News from The Anglican Church Mallorca

Subject: News from The Anglican Church Mallorca From: The Anglican Church Mallorca Date: 01/05/2019, 13:48 To:

Anglican Church Mallorca Newsletter Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. April / May 2019

1 of 9 02/05/2019, 08:23 News from The Anglican Church Mallorca

Happy Archdeaconry clergy at the 2019 Chrism Mass, with blessed Holy Oils at the front!

Many of the clergy of the Gibraltar Archdeaconry met and took part in a traditional Chrism Mass on the Monday before Easter this year, held at St.George's Chaplaincy Church in Madrid.

The Chrism Mass provides an occasion every year for the holy oils that are used in baptisms, with the dying and in anointing for healing, to be blessed by the .

The service is also the time each year when the clergy, Readers and lay people reaffirm their vows taken at , licensing and baptism!

Our service was led by our own Bishop David Hamid and as an addition, during the service, our Chaplain at Palma, Rev'd was made an Honorary Canon of the Cathedral Chapter of the Diocese.

Being made an Honorary Canon in this way is in the gift of the Bishop and is given in recognition of a particular area of work for the Diocesan family.

There was the traditional buffet reception and a glass or two of wine after the service which was a lovely and affirming event.

2 of 9 02/05/2019, 08:23 News from The Anglican Church Mallorca

Fr David Waller being 'collated' as a Canon in the Diocese

3 of 9 02/05/2019, 08:23 News from The Anglican Church Mallorca

Julie and David after the service with the Bishop's License

Appointing a New Chaplain for St.Andrew's

A service at St.Andrew's with the Bishop on a previous occasion

4 of 9 02/05/2019, 08:23 News from The Anglican Church Mallorca

St. Andrew's at Puerto Pollensa has been without a Chaplain now for just over a month and is therefore experiencing a vacancy!

So what happens next? Well at the moment Rev'd Paul Southern is looking after the church as a locum . This is someone, perhaps recently retired, who is there to take services and generally support people, but not to be the leader as a chaplain would be. So St.Andrew's is in good and capable hands for the time being!

The Church Wardens, who are now the leaders of the church, with the support of the Church council, will help the Area Dean, Fr. David to look for a new priest to be appointed by the Bishop as chaplain.

They will be creating a parish profile and job description. The post will be advertised and interviews will occur. Then a new chaplain will be licensed by the Bishop and Instituted as parish priest. But all of this is still to come and so for now we wait as the appointment process gets into gear.

A vacancy therefore is also a time for a church community to reflect on where they are going and what they want from a priest in terms of their ministry. Exciting times!

Ascension Day Service

Ss. Philip and James Church in Palma Thursday, 30th May at 6pm - a Said Eucharist All are welcome to attend

5 of 9 02/05/2019, 08:23 News from The Anglican Church Mallorca

We gather to celebrate Christ's Ascension into heaven teaching us that as divinity is been a part human life (the incarnation), then so humanity is a part of God's life for evermore. Therein lays our freedom as children of God!

Concert from a Visiting Choir at Palma Anglican Church

6 of 9 02/05/2019, 08:23 News from The Anglican Church Mallorca

You can reserve tickets by contacting the Church Office on 0034 971 737 279 or by leaving a message on e mail; [email protected]

That's all for now!

7 of 9 02/05/2019, 08:23 News from The Anglican Church Mallorca

Bye bye and see you next time

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9 of 9 02/05/2019, 08:23