Bug Hits Universe Expanding PRINCETON, N.J
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Elsewhere Spinning a Yarn Icy Cool Deep End ~ C. History Department Dustin Hoffman stars as a Is global warming The Guardian's en Rejects Grant media mogul with Robert De just one big preview of men :5 a= LOS ANG ELES - The Niro in " Wa g the Dog " scient~fic fable? volleyball ::::a U LA history department Hiatus, page 8 Opinion, page 4 Sports, page 16 :c rejcl: ted in an 18- 17 vote last .... month a $ 1 million otTer from th e Turki sh government to en dow an Ottoman and , Turkish studies ·hai r. Crit ics H E. U C 5 D of the plan co ntend the endowmen t could have com promised academic integrit y bel:ause of Turkey ' . attempt to deny the Ott oman Turks ' ro le in th e murder of a mil li on Armenians dUrin g World War I. UCLA is the first uni ve rsit y to completely reject Turkey 's overtures - the UC SAN DIEGO THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1998 VOLUME 93 , ISSUE 4 Turkish government has already endowed chairs at DANCE BUILDING GRAND OPENING \ Harvard, Georgetown and Princeton . Influenza - Th e Daily Bl'tlill Researchers Say Bug Hits Universe Expanding PRINCETON, N.J . - Campus Princeton University as trophy isicists Ruth Daly and Erick ILLNESS: Number of Guerra announced at a meeting of the American Astronomical cases have not reachec;:l Society last week in epidemic proportions Washington, D.C. that the uni By Julia Kulla-Mader ve rse wi ll w ntinue to expand . Co-News Editor Daly, GuelTa and two others With winter quarter just begin studied 14 galaxies which ning , some student s arc already were detected by powerful wishing it was over so they can radio telescopes. The group's have a break to recover from their work suggests that the universe co lds and flus. will continue to expand at an However, UCSD and the San ever-i ncreasing rate. The teams Diego community have not been plans to analyze an additional hit particularly hard by this year's 68 galaxies. Daly said that she viruses. expects the research on future Clatre Schneider/Guardian According to George Shumaik, galax ies will go qui(;kly C... lWalh1M: Students dance around medical di~tor of UCSD's two be(;ause obtaining the informa the new $3 million structure In an emergency rooms, the number of tion the team needs takes improvised performance inspired by the people suffering from flu and cold approximately one hour per facility 's architecture. viruses this year is nowhere near galaxy. epidemic proportions. - Th e Daily Prin.cetonian By Kara Carlos "The flu is probably several Staff Writer viral illnesses," Shumaik said. Official Guilty of The UCSD Department of Theatre and ''There's not any medical evidence Ethics Charges AFTER YEARS OF BEING RELEGATED Dance took a tremendous step forward with that we 're having an influenza epi EVANSTON , III. - A six the completion of its new $3 million Dance demic." member student government TO THE MAIN GYM, UCSD'S DANCE Studio Facility. The facility 's grand opening Accordin g to Patient Services on Tuesday featured dance demonstrations Manager Sherry Hendrickson. ethics committee at PROGRAM HAS A NEW HOME Northwestern Uni versity and remarks by UCSD oflici als and the Student Health Services has not been unanimously found Financial structure's intemationally renowned archi unusually busy si nce sc hool started. Vi ce President Roderic tect, Antoine Predock. "For us at Student Health, thi s has Williams guilt y of fi nancial Chancellor ROQert Dynes ex pressed hi s been very typical," she sa id. "We've mi sconduct after about 40 enthusiasm for UCS D's role in contributing seen no huge increase as of yet. " hours of hearings and deliber to the arts in San Diego. However, Hendri ckson stressed ations. The comm itlee is ask "Just as the Mandell Weiss Thea tre has that th e majority of s tudent ~ in g thai Williams resign for become a big part or San Dicgo, thi s usually don't get sick during th e forging a signature on finance dance faci Iity wi II al so all ow us to show first few weeks of the quarter. offi ce vo uchers to transfer case San Diego's dance quality," Dynes "Typically students need to get $5,500 from one account to said . back from wherever th ey ' ve another. Willi ams then used Located near Reve lle College in a euca been... [theyl interact with each the money to buy computer lyptus grove, the new facility contains other in our closed environment, equipment for the student three state-of-th e-art dance studios for and then we tend to see the ac tual government offi ce. Williams choreography, ballet, jazz, modern, tap and influenza a lillie later than the first said he disapproved of the David Lubitz/Guard.an ethnic dance. The studios, situated around week of classes," Hendrickson decision but felt he was treat Scluors: Architect Antoine Predock gets some help in a courtyard, are anchored by a curving aid. "So, if we have people bring ed fairly by the committee. cutting the ribbon at Tuesday's opening ceremony. See CEREMONY, Page 6 ing in influenza from outside of Although the committee's this area, they have an opportunity decision is fin al, student gov to give that to other people in that ernment se nators can pass, Gambling Linked to High Suicide Levels first week or so." amend or reject the re(;om According to Shumaik, the flu mended punishment. STUDY: Researchers Levels Associated with Legalized ernment spends on Medicare and and the common cold are different - Tir e Daily Norrhwt!srt! nr Gambling," is the first widespread Medicaid combined. beasts. calculated results using stati stical inves ti gation to find a The data for the study came "They' re both viral illnesses," death certificates link between ga mbling and abnor from co mputeri zed records of Shumaik said. ''The flu is a much mally hi gh leve ls of suicide. death certificates obtained from more aggressive illness - ve ry Spoken••• By Jenny Nicholson Over the last decade, there ha the National Center for Hea lth high fever, 103°, 105°, people Staff Writer been an enormous increase in Statisti cs. This data was used to have a cough , they feel like '~ Our society is fairl Gambler may have morc at lega li zed gambling throughout the calculate the sui cide levels of Las they ' ve been hit by a truck because linear, but if dancers stake than their mo ney, according United States. Since 1981>1 , the Vegas. Reno and Atlantic City, and of the ae hes and pains. [This is] a was subsequently compared to sui much more aggressive-appearing are surrounded b to a new study conducted by number of tates with lega li zed U SO ociolog Professor David ga mbling has Icaped from two, cide level in other U.S. cities. illness than your average co ld different types of Phillips in co ll abo ration with Nevada and New Jersey, to more The sui cide level is (;o mputed where you get a little sore throat designs, it:5 easier for UCS O graduate student Mari sa than half the nalion. by dividing the number of total and a little fever, a little runny them to create. " Smith and UCS D undergraduate The study showed that in 1994, deaths into the number of deaths nose and a little bit of a cough." - ColI ..n Shlpkowskl student Ward Welty. people spent about $482 billion on by suicide. To make sure that the Hendrickson said the common Former UCSD dance instructor The study, "Elevated Suicide gambling - more than the gov- See DEATH. Page 7 See RoU, Page 6 Thursday, January 15, 1998 The UCSD Guardian 2 NEWS The UCSD Guardian Thursday, January 15, 1998 NEWS 3 Unknown Form of Nitrous Oxide All Around Campus ETCETERA.~. NOW ENROLLING: SAN DIEGO'S #1 COURSE FOR THE Toda, Found in Earth's Atmosphere Price Center Movie Series: HGI Jane " This Demi Moore movie will be screened at the Price Center GREENHOUSE: 30-pen;ent discrepancy between highest levels turned out to be at Theatre tonight. There will be two showi ngs, one at 7 p.m. and th e known ni trous oxide sources about 12,000 feet above sea level , one at 10 p.m. Admissions is $2 per person with studentID. For Laughing gas can entering the atmosphere and the at White Mountain. more information, call 822-2068. ~ou 8E.1I~VE 'T"HE VIo/IIIERSe. • destroy ozone chemical's subsequent remo val. "[The fact that) there is more R.EVOLV6S AQ.outJQ ~o\J. ! • The model which had been used of the anoma ly at higher eleva Tomorrow By Anna Valsman for the past three decades did not tions implies that the signature Senior Staff Writer account for the isotopes of th e gas comes from stratospheric ai r," Sports: Men s Basketball Long considered to be a harm and therefore was not presenting a Cliff said. Come supporL the Tritons as they take on Chapman University at less substan ce used by dentists. complete picture. The amount of nitrous oxide 7 p.m. in RIMAC Arena. Admi ssion is free with studentlD. For laughing gas in the Ea rth 's upper Thiemens and Cliff are using a in the atmosphere has been more information, call 534-4211. atmosphere is no laughing matter. method that accounts for the iso increasing by appro)(imately 0.2 UCSD chemistry and biochem topes, including some with a new percen! per year for about a hun Serving the UCSD pre-medical community since 1985 CWD Film Series: "Rap, Race, & Equality" istry Professor Mark Thiemens and chemical signature that they dred years.