Morning Wrap

Today ’s Newsflow Equity Research 29 Jan 2021 08:48 GMT Upcoming Events Select headline to navigate to article

Irish Economic View Sharp recovery in the mortgage Company Events market 29-Jan Paragon Banking Group; Q121 Trading Update 01-Feb Ryanair; Q321 Results Irish Mortgage drawdowns in Q4 and approvals data helpful for the banks Irish Banks Reports that PTSB has hired advisors to consider Ulster SME book Paragon Banking Group 1Q21 results, strong pipeline & significant capital generation Kerry Group Givaudan deliver in-line FY20 results

Economic Events Ireland

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Goodbody Stockbrokers UC, trading as “Goodbody”, is regulated by the Central . In the UK, Goodbody is authorised and subject to limited regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority. Goodbody is a member of and the Stock Exchange. Goodbody is a member of the FEXCO group of companies. For the attention of US clients of Goodbody Securities Inc, this third-party research report has been produced by our affiliate, Goodbody Stockbrokers Goodbody Morning Wrap

Irish Economic View Sharp recovery in the mortgage market

First-time buyers led the rebound in the mortgage market in the second half of 2020 and Dermot O’Leary contributed to a much better performance than expected. Mortgage approvals for house +353-1-641 9167 [email protected] purchase grew by 36% yoy in December, with first-time buyers (FTB) leading the way (+40% yoy) in December. Mortgage approvals for mover-purchasers also grew strongly (+31% yoy). Having been down by 58% yoy in Q2, mortgage approvals for house purchase staged a remarkable rebound in the second half of the year. The 27% yoy increase in Q4 is the largest since 2017 and points to further pent-up demand for house purchase.

Mortgage drawdown data were also published this morning, pointing to a much better than expected performance in Q4 2020. The volume of drawdowns fell by just 1% yoy in Q4, relative to a 31% yoy decline in Q3. By property type, the second-hand market outperformed (+7% yoy). FTBs led this trend, with the largest number of mortgages drawn down on second-hand homes in fifteen years in Q4. Drawdowns for the full year finished at €8.4bn (-12% yoy). The combination of this better outturn and the stronger momentum in approvals leads us to upgrade our forecast this morning

Like in other geographies, the pandemic has acted as a trigger for action to get on the housing ladder among those whose income situation has been relatively unaffected. While the current lockdown may delay completions somewhat, the surge in mortgage approvals in Q4 points to significant pent-up demand.


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Page 2 29 Jan. 21 Goodbody Morning Wrap

Irish Banks Mortgage drawdowns in Q4 and approvals data helpful for the banks

Our economist sent out an email earlier on the Q4 drawdowns and December approvals data Eamonn Hughes published by the BPFI this morning. To recap, mortgage drawdowns came in at €2.95bn in +353-1-641 9442 Q420, up 7% yoy, bringing the 2020 total to €8.365bn. Also, approvals for December rose [email protected] by a strong +40% yoy, which brings the overall Q4 approvals growth rate to +31% yoy. As Barry Egan our economist said, the strong Q4 outturn means 2020 mortgage drawdowns were 4-5% +353-1-641 6059 ahead of our expectations, so we are also raising our 2021 mortgage lending forecast from [email protected] €9.0bn to €9.7bn, a rise of +8%, and raising 2022 by €0.5bn to €10.8bn.

Against the backdrop of the Q1 lockdowns, this is good news for the banks. It

highlights that Q4 finished well on new lending and approvals, providing good opening momentum into 2021 and possibly providing some offsets to the Q1 lockdown induced weakness. We published on the banks on Monday in which we held the line on forecasts even against the backdown of what is going on in Q1 and the mortgage data further supplements that stance, indeed, maybe provides some upside. Simplistically, mortgage lending was €0.4bn higher than expected in 2020, is raised by €0.7bn in 2021 and +€0.5bn in 2022 – a cumulative increase of c.€1.5bn by end 2022. Split that c.30% for AIB, c.25% for BOI and c.15% for PTSB based on current market shares and that’s roughly new lending cumulative increases of €0.5bn, €0.4bn and €0.25bn respectively by FY22. Let’s say ballpark 2% spreads on that lending, so that equates to potential income uplifts of €9m for AIB, €8m for BOI and €4.5m for PTSB for FY22, which is +1.4%, +1.1% and +14% respectively of our current pretax profit forecasts. So, maybe some additional comfort on forecasts ahead of FY20 results in 4 weeks’ time. After this week’s volatility, AIB is now trading on 6.8x FY23 earnings, though just 5.5x stripping out excess CET1, whilst BOI is on 5.8x compared with the sector on 9x. So undemanding multiples and maybe a bit of reassurance on forecasts against all the Q1 lockdown concerns.


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Page 3 29 Jan. 21 Goodbody Morning Wrap

Irish Banks Reports that PTSB has hired advisors to consider Ulster Bank SME book

In another development on the Ulster Bank saga, the Irish Times this morning breaks the Eamonn Hughes story that PTSB has hired advisors to support it on a potential bid for Ulster Bank’s SME +353-1-641 9442 portfolio. However, the article suggests that it is not clear how much of the Ulster Bank [email protected] commercial book that PTSB has its eye on given the full commercial book incorporates Barry Egan property, corporate and asset finance loans in addition to SME loans. +353-1-641 6059 [email protected] The total commercial book is €4-5bn, but our best guess is that the SME part is half of that. In our view, this is well within the capital and liquidity capacity of PTSB’s

existing balance sheet (helped by the BTL disposal back in October) given it has

excess liquidity and CET1 end December estimated at 14.6%. However, the story also provides further evidence of the likely winddown scenario playing out for UB and comes after the story last weekend that Natwest was sounding out the main local banks on the mortgage book. As we have been noting for some time, a possible winddown scenario could see Natwest keep the corporate book, PTSB take the SME book (AIB & BOI would likely be restricted) and swathes of the mortgage book could be sold/securitised (tracker book for example) or picked up by one of the main banks.

Elsewhere, the Irish Times reports that company filings show that the Irish banks have committed an initial €5.9m of capital to their instant money transfer app joint venture. The JV hit a regulatory snag recently when the application to the CCPC (Competition and Consumer Protection Commission) didn’t provide sufficient information, so a new application is required which may delay timing a little (if and when approval is received).

The intention is that the app will allow the banks to compete with the likes of Revolut and N26 and we find it interesting that it comes just as the banks here have been nudging up fees for customers on free banking given the low rate environment and excess liquidity (FT runs a story today on the coming squeeze on free banking in UK market).


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Page 4 29 Jan. 21 Goodbody Morning Wrap

Paragon Banking Group 1Q21 results, strong pipeline & significant capital generation

Paragon Banking Group (PAG) published a 1Q21 trading update this morning to end-December Recommendation: Buy which reads encouragingly on several fronts. Consistent with previous PAG trading updates, Closing Price: £4.55 we don’t get any update on financial performance with the exception of a reference to stable asset quality. The main callouts were: i) On lending activity, net loans remained broadly in line John Cronin +353-1-641 9187 with FY20 numbers. Specialist buy-to-let volumes have remained robust during 1Q21 given [email protected] the backdrop, reaching £298.7m down 27% y/y, albeit PAG flagged that this was “reflective of the lagged impacts of the first lockdown on our pipeline and market wide challenges facing

the execution of housing transactions.” Total advances decreased 24% y/y in 1Q21 to £521.8 (split £304.1 in Mortgages and £217.7m in Commercial); ii) Despite this, the pipeline for BTL boasted growth of 15% on a y/y basis to £966.8m, with the expectation to convert at a faster rate over the coming quarter, given the concentration of completions arising from the stamp duty changes which impact from the end of March 2021. Furthermore, redemptions reduced by 21.5% to £169.2m, and continue to reduce and remain near historic lows; iii) Pipeline for the commercial segment remained ahead of 1Q20 numbers, aided by benefits of lending as part of the CBILS and BBLS schemes ; iv) Deposits were up c.9% y/y to £8.6bn; v) Arrears levels were broadly similar to those reported at FY20 and new take-up on payment holidays remained low; vi) PAG did exceptional on capital and generated 80bps of CET1 in the quarter, with the ratio standing at a very strong 15.1% at end-1Q21 (up from 14.3% at end-FY20). The beat here was calling its PM15 securitisation in December, which resulted in a favourable fair value position, reducing RWAs and enhancing capital; vii) PAG continues to engage with the PRA on Paragon's IRB application for its BTL book, with phase two of the process on the way.

Overall, another solid set of results from PAG, pipeline for 2Q20 is very strong, consist with recent record levels of approvals data recorded from the BoE in October & November. PAG generated a large amount of capital in the quarter, with the ratio now far above regulatory requirements at 15.1%.


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Kerry Group Givaudan deliver in-line FY20 results

Givaudan reported 2020 results this morning with sales broadly in-line with expectations Recommendation: Buy driven by household/personal care products and snack sales. 2020 sales of CHF 6.32 billion Closing Price: €113.90 (consensus CHF 6.35 billion), grew 4.0% LFL with high growth markets (up 7.4% LFL). For 2020, EBITDA of CHF 1,397 million (consensus CHF 1.4bn) was up 9.6% YoY. On a Jason Molins +353-1-641 9141 comparable basis, EBITDA margin also increased to 22.8% from 21.5% in 2019. [email protected]

Within the Taste and Wellbeing division (main read-across for Kerry) sales increased 2.8%

LFL in 2020 driven by packaged foods, savoury, snacks and nutraceuticals. Q4 sales were up 2.1% LFL. The pandemic impacted demand in Food service and out-of-home food consumption categories through the year. Beverages, dairy, sweet goods, savoury and snacks drove positive sales growth due to increased demand for centre of store foods.

Kerry is due to reports its FY20 results on February 16th, and we would expect the business to deliver a more muted relative performance to Givaudan given its weighting to the Foodservice channel (c.30% of T&N revenue). That said, for the upcoming results of note for Kerry will be its Q4 outturn, given the expectation of a return in volume growth for the T&N division (GBY Q4f +c.0.5%, Q3 -1.9%, Q2 - 11.8%). Also of interest will be any further news on the speculation surrounding the potential joint venture agreement with Kerry Co-op.


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