Generative Art Conference
GA2008, 11th Generative Art Conference Generative Art Prof. Enrica Colabella, architect Generative Design Lab, DiAP, Politecnico di Milano University, Milano, Italy “Cognitio indefinita, et quia indefinita, nomine digna est” Giovan Battista Vico, Diritto Universale Abstract Generative Art is the Art of process and not only of result. GA works using the rules of the alive world, as a mirror of Nature. In line with the motto by Jean Vignot, 1392, Ars sine scientia nihil est, the process is performed as a chaotic not linear system, in order of a methodological procedure structured following T. S. Kuhn, Ilya Prigogine and R.Thom. This structure, defined as a math problem, individualizes an hypothesis, able to define a code, that performs generative results , running in AI sites. The results are all unique ad continuum. These are variations of the same hidden codeness, as a transforming vision of an interpreted “reality”. For the first time the word generative was used by Bauhaus, defining very well their organic vision. The cultural power of that time recalled it degenerative. The same happened when we start in 1990 calling our creative approach generative! GA marks the passage of the last 30 years from homo faber to homo creator. Overcoming the artefacts characters of the last century, industrial, serial, component, standardized, quantified, optimised, anonymous, obsolete etc, synonymous of generative are unique, digital, organic, complex, meta-poetical, recognizable, endless, experimental, morphogenetic, variable, mirroring, imaginary etc. Precedents of GA are Michelangelo Leonardo, Piero della Francesca, Pacioli, Mantegna, Borromini, Piranesi, Gaudì, Caldano, Mozart , Schubert, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Rembrandt, Bruguel, Swift, Bach, Goethe, Leopardi, Flaubert, Florenskij, Van Gogh.
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