
THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1967 'Plot' Arrests By RALPH BLLTMENFELD and CARL J. PELLECK lay Shaw, a civic leader and former Arm , warbooked today on a "conspiracy" charge in the Kennedy assassination and District Attorney promised "more arrests—a considerable number of them." Garrison, the 6-foot-6 pros- ecutor whose five-month Inves- tigation has stirred new con- troverty over the Dallas trag- edy, shocked New Orleans by accusing the 54-year-eld Shaw of "participation in a conspiracy DA Vows to murder Kennedy." The silver-haired business leader was then released on $10,000 bond. Shaw's name does not appear NEW YORK POST, •In the re- port on the assassination. 'al 1 name of Da B rtranri dcLap- pe o en y in the report. In Was ington, tlie Justfce •Dept. and the FBI declined com- ment on Shaw's arrest. Dallas More police said they knew nothing about it, Associated Press Wirephoto "" was de- CLAY SHAW crIbed in the Warren Report Uurfer arrest. a man who had tried to and I don't know if he Isn't. I get a New Orleans lawyer to couldn't say for sure. I don't go to Dallas and defend Lee know. They're two separate peo- Harvey Oswald the day after ple as far as I'm concerned." the assassination—before Os- Shaw was released on $10,000 vald ' was shot. bond after his arrest. His luxur- The lawyer, Dean Andrews, ious home was told commission counsel Wes- searched for nearly three hours ley Liebeler that on that Sun- by Garrison's detectives, who day he had contacted a well- seized five cardboard boxes til- known criminal lawyer, Sam led with various items, Includ- (Monk) Zelden, about taking ing books and a rifle in a can- Oswald's case. as case. But while he was talking to The silver-haired Shaw a rug- Zelden, Andrews testified, the edly handsome man who was news came that Jack Ruby had ecorated by the U.S., French shot Oswald. "Don't worry nd Belgian governments after about it," he quoted Zelden as is World War II service In saying. "Your client's just been urope, retired in 1965 after 18 shot." ears as managing director of Garrison made no reference he New Orleans International to the "Bertrand" testimony in ade Mart. announcing Shaw's arrest. He lives in a remodeled car- Garrison also is known to riage house on an old estate have questioned Andrews, now in New Orleans' Vieux Carre an assistant district attorney in section and is described by one neighboring Jefferson Parish. neighbor as a "quiet, Interesting, Andrews, contacted by the intelligent person.- ew York Post after Shaw's A close friend said Shaw's ar- rest, was asked whether he rest was "incredible." He said hinks "Bertrand" and Shaw are he had visited Shaw several he same man—whether Shaw months ago and that when the ctuaily is "Bertrand." subejet of the assassination "Not in my book they ain't," came up Shaw had expressed e said. "I don't know if he Is "atonihment and horror" over it.