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1 1 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x 3 NEW YORK CITY TAXI and LIMOUSINE COMMISSION 4 MEETING 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x 6 7 33 Beaver Street 8 New York, New York 9 10 Thursday, May 31, 2012 11 9:05 a.m. 12 13 B E F O R E: 14 15 DAVID YASSKY, Chairman MEERA JOSHI, General Counsel 16 17 COMMISSIONERS: 18 19 LASHANN DeARCY, Commissioner ELIAS AROUT, Commissioner 20 FRANK CARONE, Commissioner MARK GJONAJ, Commissioner 21 IRIS WEINSHALL, Commissioner - Absent EDWARD GONZALES, Commissioner 22 LAUVIENSKA POLANCO, Commissioner NORA CONSTANCE MARINO, Commissioner 23 24 25 2 1 2 SPEAKERS: 3 Placida Robinson 4 Cliff Adler - LOMTO 5 Ethan Gerber - Greater NY Taxi Association 6 Bhairavi Desai - NYTWA 7 Peter Mazer, MTBOT 8 David Pollack, CTS 9 Richard Thaler - OMN Gateway 10 Ethan Gerber - Greater NY Taxi Association 11 Vincent Sapone - LOMTO 12 Cliff Adler - LOMTO 13 Erhan Tuncel - LOMTO 14 Gene Chery - LOMTO 15 Uppkar Thind - LOMTO 16 Hussein Elsherbiny - LOMTO 17 Jawaid Toppa - LOMTO 18 Moe Morrone - LOMTO 19 Bernard Mhando 20 Mohammed Guernah 21 Mahmoud Elkosiry 22 Shehi Ismail 23 Beresford Simmers 24 Marie Dugonquan 25 Osman Chowdhury - United Taxi Driver Assc. 3 1 2 SPEAKERS (Continued) 3 Michael Ford - Cab Driver 4 Charbel Sfeir 5 Mohan Singh - NYTWA 6 Bill Lindauer - NYTWA 7 Rafael Espinal 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 4 1 TLC Meeting 2 CHAIRMAN YASSKY: It is 9:05 and 3 we're going to get started. Welcome to 4 the New York City Taxi and Limousine 5 Commission Meeting. We are now going 6 to go into Executive Session. 7 (Whereupon, the Committee went into 8 Executive Session.) 9 (Time noted: 9:07 a.m.) 10 -------------------------------------------- 11 (Time noted: 10:39 a.m.) 12 CHAIRMAN YASSKY: Good morning. 13 Our public meeting for May 31st is 14 reconvening now at 10:40. 15 We have present at the moment 16 Commissioners Marino, Gonzalez, myself, 17 DeArcy, Carone and we have a couple of 18 other commissioners who are in the 19 building and joining us shortly. We'll 20 get to business promptly. Just a 21 couple of points at the outset. 22 One is, I want to remind medallion 23 owners that your medallion renewal is 24 due today, but I think it may have 25 been-- it might have been already due, 5 1 TLC Meeting 2 it says here due today, but to avoid 3 risk of suspension, really do get this 4 in by June 11th, that is the deadline 5 after which you are at risk of 6 suspension, so please really do send 7 those in. 8 I am pleased to report that we have 9 to welcome another class of New York's 10 proudest, our enforcement inspectors, 11 our uniformed inspectors another 22 12 joined. They joined our payroll a 13 couple of months ago but, of course, 14 they were in their peace officer 15 training, our internal training and hit 16 the streets earlier this month bringing 17 our enforcement strength to levels we 18 have not had in a couple of decades. 19 They have been extraordinarily 20 productive already. This month alone, 21 I can tell you, in May, we have seized 22 already 505 illegal livery vehicles. 23 So we were doing a thousand a year a 24 couple of years ago and now we're doing 25 500 per month. So that is really 6 1 TLC Meeting 2 tremendous. I just want to give our 3 men and women in uniform a thank you. 4 (Applaud.) 5 CHAIRMAN YASSKY: On behalf of the 6 public and of course on behalf of our 7 licensees who have earned the right to 8 provide full hard service, whether it 9 is a taxi or license livery, it is our 10 job to keep people who do not play by 11 the rules off the road and I am just 12 proud of the work uniformed services 13 folks are doing. 14 We are also joined by Commissioner 15 Gjonaj and Commissioner Arout and we 16 are almost at full strength for today. 17 Just on the topic of accessibility, 18 an issue, as you know, the Commission 19 has worked on over a period of time. 20 We had the first the Commission 21 approved MV1 as a taxi, another 22 option for taxi owners for the 231 who 23 were required to use wheelchair 24 accessible, or for any other taxi owner 25 who wishes. The access vehicle is 7 1 TLC Meeting 2 available. 3 The first that actually hit the 4 streets a couple of weeks ago is now in 5 service as a taxicab which I was 6 delighted to see. I just want to read 7 an e-mail I got last night that, to me, 8 underscores why we have to run on this 9 so quickly. I got an e-mail from a 10 gentleman that runs a large non-profit 11 in the city that deals with veterans. 12 It's been fleet week, as you know. He 13 writes at 11:48 p.m., "David, quick 14 question, here with double amputee U.S. 15 Army here in NYC and he's having 16 difficulty getting a cab. Are the 17 wheelchair accessibles out soon?" 18 We cannot have a city where a 19 veteran or not a veteran, who is in a 20 wheelchair cannot access the jewel of 21 the -- one of the jewels of the City, 22 our taxicab system. That is why we 23 have moved forward aggressively. 24 I know there are medallion owners 25 here and representatives of medallion 8 1 TLC Meeting 2 owners and you got the bill recently 3 for $98 for dispatch service. I've had 4 owners ask me what's with the new 5 charge, what's it for and as you know, 6 what it's for is to enable someone to 7 call 311 -- there are cabs on the 8 street, but they are of no use to this 9 man, no use to this veteran, unless he 10 can get one of these cabs where he is 11 and where he needs it. 12 We are now about a month away, 13 thanks to the fees that you are paying, 14 to enabling 311 to do that. We have, I 15 think, a terrific partner in Metro 16 Taxi, who we have high hopes for, to 17 actually do the work of the dispatching 18 and I just want to renew my plea, my 19 request, to particularly the owners who 20 do own, and the drivers who do drive 21 accessible taxis that we really do need 22 to make this one work so that people 23 can get the service that they are 24 entitled to. We'll do our part in 25 terms of the regulation and in terms of 9 1 TLC Meeting 2 the structuring of it and I know that 3 you will do your part too, both through 4 the fee, but also particularly for the 5 drivers and owners who have accessible 6 cabs to making the system work well in 7 practice, not just in theory. 8 Now, that's not enough. We know 9 we're going to put another at least 10 2,000 accessible cabs on the street 11 over the next couple of years. I think 12 that we have got to bring everybody 13 together and figure out how we, as the 14 regulators with you, as the industry 15 and with the community of people with 16 disabilities and people who are 17 passionate about that issue, so all of 18 us together figure out a long-term plan 19 that will make sure we can be as proud 20 of that facet of the service of the 21 industry as we are of all the other 22 facets. 23 Commissioner Frank Carone has 24 graciously volunteered to spearhead 25 that effort. We will be putting 10 1 TLC Meeting 2 together a working group and I will be 3 reaching out to the industry 4 leadership, you folks that are here 5 today, to help us form a working group 6 that can productively tackle the issue. 7 I know there is -- it's an issue 8 with different sides and different 9 interests, but what we need is for the 10 people to get into the room and be 11 willing to reach out and work together 12 and find a common ground. 13 So I'll be asking you for folks who 14 are willing to do that, we'll be asking 15 the disability advocates for people who 16 are willing to do that and we will see 17 certainly who will participate and 18 Commissioner Carone will spearhead it. 19 With that said, let's move to our 20 substantive agenda for today. 21 First we have the minutes of the 22 April 19, 2012 meeting. I move that we 23 adopt the minutes. All in favor say 24 aye. 25 THE COMMISSIONERS: Aye. 11 1 TLC Meeting 2 CHAIRMAN YASSKY: Opposed no. 3 (No response.) 4 CHAIRMAN YASSKY: The minutes from 5 the April 19, 2012 meeting are now 6 adopted. 7 Base applications. Is Chris here? 8 Who is here in terms of licensing today 9 in presenting the base applications? I 10 saw Asst. Commissioner Georgia Steele was 11 here earlier.