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Orissa Review * June - 2006 A Cult to Salvage Mankind Sarat Chandra The cosmic and terrestrial : both realities are The Hindu inclusiveness is nowhere as reflected in the Jagannath cult of Orissa. The evident as in the rituals of Lord Jagannath. Even cosmic reality of the undying spirit which romance is not excluded in the deity's schedule: abides, endures and sustains; the cosmic reality Once in a week the God is closeted with his of birth and death, as well as the beauty and consort Laksmi (in the ritual Ekanta). The refinement of the terrestrial world are mirrored Sayana Devata golden sculpture used in the in this all-inclusive mid-night ritual after the religious practice. "The Bada Singhara Dhupa, is visible and invisible both not only suggestive but worlds meet in man", even explicit. sang the British poet T.S.Eliot in the Four Over a year Lord Quartets. We may say Jagannath, like human that the Jagannath cult is beings, is engaged in designed to reflect both multification activities. the visible, this-worldly On one occasion realities as well as the (Banabhoji Besha) He cosmic phenomena. sets out on a picnic trip, Hence, the cult reflects a to an idyllic forest land, life style of a god who has which is suggestive of the numerous human God's love for natural attributes. beauty. On the other occasions (seven times in a year), the Lord goes This makes the God and the cult unique. for hunting expeditions. During the summer Several traits characterize the God: the everyday rituals of bathing, brushing of teeth, he goes for boat rides for twenty-one days dressing-up and partaking of food materials.
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