Love Joy and James

Your brother in Messiah and the 2nd coming

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Scriptures quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc, Wheaton, Illinois 60189 All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, Copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc. Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved



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This is pointing back to Him. To give it all back to Him. He is the all powerful and He deserves the continuous praise. Praise God thank Jesus and we appreciate your wonderful Holy Spirit.. The sacrifices are immeasurable and incomparable. The gift to embrace your supernatural humbles me daily.. We are blessed to be your servants, witnesses and friends… It is you God that turns the ordinary into the extra extraordinary.. All glory be to God most high. Also to those who have stood by my family and I and to the saints of God around the world continue in Him.. We are praying and dedicating in hopes that His will and word reaches and heals all willing to accept this wonderful gift of salvation and the process of growing in Him naturally and supernaturally, physically and spiritually!!

I also want to say that I love you to my family, friends, to the readers, and to all of the people on earth. Those words I love you from one human to another is so important. The disciple John teaches us that we can’t honestly say we love God whom we have never seen before and not love our brothers and sisters that we see everyday.. Jesus wants you to spend eternity in paradise with Him after this life on earth..

Jesus gave us the greatest commandment to love God and to love one another so I must start with the 2nd of the greatest commands by sharing my love with you so by this you will see how God loved us first through Jesus.... Before we began I want to extend the invitation to you to accept Jesus as your savior. It’s very simple.. Confess you believe in Jesus as Lord and savior, repent which means ask for forgiveness for your sins, turn toward your new life as a Christ follower. Find a local Church, get baptized! When accomplished celebrate because you helped complete another miracle!! Make sure you pray and study your bible as much as possible!! I hope our journey blesses you ! 4 John 15:11-12 (NLT)

James 1:2-4 (NLT)


74 and looking up

6 We’ve witnessed an enormous amount of evil and violence running rampant in the world these days.. The evil one and his crew is forever burdened and strategically plotting and trying to sabotage God’s people as the race heads down the final stretch.. Through it all.. The Lord Jesus and His relentless, uncontainable love continues to burst through the hate giving God’s chosen ones signs of Him orchestrating and aligning for the kingdom of God!

It was the eve of Shavout also known as the festival of weeks a God ordained biblical festival.. This was my first full observance.. The date 5- 30-17.. I was doing my daily rounds in garden two and I noticed the suns rise at around 7am. This unique positioning caught my attention.. The sun’s projection was directly over our house. Centered.. I didn’t detail the first sighting. The second sighting was on 5-31-17. It looped me in and it felt like it was suppose to happen this way.. This was a prophetic alignment specifically for this day. A special moment! PRAISE GOD! In the bible Jacob said. I saw a ladder reaching up into the heavens and there was angels running up and down it. On 5-31-17 I saw a supernatural pathway leading into the heavens.. This was more than sun rays.. It was living, it moved in all kinds of directions. GOD’S GLORY FILLED UP THE WHOLE PATHWAY LEADING INTO THE HEAVEN’S! IT WAS AN UNEXPLAINABLE BRILLIANT WHITE!!

A glorious tunnel of light.. The movement within it was so majestic! Silhouettes of angelic forms started to surface. My spirit started to connect to it, an automatic syncing.. I was becoming a part of the whole experience. I was tying into the ultimate wifi.. So peaceful, yet so energetic! I said silently to myself.. I’m I out here looking crazy? I was so comforted and warm! God was sending me a supernatural sign and a message.. It was overwhelming in a wonderful way!.. Then the tunnel started to dissolve.. Addicted to His presence, amazed and in awe! I tried to contain this moment in a picture for others to see.. I was blessed to capture the remaining circle of brilliant white light before it slowly dissolved back into the sky.. This wonderful fellowship was probably just not meant to be seen by all.. My physical eyes witnessed a miraculous holy revealing 7 that seemed so familiar to my spiritual eyes.. Later that day and into the Shavout holy-day on 5-31-17 I was searching.. Silently meditating.. The full message was revealed to me by Holy Spirit.. It was.. Jesus your God makes you whole daily.. Jesus your God makes all things new.. Continue to spread my word.. The clock is ticking for the earth.. Narrow is the path that leads to life.. Broad is the way to destruction and many are on it.. I was overwhelmed with the joy of the Lord!

Now I understood the full picture.. Now I know why He told me to clear the woods for garden two!! For growing food, yes , better drainage and improving community, yes.. The main yes and Amen was for me to see that miraculous sign on my first full observance of Shavout.. With the woods completely clear I was able to get the full view of that supernatural wonderful vision. So amazing! Thank God for the big tree logs we kept for the fire pit. My position by the new solar light pole gave me the perfect elevated position.. You may say well we couldn’t see it.. Be patient..! I will reveal to you.. Signs miracles and wonders that God has been sharing with me that you have seen and may know about and or may have overlooked.. On shavout after my family and I finished our Holy assembly.. Afterwards Holy Spirit confirmed what I was hearing about God’s abilities to send us signs through different avenues within His creations.. God is not boxed.. In scripture a mule talked! I started to reflect on Isaiah’s prophecy and Ezekiel’s vision.. My confidence was built up to share this encounter. I felt Holy Spirit telling me you are a rabbi, teach! Feed my sheep.. At first I only shared this with a few that I felt would understand.. The timing of it all was so astonishing! I had to include it within.. Understanding is so vital to our mission.. Knowing and understanding your purpose.. Everybody’s story is an essential piece to the puzzle.. To be witnesses.. This is our job as followers of Messiah.. Knowing how Peter went from fishing for fish to fishing for people and hearing his miraculous walk on water adventure while striving to imitate Jesus-Messiah. Jesus gave us Himself as substance to share.. The stories in the bible gives us a tangible foundation.. We need to believe.. God’s word and we will see His hand molding real examples.. This is what our society needs more of.. Not just 8 product, but product and God given miracles! I pray that this coverage blesses you while you soak up our story, the teachings, and the real to date evidence of God’s loving hands aligning our lives. I hope this helps you to strengthen your unity with the body of Messiah and go deeper in the searching of His scriptures for the purpose of His Kingdom! His kingdom is where all love and joy is created and resides!!

In 2013 I received multiple words from my Lord that elevated me to move forward with the revealing within . A major section of my journey for God had been fulfilled. The next chapter was at the door and when I opened it the signs miracles and wonders came rushing in like a wonderful flood. A flood of spiritual and physical blessings.. During my hesitation phase I thought, people know me and most of our journey. Holy Spirit spoke gently and powerfully. He said people know about all of your brothers and sisters in the bible that served me and it’s still the number one and oldest manual for humanity. Just share the victories I’ve brought you through from the so called mundane to extra ordinary! He encouraged me. I started encouraging myself too. Scriptures teaches us that David had to encourage himself at one point. Holy spirit said I will anoint it and it will be victorious if it helps one soul. I was extra excited. Thoughts of sharing the revealing raced through my head. I thought of sharing it with the head pastor of our church , and then with the members and all of the saints of God.. Then it dawned on me.. I need to be patient with this one.. Holy Spirit confirmed and slow walked me to this point! Arriving in 1974 and realizing you are here for a prophetic mission revealed to you in 2012.. Patience was hard to lasso.. The joy of the lord was at the point of no containing in 2013, but I still had a lot of back tracking, fasting, prayer, and documenting to go through for the sake of the kingdom..

They say in real estate it’s all about location, location, location.. For as far as I can remember, I’ve always known our state for being full of natural beauty finessed with lovely country surroundings and gorgeous folks, and a variety of areas infused with just the right amount of inner city happenings.. Now more than ever I see it as a compliment to our country and our planets roots in God.. He planted me in cardinal country nestled in the middle with 9 a hi bird’s eye view! As a kid we barely had crumbs from the bread, but to my surprise He was raising me up to present the bread of life from a unique platform and biblical positioning.. A typical youngster with typical inner city day to day struggles.. I was very relatable average, and poor. I watched my Father tie into a blood machine and pump out blood just to buy us food for one day. As I grew I watched the evil ones attempts to use those hard times to dismantle my mother’s mission and my God given mission for Messiah.. Jesus said there would be a great falling away from the faith and I’ve witnessed it with my own eyes.. The attendance count is there but if whole nations are starting to turn from Messiah it’s time to do more, and try to help more.. That’s why sharing His joy and love in these last days is more important than ever.. One soul lost in the pits of eternal hell is a tragedy..

As a kid my peoples thought the joy I had was strange..!! Hot negative projects, no money.. I was always laughing and enjoying life!! Hardly never angry without a legit cause.. I was fascinated with basketball, and getting out of the projects.. My father introduced me to music. Music became ear therapy for me.. A typical teen with typical teen wants.. Baptized at age 14, and at the time I didn’t even realize that 14 was around the age that boys celebrated their barmitzva’s.. The barmitzva is the celebration of transitioning from boyhood into the starting phases of manhood, and accepting God’s laws.. Jesus said deny yourself pick up your cross and follow me.. I really tried to do that little by little. But as a young African Native Indian American teenager in the ghetto you get bombarded with so many ill distractions.. When I was in that ill environment I was nowhere near perfect.. The Holy scriptures say let every man be a liar and God be true, put your trust in no man trust only God, in Jeremiah it was speaking of the present back in his day- priests and prophets are deceitful looking for gain..

He is saying He is the only perfect one. When we are in the flesh we will always have imperfect struggles. That is why repentance was and is so crucial while walking in truth on earth with God.. I love repenting.. It’s a matter of you being real with God and doing your best to turn and live 10 righteous according to God Jesus and the bible… The key is living from a Godly Jesus point of view..

As a young adult searching and seeking I found out through other relatives I had Hebrew roots.. In scripture I don’t remember God given detailed instructions or commands as to what determines a person’s genetics for being part and or full Hebrew.. I just know for sure that in my spirit I felt it rising! Joy forever more! He loved me from the start! The independent African part of me was pointing to Jewish-African. Now a lot of things started to make since and cling to the inner promptings within.. A cohesiveness between two worlds.. Jew and gentile.. Talk about master orchestration.. It took a while for it all to come full circle. It’s so crucial to identify with simple foundational blessings early.. Like recognizing the God given blessing of being planted in a beautiful country that has always stood with Israel.. A wonderful country, not perfect but wonderfully mixed, and it all started with the pilgrims and Indians planting and dedicating a land to God It was around 2013 when God showed me more simple signs he revealed to me about our journey as witnesses, the US and His 2nd coming. America’s original chosen birthday/ independence day was 7-2. I’ve heard a lot of people ask where is American in the scriptures..? She’s been witnessing with us!! Praise God!!

God’s hand- I entered earth on 9-2. 6-2 on God’s Jewish calendar. I have 2 sons with prophetic holy season birth dates and a daughter born on 7-2 and a stepson giving me a total of 4 blessings to raise in God along with a Wife born during a Thankful holiday!! If I add in the other 4 prophetically connected with our new granddaughter who arrived in a Holy days season that gives us 10. I believe it was 10 generations from Genesis, Adam to Noah.. Our exit for this life’s woes is in focus.. All of these blessings at age 26!! 2-6 on God’s Jewish calendar and on the American calendar, it’s the 2nd of September and Elu! I am SO grateful!! And I have more signs, more miracles, and more wonders and testimonies to help you Anker down even more in this wonderful hope we have in Christ Jesus… Every time I go back I get over excited. I think every family should do a story book of testimonies for Christ! Wonderful! Let me regroup and reach back further 11 so I can lay it out gently for the teacher, training preacher who inspired me in the things of God from baptism forward.. My Momma! A transformed individual is amazing and a liberating experience to witness.. I seen this woman cuss like a high powered semi automatic rifle.. I’ve heard stories of boy fights protecting uncles, the list goes on.. I know her rough background had to be beneficial for her God given task of raising us boys.. She was overprotective and she wore it with pride. Spotting me from blocks away as a child, and it felt like through brick buildings and all.. She use to yell put that coat back on! It’s Sept weather on my birthday and I’m wrapped up like a mummy! She was a hard worker with low pay.. I seen the blessing in it because she dedicated it to raising her boys the right way. She told me old stories about how she came up in a very unstable environment that lacked the overprotective qualities she passed on to me. I’m glad she met Jesus in the alley..

A lot of ordinary wonderful days spent with her and Daddy.. Long days at the race track.. The track was our home away from home.. We would get home from school wait for daddy. He’d pull up in his long station wagon. We all packed in and pulled off.. They gambled with the little funds they had hoping to get a little more.. The wagon was always needing some part fixed.. I understood their hustle.. Dad had a couple of wagons one of the wagons blessed me and I didn’t even know it. Embarrassment is not an issue today.. The wagon was beyond embarrassing.. It was long with the wood trim, my buddies and all the thugs and dope boys on the block would laugh and point at it yelling out crazy jokes.. I’d hang out the window pointing at the wood trim laughing and having fun with them..! The wagon was outdoorish .. I believe it could have attracted termites! Lol! They nick named me camp-fish because of the wagon and our overnight fishing trips..! Daddy embodied the title.. He was a dedicated pops and a dedicated outdoors man, and good with a shot gun! His hunting buddies knew he was gifted! Dad knew he was gifted. Accurate with horseshoes too! He taught me how to shoot shotguns. One day I shot him in the neck.. It was my first shotgun and an honest accident. Trying to swing fast and

12 shoot like him… Both of us was scared out in the middle of nowhere with blood running down his neck.. God spared us both..

Mom and Dad had a lot of hard fallouts. He’d lean towards the outdoors and head out on his hunting and fishing trips to recoup and regain focus.. Momma used to hit the night clubs with her friends. These fallouts split them for month’s.. Sometimes years on a couple of occasions.. During these splits the magnetic pull from the streets was the strongest for me.. It is so vital for moms and dads to maintain the circle of love, Godly influence and unity for the family.. Satin prowls aggressively when this circle is broken… Mom eventually started leaning on the church. I watched them both closely over the years.. Hunting and fishing was something that brought dad a lot of joy but it never measured up to the adventures I seen mom have in Jesus.. Seeing my Mom fall in love with Jesus was one of the best experiences of my youth. I didn’t fully grasp it then, but now!! Wow! All the angry bitterness and blaming everybody .. It all ceased and it ceased so fast I was puzzled.. A true suddenly! Daddy eventually accepted Jesus as savior, but Momma’s sweaty angering days of arguing all the time was replaced with long peaceful bible readings under a small fan. She looked like she had won a billion. It was some beyond a billion stuff... Her music selections went to Gospel radio. All of her old albums useless and collected mad dust.. This period sent weird chill bumps through me daily.. At first I was the one asking her to take us to church.. My one day request turned into Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday visits to the church!! She was teaching Sunday school, standing at the pastors side ready, and teaching from the pulpit..!

Our days at the track faded away leaving me with memories and a trail to my future right under my nose for me to retrace. She was a few blocks away.. My future Wife was in her neighborhood parking cars for the same track, blooming from where she was!! Handpicked by the Heavenly Father for a destination neither of us knew about!! He chose an attractive daring working Wife with a good heart that had been through to many un loving and un stabilized situations.. Our timing was divine and was ready for love and eager to help her stabilize in every area of her life! The words work 13 and Wife complement each other so naturally… No matter how you look at it.. A marriage can’t even function right without two working it out daily.. Minute by minute, and second by second. It’s a labor of love! Its Godly Action! Days of disagreements. Godly compromise for the sake of the family, and for the sake of the marriage. Learning to put the marriage above the kids.. This one was a challenge for us both.. Awareness was needed for survival.. Realizing that the enemy is unseen by the eye, and His main mission is to try and seek steal kill and destroy marriages for this was Satins main focus from the Garden of Eden.. That devil has always aimed at trying to separate God from leading the marriage.. The evil one was to late on this marriage.. God had already written on us.. We were destined for such a time as this.. To complete a task for our Lord and we did it..

In all I’ve mentioned.. I can look back through our journey and see the joy in it all. The key to our love and joy to the full was finding out who created it and why? It was God’s from day one, and it was to glorify God the Father and His kingdom!! Through this pathway we are truly blessed beyond our understandings and measuring standards.. I know He didn’t know it, but My Uncle Donald spoke my Wife into my life prophetically.. I may have been around eight. I stayed outside playing.. I’d run across him in our neighborhood. He used to say, Jim buck two my main man. Don’t let me catch you in none of those crap games . He’d smile where yo momma at? He said this for a couple of years I was used to Jim buck two.. Then suddenly He started calling me Jim buck twenty.. I was like all kinds of scrambled.. I knew he got the two from my birth day, Jim was my name, and everybody in the ghetto in them days was about hustling a buck, getting paid to go up and get out the ghetto!! Now a couple of years ahead and Uncle Donald was calling me Jim buck 20.. It took me til 2016 to realize God’s placement and how he was giving me prophetic signs to retrace through my uncle at that time. God also used Him to give me info on a historical transition before it even became official! I’ll retouch on my Wife and I meeting later..

14 As a teen I use to ask God why the mix in my situation and circle of influence? Thugs and murderers on one end, and college graduates, and college athletes layered with the glamour of pro athletes on the other end .. As a teen striving to hustle and get out of the ghetto.. It was always a pleasure to talk about the good accomplishments and over achievers after all who wanted to talk about the negatives all the time when you was forced to be in the presence of the negatives .. As I grew I seen the purpose and reason for God’s placement.. The gospels were for and centered around the less fortunate’s the lost, and the outcasts.. It was no surprise to God that I would be planted in the middle of some miniature days of Noah stuff.. As an adult I gained a passion for going back to help spread the gospel and rebuild where I could… The need was there. It was an environment where cutting school, getting drunk, high, camping out by crap games, being influenced by pushers and boosters didn’t lead a person down a path of Godly prosperity.. Knocking somebody out with your fist got you in the thug in crowd... I’ve seen a lot of people join a blacklist to mainstream civilization just to become a monument of tarnished gold in the ghetto.. In the ghetto it’s so easy to fit in.. Just be wild, be able to protect yourself verbally and physically and you had no social rejection issues.. If I knew what I know today I would have been the biggest nerdy outcast in the hood on purpose.. Lol! I still can look back and see the joys I had in the ghetto! In Jeremiah God says.. I knew you in your Mother’s womb before you were born..

As Holy Spirit melted the smudge off of me over the years. The love for others increased in a God sized way.. Usually when people mention love and joy you think of smiles fun colors jumpy go lucky photos and hugs! Lol! All of that is wonderful but God is love, and it’s broad and huge in all directions… I realized causing God’s prized possessions harm outside of biblical reasons was very dangerous.. More dangerous than multiple ghettos put together in a war zone.. Purposely ignoring His commands is super dangerous too.. I use to tell my family.. His mercy and grace is wonderful!! Smile! Don’t take His mercy for granted. Serious face. I’d tell them straight forward.. I made it out of the slums in one piece. That don’t

15 mean you will.. If the place is on fire get out.. At least until you get your God view clear so if you go back you can help somebody.. A clear God view and prayer is needed to embrace an all knowing God that informs us and comforts us while expression His love to better us continually.. Scripture teaches us to comfort God’s people.. As I type uncertainty, insecurity and fear are running rampant.. Lost people are looking for a loving word, moments of joy, forms of comfort, guidance, security and answers.. God has all the answers.. All humans see in part..

Abba- God knows before we do it or go through it! He’s just giving you an opportunity to exercise your free will to choose to operate His way, and by His word in the bible and by His Holy Spirit.. He knows about the accidents first! Count it all joy! I remember the time I fell out my daddy’s pickup truck. This was an accident that had nothing to do with human plans.. I was young when it happened.. My daddy slide the window open gently and said Jimmy man can you sit down and quit bouncing all over the place.. I was a little ball of energy in the back of my father’s pick up. He had the camper top on the truck. I was having a ball.. After my mom and my dad got me to calm down I sat gently near the tail gate I remember faintly hearing my mom and dad’s conversation through the camper window after they closed it. I had stop moving around.. I was settled down and sitting civilized.. My world was peaceful enjoying the views.. Then I heard that big v8 engine rev up and next I went slamming into the back of the truck. My upper back, head, and shoulders rammed into the tailgate..

This part felt like slow motion.. When the tailgate opened from the force and weight of my body.. I know I had to look like wet clothes tumbling in a dryer.. I saw quick clips of everything rolling. And out on the ground into traffic I went. The drop was so fast I don’t even remember the impact part.. Fourth street was busy in that area.. Cars honking horns, swerving, turning corner sounds, engine sounds was roaring, pedestrians was shopping talking and in and out of stores.. I was around 4 years old and in the middle of kaous with my parents easing on down the street.. I started to panic.. Then I was chill.. Suddenly I heard my parents voice in the distance.. JIMMY! Still a little confused as to why did this happen? Over it 16 all.. I heard my parent and in that moment I was confident.. When I look back I get goose bumps loaded with joy! Just because I know my parents seen me in the middle of the kaous.. .. That tumble could have been fatal.. He still had stuff for me to do, and in one piece! Praise God most High! God is always there. Sometimes He lets us do the work to reel in our own blessings to get us stronger for tasks to come… I always think back on this one fishing trip when my Heavenly Father gave me the controls at the lake! My dad and I was used to average days on the lake fishing . Catch one every other trip.. This trip was a very unusual fishing trip. It was a hot day.. It started out like a normal day on the lake I had my chewy candy. We unpacked to fish.. I opened up my lawn chair and took a seat. Bated up my hook .. Grabbed me another piece of chewy candy with carp doe and worm guts all on my hands.. Disgusting right! Well I dropped my line in the water and BAM! Instantly!

A bite! That one catch that fast was not normal.. Well that day felt like a Jesus in the boat with Peter fishing experience! I was excited! I bated up dropped it back in at the bank and BAM! Another one! No little ones.. I’m talking arm jerking rough heavy carp! I remember dropping my chewy candy in the lake I was trying to decide if I should grab the chewy candy or rebate.. I rebated and BAM!! My dad’s eyes was big and spooky in a good way! He said he had never witnessed nothing like that before in his life, because it repeated about another 15 times!! My pops tried his real in the same spot to increase the catch.. Not a bite.. He just let me continue while he netted them up. He un hooked them and I rebated my line.. I was exhausted dusty and my hands was covered in sticky carp doe and worm guts.. Afterwards, I slept right there on the ground sun cooking me! I was a tired kido.. My daddy cranked up the music and was happy dancing.. I faded out!

Another time.. God was there but I had to go through some stuff.. Literally go through some stuff like tree branches.. I was at the daycare trying to earn me some wings! Climbing to the top of this play ground set. Instead of sliding down the slide.. I GOT BOARD! This interesting branch was calling my name.. It was just too far away.. I mounted up I heard a daycare lady in 17 the distance saying.. You guys be careful.. By that time the wind from my flight was partially drowning her out.. I felt good too! Suddenly I slowed up mid… Air… Branches was smacking me in the face. I may have bit a few branches trying to break the fall… Once gravity kicked in I was out! Straight down and fast! Right on my elbow .. I got up.. I was excited and ready to do it again! But my arm didn’t work. I looked down and my bone was poking out of my arm.. I remember hearing yelling and screaming.. I was a broken arm freak show.. They called my Momma. She pulls up in the cab.. Speaks to the day care lady.. We load into the cab and I immediately goes into my usual fun play mode. Not even paying attention to the damaged dangling arm.. Momma sawed me down with every cuss word she knew! It was something like this.. Leave me alone you crazy beep. She said. Make me mis my beep hours and beep beep money shut up and ride.. This was before her transformation in Christ! If only this one could have been like the fall out of my dad’s truck, no injuries.. I healed after a lot of surgery, stitches rods, pins.. They saved the arm! I looked like a t-rex on one side for about a year after the annoying cast! LOL! Once again my parent was there.. Just like our Abba heavenly Father was there watching every moment of that hideous drop and landing .. The joy it brings me when I know He is there!! Moments that could be reasons for anger and bitterness.. I’ve learned to hug them like Jesus embraced His cross..

My pops use to say Jim did you set the payment arrangement.. I know I was under ten.. I’d say oh shoot! Smiling! No, I gave them the check.. I’ll be right back.. Chewy candy in hand I’d catch an elevator and sometimes I’d run up the steps to negotiate a bill arrangement for my parents.. Most of the time returning smiling and laughing having fun..! My parents use to say man did you tell them about our situation for me? I’d start joking again and having fun.. Sometimes I’d say they are coming to get the tv today! We can’t even afford it don’t stress.. We stayed renting TV’s! Their words.. Are you serious! I’d say relax and bust out laughing! Their words Jimmy man you play to beep beep much.. I use to think uh you should be doing this.. Why are you mad I’m happy to do it for you? I was a kid doing kid stuff!

18 Scripture says when I was a child I spoke like a child! I did a lot of that!! I got older and it amazes me when I contemplate on how God can bless a child with such wonderful qualities and as we get older we seem to forget those qualities that could really benefit us when under pressure… I had to remind myself of this when I became an adult in similar situations as my peoples.. Minus my kids making arrangements for me.. Through those moments of joking I found a lot of funny joy! I never enjoyed purposely sabotaging people to cause injury that was not in my dna. I always seen that as a waste of time.. Below kid play.. If someone was hurting or missing the mark.. I always tried to be sympathetic , understanding and or using joking to lighten their mood. Not joking about a loss or pain. It was redirected fun in hopes that they would see that issue through the eyes of the child they were blessed with!!

19 (CHAPTER 2)

Out of the water fighting

20 The day I was baptized was so special! I came out of the water and I heard the most beautiful music. Chill bumps lined and filled me.. Go King Jesus, ride!! The vocals from the choir climbed up there and hit them high strong pitches.. So high and strong that only a few I’ve heard can belt those kind of notes out.. Together that choir was powerful! It was angelic! It was something to be proud of.. We goes back to a church to fellowship.. I’m expecting more love and praises sung to our Lord.. I’m sitting in the pews exited and suddenly a real thuggish loud mean fight breaks out.. I’m a newly baptized Christian. Now I’m in the middle of a fight in Church? A very public one.. I prayed silently.. It was one that only the Holy Spirit could understand because I knew nothing about structuring prayer. My soul was reaching to my Lord for peace and stability in a moment that could have literally ruined my confidence and walk as a Christian.. Talk about a reason to hold a grudge or be mad at some people.. Now this was a true happening that I had no parts in.. This drama could have been devastating for me.. God protected me. He knew in that ordeal my heart only wanted peace and praise… God said peace be still and that peace continued to this day..

I wonder why I didn’t back a away or hold a grudge or lose my faith? It was Jesus riding and protecting! Isaiah 64:8 (NLT) He already knew me! What satin was plotting to sidetrack my walk had and has no grip on me.. Jesus will step in. It may not resonate with you in the moment you reach out. You may not notice it right away but every word in the bible and every command uses to shield you from satins onslaught.. Jesus not only protects us in the moment but He’s already set the word for a place that He taught on in the bible.. It’s hell. Jesus taught about this as much as any other topic.. It may look like satin is raising all hell now, but the real deal is yet to come… He is not letting satin mop His babies and just set back and smile.. God means what He says and the bible is true in what it says.. Every knee shall bow. It’s happening now. I’ve seen it. We all have.. Just go to a cemetery.. It’s a form of bowing since the word was given in Genesis.. Every tongue will confess.. Did you know a completely silent

21 mouth can say more than a loud mouth alive and running it about the wrong stuff?

The foundation for my upbringing was close to a lot of Church’s.. They were everywhere.. One in particular sat right across the street from us..! It was named after one of Messiah’s best buds, and it was one of my best bud’s name too! It was about two blocks from smoketown! Smoketown is where my Mom’s family was rooted and raised.. An area flooded with struggle and misguided energies.. I’ve seen buddies slain and torn apart with shotguns. One day my Wife and I was setting in Smoketown .. Our second son was around one. A guy walked right up to a car in front of us with a mask on and unloaded a pistol right into the cars open window. I knew the person he shot was probably seriously injured. My Wife started panicking severely.. I thought she was going to need medical attention for shock.. I immediately put my car in reverse and went into stuntman mode. I whipped in reverse driving backwards down the alley the entire stretch .. A narrow alley.. One wrong swivel or turn and it was over.. My son was around one.. He was calm and cool drinking his sippy bottle just as innocent.. We got out of that crazy situation.. Later I believe they said the guy was caught.. That’s the environment I grew up in.. Now it was not all bad… Some of the world’s greatest athletes graced it’s community centers.. My Father was friends with and went to school with a few of them.. Around the time I met my Wife I saw movies made there for national tv.. Smoketown was a close neighbor to the 29 acres of ghetto that I was raised on.. Momma used to walk us a few blocks to smoketown to get free haircuts at my granddaddy’s barbershop that sat in the heart of smoketown. My Momma’s dad.. Granddaddy was like my daddy with his choice of words.. He use to see us coming and say my babies!! We lived on Clay st/ scriptures states that God is the potter and we are the clay.. Clay street was the street for a lot of first for me.. It was infested with ill situations waiting to trap you.. It had its learning benefits that helped me grow and align with my destiny.. There I learned the basics and difference between being a business operator and a nine to five employee.. I grew in understanding that helped me make wise family decisions.. I gained an

22 understanding about the details of how togetherness on one accord was a tremendous blessing with in itself.. It was a miracle to glean these qualities from an environment that was showcasing self elevation and self gratification.. It was filled with opportunities to watch the blind lead the blind.. I enjoyed it and loved everybody there and God gave me so many exciting visions.. Through those visions He had a deeper prophetic plan.. When you’re in a desert valley almost everything up top looks extra ordinary and good.. Through my observations.. I was able to alter a lot of big dollar plans that may have put out my fuse that God lit for me to take off and fly for Him.. I never lost the thrills for seeing the rich get richer.. In the mud I gained an even deeper passion for the poor getting rich too!! Seeing my parents struggle with ordinary jobs didn’t make me bitter. I gained a broader view.. It made me look at both sides of the fence from a Godly point of view..

That double vision blessing played a role in my future providing a tall perch for me to see and experiencing standing on both sides.. Seeing how the everyday nine to five folks that satin was trying to discourage by spreading the lies that kept and keep the ordinary folks thinking that their work was less important, it baffled me.. Holy Spirit showed me how all work when viewed from God’s prospective is a form of worship and very relevant to Him and to big business.. The work that prays.. The work that makes it possible for big corporations to thrive and grow.. The work that supports extra ordinaries in their pursuits of stardom.. God’s point of view is so needed for today’s people from all age groups that are fighting and struggling with balancing a good work ethic.. It is so vital because God’s point of view was and is the original business model.. A model that transformed and motivate a teenage like myself that didn’t like touching toilets outside of his own home toilet, to giving me a passion for service that took me to a business servicing hundreds of toilets with employees!! God’s point of view is what eventually molded me at clay street.. My past business example might not sound as glorious to a non godly reader but if every teen and young adult had those blessing at a minimum.. The street violence would drop.. They’d have to many producing opportunities in the

23 mix. Full plates… An idle mind is the devil’s workshop.. God’s model works.. He will give the strength to carry it and it will be a labor of love and not a burden.. I can make eating desert a burden and a complaint if I view it through the wrong lens.. It’s like this book. Giving my story without teaching the bible.. It can be done but will it glorify the Father according to His plan.. No. Those 66 are needed.. God’s point of view is needed for the full benefits..

24 (CHAPTER 3)

Responsibilities Growing and grateful!

25 I’ve always respected war veterans.. Although I’d rather walk it out peacefully like Jesus.. My grandfather was in the Navy my Dad’s dad. I still have his flag in my office today.. I’ve heard a lot of war vets tell their stories.. The bible is laced with the realities of war. What sticks out to me is the warm and comforting conversations about coming home from war and the victories.. Home is supposed to be that place of refuge, family, safety, fun celebration and praise!! Home is a place for training also.. Training to become like Christ, not kill or be killed combat training.. Everybody expects war to be a war in a war zone. The troops are geared up for war physically and mentally. They’ve trained for it. Artillery is there and loaded. The big backing of the countries whole military is behind you.. Now at home you have very little to support you for war… Very minimal for a war zone. Satin knows this and he smiles.. Not because he has the power to wreak havoc but because he has an opportunity to seek to and fro searching for those that he can request to devour.. That’s why Peter said be alert. Be alert in the word , stay prayed up, do moral biblical briefings with the youngsters because when normal communities start to develop to many war symptoms.. We know to expect mass innocent tragedies in areas that are nowhere near prepared or trained for such attacks.. So staying ready is essential.. The evil on knows he is doomed for eternal suffering and misery where there is no breaks or shade trees to relax.. Every moment is spent looking for a way out with no exits.. So he’s loves trying to ruin days in hopes to discourage you, and to get you off your game.. Confusion is usually satins first approach.. I learned this at a young age..

It was a broad day light gun shootout.. This was one of the events that really added to my pile of enough’s. It motivated me to push harder towards getting out and setting standards for my family and I. I gained a longing to be a good example for my son.. The incident didn’t really scare me.. I had spent my life as a youth in the woods hunting with dad, seen ak47’s fired at people, seen dear friends laying lifeless in the street.. I’ve even had guns waived at us in robberies that I know was not meant for a group of broke high school teens.. This broad daylight thing at my age on this day said enough of the immaturity. I had a little boy that I was proud of

26 and I was determined to see him experience going to school from a new home in the suburbs, coming home sharing dinner with the family.. The wholesome stuff that all people strive for deep down.. Even the non believers want these blessings for their families.. One day I was walking home from work with no intentions of being in a broad day light shoot out. These guys had grey beards too.. I hide behind a telephone pole with no gun, no bullet proof vest and no military to back me up, talking to myself.. Alert, watching, and waiting in meditation and I didn’t even know it. Focused. Repeating silently..

Lord open the door for me to exit this non-since.. I was plotting this standoff out in all kinds of scenarios.. I was saying to myself, if this guy moves here I’m going under this car, or if this guy moves there, I’m ducking behind the car over there.. A person can talk a good game all day until he or she is put in a certain scenario.. This helped me in an unusual way. I was a little angry at first then I laughed a little after God delivered me without harm.. I immediately went into plans to change my surroundings.. I remember being in high school researching colleges, applying for extra jobs.. I eventually enrolled in college as a junior in high school.. The counselor said it was called (dual) enrollment.. Now hear you have this teen with a new son in high school, influenced by the streets, fighting to live righteous while his parents are splitting each other apart daily, and to add to that I didn’t like school.. I knew it would have helped if I could of shook off the distractions! I loved cars! So instead of staying alert and getting prepared in the right areas.. The extra job funds was kicking in but the flashy here and now stuff sidelined the things that held value to benefit me and help me with my goals to improve my surroundings.. Like a house out of the projects and or a business.. I was to occupied with buying different old school cars.. The old school cars held a status in the hood I felt I had to have.... If you owned one it was the hood version of success! I added the Chrome wire rims and all.. I had a like new luxury four door that gained a lot of hood credits! It was flawless with the money green leather and wood grain everywhere! I added a nice audio system.. You could catch me day after day installing a new stereo system piece in my cars..

27 More amps, more speakers.. See what satin did was he seen my energies to get out and dangled a lot of additional fun distractions in from of me.. Stuff that was ok to get if I had my priorities in order first.. I got my convertible fitted with hydraulics! I was young and to easy to entice.. I needed what I have today in Jesus .. A peace that surpasses all understanding! I’m saying all this to hopefully show another young person a higher ground for a better beginning.. I still count it all joy because we had fun!

I’d pick my son up in my 1974 shinny burgundy convertible with the white top and white seats.. I’d ride him around flipping switches on the hydraulics .. In those days we rode the rubber of a car. So thrilled just to see my boy laughing and getting excited every time we did the three wheel motion or dipped down with the switches!! He got a kick out of that bouncing automobile! Those moments gave us a lot of joy but not a remedy for our long term needs.. I’d reach for other bait satin dangled like un-needed gold chains.. Once again I was split between my big gold Egyptian queen Nefertiti medallion and rope and putting a down payment on a house.. Passing out bible tracks had took a brief back seat to my materialistic fetishes.. Then Momma got approved for section 8. A blessing in disguise.. Short on my personal goal, but her ticket out took me out too.. We was blessed to get out of the physical brick project apartments.. We moved into a new home still in the hood of smoketown.. I was still grateful! It was a move forward, a break from the cluttered bricks, and to be truthful I missed them bricks as I got older and moved further away.. At the new place of Mom’s I remembered working coming in the door with new tennis shoes smiling! Mom used to say boy you laughing and all happy.. Start preparing to help with these bills we have utilities now, and get some rest so you can driving your brothers to school.. That was a norm until they graduated high school! It was cool with me! Even if it wasn’t cool with me Momma would have known it.. Mom was extra blessed with discernment.. She knew when I was ok and or sincere and joyful for new tennis shoes or if it was joy for Jesus..

28 Sometimes she would say.. Did you thank Jesus.. Or did you just get excited without Him in thought? Those comments and moments led me into doing a detail self evaluation.. See God knows what’s in a tiny collard or kale green plant prior to its growth. So it’s no fooling Him.. I started to exercise in my down times.. I prayed for understanding and discernment.. Jesus said you take one step and I’ll take two.. Two towards helping you, revealing to you, blessing you.. The scriptures teaches to Knock and He will open the door.. Ask, and seek for things that line up with His will!! His will. Then His will eventually becomes the wheels you depend on to get you around and through.. The exercise was intense at times.. Especially when nothing seemed to come on schedule or when satin had me surrounded with tons of negativity.. I use to pick up the bible and search the scriptures for joy scriptures.. Then the hard scriptures that had Jesus or the disciples in a rough spot, then the joy scriptures, back and forth, up and down.. As if I was lifting weights.. After a while those moments in scriptures replayed in my head throughout the day, and pretty soon the negative stuff didn’t have an impact on my day.. Holy Spirit used those in the gym workout study sessions to increase my sensitivity and discernment.. Now today I know immediately if my joy is stuff based or just because I’m with Jesus!! Back then I was so young and easily distracted by the materialistic stuff.. Like the smell of our brand new home.. It was addictive… I mean stay in and watch TV all day additive!

We didn’t own it but it provided somewhat of a safe haven that helped prepare me for owning a couple of brand new home, and one in the suburbs! After we got settled into our new house on Kentucky.. The first couple of months I dove into my bible. No more homies right outside the door.. I started to mis my homies, but It was a new peace I had to get used to.. Isaiah 26:3 (NLT) resonated as I continued in His word.. God started giving me signs of more according to His will.. I came home from a college class and fell asleep. I had a dream about a young lady that was attending college with me.. The neat part about this is my future Wife was right under my nose again for the second time.. She was in the same college around the time I was there.. Well I had said hi to this other young lady once or

29 twice in the college hallway.. As days went by I’d have a few more dreams about the young lady from college.. All the dreams was audio of her name.

I had learned her name through frivolous ear hustling! The dreams was repeats of audio of her name. No picture visions or video. It was strange.. This was not normal for a guy my age. During this time in my life I had went from this out going joyful teenager getting peoples numbers and hanging out having fun going to parties movies, and hanging on the block to this not so outgoing person.. I was kind of quiet for once. I really felt strange at times although I knew I was free.. I had joy but I had an uneasy feeling about my position and progress for my age.. This increased after chatting with a couple of classmates that had went on before me.

The stories I heard was positive but they lacked the shiny gold chain stuff I found in the streets and it lacked the completeness that I had in Christ.. I was stuffed into finding the right chemistry for my journey . I remember a lot of blank moments.. Something like the 400 years between the old and new testament.. As I continued the college classmates name resurfaced again and again.. It became a mystery for me. I was a puppy Christian. Puppy Christians misinterpret and make a lot of simple mistakes that you eventually get better at when you continue in His word as you grow… So I started to back slide a little the objective went from school and bible to money and moving out of my moms.. My occasional scripture study landed me on tithing. God said do it and I will prove to you!! I dove into tithing.. Although I was starting to back slide.. Living in my mom’s house.. You was going to get some church or get your ear wrestled off about it.. So I started tithing from my little car washing job I had picked up to help pay for student loans that I was nowhere near ready for.. One day I needed one tire. After one of my first leaps into tithing.. I ended up with my boss giving me the green light to a whole pile of tires.. This was a new dealership with luxury rides so the tire pile I was given access to saved my boss from paying to have new tires pick up. Tires that may have been switched just for a style upgrade.. Like new tires!! God proved Himself upfront! My work hours eventually increased my little boy was growing he needed stuff now… So my college attendance dropped off with the plans of returning .. My work 30 was routine and fun but I knew this was not the whole picture.. One day Holy spirit spoke to me.. Be of good courage, be strong. That’s what I felt daily.. Remnants of Joshua.. I also seen pictures relating to the spiritual messages.. I felt Him say softly others have left college and they are building successfully now. Your focus is to build on me.. One day I was driving by my grandfather’s old barbershop. This was after he went home to be with the Lord.. I stopped and stood in front of his shop.. I got chill bumps up and down me! The conclusion of my search was clear and I knew what I wanted.. The ability to become an entrapuneuer.. This flowed through me now more than ever.. The moment I stepped in my car and drove off God said look!! I looked but I had no idea of what I was looking for at first.. That night I had a dream about a rehab project.. Over the next couple of days I was looped in by some real estate infomercials that really peaked my interests.. So I started walking my neighborhood and ran into a house for sale.. A house owned by a church.. I prayed and fasted.. The fasting was new to me but I dove in and it socked me.. I was starving myself crazy.. I could feel my flesh being crucified.

My week was a living drag that I was proud of! I wrote all of these moments down.. It was a first. I was weak but I was full of an unexplainable hope! I revisited the house.. I took a picture of the house and I showed my Father because he was hungry for a change too.. All of this played out just in time because pops was on the verge of losing his eye sight completely.. I’m glad he got to see it come to pass.. At the time I felt the deal closing successfully.. I knew it was going to work. My dad had previous painting and remodeling experience .. We use to paint his aunt’s house when I was younger, but this was my first real hands on attempt at remodel.. Dad came on board to help acquire the property from the church with a mortgage escrow construction loan.. We closed the deal we bought our first property and we had contract employees for the remodel!! We had a crew from start.. A nice amount of people was stopping by asking for work and the opportunity to rent. The neighborhood was filled with drug addicts and less fortunate people who was satisfied just to get a hour or two of work. I’d give them a small task for minimum wage.. This phase brought a new found

31 confidence to my family and to those we helped. We still had our struggles, it was not smooth sailing.. We had break ins, people hanging around for hours on end for work and other opportunities…

During those days it was a huge increase of people giving fake id’s and fake information.. These issues added confusion to the project.. I remember waiting a few days just to get identification for a new worker.. This was not a walk in the park for my first rehab project.. It did prep me for today! Where now I’ve accomplished and juggled multiple new construction and rehab projects that was successfully completed with ease.. I’ll cover this later… The word spread fast about this house.. I’d be in the club clear across town and people that I usually didn’t see in my circle was suddenly popping up. I was busy and having fun! In and out of different rental vehicles making deliveries and runs around town for the rehab.. Some tangles surfaced during the ending phases of the rehab project and things eventually slowed up.. We was to mortgaged up to do more rehab work, so we sat stagnate.. The days overflowed with conversations of my dad’s oldie goldies music days while I searched for new work.. Dad use to say man we could have gotten a little further with the right promoters and managers in my musical days.. In that moment the word go lit in my head.. The whole lay out for the music intro was being written out that night. A few days later I was in libraries and on the phone.. I always had a passion for it the moment dad introduced me to it.. It was a side thing.. The only occupation I can truly say I’ve carried continuously is the gospel of Jesus Christ Messiah!!!! With this new side flame I was out burning.. Research was my new name.. I was going to do this new music movement.. I was going to do it and touch the big leagues too.. I felt it.. God had a glory to glory for me.. Lol! Until He got me to the place He wanted me to be!! I was having so much fun! My days was swamped with visiting studios and equipment stores .. It was a period of time before I launched.. But when I launched I was fully confident and ready! Short on cash but ready! The year was 1999 I started a little indy label with one artist… Me! My search for talent was not hard but I didn’t find the chemistry I was looking for right away.. I was so invested.. I didn’t want the

32 flame to fan out before hitting a stage or a studio.. So I invested in studio time at a pretty nice spot.. I was focused and positive.. I did my first song. Got my copyright, did photo shoots, packed it up, and hit the malls.. I put it in a major mall outlet on consignment! That made me feel good! I was a young man trying to find his way!! I started passing the cd’s out in the streets to promote the single.. I still have pictures til this day of that little single sitting on the shelves next to all of the major label artists! Lol!! I was riding in the convertible I sold my buddy.. We laughed and had a ball riding and listening to that little single!!

Music is from heaven and I knew it! I kept going! With every step Holy spirit was encouraging me to keep it clean, positive and motivating.... My little single embodied all of those requests! After the single.. My goals grew! I was aiming to go full blown manager promoter.. I just needed more to work with.. Well I eventually bumped into talent that was right under my nose .. It was a group.. The leader used to be a preacher.. After we came to an agreement to work together.. Our business relationship grew . The group leader became my right hand man we was tight.. We had the same name too! We ate slept and drank the groups purpose.. I had grown up around these guys! They had talent that was waiting to be catapulted higher.. They had street edge sound and look! They added to my movement as I added to theirs.. I remember coming through our ghetto in a luxury car that cost almost half million dollar.. A luxury car I never see come through my projects.. I rented it to do a promo photo shoot, and to motivate them! Our overall message was hustle and gets it! We was talking and planning a hustle to get it movement for money, and whatever else your heart desired in this life..

God had plans and his big picture for me was to advance the gospel of Jesus by being a witness! The payment was eternal life, unexplainable joy, peace, love and to get saved!! His way!! Me and the group did some maxi singles, and an album.. We put the cd’s in the stores, we shot a music video with total community support from the housing complex down to the actual residents! The hood was crowed that day and willing to participate! I felt like I didn’t have an enemy in the world.. The evil one was silent in 33 appearance.. Eventually I built relationships with the radio station in our home town. They helped us establish participation in big shows with major artists.. We teamed up with additional artist.. I helped catapult their movement they eventually landed major shows, and opportunities on a big level..

This happened so fast.. Honestly I was not surprised because I felt God give me the green light as He watched to see what direction I was going to lead the crew in and how long was I going to stay in the area.. I started evaluating my reasons for the music movement while juggling a new franchise I was buying into.. My boss at the job I was working for allowed me to make these huge banners for the club they serviced. This was more fuel and reason for me to keep going with the music movement! We held huge parties at this club! The perfect 9 to 5 for what I was doing .. I was hitting on all eight cylinders.. I finally got my first apartment on east Washington street! The block was out of the ghetto.. It was quiet and peaceful..

I heard birds chirp clearly.. My apartment sat across the street from the house of a inventor that took God’s creation of light and made it into a very helpful contained resource that changed and improved civilization.. I use to attend the daycare that sat on the block. It was the same daycare where I feel out the tree and broke my arm, not realizing God was already preparing my healing and lease for His purposes! I was content with my new life and career but something was missing.. A pre planned gift.. My house warming gift! A month or so went by my artists and I was promoting the release of our music video.. We sat up big screens throughout the club we had open shows and promoted sale out parties in.. It was packed that night.. I walked away from our table where the video was showing.. Everybody was drinking, talking and enjoying the night.. As I walked away.. It felt like everything was in slow motion again.. Then a pause.. Standing in the crowd of many women.. There was Monique! My Wife to be.. I knew she was it. She didn’t know about the planned meet that God had already put into play but somehow I felt it.. I felt it all.. The ups and

34 downs.. I felt like the whole story was playing in her eyes. She looked my way and turned towards the bar..

She walked up to the packed bar with some ladies friends.. I didn’t know who was with who.. I know I was focused and confident .. I spoke, she spoke.. It felt and sounded like home. She looked so nice..! I knew I was destined to be with her in marriage before satin had a chance to prevent it or try to ruin it… We had miles to walk together.. I gave her my business card, forgot about our video party and watched her dance all night..! A few days later she called me.. I was feeling like some extra fun now!! I had that warm feeling that filled the house! Thiers a unique door we enter when we enter into engagement and marriage! It’s an awesome experience of having God’s approval of you with your Wife!! The creator of the universe smiling!

This is something married couples should cherish.. No matter what your past relationships look like. None compares to the one within marriage.. Even if you’ve reentered and or had to rekindle the marriage.. This one aspect of pleasing God in this area is something that is only achieved through a marriage.. She came to visit my apartment for the first time. It was brief. We let conversation lead. It lead to more all night late hours on top of hours of fresh conversation with both parties listening more and contributing at the right moments.. All unscripted private uncensored conversation that flowed like water for weeks… Yes she was attractive but the conversation ruled.. Conversation that took my focus off my father losing the house and off the business slowing down.. Conversation that made me look at my personal goals. It made me reevaluate moving forward in entertainment... Conversation that made me rethink about parenting.. I was caught off guard with the depth of the discussions.. It all seemed so simple but yet still so involved.. Even before she asked me to pause and rethink the club scene and music promoting.. I was already slowly releasing it and it was just starting to lift off.. I had artists, shows, video, new connections in radio unlimited creative ideas but the talks and proposal for marriage surfaced and over ruled in a good way for God’s kingdom.. The conversations gradually turned into more children.. House 35 purchases and the materialistic stuff came into the conversation last.. Every time she showed up at my apartment she bought toys for her son and more of their clothes for longer stays and I was cool with it. It was a central air getaway for her.. She was leaving the jungles of the (Iroquois) projects to take quiet walks.. We even walked to work a contract I picked up on the corner. Then on one occasion we headed to the club afterwards to do a music show. I remember the first show she experienced with me it was in v.i.p. with a group that was getting heavy music video play on a major music show.. Afterwards we went to her apartment and the next day we got word of the conception of my second biological son.. We had so many prophetic signs from God.. It was a no brainer..

We both had God in our upbringing!!

We both enjoyed conversation with each other!!

We both had a son prior to meeting!!

We both went to the same junior college!!

We both drove matching car brands at the time we met!!

We both had musical backgrounds growing up!!

We both had lengthy 9 to 5 job experiences!!

We both had parents that worked on story ave at the time we met!!

We both had close matching height and physical structures!!

We both had our own apartment s when we met !!

We both had current commercial cleaning jobs and past experience!!

We both were the go to siblings for our parents!!

We both had grandfathers in the navy!!

We both grew up around the horse race track!!

We both had biological relatives that was not a part of our upbringing!! 36 We both had a high school mate return to us for a relationship after we had our sons!!

We both had residence as kids in the east section of downtown!!

We both was ready to blend our immediate families- Jesus came from a blended immediate family!!

Monique actually had a fight with a girl I remember as the first female friend I had around age 4 on Hancock st! These are just a few of the signs that linked Mo and I.

I had a divine relationship with Monique’s grandmother. We use to talk about scriptures and God for hours.. She noticed how close Monique and I had became. She use to say if I see Jim I know I will see Monique too! It was all natural, nothing was forced.. Monique said her grandfather use to pass out bible tracks right on the corner of 4th st where I fell out of my Fathers truck.. Monique and I had gotten so excited with in such a short period of being together.. We used to catch the city bus to look at homes to rent or purchase. We had a purchase price goal of 50,000. That was our plans.. God tripled that two times!! She eventually moved all the way into my apartment. That lasted for about a month. I told her I had to let my parents have the apartment until they could find a new place.. Monique said we can just move into her apartment and I did. I didn’t like going back to them bricked up ghettos.. Lol!! Being with her and the boys made it bearable.. Lol!

I was nowhere as near as strong as I am now !! We still moved forward with our plans for marriage she was buying wedding glasses, getting invitations made.. I was buried in the process of trying to release my artists without leaving them bone dry.. It took awhile but I eventually helped by giving out some info that helped a few of them start their own label! With less traffic it was a lot smoother to navigate this new family life I was excited about! Monique was not hard to satisfy she only wanted a small wedding.. I didn’t want to leave nobody out.. Monique used to say it feels like you know the whole city why so many people! At the time that was our

37 biggest disagreement! Around this time I had to leave her for a trip to to different states to finish a non scripted indy film with my buddies .. The time away from her helped me to see her point of view of a smaller wedding .. After I returned we went out to find a rental house so we could get out them bricks.. Dice games was being robbed strange knocks at the door with no one answering, three am.. The next day I’m hearing stories of people’s apartments being ran in... The first house we found to rent.. Was this little sunny yellow house with a house number of 920. So prophetic.. September2, September-Nov 20, and this would soon be the address for our home church that would sit down the street from another prophetic home address and we didn’t even know it at the time of the 920 lease.. Even the deposit and lease details had so many prophetic numbers and signs.. We got settled into the house, talking about freeeeedom!!

The block matched my apartment block. A Church sat right across the street from 920!! It was a quiet area.. Hardwood floors and nice bedrooms, nice sized country style kitchen and a basement with a two car detached garage.. We was ready to build a family and I got a knock on the door.. It was my parents telling me the apartment I let them stay in was too small .. We was getting ready to build a family alright, just not the way me and Mo planned! In so many words my peoples was saying move over we are on our way to move in with you Mo and the kids! LOL! Cool with me right! It’s family I was raised with. It was not so easy for Monique.. We had just got used to me easing away from the club scene and music promotions.. I was waxing floors and making plans for our new family.. My peoples moved in with us. The arrangements became un bearable for Monique. She was giving me all kinds of hints and signs my words to her was just a little while longer honey.. We will pull through this.. We pulled a big moving truck through the driveway and helped her repack all that stuff back to her ghetto project apartment in Iroquois .. She kept the apartment as a backup.. I was all in.. I had parted peacefully with my apartment arrangements so I stayed in the house with my family and I was visiting her in the ghetto. She was pregnant with our son and had her hands full with readjusting.. While on one of the visits I noticed she had reunited with

38 this previous guy.. So I found me a new lady friend.. This showed me we could still thrive as individuals, but Monique and I was just not built for the separated parenting at that stage and it showed.. It was not God’s plan for us.. She was miserable I seen it.. I soon found out that my new lady friend and Monique had a history together they knew each other from work. My new lady friend was all in for making our new relationship work. I was in music, she was a singer.. We made a single and promoted it! I gave them out as promos.. This was a fun healing bridge.. The separation from Monique was still affecting me. I was unfocused.. Thoughts of my unborn son being raised without me their full time was thumping me daily.. From the outside looking in you would think that a young man in my situation would have been beyond satisfied.. It was nobody’s fault or short comings.. When you have a certain role God chose you to play.. It’s a must unless the Lord reroutes you.. My buddies thought I was crazy..

Them dudes was slobbering for the chance that I had with my new lady friend! My focus was shifted big time with each visit to Monique’s apartment.. I could tell the split was affecting us both but she didn’t let it show until I invited her to come to my new lady friends concert. That’s how much I was invested in Monique.. The more I mentioned Monique the more my buddy was trying to shift into a spot with my new friend it was wild to see how one woman can drive a man totally banana’s with excitement! She was Dominican and talented but I was prophetically tied to Monique. I knew it.. I don’t think Monique knew it from a biblical point of view at that time.. The separation eventually made us stronger.. It brought the real passions and goals we wanted to the surface.. I committed to helping my new lady friend do her show and I introduced her to a legendary soul singer that my daddy used to talk about when I was a kid.. My Father was a huge fan of this legendary soul singer.. My father was so excited when I told him! A few days after the show I lined up for my lady friend..

Monique surprised me with a call! She said she wanted to go and see a movie.. I liked that idea! Although it was a movie I did not enjoy.. This was opportunity to be with my boy and my fiancé so I just sat through the movie to be with her.. I moved back into Monique’s ghetto apartment, and I 39 still did not like the apartment!! In a strange way that apartment started to feel like home.. Odd.. I was glad to be back with her it was near the time for our son to transfer from the belly into our space!! I gained a few last music shows.. One was in a place I dreamed of playing in as child.. A dream come true!! See Joel 2:25 (NLT) I will give back!! I just wanted my family back!! I was proud and ready!! I started working washing cars and I still had seeds planted.. One day the legendary soul singer called my cell phone that Monique was packing.. He was returning my call. I had left a voice message asking about my lady friend I introduced them too.. They previously made arrangements to pick her up and they took her out of town.. Monique called me breathing all fast.. Jim ya boy called you!!

I called him back he was very polite and what stood out was his Jesus qualities.. He was humble in returning my call and he was polite.. Later on a few years down the road I seen him with some friends of a friend that I feel like I’ve known from the beginning of creation!! Ancient in a good way!! Jesus said now I call you friend.. No matter how many times I’ve seen it, it’s amazing watching God use situations to show you other ways His hand is working and weaving all things together for the glory of His kingdom!

I had celebrity encounters in my past. A legendary soul singer that’s been around for a long time called me back to discuss matters..

I walked away from multiple opportunities and actual shows that put me in the presence of entertainers so I know what the Holy Spirit showed me about this newly revealed Ancient friend of a friend was for biblical reasons .. It was God ordained from the beginning, a God planned encounter.. I had this same inner peace about someone my dad met when I was a teen this person worked a normal job.. Huge stuff to have a God view and grand to love everybody like God loves!! Prior to marriage.. My fathers’ health started to decline. This was a challenging season.. I was brittle in my faith and in my walk with God and Monique had not yet been renewed.. Satin used all he had during this season.. Anything to gain a position of condemnation.. He couldn’t get us with one lady friend at a time and the basic stuff.. So he started to present the opportunity for multiples at one

40 time.. It broke down our defenses.. The parties were vibrant and full of respect and fun, but Monique and I along with friends… We got a little to wild, together.. We hoped on that roller coaster and road it through the wilderness. We prayed for strength understanding and forgiveness.. Back in those days when the party requests kept coming I started to tell folks.. You can’t ride a roller coaster to long.. Right after those dizzy days..

I had a lot of questions for Holy Spirit.. He answered them with scripture .. I was curious as to why did the saints have to go through the same issues an temptations.. Jesus teachings surfaced about the wheat and the tares growing in the same field.. We are the wheat as servants of Christ- Messiah and satin and his evil crew are the tares-weeds.. When evil non- biblical stuff happens to you or when strong temptations over take you as a follower of Christ-Messiah its usually a result of the fall from the garden of eden and or you have a non biblical personal or group attack lead by satin.. When we choose to not do things God’s way He will step out of our way aka removing His hedge of protection temporarily for two reasons.. One you have free will to choose, and within your choices God is always watching and looking to better you according to the bible, to make you stronger and to see how you will handle the attack or temptation.. Two God is evaluating all parties, the attacker in which will have far worse consequences for attacking without biblical reasons or in a non Christ like fashion.. Sins are all the same in God’s eyes.. Except for blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. The bible teaches us that this is the only unforgivable sin.. Intentions and a remorseful heart play a huge role in how God reacts..

Scriptures highlight some of these situations.. Was this a non biblical evil attack you didn’t agree to, or just multiple people in an agreement and losing to a natural urge that is so strong the bible teaches us to call out to God for help to win these types of temptations… Either way we are all in the same field and without repentance all parties become defenseless.. Repent means ask for forgiveness and turn from your old sinful ways and lead a new life pleasing to God according to the holy scriptures and His spirit.. We are to be doers of the word, and not just hearers.. There was a great gap between David, Paul, Hayman, and Sodom.. Two repented in 41 actions.. Did they live perfect? No, there is only one perfect.. Jesus Messiah God in the flesh.. Out of your struggles God will use your journey and experiences to help another not make as many falls if you’re willing.. How can you tell what is from satin? Read your bible if it’s not cleared in your bible it’s of the devil for sure.. Always pray for understanding from Holy Spirit.. His mission is to comfort reveal and guide while providing all the power you need to succeed! Through those valley’s and unclear moments in our past prior to 2012.. In 2013, Holy spirit gave me a real vibrant and almost electrifying example of true intimacy when grouped with God husband and wife.. Nothing has come close to the combination and fullness because of God being in agreement within.. One thing for sure..

Holy spirit will not contradict the bible.. I tell my family.. We have all falling short of the glory of God.. The bible teaches us to be made perfect! It’s a process.. God knows our hearts.. Our max perfection will be when we transform out of the flesh and return as our original spirit selves totally into God’s hands.. So don’t stress just do your best.. Back to our beginnings.. I had a lot of buddies and associates prior to marriage.. Monique started to feel like the crowd was too much while in our vulnerable phase of family building.. When we moved forward with the plans to finalize our marriage. We started setting boundaries for our family.. God pre showed me visions of satins plans..

God pulled me from entertainment so we could strengthen our families foundation.. Entertainment was not the enemy.. Satin was the enemy.. As my interest arose to return… God sent me back into the field of entertainment for a brief moment with an overall goal to fulfill.. Not to condemn, but to relate with all people especially the hurting, the lost, the confused and the struggling.... The time out was needed.. Later as I grew I seen His overall reason for allowing me back into the ent field. Entertainment leads our nation in the department of influence and it’s so much fun!!

42 In the summer of 2001 we was up to our ears in ghettoness and we was ready to move. I knew it was time. We had a newer model car that we drove a lot for the ac. The projects didn’t have it.. We took out of town trips to get away for awhile.. We spent a lot of days visiting 920 with my peoples. Every time we returned from 920 the projects felt less like home... One day I just showed up with a big moving truck. We started loading stuff in it. By night fall we was parked on the driveway of 920. We entered. I said we are home…! My peoples welcomed us and we spent that one summer in the basement of 920.. I was filled with joy!! An unexpected joy!

Our gloomy dark reality in the basement didn’t match how I felt eternally and it didn’t match what I was speaking into existence.. I was speaking light.. God said in the beginning let there be light and there was light. See Genesis 1:3 (NLT) .. I could see our promises..

43 (CHAPTER 4)

Confusion Enlightenment and the Faiths

44 During this stay in the basement I started having an inner passion for others.. Clear visions of people I didn’t know. There was visions of satin tossing them curve balls. It was visions of people that had kids from failed marriages and relationships that left them struggling.. So many visions but my arms was too short. A world filled with billions of people and trillions of dollars yet so many people was still hurting and confused.. This was starting to manifest in our culture.. How could I help? I leaned on the Holy spirit even more.. As I leaned in the more He revealed His simple one size fits all solutions.. I was more than ready to play my role in helping with God’s agenda . I wasn’t worried about the size of the problem.. If God was with me.. I was all in.. I had a vision around Aug of 2001.. Confusion through kaous is one of satins main distractions when he sees you trying to enlighten others for the sake of God’s kingdom.. In this vision I had a dream about God’s ordained scientist that has helped reveal proof of God using science as a means to create and fulfill His will.. The vision then went to a new basketball gym. It was about creation. A new car was in this gym in the middle of the floor. Then ten of the world’s smartest men walked into the gym and asked a simple question. How did the car get there? Another man who was cloudy looking and grayish in completion.. He was not with the ten. He said it just developed out of nowhere.

The ten smart men looked at each other confused because common sense kicked in and told them something that intelligent couldn’t just come from nothing.. Somebody had to drive it into the gym. All that technology had to be developed by someone step by step over a course of years, and it was improved as technology was revealed. The Holy Spirit whispered the same way the car was developed.. I developed the car maker. He was created and he too was not as smart I improved him as mankind grew.. I revealed more knowledge to the man who developed the car.. The car developer was once a little baby and over the years I allowed Him to grow into a fully developed man and or woman.. After coming out of the clouds.. I thought now that makes since.. Even a child could understand that.. This vision here was recent, I accidently dropped my gas can in a wood burning fire and it created a nice size explosion.. Something stood out… I didn’t see

45 one life form or small planet develop.. I was blessed to walk away uninjured.. Then this simple thought appeared..I said to myself nothing comes from nothing, and a vision of fire and food surfaced.. A soft whispered said.. If I you had some hamburgers that you owned and put them over a fire and laded finished burgers on some buns .. I would have a created dinner.. Holy spirit said you all are made in my image.. I am the creator.. I’ve learned to meditate and pray on every thought Paul our brother in Christ teaches us to take thoughts captive to see where they are from, leading them thoughts to obey Christ-Messiah.. 1 Corinthians 10:4- 6 (NLT)

My mind jumped to other concerns in the present.. I began to think about folks I had visited in the hospital living but not responsive.. The body was there but the mind was not there.. Actual evidence.. A comma medically proven by current medical science.. Medical science that aligns with Genesis.. We are made in His image, mind body and soul.. The soul is the battery life source the mind is the machine that helps you to chose directions, make movements and express emotions like laughing, sadness, and it gives you the ability to choose happiness.. Through scriptures, prayer, Holy Spirit, time and research.. God has revealed to us that the body is just a shell housing for time on earth. We are more than one component. We are mind body and soul-made in His image.. One God, made of Father God the head, Jesus the body and Holy spirit… Another way to see it.. A person can be physically sick and even paralyzed and yet be alert mentally and joyful in spirit.. So many simple signs right in front our faces.. If a person’s mind is off or gone sabotaging his ability to function in society as a normal operating individual.. The body becomes all most unproductive for normal work and relationships ect… Increasing the chances of being mentally incapable and possibly having to go into a mental institution because the mind doesn’t work with the body the way it should.. Jesus said I can do nothing by Myself. Only what the Father says do. Also see John 5:19 (NLT) See following and doing is key for the Jesus follower.. We gain our one hundred when we follow Him in belief and in action.. Just read your bible you will see what I’m teaching within

46 matches with the Holy scriptures .. He is the word, He is our one hundred dollar admission into heaven. I have my one hundred and I’m so elated!! Happy dancing!! This is His will for us! To have joy to the full!! He loves everybody.. We are His servant, We should love everybody! I love everybody from all religious beliefs, back grounds, nationalities and races.. Like God, I love you if you don’t agree with me.. The sun shines on the just and the unjust.. I’m not looking to condemn you because you have a different faith.. That’s between you and God.. I’m just a messenger..

How will it look if I pick on the mail man telling Him this is hate speech for simply delivering a cutoff notice for my water bill from the water company.. We have the God given right to choose and think differently, but we should love continuously and unconditionally! If we are all in a line to enter into the amusement park. Why do I need to fight another, kill another, try to make another lose their job, try to make another lose their place in the line, negative gossip, un-needed over board complaining, and constantly looking for unbiblical ways to over condemn someone… When you have your one hundred you are at peace, joyful, sharing and loving.. If we have our one hundred negativity is unnecessary.. We have so many serving saint’s who are vast in abilities.. It’s not just me.. There are a lot of us with many different gifts, talents, teachings, and demonstrations that support our faith.. God is so big everybody’s biblically supported input could reveal a new peace of Him.. He said I didn’t come to destroy the prophets.. He can reveal truth and meanings to passages of scripture to a baby and leave the rest trying to figure it out.. The prophets of old prophesied stuff that was not recorded in complete book form until later on down the line.. That’s why people threatened them and tried to kill them.. Now their words from God are in the book that’s read the most, been around the longest, survived the most attempts to illuminate it.. If I transform out of the flesh today..

What I’ve done for Christ will live forever. Just like God’s word.. I will live forever in paradise.. If a person becomes a mortar, their blood cries out for God to handle the issues at hand, research cain or read revelation.. God will handle it in a supernatural way or He can use a natural method without man so you will know it was God.. God is unchanging in His holiness! 47 Read numbers.. Fear not.. God is with us.. Please know that you don’t ever have to feel alone or boxed in.. That is a trick of satin alone.. He is the author of confusion.. One minute satin says this is right the next he’s switching it up.. Scripture says all good and perfect gifts come from God above, who made the heaven’s lights. He never changes or casts shifting shadows) Also see James 1:17 (NLT) We know God is the ultimate multi- tasker, the creator of many things with a lot of occupations. Knowing that He juggles the most jobs.. This gives us lead to the details, of Him never changing.. He’s always giving good gifts, His Holy ways don’t change, He’s always loving, forgiving, joyful, merciful, full of grace and well endowed in the matters of the heart.. He also created the heavenly lights and He never casts shifting shadows. We know light brings growth, clarity in Holiness, brightness, the light is nurturing for life, and it’s beautiful!! The evil one is good at staying gloomy, saying did God really say? Yes God did say be still know that I’am God! God does not need the saints to tempt people are put people under pressure trying to test people.. That is satins job.. The evil one does that a lot already.. Watch the international news reports.. I spoke on it early.. After Jesus finished work.. Ninety eight percent of the time all God has to do is back up and it’s satin attacking you tempting and or testing you…

Stay open for Holy spirits deposits.. Others in the scriptures felt alone and confused at one point through their walk and even discouraged at one point or another.. I’m sharing a portion of what I’ve experienced and what I was prophetically sent here to do to help you see more details of His hand at work.. Solidifying His involvement… I have collected and purchased a lot of great biblical and scientific resources for why the Judeo Christian faith is the ticket to God Jesus and Holy Spirit. If you get overwhelmed at any time while searching and seeking and if you don’t understand something always remember Jesus taught us about having faith like a child! The simple route has always been the avenue that God used to show me the most complicated concerns about the scriptures and the faith.. Pray for understanding and ask for Him to simplify the matters at hand. See Proverbs 3:5,6 (NLT) This approach can un complicate issues that may

48 arise.. Especially when you get wedged between the different beliefs and other faiths .. Simple approaches like this simple question.. Which religious faith is the oldest? Establishing the foundational truths is just like building a house, once the foundation is in place and stable the rest flows and soon you will have a complete house built on a solid rock!

I say this respectfully.. If someone wants to discuss faiths with me in an attempt to get me to leave my faith.. If their faith is older than mine then I will consider listening , but it’s really simple.. Just like the first car.. The torah-bible is the oldest complete record book and operations manual for mankind.. All models after it are remakes of the original and this is the way it was before I arrived in 74. I didn’t make the rules.. The real to life prophetic signs in our lives God asked me to share points to scriptures from Noah’s time and the garden.. Before babal!! We serve a living wonder God of love! Adonih, Elohim!! I love everyone.. I will always listen to another person just on the bases of Godly love for all.. One thing we all have to be cautious of is satin attempting to lead us on a path that was never meant for us to walk.. He is a master of confusion… When dealing with matters in the supernatural it can easily shift from God to demonic activity.. So this creates a need for one to be cautious which is a God given right to all humans..

I will never purposely disconnect from one for religious cautions and beliefs.. The biblical way is if you’re not causing me physical harm or being disrespectful my job is to help you and treat you as an equal.. Unconditional love! Jesus and the disciples displayed this love to those that caused them physical harm and disrespect.. God loved us with unconditional love prior to Him making the world See Eph 1:4 (NLT) ! This book has caution notices about the separation from God throughout. That’s one of the reason I’m sharing it with others.. It’s a labor of love, and I love you .. On top of it all God told me to share it with the world.. One thing I always like to point out about the different faiths is.. If my faith is not true then at the end of this life on earth no worries just stop existing or have life as another animal ect.. ect.. But if my faith is true and it is and if it’s rejected.. According to the bible and my Lord.. There will be a horrible 49 amount of suffering.. Just on that basis alone a person has a lot of reasons to at least look into the safety within Jesus Messiah.. The fundamental values of mostly all religious faiths express love in different ways, blissful getaways, respecting community, taking care of your body, and working hard.. All of these just mentioned are great values and attributes.. A person that has no religious beliefs or faith strives for these basic values I just listed.. They do add needed value to our society!

God is a God of love peace and joy that loves giving us all of the mentioned values.. He loves us all! If you know a person that makes you joyful when your with them and the joy leaves when they leave.. This is similar to God not being in the picture.. He does not need to through a person in hell.. Or force you into a relationship.. Just like gravity you can’t see it but you know it’s there by its symptoms.. The ball goes up in the air.. The symptom is, it comes right back down.. Hell is there you may not see it now or you may not recognize it’s symptoms right away but it’s there.. There are some who have actually had symptoms of it now in the flesh, and some have seen it from a spiritual point of view.. In the spirit it will intensify because God will not be there to assist… The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob is just saying.. Be ready.. This is a real place.. Hell is simply when God is not around.. God is not going to force you to love Him, but He loves you a lot..

50 (CHAPTER 5)


51 The day started off with excitement.. I don’t remember why we picked this day.. Maybe it was because it was my American birth month and her American birth month? Either way we were excited about becoming a better family, and better parents.. The day was suppose to be all about marriage.. I mean marriage just makes since. All of the positive scenarios of why we was going forward today played in my head.. I was thinking and talking to myself silently, 10 out of 100 people may make it from broken homes but the other 90 percent end up on the wrong end of society for non biblical reasons.. I’ve seen it happen too many times. I felt His pureness in our pursuit! This was the day we were going to try and step out and change the pattern in our family.. This was a Shamita 7th year . September 11th 2001.. My Wife and I woke up full of glowing hope! We got dressed. We dressed our son. Ate breakfast and headed downtown to get our marriage license! On our way downtown I had an odd feeling.. It felt like I was in two places at one time. I was in the south in the flesh but I was having a spiritual tie with the east. We stopped near the marriage license building.. We walked through the door. We looked up at the tv and seen the beginning of this horrible tragedy .. These buildings was completed in 1974 the year I was born ..

I was very concerned.. My heart skipped a beat. My first thought was Lord there is people in that building.. I prayed silently to myself.. The whole room was fixed on that one 19inch tv on the wall.. It was an old school tube on a large flat table like stand.. I had a feeling that said brace yourself.. My heart started to break.. It was like a bad dream. The lobby had become so crowded it was hardly a place to stand so we walked on over to get our marriage license.. Our minds were still glued to the tv… We went home excited about marriage and concerned about the people involved in that horrible tragedy.. We spent the day discussing marriage details while thinking about the coverage.. I had a feeling that was unexplainable..

Trust in God with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show the way. Also see Proverbs 3:5-

52 6 (NLT) At that time I didn’t understand it, so I tried to shift my focus on our future family plans.. Afterwards our days in the basement went as planned for the next several weeks.. We kept our eyes focused on our independent freedom. We started to get desperate for our own place.. The thoughts of marriage kept us balanced and I was filled with joy and ready to seal the deal. No more half stepping for me.. I was destined to walk with my woman righteously going forward.. I made arrangements with the same church my pops and I did the house deal with.. Two ministers agreed to do it in the park.. Monique was working with my Mom at her job she had since the 70’s.. They returned home from work on Oct 5th 2001.. To this day I don’t remember why that particular date was chosen.. I know it’s right in the middle of High Holy day season! I had the rings and bikes aired up and ready.. It was a cool rainy day.. October cool is bone chilling cold when mixed with rain. My momma agreed to babysit the two boys.. Monique and I hoped on our bikes in the rain.. It was almost pouring… We road between five and seven blocks! SOAKED! I was laughing chilled and excited! As we road that chilly October rain was penetrating.. This moment was so authentic ! It was nowhere near tradition.. I knew we was headed to a higher place!! I asked two more men to be witnesses for us! They was more than happy to participate! It was so original and wonderful! Ephesians 5:31-32 (NLT) Satin has been extra mad at us since..

Holy spirit ministered to us in that 7th year. He whispered release it.. See Deut 15:1-2 (NLT) for the scriptures that teaches us to grant a release of debts every 7th year. We released and forgave debts and transgressions for this is the will of God! I was humbled by our summer in the basement.. God blessed us the night of our marriage our daughter was conceived.. My momma’s twin!! To this day I call her Lucille Jr.. Monique’s grandma called our youngest son Lil Jimmy! God had gave me more priceless treasures.. We moved out of the basement and into our new place! Some say the phoenix was rising I say the Holy Spirit was rising!! Rising up inside of us little by little.. We was being transformed into the image of our Lord and we didn’t even realize it.. Marriage is a go to quick step guide for learning how to be humble like Christ.. You learn how to truly serve when

53 you have a spouse especially a spouse carrying your child! God comforted us in that apartment.. It was modern comfortable and cozy I had a lovely third floor view of unique corners of our city..

From the bed room and balcony I saw my old projects about two blocks away lined by our new complex.. It felt like a suburb butted up against the hood! So much big city character.. On the front entry side I saw the gateway to the east end of our city the entry way to the suburbs.. Right near the apartment across the street was a house Monique used to live in as a young child.. I landed a job I always wanted. I was working at the local TV station! I got to service the studio lights, we helped the crew transport equipment, I picked up commercial spots, we covered the derby and many other great events.. We even worked at the transmitters helping to change out the old sd towers into the new broadcast hd that we are blessed with today! I kept hearing the words build and create.. Residential new construction, and script writing..

I told my Wife about it and she said do it..! They were both two new fields that didn’t require me to hangout in the clubs all night.. I started gearing up to build single family homes, and I started teaching myself screenplay writing while balancing my time with my Wife and kids.. On top of it all I continued to work for the tv station.. One day I was in the highlands at a stop light and Holy Spirit spoke to me.. I started having a montage of blended visions.. The idea was simple.. I started studying up on structure.. Then I began to do a brain dumb.. I constructed my first screenplay pretty fast.. It was a rough draft.. A real rough draft!

This process gave me an inside look.. A blessed inside look of how Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego felt in the heat with my Lord and savior.. It was a blessing. It was not the way I had planned it but it made me grow in character over the years.. I was blessed with the chance to work with more extra ordinaries while sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ within different cities and across the world through tv international radio and a magazine.. While the script was in the makings I was surrounded by fun home building tasks.. Meeting after meeting with different contractors and

54 city officials.. Negotiating land offers. I remember sitting down with a large list of different vacant lots.. This process was real prophetic stepping stone for our families position as a whole.. At the time I only seen it as a house deal but God had it strategically planned out at baptism.. See the lot I chose ended up being a prophetic address.. 1489 I was 14 in 89 when I accepted Christ.. I didn’t realize this until the year 2014.. It all ties in.. It was all ready preplanned from heaven by God Himself.. This first build laid the foundation for the main home that was going to be built on the rock in the Promised Land God had predestined for us to complete His work.. Jesus told Peter upon this rock I will build my Church and the gates of hail will not prevail against it.. Our belief in Messiah eventually took us to the promised land and it had a church sign right across the street pointing at the land! After our first apartment we moved to Ky st. It was a little tiny house where our beautiful baby girl was born! She added the final polishing touches to our family tree.. Everything started moving so fast like this… After signing the lease for the rental house we got approved for the mortgage for the new construction we finalized a development deal with the city.. Hired a builder that helped us finish the development deal! Sold the new construction house to the first prospect.. My wife had a strong erg to go back to work.. She was hired at her new job.. She even moved up to management! I was still working at the TV station, doing rewrites, juggling meetings in new construction, and painting the rental house.. Got another mortgage bought another home did some cosmetic renovations to it! We moved in it! My Father went to be with Lord.. We mourned.. I celebrated his life and eternal life.. I harnessed my emotions transformed it into positivity and redirected all of that energy, pouring it back into my family and business.. Afterwards God started back with the visions of the next move..

My Wife and I started to refocus our attention on this plan for a two story home in the east end of town. The excitement returned we stayed booked with contractor meetings repeat visits to home improvement stores, and home trade shows.. We had even landed a few smaller new construction cleaning contracts.. It was amazing! I was so full of joy.. Seeing my Wife

55 kick into overdrive.. We use to go into a newly constructed newly framed house and clean it from phase to phase sometimes coming out of the houses covered in drywall dust and sawdust! We did whole cul-de-sacs and blocks! We watched multiple families move in and start their American dream ! We used to return to our home excited and full of hope.. The conversations got even more interesting and intriguing and the dreams and visions kept flooding in but they were not matching our two story plans.. The dreams was centered around a ranch home I was kind of confused at first.. This was not in our projections.. While lot hunting I had two lots left to pick from.. One was with a contractor who had done multiple ranches in the area.. We had the mortgage approval letter ready and he had the plans ready.. Around 2004 I started having scary dreams of everything sinking..

Sidewalks, swimming pools, and mainly houses.. I was really confused I didn’t understand it at first.. I was still new in interpretations of the dreams.. Holy spirit said finish the deal.. We came to an agreement on the home. After the deal was complete.. I was getting calls from one of the contractors mortgage professionals who was giving me some info that lined up with my everything sinking dream.. The housing market was starting to come unglued.. Holy spirit said fear not I will sustain you.. The housing market collapsed, then the financial markets started to meltdown.. We had an interested buyer for the new house .. The deal didn’t match our plans.. Me and mo had a meeting and decided to move in it.. We moved into the new ranch home.. I got to repeat this, It sat across from CHURCH! Around this time we went into over drive again hustling more contracts for cleaning.. We had two mortgages.. We landed a multiple car dealership deal loaded with maintenance and cleaning.. My Wife’s grandmother went home to be with Lord.. We mourned.. I celebrated her home going and eternal life we poured our energies into the family and the business.. We knocked on door after door for more new business and God blessed us.. We landed in the class a sector..Complete with lawn maintenance, and cleaning work.. He was sustaining us as the country and the world’s financial crisis kept getting worse.. My heart was breaking it seemed like every other business was closing and house after house was hitting the foreclosure lists.. We

56 even lost one.. I focused on the class a.. Miles of vacuuming… I’m talking 50-90,000 sq ft per facility and they were nice facilities… Glass and marble nice! Night after night emptying maybe 200 trash cans a night.. Cleaning around 40 toilets, and sometimes I was alone 3am in some of those places. Talking about time for productive moving meditation.. The work that prayed.. I was having so much fun I knew I was blessed.. I was able to give jobs to several of our relatives friends and people of the streets.. It seemed like time had came to a slow pause as I watched God sustaining us in a time when we could have easily lost everything in that disastrous financial meltdown.. The middle class and the poor was getting beat down.. I read articles about the wealthy folks committing suicide.. It was heart breaking.. The cloud of depression was super thick.. Among the average folks suicide rates was way up.. Right in our homelands.. It was a silent war zone satin was running wild.. Unlike war very few was prepared.. Holy spirit said it will stabilize if they refocus on me.. I had a repeat vision about an inspirational book about poverty.. Holy spirit said do it. I jumped right in and self published it I had a reputable print house to print them up.. I started donating the books to the less fortunate. It was my first book to encourage the discouraged.. As I look back we are still getting bombarded from the side effects of the 2008 crisis to this day. We continued to work.. I kept moving.. He blessed me with a big screen appearance in a major motion picture! A bucket list achievement I was excited about!!

After the surge in 2008.. My Wife had a deep desire to move.. We had only planned to be at this location for two years.. It was strange.. I had this peace about staying but yet I was totally in agreement with my Wife’s requests for us to move.. I started to feel the world’s burdens even more when the daily pace hit went into slow periods.. Satin was trying to pull us backwards and I felt it in my spirit.. I was happy, but I was starting to fade away from His gentle voice.. No more direct commands.. I was used to hearing His instructions.. Church attendance became periodic.. We was entering into a dangerous place.. A slow separation from the relationship with our God .. This was satin’s goal.. Driving a wedge between spouses.. Unhealthy eating and drinking habits started to surface.. My joy overflowed

57 I was grateful but the positivity was decreasing and the negativity was trying to take over.. I remember one vision God showed me back around 2010.. I shared it with a buddy and with my Wife.. It was about the struggles of the inner city and projects spreading to rural suburb country area’s.. Today we are witnessing those issues magnified.. The same issues I mentioned in 2010 are currently plaguing our rural towns and trying to take over our suburbs.. Now to this day I’m still amazed at how he sustained us.. I still meditate on His choice to revive the two leaders of this family.. I remember when my Wife embedded herself in our basement creating a wood work shop where she built several desks that we use to this day.. I know that was God creating a high way to get us over the dangerous time of separation. He kept our minds occupied.. It was one of Jesus commands.. Occupy until I come..

We did just that and it bridged the gap. We focused on the kids more, doctor visits, extracurricular activities, school meetings.. We coasted on into our first teen graduating from high school.. Although my chase was creative writing.. I went in for paid and non paid acting roles for films.. One of the films blessed me with a very visible role in the film.. I gained DVD rotation, and TV rotation on a huge faith based tv network.. My passions expanded into editing I was attending TV and film editing classes.. The opportunity surfaced for a national TV commercial for well know food chain.. The Lord blessed us with visible spots and heavy national TV rotation.. I jumped on to the web with several of my own projects I produced, wrote and directed.. I had my first full indy film packed and ready to go.. The film was registered with my guild .. I had the script analyzed by a profession Hollywood company.. We was occupying with ease but with less balance.. It started to tilt against us it was too much busyness without balance increasing the gap in another direction. The gap was trying to spread within the family.. During this gap.. A prophetic opportunity came by.. It was another bucket list achievement.. The purchase of a house with no mortgage.. The address was three sevens symbolizing spiritual completion and perfection.. I had no clue when I bought it, but we was about to find out.. There was another transformation coming that was going

58 to reveal a lot.. A spiritual over haul for our family the completion of salvation.. See Isaiah 6:6-8(NLT) Then the seraphim flew over to the and he picked up a burning coal. He cured me. He said your guilt is removed and your sins are Atoned for.. Then I heard the voice of God saying , who shall we send? And who will go for us? And I said, send me!

I knew the coming chapters in our lives was going to be different.. A 360 turn around game changer for our families walk with Yeshua Messiah.. I was meditating one day and Eph 1:9-10 (NLT) arose in my mind.. God was speaking loud again.. I knew he had something for me to do but I didn’t have all the details around this time.. I remember having a monster tooth ache.. I went to the dentist prepared to shell out hundreds.. Holy spirit said go home I’m pausing this until your complete this. I had a vision of me eating food.. Not so cool with a tooth ache right!? Well the tooth ache dissolved away.. I decided to jump in a little deeper on my indy film Above The Abuse.. Why not it was ready and equipped with full screen play review coverage.. My plans was to be as social as possible by advertising it trying to get interested business connects.. It was September of 2012!!

Then His silent voice nudge me deep.. He said share that joy I put in you!! I was like huh!? I was a little confused.. Similar to the one story house vs the two story house we had planned for.. After I moved forward with His command.. It was like I was on a high beyond high’s.. Chill bumps and all my joy had returned stronger and fuller than ever.. Everyday felt like a day at the amusement park! Even through negative moments popped up.. I seen Jesus riding and not one was going to hinder me!! As I entered the mission.. I was instantly thrown on auto pilot all of my thoughts was replaced with His I was quoting other great philosophers, artists, and others fun happy inspirational stuff.. It was September and my intro was Joy to the WORLD!! When I said Joy to the World and not Above the Abuse movie I knew God was doing something new! The air around me felt crystallized.. I had to have entered into His presence more than I had realized.. There was no ill intent in me.. Everything I said felt like glory to glory! The main day I remember Sept 29th 2012..!! It was a chilly September day out in the rain.. My family and I was at our daughters 59 soccer game at our church! This auto pilot kicked in.. SUDDENLY A WONDERFUL OUTPOURING OF FRIENDSHIP JOY AND LOVE.. I felt a comfortable blending of myself it was like I separated from my flesh for a moment that seemed like forever!! I will say this it was an exhilarating rush!! I felt like all of my senses were at max peak in a great way, but at the same time I had so much resting peace and calm, minus the controls of my flesh! A 360 panoramic view.. Beautiful colors and precious sparkling gems lined my spirit! Every step I took felt like a promotion from the creator of the universe! God Himself! Praise Him!!

After this I pondered on what had happened how do you make common since of a supernatural overhaul? It was like learning how to walk again as a baby you reach to move an arm but you are watching that arm/ body just stand there! LOL!! Later that night I realized what had happened the airwaves was jumping.. My personal beeps and pings was going bonkers my buddies I saw daily while picking up the kids from school was smiling at me reflecting on old friendship moments.. I had a few happy birthday grins from those that I saw on a daily basis that I didn’t usually get smiles from.. That added to the confirmation of it all..!! I’m like what did God just do? Not me! Not my abilities.. When I think of suddenly I always remember Acts 2:2 (NLT) when all of the brothers and sisters in Christ-Messiah was at a huge pivotal place in their walk with Jesus!!

The same hear.. Things was totally different in our house hold.. It was like the joy of the Lord had turned over a huge bolder releasing the captives! Stuff was unraveling in a good way.. I saw satin’s plans in progress.. What satin was trying to destroy God was shinning a light on it because He was about to fix it! My heart floated towards serving in our church but God had another mission for me.. Holy spirit said your Wife needs your help.. I started to feel the weight settling in as he revealed more to me.. My step son joined my younger two kids and my oldest son by getting baptized.. That was a wonderful sign that God was about to do abundant and beyond! His message resonated more as we filtered through the autumn season.. Holy spirit said your Wife needs your help..

60 God knew I was going to be the one to help Monique return from danger and finalize her relationship with Messiah.. He gave me a sign through James 5:19-20(NLT) .. We got married on Oct 5th, our second son was given to us on the 19th, and she came into the world on the 20th.. See James 5:19-20 (NLT) this is covering brining one back from the worse death.. Eternal separation from God.. The disciples and Jesus went through regular flesh deaths just like the rest of us will experience.. After Holy Spirit revealed the danger..

I went in.. Now my previous high, joy filled supernatural experience was challenged and I colliding with demons.. Demonic activity trying to capsize our ship.. The evil one tried to imitate God and it was a downgrade when I laid it to the scriptures.. Then! Jesus-Messiah stepped in completely!! He whispered more commands in my ear and things got intense.. My Wife and I had some serious back and forth communications.. My Wife is a brave woman. I’ve heard of her breaking off a lot of relationships.. She could of easily walked out of ours, but she didn’t.. It was her time to return to God in Jesus.. I could have easily walked out of the relationship but I didn’t it was my time to help her regain ground with God in Jesus- Messiah.. I did my part without violence, and then I watched another miracle as Jesus drug multiple demons out of her right before my eyes.. I mean this was no soft I give my life to you Lord moment this was demons actually trying to hold her mind captive.. She was fitting out and broken from different angles, satin was trying to harm her eternally.. She was filled with so many different emotions and anger.. I was filled with so many different angers my flesh was trying to go into King David on the battle field but Holy Spirit kept me calm enough for Him to complete His work.. God revealed truth, our hearts was still for us! God ripped evil spirit after evil spirit out of my Wife and out of our lives right in front of me. It was dramatic and something new for the both of us..

He did it so that we could use it as a reminding testimony to help us grow through our journey and as a testimony to help others.. I was like Zachariah at one point. Holy spirit said be still.. I could not move a limb for a few minutes in the last phase of that experience I couldn’t speak.. I will say 61 this.. In the few minutes I was on pause I had a peace beyond understanding. After that day she converted instantly!! The second suddenly!! Sept for me! Nov for her! She was reading all kinds of faith based books, rotating Christian music, movies and TV shows.. She accepted Christ, and accomplished something satin blocked her from in her youth! She got baptized! At our church!! Salvation was complete for our family!! We still had our stumbling moments like a new baby first learning how to walk, but we kept moving forward in love with God holding our hands as we went farther into the deep!

I’m glad Monique chose to come back. Paul teaches us that (nothing or nobody) can separate us from the love of Christ. Christ will always love us as He loves the unsaved.. (James Jesus brother) teaches us that (we ourselves can) walk away from the relationship with Christ and separate ourselves and in danger our eternal gift, (John the writer of Revelations) covers this same theory in the book of John, and additional details from Jesus in Luke supports James and John’s writings.. Our relationship with God is like marriage.. If we chose to walk away from a marriage we are no longer under its guidelines rules and or blessings..

Everything helps when you’re trying to help someone come to faith, return and or remain in the faith.. When the angels came to Sodom for lot.. Lot stepped up and asked the evil people of Sodom not to bring harm to the angels.. The angels was sent by God.. They didn’t need lots help but God allowed lot a chance to speak up and play a role in the process because it was a team effort.. Monique simply spoke up and chose Jesus of Nazareth and her family! As we went on Monique and I became study buddies in God’s word.. She gained a closer bond with my Mother who played a huge role in standing by her during her rebuilding..

62 (CHAPTER 6)



63 We coasted into 2013 in which started a pathway into a new life under Christ for our family! It was an unexplainable rest! There was a deeper more fulfilling joy in being humble! Matthew 11:28-29 (NLT) .. New prophetic revealings surfaced between 2013 and up until this very day.. I cover those revealings later in the revealing, abundance of signs and simple signs section of this book… In 2013 we increased and became more sensitive to the Holy Spirits prompting one being a prophetic sign I released to friends and family.. It was a picture of snow in abundance.. This was shared in the summer/ autumn of 2013.. Afterwards we experienced some of our heaviest snows ever.. Recording breaking in our own hometown.. Back to back dumpings’.. Amounts that was making me wonder.. How could so much snow fall so fast? This was local and in other states too.. Supernatural and natural.. In 2014 I felt a snow storm brewing by the time I could finish telling my Wife it was coming a cloud had formed in our area out of nowhere and the snow started dumping before I could finish telling her.. I felt it literally! I went to the back door looked up to the sky and started praying in tongues.. All of the interactions between my Wife and I became more full filling.. We throbbed with passion for each other beyond what we had ever experienced as a couple alone..

Everything was intensified and more explosive. I’m talking Husband and Wife almost getting knocked unconscious in a pleasurable way that’s ok according to biblical requirements! A whole new level of two into one. I covered this oneness with God prior but this was the actual year.. Also, to put icing on the cake.. God would give me what she was reading in my spirit prior to me actually asking her about the material before she would reveal her scripture reading to me.. I discovered more prophetic ties to 911 through reading scriptures.. Some of the visions and dreams was astonishing and majestic but sometimes it was simple. Sometimes I had montage visions of holy lands as if I had been to each site and then a revealing would surface..

During this season we hit a shift in occupations through several prophetic visions.. These shifts gave me way more time with my Wife and kids we was enjoying beautiful sunny bike rides the 30 min driveway play turned 64 into hours of worry free quality time with family.. Our church TV. tripled. Workouts at our church gym picked up and it was so nurturing.. As I sat on the drive way after a day of working out the sky became so clear and vibrant I drifted off into a light sleep and I was in California.. I could actually smell and hear the oceans rolling.. The next week we had received a call from a business venture I applied for the call was from California.. Do to the shift in income at that time we had paused our short out of town get away trip.. Well this call from California was for a business to business trip out of town! God was giving us a getaway to re-group and to see new stuff all while doing business.. Occupying!! We got their Monique’s Mom skills kicked in.. She got the kids comfortable for my days of training.. I’d return from training we’d hop in the truck and enjoy the different surroundings.. After returning home everything felt so fresh and renewed..

I saw His hand in the trip.. He was in the trip for a bigger purpose than a pay check for us.. At the time we had our home up for sale.. The pause of the sale mixed with the transitions in business transformed into a greater purpose for God’s kingdom.. If the home sale was successful I would have missed all of the tons of signs and mysteries revolving around the property and our journey.. If the out of town business venture grew in revenue I would have not considered working completely from home!! Which gave me additional time to go deeper.. I not only seen His hand at work but I found new levels of love and joy through it all! I was beyond content! See Philippians 4:11-13(NLT) ! We was even blessed to do one more cleaning of a new construction home in that year!! As I vacuumed my way out of that newly built home I was very curious as to what God was doing next.. I mean the supernatural spiritual God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.. As I finished the last bit of vacuuming I stepped out the door to a full lovely view of homes in a new community that was not quite finished but they were so close! That was it! Home..!! Jesus said in my Father’s house there are many mansions!! Following that last vacuuming we entered into a place of rest, worship, work, service, prophetic discovery, teaching and praise right from the comfort of our own home at church! I’m going to love repeating this one! If your saved keep your trailers hitched, if you’re not

65 saved get hitched!! God our heavenly Father is getting ready to pull our inner portion of our heavenly home right into our eternal mansion in paradise with Jesus Messiah!! 2 Corinthians 5:1 (NLT).

See Luke 23:43 (NLT). We are counting it all joy and we hope our journey is an inspiration to you all as we continue to share the gospel throughout the upcoming chapters of The High Holy days, Passover, God’s Love mercy grace and God’s commands and law, An abundance of signs miracles and wonders, His guidance revealing and healings, Giving and volunteering, Shamita and forgiveness, Simple times atonement, and end times.. All of the teachings and revealing within are biblical and direct deposits from Holy Spirit to me.. No one mentioned in this book contributed to these teachings..Questions always surface as to why I pull these old testament commands to the surface that are considered to be Jewish only.. I repeat this in another section. We are all God’s children by nature.. The bible states that Israel is God’s oldest son..That means we are all brothers and sisters.. Israel is the chosen son do to age and God’s preference to bring and lead.. Also these teachings are from our Abba Father biblical. I don’t twist my brain trying to debate why God chose the order.. It’s almost like be spending days asking my parents over and over why I’m I the oldest! Only Holy Spirit knows( every) genetic detail, human interaction and history behind our roots so why stress over it?

(I just focus on being humble, ENJOY life and do it like Jesus did! ) Jesus was born Jewish-Hebrew and into biblical Judaism and He came to give us an example of how to do it from the old to the new testament.. Without Jesus example we have no Christian faith. Let’s continue to lift Him up as much as possible because He is worthy!!

66 (CHAPTER 7)







The son of man came enjoying life- Matthew 6:11 (NLT)


You are always invited- ORIGINAL EMAILED TEACHINGS FROM Autumn 2016

67 I tried to keep all of the teachings as close to the originals as possible so you would have a direct version of what was shared as the Holy Spirit lead me in those times… Moments when I may have been on a quick break and I may have gotten word to start a teaching! Similar to a basketball player dribbling full speed while a defender is on him and suddenly He stops on a dime and pulls up for a jump shot!!

Please know that it is not my intent to change or redirect your traditions away from your traditional holiday rituals.. This is highlighting holydays commanded by God.. My first book was about lifting God up throughout multiple holidays.. It was donated to the less fortunate except for maybe two books. Inspired by God. I was a struggling husband and father recruited to inspire and motivate other struggling people during a hike in end time crisis situations.. Although the books last print was in 2008. The purpose and credit will eternally belong to God.. Similar with this section is to give you biblical feasts and Holy-days according to God’s original Holy Scriptures. And the biblical trail for the actual birth and conception seasons of our Lord. In hopes to enlighten and give God the eternal glory As followers we don’t always have to agree on the same doctrines. Our greatest command is to love each other, love in action by standing by each other like in the bible. Different points of view with an overall matching flow, and goal.. Love.. It’s one thing satin loves and that is to prove the saints wrong with their own bibles and send us on a course of condemning each other in ways God did not approve.

I’ve included the teachings and invites Holy Spirit asked me to share.. These are the original eternal messages, flyer promos that went out to family and friends/business affiliates I’ve known over the years.. These teachings use to be and still are completely biblical, honored and kept by Jesus of Nazareth- the Messiah! He is the reason I am sharing these with you!

68 Season’s Greetings!


I hope all is well! I’m writing you to invite you to take part in the celebration of the High Holydays!! Millions around the world will be celebrating!! You can come visit us or choose your own choice of location. My hope is to encourage you to start and to continue to acknowledge these special God appointed holidays..

I know you are followers of Christ, and God has given us instructions to keep/observe the biblical holidays aka Holydays/ feasts. . The feasts are the spring and the autumn, and the main Holiday festivals /feasts coming up soon is aka Sukkot which means tents, Trumpets, and the most Holiest day of the year is The Day of Atonment! Tabernacles, Trumpets, and the Holiest Day of the year takes place in the autumn every year between September and October! The weather is usually perfect during this time! Especially in September!!

A couple of my newest traditions is to start preparing, sharing, and praising God outwardly more as the summer comes to an end in the beginning of September.. What’s so amazing is that we have the summer season going into the autumn season in which is the scripturally supported time for the birth of Jesus Christ ! The scriptures also prophetically and scripturally point to the Summer / Autumn season as the conclusion of time as we know it and the (return of Christ.) See scriptures on the followings pages of this teaching..

Scripture teaches we don’t know the day or hour of His return.. But Christ and the angel Gabriel in the new testament gave us indicators, and in the old testament in the book of Kings we can see important season indicators.. See enclosed full scripture trail and Jesus speaking in (Matt 24:32-34(NLT) and also see the angel Gabriel speaking in the King James version of Luke 1:20(NLT) & (Zachariah 8:19 (NLT) prophecy about Joy in the 4th , 5th, 7th and 10th month.) 69 In the bible scripture we have the 4th month April US-Nisan-Jew calendar for Passover and the biblical new year the Abib also fast of Tammaz, the 5th month Shavout-Pentecost end of May US /Sivan Jew, John Baptist and Av- Tesh. In the 7th mounth on the Jewish calendar is September/Oct Tishri on the Jewish calendar. Which is the time for the day of Atonement the Holiest day of the year, Tabernacles aka Sukkoth, Trumpets, and scripture trail for the birth of Christ. Month 10 mid Dec Jan Tebeth on the Jew calendar for Hanukkah. Hanukkah celebrates the Jews winning at battle to recapture the temple and God supernaturally supplying enough oil for the lamps. Scripture for the festival of dedication aka Festival of Lights aka Hanukkah. The next two paragraphs gives us a quick scripture trail for the birth season of Christ-Messiah in the Possible 6th and or 7th month of September.

Now John the Baptist was conceived soon after his Father Zachariah service ended in the temple. See Luke 1:5, 1:8, 1:23, 1:24, (NLT) and Luke 1:36 (NLT) Elizabeth in her 6th month of pregnancy.

Zachariah was from the course of Abijah and his ministration service course in the temple ended at the middle part of May. Sivan on the Jewish calendar is mid May to Mid June on the US calendar. Given Zach time to return home by (the end of May or the beginning of June it gives us John the Baptist likely conceived time end of May and a birth in March. So if you count 6 months from the beginning of June. The scriptures will land in a season range anywhere between the end of November 19th to the beginning of December 1-19th this is the likely time frame Elizabeth was in her 6th month of pregnancy see Luke 1:36 (NLT) Elizabeth’s 6th month is when Gabriel the angel appeared to Mary for the Messiah conception in month 9 Kislev on the Jewish calendar around the end of Nov month 11 us calendar to the beginning of Dec month 12 on the US and still month 9 on the Jew calendar-God’s calendar. **(Count 9 months from the beginning of December and you have biblical proof that aligns with US and God’s Jew calendar that points to the birth for Messiah in September between Sept 1st -19th! September ends the summer and begins the autumn season . In

70 which we have in Sept season of repentance Elu and an atoning gift given around day of Atonement to actually dwell with us around and on the earth.

We also see season indicators in the book of numbers giving late summer indicators for some of the children of Israel’s first steps into the promised land. This Sept also points to Messiah’s 2nd return season and it’s also Jew tradition for earth’s creation season.. Heaven and Messiah is the believers new promised land. I’ve also included some other viable free teaching resources to help you learn about these special Holy-days aka holidays.. These biblical Holy-days and the scripture proof for the Messiah birth existed before the ones we currently hold dear to our hearts.. Such as Christmas and Easter which was created (AD after the Messiah’s death)

If you are new to the observance of these ancient God appointed biblical holidays that Jesus-Messiah honored and observed. Let me know. It’s a growing process. Like the love we have for our families. You love them so working for them is not a chore it’s a labor of love and the more you grow in understanding and love for Jesus-Yeshua- Messiah.. God’s commands are not a burden but a joy to strive for.. Please feel free to reach out to me for more info if needed.. God knows we are not perfect, and He knows we cannot do this perfectly. That’s why He extended grace and mercy through Messiah-Jesus resurrection! I would advise you to seek guidance from Messiah Jesus and His wonderful Holy Spirit by praying for personal instructions. God gave these instructions to the Jewish people. God structured these plans for His oldest son/ chosen people to walkout the blueprint plans for the rest of the world to observe, follow and do.. Now through Messiah we have His perfect example to follow..

This invite is not to force you and or to change traditions that you are use to. I’m only lead to help you add more of God’s biblical plans into your lives! It’s all for you to chose. You may need to start off with a simple celebration plan and share and expand as the Holy Spirit guides you.. Jesus made it clear in Matt 5:17 (NLT) Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them. He also said if you love Him keep His commands.. Jesus came to fulfill them perfectly for us and to

71 extend forgiveness, mercy and grace because He knew we could not and cannot keep them perfectly, but He does want us to do our best.

How the observance month’s are rotating. In 2015 it was in September! 2016 celebrations flow into October! I will be prepping in Aug-Sept every year! 2017 it will be September into Oct! I’ve adopted the continuous- celebration saying! Jesus said continue in His word! So after the traditional High Holydays joy season.. I plan to add on to the joy ride , with extra praise, thanksgiving, promotion, volunteering and absorbing His word and His love continuously! He is worth to be praised all year.. And it don’t stop! Scripture says if I-Messiah is lifted up!

Some simple ways to get involved this season is to :feast under the tent aka Sukkah aka with family and friends, you can give donate to our chosen ministry/church, fast, pray, re-read the scriptures for these holidays and you can spread the word.. More scriptures are in the biblical scripture trail I’ve enclosed. I appreciate your time and as the end of earths time continues to race towards the conclusion.. God is placing it on my heart to share more and more, My prayer is that I’ve inspired you in some way to add to the kingdom of God! See temple schedule on the next page.








1CHR24:14 (NLT) 15. BILGAH 16. IMMER

1CHR24:15 (NLT) 17. HEZIR 18. APHSES


1CHR24:17(NLT) 21. JACHIM 22. GAMUL


Above are the scriptures for the temple ministration orders that shows Zachariahs course of service in temple being from the tribe of Abijah also see 1 chr 28:11-13, 1chr 24:1-4, 1 chr 24:7-19, 1 chr 24:19 and 2 chr 23:8, 1 chr 9:25 (NLT). 8th week is mid May to first of June us calendar . Jew calendar Sivan

Abib-Nisan March April 4 weeks of service

1st week

2nd week Jedaiah

3rd week all priest in the temple for feast of unleavened bread this repeated another 2 time in year

3rd week continues back with Harium

4th Seorim

73 Zif- Lyyar April-May 4 weeks

5th week Malchijah

6th week Mijamin

7th week Hakkoz

8th week- Abijah/ Zachariah services ended in the (middle of May by the first of June-Sivan) John the Baptist was likely conceived. Count six months forward to the end Nov-first part of Dec and you are at Elizabeth’s 6th month of pregnancy when the angel Gabriel delivered the message to Mary, and Mary conceived Jesus-Yeshua Messaih. 9 month’s forward and your around September 1st-19th


TABERNACLES Final footnotes: God and Tabernacle with us original biblical trail an addition to first and second scripture tracings. The Establishment of the 1st month biblical new year ect.

Exodus 12:33 (NLT) First exit from Egypt in the spring. Spring begins end of March. So, early spring falls around April 30. The camp outs after this in scripture are very quick set ups and keep it moving forward nothing permanent.

Exodus 19- (NLT) (2 months later) from leaving Egypt May-June 30. Summer begins near the end of June

Exodus 25:8(NLT) Add 40 days while Moses was up in the mountain- and when He came down He received a command from God to build a tabernacle for God to dwell with us around (Aug 9th add on enough days to build the (“tent tabernacle”, Ark,) and furnishings ect.. This points to the late summer/ autumn Aug 9th-September 1-30 High Holydays Atonement, Festival of Tabernacles) and it also points to and supports the scripture trail for Christ coming to dwell with us as a born baby that the people could see and dwell with.

Also note: God was with Abraham prior along with Angels helping.. We see God interacting although out the bible but Exodus 25:8 (NLT) we see God saying build me (a sacred residence where I can (live among them aka Tabernacle..) Notice, not secluded in the womb but living among them.

Mark 12:33 Love(NLT) / Exodus 12:33 (NLT) Freedom / Exodus 25:8(NLT) - began the Tabernacle process.. 25 plus 8 equals 33, the age of Christ when He finished His mission to free us..

Loving to lift Him up every day!! My first book 08!!

Praise God Thank Jesus Love Everybody!!


Family! Lifting Him up everyday is the mission! 75 This is a cross reference to go with the scriptural trail for the birth and conception of our Lord..

Usually in scripture when God or Jesus spoke, it was instant. In Genesis, God said let there be light and there was light. Jesus healed by word with instant healings. Remember they are one. (God Jesus Holy spirit equals one spiritual God) We are soul, mind and body equals one, here what’s deep, only two of these will get the full heaven experience.. (Mind and soul. Spiritual us!!)

Ok, back to the mission. The current Jewish calendar and rituals for Judaism was created by the Sanhedrin. This is the Jewish calendar we have today. The Sanhedrin of that day didn’t understand Christ’s point of view or way of life.. He loved all people, those that didn’t understand Him and those that did.. This is one of the reasons for me writing you all.. I want to share scriptures to help you become more confident in the scriptures that gives info for this season that we are in.. Back to the Sanhedrin.. They use to be the religious leaders in Jesus time. The Sanhedrin and the majority of the governing forces at that time had friction with Jesus on multiple occasions because they didn’t agree with Jesus.. One thing about the Sanhedrin. The Sanhedrin would have never planned a calendar to line up with the birth of Christ falling in the fall during the High Holidays. I’m touching on the calendar because there has been a lot of confusion about the Jewish calendar. Long story short. The current Jewish and US calendar are prophetically in alignment and accurate. Your probably saying, Jim why the long letter again!!? You can use this letter for reference purposes if you ever need it. Another reason, the sun is setting, so knowing the seasons and signs of his coming are important for us all.

The bible teaches that we don’t know the day or hour, but the seasons and signs are in the scriptures and they are prophetically pointing to His return.. During the late summer/ autumn season! I’ve included brief scriptures and season / sign indicators such as Jesus speaking about the end times events happening in the world—Jesus said in Matthew (when

76 you see all these things happening the summer is near- He references old testament with Genesis, He said ( signs like in the days of Noah- Jesus was speaking about soon to surface turbulent actions happening around the world in the last days like they did in Noah’s time on earth)

Other natural things to observe in scripture that circle around this current holiday season is found in the book of Luke surrounding the birth of Christ. There is a scripture that talks about (the Sheppard’s in the field with the sheep..) Usually Sheppard’s are not out herding sheep in the cold December winter weather, (but in the late summer and fall they are!!)

This is in my spirit but these scriptures also give us incredible examples showing that we are in the season to celebrate conception when the angel appeared to Mary in the end of Nov to the beginning of Dec. and they point to the (birth in September. Also pointing to what’s even more important. (The season for His return). *The relevance of it all is not to force you to change tradition, but to add and enlighten for the sake of lifting Christ up positively in spirit and in truth without condemnation..! See our current Bible scriptures and some from (the infancy of James ) point of view.. These scripture examples line up, and adds more for us to absorb.. Although the infancy of James is not included in our current bible versions. Key scriptures lineup.. I always encourage people to go back to the Hebrew versions of scripture when available because they are the origin of all scripture..

(The scripture trail I sent you points to the end of Nov- begin Dec. for conception)

Bible scriptures giving info on conception / Angel and Mary conversation from the Book of Luke:

Mary you have favor with God . You will conceive a child and give birth to a son and you are to name Him Jesus.

I am God’s servant Mary answered. Let it be done to me (as you have spoken.)

77 The bible states she hurried to Elizabeth’s

The infancy of James scripture:

Then Mary went to gladly to her cousin Elizabeth.

Elizabeth said: Why should ( the mother of my Lord come to me?)

She spent 3 months with Elizabeth. (The bible states then she returned home. ) According to scripture trail of End Nov-Dec 1-3rdth conception 3 months with Elizabeth. Jan Feb March.

Then the infancy gospel of James reads: Mary was sixteen years old when these mysterious things happened to her.

In the sixth month of her pregnancy- (Mary’s pregnancy) Joseph came from his house building and went into the house to find her swelling.

Footnotes: Six months from march is June. Three months from June points ( to September) High Holy days and Christ birth and His prophetic returning season . ..

I’ve witnessed so much of the supernatural when God removed my own personal wants and beliefs.. When I embraced denying myself the mission opened up in prophetic realms that I will never have words for. I’m not just talking about my own beyond the natural experiences, but the basic needs for others in my life. Like (helping) to lead all of our kids to salvation and baptism at our church, (and helping to guide Monique back to Christ to finalize her baptism!- See the book of James 5: 19-20 (NLT) When they accepted Christ and got saved and baptized it was a payment larger than life. All thanks and praises to our Lord and savior Jesus Christ for my transformation and ability to guide. What a true friend we have in Jesus!!

May His Love spread throughout the whole world through us! I’m so excited that I can full fill my duties as a witness for Christ by sharing His gospel in love without condemnation… I pray for the same excitement within you all.. In Peter—Scripture states that the Lord is patient and doesn’t want no one to perish but all to be saved !

78 I want to encourage you to start going out to spread the gospel and serving in the community. Pray for strength and guidance. I was unprepared when I started.. I’ve taken the gospel physically to Atlanta although the south, New York and all though the east coast and to the world through the web . (Going has multiple ways..) If you haven’t read the bible in awhile, start with (the 4 gospels.. Matt Mark Luke John.) Then read from the old testament Genesis- Revelation.

P.S. Come volunteer with us at Wayside this Wends, or Life bridge at southeast .. Show this to Mom..

Happy Holidays ! Praise God Thank Jesus Love everybody!!


Don’t stop lifting up Christ- in love

Don’t stop giving in love

Don’t stop loving everybody!

Don’t stop sharing joy!

After the Holidays as a child I wondered why I heard a lot of people saying things like- I don’t like to see the holidays leave or my favorite was I wish it could start over from Thanksgiving again LOL! The build of joy starting at black Friday is the daily juice we need to have everyday..

The (Holy Spirit, Jesus God the 1) showed me something very simple but powerful and biblical. It doesn’t have to stop. It’s all about (the renewing of our minds.) We’ve limited our thinking to a day that’s not in the bible!! The word Christmas and the date of Christmas may not be in the bible but the word is just like any current day denomination..

Jesus didn’t tell us to start as many different denominations.. He only taught one flock and one Sheppard according to the bible, but what satin may have mixed up to hurt us God can change it for our good so that He gets the glory. (He said if I be lifted up) I will draw all men unto me so let’s keep Jesus as the reason for the season..

Defending your faith with bible accuracy is key.

Remember: We are in the incarnation / conception of Christ season end Nov beginning of Dec


Jesus came to love all. To atone for all. Forgiveness. The option to choose was given.. I’ll start with the thief on the cross. He had a rare v.i.p. atoning situation.. He was forgiven and given an instant ticket to paradise. See Luke. Based on the thief on the cross we see that everybody’s situation is unique..

The woman caught in adultery. Jesus forgave her without condemning her.. He told her to go and don’t repeat it, although the law was punishment for male and female that was caught having sex outside of marriage..

The disciples. Each one had a history of mistakes. The disciples chose to accept the atonement gift from Jesus and it changed the world. The US was built on those Judeo-Christian principles of Jesus. The disciples and followers took beatings, they was murdered, and they was wrongly accused just for sharing a positive message of the atoning love of Christ. The attacks alone tells us its very valuable.. The laws of the land at that time was unfair, and un Godly.. So the disciples kept operating out of the laws of Christ spreading love to give others hope and more positive choices..

When the angry crowd insisted on throwing Jesus over the cliff he did not agree with them. He operated in God the Father’s will and turned and walked through the crowd in the other direction. He walked away peacefully.. My point. Never intentionally break laws.. But once you’ve been atoned for by Christ. Exercise your freedom of speech and religious rights( in a loving non condemning manner. ) Now back to the thief on the cross. If the same thief had another chance and got down off the cross and returned to his old life of crime / sinful ways without repenting. His salvation may have been in jeopardy.. See 1 John and Luke(NLT) . Or if the thief on the cross gained a lot of knowledge about the bible or in general and he started using that knowledge to purposely hurt people or damage the teaching of

81 scriptures his salvation may have been in jeopardy or downgraded.. See Luke and Matthew.

Atonement and forgiveness is revolving.. Praise God! It’s a wonderful gift. Most non believers feel a since of guilt when they purposely hurt others.. With this wonderful non condemning ability of Atonement through Christ we should strive not to take it for granted and cherish each moment of growth..

I’ve seen my own Mom accept Christ and a few days later a rapidly cursing woman had zero curse words exiting her mouth. 1980’s

I’ve seen my Wife enter into a restroom and exit without cursing. She was a new woman with new intake and output. 2012

In 2012 I had 2 out of body experiences while living. Most of these recorded are during death. But after these supernatural experiences with Christ I stopped cursing and ceased alcohol consumption.. I began a new level of supernatural operation under the power of the Holy Spirit.

None of these people operate or operated perfectly afterwards, but the change is and was major..

Now I have a deeper responsibility. To be a witness by living my everyday life through this mesmerizing feel good! This powerful peace! I must share the atoning love of Christ.. I hope you will too!!

Praise God Thank Jesus Love everybody!!



I’ve included some additional scripture info with some older info I’ve shared that give us the biblical reasons for the season.. Like His return His birth and conception are identical. The bible does not say a day or hour. The day and hour is unknown according to scripture, but the season indicators are

( present) and with us!!)

Love came down to save and prepare us 4 the (2nd coming) and to help us avoid the (2nd death,) which is an eternal event.

Why the repeat birth info James? (It’s our wonderful job as servants of Christ to share the gospel (with love..) Plus His birth scripturally points to one of the most important seasons in scripture.. The High Holy days which is a season and command God told us to observe to honor Him and it prophetically/symbolically points to His mission and return..)

This is the season to be jolly..!!

Let ( God, Christ and the Holy Spirit lead!) The three equals one, and read your bibles!







You are always invited-EMAIL TEACHINGS

LEVITICUS 23 (NLT) & LUKE 22:8-9 (NLT)

84 Please know that it is not my intent to change or redirect your traditions away from your traditional holiday rituals.. This is highlighting holydays commanded by God.. My first book was about lifting God up throughout multiple holidays.. It was donated to the less fortunate except for maybe 2. Inspired by God. I was a struggling husband and father recruited to inspire and motivate other struggling people during a hike in end time crisis situations.. Although the books last print was in 2008. The purpose and credit will eternally belong to God..Similar with this section it is to give you biblical feasts and Holy-days according to God’s original Holy Scriptures. And the biblical trail for the actual scripture details for the resurrection season for our Lord.. In hopes to enlighten.. Given God the eternal glory.. As followers we don’t always have to agree on all doctrines.. Our greatest command is to love each other, love in action by standing by each other like in the bible different points of view with a overall matching flow and goal. Love.. One thing satin loves and that is to prove the saints wrong with their own bibles and send us on a course of condemning each other in ways God did not approved. The beliefs in this book are not those of my entire family and or friends mentioned in this book.. They were and are completely biblical, honored and kept by Jesus of Nazareth- the Messiah! He is the reason I am sharing these with you!



Exodus 12:8 (NLT)

Luke 22:14-20 (NLT)

Please see the scriptures invite and/coverage below that will help you see God’s word from Jesus-Yeshua point of view, honoring the old and the new.



I hope all is well!! This informative is to enlighten you as a follower of Yeshua-Jesus, and to also invite you to experience this biblical holiday feast that God asked us to observe..! My family and I will be going deeper this year, starting on the 10th of April! If you have questions feel free to reach out to me if you need any additional info.. I always advise everyone to pray first! Passover starts on April 10th at sundown and goes through April 18th..Another reason for my reaching out is because I had a few dreams that the Lord took me through pertaining to this season, the feasts and the multiple levels of His kingdom and His will for us.. I’ll give some brief insight from a parable point of view mixed with my real experience and scriptures to solidify.. Jesus said now He calls us believers friends and real friends will always give you the best info/enlightenment from a biblical point of view to help you achieve your benefits to the full!!

- If I go to a fun event with family and or with a friend.. I’d make sure to give them all the details so that they can enjoy the whole event to the full.. A good friend will not purposely leave you in the coat check in / lobby waiting area while they enter the main event! Christ wants everybody at the main event enjoying greatness to the full! Starting here! On earth with Christ and with Him in the full Heavenly realm after we leave earth. To walk 86 as one as He intended.. See John 10:16 (NLT) , one flock, and one Sheppard-Jesus Yeshua!..

This informative is to advance Christ’s kingdom, your partaking and growing will bring me joy, in hopes you are enlightened! This is not to force you out of the teachings and traditions you are accustomed to but to engage you on a deeper spiritual level! A level that Christ has already laid out for us to embrace if we choose too.. The scriptures were originally continuous letters before they got chapters and verses..

I say this respectfully for teaching purposes, the modern versions are great, but originals embody more of an intimate delivery before any additions are added.. Additional guides like guiding numbering and chapter title mechanicals.. If the numbers and chapters were there, they were a part of the original scriptures like in the book of numbers the 74,600 for the tribe of Judah… It was straight from God, Yeshua, Holy Spirit the three in one God to the writers! These details help us see that God always had Jew and gentile in His plans from old to the new… Scriptures like the ones below give a simple merged biblical guide on how to honor God from the old to the new, according to the commands He gave us… See Exodus 12:1-11 and 14-20 and 24-28(NLT) . I usually look at all translations especially the commandments that fit snug with the original Hebrew commands please see mixed scriptures..

Luke 24:27(NLT)

Deut 29:9-11 (NLT)

Psalms 2:4 (NLT)

He could of ignored us and kept on laughing while mankind perished, but He didn’t ignore us. That’s how we know He is loving and sincere from the old testament to the new testament..

Leviticus 20:1-2 (NLT)

87 Jesus spoke about the scriptures being unchangeable and Deut tells us not to change the word of God.

Deut 26:16-1 (NLT)

Joshua 1:7 (NLT)

Phil 4:9 (NLT)

Ephesians 4:13(NLT)

Paul is saying that our mission is to become more (like Christ) Paul, and all the disciples honored and kept the old feast and commands while creating the new to (add to the old with one main change. ) We don’t need to sacrifice lives for salvation and forgiveness!

Matthew 5:17-19(NLT)

The foundational scripture in Matthew 5:17-19 (NLT) shows us Yeshua wants us to honor the old and the new testaments from a (loving Jesus point of view. ) Yeshua said these words before the writings in Galatians and or Hebrews existed as we know it in the bible. I say this with respect but I do believe Hebrews author section says unknown before it continues.. To some up certain scripture sections that are used a lot.. Like hebrew 8, it is only saying that (we don’t need the old to get in the door, saved from total separation from God,) without the old commands we want have a tangible guideline for the spiritual fruits, giving gaps for satin to disguise non-biblical bad fruits..

Following Yeshua’s guide in Matt 5:17-19 (NLT) will give us more than the basic in the door status. Eternity is a long time for Yeshua-Jesus to call someone the least… ( As Christ followers Yeshua is our only door to heaven and its many benefits. ) If you are observing the feast and commands, great! Share this info with someone who may not know please… ? We should strive to let Yeshua lead solely.. Learn from the authors in the bible who serve or served for Christ and or learn from the theologians.. Keep in mind if we are not to worship Peter why would we

88 worship any teacher that’s not in the original bible scriptures.. In acts Peter said to the solider, stand don’t bow before me.. The angel told John the same in Rev.. (Follow God, Jesus, Holy Spirit alone..) Daniel tells us about satin trying to redirect us away from the feasts.. You may hear the verses in Galations.. The details behind (Galatian’s fallen from grace) scripture.. It’s based around you putting your hope and faith in works to get you in/to get you saved, then you risk falling from grace..

If you (don’t put) your faith and hope in the doing, (but do it as a labor of love like Jesus in John5:19 (NLT) : Father God telling Jesus what to do is somewhat similar to your brain/mind telling your body what to do.. Then it’s done in order and out of love and respect and it’s all good. Example: I love my Mother so much I try to do all she asks me to do. What I do does not get me in (the safe zone with her. It’s Her love for me ( and my knowing, trust, and belief in her as my Mother) and also the natural ties guarantees me a close loving relationship with her. So if she says James- Jim do the dishes and always lead your brothers in the right direction. I try to do it out of Love and respect for her because she said do it!

Matt 5:17-19(NLT) gives us quick insight on the different levels and grading scale /least to most when it comes to Heaven, based around teaching and doing while we still have more options… Jesus said if you love me keep my commands.. Jesus is God so that’s Genius to Revelation.. I don’t want Yeshua-Jesus calling me the least for eternity.. When He spoke to the fig tree and cursed it. It was not a picture of paradise. Someone that loves you, will share these things with you to help you avoid permanent pitfalls..

I say this only for teaching purposes.. One of the greatest prophets mis- communicated God’s instructions to the people and He made multiple mistakes.. Everyone has fallen short … We are human. None of the prophets or people in the bible did life perfect.. Angels have missed the mark when trying to operate outside of God’s will.. Only Yeshua did it 100 percent PERFECT!! He knows we will struggle with doing this walk

89 perfect.. Don’t stress, just do your best! Christ came to forgive completely..

Pray for guidance meditate on the scriptures and remember His grace is enough.. (We can do all things though Christ Jesus- Phil 4:13(NLT) . Focus on the things in His will.. Also see additional supporting scriptures and coverage..

John 12:26 (NLT)

Matthew 15:24&28 (NLT) and Isaiah 49:6(NLT) Israel-Jewish and Gentile examples.

Matthew 22:36-40 LOVE (NLT)

Meaning; doing them without love is an error..

THE RESSURECTION! Transforming and brief personal coverage.

Before I take a partial vacation to explore a newly revealed divine encounter that I believe was arranged by God at the beginning..! I want to share what the Holy Spirit has asked me to do. I will give you some brief insight about certain aspects and areas about the Resurrection and transforming.. (Last summer we covered the High Holy days and the biblically supported September birth of Christ and the Dec conception aka the Birth and Tabernacling!!) Now, we are heading into the spring feasts, Passover, First fruits, and Weeks.. Currently this season coming up is all about observing and learning about the Passover the resurrection and transforming form the flesh into the spiritual..

90 The threats from satin and the thought of death causes most of the discomfort and suffering than the actual out of body experience after the flesh is crucified.. Having had multiple out of body experiences without a major physical trauma.. I will say it was an exhilarating rush!! I felt like all of my senses were at max peak in a great way, but at the same time I had so much resting peace and calm, minus the controls of my flesh! One of these experiences followed with a revealing of an actual real life situation that God showed me. I revealed it verbally to family and the others involved confirmed afterwards. This was another divine revealing from the Holy Spirit... With the majority of these supernatural happenings I’ve experienced.. They were either publically done or experienced by others.. Scripture teaches us to be witnesses and to share our journey to help advance God’s kingdom…! I don’t have enough pages here to give you all the signs, miracles, and wonders that shows us He is with us!! Even after Noah and the flood God was with us. We see God’s love expressed for us when He gave us a tangible intimate serving of grace and mercy through Moses with the torah.. Then He gave us a HUGE miracles second dose of His wonderful grace and mercy with Jesus! He is wonderful!! One day the Lord told me to measure from the street sign across the street to the back of our lot.. This was a few years ago and it was the first time that I realized that the measurements from the sign to the back of our lot was almost exact to the scripture measurements for the length of the Ark in Genesis. I found the details in the Hebrew footnote section! It sent chills through my body!

Through it all.. I will say this.. Being outside of the flesh and in the secret place with Christ is one of the most pleasurable experiences I have ever felt! A multi eyed three sixty vision excluding the physical eye balls, minus the weight of the flesh..! So wonderful! Elohim-God is a wonderful all knowing all powerful God of Love! Last year I had a symbolic dream about my Father that surfaced one night. Like Peter in Acts I asked God what are you showing me? Later that day my Mom called and gave me info about a possible illness in one part of her body. I mentioned her head, she said no, not my head. A few days later she had ER trauma inside her head.. God

91 later confirmed what the dream about my Father was about. He-God was about to bring Momma home.. I was truly at peace in that moment but I still asked for more days with her because there was other family that didn’t understand to the full.. Praise God He granted my request!

Tons of supernatural situations that solidifies and supports what I’m teaching within.. This season we will be celebrating called Passover and the death and resurrection of our Lord has laid the perfect platform to share these topics to help you go a little deeper. To possibly help you enter a comfort zone whenever you ponder on these topics. Death was and is a curse originally from the garden of Eden.. Surly, there is no power in it with in itself.. Sacrifice was and is the key in a non self inflicted death, paired with obedience it’s a life changing experience.. That’s what Jesus did. Yeshua’s death became the gateway for the resurrection. His blood washed away the sins and paid the price, and it’s still doing it today.. After the submersion in the tomb He came up to the resurrection where the real power manifested…!! It was after Yeshua was raised, ( He said all power in Heaven and on earth has been given to Him-Jesus Yeshua!!)

Thousands died on crosses in that day… I tell people anyone can tie weights to their legs and jump off a bridge into a rushing river to accomplish death. Anybody can kill. Anybody can’t, cannot resurrect the dead. Only through the power of Yeshua the resurrection is possible and the resurrection is where the power is at..!! (The Life!) A child was born, Jesus Yeshua a (new life!) In the baptism we don’t stay under the water we are resurrected and raised up from the water to start a new walk a (new life.) After the resurrection and flowing into Acts we see one of the pioneering baptisms of a gentile with Phillip baptizing the Ethiopian, then we follow with Cornelius! See Acts ! Wonderful!

A symbolic command. The Israelites were resurrected up out of Egypt, saved and released for a new life. They stood up and walked out of Egypt!! The same way Christ did. He stood up and walked out of the tomb.. The Lamb of God, priceless in so many uncountable ways.. God wants us to be productive in this afflicted fallen system. We should be thankful that God

92 does not need our earthly systems to create, produce and or to operate. Once this is fully embraced we see that it was only fitting in the old for Him to request a payment in what He operates in, and created.. Life! By doing away with flesh, we remove the portion that will not inherit the full heavenly experience and He receives and makes placement of the life source/souls satisfying the payment request.. Thank Jesus for paying the final and ultimate price that gives us more when we exercise the options by believing, repenting and putting love into action..

The water process is symbolic like the blood but Jesus-Yeshua’s actual physical blood had power along with every other ounce of Jesus. You never see people actually using blood to wash away their sins today.. Being born again of the Spirit is a divine love gift that stays with you unless you go evil oppressing people (disregarding biblical guidelines..) See Matthew 24:45-51 . (NLT). If you really meditate on it.. There has to be a portion of love embedded in you that helps you say I believe and then you make a sincere effort to ask for forgiveness, turn-repent and do things the Christ way going forward.. Scriptures say that (God gave) His only son because (He loved) the world. The women that poured the expensive perfume on Jesus, (she gave) her expensive perfume.. An act of love! (God is Love and we are made in His image..) He gave life to Adam and Eve out of love.. We are originally wired to have an instant amount of love for people before we are redirected… A loving spiritual God that can manifest Himself how He chooses but scriptures shows us He is spirit, love and fire!

We can’t box His love.! It’s GOD! He operates in different forms of Love.. Love is always sincere.. A person can ask for forgiveness for selfish gain.. No love, no remorse, no remorse (no repentance-turning to the good..) True repentance-turning is somewhat symbolic and identical to being resurrected from the water in baptism.. You are saying down with the old and up with the new transformed and alive in a fresh and new life going in a new direction.. When Jesus stood at the transfiguration.. He could have stayed in His old body and roamed the earth but He didn’t.. He transfigured

93 and transformed into the spiritual. God is spirit and we must worship Him in spirit and in truth!

Thank God His true focus is on the heart and the intentions behind our actions.. This Example is for teaching not condemning: Jesus gave the thief on the cross immediate entrance.. A man beaten, hanging, and unattractive in numerous ways.. Jesus told Him on this day you will be with me in paradise.. He gave him (a sign) a response by word.. The thief had no more options.. On the other hand the guards did and they continued to beat Yeshua while driving nails through Him with no remorse while enjoying it.. Yeshua spoke up for the guards evil. He said Father please forgive them-gaurds/soldiers. They do not know what they do. Remember Yeshua is God. He could have said guards you will be with me and the thief in paradise today or when you transform/pass away.. The difference in the situations is a sincere independent belief, (asking ),and repentance from the thief on the cross.. Yeshua knew this was sincere in the thief on the cross.. Afterwards the guard said, surely He was the Son of God! After the gaurd was in a Judah lane.. Judah and satin knew Jesus was the son of God.

(The guard didn’t say I believe in Jesus or take me with you like the thief on the cross, mainly we didn’t see true repentance-turning doing good) This was the Son of God they were torching. (Same with Christ followers) when you attack Christ followers (**without regards to biblical guidelines**) you enter into a Judah situation.. Christ was talking to the disciples In Matthew 25 , but it was meant for (us all today also.) He said when you did it to my least of my brothers and sisters you did it to me.. In Matthew 25: it’s says: (When the Jesus Messiah comes. All the nations will be gathered) and in Matthew 25:40 it goes into if when you did it to one of the least of mines you did it to me too.. See (NLT) also. Remember Jesus is God so always seek biblical guidance to see how you are navigating.. That’s why it’s so important for us to focus on building each other up and loving everybody biblically through the eyes of Yeshua Jesus!! 94 Satin will try to use anything to divide and confuse the body of Christ.. Like the cross, it was an instrument that killed many not just Jesus.. (Jesus said I am the way.) I say this respectfully, not Jesus and other objects… Scriptures teach us not to worship graven idols or objects.. It’s ok to respect the cross as a brief reminder. Jesus said deny yourself pick up your cross and follow me. The cross was symbolic to people’s burdens… Very few people drag full size body length crosses around town.. It’s not God. God is Love!! Noah floated the ark for a certain purpose, Sampson used the donkey jaw bone for a limited use.. Without the three in one, God, Yeshua, Holy spirit’s anointing on the men, the objects, and the hill has no power within themselves they are useless when it comes to eternity, transforming and salvation.. Temples have been destroyed, Churches burned, Christians persecuted and just for trying to teach God’s truth His love, His law and His mercy and grace… God is with us and in us that is why we are still striving to honor His words and His commands.. The Passover and all the feasts are ways God asked us to honor Him!! All the necessities for the Christ follower is on page one, and in your bible!!

Below are some additional scriptures that will strengthen your view on an experience we will all go through.. The transformation! The shedding of the (tempo)rary you.

**Luke 23:42-43 (NLT)

1 Thessalonians 4:13-15 (NLT)

Deuteronomy 31:16 (NLT)

Isaiah 61:3 (NLT)

Celebrate because of freedom in Christ!!

Luke 10:20 (NLT)

John 12:26 (NLT)

95 This is not to promote death or violence, or condemn.. It’s an option God ask me to share for an enhanced eternal life, and it’s for what Jesus came to do which is (save, serve, forgive, and love.) This info invite send out from me is for teaching and for the seventy something in my contacts.. If this is forwarded by someone else beyond this point.. Wonderful! All praises be to God most high!!

Fear not, Jesus did this to give us hope!!

I Love You!

James, a servant of God and our Lord Jesus Christ,

Happy Passover!


96 Lamb





How do we carry the heaviest scriptures in the bible? During these last days.. Especially the heaviest!! A heavy one that will make satin attack you from all angles when you embrace it to do. Matthew 5:17-19(NLT)

Did The King of the Bible, the only one that can save us Christ followers (Jesus.) Did He say this to be contradicting? James teaches us there is no shifting in Him!!

Do we back away and go around this one? Do we get a different interpretation? Or do we follow Jesus and the bible?

We know that flesh and blood can't enter into the Kingdom of Heaven and its fullness of perfection..

(**So we go to Acts 2 (NLT))

Where love came down again to comfort, to guide, to transform, and to help us be the best that we can be!! We can do all things though Christ Jesus! !

(Elohim, Jesus, Holy Spirit ) equals 1 !! 98 Tis the season to be jolly!!

Acts 2!!Praise God thank Jesus love everybody! ! A bonus sheet to my teens to go along with the summer 17 study

Summer 2017 teen study

Ladder of Patriarchs of our faith for where you are now

Why- The book of Deut says to teach you.

Jesus-said you know the scriptures cannot be changed/altered.

We became a blessed nation solely because we built on and stuck to the unchanging word of God and His ways.. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. (God-Jesus- Holy Spirit.. ) This list gives you a brief ladder from God to where you are now.. Today!

A variety of Patriarchs of the faith throughout history -

(God Jesus Holy spirit )-bible- He is the beginning and the end.

Pilgrim- One of first founders of the USA Learned the faith taught himself Hebrew to be closer to God, the bible, and Moses.. Escaped from England with the pilgrims so they could worship and serve God freely. Source- Holy Spirit confirmation, school, documentaries..

Female Native American Indian - From the tribes that were originally in America when the pilgrims arrived . Learned the faith from the pilgrims and became a follower. Source - Holy spirit confirmation, School, Documentary.

African American civil rights leader- Learned the faith became a follower. Source- Holy Spirit confirmation, school, documentaries..

99 The fivefold ministry or five-fold ministry is a Charismatic and Evangelical Christian belief that five offices mentioned in Ephesians (Ephesians 4:11(NLT) ), namely those of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors (or "shepherds") and teachers, remain active and valid offices in the contemporary Christian church

Past and current followers of the faith in (God Jesus Holy Spirit) who have sacrificed..

Your daddy-James, servant prophet and, teacher of our Lord.. Currently teaching you. Jeremiah 1:6

A few institutions throughout history to where you are now-

US Congress printed the first bibles in the US.

Schools- The pledge of allegiance –currently (One nation under God.) God is inscribed and posted for display in multiple colleges.

The United States treasury- Money (In God We Trust) --Currently

100 (CHAPTER 9)




Loving for God doing and obeying his commandments and laws it’s not heavy. See

1John 5:3(NLT)

101 -For all the people but not against God- If you have too—

Also see- 2 Chronicles 19:6-7 (NLT)

Do, doing, and forward- For the people not against God

Also see-1 Peter 2:14-15&17 (NLT)

-John 8:1-11 (NLT)

-Jesus did not condemn the woman caught in adultery.

-Embrace the whole bible from a loving Jesus point of view..

-Love All of the commands (hangs on these 2).. This command doesn’t say erases the commands.. Meaning do them in love.. Also see Matthew 22:37-40 (NLT)

-We must hang on to every word of God like all of the bible figures under God did..

-Jesus was God in the flesh.. Emmanuel, God with us!

-Jesus said- You know the scriptures cannot be changed..

-Love mercy forgiveness and grace always wins in the eyes of King Jesus. Then and now and until Heaven and earth pass away.. 102 SUMMER 2017- MY TEEN STUDY ON MANIFESTED HOLYNESS

As we know we are truly Holy because of Jesus Messiah! As Jesus Messiah followers we are totally reliant on His mercy and grace and even more reliant on His mercy.. Do to the fall of Adam and Eve in the garden we all registered under the need for more of His wonderful mercy. The creator our Daddy’s mercy is more precious than gold! I’ve heard a lot of comments in the past on why do the whole Exodus Leviticus old commands for, and God knew He was going to come down and incorporate the new and the fruits of the spirit ect..

The first and most important command in it all is Leviticus 19:2 Be Holy God is Holy. Hearing a command from God saying be like me is the highest command.. We are made in His image. So we will cover what that looks like in action for the purpose of giving you a clear view to choose from, this is not here to condemn anyone.. As stated in previous teachings none can keep it perfect and only one has done it. Jesus!! So relax! What we really want to gain is the Godly guidelines for being more Godly and treating each other right according to God’s entire word!! End result is Love!

The fruits of the spirit- also see Galatians 5:22-23 (NLT)

Fruits of His Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, being kind, being good, being faithful, gentleness and self-control.

Scripture says there is no law against such, when these fruits are operating.. The whole bible lays it out this way when operating in God’s true Holy fruit with Holy intentions and Holy actions.. Why do I say this.. *Because I can say I love you all day. But if I don’t feed you, help you when you need it, give to you, respect you as a person.. The fruits can be bad

103 fruit discised as good fruit with bad intentions.. the commands bring adds the life source to the fruit.. Like roots..

Two more before we cover the actual study scriptures. First, I shared this idea with a member of our Church last year and I’m excited to see it in print now, always be ready to share what the Holy Spirit shows you. Just pray for the best moment. The Godly love to hear God’s scriptures and myself I love to humble myself to get it to the full!! Second, whenever you see an author in the bible saying the commands are no longer needed ect.. Its only not needed for being saved on the basic entry level. Jesus teaches us that the commands will remain until earth passes away and his great promotion will be given to those who strive to obey them..

Matt 5:17-19 (NLT) If you break one command you’ve broken them all- James.. This scripture is to keep arrogance at bay. Not a green light to become a sinner on purpose.. If we take away God’s commands then we create more opportunity for satin to lead people into a career of no rules. Imagine any place if it had no moral rules. Our current world has majorly elevated in negativity.. The bible helped establish our original man made laws for the USA to maintain positive productive order. We still have God in our pledge in schools on our money. I say this so you can witness for yourself. These are not solely my words it’s our reality. A blessing that satin wants to steal.. God’s commands, laws and remedies in the Lev 19(NLT) and Exod 20 (NLT) were, are and always will be for preventive correction purposes, to better the individuals and the communities on God’s planet.. It’s all about Holiness in Christ by what He did for us and in return we deny ourselves and allow Him to grow us. Then we should see the good fruit manifested for the sake of helping others grow spiritually, and this should manifest physically until we become 100 percent spiritual at transformation..


The old testament :

104 says don’t steal.

The new testament: says love is the greatest of all the fruit.

If I truly love you, its manifested from my spiritual thoughts in my heart by me not stealing from you physically. The commands are love manifested.. Love is an action word..

Faith without works is no good-James. This is not limited to working for money.. Works like volunteering is the heart of the gospel.. Works can’t save us but they play a big role in our standings with Christ in Heaven and it shows tangible proof to others.. Some other forms of Love is just not bothering a person or not being mean to others..

The commands mainly cover us for interacting purposes.. So we will touch on Exodus Numbers and Leviticus blended with new testament. You say well why did God make His command standards so complicated and why do they seem undoable. Complicated and a lot are words I’ve heard in the past.. We are made in God’s image.. Any company or school ran today in this country in which was built on bible principles has a lot of standards and rules. Just remember Jesus in Matt 19:26 (NLT)aid.. All things are possible with GOD Jesus-Messiah!.

So I will start with Leviticus 19 (NLT). It’s a little more in depth than the 10 commands in Exodus, commands are spread out through the bible but Leviticus is more of a punch list format and very simple over all so I will cover one of the simply complex one remember, (it says And God said to Moses..)

Leviticus 19 it says do not trim off the head hair on your and beard. Temples is your head and beard is on your face. So we wonder why didn’t the bible give us more detail on this one and a few others in Leviticus 19 as far how much hair can we shave according to (and God said to Moses in the scriptures?) If I’m not present to ask.. It’s always good to go to your Pastor, a Rabbi, bible scholar, other parents and or bible school teachers/ classmate to search the scriptures.. *Best advice, add prayer and ask the HOLY SPIRIT to come into your questions and research sessions. 105 I will give you a biblical clue. Numbers 8:7(NLT) a Levite shaves His( entire) body before approved for serving so this gives us some insight to the hair length mysteries from a biblical point of view.. Shaving the entire body. The entire body is made of different parts arms, legs, head and hands ect.. I strive to leave some hair intact myself;) Shaving is usually the lowest form of haircuts.. Sampson had a unique instruction for His hair do not cut it! My point These commands was instructions from God to Moses and our Lord referenced Moses to show it was Him in the old and now in the new.. God said the Levites belong to Him, as stated in the book of numbers.. Holy!

The Levites started service duties at age 25 and retired at 50! A lot of these mysteries and questions are in your bibles.. Check this sign I was engaged to be married at 25 in which is a process to start Holy function also, a Holy act doing! I shared this info? Because I have a lot of other signs miracles and wonders I can show and tell you about to strengthen your walk with God! Like Leviticus 19:2 (NLT) 19th of April and 2nd of July.. Simple but direct signs of God orchestrating. These alone maybe simple but with all the signs miracles and wonders compiled you see God’s miracles on a full scale like with whole bible verses a few verses

On to the: COMMANDS of HOLINESS IN ACTIONS/PERSONAL CONDUCT below. The notes in brackets below next to the actual scriptures are not a part of the Lev 19/Exd20 scriptures. They are meanings and interpretations based on knowledge of the whole bible’s teachings and the Holy Spirit.

Leviticus 19 (NLT)

Holiness in Personal Conduct

The LORD also said to Moses,

Below are my simplified meanings of the commands

106 Meaning- Keep the Sabbath remember it and honor it.

Meaning- Only trust in God-Jesus.

Meaning- To follow the peace offering details according to this scripture.

Meaning- Give to the poor, foreigners/ people in need from your Harvest.

Meaning- Don’t take what’s not yours.

Meaning- Don’t trick people or lie.

Meaning- Don’t do something that makes God’s name look bad.

Meaning -Don’t steal from or cheat your neighbor.

Meaning -Pay your workers fairly.

Meaning- Don’t be mean to the handicapped.

Meaning- Be evenly fair/ honest) to (all parties affected.)

Meaning- Don’t take advantage of the deaf or blind.

Meaning- Don’t just watch and do nothing when your neighbor is being threatened.

Meaning-Don’t hold grudges in your heart against your family. Confront the ones involved so you want be guilty for their wrong doings.

Meaning- Don’t seek revenge.

Meaning -Follow His commands and instruction..

Meaning- Don’t try to mix animals/make a cat-chicken experiment. And or two of any kinds outside of what they are.. And for the clothes, two different kinds of fabric.

107 Footnote for next scripture Lev 19:20(NLT) it’s a little complex. Added footnotes- Wait til marriage for sex this is God’s will for you. See Genesis 2:24 (NLT)also see 1 Corinthians 7:1-2 (NLT) Matt 19:1-11(NLT). Footnotes for the term slave can be viewed in multiple viewpoints like: A slave to sin, an actual slave as in old days of brutal slave labor, or as Paul called himself a slave for Christ.. Jesus does not ok ungodly forms of slavery different form Paul’s term, slave was also a word used as a common title for the average everyday under class citizen.. The woman caught in adultery was a slave to sin but Jesus didn’t condemn her so relax and truly trust! God-Jesus and His word. His is eternal from the beginning to the end see Revelation 22:12-13 (NLT).

Lev 19:20 (NLT) is not a green light to have sex outside of marriage, sex is for marriage.) In the new testament we add in direct prayer to Jesus for forgiveness and more important repentance..

Meaning- A forgiveness remedy for mutually agreed on Sexual sin committed outside of Marriage.

Meaning - A tithe/giving back to the Lord your God.

Meaning- Don’t eat bloody meat.

Meaning - Don’t participate in trying to tell the future and controlling the spiritual realm.

Only God Jesus Holy Spirit has healthy truth in this area, and God uses Prophets that teach/ for tell in line with the bible. Also see notes in Lev 19:31(NLT) and see Eph4:11(NLT) for the fivefold ministry order position according to the scriptures. Avoid dealing with the fore telling of the future through spiritual realms if it’s not done according to God’s way and scriptures..

Meaning- Do not cut off your hair on your temple and beard.

Meaning- Don’t cut or tattoo your bodies.

Meaning- Don’t try to sell you daughter for money.

Meaning- Rest and respect the Church Synagogue /place of worship/honor, ie yourself the dwelling of the Holy Spirit.

Meaning- Don’t rely on no future telling sources.

108 Only God Jesus Holy Spirit or God’s prophet. A prophet of God will for tell/prophesy and teach in line with the bible. See Jeremiah 1:5(NLT) God appoints the prophets..

Meaning- Respect people older than you.

Meaning- Don’t mistreat or cheat foreigners love them like you love yourselves. Remember you use to be mistreated as slaves..

Meaning- Use truthful and honest practices and methods.. Don’t cheat or be dishonest in your dealings.

Then God gave the people all these instructions:

The 10 commandments Exodus 20(NLT)

Meaning- I’m your God who rescued from slavery in Egypt.

Meaning- Only worship God-Jesus.

Meaning- Don’t worship/praise nothing but God.

Meaning- Don’t use His name in curse words and or speak of His name in any disrespectful way.

Meaning- Work six days and rest on the 7th day called the Sabbath.

Meaning- Respect your Mother and Father..

Meaning- Don’t end another person’s physical life.

Meaning- Do not live un-faithfully with your spouse.

Meaning- Don’t take others peoples stuff without their permission

Meaning- Do not lie against people.

Paul said in Philippians 3:13-14 (NLT) No, dear friends, I am still not all I should be, but am focusing all my energies on this one thing: forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I strain to reach the end of the race and receive the prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us

109 up to heaven. Forgetting is not false testify if it’s truly forgotten. If you only have fragments on a matter only give fragments. Be true with what you know. This hear can be a form of beating your neighbor if you do it falsely, it may lead to persecution. Judah’s betrayal of Jesus was ungodly and based non-biblical reasons. (Jesus was and is Messiah) It was negative talk, and gossip that ended up with Jesus being persecuted. Jesus rose and is in paradise ruling. Judah is in eternal torment more hideous than eating nails on repeat all day. I wouldn’t want nobody to experience this.. Luke 12:42-48 (NLT)

Meaning -Do not crave (wish you had it so much) you do bad negative things mentally and physically to get it.

My teenagers.. Always remember God-Jesus loves you and He is looking to Atone-forgive sin every day, and it’s amplified on Yom Kippur day of Atonement which is Sept 29th 2017! In the eye’s of King Jesus it is Love, forgiveness, mercy, and grace that wins, but it’s always an eternal lose to individuals and sometimes generations if we persecute people to evil extremes by ignoring God-Jesus commands, laws and remedies.. See Matt 25:40 & Luke 12:42-48 (NLT) . Strive to (not ) sin on purpose, if you make mistakes repent. This means to turn from old sinful ways and follow/lead a life patterned after God-Jesus !! The end goal is LOVE AT HOME- HEAVEN WITH Abba- Daddy!!

110 (CHAPTER 10)


111 I have to repeat this throughout this section! Heads up, un polished material! All the E-TERNAL teachings are as close to the originals as possible so you would have a direct version of what was shared as the Holy Spirit lead me in those times…

God is a God of abundance and whatever abundance your blessed with, embrace it.. Joy, love money ect.. Be thankful..! Our goal is to be grateful and help others with abundance that’s the sole mission especially with earthly abundance for we can’t carry it into eternity. Now eternal abundance like love, latch on to it overall because this will give you the true earthly footprint after your gone and its God, its heavenly currency!!

An abundance in signs from God to the ones who understand.. This is better than winning gold.. Why? It gives us a carnal trail to a spiritual God!! There are so many things that can come in abundance.. Blessings come in many forms of abundance, curses can come in abundance… The blessing about blessings is it’s mostly about how you appraise what’s a blessing and what is not… It’s the splendor and jewel of being Messiah’s friend and servants! Real friends share.. God will use signs usually in the form of dreams and visions but He is not limited.. You may also find a lot of signs from God coming through channels that the carnal world relates to, like numbers and nature.. When from God they usually peek and line up with the bible. Numbers in Judaism have biblical meanings and traditions tied to them that matter..Some are based around seasons, month’s and scriptures, and other biblical meanings outside of seasons and months. For example the 6th month ushers in the season of repentance in Israel.. God, chose Israel for the foundation for Judaism.. Christianity got its roots from Judaism.. Exodus teaches us that Israel is God’s oldest son.. I may tell my oldest son to show my younger children the right ways to go, but I still love all of my children… Some say but it all ends in a spiritual conclusion. Yes, correct, but you following the commands and being obedient will play a role in your spiritual seating! I cover this later in the Guidance revealing and healing chapter.. So I’ll give you a few meanings for a few numbers before we get to the full list below.. One of the stand out main number s for judgment is 9. 6-9- September, September . 112 6 is Elu on God’s Jewish calendar but its Sept on our US calendar and we know 9 is sept in the US.. Fact from scripture, the majority of the time God warns us before judgment.. See Ezekiel 3:18-21 and 18:32 (NLT)

Close friends give warnings not condemnation. God wants us to repent- change old sinful ways.. This is not my word and way. I’m the messenger. This is the creators pattern.. It’s really simple if you don’t believe or if it irritates you it’s your choice to absorb or not.. Love and let love, but God loves you so much that He will use prophets, preachers, teachers, nature, and signs of all kinds.. He is unlimited in His creation or through His created to communicate with us.. He wants us all in Heaven at the end.. Back to the numbers.. Both 7 and 6 they both are in September which is the God given month for (repentance, atonement) and prep time tabernacles.. Repentance, atonement and tabernacling are daily benefits in Messiah.. It’s amplified in the ending of the summer into the autumn.. Aug, Sept, Oct. Elu, and Tishri..

Another sign for our personal journey.. My longest address at 443 clay.. 443 equals 11.. You say well where is God’s touch on that..? For my journey.. 11 is the month my Wife was born on the American calendar.. Wife equals God ordained function. See how it’s not just a number it leads to God’s hand orchestrating an end biblical result.. I lived at 443 in the 80’s I met my Wife in 2000.. I asked my Mom once.. Did anybody ever come to you and offer you anything to move to certain addresses? Crazy right? She said no. I just moved she said.. To top it off these signs followed my Wife and I up til now.. Remember these are not to scare but just to show you that God is actively orchestrating..

Without faith we can’t please God right! Well faith without works- orchestration-manifesting.. Is no help here.. God is always looking to atone for and help with loving action. The prophetic posting of the abundant snow earlier in our personal story.. Snow that broke city records and records in other states.. This was the confirmation.. It was like insane repeats back to back where we lived never in my life had I seen it like this…. I love snow but this was not normal for our area.. Was it man’s doing or was it God

113 supernaturally acting? It was definitely God.. One of key signs with any sign miracle and wonder that is a result from a prophetic form of communication.. Is being true in completing what the Holy Spirit told you without any contact communication from man informing you prior to the prophetic communication going out and it manifesting.. After it comes to past it then falls on me claiming the glory and or me pointing you to God given Him the glory as I did give Him the credit… Now to me the snow was not a personal blessing based on what I know of it, but it was deposited to me for me to share.. Infant like in my new gift.. I’ve learned this.. For me the supernatural signs miracles and wonders at first was like learning how to walk again as a baby.. With diligent prayer and meditation He will hold your hand through the growing process.. The same way I will present these additional signs enclosed!! God can bless you through a man or woman, or supernaturally..

After the release in the shamita.. God was showing me the complete meanings of prior visions and experiences.. This main one came in sections as I went along.. This was right around the time I launched deeper into my Hebrew understanding of Messiah. It got so deep.. I’m talking actual outer space deep, and believe me I still don’t know it all but I will continue to share this info with you. The millions of dollars spent on exploring space which is wonderful, the questions of what is on the other planets, and can we live on the planets ect… This dream gave me brief discovery meant to share but not meant for us to go overboard on other planet activity it is and was for us to observe.. Our focus and blessings aka ways and love in Jesus should be here on this planet.. My dream was in no ways meant to send any one on missions to find what I’m saying because it is spiritual.. This dream came super close to matching another testimony I listened to on a faith based show that was seen after I explained my experience to my Wife and Mom..

The above mentioned is a few of many number signs with biblical significance along with other signs that don’t involve numbers .. I will share the rest of the signs with you.. We see evidence daily of Satin stalking us..

114 He has stalked us before we walked, but God was right there aligning us and guiding us..

The signs below are indicators of God following us and orchestrating in our lives since birth.. These signs have biblical relevance that has played out in our journey and direct ties to our current climb with God. Some are symbolic and some have actual manifestations that agree with scriptures and with our Lord’s heritage and history..

74,600 Numbers 1:20-43 (NLT) Tribe of Judah ) 74 year 6th month Jewish calendar 2 zeros

Hebrew 7:14 (NLT) – Our Lord descended from Judah 7+14=21 1767 address

Sept2 my birth seasons and the bible points to this season as the birth of Christ and the Season of repentance and prep for the High Holy days and the holiest day of the year biblically! Also a reminder of His 2nd coming and a an alarm to avoid the 2nd death

Our first home was built at1489 Bland. I was 14 in 89 when I accepted Christ and I discovered this about 1489 bland in 2014 relizing that the project and builder was light for our project and this was preparing us to become the salt.

920-September 2 November 20. 920 our first house together and it s a direct match with our churches address.

456 e Lee st 456=15 2015 Shamita year of release.. Deut 15. The year God instructed us to release it.. In which this property was a part of the great financial and real estate meltdown in 08.

518 equals two sevens symbolizing the residential location of my Wife and I.. I place where we would be completed spiritually.. Coming full circle completing a prophetic journey that was set by God with tangible signs. Also the lot measures out around the same length as Noah’s ark from the Church street sign back to the two tree at the back of our lot

115 1767=777 A gift for helping others from God the Father, Jesus the Son and Holy Spirit the Highest of High for spiritual perfection and completion

Forgive 70 times 7 Sept 7 70 years old 2016-17 signs for such a time as this..

Jacob 17 years in Egypt

Per my incoming email review and web research – Sept 7 1774 is the date the first prayer was prayed in congress.. The date is my Mother’s birth Month Sept and day of birth the 7th, my brothers day of birth the 17th, and my year of birth 74

9-11 My American birth month and my Wife’s American birth month

1974 I was born and the twin towers was finally completed and ready

1946 My Mom was born( two) years before Israel regained the status of its own state

1948 My Mom was (two) years old when Israel became a state

May 14th Israel became a state. May 13th Dad went home to be with the Lord

Sept 7 Season of repentance and prep for the Holiest day of the year biblically

Sept 29 b-day Fall High Holy Days

14th-21st Both of our current address in Exodus 518=14 and 1767=21

April 19th b day Spring Holy Days

July-2 original planned independence day for America

Lev 19:2 (NLT)

14-41-2014 my sons age in reverse in that year matching my age- which was a season of revealing

116 14-41-2015 my daughters age in reverse in that year matching my age- which was a season of revealing


Eastern-gate bible

On wings like Eagles bible


4 20


92- Sept second




Love for Neighbors!-Bible


Deborah and Barak in the Bible

My first public school teacher’s last name was an exact match to the position name of the main leader of a certain religious section of the church.

Mary and Elizabeth-bible




Let us fix our eyes on Jesus of Nazareth! !

117 Genesis 2 :1-4 (NLT)creation complete!!

Luke 2 (NLT)

Acts 2 (NLT)

Revelation 22 :12-13 (NLT) From the beginning to the end!! He came to save us and to give us a reward!!

Luke 1:5-38 and 2:1-20 (NLT)



611=17 2017 Jubilee


Jesus was age 33 when He finished part of His mission on earth

I was 33 when I finished my first faith based book

Monique’s birthday is a few days from Thanksgiving and when I met her she was living in the Iroquois projects, and I’m part Cherokee Indian!

Age 92) 50 years from now next Jubilee,

29 reversed is 92.. Sept 2nd and Sept 29th is 2017 Atonement day. I was raised up on 29 acres of Ghetto from around age 1-21

Sept 29th 2012 social outpouring of joy and excitement

2008-My first time in the public eye nationally and internationally as an Arthur and creator at the same time as a historical year for leadership in the US.

724=13 the year My Wife and I grew closer spiritually in God also address my Mom lived at when I met my Wife and got engaged

I’m the potter you are the clay. 443 so clay st longest street live on when I started my acknowledgment to accept and to follow Jesus 118 On 7-4-2016 we watch the celebrations around the globe for the (240th) birthday celebration for America at that time I was 41 and my Wife was 39 our ages together was 80 (2-40’s )make eighty

10 10 10 equals 30 the age Jesus started His public ministry and my age when we moved into this prophetic address.. Also the date our two youngest was baptized.. Oct 10 2010

The number 2 in in our journey

2000 down to build 518,

Acts 2 (NLT)

2 witnesses,

2 Angels at the Resurrection,

2ND set of tables with Moses,

2 of each animal on the ark,

2 in the garden Adam and Eve,

Sept 2,

Luke 2 (NLT)

Genesis 2 (NLT)

2nd coming of Christ,

2nd census,

Harods horrible attack on every child under 2,

2 twin brothers,

Jacobs second son

2 times the color red was visual in the most important times in the bible that played the most important part to give us our salvation. The red blood

119 Jesus shed- new testament and the red blood from the lambs in Exodus- old testament..

2nd Passover

Beth- 2

Times mentioned.. 6 o-clock and 9 o-clock while our lord was on the cross. Sept- Elu

Exodus 4:20 (NLT)

John- bible

Leviticus 19

Jan 19th

April 19th



1 Chronicles 23:2-4 (NLT) 38,000 total of Levites--- Paid 38,000 for land we built on

30 males counted in the duties for temple service—I was 30 when moved to 518

Numbers 8:23-26 (NLT) Levites prep to serv at age 25 – I was engaged at 25 prep for a Godly service

1948 My Mom was (two) years old when Israel became a state

Israel returned home 2 times 538 bc and 1948 I was married 5th and 38 yrs old Sept 29 2012

Thomas nick named the twin


120 Lees pog to soak up


– Bible Daniel, Ezra, Zachariah and the King

Number 30 was given to me on my ball team. It also matched the number 30 of a player from one of my favorite college teams.. He has the exact same name as a biblical soldier that helped spread the Gospel

1967 was the last jubilee year and the birth of a person that looked very much like my Wife in her younger days

She is beautiful in Afican. And America is beautiful 2!

42 and 24 tells me about a spiritual connection that I have with my family and another person prior to this journey that manifested in multiple ways that lines up prophetically with God’s word

Uncle Donald was a prophetic sign for new hope for the Christian faith

God said I will give you pastors after my own heart.

9 important old testament prophecies that was fulfilled about Jesus being Messiah

(Isaiah 7:14, Hosea 7:14, Isaiah 9:1-7 8:23-9:6, 2 Samuel 7:12-13, Zechariah 9:9, Psalm 22:18, Micah5:2 (NLT)

Isaiah 53:5, Daniel 9:26 (NLT)

1776 2017-1976

Both 7 and 6 and 9 or in Sept. 9 nov on Gods Jew calendar 76 yr of birth 7 end sept jew 6 beginnig sept

121 A woman’s family requests and signs that says it was arranged by God

Monique was 18 with child and 19 when her first child was born. She was a single mom when I met her. I was a single Father with my first child on the way at 18 and age 19 when he was born! Monique’s diary read she wanted to be married with another child before she get to old. We met in July of 2000 the 7th month on the American calendar.

By April of 2001 the 4th month on the American calendar on the 19th her requests was fulfilled and being fulfilled!! She was engaged to me and God blessed us with our 2nd son, a creative, prophetic, building, gardening, basketball player! Then God blessed us with a double portion we was married in 2001 and on the 7th month on the 2nd day of July 2002 we was blessed with our daughter a creative, designing, visionary, and volleyball player!

In 1977 Monique was 1 years old. Now our address is 518 it equals 7 husband and 7 wife complete in Messiah! The 2 is 1

The beard

Leviticus 19:27 (NLT)

Out of all of my attempts from age 17-37 I could not grow a complete connecting beard.. In 2012-13 at the age of 38.. My new beard finally grew in and it connected completely!!

The bible says do my anointed no harm.. It’s so important to embrace with love because He is active now and showing it..

Holy spirit asked me to share these signs humbly in hopes to draw His people closer to Him and to stir up more hope for you to go deeper into searching the scriptures to see Jesus hand as He continues to work in unusual ways in all of our lives.. God came down to dwell with us in the flesh.. He is still doing it.. Emmanuel –God with us John 4 (NLT)















129 (CHAPTER 11)


If a prophet of the Lord is in the mist of you, I reveal myself to him in visions and dreams

Also see -Numbers 12:6 (NLT)

Before I made you in the womb I knew all about you before you was born I set you apart; I made you as a prophet to the world-

Also see- Jeremiah 1:5(NLT)

I do not have silver or gold, but I give you what I do have In the name of Jesus Messiah of Nazareth, walk.-

Also see- Acts 3:6(NLT)

Jesus said will it take miracles signs and wonders for you to believe.-

Also see- John 4:48(NLT)

130 I tried to keep all of the e-ternal teachings as close to the originals as possible so you would have a direct version of what was shared as the Holy Spirit lead me into recording those moments at that time… This is a brief collection of the revealings, a journal listing showing His marvelous hands at work. Original straight from napkins, scrap note book paper and or whatever I could find to write on with little to no polishing!!

The healing of the slipped disc. My Wife and I with my son was determined to put this larger amount of horse fence around our yard.. It was my Wife and sons first fence job and my first big full fence job.. This late winter early spring so the days was naturally cold muddy and wet from periodic showers.. We rented an augur.. I told my Wife I’m a little bruised from some prior lifting.. I didn’t think it would get way worse. While using this auger it hit a root and to add to the weight it got lodged in the mud.. We had a scheduled finish we wanted to meet do to garden season Approaching.. The augar got stuck I went to left it and out went multiple disc in my spine I was in horrible pain. I didn’t realize what I had done could have paralyzed me.. I could not sit I was in so much unheard of pain.. Laying down hurt the only way I was halfway painless was when I was on meds.. I prayed I don’t need to understand just take this off.. I kept working until the fence was done my son and Wife hung in there like real troopers determined to finish the job.. I could not stand by and do nothing.. I pushed through the pain and did over forty holes with that auger on slipped discs. We finished by the time I had x-rays and mri’s completed the pain was so intense every nerve in my body said I had to have surgery.. I believed their evaluation was accurate based on my pain alone. But it was some pain that I went to Abba Father for some supernatural or faster route.. So one day before I decided to go in for surgery. Holy spirit said ride up the road and look for additional assistance.. I ran into a skilled gentleman that attended our church. I’d never met him and his family a day in my life.. Then Holy Spirit said August you will be back to normal status but still take it easy.. Ease your way back.. I was feeling 70% better in Aug of 2016 and in Sept

131 even better by Oct I was healed. In July I was still able to sit in peace to finish a high holy day teaching promo Holy spirit lead me to do..

The instant healing of the exama. While headed home my Wife and I was riding down a busy lively street that connects to our little suburban block. Suddenly my Wife’s exama flared up usually when it flares this quick and intense hot baths and medicine is needed.. I prayed silent for instant healing and the irritation on her hands and arms stopped immediately- 2016..

A sudden separation into the spirit.. I was in our bed room and suddenly I had one of my out of body experiences.. I felt a strong pleasurable connection with my Lord.. I told my Wife Momma of feeling like someone mat have put something in her drink This was prior to speaking to my mom in the hospital.. We arrived at the hospital and one of the topics that my Momma spoke on was her being curious and concerned about someone putting something in her drink..-2012

Symbolic dream and Momma.. I also covered some this in the Passover resurrection transformation section. - Last year I had a symbolic dream about my Father that surfaced one night. Like Peter in Acts I asked God what are you showing me? Later that day my Mom called and gave me info about a possible illness in one part of her body. I mentioned her head, she said no, not my head. A few days later she had ER trauma inside her head.. God later confirmed what the dream about my Father was about. He-God was about to bring Momma home.. I was truly at peace in that moment but I still asked for more days with her because there was other family that didn’t understand to the full.. Praise God He granted my request! 2016-17

His creatures as a sign. The summer was near school was ending and I had prayed on a decision to let my daughter go to an event out of town.. My question to the Lord was is my decision(correct and complete) based on what I was seeing.. The moment I finished prayer 7 big deer appeared in

132 our yard.. It was a first we had seen that many at once in our yard.. They lined up behind her volleyball net. We took pictures.. 7 is the number of spiritual completion and perfection.. YES GOD DID SUPERNATURALLY LOAD THE ARK WITH ANIMALS!! 2016

Our lot from the church sign in front to the back of our lot is right around the same length of Noah’s ark’s .. See Genesis Hebrew footnotes

ETERNITY TEACHING TO FAMILY MEMBERS-April 22 2017 you take one step and I’ll take two

Did you know we are mini reenactments of the ultimate parent.. God! If we can we go through processes to set up trust funds so that our off spring can benefit over a stretch of time.. Like buying their first car. We thirst to spend quality time with our children and (granddaughter) just like God!!

I used the trust fund because this is what God did. He put all these opportunities and blessings like food, gold and a big resourceful ball aka earth into orbit with tons of water, land and air hanging around on a ball. YES! Tons of water! On a ball!!? He put it all in a master account. And as man and woman grew throughout the ages He said here you go. Revealing and giving us the mysteries, blessings and simple things we take for granted.. Now if earth with in its self is not a supernatural miracle beyond us..

Why don't you see people in line at the store purchasing another remake and hang it where they please in the middle of miles of dreamy deepness?

When fully functioning the hearts beats on its own. I don't track it. He does. (He tracks and He created my granddaughter twin!! He created marriage. The oldest record book says it!) He put fish her first then he slowly but surely revealed the secret to man showing Him how to float on and or under water.. He put the birds in the air.. Before the word science was established birds flew then through His revealing He allowed us to make another withdrawal from the master account. We started flying, and just like

133 a teen who reaches His or her maturity they get to access the whole trust fund..! As we do and will access Heaven!!

Now I would feel pretty heartbroken as a parent if I set up an account for a teen and after they access its years of gain, they turn around and find out the account number and bank. Then the teen says. I started this account it’s an account for me because I learned the address to the bank.. Dad has nothing to do with this account and or its blessings. Why should I honor Him?

Praise God daily.. Study your bibles, pray, and more importantly help the less fortunate and Love everybody according to your bible.. God's word;)


Solomon the most wealthiest. None has topped his earthly riches.. Solomon is in the "bible"! As Christ followers we must always remember Solomon was not the great IAM.. We should be grateful for Solomon’s experience but when Solomon’s focus was on "his" wealth, title, rule as king, career, roles, play time and ventures ect.. God was put on pause in Solomon’s agenda. And it went downhill fast for the people under Solomon as a whole. Putting God on pause is a matter of the heart.. For this is the eternal part of us... God, Christ. the Holy Spirit wants us to have nice things and be successful but God does not want us minimizing Him to our operating system... Money is a remnant of the fall after the garden.. You don't see God pulling earth into a gas station because the tank is empty. You don't see God at a atm.. God's been piloting this flight way before man came on the scene.. To God money is only a measuring instrument for gauging the eternal, where (mans love / heart) is at. (We must remember the great commandment is Love.) This is how we gain and show unbelievers Christ likeness.. Mark 12:33(NLT) is what God is concerned with while we are doing the great commission. Without Love it will began to go downhill and blend to look like the unbelievers commission. This is so serious during these end times. This is why being in sync with The Holy

134 Spirit is key and it’s a growing process. Your main mission now could be just to be faithful in your home, and the Holy Spirit will guide you through to your next moves based on God's loving humble view.. That could be volunteering in a soup kitchen when we maybe thinking stadium preaching/attention.. Either way if God puts you in a stadium wonderful but if he says you do the shelters stock room. That does not make your role smaller than the stadium calling.. Remember more poor less fortunate individuals found the most favor with Christ in scripture. And Christ should be our main focus.. The Summer is near we love u all.. 2016

The revealing of my grand-daughter.. While at the thanksgiving table in 2016.. We had all the kids with my Wife and I and for the first time I seen our parenting work on the stage all at once the food was smelling good everybody’s sprits was up and positive. We even had my step sons fiancé at the table with us. It was a positive mature atmosphere God gave me a nudge and He said I told you not to quick.. I felt so warm inside.. Then the convo shifted to my oldest son new baby.. Holy spirit said girl Rebecca.. I quickly blurted out.. Her name is going to be Rebecca..? A month later Jan 17th I got news they had found out that they was having girl!!

The revealing of my granddaughters arrival.. I walked up to my Wife in autumn of 2016 and I said one of our oldest is having a baby.. I wrote this in a note and gave it to my Wife. I was not and she was not online or on the phone so I know nothing was leaked.. LOL! My son showed up that day.. Daddy you the first I’m telling.. My fiancé is pregnant!! My Wife and I was laughing and amazed at the prophetic utterance about the subject and the timing he showed up at our house delivering the news.. 2016

On earth as it is in heaven… All of the supernatural encounters I’ve shared is so far away from who I used to be I was never mysterious.. I’ve always been a normal regular run of the mill kind of guy.. Until 2012, and even these revealing caught me off guard at first.. These are some of the things my mom used to Jim everyone will not understand this.. I prayed about it and He said share it with love!! So here I’ am and believe me this 135 is not my will but His will.. The way things are today it would be easier for me to take the quiet easy road.. This was about getting into heaven and living in its multiple levels of ranking.. Most all kingdoms have multiple levels.. Our country is a Kingdom on earth.. It has a upper class, Middle class, and of course the lower class.. Well prior to 2015.. 2014 to be exact I had the most unexplainable experience.. I was autumn.. I think it was October.. One thing I wrote down is it was unexplainable.. I was in a deep sleep in the bed with my Wife and she’s known for deep sleeps..

This night was cozy and pretty normal until I feel asleep.. This dream or experience felt so real that I could feel the very surface of this place beneath my feet.. It was dusty a grayish dust that produced dust like for that was slightly thick but I couldn’t smell it.. After I feel asleep I felt myself lift through my roof.. I actual saw everything in my room in my attic and while was above the house.. I started floating it was a normal small hot air balloon style float until I started to see the heaven(s,) and space. The scriptures give us details about the new heaven(s). Also see Isaiah 66:22- 23 (NLT). Paul also said He was caught up into the third Heavens.. When I got outside of earth’s atmosphere I panicked at that moment I felt jolt as if someone had strapped jet boosters to me now I was moving super fast..

I was marveled to and nervous because I felt like I was about to fall into the deep dark.. As I jet I could see the earth still in view.. I landed on a planet, but I could still see earth from a distance.. Now a year later while meditating I got the revelation for what happened. So here I am I landed.. Suddenly these cat like figures with a black cloth like covering start raising up slowly as if they knew me.. I was like what the.. I could not run I was more puzzled than anything. They was not suffering like hell projects but the majority was laying around with totally (nothing) to do.. A few came close to me.. Trying to reach out and touch me like they knew me.. I had a feeling I knew them.. This place looked dried out grey and dusty.. In scripture Jesus curses a fig tree and it withers up, dries up and it doesn’t do any more producing. Mark 11:12-14 & 20-21 (NLT)

136 Also the bible gives us examples of people resting (asleep in Christ 1 Thessalonians 4:13-15 (NLT).This was not a dream of death or rest these souls were alive and not suffering and not producing or praising either..

Then in Matthew 5:17-20 (NLT) He spokes of those being called the least in the kingdom of heaven.. After my encounter I kept asking periodically what is this least you’re talking about.. He re-showed me my encounter.. Ever since I’ve been hot on sharing this..For many it’s hard to understand or accept.. I understand all points of views this is not a popular repeated scripture. But spending eternity in anything but paradise is worse that any war on earth because its forever.. The souls I saw was not suffering but it was not a upper class environment.. Jesus knows we can’t live and walk a perfect walk like he did..

Based on the scriptures interpretation and meaning.. His main message within is don’t purposely disrespect my teachings and just do your best.. Jesus knows when your truly trying to honor His teachings.. He said deny yourself pick up your cross and follow me.. Now I’m a Jesus worshiping fanatic and serving friend to our Lord, but when I used to follow sports figures as a teen.. I tried to walked like them ware the same clothes.. I knew the things they celebrated..I had nothing but love for their cities and team.. Now I want to pray like, serve like, celebrate like, praise like, love like and even learn to dress like Jesus, Yeshua, Messiah!! People who love you will cover tough topics like this without condemning you to help you get understanding and to improve your over all experiences.. Only God has all the answers.. My job is to share in love what has been revealed to me.. If you don’t understand something pray about it.. You have a choice to absorb what you choose.. Either way I love you and God does too.. If you understand it great!! Still pray for more understanding because I do continuously.. I’m not doing this for ratings or popularity its only out of love.. Just the title of the book alone puts me and mines in the heat with Jesus… That night as I came to myself I woke up and looked up at our tv monitor to see one of my favorites big snow flurries it was a sign to me that the dreamy encounter was from my Lord!! Letting me know don’t be afraid.. Just like when God gave Noah the rainbow.. A covenant that said He 137 would never destroy the earth by water again! Going forward after my dreamy encounter began a season of even deeper searching that launched me deeper into the torah, the whole bible and my Lord’s Hebrew heritage!! 2014

The glass Holy Spirit and the evil one..One day I was laying comfortably on my sofa.. I dosed off.. A clear sheet of glass formed above me.. The glass was very clear, crystal clear.. Suddenly a thick extra black smoke appeared on the other side of the glass.. The black smoke was aggressive and angry it had no peace. I started to draw closer to the glass.. The closer I got to the glass the black smog got more aggressive.. Holy Spirit arose in my spirit and confirmed Satin had asked to sift me and to be at peace don’t worry.. We may see satin coming against us in this life but please no his main goal is not to get your material stuff. He is after the real you ... This was a dream of my spirit going up towards the glass. While I lay normal in my body the dark smog was angry but observing seeking and waiting but when it looked as if the real me my spirit was rising, that’s when the dark smog got aggressive.. Satin knows stuff stops when we transform.. His taking or attempting to take stuff is only a method to get you to curse and or leave God.. That is why is almost equally important to feed Jesus sheep. Also see James 5:19-20(NLT) it covers one of the main reasons satin wants us to walk away from our relationship with God.. The good news is that God is always at the controls and has all power.. 2014

The comforting brilliant white star.. I was laying in the bed in meditation and prayer with my eyes closed and a star with a lot points appeared it was brilliant white and pure.. I felt this warmth cover me.. The wonderfully bright star drew closer to me through this incredible tunnel of light.. The stars brilliant light radiated it moved in a unique pattern.. My body filled with an enormous amount of chills and sensations that was beyond description.. My Lord spoke to me in a deep slow comforting voice that rippled through me.. He said I am with you.. Continue until it is completed!! At the time I was promoting a biblical Holy day season.. And satin was trying his best to distract and stop me.. If you are doing what is written in the bible.. Especially if it is a command from God Jesus or Holy Spirit and something 138 or someone tries to stop you.. Please know that satin does not want you to be obedient to God and His commands.. The scriptures teach us that obedience is better than sacrifice.. Always strive to be obedient.. Always pray and meditate before and after you began.. Signs of satin attacking you are threats to harm you take from you in a non loving manner, physical or emotional attacks, satin will always use whatever he can to discourage your mission and walk with God.. I spoke on me getting discouraged early in our story.. For me it was always an attack to discourage me in my walk with God.. My doing things in a worldly fashion was never an issue.. See it’s always an easy road to do less of a Godly walk to do bare minimum or none at all.. It is super easy.. Jesus was attacked and hated so much because He kept all the commands.. Feasts everything that’s why they hated Him so much.. He was and is God.. He is the living word.. The closer we become like Jesus in belief faith and action.. Be alert.. 2015

Rain revealing to paradise. It was our second season of successful gardening during the summer of 2016.. I was hearing reports of other towns receiving rains that flooded their communities.. Then I noticed the rain pattern picking up in our town.. We started to receive massive rains that continued nonstop day after day.. I remember telling my family this was not normal.. My kids was hoping for at least two straight dry days for outside play.. I said well we will praise God though it all.. I was in the mist of preparing the High Holy days teachings in this book.. The rains continued and frog chirps picked up.. The rain was a blessing for our garden! Less on the water bill too.. Usually we received heavy rains up until May.. Then we hit normal sunny dry spells that we used for long bike riding days.. Our bike rides was paused. Our days was spent in the house.. One day I stepped in the garage and opened the door so that we could sat in the garage and watch the rain.. Holy Spirit told me to go up in my attic.. When I went up there I noticed that someone had broken into our home and they cut a hole in our roof.. I went back down stairs and noticed one of my rope chain locks had cut marks in it..

I instantly forgave the intruders.. I documented it and moved forward.. Then Holy spirit spoke.. Now I had a clear view.. One of the reasons for the 139 rains was to reveal what was happening to our home.. Some days afterwards my Wife, and I was eating dinner in our dinning with our teens. The topic was the rain.. My Wife and I started a conversation about a certain matching experience we watched play out.. We started the conversation out by mentioning the title and suddenly within seconds the cloudiness dissolved and a big burst of sun lit up our entire dining room.. It was a quick burst of brightness so bright that I had to squint to see my Wife setting next to me.. The sun burst through in a matter of seconds!! I said wow!! Did you see that!! I got up from the table.. I looked out back and it was this small stream of rain hanging right over the garden!! I was like wow!! In July of this year I prayed silently I said Lord all of this rain.. I want to mention September’s awesome paradise like weather in our state.. Will our Sept be swapped like this unusual summer. Holy Spirit replied list sept as being beautiful in the High Holy days teaching.. My birthday rolled around.. The weather so paradise like I was pausing in shopping center parking lots just to soak up every moment.. I’m talking 70’s with the just right breeze.. I launched the teaching and the High Holy days was gorgeous.. He will come through! 2016

The numbers ahead of time. A few years back.. My family and I went to the store to load my account.. I was planning to pay a bill that day.. I was in the line and my Wife went in a different direction to rent a movie we wanted to see.. Holy Spirit told me to load a certain amount on the account.. I did. I loaded the exact amount.. We got home put the movie in the Blu-ray.. There it was in the movie.. It was the exact number that the main character needed to open an important package.. At that time the number was similar and symbolic to my age..!! God was giving me more reasons to continue with my documenting for the purpose of sharing these wonderful revealing!! I called my mother and shared the cool news with her!! So many wonderful revealings and healings, and I still ask questions in prayer and in everyday life! To get clarity and understanding.. 2014

Jesus even asked questions!

See Mark 9:19-24 and Luke 2:46-47 (NLT)

140 You always hear about these supernatural happenings but when God does them on a public stage or in the presence of many it becomes undeniable examples of miracles signs and wonders that showcases the love that Abba Father has for us.. Emmanuel God with us!

I’m extending the opportunity within the pages below for you to pray meditate and be alert so that you can see, feel, hear, experience, and write down HIS GUIDANCE REVEALINGS AND HEALINGS in your life.. So that you can remember, reference and share the wonderful encounters with Abba Father’s giving and communicating with you through signs miracles and wonders..

Waiting patiently for the Blood moons! While excited and trying to be patient this past supernatural blood moon season.. My kids and I camped out all night to see for biblical and basic reasons.. Well the sky was heavily overcast for our area.. We was not going to see this blood moon in the naturally.. I said Lord not my will but your will.. So we logged in to the world wide web and got multiple views and one that had count downs, update feeds and all. Internet signal went out.. The feed was lost.. My kids was like we can’t see it.. Gentle quiet voice said step outside now. I took the kids with me and the clouds parted and there was the blood moon.. It was a brief viewing but He parted those clouds!! 2014-15

Matthew 24: 29 (NLT) the sun will go black, the moon will not give light the stars will fall away from the sky and the heavens will be shaken.

During this season of my life I was full of joy and balancing a marriage four kids and several indy fil projects.. Then I met a young lady while servicing a big class a contract. Note. This contract required huge amounts of( vacuum) work and it was a lot of people in and out of this real nice facility! I’m talking call center after call center.. Outside of the bible, carpentry tools, and a computer.. The vacuum cleaner was my number one used tool since 1999.. While servicing this big contact and managing my employees too.. I had an inner prompting about this young lady who worked for one of the companies.. She was very polite and friendly… Our interactions 141 was totally professional and courteous.. I believe this layed the just right space for Holy Spirit to edge her name in my memory.. At one point we had a work only social profile… Skip forward maybe 3 years later on down the road.. I’m in a totally different field of work.. Owning and managing a call center from my home.. One day I received a free pass to access multiple free field trip touring opportunities for my family.. One being a science facility. It was summertime! So my Wife, my Mom, and my two youngest kids packs up and heads out for a nice local family field trip.. We get there and to my surprise there is another professional female, a scientist given this great detailed teaching on a huge ceiling screen.. Her specific field of expertise.. The black hole. Now my teens know about black holes they taught me some science about the vacuum suctioning power of a black hole.. They suck whole solar systems in and out.. Space stations, satellites, moons and all get sucked in.. As I reflected on past revealing.. From the beginning its always been God saying to us in scripture- You take one step and I’ll take two.. It’s one of God’s patterned processes of reveling things, and mysteries of Himself through Holy Spirit and creation.. Well the confirmation bell went off about these two woman’s names.. The same names, spelled exactly alike letter for letter.. Now fragments and complete word reels are flashing through my mind like lighting… It was the ancient scriptures and the ones from Jesus Himself that teach us about the sun turning black basically going out, the pulling open of the sky and all the other kaous that’s planned to takes place in the last days... Long story short.. Holy spirit said bingo, message confirmed… While servicing contracts between 1999 and 2013, in the areas where a vacuum was needed I use to save vacuuming for last at nights.. It was (one of the ending processes) that put me closer to my short trip home.. We are so near.. The end is a magnificent beginning! - 2012 and 2015 Be ready!!




















151 (CHAPTER 12)


152 Jesus said He came to serve!

He was the ultimate gift to mankind..

I’ve always said.. Give from a good heart filled with love.. Love is the key essential to giving when it’s done in love it brings God joy!! Focus on being a cheerful giver!!

The bible says if you have drama or a problems with your brother this means brother or sister leave your at the altar meaning don’t give it until your heart is right! Clear the bitterness or anger out of your heart then bring the offering back for giving..

Give your 10 percent.

Give your last two.. Jesus said the woman that gave her last two coins gave the most.. Why because she was in the worse shape financially and her giving anything was a destruction to her financial situation if God was not in the equation.. Praise God for honoring such offerings and sacrifices!!

One approach we should be aware of as followers of Jesus. That is to aim to avoid discrediting of the scriptures.. The voiding of commands projects a illusion that gives others room to say well if you void this old testament or this new testament scripture section. Why should a person respect the tithe?

That’s why I teach people to observe the entire bible and do your best in doing because there will be moments when you will stumble but thank God for examining the whole person.. Heart and actions!!

Work is a form of giving back to our communities and society..

Be a smart and hard worker, but remember where your true gain is.. Godliness with contentment! 1Timothy 6:6(NLT)

When you look at the amount of times Jesus preached about money and you read the greatest commandment Matthew 22:37-40 and Luke

153 6:20-42(NLT) . We realize Jesus preached more about money because it was and is the top contender for true love! God only uses money as a measuring stick to gauge our love for Him and for others.. God doesn’t need or want money, people need it temporarily while we are dealing with the flesh.. The scriptures teaches us that your money will go where your heart is.. Money stops at the grave love and matters of the heart continue through to eternity on into the spiritual life.. Jesus loves all of mankind but He had a passion for serving the marginalized.. Also see Micah 6:6-8(NLT) for God’s view on giving to Him and what makes God glad..Volunteering is another wonderful way to give back.. Here you are spending eternal revenue!! A commodity that holds its value through financial meltdowns and even through death of the flesh.. Sacrificing time is what Jesus did. When He came down.. He didn’t pay money to a collector to get here. Yes he kept the commands as an example for us but He didn’t just send a check in the mail and say a I want to pay for this for you. He came down with us and spent time with us not to condemn but to save and show love.. He wrapped Himself up and spent time with us to reveal the great mysteries of the Kingdom of God!!

154 (CHAPTER 13)


The two are one with one foundation being release and forgive

Deut 15 (NLT) and Luke 6 (NLT)

456=15 our old address!

Jesus also told Peter to forgive 70 times 7!!

Forgive us of our debts as we forgive or debtors..

155 Jesus gives us multiple examples of forgiveness in scriptures for financial debt and sin debt.. Complimenting and enhancing the old testaments Shamita.. The shamita was and is a remedy from God for the forgiveness of debts not a means to create debt just for dumping it.. We should always look to forgive and to be ready to ask for forgiveness with the goal of repentance in front to help us walk on a new higher ground than before..

I had a Father and son conversation recently with my son.. I told my boy don’t take on no more debt. No debt is always the best route if you can accomplish this.. The key with debt is, don’t take on no more un-needed un constructive debt.. Un-needed debt almost wiped out the middle class in 2008.. I also told Him to focus on God and the rest will follow.. Currently the world faces massive debt. If our country is in debt individually we are in debt no matter what our personal check books look like.. If the bottom falls out of the middle class we will have more than debt to worry about…

* If the foundation and the middle of a ladder are strong you have an increased chance of reaching the top again!!

My words to Him and to all throughout the previous turbulent years that sent stress levels towards self destruction.. Go GOD’S way.. God and the bible was and is the foundation for America’s success, and He was the main ingredient that sustained America, and Israel.. He holds the universe in the palm of His unchanging hands.. God’s instructions are built to last… We should not let debt or no other burden strap a person down beyond their ability to see a clear new start.. Jesus is our redeemer! He came to set the captives free! Unbiblical and or biblical bondage is not God’s way. God wants us burden free yet profitable.. How is this accomplished? Forgiveness!! Satin will use pride to block up arteries.. If we can keep the blood flow clear and moving forward in love and forgiveness.. It will free both sides for a new start.. Dismantling satins attack on a system that was never designed to be successful under eternal satanic attacks.. Our ability to forgive was challenged in 2015..

A shamita year.. This was a great opportunity for us to exercise our abilities to forgive and move forward in His newness! Holy Spirit said to 156 release that big debt that’s owed to your Wife and you.. Release it. He said at the rate it’s trying to come in mixed with the lateness of it.. It’s hindering everybody in multiple directions seen and unseen.. Forgive it.. We did.. When we released it.. Other avenues surfaced to replace it!! I praised God just because He said do it. Just because He loved us enough to step into every aspect of our lives!! It freed us and put us on a new path of productivity.. A better path that was the original path before we wondered as teens.. Two in the garden under God.. Passionately following His every whisper under a better covenant!! I started having garden 2 visions right after the release. Garden two visions never surfaced before the release. I prolonged cutting down the woods because I knew the financial weight and strenuous labor was not worth the extra grass cutting.. Then after the garden two visions surfaced… More deep spiritual deposits followed some was super unexplainable.. Like the ones I covered in His guidance revealing healings.. The other spiritual revealing dealt with eternal currency, eternal positions and the eternal profits!! I was so excited!!

I was joking one day and having fun and the Holy Spirit showed me this vision.. I shared it with my family.. I told my family members if someone was to collect all of the funds, money, gold, silver and or dollars and through them out into space it will look like someone threw a hand full of salt out a car window while doing seventy miles per hour! You wouldn’t see it.. That’s how big God is.. God operates on a different system that’s so gigantic!! God wants us to accomplish success in the earth but He wants more is for us to be eternally successful.. God looks at the big picture.. His formula for success is totally different from ours see Micah 6:6-8(NLT) .. Jesus said you cannot serve both God and money.. I tell my kids make money but serve and worship only God-Jesus.. In 2012 my heart shifted focus.. I lost sight of un-needed material things and I’ve glued myself to the relevance of eternity in Jesus.. One day we will release these earthly treasures completely at the point of transforming out of the flesh and my hopes is for you to do it and gain a greater eternal treasure in Christ Jesus.. Me giving you the word of God, His love and things like this book will help you get the overall victory if you except these blessings.. Holy

157 spirit told me one day my people bring the value to Money and to the earth.. He said if I was to remove everybody from the earth and bring them to heaven all of the funds and things would rust and deteriorate.. We have eternal value! It’s a matter of where it will be spent..

158 (CHAPTER 14)



All of these eternal teachings are as close to the originals as possible so you would have a direct version of what was shared as the Holy Spirit lead me in those times to highlight these teachings within..

James 5:7 Be patient. While waiting on Messiah!

When we hear the scriptures that pertain to Messiah’s second coming, scriptures that covers Him saying to the disciples..

Like this- It is not your concern to worry about the season of my return.

Then you read Him saying to the disciples.. -Observe all the things that pertain to me.

With your non believing intellectual.. They may take the two underlined above as a contradiction, but it’s not .. The first one I mentioned that says it is not your concern as to what season I return. He means what He said what He said but when the scripture is compared to the observe all things, the second piece of scripture. We see a little bit deeper into real intent for both scriptures.. To simplify it.. Don’t waist all your time on continuous debates and or worry about His return.. Focus on the whole bible, there are people that need to be re strengthened and or saved. Add John 3:16 into your teachings for those that don’t know Him on a basic level .. With a continues multi level approach you enter into the observe all things about Him without putting your whole day in His return time.. This gives you full coverage and understanding without the two reading like a contradiction..

Another scripture that highlights the first two above is Luke 12:35-46 (NLT) talks about waiting for Him while continuing to work for Him, and it covers more. Jesus said feed my sheep.. In Mark 16:15-18 (NLT) He said go spread the word. He never gave a closed end method because He knew methods would change.. Like now we can go to the ends of the earth by

160 internet, plane, radio, tv and more.. Luke 3:3(NLT) is a good one to add into your daily observations, teachings, debates and concerns.. The bible is a success story not a contradiction.. Interpretation and understand is crucial..

The carnal non believer.. They don’t understand eternal success.. Although the follower strives for success on both sides, to the non believer everything is measured by how much can I gain materially, or if you’re not ill/sick God is for you, or I got to see it to believe it.. It’s nothing wrong with the mentioned outlooks but we want everybody to grow as a whole… The vary life source we need as carnal beings is invisible in weather 30 degrees and up.. The simple signs.. The invisible resources of God is here. The very love we all share for our loved ones comes and originated from the God of the bible. He is the God we need circulating through our spiritual veins more so that we can all earn the eternal victory that debt can’t touch, illness can’t touch and death can’t touch when we are continuously in Messiah Jesus.


We know creation was miraculous by the bible and all of the signs we see today!! Yet sometimes we all take these simple signs and everyday miracles as mundane happenings.. The two days in Genesis 1:6(NLT) , and 1:14 (NLT) is when God gave us the heavens to look up to, and 1:20- 29 is the day when God created Man, Woman, and all of the breathing, walking, flying, and swimming creatures… God’s creations made the word mundane almost irrelevant, and almost not fit to use from day one! Every move we make now and on into eternal life with Jesus is a miraculous sign!!While on earth the different expressions of loves simplicities was a big part of Jesus ministry.. He lived on the high road of biblical truth from the beginning to the resurrection.. At the transfiguration He ascended up into

161 the Heavens even higher, leaving His great plan and His reasons for coming with us! They were to save, serve, forgive and love!! To this day we have His Holy Spirit, the scriptures, and tons of additional signs, miracles, and wonders expressing His unexplainable inner peace and His intense pursuit to be involved in our lives..!

I will share a few simple signs of mines in hopes to enlighten you!! On September 29th of 2012 I was sent on a mission to enlighten and fulfill but, I was also transformed, enlightened and fulfilled again on that day in a wonderful unusual way! It was a spiritual overhaul, a supernatural out pouring of God’s joy and unconditional love! A divine appointment, a biblical mile marker. After this I soon noticed that the LAMB of GOD was in the book of Revelations with 29 appearances.. Revelations is the last book in the bible that talks about the last days that we are seeing now! While reading a news paper that I’ve read many times before, I noticed an article talking about the ghetto housing I was raised in. The article said it sat on 29.1 acres of land… Months later God spoke to my spirit again! He said I turned you around for your destiny that I sat from the beginning… If you turn 29 around you have 92. Biblically every 50 years is a Jubilee year! The next Jubilee year I will be 92 years old on earth or with Christ in spirit… 9-2 is when I arrived on this planet! Life given! This year’s Atonement day is September 29th 2017!! God is looking to Atone through Jesus! He has given us so many simple signs that mean so much for our eternal health.. I’m one of the witnesses! If you don’t know Jesus Christ and you want to, and you want to be saved from total separation from God..

It’s simple, read John 3:16-17(NLT) in the bible. Confess you believe in Jesus, repent which means ask for forgiveness for your sins, turn toward your new life as a Christ follower. Find a local Church, get baptized! When accomplished celebrate because you helped complete another miracle!! Please see the 2nd page for forward movement according to Jesus and His word of instructions to me for 2017!! Read your bible!!

Praise God Thank Jesus Love everybody!! In from Jesus-Yeshua messiah for 2017 Love everyone - Matthew 22:37-40 Believe - John 3:16-17 *Do

162 God's will-Joshua 1:7 (NLT) Matt 5:17-20 (NLT) (Let Phil 4:13(NLT) ) give you support for Joshua and Matthew and do it from a loving non condemning Jesus point of view. The Joshua and Matt scriptures sound heavy and loaded but it’s really simple- try and do your best everyday in all you do according to the bible and love!!) Eph covers the main goal to be more like Christ. The structure flows like this. 1. God Christ Holy Spirit the 3 in 1 spiritual God. 2. Angels our guardians some in Heaven praising and messengers like Gabriel and Michael and then the other God ordained Christ followers / people we read about that is actually in the bible.- All of these in 2 did and are doing wonderful joy filled work for the Lord! 3. Then all of the Christ followers that are not in the bible living life or has lived life on earth working and waiting for paradise!! We are a priesthood / servants of Christ (with Holy Spirit that gives us all kinds of access, comfort, and privileges.. God created our 3 in 1 structure mind body and soul in His image - See Genesis we are made in His image. Although, the majority of us don't know what it’s like to operate completely in the spiritual without the flesh yet.. Fear not! Our paradise is coming stay motivated!! Remember Christ is the main one that we want to teach people to follow. He gave us our substance in the flesh. Teach all commands, forgive and love! Christ said no one comes to the Father accept through Me-Jesus Messiah. It’s a wonderful Joy worth waiting for! - James 1:2-4 (NLT) Please share this if you can. Try to invite people to our Church. Or a bible teaching Church near the individuals..

Love, James W Your brother in Christ, and servant of our Lord and savior! 2016-2017

ADDITIONAL COVERAGE TO HELP YOU OBSERVE ALL THINGS CONCERNING HIM FROM AN UNCOMMON POINT OF VIEW Revelation 21:4 (NLT) I love how Jesus use to ask questions all while knowing the answers! What a great way to highlight the simplicity of the scriptures while unraveling the mysteries of the paradise and reign to come by our Lord.. Let’s take a quick look at a few findings accompanied with questions.. We recently watched a 163 film where the characters measured the invisible in the air! Air miles and distances ect.. Even the clouds have a density to them, a thickness! The new Jerusalem in Revelation 21:18(NLT) . Is it going to be a city of actual (stones?) Jesus told Peter on this (rock) I will build my Church.. Peter’s belief, faith, and love was and is the (rock) Jesus was highlighting.) Peter said in the book of Peter and you will come through as pure ( gold..) Revelation mentions precious jewels in the construction.. We also see the thousand year reign of Christ on the earth in Revelation. Will this be an actual thousand years? Peter writes in 2 Peter 3:8 Being With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day while with the Lord. Revelation20:4 says they reigned (with Messiah) for a thousand years.. It speaks of binding up satin.. We bind satin up daily through the power of Christ.. The angel that binds up satin. Is this a few hours out of a day or a one day event that keeps satin from continuing to deceive people? A supernatural suddenly? Also see (NLT) The bible holds a lot of spiritual, suddenly, and symbolic moments mixed with actual events.. Revelation, Matthew, Ezekiel, Daniel, and Mark gives us a boat load of additional (spiritual) key words like (God almighty and the Lamb are its temple,) should the Christ follower get excited about the physical 3rd temple construction plans for Jerusalem? A new physical place of worship on earth is always a wonderful idea and addition to the kingdom while in the flesh.. There is a covenant in place according to the bible see 1 Gen 17:12-14 (NLT). Supporting and or standing by Israel makes God smile… Mean while the other spiritual key words in God’s word continues to whisper to our souls like Rev 20:1-4 (I saw the souls), Rev also says (and the old heaven and earth had disappeared and the sea was also gone,) and so he took me in (the spirit,) and crystal (clear.) Daniel says it will (never be destroyed,) Ezekiel says I will put (my temple) among them (forever.) The bible teaches us that (flesh and blood cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven.) Also see 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 .. The spiritual God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and the spiritual us is the only thing that will go forever.. Also see (NLT). We have all the guidance and light to see our way through starting with the current kingdom phase we are in and on into to the full experience! Whenever you’re confused or in pain and or are lacking joy.. Pray, read the bible, meditate, and believe.. It’s all so simple. Always measure your

164 feedback by the Holy Scriptures in the bible, seek Holy Spirit. And look at it from a loving Jesus point of view and you will receive God’s guidance and peace in your soul that surpasses all understanding.. Grateful I have the opportunity to give you a light and a platform to search the scriptures for yourselves to advance your walk with Christ (when you choose to go deeper..) My reasons are below. Matthew 4:4New (NLT) Matthew 28:20New (NLT) Jesus came with so many miracles signs and wonders that he knew would open eyes and save souls.. Then He came to a point of completion and all power.. He left a simple greatest command and it wasn’t to try and do miracles signs and wonders, although they were and are wonderful, the greatest command was to love God and love one another..

Love is so multidimensional in simple way.

God loved us and chased us before He created the world! Eph 1:4 (NLT)

We are floating in between an inter galactic battle between good and evil.. The evil being satin. The evil one was created and he is no match for God, but without God we don’t stand a chance.. The battle has to play out in life time with situations simmering daily until dinner is done. The main dish is love, even the non believers strive for it, fight for it, hire private eyes because they too want to know who truly loves them.. We set engagements, and get married.. All while our all knowing God knows the beginning from the end. He’s just sitting back waiting for you to choose, exercise your free will to show Him you truly love Him and want to be in eternity with Him- Luke 10:17-20 (NLT) Rejoice!

The kingdom of Heaven is at hand where true love resides.. True love is God. His love is reviving.. This is the Godly love we are supposed to project daily.. Like God did with Jesus.. He loved us.. He gave!! God’s love is good when we disrespect Him and have nothing beneficial for Him. Love is so multidimensional.. You can have love for someone and it can be laced with pain.. Loves best friend is joy! This is the end goal .. Love and joy while serving in His holy presence, it is completeness!! It’s paradise, 165 garden 2 stuff..!! Spiritually complete!! When I’m quiet and joy is present . I’m at peace. When I’m excited and joy is present it’s an energized peace!! Heaven is and will be a praise palace with our brothers and sisters in Messiah the prince of peace.. The kingdom of heaven starts now.. Reflect on your favorite most exciting moments.. Your wedding, a graduation, the most wonderful intimate moments with your spouse, the outing with your Church family that was so much fun, fun full holiday’s with family and friends, the best vacation memories, the best weather you’ve experienced, that time you caught up on your rest, that great advancement in your business dealings, your warmest coziest peaceful moment alone or with family and friends, and your best praise moments!! Put all of those magnificent experiences into one mega dosage.. Talking about a rush! In the spirit it will amplify beyond that and beyond your imagination!! I’ve had that in this life, and without a physical trauma.. So just imagine it completely in the spirit and forever with Love and Joy without loop holes or circumstances surrounding it..

Jesus said that you may have joy to the full and complete.. Not as the world gives it.. Meaning you are (not ) joyful do to circumstances but because you are complete now and on into paradise with God Jesus Messiah!

166 John 13:35 (NLT) Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.

167 John 15:11-12 (NLT) I have told you this so that you will be filled with my joy , yes your joy will overflow. I command you to love each other in the same way that I loved you. (NLT)

168 LOVE


Now you can retrace our paths at your convenience to see how God aligned our lives for the purpose of spreading His gospel to advance His wonderful eternal kingdom! This book gives Our journey and the prophetic ingredients solidifying some of the actual to date signs God put in our lives for such a time as this. You get the miracles and wonders stories too! Along with highlights of old and new teachings from the bible and invites for eternity!


LOVE JOY AND JAMES ,INC is a Kentucky based nonprofit organization. Love Joy and James, Inc was organized to help spread the wonderful gospels of Jesus Messiah with a future goal of sharing the gospels and our teachings to the residents staying in our public service house through books and other media resources!


PO Box 43273

Louisville, KY 40253

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