AssociationAustralian of NativeSocieties Plants for Growing Society (Australia)Australian IncPlants Ref No. ISSN 0725-8755 Newsletter No. 101 – July 2015 GSG Vic Programme 2015 GSG NSW Programme 2015 Leader: Neil Marriott For details contact Peter Olde 02 4659 6598. 693 Panrock Reservoir Rd, Stawell, Vic. 3380 Saturday, 28 November p 03 5356 2404 or 0458 177 989 e
[email protected] Venue: Silky Oaks Farm for a look at the Grevilleas. Contact Neil for queries about program for the Time: 10am year. Any members who would like to visit the official collection, obtain cutting material or seed, Topic: Morning tea will be followed by a assist in its maintenance, and stay in our cottage conducted garden tour during which the for a few days are invited to contact Neil. taking of cuttings will be allowed. The meeting will be held in association with Vic Chapter Grevillea Crawl the Fern Study Group. We are proposing to have a Grevillea Crawl this coming AUGUST, centered in the Bendigo region, to explore and Newsletter No. 101 No. Newsletter admire some of the wonderful new forms of Grevillea rosmarinifolia, G. dryophylla, and G. alpina that Ian Evans GSG SE Qld Programme 2015 has discovered over the last few years. There are also several wonderful native gardens to visit as well as a Meetings are usually held on the last Sunday couple of great native nurseries. Please contact Neil (0458 of the even months. We meet for a communal 177 989 or
[email protected]) or Ian (0418 morning tea at 9.30am after which the meetings 507 213 or
[email protected]) if you commence at 10.00am.