INTS19851026 Llangollen

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INTS19851026 Llangollen LLANGOLLEN INTERNATIONAL SLALOM RESULTS SATURDAY 26th OCTOBER 1985 • British Canoe Union Flexel House. 45·47 High Street, Addlestone, Weybridge, Surrey KT151JV Registered in England as a company limited by guarantee withoul a share capital, Reg. No. 1525484 LLANGOLLEN INTERNATIONAL SLALOH 1985 Short Course International - Thurs~ay 24th October ======================================-------====- Karak Men ·- Youth P-L-A-C--E --NA--M-E --------------------CO-U-N--TR-Y- ---F-IR--ST- --------SE-C-O-N-D- ------B-E-S · ·1 , Ian Raspin England Retired O 137 137 137 2 Shaun Pearce England O 142 142 O 143 143 142 3 • Gair Outhwaite England 10 145 155 0 145 145 145 . 4 Leighton Morris Wales (I 149 149 0 149 149 149 ·5 Sean James England 15 .146 161 5 148 1:53 15:5 6. Jeroen Crevecouer Holland O 153 153 O 158 158 153 7 Steven Ch,-.mberlain England O 154 154 5 15:3 158 154 8 Anthony Legg England O 154 154 20 1661186 154 9 Allen Roberts Wales 55 158 213 10 144 154 154 10 Oan·en Jones England 60 150 210 10 146 156 156 11 Jergen Rautio Sweden 15 141 156 5 151 156 156 12 Sander Van Kuyl Holland 10 150 160 0 158 158 158 13 Michae\. Wharton England O 159 159 5 156 161 159 14 Patrick Rogers England 25 150 175 10 150 160 160 15 Matthew Stevens England 5 157 162 1(1 157 167 162 16 Neil Harrison E~gland 10 162 172 10 154 164 164 17 Jasper Eliassen Sweden 15 149 164 60 152 212 164 18· Greg Davi,-?s Wales 20 155 :175 5 160 165 165 19 Phillip Lawrence England 10 175 185 5 163 168 168 20 Jakob Schneider England 15 163 178 10 161 171 171 21 Andrew Fuller England 65 194 259 5 173 178 178 22 Urban Sagnell Sweden 80 156 236 20 170 190 190 23 · Andy Raspin England Gapsized Scratch canadtan C1 P-L-A--CE- --NA-M-E- ------------·-------C-O-U-N-T-R-Y- ---FI-R-S-T- --------SE-C-O-N-D- ------BE-S- 1 .. i ·Thierry Lepeltier France 5 155 160 0 149 149 149 2 :i. Thierry Humeau France O 152 152 0 151 151 151 3 · ·Philippe Bretzner France 5 156 161 10 154 164 161 4 John Edwards England 10 167 177 0 163 163 16;s S Martin Villeneuve Canada 75 164 239 10 163 173 173 6 Shane Timlin Ireland 15 169 184 10 171 181 181 Kayak Ladies P-L-A-C-E- -N-A-M-E- --------------------CO-U-N-l-"R-Y- ---FI-R-S-T- ------:-: -SE-C-O-N-D- ------DE-S- Liz Sharman England O 142 142 0 147 147 142 ,,-.2-· Marie-Francoise Grange France O 147 147 (I 146 146 14l, '. ;3· Gail Allan England 10 151 161 0 146 146 146 ;.".4 M-Laure Etienne France 0 164 164 0 149 149 149 ;_;s: Anne Boixel France O 151 151 10 149 159 151 •:6 Myriam Jerc1salmi France 10 154 164 0 155 155 1S5 :·t7, Sylvie Arnaud France O 155 155 10 155 165 155 · ·9 Carol Jones Wales O 163 163 15 163 178 163 9 Julie Fryers England 10 163 173 0 164 164 164 10 Janet Johnson England 15 167 182 10 161 171 17! 11 Lara Tipper England O 174 174 10 173 183 174 12 Theresa Lawton England 10 192 202 15 187 202 202 Canadian C2 F'LACE NAME COUNTRY F lRST SECOND BES ·1 M. S,idi/J. Oaval - Fr~nc·~ 0 15.!:j 155 --~-;5;-;;3 1;; 2 T. Baidi/E. Delray France O 166 16, .15 163 178 166 4 .,. •• Kayak Men - Senior ,PLACE NAME COUNTRY FIRST SECOND BES --- . --------·-------·----------·------·---------------------------- 1 ;; Christophe Prigent France O 132 132 0 132 132 132 , 2 · · Manuel Brissaud France 5 135 140 Ct 134. 134 134 3 Laurent Brissaud France 10 140 150 0 136 136 136 .4 Giles Clouzeau France O 138 138 10 134 144 138 ·,5 Melvyn Jones England 5 138 143 0 140 140 1/IO , 6 Patrice Gagnon Canada 5 135 140 10 .134 144 140 ·7 Guido Crevecoeur Holland O 141 141 o· 142 142 141 8 Franck Pellei France 10 146 156 0 141 141 141 -9 Pascal Marinot France 5 138 143 5 136 141 141 10 Nicolas Le Friec ·France 5 138 143 10 137 147 143 11 Steve Lax England 5 156 161 0 1~2 152 152 12 Tony Harman England 5 165 170 10 150 160 160 13 • Rob Welsh England 10 154 164 10 153 163 163 }4 · John Dickinson England · 10 172 182 scratch' 182 Results for Ki Youth Men at Llangollen Int 1985 on 26-10-85 at 16:54:09 Best Pos Competitor Cc,untry First Run 'Second Run Pen Iiae Pen Time T, Ot' a!• Pnts Ian Raspin England 0 191. 17 0 186.46 i86.46 •c ·;'J ,, Crc,sbee Englaand lJ 191.01 0 191.91 19!. 9! !.. C David .. J 188.48 193, 48 3 3 ian Wiley Ireland 5 192.22 England ~~ 202.00 0 194.85 194,85 4 4 John Hansell '-" ;: 5 George Spittal Sco t l and () 197.06 0 199.25 197.06 ,J i iJD C•C: 6 Sair Outhwaite England 0 212.29 0 198.85 1 ,,• •, .~,,J 6 200.22 7 7 Shaun Pearce England "J 200.03 5 195.22 Crevecoeur Hc,lland 5 217.50 (l 21(1.55 2i(i,55 8 B Jereon ·) 9 Rory McCann Ireland "J 207,60 5 206.09 211, 0'1 i 10 Jasper El i asson Sweden 10 217.66 s 210 .12 215. l?. 10 215.91 11 11 Matthew Mclean England 5 210.91 10 207,39 r ,! ·~ 12 Leighton Morris Wales 65 220.07 J 217,11 222.1 i .. 13 Paul Evans Wales 60 231.78 5 217.% 222.96 i3 ~-Ja, p:· DidsDn Scotland 115 238.93 (I 224 .15 1.L • • ,..J i4 14 David p:. 15 Colin Ryan lieland 20 230,42 0 224,42 224.42 ,1,.; 16 Finton O'Brien Ireland 0 227.39 iO 215.42 225.42 16 r 17 Brendon Muldowney Ireland 20 228.83 .! 220.99 225.99 17 ... 227.21 18 18 David Wright Scc,t 1 and bJ 223.27 5 222.21 i l~ i9 Urban Sagnell Sweden 25 233.39 0 227,73 227,73 '' Ccighill Srntland 15 218.4/i 15 213.85 228.85 20 20 David :-!f 21 John McCartney ireland 75 215.76 5 224.06 229,(ib C1 :J:J 22 Greg Davies Wales 15 220.28 10 219.40 229.40 .... 'J') 23 Allen R(lberts Wales 5 226,02 10 222.83 231.02 L.-./ ~':l~ l\J 24 Jakob Schneider Sweden iO 228.0i 10 222,86 <-~L 000 24 25 Andrew Davies Wales 10 225,85 10 223.98 233.98 2~, 26 Mark Redacnd Ireland 15 224.00 10 229.83 239.00 26 27 Peter Ono l an Iieland 60 221.83 10 229.60 239.60 27 :JlQ 00 ~o 28 Sander Van Kuyl Hcilland 55 240, 10 20 L.i.1tl! 239, '19 L.IJ 29 Aiden Quinlivan Ireland 25 232.27 20 224.17 244. !7 29 .-,(\ 30 Alfred Redmond Ireland ,~:;.c,; 254.10 5 · 239 .35 244,35 .),, 31 Jorgen Rautio S11eden 65 223.45 30 227,60 257.60 31 "C' 32 Mark Todd Srntland 130 241. 62 j,.J 249.53 324.53 32 Results for Canadian Singles at Llangollen Int 1985 nn 26-10-85 at 16:54:19 Pcis Cc,rnpet i tor Country First Run Secc,nd Run Best Pen Time Pen Time fob! Pnts 206,70 206.70 1 Martyn Hedges England 10 207.34 0 ,, 2 Thierry · Huaeau France (l 209.46 0 209.03 209.03 C 3 Peter Bell England 5 208.48 10 203.78 213.48 3 C: 4 Philippe Bretzner France J 213,35 5 210,84 215.ilit 4 5 Les Williams England 0 233.68 5 215.22 220.22 5 6 Alan Gi 11 ibrand England 0 225.58 2(i 238, 15 225.58 b 7 Robert Doman England 5 228.37 5 220,88 225,88 7 Corcoran Ireland 10 217.93 15 221.13 227.93 8 8 Michael r; 9 Hark Delaney Scotland 0 231.75 10 218,81 228.81 1 \(i 10 Thierry Lepeltier France 10 224.59 60 206,48 234.59 11 Robert Horgan England 10 249.52 ".., 237,88 242.88 ! \ Timlin Ireland 10 246.49 25 241.0'i 256. 49 12 12 Shane ?', r,, 13 Connor McSanr1 Ireland y 10 258.64 75 ._bb • .JU 2i:,8. 64 13 14 John Moffat Scotland CAPSIZED 20 260.74 280.74 !~ 15 Hartin Villeneuve Canada 60 244.91 55 249.76 304.76 15 . ' 16 Tadhy McIntyre Ireland y 65 284.17 60 265.72 325.72 10 Prepared on an IBM Personal Computer Results for Kl Ladies at Llangollen Int 1985 on 26-10-85 at 16:54:28 Pos Competitor Cc,untry First Run Second Run Best Pen Time Pen Time Total Pr:ts C Liz Sharman England 0 195.34 J 190.44 i95.34 2 Marie-FrancoiseGrange France (l 203.87 iO 206,01 203.87 2 3 Gail Allan England 5 219.06 !) 205.25 205.25 "..), (\ 4 Susan Ward Scotland "J 215.81 \! 211.
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