Guns Dictionary : Page K1 the Directory: K–Kynoid
GUNS DICTIONARY : PAGE K1 THE DIRECTORY: K–KYNOID Last update: May 2018 k Found on small arms components made in Germany during the Second World War by →Luck & Wagner of Suhl. K, crowned. A mark found on Norwegian military firearms made by→ Kongsberg Våpenfabrikk. K, encircled. Found on miniature revolvers made in the U.S.A. prior to 1910 by Henry M. →Kolb. Kaba, KaBa, Ka-Ba, KA-BA Marks associated with a distributor of guns and ammunition, Karl →Bauer of Berlin. Bauer imported 6·35mm →Browning- type pocket pistols from Spain, and sold ‘KaBa Special’ patterns which seem to have been the work of August →Menz. Kaba Spezial A Browning-type 6·35mm automatic pistol made in Spain by Francisco →Arizmendi of Eibar for Karl →Bauer of Berlin. Six rounds, striker fired. Kabakov Yevgeniy Kabakov was co-designer with Irinarkh →Komaritskiy of the sight-hood bayonet issued with the perfected or 1930-pattern Soviet →Mosin Nagant rifle. Kabler William or Wilhelm Kabler of Sante Fé, Bracken County, Kentucky, traded as a gunmaker in the years immediately before the Civil War. Kacer Martin V. Kacer of St Louis, Missouri, was the co-grantee with William J. Kriz of U.S. Patents 273288 of 6th March 1883 (‘Fire-Arm’, application filed on 16th January 1882) and 282328 of 31st July 1883 (‘Magazine Fire- Arm’, application filed on 7th December 1882). These patents protected, respectively, a break-open double barrel gun and a lever-action magazine rifle with a magazine in the butt-wrist. Kadet, Kadet Army Gun: see ‘King Kadet’. Kaduna arms factory The principal Nigerian manufacturory, responsible for local adaptations to →Garand and FN →FAL rifles.
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