Rabbi Kaplan.

Family Shul Members Bulletin • Mazal Tov to Gera and Ronit Birk upon the recent marriage of their daughter Natalie! • Heartfelt condolences are extended to our dear member Bernard Lapedus upon the loss of his sister.

• Golden Girls Club (for senior ladies, 70+) – I'm so happy to be involved with this special group of people, and I invite anybody in this age bracket from our Shul community to please join us at 50 Faye Court from 12:30 to 2pm for inspirational words, entertainment and a hot lunch, all at no charge! Rides are available. Event dates are: Monday, June 1, Monday, June 15, and Monday, June 29. Email [email protected] or call (905) 731-7315. Thank you, Sharon Adler

Please let our office know about your family’s school graduation and awards. Please provide the names of your children graduating from elementary, middle or high school, or university and post-degree programs; and particularly, studies at a Yeshiva or in Israel. Please include details of scholarships, contest wins, special achievements, and awards as we would like to have the opportunity to share the good news and congratulations in this Shul Members Bulletin in the weeks ahead!

E-Weekly Sponsor - Norman the Real Estate Man (only 0.5% commission) – I’m a devoted member of the Jewish community who is committed to providing excellent, individualized customer service at a reasonable cost. Special offer: I’ll charge 0.5% commission on the listing side of residential home sales when representing sellers on home purchase. – Norman Wercberger, Sales Rep, Gold Realty Ltd. Off 416 477-5959, cell 416 457-6526, [email protected],

Chabad Flamingo| 8001 Bathurst Street | Thornhill, Ontario L4J 8L5 | Phone: (905) 763-4040| Fax: (905) 763-3470 Copyright © 2015 Chabad Flamingo, All rights reserved.