I ^^■'; -^' i - ■■ ■ ■• I fTEDNfiSDAY, JANUARY 81, 196f jfllanrii^Btpr Earning Hfralit JL Average Daily Net Press Run For the Week Ended The Weather TChe Girls’ Modeling Club, spon­ reported toear in Circuit Court teers collected 11,326 for the 1962 last night, some volunteers are were' Russell Stevenson Jr. suid and it became the most .^raveled Miss Brenda Ann Cole, daughter 12. Manchester, Feb. 19. March of Dimes campaign, it was atm making house-to-house can­ Morgan Steele, president a n d thoroughfare over the Alps. A lull cast rehearsal for “The of Mr. and Mrs. Elverett J. Cole VOL. LXXXI, NO. 103 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CON5^., THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 1. 1962 (Claaalfled Adverttatng on Pagb 26)''' PRICE FIVE CENTS Women,” a three-act play to be Sr., 57 Lyndale St., and a student resent^ by the Uttle Theater of at the New England Conservatory £[ancheatcr, will begin tonight at of Music in Boston. ' will appear 8 at the East Side Bee building. with the Consen-atory Women's LISTEN TO KATHY GODFREY, WlNT, MONDAY thru FRIDAY 1:10 P.M. ~ SAT. AT 11:10 A.M. The play will be produced Feb. 8. Chorus in concert with the B6s- State News 8, and 10 at Bowers School audi­ ton Symphony Orchestra at S}-m- MAIN STREET torium. The drama group is unf phony Hall, Boston, Friday and der the sponsorship of the Town Saturday. With Charles M u n c h MANCHESTER Recreation Department. ' Roundup conducting, tha Women’s Choriu a n s i o n The Holy Family Mothers Circle will sing the ’’Slrenes” of De­ Ml 3-4123 will meet tonight at 8 ;30 at the bussy’s Nocturnes. home of Mrs. John Haney, 160 T m o Pacifist.s Parker St. Co-hostess will be Mrs. A midweek service will take FREE PARKING Theodore Schuetz. place at Trinity Covenant Church tonight at 7:30. rear of store III 5lli Day of Mendiers of Star of the East. Royal Black Preceptor}-, will meet Hunger Strike Friday at 7 p.m. at Orange Hall, u.s. 72 E. Center St. Isocal Stocks THE SPRING FASHION STORY WONDERFUL Montville. Feb. 1 (/P)— IV ol Advertisement— .'^If-.styled pacifists, jailed af­ ter ajjpeaiances in Circuit For only pennies A SAFE DE­ Quotations Furnished by HAS "HdMESPUN" CHARM WASH AND WEAR Court. New London. Mnndav, Probes Set POSIT BOX at CONNECTICUT Oobnm Mlddlebrook, Inc. began the 5th da\- of a self- Relief ‘Pay’ BANK AND TRUST’ COMPANY Bank Stocks provides a safe haven for im­ Bid Asked imposed hnnger strike today portant papers. Jewelry, stocks ancL Conn. Bank and Trust UNDERWEAR at the state jail. • imnds. Why risk the danger of in Bram Liickom. 19. Biookivn, On Nation’s Co...... 62 66 Policies Hit / theft, fire or accidental loas in your Hartford National N. Y.. and Henry Wersliaw, ‘l8. !. home, when protection for pennies Bank and Trust Co. .59 63 Norwich, each ha.* forsaken food i la avatlable-at 893 Main Street. by ■since their arre.st last .Simdav bv ' Fire Insurance Companies State Police. ' ‘ |Stockpiles In Message Aetna Fire ...... 137 1,39 'FLAX SPUN' Tliey have hid nothing but wa­ HUd. Fire ...... 78>3 . 80 ', RANGE ter, jail official.' reported. | W'a.shington. Felt. 1 {/P) National Fire ...... 14.') 16.5 Authorities said tioth appear lo i By STERIJNO F. GREEN Phoenix Fire ...... 120 1,30 by B.V.D. be in good health and no attenip: President Kennedy lia.' an­ Washington, Feb. 1 (4^— rUEL OIL IJfe and Indqsnnlty In*. C'oii. ha.* been made ,to feed them ihtra- nounced a double-edged inves­ President Kennedy called to­ Aetna Casualty . .. ino 140 venously. Luckom and Wershaw, tigation of liow the country day for a $193 million exjjan- GASOLINE Aetna Life ...... 126 134 official.' said, ^till move about un­ stockpiles strategic materials. Conn. General ...... 244 264 der their own power but medical sion of permanent federal wel­ Hftd. Steam Boiler 130 140 SUBURBAN SET attention will be given if deemed He says the supply is so exce.s- fare outlays, with a shift in ■ Ins. Citv Life ...... 30 .34 neees.'arv. sive it invites in’ofiteering and emphasi.s from doling out “ re­ Travelers ...... 153 161 ■ The pair wa.s arre.sted oh the mismanagement. B AN TLY OIL Connecticut Turnpike in K a s t lief checks” to the rebuilding Public Utilities "Tlie cold ftiel.' on llii.s nnitter (.itii'\\}, i\(. Conn. Light Power . . •28', 3 0 ', coordinates extraordinary in Lyme for .soliciting rides. When I must be open to tlie public,’’ Kcn- of wrecked lives and careers. ; '1 u s - 1 Ri:i.I Htfd. Electric Light 71 75 ATHLETIC SHIRTS told they could not hlteli hike they I nedv told ins news conference yes- The remedies "will not com* Hartford Gas Co...... 66 71 spring's first touch of green or streiched out on the Iiighway and ' tei dny. cheaply . . . but in the long run TEL. Mlfclicll 9-459S Southern New England had to be ranted to tiolh the po­ He .'(lid till- .'lo'kpillnp pioj>iani they will save money,” Kennedy 6 9 lice cruiser and to Jail. Telephone ...... 51 55 elegant natural. c each would be “ coinpletelv exnlorcd” ' aaid in a special message to Con- ROCKVILLE TR 5-3271 Wershaw pleaded gniltv to so ­ gross. .Manufacturing Companies liciting ride.s and failure In o'oey j by s Sen.nte sniicommltten under '.Sen. Rti'-r* .s\-minston. D-Vto. H" He urged permanent extanaien Arrow, Hart, Heg. 59 63 package of 3 2 . 0 5 a police officer when he app'-aieil of the one-year program to aid de­ 1 A.ssociated Spring .. 14 16 in Circuit Court Monday, .liirige promised SyniiiiRton all tbe evl- pendent children o f the Jobleaa, ! Bristol Bra.ss ...... 9 'i 11 George E. Kinmonth jr., fined I dence hi.' admin’.'tmtion has ob- ^OPPED JACKET 10.99 talneii, more spending on rehabiiitation 1 Dunham Bti.*h ...... ,5 6 him a iota! of work. Increased grants for child THEMItTFORDEUCTRIC Em-Hart ...... 7 6 ', 80 ', Wershaw elected not to pay. He i Moreover, he said he would form welfare, added funds for the day UGHTCOMP/INY Fafnir ...... 45 49 fully lined and saddle went to j.iil to serve out the fine a special eominis'io?i to stttdv rare of children of working moth­ Heiibl^ln ...... 2;D2 stitched for the homespun KNIT BREVS ^ at the rate of $2 a day. : polieie,' and goals “ in the liglif o,' ers and removal or reduction o f . ^PfiLDivideiid N. B. M achine...... 22 ■ 2,5 ' For Luckom it was a completely (flanged defer-" strategy "rd im-1 residence requirements for relief. 3 90 North and Judd . . . . 14 16 look. Three members of Brooklyn'* Gallo gang, Anthony Abbetemarco, different story. He still ha.s to groved technology." He' disclosed Albert GaJlo and Frank Biano, left to right, comfort the six Diaz The President slapped at dras­ Stanley Works ...... 21 23 TEE SHIRTS answer the same two counts which he has oi-dered a stop to at! pur­ tic local efforts to slash relief Stanley Works ...... 21'» 23': qhildren after rescuing them from a fire. In all. seven members faced Wershaw. chases p.xcept for three unidenti­ The Board of Directors Of the gang took part in the rescue. (AP Photofax >. rolls, without directly naming th* Veeder-Root ...... 58 62 SLIM SKIRT 8.99 - Luckom refused to rise when fied items and has In.'tnicted dc- j Instance which has stirred nation­ has declared a dividend of WOVEN SHORTS called before the bench He also partment heads to review- their 489i cents a share on the The above ’quotation.* are not to al controvers.v, that of Newburgh,' be construed as actua markets. refused to talk. Judge Kinmonth needs. N. Y. The message said: 8.99 preferred capital fully lined and fashioned immediately ordered him jailed for Kennedy’s move to pliminalp the “Communities which have—for stock of this Company, with a self belt. all 8 9 c each ‘It Just Shows.. contempt of court. Luckom had to threat of major criticism fmm the | he earned from the rourtroom whatever motives— attempted to payable March 1, 1962 to Derivation massive program to store e."cntinl ' Adm. Hu.sband.E. Klmmel, 79, Is shown at his home in Groton next to a (tainting of himself made save money through ruthless and stockholders of record afc down two flights of stairs, to the materials for national emergencies | a year before World War. 11. He was in command of U. S. naval forces In the Pacific In 1041 arbitrary cutbacks In their wel­ the close of hueincBa Feb­ Bandana la a word derived from package of 3 2 . 6 5 police crui.ser. Wershaw walked. highlighted this third news con-1 when the .lapanese attacked Pearl Harbor. lA P Photofax i. Luckom appeared in court clad fare rolls have found their effort* ruary 10, 1962. Hindu.stanl. Die word "bandhnu” ference in 16 days a pace un-■ to little avail. The root problem 8.99 in an oversized pair of coveralls was applied to a method of dye­ OVERBLOUSE Gangsters Save Six equaled since his first weeks in of­ remained." lU'moKD A, onsox ing in which parts of a cloth were and with no shoes. He also sport­ fice. I By contrast. Kennedy said, com­ ed a Icng beard. The beard was Press Urged to Help Pretidenf bunched together In order not to short sleeved. Alternately cheerful and deadly Adm. Kimmel, munities which have "tried the re­ receive the dye. producing a calico removed when he returned to serious, Kennedy ranged from in­ habilitative road” for relief clients effect, according to the Encyclo­ state Jail. ternational tension to civil rights i have fared T>etter: “ Famlltea hav* pedia Brilknnlca. A £■ Children in Blaze in his half-hour with reporters. At Angry as Ever, I been restored to seU-reUanoe, and 13 to 22 he outset, he welcomed Soviet Volpe Demands War relief rolls have been reduced.” SIDE PLEATED Hartford. Feb. 1 (g>)—The Slate editor and Mr*. Alexei Adzhuzet— This approach can be furthered, By R.\T KOHN "W e’ll probably get locked up Motor Vehicle Department’s dally she Is Premier Khrushchev’s Hints Betrayal he said. It Congreee will enact New York, Feb. 1 LffT—Here’* for putting out a fire without a record of automobile fatalities as daughter—among the sptetators. broad revisions o f the rules under SKIR T 10.99 sizes 30 to 46 N ;enae.’’ one police sentence seven memi of last mldaight and the tbtala. on Immedlafbly afterward, he de-' New York, Feb. 1 (Ah—Rear which the Department of Health, Of ^ooklyn’* Gallo gang man.bt so. said BatUlBn the same date last year: nounced Communist penetration of On Organized Crime Education and Welfare makee fed­ small, medium, large v^th pride at hearing: Al*jAlexander Steler. '“niey dlf I a Ifood 1961 1962 the western hemisphere through Adm. Husband E. Klmmel hopes eral aid grants to match state wel­ “It just shows that there la 80tM job.” he said, “ a very gtMd Job.” Killed ...... 13 22 Cuba and labeled Marxist-Lsinism to present new eridence to back fare outlays. P.S. THE FASHION NEWS all available in sizes 10 to 16 and extra large And that wasn’t all th6 Brook­ good in everyone.” “ Incompatible with the Inter- Boston, Feb. 1 (jD —-Senate '••publication of raring entries and his charges of “ betrayal" of the The special message, said by o f­ lyn boys did. They pooltd their FABRIC TEXTURE And this from none other .than Bakery Warned American system." President John E. Powers. D- results and the U.S. treasury bal­ armed forces In Hawaii by the ficials to be the first In history de­ Asst. Chief Inspector Raymond cash and bought clothe.* for the Kennedy said no significant Boston, said today he and ance figures, without which, the Roosevelt administration in 19(1, voted solely to welfare problems, is a fabulous blend of in our second floor kids. They canvassed the neigh­ Hartford, Fet. 1 iJPi—The State Marlin, after the gang members progress has been made In U.S. ef­ Speaker .John F. Thompeon, D- resolution -*ald, "organized gam­ he told the New York Dally News. will be followed by two more mes­ K-C BINGffi borhood and took up a collection Department of CJon.sumer Protec­ rayon, flax and cotton sport shop dashed through smoke and flame forts to settle the Berlin dispute laidlnw. had fired a legislative bling could not exist.” sages on programs administered by fvery Friday Night At 8 P.M. for the mother, and they arranged tion has -told the New York Bak­ Klmmel, almost 80. was Inler- yesterday to rescue six children with Russia but supported the employe for booking bets, The re.*olutlon called upon the %'lewed by a News reporter at his the department—health care for for the family to be housed lii the ery of Norwalk (27 Main St.) to forthcoming trip of hi* press sec­ the aged under social security and from a burning third-floor apart­ keep its premises clean. newspapers to cease publication of Groton. Conn., home yesterday. KMGHTS OF COLUMBUS HOME ment area. retary, Pierre Salinger, to the So­ Bo.*ton, Feb. 1 (Ah--Gov. John federal aid to education. Senior Inspector Kenneth W- viet Union. this information voluntarily. I^lmmel. commander of naval OPEN MONDAY Thru SATURDAY 9:30 to 5:45 , . .THURSDAY 9:30 to 9:00 Strolling toward their headquar­ Larry Gallo swallowed so much A. Volpe went before a Joint ses­ It also requested Gov. Volpe to forces In Hawaii when the Jap­ The program outlined today smoke he was given medical treat­ O ane said yesterday that sanitary “We hope that aa communica­ 138 MAIN STREET — MANCHESTER ter* on President St., the men saw sion of the legislature today to call an immediate meeting of pub­ anese struck Pearl Harbor Dec. ment. His companions were singed conditions at the bakery, after a tions Improve.” he said, "that (Continued on Page Twelve) smoke pouring out of the apart­ Jan. 11 inspection, were “ so de­ call for a moral house cleaning by lishers of newspapers, which carry 7. 1941, was described as “angry ment window and immediately but safe problems which cause tension and a State Crime Commission. plorable that It should not be per­ danger to the world will lessen.” the Information, to urge them to as ever,” went Into action. In the burning The Gallo mob has been under cease publishing racing Informa­ police surveillance recently be- mitted to operate for even a short As for the strategic atockplle, Almost as soon as he finished "We know what was done," he ' 4-room flat they found 6-year-old Ume.” He called for a complete, he called the present supply enor- the special message. Speaker John tion. was quoted as saying. “ All we if^TT T(Q Evelyn Biaz with her hair afire. -cause of mysterious shootings and feuds with rivals involving coin general cleaning of the premises. mous beyond necessity, ”a ques- F. Thompson, D-Ludlow, filed a “ I think the Ume has come,” ran hope Is to find out how It was WATCH REPAIR SPECIAL! ' One of the mob stripped off his Oammi.ssloner Attillo R. Fras------resolution from the floor, calling Thompson said from the floor, done . . . maybe we have some Bulletins ^ ' A " Jacket and mnothered the flames. machine and other racket*. Complete Overhaul. In rebuttal, Albert Gallo re­ sinelli said that a later inspection (Oonttaoed on Pagf Twenty-three) i on the state’s newspapers to cease “ that the press, which, has'no hes­ of U “ Then they led or carried to showed that nearly all of the con­ itancy in reminding others of their Culled from AP Wires 1 year guarantee. Reg. S6..i0...... aafety the other children—Frank, moved his hat for newsmen and Klmmel would not say how or *4.95 asked, "do you see any horns ditions have been corrected but he social obligations, needs to be re­ when he would make new dis­ 6; Mercedes, 4; Yolanda, 3; Emello, told owner Morris Katz that "we minded of Its own soeisl obliga­ 2 and Juan, 10 months old. there?” And for good measure he closures. -J.. added: “ We’re Just human beings expect you to keep It clean.” Show Business Tradition tions.'' Klmmel and the I.ats I,t. Gen. BULGARIAN ITFER AOOU8EO BEAD RE-STRINGING SPECIAL! The men took care o f the fire, A, D. Slavltt. attorney for the R*ri, Italy, Feb. 1 (91 —Italy Plain, .‘'ingle Strand. Reg.' ,?1.0 0 ...... too. ITiey smashed windows to let trying to get along.” . Thompson called‘'for immediate Waller C. Short, army commander ...... 69<- bakery claimed that many of the adoption of his resolution. In Hawaii, were relieved of their tonight formallT charged Bulgar­ Knotted Plain, Single Strand. Reg. .SI-.’iO the,smoke out: they threw a burn­ ian Air Force Lt. Mllusc Sotuebr . 51.19 ing mattress into the street; they unsatisfactory conditions resulted When he concluded his brieMalk, command* 10 days after the Pearl from demolition work in the srea the House applauded a demonstra­ Harbor disaster. with political and mOltsry es­ Cultured Pearls Knotteft. Reg. .S2..i0 ••■$1.75 broke up a bed, also on fire and pionage. An Investigating Judge Blaze Kills 5 in connection with a redevelop­ Wallendas Resume tion customarily restricted to the Klmmel continued: • AIJ, tVORK iil ARA.NTKKI): m threw the pieces out of the win­ In this soiithesstern city Imu^ dow. A burning dresser followed. ment project. He aso said the own­ Malden hcnise ’ speechea of new “ For 20 year* I walled to know WESTINCHOUSE ers hope to move the bakery to a members an arrest warrant against the 22- Heroes all were Larry Gallo, 31, Or for visiting dtgnl-' why Adm. Harold Stark, chief of year-old filer, who crash landed In Providence better location In March. tartes. I naval operations, and Gen, George leader pro tern; a brother, Albert Said Frasslnelll: Jan. 20 after flying his camera- HEADQUARTERS (the Blast) Gallo, 32; Frank Rli- Feats on High Wire The governor had renewed hlsiC. Marshall, army chief of staff, equipped Mlgl7 Jet twice over a H O U SE Sv HALE “Whether they're going to be at recommendation for creation of a i both disappeared on the night be-^ ano, 34; Anthony Abbatemarco, Providence, RJ., Feb. 1 (P)—At their secret North Atlantic Treaky Or­ present location for seven 7-member commission to do the I fore the attack. TTiev sent me i .lEWEI.RA A.M) WATCH RF.PAIK DKJ’ T. 39; Alfonso Serantonio 22; Leon­ least five persona died early today ganization (NATO) missile base. ard Dello, 87; and John Commarto, in a general alarm fire in a 3- house cleaning Job on crime and nothing. Two earaMnlerl (natkmaJ police) MAIN .ST.. .MANCHF.STF.R PH^XF 3II .<1-4123 Now...A Westinghouse BRAND NEW AND SPECIALLY PRICED! (Coottnued on Page Twenty-three) Detroit, Feb. 1 (>P(—-Their facesyed the wire to a platform at one j public morality, 87 story rooming house on Wilson St., grimlv expressionless, Herman and I end. Aa soon as they stepped on- ( "Any one with an ounce o f' officers read the formal charge Mrs. SIsta Biaz, mother of the South ProvldCTce. Gunther Wallends last night walk- to the platform, ending the set, i “ Recent developments, Indict­ brain* In his head knows that I f! Ut flolakov In the Infirmary of Orbital-Action THE VACUUM CLEANER ON WHEELS children, who had left them alone Two of the victims were iden­ ed the high wire from which two the silent crowd of approximately I ments and conrictlong clearly show the chief of operations and the ! Bari’s 'Civil Jail. He ha* bem re­ to go shopping, cried in tearful tified as Mrs. Virginia Davis and members of the great Wallendas 5,000 burst Into thunderous shout-i the need of official action at the chief of staff were not carrying ! covering there from his crash In­ gratitude. her 8-year-oId daughter. Mildred. troupe had fallen to death only 24 lug, whistling, hand-clapping ap- government level,'' the governor out the orders of the commander ' juries, ronrimslon, and fractures “They saved the Uvea of my chil­ said In his special message. In chief (President Roosevelti. i of the left arm and collarbone. Rug Cleaning The others were not identified, in­ News Tidbits hours earlier plaiise. dren! They are wonderful boys! cluding one man who Jumped from There wasn’t a sound In the huge After the act, Herman nished God bless them!” from the AP Wires (Continued on Page Four) (Uontlmied on Psge Twenty-seven) NIKITA NOMINATED X ie t t in c the roof. State Fair Coliseum as the 60- to his dressing room. . Gunther, Scrubber-Polisher 36.95 Cause of the blaze was not de­ It was the speond fire tragedy Moscow, Feb. I (Ah — NIklU,. however, remained outside to ac­ year-old Herman and his son, Khrushchev was formally nond-' termined. in New England this week. Nine Gunther, 34, paid their tribute to cept the Congratulations of the Speaking for his cohorts, Albert persona perished in a blaze: at Ridgefield, Conn., planning roin- performers and circus hands who nated today by four dishicts la Gallo said: *‘We only done what miwlon erred In giving lu fUfal the show business tradition that Alliance with 8ociali8ts Moscow and elsewhere In the So­ Buckland, Mass., on Stmday. the show must go on. swarmed to him. MARRIED? any red-blooded American boys approval to a one-acre lot sul^vl- Herman later admitted he had viet Union for rc-cIectlon to th* With a subZtitute aerlallst flown would do,” adding: (Continued On Page Eleven) sion thereafter the town zmUt^ been a little nervous. Hupreme So'let, the Soviet p*r- commission had upzoned the area In to fill the gap left by death and “I don’t know why.” he added. Itament. His re-election March Rent Formal car injury, the two Walendaa perform­ If to two-acre- homesites. Common "Maybe It was the atmosphere or Ruling Party in Italy 17 thus seems assured. His nomi­ ONLY Pleas Court judge rules . . , jj,s . ed feats of daring for five minutes something.” nation by these several district* .it Rcfial Angered hy Go-Slow Stand Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in three stories above the concrete Gunther also admitted he had I* an honorary affair. Later he New Orleans, La., dismlMee appeal floor. been somewhat nervqus, but add­ will select the one where he wlU One Of (■orineclicut's Largest by Jamen R. Hoffs, Teamsters Un­ Aa on the previous night, there ed quickly: "The main thing was Swings Over to Left campaign. Under the Soviet sys­ e POWERFUL . . . over 1 h.p. motor for speed cleaning ion president, in connection with was no net between the Wallendas not to get overconfident." tem his name finally will be the Formal Rental Store.s e CORD STORAGE . . . cord nests neatly on base fraud indictment. and the concrete. Herman and Father and son had Insisted so only one nominated for his seat- Military Prods Frondizi .Police in Oporto, Portugal, use Gunther were the only ones of the 29.95 e CLEANS all rugs, carpets and hard surface floors seven Wallendas on the wire the Naples, Italy. Feb. 1 (A>i Jority of ‘the 7.*0 delegates were ; BANGOR HOrra, AFIRE NEWEST STYLES TO fire hoses and shots Into the'air (ConUnued on Page Twenty) e TOSS-AWAY BAG. . . hands never touch dirt night before who were not killed Italy's ruling Christian Democrat­ behind the shift. Bangor. Maine. Feb. 1 (Fr—A to break up anti-govemment dem- Tlie rightist faction of the (Jhrls-1 FIT ALL MEN e DOEIS ALL JOBS . . . even de-mothing oaatration . . . West German Su­ or injured. j ic Party swung to the left today general alarm fire raged out o f and, with the pur­ To Cut Ties with Castro "It's a tradition that the show tlan Democrats conceded defeat In I control at tho 7-story Northern • TUXEDOS • CUTAWAYS- complete' with 7-pieee e DECORATOR STYLED. . . in two-tone blue preme Court sentences two Ger­ in a move to give the country a advance by accepting only 22 of { man scientists to 2 is years im- must go on,Gunther stated mat- State I''abor Group new government backed by Pietro Hotel on Exchange S t today. • STROLLERS chase you receive attachment set e BUILT AND GUARANTEED BY WESTINGHOUSE ter-of-factly after last night's act, the neats on the party's national ^ • Buenoa Aires, Argentina, Feb. lador and Bolivia in advocating de- prisonmeat for spying for ttie com­ Nennl's Socialists, former allies The hotel management said all munists in w e 8 t e r n Europe's council. Rightl.st spokesmen said (JP)—Preaident Arturo Frondizi was lay in the explusion. in which Gene Mendez, who hsd Restates Neutrality of the Communists. they felt they desen'ed more but I occupants except one man have this special dispens- atomic research center at Brus­ flown In from' Stockholm, SweIwe* I •* reported imder pressure from the The Christian Democratic Par­'*’■: accepted only 22 In tlie interest of hem accounted for as safety EVERYTHING IN STO C K Reports circulated hM*e that Car sels. Beigiunr. den, was the third man. i eountry's military chlefa today to cano had already sent his resigna­ In Senator Contest ty Congress, after five days ' party unity, Tlie re*t went to back- out of the building. The boiel NOTHING TO SEND COMPARE THE WESTINGHOUSE CLOCK RADIO! break dlpiomaUc relations with tion from Punta del Eate but these ' South Viet Nam government re­ AH other activity in the coliseum I debate here, voted qn Premier; opening to the left. was occupied mostly by elderly A W A Y FOR Cuba and ftre his foreign minis­ could not be confirmed. A spokes­ ports Communist Viet Cong; guer­ stopped and tension crackled ini,' Amintore Fanfani's plan to scut 'Don't be afraid, ' ex-Premler pensioners. Firemen bottled the rillas kill six members of a militia- the air as the two Wallendas and : Hartford, Peb. 1 (Ah—Four top flames In zero temperatures, ter because of the Argentine stand man for the Argentine delegation officials of the State I.etbor Coun­ tie hts middle-of-the-road govern-1 vfarlo Scelba of the rightist told, at the Punta del Bale conference. still there said, last night it knew maq’s family by tying them up In Mendez climbed the poles to the o*"':*';' the congress majority “ Wherever' hut there was little chance of their home and then burning the slender wire 35 feet up to do their cil have written ail' AFL-CIO left cabinet that could win Social- " ■' saving anything in the old build- . Informed aources said leaders of I nothing, about 'imy military de­ unions in Connecticut restating you go. wc .'hall go for the .sake' the three armed forces servdd a mands for the foreign minister's house . . . New pressures for a Shrine Circus act. 1st support, for a. more vigorou* of party luiity despite the fact we Ing. The hotel Is In a erowded congres.*ional waistiidag oemmittee Mendez was first on the high the couDcU's neutrality In the virtual ultimatum on Frondizi in ouster. \ domestic program of economic, disagree with the (Kanfanll line." | area, but firemen appeared to 19.99 to supervise the Cential lutelii- wire. He was followed by Herman, maneuvering for the Democratic social and school reforms. have kept the flames from anger at the gbvempient’s re­ Castro’s Chiba has b^n a head­ nomination for the U.S. Senate. The Christian DemoemU are the ! fusal to vote at the InferTilunerican ache before for Frondizi. caught gence Agency predicted in Wash­ and then Gunther Wailenda. The resolution put before the spreading to other structures. ington following approval of John Gunther, his face reflecting noj The letter, sent Monday but dis­ ' largest parly In Parliament Init do • AIMICO SPEAKER SOUND Foreign Ministers* (jonfeim ce for between strong leftist factions And party delegates.. although approv­ . not have a majority, and Kanfanl A. McCone as CIA director. emotion, rode a bicycle across the** closed today. Was sent by John J. ing the "oi>enlng to the left" Fan- MOLOTOV IN H08PITAI. the Immediate expulsion of Fidel the traditionally conservative mill- Driscoll, council president;^Joseph i since August I960 ha* headed an Castro’s Communist regime from U rj’. Eddie Rickenbacker, World War i wire and then teamed with Men- aHChrisUan Democrat government .Moscow, Feb. 1 (At — Usually • WIRE WOUND LOOP ANTENNA FOR I flying ace, waaU repeal of fed-ide*. a former member of the M. Rourke, secretary-treasurer! well Informed sources said t<^ay the Organization of American Frondizi bowed to the military Leonard B. 'Kerahoer, executive aU.bythc Republicans the included set 9.f LONG DISTANCE RECEPTION States. eral lacome tax as a starting point jt«>upe._to c o n y that Vyacheslav Molotov, public- last August and fired a previous on a cross bar between them. In vtee president, and Daniel J. Gal- her of the North Atlantic Alll- There was no indication, how­ forejgn minister, Adolfo Mugica, in battle against Communism... * * ' Ic Sociali.sts on the left and the l.v denounced former foreign min­ 'attachments: Robert F. Wagner, New Y ork their finale, Herman stood on hla lagl^r execuUv# secretary. aace. It also rejected any move ister, is In a hoepKai suffering • "WAKETO MUSIC SWITCH ever, what the military would do who was blamed for setting up a They said: liberals on the right. If Frondizi refused its demand. mayor, ordered to halt eonstruc- head on the bar. toward outright communism or from a heart attack. A foreign much-criticized meeting between As Herman began raising him­ "Tlie council officers, while In fascism, declaring that any gov­ To help the move to the left, the office preaa spokesman declined • CERAMIDAO MOLDED CIRCUIT SEALS Bowing to the military—a power­ him and (juba’s Conununiat eco­ tion of 150 BrooUyn p g i v a t e Democratic Socialists and Liberals Ml 9 - 1 3 5 2 ^ * all purpose brush - homes after report eviupneo sf self, head-down on the. bar, a Washington last week at an AFL- ernment becked by the Christian to confirm or deny the report, ful force In Argentine polUlca— nomic czar Eknesto (Che) Gueva- watching circus performer’s withdrew their support, robbing the OUT MOISTURE would amount to repudiation of the faulty tiuusfawtlliNi oad g r a ft CIO meeting, met with both Con- Democrats would work “In full in- saying It was of “ no polMeal Im- knuckles turned white as his grip d^ndence of every totalitarian government of It* parliamentary irtsnce.” Be said be knew noth- PARK FREE IN PURNELL PARKING * disposable buffing pads government's refused to go along payments to city and federal in- nessmaa Kowalski and Secretary • GENUINE POLYSTYRENE CABINET IN Higte-ranktng army, navy . and tightened on the poet Ite was hold- Rlbicoff. We learned that Secre- influence." majority. Fanfanl withheld hi* [g of the case. The report from 'With the Untied States and 13 air force ofOcera reportedljr held a apMtora. ing. The size of Fanfani’s victory was resignation until his party congre.ss the usually well-informed source JUST A STEP AWAY FROM REGAI, * splash guard rug doily other Latte ^Unericah cotmtriea. tazy BiUcoff is definitely a candi­ CAMEO BEIGE swift round o f aeerat maatinga aa TArae bombs aro throsm at So­ ’’Look at he said. **They date for the Democratic senatori­ not to be known until counting of came to a declalon on future al­ said Molotov had been In the hos­ Foreign Mniater Miguel Angel the Inter-American Foreign Minis- viet Trade Mlsslsn in Rio £>e got It They're steady. They’re ail al nomination."' the votes was completed later to- lies. pital for about 10 days but thag ' Ckrcanc a f the conferenca aided Janeiro. Brazil, but Ruitian ef- righ t” -V .-/i* r «iS«T I j, ■■y **i(- . f = ) .

, > I . , ’ ? . MAl^CHISTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, FE B R U ^Y 1, 1962 P A G E TW O fWlECRBSTER ETENTN’G HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1962 P A G E TH R EE ■ .». RockviUe-Vernon C o v e n t r y , HEALTH CAPSULE'sn MMwel A. Petii, MJk I Guest Betters ' CAN ALL PtOPLE WITH Sheinwold on Bridge 445 Lions Initiate PIABETES USE THE NEW String Choir^ D u m p 3tudy Continues TABLETS FOR PIABETES ? ' HARTFORD Beard Contest WHAT TO DO ( Ne^ectsReist WHEN FINESSES FAIL M oBlii Both al Behind Closed Doors By Alfred Sheinwold ROAD The Coventry Lions Club Is spon­ By JOBS OKUBEB 'What should you do when the soring a beard contest for Coven­ There was great lnte>'«et last finesses don’t work? The answer B A.Q NORMAN'S try's 250th .vear celebration sched­ ilft'S Advance pubUclty, which has re-^would preclude it at the moment night at the Bu*hnell since the was furnished In one of the hands portedly killed promising trash die- Landfill ’ ■*“ coeta have "been estima­ ' uled July 8-14. All males interest­ garage i V4 Hartford Symphony wa* heard un­ of the recent World Bridge Olym­ possl negotiations, last night ted between $13,000 and $22,000 an­ ed are advised to start their beards ',MtXTt\U\V\Wi)t € 4 3 % pic, played all over the world. WIST ■I prompted Uie first closed-door talks nually, depending on soil condi­ Immediately. der a gueat conductor for Um flrat South win* the first diamond m $ on pbtential dlq;>osal sites for Ver­ tions and terrain. Roland DeChampIain has been time In many a moon. He w’aa Don­ and draws three rounds o f trumpe. Construction cost of an Inciner­ named club chairman of the proj­ \ ••• * * A * _ VI9t4 non rubbish. ald Johanos, regular conductor of For many players the next move P t0 9 » 2 ■nte clUsens' traidi study commit­ ator will depend on refinements ect. Aaaistlng him are Virgo Jor­ the Dallas Symphony, and the au­ was to lead out the ace and king tee went Into executive session fol­ and land conditions. Shequine said. genson and I^ b e rt Sasman. The o f clubs In the hope o f dropping ♦ Q W > JL dience greeted his efforts with lowing an open meeting in the old "M any poliUcian.s want to build committee is working on plans and the queen. When thst didn’t work great enthusiasm. i l A K Q S l city court room In Town Hall. monuments,” he .said, "but it's not final details on the contest which they tried the heart finesse, losing IPrevdoua to the actual perfor­ Officials gave assurances, how­ necessary.” will be announced. to East’s klngi i I ever. that proposed disposal sites He said transite block or alum­ Starting Feb. 19. all Coventry mance, I had heard rumors that Other players tried the club fl- w ill be made known well in advance inum panels have been used to en­ male residents who have a beard or he was a great conductor, and neaee, but that waa no better, . 1 B of any formal action. close Incinerators. "For appear­ mustache started may fine any that the orchestra was Immeasur­ m-ptrpTn lather way. South goes down at Coventry Lions Club member five NO. t h e TA B LE TS WORK ably Improved under his guidance. Pate 2 4 Selectman Francis J. Pllkat said ance, sanitation and- cleanliness, I il BILL'S least one Mck. Pass 4 4 the committee wished to gain time they meet all the requirements of cents if Lion does not himself have BEST IP you HAVE THE This did not prove altogether true I6AR ACE When this sort of hand comes Pus 4 N T to talk directly with residents in modern light Industry," he said. : a beard or mustache started. MILDER FORM OF DIABETES In actuality. along In the ordinary game, every­ the neighborhood of the sites under "The expensive part la always The Lions Club annual Eyc- WHICH DEVELOPS LATER Mr. Johanos Is very obviously Pass C 4 A ft ’ l k o body says **rough luck, old boy,” Openiiiglntf->'4 consideration. Ihe guts of the building. You don't glasses for the Needy drive ft of IN LIF E . a string player (a violinist I would and goes on to the next hgnd. In 10 Sites discussed in past meetings want to chisel on that." ficially under way. Those persons guess) and he achieved a consid­ the oase o f an Olympic hand, you UP have been described in next-day Incinerators are smokeless and haring old used eyeglasses that are , It is net ml wiSeS teb# el(■mSMstkn erable Improvement in the tone of soon find out that you’re supposed Buy On Easy Terms TO stories, he said, prompting Imme­ odorless, he said. He foresees no longer In use can drop them o ff the orchestra's string section. to make your contract. don’t quite have the 'values for a 3 YEARS TO PAY Free Delivery FREE STORAGE TILL WANTEU diate opposition of townspeople af­ the only objections against trucks In special boxes being placed In Other choirs did not fare ao well A fte r drawing three rounds of normal rssponse, but you should fected. driving to and from the building. stores in town. The eyeglasses Charles O'Brien, one silver; Jo­ under his direction. TTiroughout trumps you oUnunate the red suits avoid passing when you have a Two weeks ago. Tolland First He recommended a large cover- need pot be completely Intact. Eye­ seph Palmlsano. one each, gold th e. entire evening he d e v o id his from h ott hands. ’That Is, cash two fairly good 6-card major W it Ko- Selectman Frank P. Merrill told the i «d storage pit where dry material glasses with one lens missing, and silver and Richard Young, one attentions almost exclusively to mdre top diamonds, lesul a heart body will, send you to Jail for paaa- committee plans for trash disposal could be kept to.^mlx with wet rub- cracked lena, and such are also silver. the strings, neglecting the other to dummy’s ace and ruff dummy’s tng, but the heart responsa is bet­ fn his town would get nowhere. He pish. Collections should not be useful. Arrows under bear badge, instruments, who got along as queen o f hearts. ter than a pass. remarked later, however, that had | separated, he said.' Mixed refuse The eyeglasses are sent to Short Charles Carl, Stephen Oalinat and best they could. N ow cash the ace o f clubs and For Shelnwold’i Sd'^ge booklet the plana been outlined to Tolland bums readily; he added, saying Hills, N.J.. where a volunteer group Stephen Jaglelo, each one gold; The audience was impressed be- lead the five o f clubs. “ A Pocket Guide to Bridge,” send >S.3I] officials and residents before ap­ tin cans In the rubbish help make aorta, catalogues and distributea Brian Lewia, one silver and Ron­ You don't care who wrins the sec­ 50c to Bridge Book, Manchester pearing In print, there might have a more porous fuel bed t f i ^ col cauive Mr. Johanos had no music them throughout the world. Fif­ ald Tedford, two sliver. ond club. I f both opponents follow, Evening Herald, Box 3318, Grand been a chance for further discus- lapsed materlala like papers. teen per cent are distributed in front o f him, and assumsd that Also, denner stripe. Stephen he had memorized the scores. Per­ you pan surely clear the suit with Central Sta., N. Y. 17, N. Y. aian. In Incinerators he spoke of there throug.h the C A R E program, the Jaglelo; assistant denner stripe, your king of clubs. I f only one op­ Tba committee was considering sonally, I felt t^ t he had mem­ (Copyright 1962, General Fea­ l.s ho fuel Injection. The rubbish remainder through religious Gregory Bowman; Webelos badge. ponent folltiws, he must lead a club S ^ S V W O O D ^ • contract for private disposal In orized the low iet llnea of the tures Corp.) Itself 1; the fuel. W ith forced groups. Daryl Ober; three-year pins, Glen to give you a free finesse since a Itll'^BlSTOCRATn Tolland or acquisition of a large draft. 1> will bum at 1800 degrees scores (the strings) and relied on Further details may be had by Burdick. Ronald Hodgkins and heairt or diamond return would let 5 ®5 ^ 0 N i A F tract on Mile Hill, lying partly In Fahrenheit, hot enough to pulver­ this to carry him through. It was contacting Roland DeChamplaln at Martin Young. e a n ia. tmt i you ru ff In dummy and discard Tolland, for a landfill operation or ize glass add oxidizing tin cans hla home on Depot Rd., or Robert not enough. N ew den mother of the pack Is the Jack of clubs from your hand. KB) SHOW SAT<— ItPJML incinerator. Residua he estimated at 25 per Saaman of Willlmantle. He conducts without baton, and Leading the five of clubs gives up Sources close to the situation Mrs. Elizabeth Rollins. Mr*. Ruth Cent by weight and 10 per cent by his beat Is difficult to discern. Ae- your chance fo r an extra trick, but aaid two new sites are under con­ Print Shop Upens Woodbury and Mrs. Theresa Plazek volume, “ but in dumping, volume The Coventry Printery started op­ tally it might be said that he al­ position. Written for production at you shouldn’t worry about 30 sideration. but details are not are assiatant den mothers. fS S B S nB S k l.s the only thing you worry about." erations yesterday for all type* of most "bows" his w ay through the' a woman’s college (Sarah Law­ points when 1,530 points hang In known. Boy Scout Week will be observ­ Residue would have to be burled printing, wholesale or retail. In off­ compositions. The strings find this rence) it sounded exactly like that. the balance. Committeemen agreed the first Committee member Andrew P ed Feb. 7 through 13. Cubs are set and letter press printing. asked to wear their uniforms dur­ eas.v to follow, since they are used Summing up, it waa nice to hear Daily Queetion responsibility of the committee Is Tricarico said a number o f people Harry A. Jackson of Nation Hale to following the bowing of their a guest conductor for a change. to find s site. The method of dls- in the rural part of town have ing this week and to attend the Partner opens ^ t h one diamond, Dr. la president and treasurer with church of their choice where seats section leaders. But these arm Both the orchestra and the audi­ and the next player passes. You jMsaJ is secondary. asked him why the town doesn’t Mrs. Jackson as rice president. movements are meaningless to the ence benefited by the change. Mr. build an incinerator In a swampy will be reserved on Feb. 11. hold; Spades— J 10 6; Hearts — Disposal methods nonetheless Richard M. Jackson of Wllliman- others of the orchestra. Johanos Is an Interesting conduc­ K 10 8 5 3 2; Diamonda—7 5 8; came in for heavy discussion In the area and reclaim land with the tle, on offset printer with the Con­ Thus the Brahms 4th Symphony tor who has started to learn his ROOMS ash, ManelMstor Evening Hemld Cov­ Clubs—8. What do yo uaay? 8:10 6:25-10dI8 ROOMS open portion of the meeting. necticut General printing shop for suffered from some very ragged en­ trade, but would do well to con­ Shequine emphasized that in entry oorreapondent, P. Panline Answer: Bid one heart. You Earl R. Shequine. salesman for five yeara, will be manager. Little, telephone Pilgrim 2-62SL semble in spots; the winds and duct a military band for a while, Combustion Engineering Inc. of figuring expenses, it should be The new firm is one of three percussion could not find the beat. borne In mind that collection serv­ to learn the- proper employment yVindaor, manufacturer of Incinera­ signed for space at the Coventry I finally discovered that the beat ices amount to about 80 per cent and possibUities of winds and per­ tor grates, told the committee an Industrial Center. Nelson J. Is Indicated, in Mr. Johanos case, of all disposal costs. cussion. Incinerator for Vernon's require­ Bearce announced. The building is by the Joint at the wrist and hand. ments would probably cost $200,- Even If an incinerator were ac­ the former Tioga yam building Hospital Notes He is young and has time to cepted by the town and on the This comes from the loose wrist learn, but as yet he Is only a good 000, excluding land cost. which Bearce recently purchased neceasitated by violin playing, the drawing boards today, a peiiOd of musician, and not a seasoned or re­ Y ea rly operating costa were es­ from the National Silk Co. visiting hours are 2 to 8 p.m. for position of the hand being always timated at $30,000 to $35,000 after one and a half to two years would The printing shop will occupy nil Arena, except mnternity, whete markable conductor. be required to complete the plant, behind the beat with that Instru­ Shequine said four workmen. In­ about 1.000 square feet of floor Um t nre 2 to 4:86 and 6:30 to 8 ment, but the direction of the wrist he said. apace. Future plans include the Dance cluding a foreman, would be needed. p.m.; nnd private rooroe where Changing with the beat. The result­ Committeemen agreed their building of a darkroom. The shop they nre 10 n.m. to 8 p.m. Visitors Shequine recommended a 75-ton prime concern will he to find a ing fluid motion of the hand Is any­ Today Deadline is a Bubsidlary of the Credit Serv­ nre requested hot to smoke in thing but definite, and the orches­ EVERY THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY ^ *^ **' ? ^ quick, short-term answer to the ices Inc, which Jarckson ha* oper­ pattents room*. No more than two I trash problem. Landfill dumping tral beat was Indefinite In conse­ Music by the "ROYAL KNIGHTS" ar^d-tte-clock operation. Hei^,^„ p^bablv furnish that an- ated in Manchester for the past visitors at one time per patient. quence. For Tax Payment three and one-half years Be It “Jazz” nr the “Twist,’’ here is the place to go for added. however, emitlnuous opera-1 swer thev said True, string player* wlU love him, an evening of dancing and dining. . . PAY ONLY $20 DOWN tloD la more economical and bet- ^ ' _____ Bearce said about 12.000 square Patten to Today: 233 Today is the last day that tax­ but the strings afe not the entire ter for the Incinerator, but the cost' Advertisement feet of space ha.s been leased to the ADMITTED YE.STERDAY: Mrs. payers can make the second pay­ Nutmeg Dump Truck Service for Gladys Vennart, '70 Weaver Rd.; orchestra. He conducts with verve ment on the taxes due on the Oct. SHY-ANN Restaurant would be too high for Vernon at I Wanted: Newsbov in Skinner, 12-14 DEPOT SQUARE, 9-8055 / first. servicing and repairing its own Charlene Kilby, Ellington; Mrs. and enthusiasm, so the audience 1, 1960 grand list. Any payments MASCmSTKR^m Dart Hill. Law ler and Thrall Rds. j will likewise love him, but until he About 22 tona of refuse Is collec­ Helen CTiemlstnick, 1 Fern St., submitted in person at the tax col­ area. Telephone Mr. Anderson ' The third new leaser la Market­ learns to handle all the orchestral ted dally In Vernon, according to at The Herald, Mitchell 3-2711 or Rockville: Mrs. Dorothy Bradford, lector's office by 5 o'clock, or post­ ing Strategy Inc. Its main office 1» WtlUmanllc; George Foster Jr., forces, no composer will ever love marked by midnight will be ac­ engrtneers’ estimates. Mr. O'Connor at the Rockville him. Although committee members in Detroit. Lake St.. Vernon; Mrs. Angelinc cepted. Bureau, TRemont 5-31,36, or the As to Interpretation: The Brahms showed Interest In Incineration, present newsbov. Bearce also said his machine Sartor, 30 Irving St.; Mrs. Fran­ i David Lucia. shop orrupie.s about 3,500 square brought nothing new to light, and After that, the taxpayers will they indicated operating costs' TRemont 5-9081 ces MacDonald, 153 Center St.; pay a penidty of one half of one per "Dine in Authentic Colonial Atmosphere" feel of spare Stanley Mazuraltis, South Glaston­ I had the feeling that It had been Fire Oaiitlnn patterned on two different In­ cent per month. bury; Bruce Maura. Wapping; Mrs. The month of January will be In­ buLside burning of an.v type Is Elsie niomas, Glastonbury; Janies terpretations by two other conduc­ R ockville-V ernon forbidden unless a permit Is ob­ tors. BO that there was no'coheslva, cluded In the penalty, since the Tays, 640 N. Main St.; Mrs. Rita taxes were due Jan. 1, tained from the fire chief, or from Parla, Wlllimantlc; Herbert Buck­ over-all effect. The Gluck was too PYQUAUG INN a forest fire warden, firemen said ingham. 415 Woodbridge St.; Rob­ heavy, and too fast. Like Mozart. today. ert Hunter Jr.. Glastonbury; Greg­ Gluck never got an orchestra of Oldest Grain? I f assistance Is needed on any ory DeNles, 17 Duval St.; Gary more than 40 players, and his 161 MAIN ST.. WETHERSFIELD. CONN. Town’s Grand List ma.1or burning project, it Is sug­ Griman, East Hartford; Richard works should be played with re­ Some investigators believe that gested by the South Coventry fire­ Grezel, 72 Bissell St.: Mrs. Lillian duced forces. Mr. Johanos used the barley is the most ancient of cul­ men that Captains Burt Nye of Strickland. 27 Lillian Dr,; Mrs. full forces at his command. tivated grains. It Is thought to be Perkins Comer, Mansfield, or Helen Kellis, Wethersfield. I suppose he gave the work by as ancient as the earliest traoee Eme.st Ja.v Starkel. be contacted. AD.M ITTED T O D A Y : Joseph Norman Dello Jolo a reasonable In­ of agriculture Itself, extending SMORCASBORP Jumps $2.4 Million Fire equipment of the company Lovejov. 94 Delmont St. terpretation. It was a first per­ baok to 6000 B.C. In Egypt, ac­ A Feature haa been out on P r -la y s and will B IR TH S Y E S T E R D A Y : A son formance here, and probably a last, cording to the Encyclopedia Brt- continue lo be out on that day to Taxable property In Vernon haa*>(including Fox Hill Tower, Lottie lo Mr, and Mrs. Robert Kudra, 78 as well. It is not an effective com- tannlca. WEDNESDAY train sufficient firemen to drive N. Elm St.; a daughter to Mr. and been aaaesaed at $55,639,900. Flak Momorial Building, Horowitz and operate all fire equipment. 10-P«. SECTIONRL Mrs. Hale Kendall. South Wind­ SATURDAY, 5 to 9 P.M. nearly $2.4 million Increase over Memorial Pool, and bathhouse) Harold J. Crane, president, an­ THE HOME OF $240,280. sor: a son to Mr. and Mi-s, W. E. SUNDAY, 8 to 9 P.M. nounced. Hicks, Broad Brook; a son to Mr. GOOD FOOD laat year. Non-taxable property Also. B'nal Israel Synagogue, Tlie local volunteer firemen GROUPING (schools, churches and public and Mrs. Russell Allcri, 38 Benton $205,900; Rockville Public Li­ have in the past two weeks, an­ St. LUNCHEONS served 11:30 A.M. to 2 P.M. 51.25 Up buildings) Is assessed at $7,650,- swered two ambulance calls and brary. $183,380: Maple St School, BIRTHS TODAY: A daughter 750. two minor fire calls of which one NORMAr^ O H^S $177,900: V’emon Town Hall, $166.- to Mr. and Mrs. William Leone, The new grand list, established 070: Slate Armory, $157,820: Sac­ waa a chimney fire and the other DINNERS^ served 5 P.M. to 9 P.M. $2.75 Up IF PITROHARED an overheated exhaust fan. RFD 2: a daughter to Mr. and Mrs YOU THE EASIEST SEPARATELY as of Oct. 1. was completed late red Heart Parish Center, $148,320, Leslie George. Broad Brook. yesterday, the deadline date, by former high school, $116,400 .About Town DELICIOUS SUNDAY DINNERS 12 Noon to 9 P.M. 7-Pil living room Assessor Montague White. RockvlUe post office. $11.1810; and The Beachcombers of Waterfront DISCHARGED YE8TERDA?: 7-Pe. LIVING ROOM TERMS ANYWHERE Mrs. Marjorie Peters, 6 Village The board of tax review, which the former county home in Ver­ Manor will meet at 8 p.m tomor­ e Graceful curved 8-plece Sectional Sofa row at the home of Mrs. David St , RockvlUe; Joseph Audette. 42 SPECIAL FRIDAY NIGHT—WHARFSIDE DINNER may make adjustments in the as­ non Center, now town-owned e Cocktail Table e 2 Lamp Tables e t sessor’s figures during February, $110,870 We.stbom on Laurel Trail. l^nca.'-.tcr R d .; C. Waldo Cone. Oakville; Donald Cartier, Stafford IF PIIRCHAHED hold* It* first meeting tonight at The old Sacred^ Heart Church The Pins. Needles A .Stitches 4- 'Table Lamps * 2 Throw Pillows. '' Springs; Elmer Cauthon, Glaaton- IF PUBCHASXZ) SEPARATELY Town Hall from 7 to 9 p.m. on Washington St., now vacant, H Club will meet about 3:15 p.m. CLOSED TEL. JA 9-9463 burv. T^o o M. SEPARATELY A t the present 34-mlll tax rate, wa-s aase.sserl for $33,590. E>r!v in Monday at the home of Mrs'Cieorge M i U e r J a MONDAYS AMPLE PARKING the additional grand list would * Januarv, it was offer* Jacquemin to start on knitting DISCHARGED TODAY: Doreen Qoe7>-fe4f/S ooe tinJonffsJo/iCo Coietoamnoti to the \>r- Jorgensen. 23 W Gardner St.; bring In an extra $83,000 in tax , non Fire District fo $11,000 for projects, Patricia Gale, reporter, e F/srly American Sofa e Matching announced today Jo.shua Legglll, 58 Eldridge St.; revenue. use as s firehouse. Real estate I e Cholee ef S«fa or Soto-Bed (opene to Also Many The tax rate for the coming Honore

PAGE FOUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1962 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, FEBI^UARY 1, 1962 PAOE^ FIVE medical social work and medicine. tient care and the remaining 634 ara two gr-tneh-diamstar troM, one l,t^ A ♦ Funds Available Each achoarshlp recipient iwlU per cent is sent to national haad- Firm Bids 1660 an aim on Hartford Kd., tha^other'* Bolton Andover “Sr- Sam Diamond a eugar maple on Proepeet tt- . ' /? Vh' . Plaimers Recommend recalvs lOOO.a year for foiir years, quarters la New Tork for research For Health Study or a total o f $3,000 in the |U mil­ and education. Educational funds T o Remove Trees lion national health scholanihip are apportiongd for awarding re­ House Sought Chairman of program. Students may aecept Heart Sunday High school seniors interested in search fellowships in the field of The apparent low bidder to re­ 1 OPEN 10 to 10 Playground Additions careers in the health professions other scholaridilp funds providing virus diseases, arthrltla and birth move 1$ treee tor the town la the W ateehW i 1 CF)-^A moltl- The National Foundation la in­ Cancer Drive may apply for scholarships' pro­ defects and for the health scholar­ Aiaoclatcd Tree Experts Oo. of ple-alarm fire early today -dam- As Interim Set Feb. 25 vided by ^ e National, Foundation formed of the source and amoimt, ship program. Hartford, which submittsd a bid A bretnun for Improvln* n*l*h-t»tr«igth«n th« downtovim commer- •g«J a commercial building at 318 - .. __.a ^ ______Jklal bt«Jk «• AnMtlfAn 4 ■ a a l / t from a portion of contributions to Wilson explained. Scholarships are of $6M this msRiIng. ■ borliood ichool pltorground*. ih- elal prospedts, the consultants said. Sam C. Diamond M Constance awarded for study at .acho^a of liVoet Road. Sunday, Feb. 25, has been de­ In view of these developments, it the March of Dimes campaign, it Played After Bell Other btda were from the Garter Parsonage eludtni; ■oQuliltion o f mora than Dr. has been named genieral cam ­ was announced today by David the recipients’ choice. Tree Expert Oo. of Vernon, $74$; Firs M an fu l Thomae Scaddan, signated ae Heart Sunday. Chair­ U addlUoniLl acru, h u been seems likely that some of the paign chairman tor the IMS Can­ Wilson, chsirmsn of the Hartford Applications are available at Buffalo, N. T m — East High Walgreen Tree Expert. West Hart­ who estimated danuges, at about man of the H$art Fund drive in X ncoimnended tii the muter plan school’s formal recTMtlon program $8,000, Mid the fire apparently Mrz. George Smith and Warren should be carried on within the cer Crusade to be conducted duiipg County chapter. , Manchester High School. Deadline School and Bennett High School ford,. $8$6; T'amblin and, Smith Potter have been named by " the Andover is Mrs. Ralph Ransom. / proposal. The Foundations health scholar­ for filing applications is April 1, Tree Mrviee, West Hartford, $100; started In an air eompresaor mo­ Location of most of the town’s proposed area to be acquired on April. played the final four minutes of tor in the baeeraent o f a grocer^ building committee of Bolton Can~ Co-chairman is Mrs. Walter Mon- Charter Oak St., the planners said. ship program, now in its fourth The Hartford County chapter and Bartlett Tree Experts. West aelchborhood playgrounds are He met this week with divisional their game In the soli­ store and ajwead upward to the gregatlonal Church to make ar- tie Sr., who is also serving as pub­ They iwlded that the Mt. Nebo site leaders to plan the drive. The year, will provide five schblarshins chalrmian reported that 37M per Hartford, $1,143. good, although sin standards for in Connecticut, one in each of fiva cent of funds contributed In the tude of the East gymnasium. A The trees will be removed in grocery store and tiiea to a .tav­ rangementa for the iSmily ot the licity chairman. active recrutlon space are not should be used for activities that: quota is $18,000. ,■>. ern and a drug store which adjoin Ckptains and their districts are cannot be accommodated .at this fields, including nursing, occupa­ March of Dimes campaign is re­ routine firs alarm bell chased the late winter and early cpring. Itev. and Mrs. Theodore Chandler met at many of the playgrounds, Divisional chairmen are William tional therapy, physical therapy. tained by local chapters for pa­ spectators from the arena. The largaat trees to be removed it. Mrs. Richard Person. Long Hill SELF-SERVICE DEPT. STOKE the m u ter plan compilers feel. location. while the parsonage Is being Rd. area;*Mrs. Winston Abbott, Eixplaining their definition of Also, provisions should be made moved. Present plans call for the Hebron Rd., Andover Center, neighborttood playgrounds the com­ for court games tind paved and un­ moving o f the peursonage to be PINE 5T. and HARTFORD RD. paved multiple use play areas at School Rd. and Gilead Rd.; Mrs. pilers, Planning and Renewal A s­ completed during March and April. Ronald Bockus, lake area; Mrs. the site adjoining the school. A new religious education b u llin g sociates of Cambridge, Mass., u y Jowphine Slobodian, south west the playgrounds are designed to Recommendations for the High‘ will be constructed where the par- land Park School playground, along sonage la now located. section; Mrs. Eugene Schwanke, meet outdoor recreation needs of FACTORY TO YOU west Section; and Mrs. Donald it' w ill pay you - children o f elementary school age. with the five acre addition, include Mrs. Smith and Potter would be a Class B ballfield. shaded area happy to hear from anyone who Carlsberg, east section. The playgrounds are best located with benches, and a paved area lor could rent a house, furnished if Vote Allen F^ind Gift airfiil values recreation needs of children In this for a neighborhood playground. Final plans and specifications Tuesday night, and voted to send age group after school hours and -About other playground facilities, for the religious education- buUd-. a contribution to the Mildred A l­ . when schools are not In session. the planning consultants had this ing are expected to be ready in ien Memorial Fund for a library at Those schools listed for land ac­ to say: April BO construction can begin the the University of Hartford. quisition include the following: Buckland, no improvements as a first O f May. William Allison has Mrs. Vance Nimrod was namv*d 1. Bowers: two acres to provide result of proposals for Increased in­ been appointed to obtain the nec­ secretary of the club to replace in this great event . for a tittle League Field, on land dustrial developments in the area essary permits, for the new build­ Mrs: Earl Palmer who resigned. / - adjacent to the present site. and eventual abandonment of the Typieal ValuM ing. Following the bueiness meeting, 2. Bentley: Acreage additions of Buckland School for educational A public hearing will be held Mrs. Edward Montandon gave a ' y imspecifled size just west of the purposes. Feb. 8 on a request for a variance talk on the functions of the pturty lUlng Junior High School to be de Buckley,’ areas for basketball Early Amarlean from zoning regulations to permit caucus, stressing the need for In­ / veloped as a neighborhood and and volleyball should b« provided, construction of the propoeed build­ ing closer to sidelines than al­ creased participation of party s school playground. A minimum along with development of shaded anil HiNlaiii members. site should contain five acres. It areas with tables for arts and lowed. The building committee of w u Mid. the church has scheduled a meet­ St. Columba’e Notes crafts. Sam O. Dlamend • M eden pull-up ebalre aa A t St. Columba’s Church tomor­ S. Nathan Hale: 2.5 more acres Manchester Green; provision of ing to be held after the public adjoining the present school site. a basketball court, improcement Slelth, Industrisl; James DeRocco, hearing. row, the first Friday of the month,- 4. South School: One acre e u t of the existing ballfield, paved commercial; Edgar Clarke, special $39.95 Members of the congregation Holy Communion will be distrib­ uted at 7 and 8 a.m. Mass will be of the present site. areas for informal court games, and gifts; Dr. Melvin Horwitz, presi­ e Swivel chairs and rockers willing to donate labor or equip­ c^ b ra ted at 5:30 p.m. The Noc­ 5. Bennet: Two acres just south shaded area with tables. dent of the Manchester Cancer So­ aa low as ment to help with the building in ciety medical; Atty. Ronald any way are asked to call Milton turnal Adoration hours for men save in of the present quadrangle. Waddell School, a screening of $59.95 6. Highland Park, five acres the active play area from W, t o d ­ Jacobs, legal profession; Mrs. Jensen, chairman of the building will begin at 7:30 pun. In respect to the Bentley school dle Tpke. and along Broad St. Helen Hachadourian and Carl Hig­ e Seotionel unlta - committee, or any committee On Saturday, the Feast o f St. site, the planners further noted Verplanck. no Improvements ap gins, co-chalrmsn of the house-to- member. Blase — the traditional day for that it is inadequate in both size pear necessary. house campaign; Theodore Good- “ ‘^ “ $5 5 ,0 0 ”**" Dental Fees Due blessing of throats—bleasings will and facilities provided. Further, it Keeney, provide paved multiple- child, real estate and insurance; Fees for the dental program for bo given at 8:30 and 11:30 a.m., does not meet the recreation pro­ purpose play area, paved area for and Mrs. Gloria Benson, amistant a BecUniag chairs Grades 4 and 6 at the elementary and 3:30 and 7 p.m. gram of the schopl. court'games, apparatus, softball campaign chairman. school will be collected tomorrow Celebrates 24th Birthday The Holy Name Society will field, and shaded area with tables Diamond owns the Diamond Po­ meet on M^day at 8 pjn. Joseph About the Nathan Hale facilities, “ “ $59.95 from 9 to 11 a.m- at the school. A Crown Prinoeea Beatrix c i Tbe Natheiiands, who celebrates her the planners pointed out that the Valley Street playground: pro­ lice equipment Co. on Main 8t. He Traditional, French, Italian make-up session for Mrs. Barton’s Kurdnik will report oh the plaiis vide paved areas for court games, la a 92nd degree Maaon, vice presi­ 24th birthday today, is shown in this offloizd portrait q>ecially for the public corned beef supper site is substandard in terms of Grades 5 and 6, and for OradM 6, taken to mark the occasion. She is the eldeet daughter of Queen K ing^s with lighting to permit night use dent of the Manchester Lions Club, to be served by the men on March both size and facilities for recrea­ 7 and 8 will also be held tomorrow. JuUana and Prince Bernhard. (A P Fhotofax). tion needs of both the neighbor­ by adults. s member of the board of Mver- Meeting! Set 17. hood or the formal recrutlon pro­ ming Junior High School: Rec­ nors of the Indian Town Yacht The Mother’s Carcle of St. Mau­ Report Cards Due gram of the school. ommended improvement to exist­ Club, and a director of aeveral cor­ rice CSiurch, St. Ann’s Guild, will morrow, the first Friday of the The second marking period at Additional anticipated enroll­ ing softball Held, paved areas for porations. He served in Korea with meet tonight at 8:15 at the home month, at 8 a.m. Mass will be cele­ Deaths Last Night RHAM High School closed on Jan. ments in excess of SCO children at court games. the First Armored Division. of Mrs. Nelson Goble, TcUand Rd. brated at 6:30 p.m. Candles will be 26, and report cards will be given Nathan Hale would In itself require Selectmen will meet tonight at 7 blessed before the evening Mass -By THE AiSSOCIATED PRESS out tomorrow to be taken home. the added space and recreation fa­ at the Community Hall. and will be available anytime af­ Locust 'Valley, N.Y.—Mrs. Henry ter that. cilities, it was Mid. Ski Lesson Tonight .Mandieeter Evening Herald An­ Press Ur fifed to Help P. Davison, 90, active in Red dover eorreepondent, Margery Charter Oak Going Skiers and would-be skiers are great Mancheater Evening Herald Bol­ Cross work and a pioneer in the In addition, the Charter Oak Invited to come to the comer ot Montandon, Mephone Fllgiint 3- eld, which serves the nelgh- ton Gorreepondent, Grace McDer­ international exchange of college eou. Rt. 44A and Williams Rd. tonight mott, telephone Dtltchell 8-6666. K od, will be displaced because at 7 for the first outdoor instruc­ students, died Wednesday. Mrs. of the relocation of Rt. 6. This Volpe Demands War tion in skiing sponsored by the Davison, a member of the New Netv AntUode Fast will mean that replacement of town recreation unit. Lessons will Crash Kills 2 Boys York social regis^r, was the wid­ some of this space at the school be given whether or not there Is ow of a pai4ner in the J. P. Mor­ Yakima, Wash.—A fast-working site is desirable, according to the snow. Ihose planning to attend Tiverton, R.I., Feb. 1 UPl—Two gan Co. Her husband, who died in new antidote against phosphorous planning consultants. need not have complete ski equip­ teen-a$[e boys were killed last 1922, also was a founder' of the poisons such as those used in in­ Additional acreage for Nathan On Organized Crime ment, according to Fred Gaal rec­ night when an automobile veered Standard Oil .Co. secticides has been developed. In Hale playground site would require reation commissioner. off the highway south of Tiverton Los Angeles—Edward Kingsley, one case a child who had swallowed store wide demolition of some properties just Everett ’Whltey" Soubourin of Four Comers. south of the school. The remainder 46. New York, Importer of for- parathion insecticide was restored (Continued from Page One) fice holders and public employM the Happyland Ski Center In the They were Frank Monlz Jr., 16, el^ films, died Wednesday of a to consciousneaa 10 minutes after of the area needed could be ob­ Berkshires, will be instructor for tained from the relocation of Cot­ have been the subject of suspicion and Paul Higgins, 17, both of Tiv­ heart attack. Kingsley was vaca­ treatment. tage Street which would make The governor proposed that the and distrust. For far too long the the lessons, which will be -free for erton. tioning with his wife, Lee. a pub­ available added land just west of commission consist of seven per­ activities of organized crime have all Bolton residents. Police said William Raposa, '16, licist for the New York Philhar­ the present site. It was pointed out. been a burden and a cloud upon 8«%ool Board to Meet apparently lost control of the car. monic Orchestra. ,, sons appointed by him, with a ATTENTION Screening or fencing should be proviso that none of them either our commonwealth. The board of education will hold It struck a stone wall, caromed Hattiesburg,: Mias. — Eugene provided along the newly relocat­ a special meeting tonight at 7:30 off. hit another 'wall on the op­ Rhian, 84, a cetDred South Da­ BUSINESSMEN hold public office or be a candidate "The atmosphere must be clear­ ed Cottage St.. It WM advised. ed if people are to have faith in to complete worn on educational posite side of main road, and kota newspaper editor, died For your convenience we will Also substandard in size (to for election to one. the character-of public service and apecifleations for a proposed sec­ jumped a guard rail. The police Wednesday aft'er a long . illness. deliver your orders promptly serve even the needs of the school The members of the commission the futi:re of the Commonwealth.” ondary school. report said the car came to rest Rhian edited the Elton Record and recreation program), are the fa­ would hold office for 7,-year terms ’’I believe that only through the Ms m Schedule th Its four wheels off the shoul­ other rural newspapers in South DEWEY-RICHMAN cilities of South School, the plan clearance with a new member tck be appoint' Holy Communion will be dis­ der of the highway. Dakota for 66 years until his re­ nlng consultants reported. efforts of such a commission aa I 767 MAIN ST-. ed each year after the Initial board propose herewith will the true tributed at St. Maurice Church to- Rapesa was injured slightly. tirement in 1948. Developsnent Needed was named. . Along with the one-acre acquisi­ state of facta and true conditions The governor Mid he called for be brought to light, the guilty tion for South School, the entire appointrnvut of non-nffice holders area should be develop^ as a lim­ punished, and the good name of because ’’no man should be requir­ the commonwealth and Its citizens, ited playground facility to meet ed to sit in judgment on his own the needs of the school recreation case or on_the cases of those with both in and out of office bo re­ 2-Pe. Foam Rwbbar program. whom he la associated In public stored,” he said. A neighborhood playground at •ervlce.” this location is not warranted be­ cause of the nearness o f 'the Mt. The governor proposed the com­ LIvlas Room Nebo area and the anticipated mission be given broad powers to Town Defendant n m maximum enrollment of about 100 summon witnesses, to enlist the to 125 pupils, it was said. aid of the State Police for Investi­ In Damage Suit Suita In terms of size and facilities gations, and to call on any other 4 to public agency for help aa needed. provided, the Bennet School play­ A $10,000 suit has been brought ground is "wholly Inadequate" — The commission would be given based on the standard.^ used. not only subpoena powers to com­ against the town by Mrs. Blanche The Bennet playground area al- pel attendance o f witnesses, but Marino, 13 Westwood St., who .so will he affected by the reloca­ also power to grant Immunity and claims negligence on the part of tion of Rt. 6 as It is built over land compel testimony even when self the town In maintaining sidewalks. now compri.sing the Charter Oak Incriminating. Mrs. Marino said she fell on a playfleld, the consultants said, in This, he said, would "eliminate sidewalk opposite 46 Westwood Light in .scale, distinctively pointing out the need for added that haven of refuge—the Fifth St. on Feb. 3. 1901, resulting in hos­ ■ styled with foam rubber HOW land at the Barnard site to meet Amendment." aeata and backs, sofa with pitalization for a broken left leg walnut trim. You get 90” neighborhood recreation needs dis­ The Immunity would not extend and back and neck Injuries. She placed by the Rt. 6 relocation to perjury during testimony, the claims the sidewalk was Icy and sofa and matching chair. message said. and more off through Charter Oak. MANY uneven. Acqui.sltlon of land west of the The governor said he will ask a The suit is returnable to the Was $329.95 school huilding on Main St. in the $50,000 appropriation for the first Court of Common Pleas, Hartford. e.statc area l.s not advised because year of the commission. Mrs. Marino Is represented by the CALLS a more intensive development of "For too long." he said, "loo Manchester law Arm of Bayer, Law the estate area Is desired to many hone.st and consclenlloiu of­ and Phelon. HAVE J YOU everything for the YOUR CLASSIFIED MISSED 2-Ff. Early Amarloan family and home at Typlaal Valuta la LATELY? ADS GET Living Room Suite Sofas, Love Stats, CoHvartlbla Sofat tremendous savings a Tan wrought iron sofa. JPlMtio nphohtered MORE ANSWERS ^ 6 9 - le w M $ 9 9 . 9 5 List your name in the phone book now and get all the calls you should a Full alM modem eoCsa 2 cushion roll arm sofa, qilit back with be getting. Just call your telephone business office. busiMbssmbni T o . save on clothing for men. hoys, foam seats and backs, self deck and box $79.95 * pleat skirt with matching chair. Reg. insure receiving all Important catlls, why not (j) list after-hours numbers, WHEN THErRE IN OUR PAPER 1279.95. a King alM modem sofas iJT- *139.95 ® list an alternate number, (D list your home and business numbers girls, infants!, anil W4»men — tity s , Just like an echo (or almost) you send .M.M. $ 5 5 , 0 0 together (In case some pfidple know you only by the name of your out the word that you've something to $5.00 opMS on cKcewit regordlm of tiw omoMt of f^vaetlble aolas and aU our offer— before you can turn around, the your puKhoM. Pay wotkly or rnootWy— whotavor sleep preduciU mt big msrk- firm), and ® list all the different names your company is known by. home furnishings, g lo v e s , rugs, suits your cowv— ItacB. dosms. word has come back that someon.e > - . ■ A- wants it. The Want Ad$ in our paper gat fait replies—and results. Next curtains, shoes, and many more TELEPHONE A C T NOWI time you have something to sell— uia LISTINGS IN THE WHITE PAGES our Clasiifiad ads. CLASSIFIED O F TH E X. DEPARTMENT MANCHESTER DIRECTORY Hattrlfprtfr BEZZINI BROTHERS CLOSE SOON. • Ml 3-2711 358 EA5T CENTER STREET - MANCHE5TER eveirything first quality at King’s OPEN DAILY 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. SATURDAY 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. THE SOUTHBRN n e w E:NaLAND TELEPHONE COMPANY


f .L M A N C H I S ^ EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 196Z MANCHESTER-EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1962 PAGE SEVEN Angered hy Go-Slow Stand Coventry ly mentioned, including outboard school ars trained to opsrata all Tickets Available motors, $65,296; and 10 per cent standard aerological equipment Old Hombs Topic penalty added for those taxpay­ necessary for making wesither ob­ For y^entine BaU ers not filing by Nov. 1, $746. servations and to take surface and For DAK meeting Take Sorority Office upper air observations, both of Prods Frondizi Raaprvatloni ara'atiU being ac- Taxable Grand List Tw o Covelltry coeds at the Uni­ which qualify students In tech­ "Old Homes of Smth Windsor” eeptad fo r the EUcs Valentine BaU versity of Connecticut were Instill­ niques of weather analysis. ed as officers of the Gamma Sig­ will be the subject of aa Ulustratr that wlU ba held In tha Armory ed talk at a meeting of Otford ma Sigma chapter on campus last Manchester Evening Herald Cov­ To Cut Ti^s with Castro Saturday, Fab. id. . Increases $215,879 night. Parish Chapter, Daughters of the entry correspondent, F. Pauline American Revolution,- Thuraday, General chairman Thomas J. Ann Farry, a sophomore, who Little, telephone Pllfrim 2-6231. (OMttMHR fr«m rw (« Om ^ Blanchard said table rs^iervations lives on Standlsh Rd., was Instsdled Feb. 8, at 8 jS.m. . . ahqfuld be made with Edward J. The net taxable grand Hat taken^ued at $12,823,220; 3,413 bams, as recording secretary. Janet The meeting will be at the home tern eonferenco w u winding up- Ttamkiel, Bruce Noble pr Dean Oct. 1, 1961 shows an Increase of sheds, poultry and storAwuses are Bourgalt of Ireland Dr., a Junior, Named by Sikorsky of Mrs. Edward R. Kuehn, 1020 y^terdny nnd decided on a ehow- Gates, members of the ticket com­ $216,879 over the list o f 1960. The valued at $908,038 ; 8,067 building became corresponding secretary. Ellington Rd., South . Windsor. dOtRL mittee. net figure is $20,342,136. as an­ lots a t $3;338,480; bviildlngs used Twenty-five coeds were Inducted Stratford, Feb. 1 UFi—Appointment Guests will be members o f Martha The 53-year-old Frondid, who Dancing wlU be from 9 to 1 with nounced by M rs.' Malcolm Woods, for business are valued at $499,- as members of the sorority at last of Jackson E, Beighle to the new­ Pitkin Wolcott Chapter, DAR, of East Hartford. haa weatWed oriels after crisis music furnished by Bobby Kaye, assestor. aan 625; and acreage, $1,294,605. .. night’s ceremonial. ly-created post of European repre­ sentative of Sikorsky Aircraft, ef­ since he tboH over the presidency featuring'vocalist Connie Vignone. The groM grand list totals $21,- There are 8,261 motor vehiclta Donald E. Bums, airman ap­ Program -Chairman will "be Mrs. In 1058, appeared to be facing one 180,066 as oennpared to the pre- valued at $1,606,766. fective March 1, was announced Robert Doellner, president of tha prentice, USN. son of Mr. and Mrs. here today. of the moat serious threats yet. vio\is list o f $21,316,266, a decrease Machinery, water power and Elmond T. Bums and Richard R. South Windsor Historical Society ,.7 % Growth G o ^ o f $136,211. This decrease is due dams are valued at $74,835; horses, Lee S. Johnson, general man­ and chairman o f the historic area While officiala were aOent, Ih- Kohler, airman apprentice, 'USN, ager. said Beighle will administer fom an ta and the' Influential newa- to the fact that on the new list, cattle, sheep, swine and poultry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin R. study commission o f South Wind­ — A IS-ytar develop­ all Sikorsky business in the Euro­ paper Ln Nacion Indicated the cri­ farmers' stock and equipment val­ at $12,390; commercial furniture Kohler both of Rt. 44A, are at­ sor. Other program partldpanta ment plan, broken down Into three ued at $147,636, Ts-hlch is exempt and farm machlner>', tools and me­ pean area from headquarters in will be Mrs. Bayard Pelton, his­ sis may force Frondlzi's hand In a tending Aerographer’s Mate School Cologne, Germany. whotoaala government ahakeup. five-year plans, Is to start In Tur­ from taxes, is listed separately. chanics tools, are \'^ued at $462,- torian, and Mrs. Serge Des- at the Naval Air Technical Train­ Beighle has been serving as planqucs, photographer. Tha first inkling of military un­ key in 1963. Tiihe goal Is a 7 per Veteran# exemptions on the cur­ 420; goods o f manufacturers, ing Unit. Lakehurst, N.J. The 19- Cent annual Increase In the nation' sales manager of the Sikorsky Hostesses will be Mrs, Maurice 511 EAST MIDDLE TPKE. rest cam# fat a ganeral order by rent list total $887,920. merchants and traders, at $93,700; week school Is scheduled to end Open 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. at product. A total of 2,3*77 dwellings Is val- all taxable property not previous­ Aircraft Division of United Air­ Willey, Mrs. M ark H ill and Air Force Secretary Brig. Jorge May 25. Students enrolled In the craft Oorp. since 1946. • Richard Nlese. AT THE GREEN Rojas to all hia commanders de­ Doily nouncing what ha called “piue DISCOUNT WORLD politics” on the Cuban Issue and declaring: I “ International Communism la I isfcdl] presently the greatest danger against liberty and democracy in the hemisphere.” Sources said tha military chiefs were demanding a cleanout from t i OUR FIRST FABU U1 government positions of every pro-Communlst, Peronist and "Frigerist.” The "Frlgerists” are officials rejwrtcdly linked with Rogello Frigerio, wealthy businessman, going close friend o f Frondizi and his OUT former economics adviser. Fi^- erio, though claming not to be a DOBIN'S politician, is often described by ^ i his political enemies as the gov­ New Senator 0 ernments “grey eminence." Frig­ James B: Pearson, 41-year-old IRE J erio reportedly favors Argentina Prairie Village, Kan., lawyer, :ti taking a moderate attitude toward was named to succeed late U. S o k l Castro. S. Sen. Andrew Schoeppel. Pearson, like Schoeppel, is a By WUXIAM L. RTAN Republican. Schoeppel died ONE OF THE^jGlfEATESt^ FURNITURE SALES EVER! EVERY Montevideo, Uruguay, Feb. 1 (JPI recently in Waahingfton of can­ —Secretary of State Dean Rusk cer. (A P Photofax). headed for, Washington today to PIECE SALE PRICEj^^T A NEW LOW! AND YOU GET DOBIN'S report to President Kennedy on loudspeakers blared: “ Cuba will the hemisphere foreign ministers' win its struggle, with or without conference on Cuba which already the OAS.” The coffin was dumped DIVIDEND D9kt:ARS AS AN ADDED BONUS! DOBIN'S DOL­ was arousing repercussions in into Havana Harbor in symbolic 3.Pe. Latin America. burial of the inter-American or­ LARS A ^ ^ O D FOR VALUABLE MERCHANDISE AT DOBIN^S The conference split on the ganization. crucial Issue— Immediate action to Cuban President Osvaldo D or- b e o r o o ^ ^ expel Cuba from the Organization ticos, who headed his country's BIG ^AUCTION NIGHTS! (Next One Tues., Feb. 13!) of American States—already re­ conference delegation, attempted STARTS TOMORROW-FEBRUARV 2nd portedly had generated pressure to minimize the slapdown of the from Conservatives on thb Argen­ Castro regime. He told a news con­ ference the United States went to tine government, one of the six finlshes. ^ which held out for a go-slow ap­ Punta del Este determined to get LIVING proach. diplomatic and economic sanc­ In Brazil and Mexico, the two tions against Cuba but had to back future other major powers in the "Soft- down with “ an Incalculable loss of ROOMS Six” bloc, reaction was mixed with prestige.” some expressions of anxietw over Rusk, before leaving Punta del S O F A B ^ AH Foam CusMon 4.Pc. MAPLE the outcome o f the conference. Este, said, “we have agreed on a Some observers in Mexico feared great deal.” He added that the Cu­ MAPLE LOVE SEAT BEDROOM SUITE the 20-n a.t 1 o n condemnation of ban walkout before the conference Triple Dresser, Mirror, Cuban Communism would sptu* ended “demonstrated... the prin­ 77.00 Chest, Bed. $250,000°° STOCK leftist agitation in' that country. ciple of self-exclusion. Reg. 109.95. Brazilian newspapers were over­ whelmingly in favor of the con­ The secretary was sure o f a Reg. 249,95. 147 demnation of Cuban Communism “well done from President Ken­ Largo Grouping but differed on Brazil's refusal to nedy, who praised the outcome ODD CHAIRS 4.Pc. ITALIAN support expulsion of Havana from even though the United States PROVINCIAL hemispheric councils. was able to get only the necessary Values minimum o f 14 nations to vote ex­ .00 There was a general expectation BEDROOM SUITE of LADIES’, MEN’S, BOYS’ and GIRLS’ pulsion o f Cuba from the OAS to $100. 57 Brushed Parchment. of leftist pressure against the 13 councils. Latin American governments which joined the United States In voting With Soviet Premier Kbruto- ■ariy American LOVE SEAT. Reg. 289.95. 1 9 7 * ^ ^ the expulsion move. It was widely chev’s son-in-Iinv Alexei-Adfihubet- Oeld cover. Reg. 119.96. 79.70 in the audience, Kennedy toll] 4-Pc. Solid Maple BEDROOM SET. Double O O f T A believed that the CaatroiA-Oommu- Colonial WING CHAIR. nist combine would step up har^s- news conference In Watolnj^n dresser, mirror, chest, 4 poster bed. Reg. 310.98. .# V that the final documentySRreed to Foam Robber Cushion. Reg. 99.00, 57.70 ment of those governments bothior 4-Pc. Modern Walnut BEDROOM SET. Triple W A revenge and to exploit the conti­ by all except Cuba .miwunted to Kariy American SOFA. APPAREL and ACCESSORIES a “vigorous declsfatlon against dresser, mirror, chest, bed. Reg. 289.96. a I # . / V nental nervouansaa resulting from Reg. 189.96. 97.70 the 10 days o f dispute. Comnumlst penetration of this 4-Pc. Wslnut BEDROOM SET. Double BtATCIUNO CHAIR. The conference wound up last hemisphere.” _^dreoser, mirror, chest bed. Reg. 246.95. 167.70 Reg. 89.96. 57.70 night with a show of unanimity The President emphasized that "4-P0. Sienna Mahogany BEDRtXlM SET. Triple | 7 Q W A it was "the first time the Inde­ MUST BE SOLD TO THE BARE WALLS! against Castro as 20 of the 21 na­ 2-Pc. Lawson LIVINO ROOM by BROYHILL drfsoer, mirror, cbHt, bookcase bed. Reg; 269.95. I / 7 . / U tions at the conference signed the pendent American states have de­ PREMIER. Rose Brocatelle Cover. Reg. 829.96. 197.70 clared with one voice that the con­ 4-Pc. French Provincial BEDROOM SET. historic document formally con­ 8-Pc. SECTIONAL. demning the Cuban regime for cept of Marxism-Leninism is In­ In Frnirivood. Dresser, mirror, chest, bed. O C W T T A going over to Cemununlam and compatible with the Inter-AmMI. Tuiquolse or Ash Rose Coror, Reg. 269.98. 167.00 Reg. 819.00. X O / . A v aligning itself with the Soviet bloc. can system." 'The Cuban delegation boycotted Menihen of the U.S. delegation the final session and rushed back anticipated a meeting of the OAS to Havana claiming tha outcome ooundl Mrithln a week or 10 days Famous AE ROM AT 1C amounted to "a defeat for U.8. to begin putting Into effect the SAVE 30% to 80% ImperiMlam.” In the Cuban capital expulsion of Cuba from the vari­ about 700 persona paraded behind ous hemisphere councils and agen­ MATTRESSES aud BOX SPRINGS a eoffin marked “OAS Sharka" as cies. They hoped that some o f the abstaining six natloiui would swing over to support these actions, which the six had oontended the 24’° ★ 29’® ★ 34’® ★ 39’® conference had no legal power to order. TWIN or FULL SIZE Here Are Just A Few Of The Hundreds Of Great Bargains SEND THEM Other resolutions adopted and included in the final declaration of THE Punta del Este were; 1. —The bitterest denunciation of HOLLYWOOD BEDS HOMETOWN Communist intrusion In the hemis­ WOMEN'S I MEN'S I BOYS' I GIRLS' I y a r n d ept. phere ever adopted by' the OAS. NEWS Approved 20-1 <^ba dissenting). 3 7 W ★ 4 7 7 0 i , 5 7 7 0 I BULKt KNIT. Reg. 79c 39g 2. —Expulsion of Cuba firom the inter-American Defense Board- 20- 1 (Cuba dissenting). ^ potto® full twin with Inner.'ipring MattroRS. Box 3. —Approval of President Ken­ uDiEs-PARTIES 1 f lc p A c I 2 5 1 sTuncH T i ^ nedy's $20 billion Alliance-for- Spring on legs or metal frames with deexjrator Progress Program. 20-1 «3uba dis­ SPLIt TA»N.'lh,. senting). headboard. |«” 9 U I !■ I NYLOH-M*. $1 0 9 I 89c ,...49< 4. —An embargo on- shipping ■ KNITTIN^ORSTED. Reg. $1.09 . .69< arms to Cuba with the OAS coun­ cil directing to consider extending the ban to strategic materials. 16-1 (Cuba dissenting; Brazil, Chile, KITCHEN BUYS! DINING ROOMS MISCELLANEOUS STREET DRESSES $0 I StSLAS” JACKETS $1 | «*■ SUCK SHIRT $ 1 .0 ^ ""WM COATS I Ecuador and Bolivia abstaining). Maple HARVEST TABLE. ^ 7 A A Walnut .STUDENT DESK , 5 7 Q 6.'—A call for the~OA8 “ to main­ 5-Pc. Bronzetone KITCHEN ^ A 7 A Beg. 69.96. • ♦ / , V W Reg. 22.50. '"'■“"•“■““ •-"O*- ^ ■ rE6.$3.« 1 | mO.$Z..» X §I!W.»I4.»5 « | tain all vigilance . necessaiy" SET, Beg. 69.9.5. •IX ,/V Maple HARVEST TABLE. A A •Mape .STUDENT DESK. against International Cbmmuism. RegardleoB of where Formica Top. Reg. 69.96, 3 / ,W Keg. SI..50. ■ ACCESSORIES 2 W P r 19-1 (Cuba voting no; Bolivia ab­ 5-Fc. 42“ Round KITCHEN SET. 19.70 yonr serrice man or staining). Onyx and Walnut Top. 8-I*c. Walnut Danish Modern Walnut KNEKIiOLK DESK. woman is stationed, Reg. 119.95. 77.70 DINING ROOM. 0 7 7 n n R<'g. S».9.'>. 27.00 the Manchester Eve- Courier Group. a / / . V V KOOKCASK IlIkSK. FlMn«l Gowns and PJ’$ $1 I WHITE DRESS SHIRTS $1 I SPORT SHIRTS C A c I ? ^ ? $ 1 -5 0 1 u a u s e w a b b c Binf Herald can be for- Did You 7- Pc. 42” Round KITCHEN SET. 6-Pc, . Knotty Pine Dining Room .Het. Walnut or Llmfsl Oak. Block and Gold Glitter. A 7 7 A Table, 4 chairs and server. Beg. .HO.0.5. ' 27.00 REG. $1.99 and $2.99 a I r|G$2 99 X REG. $1 99 9 || I HOUSEWARES waiMed to be at "Mail I ^ " Know That— Reg. 149.96. 7 / . / U Newport plastic top. 1 A O 7 A Maiiogany K N K E IIO LE DE.SK.;.SK. CaO” reRularly with by .Mudilox, Pumpkins are native to Mexico Reg; 249.96. I * » 7 , / U an the hometown news and C entnl America. Centuries be­ 8- Pc. Maple KITCHEN SET. Nev-a-raar 8-Pc. Whipple House Maple DINING Reg. 99.0.5. 69.70 l ' * I leiRcoiT^ to im ISOe pe^l«. away - from fore OolOmbiis reached the New lop 42” round. 4 mates O A 7 A ROaM SET. 64’7 hutch, 100” table, 6 .Solid Cherry (JUEE.N 1 7 7 A A home are so anziona World, Indian tribM over most of «h alrs. Reg. IS9.$6. O 7 . / U ladder-back chairs. A A ANNE DESK. Reg. 199.9.5. ID37.00 / .U U North Am erica were eulMvating Reg. 898.00, D O / ,U U Record CABINETS. $599 u » r o h a n d l e to get 7-Pc. Colonial Bronzetone KITCHEN SULKY KNIT SWEATERS $Ot IPOPUNIACKETS $0>5® II REG Jm I pumpkins and squash. S-Pc.. All Formica DINING ROO.M Walnut or .Mahogany. SET. Maple Formica Top. A A 7 A W SUITE. Aztec Walnut 7 0 7 A A Reg. 24.95. 15.70 ^ Z ^ IsC R U B BRUSH e Reg. 149.96. 7 7 , / V 25 PuebU, Mexico; has 180 textile J rinlsb. Reg. 366.60. a 7 / ,U U IIA.S.HtK’KS. Suhteripdon* mills. 5-Pe. V^ought Iron KITCHEN SET. Krenclj Provincial Beg. 12.9.5. 8.70 h .. h h Infeintc'nnel f^knltflMNV I h k a v t d c t t k x t k n u o n BREAKIBONT. 177 A A Group Early Ameriran Payobt* in Advance By day. breeze blows from the White Mlcarta Top. Reg. 180.70. I a / . U U LASi PS. Beg. 14.95. 8.70 sea- By night, tt blows toward the , Reg. 169. 95. 119.70 B A TE S B-Pr. Solid Mspin D IN IN G ROOM S E T Group Uontemporary MAIL sea. This is b^ecause the sun's 7-Pc. Modern Bronzetone KITCHEN by Paris. 42” round table, 4 chairs snd LA.MPS. Ke". (7 9.5. 9.70 c l MADEWELLMINDAREeS $1 | H e »LnneLiA»uE O C c I « « I Osa Tear .D32J rays warm the land faster ttam SET-. Tan ash. I-Drnwer M.APLE Six Mwitas ...... ll.se the ocean by day. air over china cabinet with glass. 7 C 7 A A M MastSa ...... the land to move upwanT drawing Reg. 119J8. 79.70 Reg. 349.95. , .a D/.UV CHEST. Reg. 87.9.5. 19.70 ■ re», s2.99 1 1 BikSEBALL caps ^ 9 | CUBITY DIAPERStoata ...... $ |'® ® IBS l in air from the______ocean. At night the — Waakly ...... 45 ground cools taster than Uie water EASY BUDGET TERMS • FREE DELIVERY • YEARS TO PAY! ■ B80.U.IW8EN X ■ SPORTING GOODS and the air over (he water rises. Telephone Ml 3-2711 Shortly after the mother pen- Circnlation Dept. guin lays her one-pound egg, she transfers it to the father. The male ii CORDUROY SUCKS $1.25 ■ $1 I DRESS SHIRTS 7 C c | e p » l ■«»«'s«"»»A«Tw*HnATi Tbday! Is left with the 60«ilay job' of pro­ REG. $2.99 X I UNOCRWEAR I ■ # H ■ Q - T I P S 1 C® I HM. «0e. m a., tecting the egg from cold a OPEN EVERY NIGHT till 9 P.M. • SAT. till 5:30 ■ B&O.SDeSlZE60% WOOL,00% cxYtTON AW H H■ REG. $1.99 R ^ I * I Tm ■ storms. lUC .7 ; JllimrtieBtrr William, tha Ceaquarar’a “Doonaday Book” was a tax anr------■ B , 1 MWH FMHHie UHI vey of medtaval » i gi««d nmiBH GUTS $ | f l B Yffmif 1IHIBTO $1 1 cotton conn tW OH G ______jO ftfl I °™°“-‘"**“ . S ttm in s A “ dhandl.” srhieh la used* in DOBIN'S • 828 MAIN STREET• MANCHESTER southcaafern Asia, is a sedan chair carried by four men. I I ■ *®®‘ •*■•* g NYLON FLY LINE. Reg. 99c . 2 5 t Rrraih -Andresr^^aekson aequiisd the ,^|£,2£^S:£^^.WE_RMERyE t h e r ig h t t o LIMIT Q UANim ES nkaoMina o f "Did HlckiMT” durtur tka War of l * l | . ‘ PAOB EIGHT . MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN^ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1962 lEANC^STER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, cdNN.i THURSDAY, FEBRUARY PAGE NINE the Allies during iVorld War n, brain trusting and issue-shaping, HlattrliPBtTr them. Whether or not they are for being annoyed. Youth ia aome- and the wt^. dvilians get It, as in and position-taking may go to Time of Your Life reading before' they are In sobool, times rude, hut that la more our turned over to General' Service* France.Js'not by. making it, but by Cannecticut waatf. there are many things that you can fault than theirs. It we were to EREE DEUVERY New England Administration aarly this month, Sttrning IfTrald The other regret is that, after do to speed their reading progress. take time to train youngetera cor­ W s YYIO DeUver ABjtklBgt Air Force Secretary Eugene M. stcatTng it from Army stores. Both Teach them to memorize souqds rectly, no euch dlecourtesy would ____ FUJSU BY nuu' the state has to listen to all this By A B T H U R LORD News Briefs ZUckert has notified Sen. George Weather Newi & Sporta & 13 3 Tbrae Montha ...... 3.90 5 Bu ty, and the chief reason it is nice to servation, once he became gover­ which they would ail agree to make I 2 5 Made to'Order choose from, many never before offered free for trading stamps. Plus — the same low, comply with the law. - Tallahasace 7000 ' 40 00 TV Hour of B^tara 18 One Month ...... 1 30 186 Dear EM: Congratulations! Noth­ tions, tell them to come with you Social Security checks begin to ar­ have been named winners TiTyie ) Royal Canadian Poilca 18 My Three Sona 8. 40. 63 keep it on hand for civilians to nor. up the balance of the Republican S2 With Yobt BoOera low pricesi The sanw big cash savingst 21st annual science talent search Toll It To Groucho Weekly ...... 30 45 state ticket this year, whichever ing could be more important than while you look up the answer in a rive? And is their .anything I Newe. Sporta & Weather 8 3 steal is that It is so relatively „We were impressed, not by this your grandsons’ education. I’m Boaton, Feb. 1 (/P>—U.S. District and have been awaided all-expense Ski Pointers 32 TBA 13 ' MEMBER OB one of them happened to win the book, dictionary, or encyclopedia. ahould do beforehand? Judge Oiarlea E. Wyzanski Jr. will 1 Aim of Doetiny 30 SO Hazol 10 22 30 particular issue, but by the fact glad to see you taking such an in­ f u l l l in e o f c u s t o m trips to Washington. They will » Kvenlng Report 8 Margie 8, 40. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS safe for civilians to handle. Nor­ that the campaigning among the nomination for governor. We see no In this fashion they will come to Annie M. Impose sentence Feb. 14 on Ger­ 53 The Aaaociated PreM la exclualvely terest in it. You’re right about respect books and want to learn compete in the capital March 1-5 Huntley^Biiniklet 10. 22. 80 King of Dlainonda 8 entitled to the uae of republlcation of mally, It takes a powerful blasting Republican pouibilities has already reason why eiuier May or Alsop Dear Annie: You may have to VENETIAN BLINDS NO COUPONS NEEDED WITH THESE. . . man 8. Lopez, 89, of Hatchvllle, for $34,2,50 in scholarship awards. Douglaa lOdwarda l, i2 00 Sing Along With Mitch (C) there being several reading sys­ how to read. .wait two months or more if you , . . alt oewa dlapatchea credited to It or couldn’t consent to be lieutenant convicted by a jury yesterday of 12 22 80 cap to touch off a plastic bomb. progressed to such a professional The science talent search l.s con­ ) Fvergladea 3 Million Dollar Movie not otherwfie credited In this paper governor, and we’d like to put tems. Talk to the principal ahd don’t make careful arrangements bribing an Intenial revenue agent Movie of the Week 12 18 and alao the local news pupllehed here. Nprmally, although we do not degree of thoroughness and com ­ first-grade teacher' at your local aXTIA WITH 1 U SUKR-SIOHT AU MEAT ducted by Science Seri’ice and is Ripcord 10 Tile Great Challenge 3 All riithta of republlcation of epeclal petence. Marsilius and Lupton in the two Dear Arthur: I get downright for your first check. About two Buy as much in an effort to avoid payment of The Untmichablea R. 10. 40. 53 recommend this officially, it can be school. They will be delighted to E. A. JOHNSOW n A » financed by the Westlnghou.se Edu­ Ncwr and Weather 30 dlapatchea herein are alao reaerred. In a thoroughly professional poli­ fiscal elective offices. This might testy when today’s youngsters call months BBiFORE your actual re­ STAMHSKINLESS ERANKFORTS a 116,000 cabaret tax. Sea Hunt R 00 Neftjs. Sports & Weather 3, 80, 40 make such a handsome, impressive explain the method they use. me an old man. I’m a day laborer tirement, vlalt your local Social 5 0 ^ cational Foundation, supported by Million Dollar Movie IR 15 JacK Paer Show (Cl XU, 8U hit with a hsunmer, have a bullet tical campaign, the candidate Th* jury deliberated tWo hours. Europe'a Fineat Movlea 3 Pull aenrlce client of N E, A Serv­ aggregation of candidates it could but only 48, and resent being called WeStlnghouse Electric Corpora­ Uncovered 53 ice. Inc shot into it, or fried on top of your leaves no slightest issue unre- If Buddy and Bob are eager Security office and fill out all the PAINT GO. as you like! IXTIA WITH A S FOUND SIZE OF Lopes, reataiuant and bar man­ 20 Award Theater 12 Publlahera Repreaentativea: The develop a winning image without learners, they may be reading be-; an old man. necessary forms. If you do this, tion. 1 The Sporta Camera 30 Feature 40 40 searched or uncultivated. He has rum ager at Clauaon’a Inn, North Fal­ Evening Report 40 80 Jack Paar Show (C) Juliua Mathews Special Aftenry New stove, and not even pop or sizzle. wading into the marshes-all over fore they get to first grade. Your John you should receive your first check 723 Main St., Tel. MI 9-4501 Wlimere Included; Michael M. 22 York Chlraao. Detroit and Boaton. his geography straight. He takes 5 0 ^ STAMFS MARVEL FRUIT CAKE mouth, dented giving a bribe but ) OutlawB 10 30 Movie 8 Combat R It is so safe that one lump of it again. " . Wojclk, 16, 890 Dwelly St., Fall Blue Angels MElMBER AUDIT BTTRRAU OF pains to raise each issue to that patient encouragement will help Dear John: I don’t blame you about one month after you rotiiA. a recording of an alleged conver­ 812:50Kewa50 Kewa and Weather s I, SO CIRCULATIONS may not be exploded by the explo­ m n u WITH A I U SAO, WHITE 0* FINK River, Mass., B.M.C. Durfee High particular audience which would sation between Lopez and the School; Barry R. Cook, 16, 26 Ar­ SEE SATITROAT’S TV WEEK FOB CO.MPLETE USTIHO The Herald Printing Company. Inc., sion of another lump It is right supposedly appreciate It most. And. uent, Roger 8. Davis, was al- aaaumea no financial responalbltlty for even if he may not value the par­ 5 0 ^ S i Z , GRAPEFRUIT lington Ave., Revere, Mass., Re­ typographical errors appearing in ad- close to. and this was what saved lowad in evidence Tuesday. ‘ vere High School. rertfaementa and other readlne matter ticular issue too highly, he would President de GauJIe'.s life, last rather make hla own use of it, for ■XTU WITH TWO 1 U FKOS OF QUARTERS In The Manchester Eventna Herald 8helbume, N.S., Feb. i (A5—A Boston, Feb. 1 (45 -A proposed year, when a serie.s of bombs was what it might be worth, than leave rum Special Shelburne Ferry Promo­ Radio Diapiav aavertlstna closlna hours: it neglected so that one of his nAM N NUTLET MARGARINE state lottery has a 50-.50 chance of For M onday^l p.m Friday strung along a road he wa^i travel­ tion Oommlttee was established passage at this session of the Mas- (This Hating Includra only those news broadmats of 10 or 18-mlnute For Tuesday—1 p.m Monday ing. Most of them didn't go off. opponents might come along and last night at a meeting of the length. Some stations carry other short newscasts). For Wednesday—1 p.m Tuesday. claim exclusive privileges with it. ■XIIA WITH A NAIF OAUON, AU EUVORS •sachLisetts legislature. In the esti­ For Thursday—1 p.m. Wednesday. Used In small amounts, the plas­ Shelburne County Chamber of mation of Houae Speaker John F. He makes it his business, the HA» Oommhrce. It will assist in es­ H'RBC—ISN w pop^iiii For BYlday—1 p.m. Thursday tic stuff makes a lot of noise, and M AIIVR l a (CREAM Thompson, D-Ludlow. For Satdrdar—1 p.m Friday. thoroughly professional candidate, MAMFI tablishment of ferry service be­ S:W Naws T^day in Hartford Classified deadline* 10t.30 a m each CiOS Today on Wan Htraat Connecticut Ballroom break* a lot of windows, often to have some notice, some concern, tween this port and one in New Thompson was questioned about Don Blair Show ay of ouhifratlon except Saturday— IXTU WITH A 1 U LOAF JANI FARKER the lottery last night In a radio 6:10 Art Johnaon Show ( a m without taking any human life at some cure for almost everything, England. 8:05 Raynor Shlnea Newa. Sign Off even though the number of people rum interview (WEED. 1:00 Newa » Sign OR WINF—1289 Thursday. February 1 all, which Is another recommenda­ to which the particular issue may nAMFS CRACKED WHMT BREAD With William A. Archibald of "I know they (proponents) have WHAT-^IB «:(X) World Newe Shelburne as chairman, the com­ 6:10 Wall StreM tion for It, among bombing mate­ appeal may be small. increased their strength consider­ 6:00 Paul Harv*} 6:15 Shnwcaae and Newa mittee will include the mayors of ably,” ho said, "and T know they 6:06 Sound Stage 6:46 tooweli Thomaa It Was Free Indeed rials. And the other day, as we say, 7:00 Edward P. Morgan the Shelburne county towns of have done a great deal of work on 6:65 Sporta ( We want our readers to under one of our candidates, In the right 8:80 Night Flight 7:10 Richard Hayea and Carol Burnett In his closing remarks do^\-n at Shelburne and Barrington, and the It. Any time you have a great 11:00 Tonight at My Place stand what is being used in geographical location, got around conservative legislature member 7:80 Newa Analyala Punta del Este. Secretary of State to his conservation plank, and to SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY, YOUNG, CORN-FED 5-R» PORTION number of people doing a groat 12:03 Sign Off 8:00 Tlie World Tonight France, and to stop trying to in­ for the county, James M. Harding. WTIO-10M 8:15 Showenae and Newa Dean Rusk made the following ob­ that section of It in which he view­ deal of work on any given piece of 13:16 Sign Off vent the things down cellar on ed the neglect of our salt marsh­ Archibald said Harding has been legislation, It has a fair chance of 6:U0 Newt, Weather & Bportg servation : invited to accompany a Nova Sco­ 6:30 Strictly Sporta weekends, and to re.sume the old lands with alarm. passage.” 6:30 Suppertime Serenade "This Is not a meeting o f the That is about as detailed and tia delegation which will confer 6:45 Three Star Extra Idnl« R.'i an Inch habit of throwing away the plastic with Gov. John A. Volpe of Massn- 7:05 Ski Report Warsaw Pact. TTils Is a meeting concerned as you can get. even in Loan Aida South Africa 7:15 Page Morton bags when they come in. 'They a fuU-fledged campaign which is chuaetu Feb. 18. The delegation is -Singapore — Teak idols, carved of the organization of free and in Dork Loins'•28 hekded by Premier Robert Stan­ 7:30 Newa of the World and colored with materials from dependent American states.” have absolutely nothing to do with directly for the office of Governor. field. Cape Town — 'Hie World Bank 7.45 Your Senator From Conn. Yet this Is. so far, and for. some 7-RW MC LOIN M A C FULL RIB M A C FULL LOIN f* A C R:05 Pope (^oncert Red China according to ancient, It was good he proclaimed his It. has lent South Africa 52.5,000,000 9:06 Nlghtheat f a m 11 y-eecret tecimiques, are four months still to come, nothing PORTION iB 0 0 PORTION Lb 4 0 HALF lb 4 0 HALF LB 0 0 acceptance of that fact, and even more than a campaign for the nom. Washington, Feb. 1 LSI — Ex- for the improvement end expan- 11:00 Newa priced the modem way — $5 per ce a a property at Ethan Allen Air eloin of electric-power facilities 11:16 Sporta Final Inch of height — for tourlsta in , seemed proud o f It, because the Snips And Snails inatlon for that office. And this is 11:80 Starlight Serenada Force Baae in Vermont will be and railwaye. 1:30 Sign Off Singapore. truth o f It had just been demon­ stiH only the beginning. The can­ There Is, in every neighborhood, didates are still organizing brain SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY, PINK-MEATED, MILDLY CURED strated. We had not been able, de­ at least one representative of a trust expeditions, appointing con­ spite high hopes and two weeks of very special class of pre-juvenlle sultants to themselves, launching Intensive diplomatic campaigning, surveys and studies and appraisals Fully-Cooked delinquent whose exploits make to crack the imity of the six hemi­ which will provide them, as the him famous among the residents torrid weeks roll by, with more SHANK PORTION LB sphere nations who refused to Join of several blocks for a few short and more dossiers, positions, and Hams 39 In any extreme ostracism of Castro years. Some select neighborhoods cures for kn increasing number of Cuba. particular issues. B U n i l A C PU\ l SHANK Mg%C PULLBUH ISgSC have the fortune to have two JANE PARKER 'That, having been the result, All this moves us to two regrets, PORTION LB HALF LB HALF LB 9 7 such celebrities at once. 49 demonstrated that this was Indeed the first that it seems likely, since When one of these very special only one of the candidates can ac­ Angel Food Ring is Our Business a meeting of free and independent delinquents grows too old to fit tually be nominated, that the SLICED, MILDLY-CURED, HARDWOOD SMOKED nations. greater part of this research and Large 8 In. 1 lb 1 oz J QC the classification, another candi­ And, since it was the result, Regularly59c—Each 4 # date inevitably comes along. ALL which we did not succeed in avoid­ SERVICE Elders can spot the natural suc­ ing, w-e might as well do what Sec­ GOOD LB cessors almost from the cradle. Bacon4Ci.,55‘:Z.5 9 retary Rusk and President Kenne­ TUNE TEASERS It's New from Jane Parker He's easy to recognize, this type. ' dy both those to do, which was to I SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY His clothes, even this season’s cor-1 accept It pleasantly and put the Old Fashioned rect sizes, never seem to give any best possible face on it. i true Indication of the configura­ That Is best not in order that we I tion of his body. No matter what WHITI lf2 9 ^ * may deceive ourselves, or anybody WIN Bread Ground Beef 49 Uie family income, he has about else, but In order that we may pro­ SUFER-RISHT SLICED FRISD him always, a gamin quality. ceed unruffled and resolute and 29c WARWICK - "4* 0 » " REG. FRICS- Large Bologna Flounder Fillets t s 6 5 = generous with the positive hemi­ He seems to lack that intuitive respect for property, even his own, THINJKIINTS »«r«.29‘ SUPER-RIGHT BROWN AND SERVE HEAT 'N SERVE sphere program we so unwisely which ought by this stage of PRIZES risked at Punta del Este by seem­ WARWICK - VALENTINE WRAP 4 5 = Fried Scallops t. 79= American culture to be transmit­ ing to put a price on It. DIAL CHOCOUTES <^•"'•65° t.P If we are ever going to show up ted In the genes. With no malice Castro in this hemisphere. It will he takes for his own pleasure 1230 whatever bauble it pleases him to 6 A.M. to 10 A.M. f s ^ 'Q B il be by our good works through the 24c OFFl ASeP's Own—It's All Pure Coffee—New Easy-Grip Jar SWEET AND JUICY-LARGE SIZE Alliance for Progress, and not take from whatever backyard and, through any efforts to dragoon the with equal abandon, waives claim Temple Oranges 6 FOR 39'= rest o f the hemisphere nations in­ to whatever family possession A&P Instant Coffee'm? 115 strikes the fancy of a friend. WINF i - 2 '/ 4 " to conceding to anybody, even to U.S.-NO. MIN. GRAND EATING ' i j themselves collectively, the right He has no instinct for self-de­ OR B S A Parker O A C fense and plunges thoughtlessly to Interfese in the internal politics LEMON I ' l B Spec. Save 10c McIntosh Apples 4 BAG of any of their members. into compromising situatlon.s. If Pineapple Because we tried to play too every accomplice In crime escapes REGULAR 1 LB J'mfC detection and punishment, he will N e w Ca b b a g e cr»n3 iss 25*^ rough too quickly with Castro at A&P VACU U M Coffee OR DRIP CAN Q/ Punta del Este, we suffered some be caught. He w ill be blamed for NEW FLORIDA diplomatic setbacks, and risked all the anonymous crimes and all LB 1 OZ 4% m e Potatoes RED BUSS 4 i „ 29^= creating a divorce between .six the non-existent ones, and he will Green Peas RELIABLE 2 CANS 0 9 1QC hemisphere nations and ourselves cheerfully accept that blame. Green Beons SWEET, TENDER LB • ' He regards no quarter of the which might, in the long run. be SNOW WHITE a Q C much more Important than the neighborhood "off limits," nor does A&P Sauerkraut 2 Mushreems FRESH TASTY LB he make any distinction between ■» vote of divorce from Cuba which 4" POTTED J L Q C we did obtain from the other 14 neighbors who are cordial and Pklledendrens PLANT EA w T hemisphere neighbors. thoee who are not. He forgefir the A&P Tomato Juice 29' But the setbacks we suffered at amejjillee, and seldom says to Punta del Este could be minor in adults those Ingratiating things ASF FROZEN . . . and whether you buy a new 62 Chevrolet or an “ OK” used car it means satisfaction AFTER YOU BUY. Our that clearly define "a good boy." A&P Apple Sauce 2 CANS z v comparison to the damage we CUT C O R N SFKIAl 6 PKGS PK6S 9 9 c modem facilities, up-to-date equipment, well trained mechanics and courteous service managers are all there could do ourselves if. In our subse­ He does not obey without vigorous SILVERBROOK FRESH 1 LB mmC to insqre that your new or used car lives up to expectations. Our business has been built on service and satis­ protest. Drying clothes ASP FROZEN CUT quent promotion and financing of DUTTGl CREAMERY PRINT / I OSEIH UB12 0Z faction—see us for your next new or used car and enjoy a new experience in car buying. the Alliance for Progress, we He has, in fact, a thoroughly dis­ is easy today..* BEANS SFKIAL FKG 4 9 ' concerting way of treating aD ANN PAGE-100% 1 LB ^ ^ C ahould try to play some game of ASP FROZEN punishment and retribution for the adults as though they were hie iviargonriB pure corn oil pkgo# ILS ^ Q C votes cast against us at Punta del equals. FRENCH FRIES FKG Este. It Is Important, therefore, He Invites himself wherever he , I B 3 | C Reconditioned that we do not quarrel with the re- pleases and invites whomever he Premium Saltines Nabisco PKG a g e d c h e e s e suit there, which was Indeed the pleases into the family home for action of free nations voting as a raid on the larder. Pnidence Is SHARPCHEDDAR 1. 69<= they felt they ought to vote, and not one of hla attributes. MILD FLAVOR Warranted that we do wear a cheerful and There are two very strange Time to switch to Plaid Stamps DOUBLE STAMPS WEDNESDAY philosophical face, even though 'we things about this kind of youthful MUENSTER CHEESE l.55^ stjon-conformlst. His parents are al- didn’t get all we wanted, and that ii (Ml U mnemi (fen (•(.* NB. • A fiflBctlv* M ALL MP IlftrLtU It Ull MMMftttr A vIlHiNp wo do keep on, with our Alliance w y s the one* who are the most •Mr* Alts AfMMk i tYtrteHs ClBWtlUt A TiBtMe PiiHfU art (TM ltM» fNtr. for Progress, exactly as if it were neighborly when neighborliness re­ for the world’s biggest selection of gifts! Backed By Our something to help the people of our quires some real work and genuine hemiaphere, not a purely political sacrifice. And he always grows up so*s home heating B.C. or I.N. BETTY CROCKER MIXES 1 M OtfAT aHANK S PAOnC 1U company, S4C 1 Reputation For Fair instrument with which to buy our- to be a good kid. our w a y ! You can’t beat the Plaid Stamps you set at'A&P. LayfirCakt w«"«39‘ aelves idlies against the flca-sized Breakfast Cocktail dictator of Havana. You get premium quality They’re the most valuable you can save! Hate’s why: e t BSIA»AkT NKTAI E rM th lB lesTxar **««* 35* Dealings A Thought for Today Mobilheat with RT-98 . . . th# 1 QT 14 OZ «OC AMIKKAS DIPIHbAbU fOOD b>i»(HANt SINtI Stop Saving Those Bags jnost completely effective fuel Fro stin g numf 31* Sponsored by the .Manchester CAN 1 ' 1 oil additive in use today. And After spending numerous after-, Council of Churches There are 40 different clocks you can le t Tht most gifts-m o re quality gifts, more famous brands, '60 CHEVROLET IMPALA HARDTOP '60 CORVAIR 4-DOOR you get premium service. Au­ V-8, powerglMe, radio. Ijofw mileage. Extra rlean. noons and several weekend.s trying free for Plaid Stamps. Here are 24 of them. greater selection than-any other stamp offers you. 3,076 tomatic deliveries . . . a bal­ Your dreams come true Beech-Nut Chickm-af-tlw-SM Excellent tires, low mlletage. $2195 $1545 to create one out of all the odd.s Often in our Churches we have anced payment plan and many s. GeneralElsctricW sllClock...... tW B o o ks gifts to choose from, even travel! Sa ow c o m 1c SALE OFTEg PKG OP S4 and ends combined cellar and ga­ , heard it said that Christianity in- other extras designed to make b. Herschtd* Floor Clock. Wsstmlnster ChimesQ Books with Two catalogs! Glamorous gift catalog for you to Keep, plus Boeeb-Nut 't»v*cax4|' Ttniior Ltof T n 66* Boby Food Whit* Tuna e. Syroco Wall Clock-Eight-day Keywind ...... 10 Books *56 CHEVRO^CT BEL AIR HARDTOP '59 FORD CONVERTIBLE rage space tan accumulate, we fi­ I volves performing duties. One of home heating reallp easy. the fabulous Special Gift Album. Browse through it at I the glorious things in Christianity 4. Seth Thomas “Legsey"------...... — 41)4 Books Exceptionally clean. V-8, FordomatJe, rsdlo. Exrpllent top. your A & P or Plaidland Store. . . S STA-FKESH PACKS ckAckers Solid Pack $1695 nally stumbled upon an easy piece I is that so often Cfhrist trans- *. General Elsctrlc “COSette" Snooz-Alarm Clock -. 214 Books Junior 6j*as92= $ 795 » o f research which solved, for us at f. Syroco Cordlsts Elsctrlc Wall Clock ______13V4 Books PLAID STAMPS Kfioblir SoltiiiM m31° SuasIlilM cNca-iT * 't n 19* i forms our duties into opportuni­ M o b i l h e a t i f - f s t- LsCoaltr* ’■Hariteis* Clock-Perpetual motion ... 38 Books Na quicker saving anywliora! Only 1200 stamps fill your jars Diatatit -least, the problem of the plastic ties. If we listen he teaches us to h. Syroco w a il C lo c k ...... 1814 Books ' saver book. Strained 9 95= *58 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE 4-DOOR '58 CHEVROLET IMPALA CONVERTIBLE transform the common task^ the Iho dMn*octhM 6 cytnder, standard tranemieeion, radfn.. A hard to And model. Ixiadeil with equipment bomb. mddHfv I. Wsstclox Wall Clock-Eight-day Keywind ______914 Books The easiest handling - less work, with color-coded stamps $1495 You may think you know jusf meniel task, into something sigifi- 1^3 Ganersf Electric Kitchen Electric Clock ______114 Books A one owner beauty. . $1195 canl and quite' necessary. He k. Howard M iller Wall (abek...... 1614 Books in 1-lO-SO, unit denominations. LoChoy BISCUITS REFRIGCIATEO how to make your own pla.slic Snows Fob teaches us the way to look for l. GenereiElactric Cordleu Well Dock ______10 Books No finer guarantaal An ironclad Pledge of Satisfaction with tii-x.-— avi* a 1 az m C '59 CHEVROLET STATION W AGON bomb, out of di.scarded broken m. Seth Thomat Banjo VKall Clock ...... ______15 Books Chopiuey r llllD O r y tzASY ft ncH Z r *58 CHEVROLET BEL AIR HARDTOP the good In people and to love every g ift V -| , powergllde, power steering. 6 cylinder, radio, standard tranMnlaxIon, pieces of modem fixtures, or out them even against societies Judg­ WE GIVE B. General Electric “Petfems" Well Clock ______214 Books Clam Chowder Detergent Nice and clean. $1545 ments and as we do find that some GREEN STAMPS a. General Electric Well Clock ...... ^ 15 Books The new itt ttaroa-beautlfut Plaidland Redemption stores CAT FOOD M u y other extraui. $1345 of bags that vegetable.-! oome p. Sunbeam Cordless Electric Well Clock______8V4 Books Vegetables of the load, the burden, whatever Mocked with every gift In the Plaid Stamp catalog. ISOZ M w e M m U v h 2 29* IGf « > C wrapped in nowadays. Or, if you q. General Electric Richwood Snooz-Alarm Clock ____ 5 Books 1 LS AWC you want to call it, begins to Plua-fam ans A ft P eavingi. All this, plus those wondarfut CAN PKG '56 CHEVROLCT BEL AIR 2-DOOR '60 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 4-DOOR are slightly more Informed and sci­ r. Phinnsy.Walk*rTrav*lAlarms______214Books CAN 4 ' 6' cylinder, radio, standard transmission. lighten and the center of our uni­ s. Gsnsnl Electric Kitchsn Clock ______2 B o o k t cash savings you get at A ft PKAmerica's depandabls food Good condlUon and priced to sell. entific in your approach, out of a verse begins to shift from salf. MORIARTY A po|iular model. $1695 t. Seth Thomas Clock ______13V4 Books merchant since 1GS9I $495 little nitroglycerine worked into a Rev. Arthur U.' Leaker, a. Lux “G*ni*’’.AIami Clock ______1 B o ^ DyognMi Lkfuid collection of gum wads. If you . Buckingham Church. V. Baby Ban Sp ring A la rm . .214 Books Join the thousands of smart shoppers who are making the M r. Cleon Joy Liquid BROTHERS . Seth Thomst ‘ Ramane*'' Boudoir Alarm Clock. .314 Books switch of the year! Shop where you save the m o st-A ft P, Detergent Rinso M ut have any such ideas, abandon Jefltrson “Geldsn Hour" Clock______.IV b B o o k s -Sc OPT 12 0Z44C and save the best-Plaid Stamps! te* o m Rse. raics them, we implore you. Papuan Schools Gain M l 3 -5 13 5 A ll clocks shown plus Fsdtfsl Cxcis* Tax ifoza^ c REG. PSICE SOT The plastic bomb gets Its name -Z.O fT’ SOT^ft Canberra — The total number iS^35= ttO iz a M c from Its plasticity, not from any 301-315 Sf. MOZ KC “.^^59= of schools in Australia's trust ter­ 7 llaOPT SOT®ft CARTER CHEVROLET CO e ( Its Ingredients. It Is nothing you ritory of Papua-New Guinea rose •lAiOfr iOT 1 Buke yourself. It is, rather, a 20 per cent in fiscal 1961 and the SAVE PLAID STAMPS AT A * P AND OTHER RNE MEACHANTS MANCHESTER hinnber o f pupils climbed 40 per 1229 MAIN ST. OPEN 9 to 9 ■tBBlIOTrt oagploslTe

The Baby Has DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS Been Named... g¥ERY WEDKESDAY National I EVERY WEDMESDAY I N atio n al . .| I Storaa StOFM First National Super Markets SUuiiler, !>«'*• Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Stauffer. 12 Oxford St., Manchester. She was bom Jan. 22 at Manches­ First National Super Markets ter Memorial Hospital Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. MiiU, Fleetwood. Pa. Her paternal grandparenU are Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. SUuffer, Reading, Pa. She has a brother, Keith Alan, 3. Bristd - ^ t Hartford - Enfield - Hartford - Manchester - Hew Britain - Newington - Plainville - Rockville - Shnsburv • • • • • Hennequln, Cheryl Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Hen- Bristol - East Hartford - Enfield - Hartford - Manchester - Hew Britain ■ Newington - Plainvile - Reckvaie - Stasbury Seuthingten - UnienviHe - West Hertford - Wethersfield - WMiniantk - Wilson - Windser - Windsor Ucks nequln, 283 Spruce St. She was bom Jan. 25 at Manchester Me­ morial Hospital. Her paternal grandparenU are Mr. and Mrs. Seuthingten - UnienviHe - West Hartford ■ Wethersfield - W illlBMiitk ■ Wilson - Windsor - Windser Ucks Raymond Hennequln, 57 SchooJ St. ^ ^ Brown, Catherine U la, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Brown, 54 Jensen St., Manche.ster. She was born Jan. 23 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her paternal, ^ndnriother Is Mrs. Thomas Brown, 4 Avon St., Manchester. She has two TTie engngemrnt of Mlfis Karen brothers, Thomas R. Jr., 21. and Stephen J., 17, and three sisters, ihe engagement of Mia* laabal Flll^abeth Lion to Robert Patrick Jane Kaaaler of Bolton to Thomas Maureen M., 18, Geraldine, 16, and Jean. 9. • • « * Welch, both of Andover, ha.-i been Dye Hooper III of Merchantville^ announced by her father, Richard N. J., has announced by her MenUer, K irk Friedrich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Ment- l^on, 108 Aaplnwall Dr. She La alao mother, Mra. Rena I. Kaaaler, W il­ ler, 903 Averay St., Wapplng. He was born Jan. 24 at M iches- ' first the daughter of Mrs! Wilfred Per- liams Rd., Bolton. ter Memorial HosplUl. His maternal grandmother Is Mrs. J. of Stony Creek, Conn. The bride-elect la also tha . Fred Evsaig, Youngstown, Ohio. His paternal grandparents are ry Her dance la the aon of Mr. and daughter of the late Leon E, Kaas- Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Mentzer, Young.stovTi. National ler. Her fiance is the aon of Mr. • • • - • « Mr.a. Patrick Welch. Lake Rd. and Mra. Edward T. Hooper of r.eraghtv, Philip Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Phillips Ro^rt Mlaa Leon, a 1960 graduate of S t o r e s RHAM High School, la attending Merchanlvllle. Geraghtv 15E Forest St., Manchester. He was bom Jan. 25 at Mlaa Kaaaler Is a 1956 gradu­ Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal, graneparents are the Unlveraity of Hartford where .ahe la a member of Phi Sigma Chi ate of Manchester High School. Mr and Mrs. James P. Croke, Larchmont, N. Y. His paternal She attended Hartford Hospital grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Edward J Geragnty, Noiwood, aororlty. Mr. Welch graduated from Wind­ School of Nursing. Mlaa Kaaaler la Mass He has two sisters, Kathleen, 3. and Ellen, 17 months. a member of the Order of Elaatern * * • • • W E G iv i: < '-la * 4 < ham High School, Ward School of Flectronlca, and la atatloned at Star, a former member of Rainbow Suitter, Kathleen Gay. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sult- for Girls, and a member of Beta ter Jr Middle Rd.. Ellington. She was born Jan. 25 at Man­ .lamea Connolly A ir Force Baae, Texaa, where he la enllated In the Sigma Phi sorority. chester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandmother l.s Mric Mr. Hooper is a graduate of In­ Air Cadet program for under­ Edna Miller, Houlton, Maine. Her paternal grandjMrents are diana Technical Oollege. He la graduate navigator training. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Suitter Sr., Littleton, Maine. She has two C RE & r plant manager of the ayatema divi­ brothers. Wade. 4, and Henry, 1; and a sister, Sylvia, 2. .STAMI A September wedding la planned. sion of Clifton Precision Products Photo • • • • « Co., Clifton Height*. Pa. Wagner, Dale Robert, .son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wagner, A candlelight service la plannad 7 Burke Rd., Rockville. He was. born Jan. 26 at Manchester FINAST 46-OZ SAVE for March 10 at the Bolton Con­ Memorial Ho.spltal. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mm. Raal Tropical Flavor CANS 16c gregational (Jhurch. Earl Lewie Sr^, Phoenix St., Vernon. Her patem^ gr^dparents Recipes • (Photo Donald Clark) are Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wagner, 11 Chester Dr., Manchester. Pineapple Juice • * • • * Wells, Heidi, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Wells, O der Mill Rod Cabbage with Oheetnuta Rd EJlIlngton. She was bom Jan. 26 at Manchester Memorial FINAST SAVI (Makeo 8 to 8 Sorvinga) pound (about 2 cupa) Italian Blaze Kills 5 HospiUl. Her maternal grandmother la Mm Anne Nlc^I^^ Red-Ripa, Natural Flavor 16e Albany. N. Y. Her paternal grandfather Is Victor Wells, Mel­ chestnut I, ahelled and rose. Maos. She has a brother, Scott. 2 ^ . Tomato Juice blanched • • • • • teaspoon oil or butter In Providence Cyr, Douglas Paul, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Cyr, 11 <^k SAVI H teaspoon aniae aeedi (option­ P I, Manchester. He was bom Jan. 26 at Manchester Memorial al! (OonHouad traoi P ag* Ooa) Hospital. His maternal grandparenU are Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lle- FINAST - FANCY fSe cup boiling water bendorfer, Ellwood City, Pa. His patemdl grandparenU are Mr. 14 cup white wine (or vinegar) Bavaral parsotia war* takan to and Mrs. Arthur P. C jr, 90 Jarvis Rd., Manchester. Apple Juke tablMpoons sugar Rhod* Island Ho(q>ital. A t laaot l o i v q I • • • • « 14 cup aeedlesi raiaina two war* in aarioua eondlti(m.~On* appla, thinly sliced Meier, Wilhelm Walter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilhelm Meier, 16-OZ SAVI had baan sovsrsly burnad, Ui* othar 83 Birch St., Manchester. He was bom Jan. 27 at Maneherter FINAST FLORIDA 1-Mund ]ara red cabbage Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandmother Is Mrs. Ju^lta FANCY SUCTIONS CANS 1 5 e CHUCK . BONE.IN tableapoona flour had auffarad a posatbl* heart at­ Turek, 248 Woodland St.. Manchester. Hls paternal gran^oth- To prepare cheetnuta; With a tack. Grapefruit ORBBN sharp pointed knife cut a H-Inch er U Mrs. Marie Meier, Hartford. He has two sisters, Erllnde, • FOR YOUR SUNDAY DINNIR Lb t a m p s J FlaiUM Bwapt two buildings, at 4, and Anna, 20 months. gaah on the rounded sides of chest­ U and 15 Wilson St., th* S-doekar Juicy, Flavorful Chuck Roail, tervad with fina fraih vegetablai nuts. Heat 1 teajpoon oil or butter and another dwelling in which sev­ Roche, Kevin Sean, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Leonard S. Roche Jr., In a pan. Add cheetnuta; shake pan en persona lived. LB until cheatnuts art coated with oil. 436 W Middle Tpke., Manchester. He was bom Jan. 28 at Man- FINAST and tasty potatoes browned in rich juicy gravy - Admitted to Rhode Island Hoa- Chester Memorial Hospital. Hls maternal grandparenU are Mr. GREEN GIANT Sprinkle with anise aeeda. If de- pital were Winifred Davis, 11, and Mrs. John H. Meredith, Newburgh. N. Y. Hls paternal alred. Place nuts In 500 degrees F. shock; Frank Davis, 41, her father, grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Leonard S. Roche Sr., Newburgh, First National famous quality beef is always choice grade ,oven 15 minute* or until ihells and severe burns; Alexander Laadlns, akina ere easily removed. N. Y. APPLE 14-OZ 61, poaaibla heart attack. • • • • • NIBLETS » and at First National's low price, hare's a chance to sava Break cheatnuts with fingers. 12-OZ CANS Kanial, David Charles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Ksmal, CANS (Do not cut, as knife hlade givea Providence, R. I„ Feb. 1 UP) — 4 Crescent Circle. Rockville. He was born Jan. 22 at St. Fran­ SAUCE chestnuts a metallic flavor.) Re­ "My mother didn't eome out," the cis Hospital, Hartford. His maternal grandmother Is Mrs. Ellz- . CORN M W YORK STATI STRAMID SAVI 14c serve a few n\ita for gamtahing. llttie fir ) said. abeth Yazbek. Lawrence, Mass. His paternal grandfather is A l­ VACUUM PACKED SAVI 35c Add crumbled nuts to 1 cup ot "M y .alater didn't eotne out tee,'* bert Yazbek, Lav-rence, Mass. He has a brother, Michael, 7; and boiling water In a *aucepan. Add she added. two sisters. Debbie. 5. and Suzanne, I'a . Extra Green Stamps wine (o r vinegar), sugar, ralalna "My father waa bleeding and he • • • « • NO COUPON NIIDID - lU Y ALL YOU WANT BONELESS > 63< and sliced apple. Cook until cheat was trying to put J»la body over Schlllhanimer, Michael Patrick, son of Mr. and Mra. C h ile s nut* are tender — about 10 min­ them,'* J I year old Winifred Davia T. Schlllhammer, 245 Center St. He was ^ m Jan. 19 at H art­ UB SAVI ute*. Drain cabbage. Sprinkle with continued. ford Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. CLOVERDALE Juicy, Flevorful, All Choice Grade Beef flour. Add to chestnut mixture and The sweet-faced blonde child, ly­ Richard Wonders, Jcrfuistown, Pa. His paternal grandparenU are SOLID or QUARTIRS CTNS 11c EXTRA STAMPS .TrtS to** lightly. Simmer gently until ing In a Rhode Island hospital Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Schlllhammer, Johnstown, Pa. He has M argarine Swift's Srewn N' ServD ScuisofE ingredient* are well-blended and room bed, was talking shout a a brother, Richard Charles, 1. heated. Turn Into serving dijh. tragedy which came to her home • • • * • California Roast >55' (Tarnlah with whole cheatnuts, and In the night, like a thief, and stole Oehmsen. Timothy Q „ son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Oehmsen, 6-OZ SAVI EXTRA STAMPS 1LB FKO If desired, a few apple allcea. her immediate family. 43A March St.. Providence, R. I. He was bom Jan. 27 at Roger FANCY - IMPORTED CANS 10c Rethmund'i SkinlMf SauMga Freshly Ground, Ideal For Meat Loaf U ke moat children her age, her Williams Hospital, Providence. Hls maternal grandparents are Marinated Vegetnblee Impressions were vivid and wan­ Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Custer, Woodland Rd., Coventry. His pa­ Tomato Paste 1 pound nan vegetable* (aapar- dering. "I was scared," said Winnie. " I ternal grandmother Is Mrs. Stephen Oehmsen, Cocoa Beach, Fla. IXTRA STAMPS LB agu*. green bean*, be*t* or muahroomal was scared terrible I stepped on 16-OZ SAVI Chack Ground something hot and my foot Lavigne, Ronald Edward, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. La- Hener Maid SkiniMi Franks I tableiq>oona ollv* or other **l- Tlgne, 87 Union St., Rockville. He was bom Jan. 24 at Rock­ FINAST - GOLDEN CANS 16c *d oil burned." ville City Hospital. Hls maternal grandparenU are Mr. and Mrs. S H O U tO n • Well Trimmed SIAPOOD TRIAT Winnie is Winifred Davis, whoea WITH A ) tableapoona older or wine mother. Virginia, and sister, M il­ Arthur St. Louis, Vernon. Hls paternal grandparents arc Mr. Cream Corn EXTRA STAMPS t l OZ HQ vinegar dred, perieh^ In a 2-alarm Are in and Mrs. Adelard Lavlgne. Talcottville. Hls maternal Rmat- SLICID LI 5 9 < '4 teaspoon salt grandmother Is Mrs. Nellie Usher, Talcottville. He has a broth­ ■ie Value Twin Pack laloena Smoked Butts Swordfish a Providence rooming house this 22-OZ SAVI % teaspoon augar morning. Her father, Frank, 41, er, George A., 4V4: and two .■dsters, Norma L., 3',j. and Ann M a­ I 1 small onion (peeled and Sliced PIA, YILLOW lYI rie, 21 months. JARS 16c is In critical condition, suffering EXTRA STAMPS Into thin rings) from severe burns. Homemaker Beans T\irn vegetsbies Into a strainar Dyer, Lori Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Dyer. Finoft Polish Sausage Produce Valueg of the Season S "M y daddy had come horn* 33 Talcott Ave., Rockville. She was bom Jan. 27 at Rockville to drain; use vegetable liquid In from work and I woke Up." tha City Hospital. Her maternal grandparenU are Mr. and Mrs sauce* or aoiipi. In s wide shsllow little girl aald. “He was telling my James Lynch, Rockville. His paternal grandparenU are Mr. and WITH A Red-Ripe, Solid, Juicy Freih Flavor - For Salads, Sandwichai - Good So Many Ways container, heat together with a mother, 'Glniiie. get up, hurry, EXTRA STAMPS I I I H G Mrs. Clarence Over, Tkoa, Wash. She has a sister, Alison Jean, fork the oil, vinegar, salt and su­ there's a Are here. RICHMOND FINAST Mm City or Lonox Sliced locen gar; add drained vegetables and Winnie continued:' "W a all • • • • • onion, mix. Refrigerate covered, Jumped nut of bed. The place w a a ^ Apet. Cheiwl Ann. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George F. Apel. CELLO PKG several hours or overnight, turning Ailed with smoke. My dajddy^ 10 Liberty SI.. Rockrtlle. She was bom Jan. 23 at Rockville City l « « ^ \ EXTRA STAMPS wuhah vegetables on V POLY runFull Flavorad,rimvorao, ^riip^Crisp, ooiioSolid' oibirs Stalks “*- aqqs Adds riiFlavor to Salads, Soups and Stews vegetables from marinade. Onion " I couldn't breathe any more.'* George Apel. Warehouse Point. She has two brothers, Allen, 6, CANS BAG rings may be served with vege­ the survivor declared. "N o on* TISSUE told me to jump. But I jumped. I and Donald. 4. b e a n s WHITE or COLORED SAVI 10c EXTRA STAMPS table* or removed as you like. CUT GRIIN or CUT WAX SAVI 29c landed on my face and broke my I)zla 49< on the second Aoor. We're up on CRE. lightly beaten 16-OZ SHOO Raisin Twist Coffoo Coko ville City Hospital His maternal grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. Sunshine Cookies PKGS ■ FLORIDA RR> RLIRLIfS - U.S. N0.1, SIZE A CALVORNIA SUNKII 4 teaspoon salt the third. I was bleeding and I Albert Newmarker, Rockville. His paternal grandparents are Mr. { Vets' Dog Food CANS ■ 4 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce was scared. I kept feeling some­ and Mrs. Donald K. Gerow Sr.. Hartford He has two brothers, % teaspoon pepper thing hot on my foot. James, 2, and Scott Brian, 1; and a .slstetr, Donna Sue, 4. Cut eggplant In half and place "The Aremen came up and got • • » • • Spoci&l Prtc^ Potatoes Lemons 6'°" 19« me. But my sister didn't come ottt. cut side down on greased baking Crowley. Kevin Patrick, son of Mr. and Mrs-. Robert Crowley, 60 GAUOl— U DOME- sheet. Bake in a preheated 3.50 de­ I don't think'my mother came out either." ■ Vemwood Dr.,,Vernon. He was Ixirn .Ian. 22 at SI. Francis Hos­ rvjqtmoMN gree oven for 30 minutes. Scoop pital. Hartford. His maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs. out pulp and chop, reserving sheila. S. Mangiafleo, Hartford His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Cuerenieed FinoH Queli'T - Melt blitter or margarine and In It Mrs. T. Crowley, Hartford. He has two brothers, Robert. I ’ j, NIEAT PIES ICE CREAM 6 MCH Poli«t Total Down SUES m to 11 saute onion for five minutes. In a and Timolhv, 4; and two sisters, Kimberly, 5. and Kathleen. 3. EACH MtGI AFO TAUn , POTS mixing bowl combine eggplant, • • • * • NYLONS PAIR FARM OLD HUNDIID New York. Feb. 1 ijr, Tke De­ HALF G AL HOUSI AJRRLE PIES 3 *1 Qirysanthemunis onion, and remaining ingredlenla. partment of Health. Education and Wklllieofr. Aml-Belh. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Wall- AVAILAILI ONLY IN STOIIS THAT STOCK LADY LD40X NYLONI ‘ti! A ll Popular Flavors Arrange eggplant sheila In shallow beoff Jr...743 Graham Rd.. Wapplng. She was bom Jan. 20 at »OlD ONLY IN ITAIt lOXiS S A V I 1 * ( CONTAINER Welfare has cited a suhotantial SAVI 10c baking dUh. Fill with salmon mix­ decrease In polio cases last v e *r Hartford Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and ture. Top with additional grated In Ihe 4-atate Middle Atlantic arPa. Mrs. Joseph Farland. Ea.st Hartford Her paternal grandparents cheese. If desired, and hake In a are Mr. and Mrs. James Wallbeoff. Coventry. She ha.s a brother, preheated 425 degree oven for 15 Joieiph B. O'Connor, regional di­ James HI. 3. minutes. rector. yesterday termed the de­ • • • « • Laistr Quantitias Of Dollar Sole Items At Eegulor Prices crease "dramatic evidence of what DeMers. Katherine Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Immunization programs can ac­ Swift's Prem iuncwon miat h-oicah 47c Beech-Nut Coffee Dollar Days Spocials! complish." DeMers, 181 >,i Oak St. She was bom Jan. 29 In .Manchester M e­ REG .Seroiul Apitnmalox morial Hospital. Her paternal grandmother Is Mrs. Katherine Mr. Clean ^ ^b oz btl c S p c c i a t O'Connor cited the following TOILET SOAP BARS n 0 1 n!0 51c 59 DeMers, Norwich, 31 Kraft Deluxe Sliced Cheese Washington. Feb. 1 •/'P' His­ Agures: REGULAR ct DRIP New York - - 179 (196A), 184 B m 39c I LI CAN ^ 8 c AiowM^y-'Sa.ving O ffer torian Allan Nevlns aaya the cur­ Mrs. Butterworth Syrup 0 1 Sc OFF SALE! POUND CAKES rent flood of Civil War hooks Is (1961); New Jersey— (1980), FABRIC SOHENER making some Americans long 28 (1961); Pennsylvania — 122 BATH h i m 2 9 c 17-OZ BTL 42c TOILET SOAP Blue Bonnet Margarine 7eJDFF SALEI Your Choice more for the end of the, centennial (1980). 36 (1961); and Delaware, BARS O I PLAIN - M A M U than their forefsthers longed for none (1960), one (1981). A NEW FAMILY SWIM CLUB Kraft Parkay Margarine vu wo 30c , HAWYHORN the end o f the war. - He .said that there w^ere 2,292 l a CRIAM Nevlns. chairman of the Civil rase.i of paralytic polio In the na­ STAINLESS STEEL W ar ftentennlal Oimmtxsion. said Being Formed l/ocally — Complete Facilities 14-OZ Htnto 45c UQUID DETERGENT Ivory Soap “ r o t i A i 2 31c SAVE 17c tion In I960,'and 884 cases in 1981. Kraft Deluxe Margarine 2 59c yesterday at a joint meeting of the O'Connor aI.ao urged immiinlza- CANS 31 commlaiion and state groups: Contemplated For Year Around Swimming I4«ICAN 6 9 c I tion campnign.a against diptheria, . Barcolene Jet Starch "The sigh of relief that went up 1 whooping cough and tetanus. and Other Activities—300 Member Capacity wet m 37c over the real Appomattox In 1865 Sunlight Plastic Starch Ivory Soap •*« 4 39c may conceivably be nothing to the I (il N(i Yl'Nd DEBN WAY DETERGENT ORANGE JUICE Cookw are national aigh of relief that will go 2 ^ 39c New York, Feb. 1 (Ah — A pa­ BEAUTY BAR MW at CAN 2tc up over the commemorated Appo­ n 2 Ts 39c Beardslky Codfish Cakes aOVRRDALI Made by T/ie West Bend Company. goda-style telephone booth la tha r mattox o f 1985." ALL-SEASON POOL, Inc. latest addition to tha sights in B< OFF SAU eoiMi 25c Ivory Soap ”““*“•** 4 26e 6-OZ Manhattan's Chinatown. . Gulden's Diablo Mustard OOOL W O R K E R * DO .MORE LIQUID STARCH QTITL Rich In Yitanin C CANS m r THi coMPurri s it o f t p m c is The "Gung Tung Dean Way** Ntoeyw 23c * P.O. Box 93, Manchester UB CAN 1-LI CAN 8 8 c Herb-Ox Bouillon Cubes 23c fAVR S7c Waahlngton—A Federal Gov­ (Chinese for "Slectrlc talker for 36c I UQWO DETERGDIT ' O ' J - NOW ON SALEI ernment Study ihows that the public use"! want into operation I I am Intereated In Joining— please send me Information i I 2 39c Joy 4cOFFSALB tt-OZITl OOC 12-OZ CAN 20c work output of employeSN In alr- yesterday at Pall and Mott Streat*. River Rice A young Chinaa* dancer burned Le«er Quenlitiet ef Deltar Sale haiM at Regular Price* condi'Uanad apace la more than 9 2 47e praeant graatar than that of pao- incense in tha booth and mads the I Name ...... | Carolina Rice Beech-Nut STRAINS) 9'SS'95c pl* In araas not .atr-oonditioned. first call. She dialed eltv hall. In­ Golden Fluffo «*«n85c MilW 31c CHOPPED 6rwoiiAu92c AJbw ■baantaalani among air-oon- vited tha mayor t « attann oalafan- I^Addieaa ...... KeaUar Saltinas now w ma« Ohkmoi wnrkara la '2!b gareant tten nejet Monday ot. the rhtiwaa OGAUTTU. Iffil S TOBACCO WOOUCTS EXEMPT FROM STAW OffU j M Q U trK Tiyi M REST MATtOMAL MAIsm OMY near year 4860 — year of th f T ls v « auco’iFFicnyi w first n ^ o na l su m MARian only I

FA^B TW ELVE ilANCHESTER EVENmO HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., Tl^irfeSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1962 I . ) MANCHESTER EVEmKQ HgRALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.,j^THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1962. t PAGE THIRTEEN RockviUe-Vernon hicle whlla under the Influence of .. — ...... liquor atemmljig from a Jaa."$0 two-oU;aecident . Direc^tors Asked to Approve Choice Liquors The ieaae of Roger F. Wlnther, Socialized Medicine Cost 18. o f 18 Northfleld S t, was BorrowingforSewerDept, Taken in Breuk tranaferred, to Juvenile Court Frederick Moore ITER SESSION authorities under Uw custody of In U. S. Set at ^ Billion erat Manager Martin’s absenee Is Selective thieves broke into the Bast Windsor youths, In- family relatipna officer Thomas The board of directora JwiU b«K niEEIOOf^'STAMK also on the agenda...... ,Y Takes Own Life Aolton Notrii Package Store acme- voWsd in a Dec. 22 fi^t on Oak- Elliott Winthir has been changed aakfld to .give the town /tmasurer By HARfXft tH^ $20,000 The directors will discuss ths M.D. V One shf. ef 2 pair fia, Uw TTVkffArl UBltad Stataa iifiilAirunder ft. a MM- aya- 'there were «»AfMTt1sl«i9a**complaints" ftWftt* about frtiftthe Frederick W. Moore, 40, of ing when tha store wae ope^iMl a t which a Vernon man was sent to the town limits. temponrily for the sewer depiut- appointment of a member of the Wrlttea tor Newspaper ment at Tueadaya meeting in the tam oottparable to Great Biltaln’a fees. Baker Rd., 'Vemoci, died o f a self- about 8 o’clock were large quanta the iKMpltal, today were found Walter J. Champagne, 41, of deWopment commission to fill the Eatoipifoe Assn. GRAND NYlOfiS ties of Scotch and Canadian Um Hartford, arrested last night on Munieipai Building haaiing room. vacancy created by the resigna­ National Health Bervlee, could Physicians and surgeons are paid inflicted rifle wound in the head guilty of breach of. the peace <] — My husband has been tak­ One coupon par customer ooet U.S.{ taxpayera $40 bllUon a an FM radjo, electric and the charge of violation of proba­ General Manager Richard'Mar­ tion of Democrat Robert Tomassl. by the government for their serv­ chargee etemming from that Inci­ ing medicine for the relief of an­ year. ices, although people who can af­ late yesterday afternoon, accord­ about $30 In change. / dent tion when he failed to report to tin aaid the amount is to be bor­ At the January meeting of ths Coupon flood thru Feb. 3 rowed in antic^tlon of normal An American welfare state, com­ ford it. Or who have private medi­ ing to the poUce. The body was Arthur England, per^tee, saild In his findings in the court trial, hla probation officer, was con­ board. Democratic Director Ted gina for the past'year. Hla pain parable to Britain'a could cost cal instirance, can pay doctors discovered In the Moore's yard by entrance waa grained^through the tinued imtU March 1, on condition ineome for the balance of the Powell asked for a postponement has been greatly lessened and he Judge Joseph Dannehy ordered year. He aaid that laat year the ^ F R E E a neighbor. His wife 'was not. at rear door o f the buUAng. of the appointmmt until the Feb­ . $100 billion. directly. fines of $76 each against Joseph that Champagne report faithfully rarely gets atUcks any more. But The fl$^ores, estimated by a Brit- home at the time. Trooper FrancUK Plach o f the with the probation officer from amount waa twice as large and ruary meeting. 1200 Doctors average about 8,(X)0 pa­ F. Roberts and Richard E. Mer- he started to lose hla hair. Now irii economist, were qu ot^ by a tients each. The patient can choose Mr. Moore was bom in Ekist Colchester State PoUce Troop la now on and abide by hls.wlshee as that perhaps next year none The board will hear a report on F / v . cler, both 17 who,.Uve on Phelps would hav# to be borrowed. he’s almost bald and hla eyebrows iVHiDiil r ONE British doctor who said the wel­ Hartford, Feb. 4, 1912, a son of Investigating^ ______the appointment o f a clttzeni’ ad­ hla doctor in most cases, and can Rd., East Windsor. •well as continuing to support hla are so thin you can hardly see fare state is sapping individual change doctors it he desires. By the late FhederM T. and Rena wife and five children. There will be a public hearing visory committee in connection initiative which once made Britain Williams Moor^^ and had lived in Roger P. Pitkin of Watson Rd., and a meeting of the board on with the proposed redevelopment them. Could this be caused by his SUPERMARKETS FREE100£:::fTAMK the same token, doctors are fred to Vernon, coowner of Chef’s Diner medicine ? FULL “somewhat Influential in 'World recommend patients to other prac. Vernon for the past five years. He proposed additional appropriations program. ' WM lUt Ceapea aad the Furchsee ef Towii to Check Fall at 9 Main St., Manchester, re­ to the gmeral fund budget of A — I’m afraid it could. A re­ affalia.’’ titioners. ^ was formeriy a resident of Man­ A recommendation by the town 4 lb. ar aiera Dr. John 8. Bagnall, anestheri- Dr. Bagnall said the factor of chester. ceived a cut on the left side of Vernon Tops Area 1981-lOttZ, The apinnpriatlons are cently introduced drug of consi­ his face which required stitches at counsel for settlement of a claim BOOK olocist at Hartford Hospital, in an choice is eliminated in hospital He wais a graduate of Deerfield Despite No Claim to be financed by reducing the by Amelia Sadoeky against the derable value (tripanol or MEK- ad&eas to the Rockville Rotary emergency situations or when a Academy, Deerfield, Maas., and Manchester Memorial Hospital. He budget appropriation for high­ 29) may cause fading of hair U N N I D H A M had been struck by one of the In School Bus Cost town for $1,808.80 will be present­ Club, aaid he feels medical and desired doctor is unable to serve Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, A notice of injury received by ways by $8,000, and Include fi­ ed to the Mard. Settlement of a color, loss of hair (alopecia) and One coupon par customer hospital expenses can be handled youths with a three-cell flaehUght. nancing of a testing program and marked skin dryness. If your hus­ more patients. Troy, N.Y. He was a self-employed the town, this week will be sent The town of Vernon apent $78,- claim against the town by Beverly 2 1 Coupon good thru Feb. 3 best by means other than govern engineer. In making hla decision, J ti^ e ■light increaaea in clerical wagea band hai been taking this drug, he Answerliw questions at the end of through regular channela, al Dannehy s^ d that Pitkin waa not 884 on achool transportatiOT during H. McMullen for $600 le also ment control. the talk, Dr. Bagnall said there Mr. Moore was a Navy veteran Also on the agenda will be a recommended by the town counsel. may be showring these side effects Dr. Bagmall spoke to the Rotary though the woman who waa In­ altogether blameless but peace was the 19804|1 school -year, leading ail are an Increasing number of of World War II, a member of Cen­ other area towns in school trans-' proposal for additions assistance The town planning commission that ahould disappear after medi­ last summer on anesthesia and Ro- jured aubaequently notified the broken and there is a fact of vio­ for the general manager and au­ cation has been discontinued. Britons who are kubscrlblng to ter Congregational Church, the lence. portatlon expenditures. Is requesting the board for ap­ tarians Invited him back to relate private health insurance plans Manchester Lodge of Masons, was town she had no Intention o f hold­ thorisation for the manager to en­ Q — I have had diabetes in­ his observations of socialized med­ Manchester’s figure was $73,469, proval of a three-lot subdivision at which enable them to pay for their a York Rite Mason and brionged ing the town reaponaible for her Pitkin told the court that ha was ter a garbage collection contract the westerly end of French Rd. sipidus since 1950 and have been \ icine In his home country. He has lward J. Kene- Bagnall said. program began. ■St. The Rev. Laurence J. 'Vincent, his Jacket by Pitkin and the fight fick Jr. and Antoinette C. Kene- necessity for frequent elimina­ Coupon Good thru Saturday, Feb. .1 The highest estimate of the coat Her story was supported by that foUowed, court testimony revealed. portation with a figure of $26.66. ing room alteratfona and enlarge­ But the direct deductions from associate pastor of Center Con­ of a witness, Mrs. Esther Metcalf, The area per pupil figures ranged ment. flek, to clear title at rear of 47 tions of the enormous amounts of pay envelopes account for only a of the plan in its first year (1948) gregational Church, ■will offleiate. Mercler, In attempting to stop the Baldwin Rd., will be requested of Ingested fluid, why don't you Just wag , , . compared to the 89 Pleasant St. dowfi to $7.46, which was spent by Whether the. town planning fifth of the annual cost. The re­ 1680 000 000 Burial will be in Center Cemetery fight soon after, struck Pltkfij on Manchester. the board if the proposal Is ap­ sign off on your injections and uae actual cost of $1.4 billion. However, the owner of the prop­ the left side of the face with a commission will be asked to com­ mainder comes from general taxa­ East Hartford. erty In front of which Miss Rogera Manchester was ineligible for proved by the town counsel ■with­ your affliction as a fine excuse 100 n «H H tion, on consumer goods, licenses School Menus fiaahUght ) ment on the prcqtosed sites o f the There will be no calling hours. fell, Mias Delina V. Hadden, said state transportation grants tmUl a new flreiMXises wUl be dtseuseed out further survey of the prop­ for keeping your kidneys well Is Ceapea ead the Nsel and the like. • Maple Street School: Monday— Friends may contribute to the Prosecuting attorney E. Goorge erty. flushed 7 that the accident occurred on the new state ruling was passed re­ by the.board, USDA IN S K a iO -U J. GOV’T. GRAOiO ‘A’ I eeaa Ffethpak Fraaea The health service was institut­ spaghetti with hamburg, buttered Shriner’s Hospital for Crippled puibUc sidewalk. Gorsky, in summation of the cently. The town estimates $18,- Q — A neighbor recommended ed IS years ago. Since then, he green beans, cole slaw; Tuesday— Childrm, Springfield, Mass. state’s side of the case, said that 820 wUl be received In aid from the A request to ■waive the require­ 3RD PABIEY ON RERUN finger surgery to help restore my noted, there has been a reduction Town Counsel Arthur J. Lo- scalloped potatoes with ham, but­ there wae an unprovoked attack state for transportation during the ment for competitive bidding for Moscow, Feb. 1 (^—Ambas­ hearing. Is this worth a trial 7 CHOOSE R A N G i J U K E in the rate of student application Clalre Jr. said he -would turn the the repair of a bulldozer at the tered corn, pickled beets; Wednes­ Mrs. Anna D. Waters on Pitkin with the flashlight 1061-62 fiscal year. sador Uewellyn Thompson and am getting quite deaf. , CM# coupon par eustoiMr to medical schools, the percentage day — beef stew with assorted Investigation of the accident and town dump will be put before the ANY SIZE Mrs. Anna Dungan Waters. 69, of the claim over to the poUce, Just Defense attorney Frank Francis Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A — Sorry. But, despite claims Voiin9’ Coupon good thru Fab. 3 I of doctors who leave the country sandwiches; Thursday—roast tur­ said th at! there was immature board. D ^ t y o f Public Works Gromyko spent two hours and has risen from about 10 to SO per 44 Alden St., Hartford, mother of he does In all claims cases. for success by some enthusiasts, a YOU W AN T... key with gravy, buttered peas, Judgment on the part of Mercler Chester Langtry aaid the bulldoz­ 40 minutes In conference today cent, and the ratio of doctors to cranberry sauce, choice of buttered Mrs. Herbert E. Maeguire, 164 Tan. er needs more than $1,000 in re­ recent report in the Archives of patients has gone up by more than ner St., Manchester, died yesterday and that the incident would never About Town trying to arrange for negotia­ Otolaryngology is most discour­ rice or mashed potatoes; Friday— had occurred If Pitkin had stayed' pairs, which would require bids tions on the difficult Berlin 4 to 2 4 ln . 60 per cent. fish sticks, potato chips, buttered at her home. She was the widow of to be taken, but Is asking that the aging. In this study, done on deaf Oliver D. Waters. Yputh Arrested In his car and continued on. He crisis. On leaving ttie Foreign VlTrere there was one doctor for wax beans, cole slaw. Dessert, The Army and Navy Auxiliary work be dene by a firm whose com­ children (to eliminate the factor of - i m 818 patients, there is now one doc­ Mrs. Waters, was bom June 12, told the court that there was ag­ will meet Wednesday at the club­ Office after his third talk with suggestion) and controlled by deli­ sandwiches and milk served with gravation . pkg. iper suUomsr the individual must pay the first tered peas, cranberry sauce, as­ terday at the Sanibel Convales­ Deductible to an Extent 59 6 9 * two shillings (about 25 cents) of )dlhniF«b.B sorted cookies; Friday .— tomato cent Hospital In Middletown after Directors Chosen Q — If my property is dam- any prescription cost. The minimal soup, tuna fish on buns, a s s^ e ;] a long Illness. CONTINENTAL U.S. ager by storm, can I deduct those "trx '.J fees were added because of unex­ FRESH FLORIDA cookies. Bread, butter and milk . Mr. Tucker was a Tolland Coun­ damages from my Income tax7- pected high operating costs. served with each luncheon. By Credit Union ty agricultural agent for 28 years J. S. A — Dear J. 8.: To a degree, until his retirement In 1948. He The Manchester Municipal Fed­ wasXpresented with a distinguished you can. Taxpayers who suffer eral O edlt Union elected its 1962 financial losses from floods, < service^ certlfl5$te on his 25th an­ board o f directors last night at its Kennedy Seeks Expansion storms and other disasters may niversary as county agent at Chi­ annual dinner and dance at the P R II 59 Si cago, m .v by the National As­ Army and Na'vy Club. deduct losses for which they were sociation bf County Agricultural not reimbursed by insurance. For I iMa Caepee imi Hm Na Of U.S. Welfare Spending New directors elected are Joseph TEMPIE OIAHCES aieet slae has Agents for his out“.andlng service FTey, Mra. Margaret Klotzer, and full details get Document 8174 In Tolland CoUpty. from yoair local Internal Revenue Vine Ripened 10 3 9 (Continued from Page One) Joseph Murphy, ail for two-year Selected Bdliing and preservation of the family Mr. Tucker Wqs bom In Hyde terms. Service office. PUIFFY A l l Park, Mass., April 2, 1882, a son Q — When a stock becomes list­ ToiiHitots Selected Large She ► I P * Potatoes U.S. No. I Grade— She A would represent the most sweeping unit. It must contribute to the Re-elected were Mrs. Dorothy , One ceupen par eusiomi attack on dependency, juvenile de­ of the late Samuelxand Ella Do­ Kenny, Harold Pohl and Edward ed on a stock exchange can you nrstafllM Saasen .J*. I Ceupen good ihni Feb. B overhaul of federal relief tech­ mett Tucker. He was a graduate READ A T LEAST ONE be sure it will increase in price? HOT HOUSE RHURAU CITRUS SAUD Fresli PUrids niques since the aid program was linquency, family breakdown, il­ Rybezyk, all for one year: and Ed­ legitimacy, ill health and dlsabll- of New Hamp.shlre College of Ag­ ward Winzler, for two years. — P. K. started in the depression of the ricultural and Mechanical Arts. 1930s. Its recommendations in- Ray Thompson, Clifton Potter A — Dear P. K.: You can never "Unless such problems are had lived in the Rockville Area for NEWSPAPER ON AN be sure exactly what direction a eluded: many yeais. He waa a member and Frank Steele were elected to 1— Extending permanently thedealt with effectively, they fester, the credit committee, for one, two, stock’s price will take. According PRUNE Quart and grow, sapping the strength of and trea.iurer of the Rockville and three-year terms, respectively. to a study Just made by Spear * $100 mllllon-a-year program for Baptist Church and a charter w e e k d a y aid to the dependent children of the society as a whole and extending No date has been set for election AVERAGE Staff Inc., Investment advisory member of the Tolland County Art service, so far thla year 26 stocks Bottle unemployed. Enacted as an emer­ their consequences in trofubled Association. of the credit union's officers. JUICE gency recession measure last year, never before listed were listed on families from one generation to Survivors include his wife, Mrs. it la due to expire June 30. another.” the New York Stock Elxchange. SUNSWEET Annie B. Tucker; a sister, Mrs. Their study of 21 of th-ese Issues 2— Increa.sing the federal share Madge Currier *of Pepperell, Parachuter Hurt from one-half to three-fourths of Secretary of Welfare Abraham shows that seven now are selling lead pkgs. ft ||e .3 oz. Maas.; and a brother, A. Chester at higher prices while 14 have ROYAL the costs of rehabilitation and so­ Riblcoff already has informed Tucker of New Hampshire. SOUP Chicken Rice 2 of 2 env. * e LIPTON YEA BAGS pkgs. cial services, without changing the House and Senate leaders of the In Test Jump dropped in price since Hating. 57 PUDDINGS Funeral services will be held at •nv. 1/e a dollar-for-dollar matching of major recommendations, and the the Ladd Funeral Home. 19 El­ Q — I am advancing In years PANCAKE 2 lb. states’ outla.vs for routine clerical president’s budget message re­ lington Ave., tomorrow at 11 a.m. An assistant .jphief engineer at and never have worked. I'd like to S0UPMIXc».urNLu pko- 35* PET MILK ^ '* “ ' FLOUR pkg. and administrative work. This vealed the cost of the new pro­ Pioneer Pararijute Co. who was find some occupation that would 3 1 43 PILLSBURY The Rev. Paul J. Bowman, pastor Chicken 2 ^ 4 f t Farm A 22 01. would cost the treasurj’ perhaps posals — $93 million. of Union Congregational Church, Jumping from a plane yesterday enable me to earn a little money. $40 million. This would be in addition to the will officiate. Burial will be in morning to test out a new para­ How can I find out about any CNUN KING Chow Mein combo. 89‘ LIPTON TEA ^ 83' APPLE PIES Houi« * pte% 3— Boosting the $25-milllon cell­costs, approximately as gp-eat, of I-aurel Hill Cemetery, Reading chute was Injured when a gust of abilities I might have? Where ing on federal grants for child wel­ Kennedy’s announced pleins to Ma.ss wind caused his feet to hit the could I. be tested? — R. L. fare services to $30 million in fiscal frozen ground at Simsbury Alr- A—Dear R. L.: (Jo to your local make permanent the temporary There will be no calling hours. port. -r A N D GET TH IS! -1963 ind then, gradually, to $50 federal aid to dependent children U.S. Employment Service where million by 1969. Conrad Kowalski,' !56, of 49 Dai­ you will find a counselor ready to FACIAL of the unemployed. Mra. LlHlan M. Strickland ley Rd., South Coventry, suffered a ^ A 4— Earmarking $5 million next That program will expire June Mrs. Lillian M. Strickland. 68, helji you find a skill. Then too. year and $10 million a year there­ fractured left ankle and right heel 30 unless extended by Congress. It of 27 Dillian Dr., widow of Ray­ in the fall. - you could go to a company special­ of400 after for aid in starting local pro­ was passed as an emergency mond Strickland, died thia morn­ izing in aptitude testing. This TISSUES grams of day care for the children He was admitted to Manchester latter might, however, require measure to ease the Impact of the ing at Manchester Memorial Hos­ Memorial Hospital and is reported KLEENEX of working mothers. 1960-1 business recession. pital fee. 5— Permitting states to operate, in good condition today. In 'a memorandum glvrti Con- StrieWand was born in Bos- He was among several para­ Q — Despite the fact that new' with federal financial help, com­ cars now carry a one-year war­ 2 gress leaders on Jan. 8, Riblcoff ’ chutists jumping from planes to munity work projects and training ranty, my neighbor tells me not 100% CORN OIL N A N C Y LYNN projects for unemployed men and sald the admlnislralion reeogui..L-.^ | . and Lillian test the chutes when the accident KITCHEN GARDEN FROZEN that "in 1962 the welfare program' ’ occurred. everything in my new car Is cov­ women on the relief rolls. Federal ■ ...... * “ Manchester for 50 years. ered by a warranty. Is he right? funds would be given, Kennedy of 1935 la out of date- He has been assistant chief en­ 71 ^ Sun-ivors include four sons. gineer at Pioneer for more than 20 % — J. J. B. said, only if the work projects The memo called for an increaae OF THE TIME THE MARGARINE BLUEBERRY PIE GREEN PEAS Charles Strickland of Andover A -r- Dear J. J. B.; Really, you serve a useful public purpose, do in the federal share of costa of re­ years, and has been testing para­ not displace regular employes, do habilitating persona on the wel­ Roy Strickland and Clarence chutes nearly all his life, a relative are both right. If thla sounds con­ Strickland, both of Manchester and not undercut prevailing wages and fare rolls, and a provision for fed­ said. trary, here is what I mean: GRAND f t ' ^ ^ C C A c 10 oz. Ralph Strickland of Bolton; a NEWSPAPER REACHES THE •• W M SAVE 10c working conditions and are ac­ eral financial help in community Any defect in your, car is cov­ UNION pkg companied by basic health and work-traintng programs, so long as daughter Miss Barbara Strickland ered by the year's warranty. safety protections. such programs do not displace with whom she made her home- READER BY MEANS OF However, If you abuse your car 6— Relieving acute an __ short- ■'egular workers from Jobs. two brothers. Alien EUia and Rob­ or do not malnaln it, your war­ ert Ellis, both of Manchester; three ranty. will not help. SWEET OR BUTTERMILK BISCUITS BETTY CROCKER age" of trained welfare workers by Although Riblcoff reportedly got SWANSON FROZEN Increasing the federal support for Btsters, Mi’s. Raymond Wirtalla REGULAR HOME DELIVERY For example, your owner’s man­ general assurance of support, op­ and Mrs. Grace Krar, both of Man­ state training programs. position to the increased spending ual will recommend that the oil PILLSBURY X 7— Forbidding any state which chester and Mrs. George Breault filter be changed after a certain 3 CAKE MIX pkr39® TV DINNERS B.«f,% Pork X r*S- '5S‘ is expected from Sen. Barry Gold- of Higganiim; ten grandchildren receives federal funds to require water, R-Artz., and others. Interval. Thie is eomething you and one greatgrandchild. Q—Who more than one year’s residence as Invented bifocal eye- muet pay for. However, If the i i « . a condition of ellgibUlty for wel­ Funeral services will be held at glasses 7 filter develop# a defect and muii fare aid, and encouraging states to the Holmes Funeral Home, 400 A—Benjamin Franklin. be replaced, then It la covered by B&M Oveitiaked Beans La Rosa Spaghetti Barcolene Jet Starch ^ggI eon Main St.. Saturday at 11 a m. The ! '/ ,« . remove all residence requirements your warranty. Fruit Cocktail Diet DfHflit LIQUID ILEACH 39. by offering a slight increase in fed­ Rev. Laurence J. Vincent, asso­ Q — How does Baltimore rank (Ail rights reserved. Newspa­ COM Lima Beans »*'^**r* FroiGii 2 Clorox eral aid to those that do. News Tidbits ciate pastor of Center Copgre- among the nation’s porta? per Enterprise Assn.). I0«. QQt ’’These proposed far-rehchlng gatlonai Church, will /jfficiate A — Fourth largest. YOUR ADVERTISING IN THE HERALD Dole Frozen Juice pponfo 0 CGFII Birds Eye Cut Corn FroiGN 2 pEof. w 7 Dazzle Wondorful lloGeh changes—aimed at far-reaching from the AP Wires Burial will, be in Columbia Ceme­ km. tery, Columbia. Chile Near Monopoly Dolt Ftmimn IC.«. QQt With Ftgg problems— are in the public inter­ Pineapple Juice Spinach 2 O rooming Kit I 78' est and in keeping with our finest Friends may call at the funeral Fifth B«tar Pilot sEf. Dove Soap I ox. b.th iQc traditions,” the President said. Negro college students march home tomorrow from 2 to 4 and r4» Santiago — In production of Dole Sliced Pineapple 49c lATH SrZE “The goals of our public welfare around Georgia Capitol in Atlanta, 7 to 9 p.m. Denver (JPi — The Denver Bears natural nitrates, CThile has a vir­ Meat Pot Pies 2 plei. Dove Soap b*rx “ 7 next season will have their fifth tual world mimopbly. She is sec­ programs must be positive and con­ forming picket lines after four Squash Soobrook Forffli Frotan l2 «.1 Q t structive—to create economic and members of their race and two manager Since Joining the Amer­ .VCXUS. U SO W HOME, ond only to the UiUted States in' Dole Fruit Cocktail pi,. I 7 ican Association baseball loop in copper production, and she Is Kraft Parkay Margarine social opportunities for the less “HITS HOME” JgcL Rftbbif white persons are arrested for try­ Three Will Gel among the Latin-American leaders 20ft. 2] t fortunate—to help them find pro- ing to integrate the balcony of the 1955. Frank Shaff was promoteo Split Green Peas Kaiser Aluminum Foil ' Fudge Frosting »««ycr.xi.rT.ff.. “ “ «tlve, happy and independent to the class AAA post from Birm­ In electric-poWer capacity per senate... United Nations an­ capita. nounces that Netherlands agree* Course Awards ingham of the Southern Associa­ tion. Former manager Charlie 'It must stress the Integrity to release Indonesian prisoners Mayor Harold A. Turklngton M^etro will coach with tha Chicago iiaur^patpr IfpraUi t^ e n in naval engqgera^ent o ff Cuba. — West New Guinea on Jan. 15. will awrard certificates to Tbomos President Kennedy says Federal G. Monahan, Ernest H. McNelU Personal Notices Communications Commission has and FYancia J. Conti o f the Build­ Real Ironman Your"*Marketplace"" at Home no intentions of supervising con­ ing Department at the board of tent of television program s... directors meeting next Tuesday Denver iff) — Bob Hudson, vet­ 1 night. Card of Thanks Italian police turn over to Investi- eran Denver Broncos Unebacker. gating Judge their full findings on 'The thro# will recelvs cerUil- haa played In the last 100 whether Bulgarian Jet pilot MUusc oates for completion of a 18-we«k itiarly scheduled games- for his course in admlaistinatlori o f the j^sams. He rang up 72 games In ths NATO ml^e bwe a s w ^ inspection serv-' National FootoaU iJ g S ^ » 21i* family oi Herbert B. nnoesaa. Zion. __ ^ 11? ^ **** Univwsltjr for Dallzs and la ths V. i X/ r

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN^ THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 1, 1962 Section Two THTORDAY, FEBRUARY 1,1962 jjtattrljpstpr fEuptttttg :,",() at the ■'la. Council Is expected to do so Feb. 7,. Temple p-ei-eding a meeting \ F, Beach. 79. founder of the D. F. There was a shortage of bottles. ! Bowers School, Beach Co., wholesale meat dealers, as everyone was making hom e' The final list of patrons in- Metalcraf ts Provides F ull Life CTiiaoman Coiii-t Ordet- of Aim • KENYA TO DEVELOP LAND rnnlh. at 7:4.5. P-efie.iliments dlet'l today at his Woodbury home Washington — The World Bank brew In his basement. - j eludes the following names not il i-’-rald fiboti'R by Sa(eriils) j after a long intiess. Every home had two social cen- previously released: Mr, and Mrs., Kullgren shapes i>itclier on slake anvil... will be .served after the meeting. has lent $8,400,000 to Kenya to ters—the kitchen and the front' William C. Carroll, Atty. and Mrs. He w-a.s w-ell known In the state. help develop farmlands for Afri­ porch, ; Thomas A. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. For ‘Retired’ Columbia Man The Department of Comicciicut, ! Survivors Include his widow, a cans in the "leheduled a r e a a ," The national drink wa.s near, Louis Apter, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Providence, R..I., In East Orange, Marine Corps League Auxlllsry, I son, a daughter, two brothers and heretofore reserved to Europeans. beer, and the national wisecrack! L. Burgess Sr,, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Conn., and Albany. N. Y. churches. | will meet Sunday at 2;3o p ni. at three sisters. Funeral services will The areas were formerly called and in NeW York City as d lr ^ lo r : Skating Report was, "Whoever named it near beer; l . Ames, Miss Sara Crozler, Mr. Marine Hall in Waterhiirv. I he held Saturday. "the Highlands." .__O afts work has ijeen both the-^ w'hen curving pecurs in dlfferent^piece is fired in a kiln at temper- of the .City Sunday School M.so- was a poor judge of di.stance." ■ and Mrs. ^vvard Clarke, Mr. and vocation and avocation of Evan planes. the metal baa to be drawn atures ranging from 1300 to 1800 ciation. now a part of the City Fed­ The height of. .sophisticated rep-i .Mrs, Steve Caragnaro. .Mr. Allan F. Kullgren of Columbia during or extended on the -outside by degreea Fahrenheit for two to eration of Churches. artee was to shake your head and r . coe Sr.. Mr. and Mrs. Allan R. the 72-year-old metalsmlth’s life­ three minutes. After the initial exclaim, "Boy, that's “ralalng.” If si piece is hamn^red For more than 26 years, Kull- the cat's coe Jr., Dr. and Mrs. David M. time. beyond a certain point, Kull^en firing, atmple or intricate deeigna ^ e n was director of religious edu­ pajam as;" Caldwell Sr., Dr. and Mrs. Dayld The metals craft expert has cation and crafts Instructor for The wealthiest man in town was explained, the material would luay be built up by auccessive aip- M. Caldw'ell Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Gor­ spent more than 45 years aa plicationa and flrlnga. Center Congregational, Church in the one who had a 2-buggy stable— break If not annealed' or heated don Fogg. Mr. and Mrs. Donald teacher and director of rellglou.s frequently. The artisan explained' By hammering, he also deepratea Hartford. For five years before his and a bathroom with a real tub. Forstrom, Mr. and Mrs. Francis education and of c r ^ s programs "retirement” in 1990, he waa head Only young daredevils ventured that he "gajns" about one-quarter some heavy copper pieces with Good ire skating conditions still P. Della Fera. Dr. and Mrs. Amos In churches throughout the nbrth- of an inch in heijght and diameter cliaaing in varloua deaigna. Kull- of the department of (irafts in a prevail at Charier Oak Park and out in cold weather without a pair E. Friend, and Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ ea.st. rehabilitation building at the In­ of spats. at each "ralalng." gren'a pewler pieces are alao hand Center Springs.. Park. liam Gallo. Now in nominal "retirement,” A pineapple-shaped copper jar. formed, but are seamed on the stitute of Living in Hartford. Both areas will be open tonight The greatest event of the winter Also Miss Katherine Giblin, Dr. the professional studio craftsman Kullgren has directed craft pro- o'clock social season in rural areas \va.s Cold, weather Brings snow and hearty appetites— and highly buffed with separate braas side with solderdd baam. and Mrs. George A. F. Lundberg FANCY BRISKET still devotes mo.st of his time to finial. required annealing and hand Kullgron's work Is on display .grams also at church .youth co n -. cp „,or .Sprlng.s Annex will be the arrival of the mail order cat­ handcrafting pieces in silver, pew­ alogues from Chicago. Jr..,. Mr. suvd Mrs. Francis J. Ma­ "raising" 20 times to produce a for the next two weeks in the wifi- j ferences and camps in New Hamp- ^ockev (intil to tonight. honey. Mr. and , Mrs. Alexander FIRST FOODS can please the heartiest of appetites with ter. copper and enamelw-are in a six-inch finished piece without dow of the Visiting Nurse As.so- ! shire and in Columbia. He has also , No matter what ailed you, you Mannella, Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas work.sbop wliirh he constructed been a .square-dance caller and in-1 took castor oil if you were a child scams. ciallon Main St. office in Coven­ A. Marzialo. Mr. and Mrs. Mat­ choice, tender meats of the highest quality— luscious himself from lumber on his prop­ Kiillgren’s Hallmark try. Several of his w-orks were ae- 1 structed folk dancing with young —and calomel If you were older. erty. He also built the huge stone I people's recreation group.s. He help-, In any discussion of major ill­ thew M. Moriarty, Mr. and Mrs. Eacli of Kullgren's hand-w-rought ! ^'''' exhibition at the Inter- Thcodoje Powell, Mr. and Mrs. A. roasts, meaty cuts of beef, juicy steaks and mouthwater- fireplace In the work.sbop at the plece.s randle.sticks, bud vases. ] uetional Exposition in Delhi, In- ! ed start the Ooliimbia Recreation ' liOcal Stocks ness, the person who had the final „ - . „ » j CORNED rear of his Columbia home. i Council about 18 years ago. say waa the one who could brag of ^ > ’mond Rogers Jr., Mr. m d Mrs. . bow-Ls, pitchers, sugar and creamer i three years ago. His w-ork was I The craftsman Is known also to having the longest appendectomy Rhodes, Miss Ethel tlobb, ing, lean cuts of corned beef— all at savings to you. All of Kullgren’s work is hand- .sets, and complete tea sets —bears by Allen H. Eaton, nation- scar. (Anybody who ya.s a n y -^ c- Mrs. A, B. Sundquist, Mr., HEAD formed by a process known as his liallmark of characteristic sym- ^ '*f'ib°’'lty, who >nlii« many young people In Mimchester. Quotations Furnished by body B(x;lallv, sooner or later fie-' ®.nd Mrs. O, E. Stanford. Dr. and I "raising." None of his pieces is Knia T-ho hoiimorU nr’ th- oook. Handicrafts of New- 15ng- He was an instructor In printing ( oburn MIddtebrook, Inc. CUT bols. The hallmark consists of the and metalwork at the North End veloped appendlcill-s.l , Mrs. Walter M. Schardt, Dr. and produced by casting from molds. initials EK. a tree s.ymboUzing land, " terms Kullgren a "skilled Bank Ntocka Ohe of the great joys of ohild- Mrs. W. D. Stroud. .Mr. and Mrs. His only castings are an occasional worker In copper and pewter.” Y here for a year, and lectured Bid Asked BEEF ''growth,” enclosed within a circle, about three years ago to children in hooJ'-W-aa to look at an eclipse j Edward Tomkeil, Mr. and Mrs.J knob or handle. He fashions wood­ Exhibits in Fair Conn. Bank and Trust symbolizing "perfection,” the Grades 3 through 8 In Manchester Robert Hall open every night till 3:30 through R smoked piece of broken i Ronald Vernier, Judge and Mrs.] en handles for his pewter pieces handlcrafter. explained. Kullgren. a director and former Co...... 62 66 window gla-ss. (If you looked at' John J. Walletl, and Mr. and Mrs. out of blueberry branches from his president of the Society of Con­ elementary schools. Hartford National P iiH iiilH iliiiiiliiliH Most of Kis work is done in Kullgren has been awarded first It with bare eyes, you were bound Sylvester L. McCann. 90-acro property. necticut Craftsmen, and his wife Bank and Trii.st Co. 57 61 A flat disc cut from a roll of either copper or pewter, but Kull­ place honors and won recognition to go blind. 1 (whose handcraft is block print­ Fire Inaiiranes ty>mpanles It was perfectly all right for a sheet copper must undergo a gren slso makes sliver pieces to ing! exhibit for 10 days ever>" .year in many exhibits throughout the, Light Emittptl 3 Ways process of repeated annealing order. A single 12x18 inch aheet In the state society’s craft" exhi­ state. One of his pieces w-as select- j Aetna Fire ...... 138 - 148 (heating to .soften the material) of sterjing silver of 18-gauge bit at the Danbury Fair and ed recently for exhibition In a Htfd. Fire ...... 79 83 /'Plymouth, England — Water FRESHLY GROUND and "rai.sing” by hammering to weight cosUi about $50, too costly also partlripate in about 12. other Eloston show. He has also served as National Fire ...... 145 155 animals give off light in only three to' stock except, by special orders. a judge of crafts work for oiit-of- | Phoenix Fire ...... 122 132 our entire stock off shape a piece. After each anneal­ craft exhibitions during each sum­ waj’S, niarine biologists here re- ALL BEEF ing, a piece must be cleaned in Kullgren also excels in enamel­ mer. stale societies. He Is a member of ' Life and Indemnity Ins. Cos. I port. Tneae are by light-emitting an acid mixture to remove black Bom In Bristol. Conn.. Kullgren the American Craft ^CJouncil. , Aetna Casualty ....130 DON’S PIZZA ing, the application and ftislng of, Aetna Life ...... 130 ! organs, by luminous chemicals, fire scale. This is known as glaze or enamel to metal pi«^es. lived In Middletown. Hartford and Kullgren has taught nian.v oUi- and bj- harboring luminous bac­ "pickling.” Wethersfield before m'nlng to Co­ er crafts. Including printing, wood- I Conn. General ...... 248 After the application of a first Hftd. Steam Boiler 130 and GRINDERS teria. Although copper ia malleable. coat of finely ground enamel, the lumbia 2l years ago. He liked carving and jewelry. But metal . ISO SPRUCE ST. HAMBURG manual training in school and waa work remains his favorite medium | Ins. City Life ...... 30 men^s overcoats graduated from Hartford High for creative expre.ssion. Travelers ...... 155 School. He was also graduated “Tlie satisfaction l.s in complel- j Piihlin tttllltlea T«l. Ml 3 ^ 3 1 from the Hartford Theological Ing a piece that is right, of good rle-1 Conn. Light Power . . 28 Prompt Service to Ali Calls SeminarV'School of Education. sign, and it must he useful, " he | Hlfri. Electric Light 71 When your doctor asks where He served as director of ednea- said in summing up his own cri-1 Hartford Gas Co...... 66 you want your prescription fill­ iC ! tion at Old Round Top Church in terla. Southern New England 6 Days 2-11 ed . . . say .. . HALUIARK Final Closing! men^s zipcoats OPEN Telephone ...... 50 H 54 4 Sat. 12—Sun. 10 PHARMACY. Free delivery. lb .Ml 9-3861 Manufacturing Companlea Closed Wed. liiiH iiliSiiilliHiiiilliiiilliii Arrow, Hart, Heg. 69'2 63 H 8 WEDDING GOWNS $ 1 ______V ^ U ^ L E _C O U P O N Associated Spring . . 14 18 IS Bristol Bra.xs...... 9>i 11 .SWIFT’S PREMIUM KRAFT—SLICED , Sizes 12-14 J FM. RPBCIAI, WITH COUPON Dunham Bush ...... iS 6 men^s topcoats n Em-Hart i ...... 77>, 84>2 2 EG G S Fafnlr ...... 44>, 4 7 ', BUTTERBALL AMERICAN CHEESE MITTS White and Colors 10c Heiiblein ...... 26 29 FREE THIS COUPON GOOD FOR FREE I .ANY STYLE______' ONI.Y w i t h c o u p o n N. B. M achine...... 22 25 >4 I.B. HA.MBUR4i North and Judd . . . . 14 Ifi I SW’EET LIFE 2 Long Hoops 53.95 l! Stanlev W’brks ...... 21 23 24.95 49-95 HARD ROLL, PICKLES. RELISH. Only ItEG. to 100 B0NU$ TRIPLE-S BLUE STAMPS 45 c Stanley Works ...... 21 >1, 23'i I YELLOW CLING PEACHES 2 55c Veeder-Root ...... 58 62 PLUS YOUR REGULAR STAMPS TURKEYS T m m n s m i bAT« 12 BRIDESMAIDS HATS 25c * MEMORIAL STORE 7 . A.M . to 11 rP..5I. ..„ . The above quotations are not to when presented to SWEET LIFE ONE OF A KIND I S-52 -MAIN STREET—Comor of Hayneo I be construed as actual markets. 10 to 46 ex. Con ------rauA5Lr“c?50p^ — — —' Mind ‘Blinks' Costly WX WISH TO t h a n k a l i . OUR 14 Lb. ORANGE JUICE 37c BOLAND FRIENDS FOR THEIR PAST PATRONAGE Chicago — Because noise makes Avg. lb the mind "blink" — just as it SUNSHINE CHEEZ-IT...... oi. Pkg. 19c makes your eyes blink - many AMOCO MOTORS 6'/4 man-hours are lost, production Is 369 CENTER ST. lowered, and there is a greater KEEBLER SALTINES...... 7 or/Pkg. 21c irroneneas to errori All this adds up TERI’S BRIDAL SHOP P.A.C. to an annual cost to Americsn In- Provided a Purchase of S3.00 or Mere 101 CENTER STREET—MI 9-9474 I dustry estimated at four billion 20% OFF I dollars. Is Mode At the Some Time FROZEN PRODUCE I Offer Expires Feb. 33. Limit; 1 Coupon Per Family FAR.M HOl’ SK FANCY, FIRM, RIPE BINGO TAKE 20% OFF THE PRICE TAGS! APPLE PIE TOMATOES EVERY MONDAY-8 P.M. CHIROPRACTIC ADJL'ST- MENTS of the spine give P. A. C. BALLROOM COMPLETE ALTERATIONS ARE INCLUDED! 3 *1 Cello Pkg. 19c Wintertime is Reading Time 26 VILLAGE STREET— ROCKVILLE RELIEF and get to the BIRDS EYK SWEET “CAUFORXIA" CAUSE) of your illnefl.s. ROBERT HALL GUARANTEES SATISFACTION ATTENTION GREEN PEAS CRISPY CARROTS MANCHESTER AREA HOMEOWNERS! With Pearl OniAna Cello NEW EQITIONS OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED! 1, , M> I 10 O i. Pkg. A 7 C Pkgs. 29c 1. I I I ' Feel free to open a charge account with us, 60*doy Just Arrived. -S __ terftis with 10% cosh down. No interest, no carry* IHII Famous nams fabrics • Imported English tweeds ing charges. Bring this copy of this odv. and re­ "M HIGH PLACES" SET A TARGET FOR SAVINGS! a ceive o FREE 9x12 PLASTIC DROP CLOTH. By Arthur Halley • Rich imported velours • Choice saxonies & tweeds DOUBLE S&H GREEN STAMPS EVERY W EDNESDATl Author of the "Final Diagnbaia’' high In au­ Aim at a definite financial No Purrhaao Nacasaary— (Only Ona To A Customar) thentic, almost prophetic, political drama . . . high in explosive excitement . . . objective and keep everlast­ • Every wanted style and color SPECIAL AMPLE PARKING AT FRONT, SIDE OR REAR OF BUILDING "A PROLOGUE TO LOVE" ingly at it. You can’t miss. By Taylor Caldwell Current Annual Dividend SIZES 34 to 46 Author of “Dynaoty of Death" and "Glorious SUPER KEM-TONE $ C .8 9 Physician." OPEN WED. till 8 P.M. - THURS. till 8:30 P.M. - FRI. till 9 P.M. - "MY LIFE IN COUBT” -it 'Ot -Ct REG. 6.59 NOW By Nlzer "THE TRACHTENBERG ^•EED - S .A. V I N G S Wa rent Floor and l i j n d Handars, Paint Spmyars, Wallpapar SYSTE8I OP BASIC MATHEMATICS" St«unar». Floor PoHsIsnars. By Ami Cutler ■* Rudolph MeShane T.OAM “THE COMING FURY” •S 4.4 f X I I O S OPEN DAILY 9 to 6—FRIDAY 9 to 9 By Brule Catton I iiilTi - "THE LAST PLAMTAGENETS” ■ aa^gSTesy^ etatsT ' rinaWeist '’ laeTiTSTteir By Thomas B. Costain / 0 0 7 * A € a iM VERNON PAINT FIR ST FOOD ■ BRANCH OTFICE. ROUTE II, COVENTRY STORE OF MANCHESTER, INC. DEWEY-BICHMAN OPEN TILL S P.M. MON.-TUES..FRIDAY AND WALLPAPER ROUTi 5-SOUTH WINDSOR, CONN. ' - ' 767 MAIN ST. ■ .v " ^ ^ Extra Hours THURSDAY • AM. *e t FM.—WED. CLOSED AT NOON MI 8-2706—TR 8-2262—VERNON CIRCLE PLENTY OF FREE PARKING

\ , ' • .. • ■ / ■•.'■ ' • P PAOB SIXTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HEEALB,^Afie«i!gi'ER. c o m ., rgtm roAT, ■ EEBRPAEY I, i m MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCgESTER, CONN,. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1962 f c - PAGE SEVENTEEN mm mm N SUPER SUPER MARKETS MORE MARKETS ■" ) (O'- f o 'i YOU GET A RAINCHECK* ' ^ pM p a L i , y i t V ] ' In the event because of unfore­ seen conditions, Mott’s runs out of any advertised items, you onn re­ ceive a "R A IN CHECK” entItUng 3TOU to the product on your next regular visit to the store.

SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS. thru SAT. RITE AT MOTT STORE USTED BEIX)W 567 HNDOLE TURNPIKE EAST SPY SHOP-BITE...WHY PAY MORE? (NEAR THE OREEN) MANCHESTER BRANDS OPEN NIGHTS / MONDAY thru SATURDAY TILL 9 / (»MPARE Q U A U n. . . IMMIPARE PRICE... , , Shop-Rite Products ^m o DIRECT FROM FACTORY TO YOU... Eliminating: Handling, F i u l Shipping and Adyortising .Cbsts... Mott’s PassM on the Tremendous Savings to You! BUY RIGHT w ifli SHOP-RITE FROZEN FOODS! SAVE 19c ^ tCFO COMPARE... SEE HOW MUCH YOU SAVE OVER NATIONAL BRANDS ORANGE JUICE 3 s * l EXTRA Applt, Poach OF Cfiwry I SAVESc ^ — SAVE 56c Shop Rite mUIT PIES . 29e) ...... 3 for $1 | 4 White, Yellow Reg. SAVE 22c Y O U lU Y Shop Rite HADDOCI^LLETS (Sovo 14e) .... lb. pk«. 45e 4 WAFIIFX / PACKAGE of 6 J i 1^ lE H E R Devils Pkgs. STAMPS IS 01. J.1 r PERCI^COO FILLED (Sovo lOe) . lb. |A«. 39e ^ 11111 I ia k ll / lA l WITH CAKE MIXES Spice, Fudge 4 PEANUT BUTTER SHOP-RITE 39 G r WJUICE (SovolOc) 3cans49e I SAVE 77c ^ ^ ^ OUP and REDEEM COUPON SAVE 20c Or co-op or more than one hun­ SAVE 44c—LIQUID SAVE 24c. SAVE 17c ASMRAGUS SPM S (Sovo lOe) . . .i. pks|. 39e ■ AlltfhTHHIt UllPA 'S ^ dred Independent merchanta works INSTANT COFFEE 6 Oz. Jar d e t e r g e n t Qt. Can MOTT'S hard to brlnir you theae aenaatlonal 79e 49c FLOU^ 10 Lb. Bag WHITE MEAT TUNA CHOPPED IROCCOLI (Sovo 10c) .. 2 pkgs. 29e I I ^ I J V T I I | # | 1 D l t V F o r ^ J Shop-Rite valuea. SAVE 30c M ^ SAVE 30c—Liquid SAVE 10c—ANGEL CAKE M p» SAVE 6c ------TEA, BAGS 100 in Pkgr. RROCCOLI SPEARS (Sovo 14e) .... 2 pbgt. 45c I ■ “ " l ” ■ I f c W ■ ■ I We fight for quality, we fight for 89c No Soil Detergent Qt. Bot. 39c MIX White Pkg. 4 d C APPLESAUCE _ 1 0 0 EXTRA \ the loweat price, we fight waate and 2 ‘s '^ ’ 3 3 c SAVE 9c SAVE 31c IRUSSELS SPROUTS (Sovo 17e) .... 2 pkgs. 49e I S A V E 23c-ClUNKLE C U T O R ^ m inefficiency, we do everything we can SAVE 10c—White SAVE 8c—Bartlett think of to bring the Shop-Rite brand Toilet Tissue Facial 4 Rolls 45c DETERGENT Giant Pkg. ANGEL CAKE MIX ■ S&H STAM Pii to you aa your beat buy. 53c . .Pkg. 45c PEARS No. 2 M Can J / C CAULIFLOWER (Sovo 13e) ...... 2pkgs.45el riir^llA II m ir A MM P- SAVE 8c SAVE 21c 4% 13 Oz. SAVE 28c—All Purpose SAVE 4c—SUced R| with punhiM «l *8 tr Mort I ’m Bure thla makea senae to you. It LIQUID STARCH Coupon good Feb, 1 thru Feb. 8, 1862. makea sense to me, top. Half Gal. 35c Fudge Frosting J t Pkgs. SALAD OIL Qt. Bot. O / C C U T C O R N 49c PINEAPPLE No. 2 Can forNCH FRIES M M Mott’s Wilson, Albany Ave., Manchenter 1 SAVE 30c FRENCH PRIESJorgo pkg. (Sovo 14c) . 3 pkgu.79e ■ p ■ a m a M a W ■ and Bristol Stores only. Umit one con- I believe that If I continually prove SAVE 10c—CHOCOLATE SAVE 18c—GUM or to you that Mott Stores are more SPRAY STARCH SAVE 4c—Yellow Cling pon to a family. Adults only. State 4 B P 16 Oz. Can 39c MORSELS 12 Oz. Pkg. 39c SPICE DROPS 16 Oz. Pkg. CRINKUCUTS largo pkg. (Save 14c). 3 pkgs. 79e laMvs Cigarettes, Beer and Fair Traded successful than anyone else In helping 21c PEACHES No. 2 14 Can a VC I SAVE 34c Items excluded from offer, ilili! you with your food problems—you will respond by becoming a Mott cus­ I tomer. • a e w M S A s is«.4«)....: W Augrry nrayc US m ,., nM«MiCAaROTs ($«.4e) 2pk,i.3S< ■ / | . l f M KPIIMV ^JPkf*. M T W Thls Is good foc you . . . And Ifs i<;i SAVE 24c « I , £ T jli.lij good for Mott’s, too. SAVE t9c L J Shop Rite w LDy Shop Rite LEAPSPINACH (Sovo 12e) ...... 2pk^29c ■ / ^ ^ V M VEC or CHOPPED SPINACH (Sovo 12c) ... 2 pk^ 29c SAVE I f EXTRA S&H STAMP VALUES . SHORTENING can O # BAKED BEANS PORK CUT WAX DEANS (Sovo S cr ...... 2pkgs.45c| | | 1 1 | | f i r J I M I f h B a b y OP KJC * MU j NO COUPONS NEEOjBD—NO LIMIT I** MtXEDVMETAMiS IS «. lO e^ ., ( * »*• I LIMA PCANS ^ \JX f SAVE 41c SAVE 5c SAVE 20c - MAXWELL HOUSE A E E Y * T P A WUli Purehaae O f No. 8 Can Del Mont* PRUNE JUICE CLEANSER 21 Oz. Can SHOf-RITE GRANULATED ’ AO BJV I 1%^ Fteeappl».Ot«|wrnilt Drink At Reg. Frin VANILLA EXTRACT ^£l:S9c 3 *1 17c SAVE 7c - # 1 Lb. SAVE 30c SAVE 4c 14 Oz. Spaghetti, Macaroni A Pkgs. FLOOR WAX Quart Can TOMATO CATSUP Bot. 21c 43c 59c COFFEE SUGAR ^ 50 EXTRA STAMPS SAVE 40c SAVE 12c SAVE 4c 15 Oz. With Purchase of BIAIEBERBV FIE At Regular L«w Price OVEN CLEANER 16 Oz. Can 4 T C SALAD DRESSING Qt. Jar 53c SPAGHETTI SAUCE C'an J.OC DOUBLE S & H STAMPS EVERY WEDNESDAY BAKED FRESH IN OTTR STORE SAVE 6c SAVE 11c Tall SAVE 15c—Whole 16 Oz. M 4% fb. bag WAX BEANS 2 Cans 4 5 c U GRAPE JUICE 24 Oz. Bot. 33c EVAP. MILK 6 Can.s 89c G 5 * SAVE 4c SAVE 26c—Non Fat 14 Qt. you can ov/n beautiful Steubenville TOMATO JUICE 46 Oz. Can 29c DRY MILK Pkg. O 7 C EAT SETTEE...SAVE MORE WITH MOTTS TENDER-TRIM Done-In SHOP-MTE DAIRY FOODS Oinnerware at tremendous savings! / c SAVESc MOTT'S EXCLUSIVE NEW GERI-ANN THRIFTEE TOKEN ROAST $ oM CHUCK 4 5 Foek ib. DINNERWARE “MIRACLE MIX” 6 9 MOTTS TENDER-TRIM SAVE 31c SAVE 69c A ^ A PLAN Men’s T-Shirts lOO^r Cotton ea. O V C ' TOOTHPASTE Zm Tubes O Y C QOTTAUE CHEESE (SAVE 3e) ib. pkg. 29a Complete S<>rvice'F o r 8 In Choice Of BONELESS CHUCK ROAST Ib. 6 9 ' SAVE 31c SAVE 16c—White*.,^ fj Lb. Six ClorgMUfl Patterns . . . Men’s Briefs 100% Cotton -ea. O ^ C Petroleum Jelly Jar 4 9 «# C OOHAUE CHEESE (SAVE 10a) 2ib.pkg.49a So Euy To Own . . . SAVE 20c C A SAVE 22c i| C See Displays In Mott Stores Your Guorontto SERVICE OaiCATESSEN Boys* T-Shirts Taped Neck ea. ASPIRIN 250 Tablets in Bot. 4 v C AMERICAN CHEESE . (SAVE 7e) ib.«Sa Get Complete Details Of Top Quality! SAVE 20c ' . m Q BREAD StaH Saving SAVE 22c— Antiseptic SWISS Gbaata Oamaatic (SAVE 10a) ib;73a FRIED HADDOCK. Goldfn Brown ...... Ib . 59e Boys’ Briefs Contoured ea. 4 V C , MOUTH WASH Pt. Bot. *>. “Thriftee Tokens” Today RIB STEAK TF.NDER-TRIM u>, 99a MUCKE'S FRANKFURTS, Regular ...... Ib . 79e SAVE 31c SAVE 34c $1 ®9A SWISS Cbaaaa Fhilaai (SAVE 10a) 12 §L pkg. 73a Nylon .Socks Men’s Stretch pr. O V C ' SANITARY NAPKIN.S 48s 1 Laat 4 7 « U RIB ROAST TENDER-TRIM Riba Lb. IV O Why Pay More for Sea Food? SAVE 41c Q Q Ntw A m ^o procMt *‘Mir- INTRODUCTORY MuautlarGHEESESliaaO (SAVElOa) ib. pkg. 03a SAVE 9c—Horsemeat A i l A SWORDFISH, Steak of Hi# Sea ...... Ib. 59e Ladies’ Panties No Ron , ea.. O O C DOG FOOD Z C a n s 4 V C CHUCK STEAK TENDER,TRIM Lb. SAVE 32c M • ^ M. aeli Mix” gim you a m - CHEESE SPREAD (SAVE 14a) ib. pkg. 43a SAVE 10c g Lb. C A SPECIAL! FREE! Why Pay More for Dairy Food? Baby Pants Washable 4 pr. Q O C GRAVY DOG FOOD □ Pkg. 3 V C p a rio r b r a a i w ith NO CHEESE fPREAD (SAVElOa) 2ib.pkg.79a ' ' . ' < ' I ' < i CALIF. ROAST TENDER-TRIM Lb. 69a RAVE 15c O J I SAV’ E 18c— Low Calorie 8 Oz. A V OLD FASHIONED Stretch Socks Girls' Morpul pr. j 0 4 C FRENCH DRE.SSING Bot. Z I C HOLES aai a Atiiaiaat (SAVE la) P/i0Lpkg.17a CASSEROLE FRESH GROUND BEEF Lb I9a lb SAVE 12c ' SAVE 10c—Italian Style 35 Oz. A A a ^ TUB BUTTER 6 9 Stretch Socks Girls’ Poodle pr. 3 / C TOMATOES Can Z V C pouaA aaha taxturi. Full Pound Loaf (SAVE Oa) 3aLpkg.35a and WARMER WAYBEST CHICKEN LEGS Lb 69a SAVE 10c—Color Fast ^ S.WE lie—.Stewed A 16 Oz. A A WASH CLOTHS jL for a VC TOMATOES Z Cans O V C (SAVElOa) laLpkg.S7a The Milk That Made.Conn. Hhtory! WAYBEST CHICKEN BREASTS i> 79a CONNECTICUT ^PROVED HOMOGENIZED PIZZA TWIN PACK (SAVE, SAVE) •aahfOa V IT A M IN D Why Pay More For Produce? fRESH PORK SHOULDERS Lb 49a SAVE 30c A CARTON APPLESAUCE 35 ei. Glou Jar GAL APRICOTS Ha. 2 R ,IC E S ^ G PtE Ensr STA .jyLFS ■ £ - .. . ' ’ ' - ' PAOl XI6B1SEN MANCHESTEll ^ N IN O HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1962 I , , ^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD,'MAN^STER, CONN,>HURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1962 PAGE NINETEEN ■porU la whleb be stlU paitld- Negro Commands ‘Mac’ with Herald pates. BUI without golf clubs tai his hands at least a couple of after­ From Your Neigh bor ’s K itch en Destroyer Escort! 62 Years Today noon* a weak during the summer 4roold be as unfamiliar a sight as tfie a feet eff ew an mw .Mm . Honolulu, V^Sb. 1 VPhrlA. Cmdr. bis brothsr doing his chores In ths mr Down sauMifo Many o f tha lines of type .fat Ths. lag. Over IM (Mlefa. Bs|p t S a Samuel L. Gravely Jr. of Rich-1 press room without ths pipe feet aew 88e feet . U n . X «inu D. Ooltea 748 <1V>I- S a ra ^ today, and many of the stashed In ths-'comer of hls mouth- mond, Va., is the first Negro in' wiU brint eeahplee J t b . laad 1\))M., aUrtod «oekin( at Um faqada that accompany these Happy anniversary, M ad borne for eeleetlea. Mb obHsa- United States naval history to | eC fifteen when Hib planned, •toriea, have been eet by hands tiea. Pick up aad deBrer]^ commend a warship. Authority for that bava helped turn out Herald prepared and aer>ed all the maaU that etatemfnt la the 14th Naval edlUofu sbiea Keb. 1, 1800. for her two brother*, two alsten OPEN WED. THURS. Dlstriet'Publlc Information OAce. They belong to WUUam MeOoni- Warren’s Son and father. Hearty aowpa and Gravely, 80, took oonuqand of gal of 1 Oak P l„ who* was it 20 atewe were the malnetay o f her % ,'S. the deetinyer escort Palgout at years old wtasn ho started set­ Drops e% TOMATOES LIkb. Swedleh meat hall*...... VINK BtPKHEp—fm i. o r FLAVOR MEATY CHICKEN CREASTS Lb. 69c FANCY WHITE MHX-FED FREE MAINE U. 8. NO. 1 Cornish CHICKEN LECS (Quarters) Lb. 59c lONELBSS VEAL ROAST...... lb. 75c WHOLE OR CUT-UP, MEDIUM SJZE ABOUT 4 UHL FOR STUFFING,-RREAST OF V IA L ... lb. 39c POTATOES ______VALUABLE COUPON J ( DRAWN WXaGBT—LK S 9 0 MEATY SHOULDER VEAL CH O PS . . . . lb. A9c . WASHED and SIZ ^ Lamb Combinations 33 JIHiif in Hiii Coupon Good for MAXWELL W R m BOSB Imported HafMa HOUSE LANWOTWUEES 8TBIOTLY TUNA PUBEPOBK COUNTY FBESH KOSHER TINT LUNCHEON LABGE OBADK A IN FREE ST STAMPS COFFEE Fancy, aoUd pack b u t t e r DILL ^ oice Loin Lamb Chops 99ib WMi Any PnKbaee of $5 er Mere AH Grind* in oil 88c can MEAT EGGS GHERKINS 1 0 "• ^ 8 3 5 ® A f Yenr Friendiy Pepaler 25 EXTRA STAMPS WITH NEPOO SUGED MEATS Valid thru Saturday, Feb. 8rd- U k 65c 3 c - H . O O M08.€ka 4 5 c Lb. 7 4 c . - 5 9 e 69c A O inA * ONLY—ONK TO FAMILY 3 10 lb. bagj ^J J 4-0*. PKG. aOIOGNA. VIAL LOAF, OUVI LOAF. No Stamp* with dgarattea er been—State taar CHICKIN LOAF, FICKU ood FIMIINTO. MINCID BOLOGNA ' ■ ‘ I «» r n j . * 11 * 111»»i j«• 1

J. i

I \ , / / i ->1-1 - IT , .i-'- 'CH . ■ J /• PAOa TWXMIT; aiAKCHESTSB EVENlNCl HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONM^ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY , •- .• • V-- ''v-' 1 1962 7- ■ ) MANCHESTER E V E I^O HERALD. MANCHESTER. OONN„ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1962 FACE't w e n t y -o n e ’ the Board o f Tax Revisw. Thsmen and Mrs. Osorgu O a u d n ^ t In Show Bu$ihes8t Tradition Report Csrdg Issae4 Columbia School Aid More B ow eh N a m es on this board , Kenneth L. Foot, Lakavlsw Park. A fsul^ ■■ I Leonard C. German and Maurice a wadilng madilns cuissd the •V Repk‘t cards kava bean Issuad Alexander, udll be in session trouble but there wee little dam- Than ^stunated to pupils at Bannst and lUing 'Ihureday, Friday and Saturday 2 0 M em b ers Junior High Bchola Rec Unit Buys ■g^ from 9 a.m. untU 4 p.m. in Yeo­ Mancheeter received ISOTjlisi in^ ^allendas Resume Bennet. pupils received them mans Hall for this purpose. A Mack, brown and wUte, rolBa gaitaral aUte aid to edaeaUon dun. O f Alsop Club today and Illing pupils took Tumbling Gear Back to' Work MiefSierd tjq>e puppy, about three m thsm hoHM yesterday. Anna DesJardins, who op­ months, old, has been hanging ing the 1960-61 fiscal year,- ac. Ttp VS Shaia ■s. John Bowen, ehainnan o t the The report cards ^ve grades erates Ann’s Columbia Drive-In on around the school for two daya. eoMlng to figures Issued yeater. s iln lM '- Feats on High Wire for the second quarter. The Rec council has voted to buy Rt 6 and has beeb out of worit The ehildrtn loved the pup and day by the (JonneCtlcut Pubiu Not I I oz. pM s.. but FULL POUND PKUS! Manchester Citlsens for John At rebound tumbling equipment to since Jan. 24 when she was injured even named -it Penny. His owner Bmendlture CouneQ.. ° sop Club, today announced the provide another activity for the in a skidding accident, has recov­ could not be located and ainee • In its last budget, .the board of (OMltaaed from Pace One) town conunlttee chairman John F. Chiarlea Faughmufi^ o f Brooklyn, names of 90 key members of the third, fourth and fifth graders. ered sufficiently to be back on the dog visitor in classrooma isn’t cen- education had eatimated the firura Bhsa Jr., who is Edwin May’s Job. d m v e to eoncentration on achool at 1798,570. club, seven of them members of campaign manager.' It will be a 6 by 13 foot firame, atioBgly their act niuat go on that M n. Faughnan said Richard left Jerry Shine, a paUent at Wind­ work, adults resorted to the best Other area towns and the A t Dobrtteh. producer of Detrolt’a high school in his second year to the Republican Town Committee. Bowen said of the denials is- standard size, and will lit bn the ham Community Memorial Hospi­ solution. amounts of their grants were Ver. annual Shrine Clrcue, didn't re> Join the Great Wallendas In He alao took a vurbal potshot at sued by Mra. Crandall. Mrs. Tay­ stage in Teomans Hall. A safety tal alnoe Christmas Day, has re­ Penny is Wlth.th* dog warden, non, 1870,991; teuth W ln d w laoa the “ Great Wallendae” aa SpringReld, Mass., w here the three- members o f the town com. lor and Representative Riker, belt will be provided with. IL The turned to Us home on Rt 6. He Walter Kokosaka, who hopes the 8172A42; Coventry, 1143,161, El’ e had {danned with Mendez. found it most amusing that per­ llnalon, 8118,981. Fancy, Orachi ''A " Froian g Faugihnans were then living. mlttee who have reportedly bew one which is to be purduised has will not be able to return to Us o-wniar will show up — or that Tnitaad, Mendez Joined what was “If he had It to do all over sons who were soliciting support a used frame but will have a new wenk' aa a superintendent for Fratt someone Mae will want him. Also, Bolton, 877,876; TOlland Sllcad lanlai from Call* left of the Wallendas, who had again,” ,Mrs. Faughnan said, endorsed by the executive com­ for May ampng town conunlttee bed. and Whitney for some weeks more, 870,818; Hebron, 860,665; and AnI SAVE 16c bean prohibited by Dorbitch from know he would atUl' be in the act. mittee as delegates, and who de­ members and have bean recom­ Wilbur Fletchfr, Mrs. William it was said. Maaehester EveMag Herald Oo- dovsr, 855,839. fom la! Regular price 35c going through with a matinee per­ He loved It'.’ clared earlier this week that they mended by the executive commit­ Jacobus and Roland Laramie were OOP to Hear Wallace hanMa eerrs^wedeBt Mis. DesMld on 3 pkgs. formance on the wire, but had Schepp'a 17-yaar-old sister,. are not committed to support tee, to be delegates have indi­ named as a committee to make a Republicans are invited to attend ~ Tnttte, telephone AOademy Congress eaiabllahed thlrd-clasa a package. And. remem­ taken part In a parade and had Christina (Jans), was atop the either Edwin May Jr. or John Al­ cated they have not committed choice of a mesh or a web bed. and a buffet supper at Flanok in Bol­ 8-8485. maU in 1928. ber, at Stop flt Shop you aariatad In the so-called a eria l Wallendas’ “human pyrmid,” sop for the gubernatorial nomina­ themselves to any candidate. to make the purdiase, not to spend ton Monday night to meet An­ Rogularly ballet done on perpendicular ropes. about 51 feet from the emiseum’s tion. “I am sure that a knowledgeable more than |300. thony Wallace of Simsbury, speak­ get Top Value Stampi, too! er of the House of Representatives. When return of the Wallendaa concrete floor, when her brother The club members who are also politician like Mr. Shea, who has Hie meeting, held in Yeomans 35e pkg Wallace, a -possible GOP guberna­ Brook Park Brand. to the high wire was announced, made the fatal step that tore the OOP town committee members. In so much at stake since he is May’S Hall last night, also voted to buy The ilore that {ives yoa more! Looli to ' pyramid apart. state campaign chairman, would a new first aid kit for the hall. torial candidate, will speak on theta were cheers, but nothing Uke addition to Bowen, are Mrs. Mil­ state finances. the rafter-rattling ones that fol­ Karl Wallenda, 56-year-old head dred Bchaller, Mrs. Hazel Finlay, never run the risk of permitting Leaders met in groups to set up of the troupe and Gunther mana­ delegates to be selected from his their budgets for next year. These The meeting, arranged by Law­ A Sincere - ^ lowed the act, which H erm an William Davis, Mrs. Martha Stev­ rence Flano, is intended for a get- Stop 4 Shop for LEADERSHIP IN SAVING! ged to hang onto the wire and enson, Everett Strange and Ray­ town that might embarrass him will be given to Kiiby Tappan, capped by balancing himself on finance committee chairman who together of all Interested Tolland his head on a steel bar which caught Jana as she fell. They held mond Robinson. by voting for a candidate other her by the hands until perform­ than May.’’ will draft the council budget for County Republicans. Supper will T H A N K YOU! Gunther and Mendez carried be­ Other key members of the club, action at the March town meeting. be served at 6:45, following a tween them across the wire. ers below stretched a blanket into Bowen said, are Mra. Eleanor Bowen aald he* did not know S t Oolnmba Ohurch News p.unch bowl hour. 'Tickets may be Although we’re not aativee of Manehe«4er. yonr respease to aa Circus performers had left what­ a makeshift net Jana hit the Magnano, Mrs. Anne Waddell, Mr. wheth-er he would challenge the obtained from La"Vergne H. Wil­ has been most gratifylag aad heart wanning. Ton may rest blanket, but boimced from It and The Rev. Father John K. Honan ever they were doing elsewhere and Mrs. Victor Johnson, Felix selection of delegates at the Feb­ liams, locally. assured, that well always do our ntmeet to serve yoa! suffered a brain concussion when has announced that tomorrow the and Jammed around the perimeter Gremmo, Mrs. Natalie Carroll, ruary town committee meeting, at Quiz Bowl Tie No. 563 she hit the floor. first Friday schisdule Includes No. 563 No. 563 of the arena to watch. They Joined Mra. Eleanor Wilson, Mrs. Robert which the committee as a whole Holy Communion at 7 and S'va.m.. Grade 8 students at the school, CUP THIS COUPON CUP THIS COUPON In the Jubilant cheering. Mario Wallenda, Karl's 22-year- Carruthers, Mr. and Mrs. Robert will be asked to endorse th-em. Mass at 5:30 p.m. and Nocturnal with Richard Curland as quiz mas­ CUP THIS COUPON old adopted son, plunged to the S. Coll, Mrp. Vivian Murray, Mrs. 1 DAY SERVICE S I ' m 0 9 m TOP VMUia VAUir TOP VALUl TOR VALUl Today thf Wallendas were to de­ He said he would challeiige Adoration hours for the men begin­ ter, used the TV program College floor, his fan unbroken. His skull Louise OiaSe, Russell Stevenson somewhere during the selection ning at 7:30 p.m. Quiz Bowl as a basis for their Us- cide on funeral plana for their was fractured and doctors de­ Jr. and Ralph Maher. On Mock and Whlta; dead: lUchard Faughnan, 29-year- process, but did not know whether On Saturday Feast of St. Blase, tory class Tuesday. Mrs. Ethel Extra Stamps Extra Stamps scribed his condition as "very Extra Stamps old hurtiand o f the former Jenny Bowen took issue with state­ he would do it at the town com­ blessing of throats will be ^ven at Brehcmt, Grade 8 teacher reports «fe« yN peiehMi a aftw IN HribsM ■ (tamtl arssO * wbM yN asrihsu s assfetgt el Steg 8 IhN Wallanda, and Dieter Schepp, a 23- critlqd." ments made earlier this week by mittee meeting later this month or 8:30 and 11:30 a.m.; 3:30 and 7:00 the game ended in a tie each team Color or Slidoa 5 Days yearold nephew whom Karl Wall- Kiu-1 managed to make his way three of the four persons endorsed at the party caucus March 1. p.m. , scoring 295; across the wire to a platform, as 10 lb BAG of POTATOES enda managed 10 months ago to by the executive committee of the The Holy Name Society will On Team 1 was Andrea Stand- rescue from Communist East Ger­ did Gunther and Herman. But Karl town committee aa delegates. nard. Dolores Burnham, Peter 10% Off On AU Printing and Redeemable by adult only Gsed thru Feb. 3, 1962 later was hospitalized with a pos­ , meet Monday at 8 p.m. Joseph 5 lb BAG OF SUGARTENDERETTE BEEFSTEAKS many. Mrs. Trum an Crandall, vice Europe SuUchea Over Tamborinl and Fred Lowman. M Kurdnlk will report oh plans- for Developing Now thru February lOthJ M sible broken pelvis and internal The Faugtoans had two chll- chairman of the odmmitttee; Mrs. Christopher Albair, Gary Stein- Redeemable by eduh only GoodRedwmobte thru Feb. I, by 1962odult only Good thru Feb. 3, 1962 injtiries. New York—In an aige of "ex­ a public corned beef supper to be ,, dreiK a son, lin o. 11, and daughter, Harlan Taylor, head of the Repub­ served by the men

— — _ t Invitations to many townethat legal complications might be boards, Manchester industry pres­ encountered. idents and State Development Taylor suggested the informal approach to other towns may be Commission officials will be sent undertaken - shortly, and that he out next week to attend a Feb. 14 would have to see whether an ordi­ T0P»%.I0UND FACE RUMP meeting in Mancheeter to help nance was required before pushing the matter beyond the informal ChoicMt of the Choice, top detehnlne how some of the needs stage. Tisndarett cut of thv round. of local industry may best be met. U. S. Govt. Choice, heavy quality, juicy and tender, Rybciyk Assigned letter tasting meat at a The object of the talks, sponsor­ In respect to providing help for etoer beefi Topi in flavorl ed by the town development com­ the commission, it was reported Ik price that’s hard to beatl mission (in addition to determin­ that Town Manager Richard Mar­ ing what assistance may be ren­ tin had assigned Eldward Rybczyk, dered to industry) will be to ex­ town planning engineer, to func­ amine such typical problem areas tion as the commission's assistant. as taxes, utilities, expansion plans Taylor feels the move will re­ and highway facilities. quire clarification from Martin, to N. Y. BRISKET CORNED BEEFb 59! A probable outcome of the meet­ ascertain whether Rybczyk's as­ ing, to start at 8 p.m. at a still c h e e s e signment is expected to be tem­ SWISS undecided location, will be to sug­ porary or permanent. gest improvements for helping to hi iliRt ilieU ihiRki RiCfilarly Tie Large Fresh Haddock Fillets 49* draw other Industries to Man­ The commission had asked the chester. board of directors for a salaried Sava 20c< Slica It to suit Among possible meeting places help, “ to be within the frame­ is the'Municipal Building, the high work of the municipal government your aaoda and taotMl school, or Bentley School on Hol­ in order that his activities could lister St. be properly coordinated and super­ A second meeting, expected to vised." in January. Their request Sav6 Il6 • Ibi. M MBpand ft MllMtl brwMto ITAUAN TOMATOES cover mu(A the same ground, may had indicated that a full work be held later if it is found that week was needed to conduct com­ Start your tot of 4 mixing b^ttUt iiow t •f tlailtr fiulHyl Nvtr I t m 4, gMiton tr Mlldi. SAVE 16* sn 4 CANS! some Industry representatives can­ mission' and other related busi­ Na. t not att^d the Feb. 14 gathering. ness. . RtgHlarly 29e tan... and Other invitations next week will The request for an assistant on eani go to the Manchester and State a full-time basis Is still considered STAINLESS STEEL yai'll git Tap Vaiut Stampi! Chamber of Commerce’s, the Hart­ a valid one, commission members ford BHectrlc U ght Co., th? Con­ feel. They also feel commission necticut Credit Corporation, the business probably cannot be han­ M an^ester branch of the State dled satisfactorily by. someone de­ Employment Office, PhUlp Bur­ voting a portion of his time to MIXING BOWL gess, Eagdith UtUlUes District di­ commission matters while.>he de­ , Redeem your Saver Books rector, the Hartford Gas Co., the votes another portion of his -time Brighten your home with there lovely plants! ^ u t h ^ New England Telephone to other matters. ^ 2-QT. SIZE $1 Haven Railroad, and Postmaster Alden Bailey. Clarification of Martin's pro­ at the Top Value Redemption Center lt*l It. 8 wagafelt posal will be necessary before tae PHILGDEIWRONS Previously, the ' ‘own develop- commission can submit its budget CITY SHOPPING CENTER GRAPEFRUIT mem commission surveyed Man- requests for the next fiscal year. at IMt It*, Itv' pititt chestor industries to see whether Mentioned aa one possibility for located at healthy talks would be the salaried assistance, by com­ Big waluti 8mar^ all-purpatt bowja Ught-vreight; mirror- INDIAN RIVER flfty repUes were mission member John Deme, was flaW ^ T r in e, han^»g ringa Out tod tw o^ aiztt plants i n each 3" Bnoula D6 held. a candidate for the post as execu- avadabla oowl Uve vice president ,for the Cham­ (More than 2200 gifts to choose from.) SEEDLESS p o t! Us­ Approach Considered ber of Commerce. On other matters affecting it. Rnk ar WkHa ually sell, Other commission plans include "for 35c to the town development cdhtmlsslon the purchase of a plaque, to be 639 ^ c^urt informal talks on a 39c. possible regional approach to de- presented to former commission chairman Robert Tomassi in ap­ 2 1th other area towns, preciation for service while on the clarlficaUon of its FRESH GREEN BEANS 25‘ salaried personnel be board, and to implement a promo­ hired to bels conduct development tion program to help nil areas in vacant building space for new in­ dustry . T ^ infbnnal talks with develop- best gifts in life are freefor With the no drip lip! ynunlaelMi representatives Assigned to a subcommittee M - T - F i n e ‘ handling the promotion program Exclusively yours from Top Value: FresK A d % D y n a m o Modess Weston ow n other area towns were decld- are Deme, Nicholas Pencheff and * * 5 ! * U “ “* received Pudding* The Advance Detergent Prevents dirt backwash Sanitary Napkins George Inn Assorted Clorox frjm the ^ t e Development Com- RenatANicola. Cookies nrtw lff urging caution before at- Removes stains, more conveniently located ORANGE JUICE 4 ^ 4 l c ^ JS3.66C 'S ' iA ’a.42c.!J;S,75c 14 ox •3Q_ w^pttngto ert m a formal re- High Gife Planned 2JT289C pockoge J 7 L- dldnfecta g ic M body to handle development bleaches Munich, G;ermany — Bhirope’s lbpValu FUrldfi Dvl.au Can 0 0 1-lh icv The poMdbiU^ of setting up a man-made structure, a 9 ^ In M l A g Gm 4 l i d MwfiriM ^ » • Knfl A - avr.'vitov *k t ™ formal ragional b o ^ bad been sug­ 1,066-foot television tower, is to Redemption Stores to make gsi;22c lOc o ff Florient lauoW Mirt,Mlw , ^ Gerber's gested at a commlaslon meeting la Munteli by next i C m SSe. I* SfW M Tm 0* Dole fiMorh Slket 3P saiUer this month. Hatlea T a ^ , Baby Food A six-story crow's nsst will Spice Deodorant IW O n m Md " N j 31* Ode flm ufk kMt ■ ^ “ * . 3 9 0 M owmnlmlmi ebatamaa, aald that ohiol vAtton platfonm md i i t i f s a i i t a i s t r swMFg the Btata’a eomments on <'shopping" easy, fast. fun. 2 5 ‘ ea pudi L Q ^ Strained Food 9 lors 95e wiu a nsuwnwit at 6M HK Copt A M . IrnjfMi Mrffhi *J1* 3T eollon Oka proposal w ^ sne mggesthig i s w hiilM cm OTC --- e- - * 65c SMT n ,lwnr*ihl tftflla I i f f If* Junior Food^ 9 2 c ■It' /■ '? 3 e 3 i

/ - // 7 . . • ■’’ ^ , L ' f . •-. 7 ■' • ' 7, • ,• -.7 : \: f P A G E T 9f E s m - m o MANCHESTEB EVENING IffiBALD, MANCHESTER. qONN., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1 , 1962 ' ' . ■ .-’A . ^ ■ - ■ ■ ■ ■ 7 ' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD,' MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1982' PAGE TWENTY-THREE” BUGG8 BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with -- MAJOR HOOPLB DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE den, 19, and his brother A i^ u r , of American States in Punta del ti 18, of (60 Union 8t.) Norwich: 7 Bate, Uruguay. ""/or f/ow ers ■“ StateNeivs Robert Perklpi, 24, of (42 River Probes Set Southeast Asia—Voiced "earnest S t ) Baltic: and Richard HUl, 21. . For Ad’OeoMloas, ItYi I/MEDTTERRANEAN I hope" for an end to renewed fight­ Birds of o Feather and his brother Vernon HlU Jr., ing In Laos, otherwise extended ne­ Roundup 22, of (RED 6) Preston. gotiations to establish a neutral Goba^s Flowers The HlUe were identified On Nation’s and independent government "could iDaO PAUL BUBITTNBB w^.vurmtrfB|8SociErY^Moi»/YfcH Sk STSSE/ISSS? eons Of Vernon Hill, a constable in * 4 go up in smoke and fire." He said lOtBtlaiiaa tnum, Paga Oka)^ Presttm. (Formerly with Penttond’s) lOLoMrUalw the United States has.increased its 1122 BURNSIDE AVE. llNlihU M oM aid to South Viet Nam to sustaih watka or aaven monUu, wa're atUl EAST HARTFORD Stockpiles that country against “subterrane­ eoncaraed about thia operation.” Acciued of'Fraud JA 8-5009 or M l 8-5418 U U M m d to It bunt an war” waged with Communist nSarapMa ' He chaUenged S lavltfa conten­ Hartford, Feb. 1 (AbXr A Wom­ ... Deliveries Dolly to Moooi^tei MOmnlpiit 1 -V. T J (Continiied from Page One) backing. yiOtMMag IfBdMt tion tliat the owners are doing ev­ an who allegedly railke^tunu of Urban Affairs — Disputed Re­ SSlUk«atrip erything poeelble,. under the cor- money out of persons ho^ig- to ■* V, A- »- n 4 23SHOOOdi I^Ollia tlonable burden on public funds publican charges that he played leSSStoihMt eumetancea, to keep the place have their tongs published has at witkieid politics in announcing he would MHtatokca clean. been arrested on charges o f mait- > and In addition a potential source ironu ei rltleo RSAtteriik AOWbOeal 43GraeKfod fraud. V'tf?- • of excessive and unconscionable name a Negro, Housing Adminis­ UWtoctbfad / Bfoaona SOIadodmg JR**.. .-. ■: u trator Robert C. Weaver, to head a eoitofiiwr’s attam* Mrs. M m 7 Louies Kitten Bcruggi ''' i' profits." ^ y s s s r . 37D«Mnw y 41&ort jMketf particular Space Heaterg Banned 'tr J ~ proposed cabinet-level Department dbactioA 42Zmiiitricf (abj areracc (ab.) of the PlanteviUe ascUon of South­ li Kennedy said he did not mean Notice AMA UOP etMtMaa atremiidiM Bridgeport, Feb. 1 (Ab—Portable of Urban Affairs. BY V. T. HAMLIN tppell ■■ 43 At thii pUCe 61 BumwM aprito ington has been Uvihg in Connec­ to Imply the discovery of any Republicans—With Republicans S ^ S S S * M Pieew f 44Pn7tTeadinc SSNantiT* word kerOeene-buming heatera became ticut about 10 months, according • » SBSBniMI sirraaii S4lBdoiMaUn at Illegal today in Bridgeport under wrong-doing at thia stage. But he meeting across the cou&try, Ken­ aSDMm Mlndaiiao to the U.B. M irshal’a office and nedy observed wryly: " I am sure WE HAVE DAILY S3HK asceitoatolirie 471 law' the Common Council paased the (jffloe of the postal intpector. said the cloak of secrecy that was laaV, Dec. 18. originally applied to conceal short­ that I don't know_who is giving the « 4Raack 6 i T 8 r to IT i i She was arrested TuSIday on the \ I ages from an enemy has now be­ leadership direction but I am sure DELIVERY TO THE Fire Chief' SylvesUr E. Jennings baeie of an Indictment handed down t r u said that 200 auch heatera are come "an invitation to mismanage­ that they will havjB a varied pro­ by a Nashville, Tenn. grand Jury ment.” gram." known to have been In use. that listed counts o f mku fraud. rs“ ti 16 Kennedy had this to say- on oth­ Trade—W riting commodity quo­ He reported that fire department According to (he Indictment, BOLTON teams began today to visit the 200 er subjects: tas into trade legislation presents t r H i t It Mrs. Scruggi solicited the b u s s e s Soviet relations— there has been obvious difficulties "because one ■ m ** ^addresses to make sure that thw Of amateur and professional song­ 4mrtimattwi devices are no longer teing used evidence of a joint desire to agree begets another and we can find our- 48beoaateiad !T to writers and->then tried to get money on Laos but as yet no significant sehts with a whole series of limi­ and to take action If necessary. from them by saying a&6 needed AREA 46EaehariaUe i progress on Berlin. Without a tations and exclusions.” artotaatael w 28 Z7 fo IT The new law was passed after to meke tocords of their Songs to breakthrough, there would be no - (Jlvll Rights — His administra­ «SuSTPLJT-f 4tZodiaeal flfOi z five children died I>|ov. 28 In a fire make it easier to sell them. Such ^2 ^TiN © troN » s r point to his visiting Moscow. He tion Is doing what he said It 'would 53WlMdODker caused by such a heater In a Ben- records were hot made, the Indict­ — •o .rtw .u iA , SSSuiikal MW 1 said Am bassador Llewelljm do In the field of civil rights, advo­ LENOX IT ham Ave. tenement, said Jennings. ment said. \ sewwtdm The latv defines a portable space Thompson would continue probing cating In legislation the end of 1 Postal Inepector^B. D. Qlastcock for a break In the impasse. heater as "a space heater which, said that as tar a a ^ e knows Mrs. literacy tests ss a qualification for PHARMACY %•! S J S S fW ^ w Latin America—Expressed sat­ CARNIVAL ■ 1 ■ * when InetaUed in a buUdlng, is not Scruggs stopped thlk sort of ac­ voting and commenting on other BY DICK 1VHNER DOWN isfaction at the "vigorous declara 299 E. CENTER ST. a firmly affixed in place by a rigid tivity before coming to'Qonnectlcut. measures—as Secretary of Labor J 1 Shiaair lad itit tion against Communist penetra­ pipe connecUon or otherwise, and Mrs. Scruggs w t# rM ased In Arthur J. Goldberg did In endors­ TEL. Ml 9^896 PRISCILLA’S POP SDapand 42 to ton w IT to tion of this hemisphere" by for­ ing In principle a fair employment BY AL VERMEER row is not permanently connected to 81,600 bond After a hsAruig before SA polaoB ■ E ■ ■ eign ministers of the Organization practices bill. 4Bazaa now « r to a chimney, stack or flue." the U.S. commlealoner. CATCH ^AREN'T 'itOU BOYBl «( , eibaealiM to i T A€N1QV^ ^RUSHINO- TWe atcknama w . 1 H tSEASOKJY, . William Hard Gift-of Appreciation' i s s s z U Norwich, Feb. 1 (A>) — W, W. pVppCftiM ' 1 New Canaan, Feb. 1 (/P) — W il­ Backus Hospital has anneupcAd It CWliiCUki port liam Hard, 8ll, pioneer radio news will be the sola banailclary o f the commentator, freelance writer, and esUto of the late Mias Mary a roving editor for Reader's Dig­ SafenoviU, put at |t9,199. Bom est since 1940, died Tuesday of a In Uthuanta, she came here as a CHOEEST MEATS IN T WN...!| stroke at hla home here. teen-ager in 1900 and worked for 0 SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NBAC Hard, tom In Painted Post, many years at assorted Jobs. She N, T., as a child-was taken to In­ died three years ago. * dia by hla father, the late Rev. The hospital said yesterday Clark.-P. Hard,, and hie mother, section of the emerganey ward the late Mrs. Lydia E. von Somer- would be named In her honor. Her Chuck en Hard. brother, Samuel I. Safenovitz, a Am ong survivors are hie son, Norwich attorney, said “Mary was William llard Jr., of Pleasantville, very grateful to this country, and ^4^4miQftKf3t9L N. Y., an aasiatant managing edi­ she thought this was the best way BtiNNIE tor of- the Reader’s Digest; a to show her appreciation." POT KV JOB CAMBKISl.t. daughter Mrs. Garard K. Lake, "New Canaan, a managing editor of Kouoalski Endorsed T THATS STRANfiE. the Reader’s Digest Condensed HEY. BONNIE/UX>K y s i . m m i l Meriden, Feb. 1 (/PV—'nie office AT NVE SKIING* I THOUGHT I books; a brother, Vincent; eight of CongreMman-at-Large Prank ROAST BLOCK STYLE HEARD BEEZER grandchildren and one grea-to Kowalski announced last night that CALL ME/ grandchild. the Plainvllle Democratic Town Committee had endorsed him for Pinney Raps Bottles the Democratic Senate nomination. U. S. CHOICE RIB FANCY, FIRM, RIPE , This IS AMAZING.) 1IUT ATkWS Pinney says Chester Bowles turn­ Washington. Feb. 1 (IP)— A 1982 LAMB TOMATOES ^ OUllB iNTELUeeNi: . UPEMC UXJKR THAN VK7RDS? ed in a "ludicrous" performance marketing quota for cigar binder Cello Basket, I ta V/ 4 lbs. when he attacked "right-wing ex­ tobacco (types 51 and 52) has been tremists." set at 16.5 million pounds, the A g ­ CHOPS "H ow can a man who was a riculture Department reported yes­ FANCY, YEUiOW / poor governor, a mediocre am­ terday. bassador, a lackluster congress­ Cigar binder tobacco Is grown FROZFJY CUBED aiWt»irlK«.>» TJLIIa.ttBlA«tBK 2-f man and who was recently booted principally In Connecticut and Mas­ ONIONS 7^ <»'«39c out of a State Department post sachusetts. The department said "You know, Qulgloy, for a mtn who dancM Ilka an VEAL CUTLETS Lb. 89c JUDD SAXON pose as an authority on anything?” there will be 9,000 acres available By EBN BALD and JERRY BRONDPIELO •lophant, you have a migh^ poor memory PHnney aelked at a meeting o f the for allotment as compared with for birthdaye and anniveraarleer’ Fourth District Republican Or­ 10,786 acres last year and allot­ Traffic Signals Go up at Center ganization last night. ments for most farms will be down about 15 per cent. Workmen of the Hartford Electric Light Co. today ware busy installing wiring and fixtures for new His reference was to s speech ’The support price will be 40 traffic and walk lights being Installed at the Center. The work is part of a new traffic control \ ■ Bowles made In Hartford Tuesday system being put In along E. Center Bt. by the State Traffic Draartment which will be completely HIGHLAND PARK MARKET cents a pound, compared with 89.6 LITTLE SPORTS night in which he warned that BY ROUSON cents in 1961, the department said. operational in the near future. Walk lights at Spruce St. and E. Center are In service now. ’The "right-wing extrcraeists" are fa­ above Installation, which should be, completed by tomorrow night, will undergo a leries of tests for 317 HIGHLAND ST., MANCHESTER PiMM Ml 3-4278 «|Uila.^ voring policies that would lead traffic flow'by Stats Traffic Department engineers before being put Into permanent use. (Herald MNsm the country to war. photo by Pinto.) sorrmai "The sight of Chester Bowles Coin Bank Pickup MNP warning anyone about extremists AtmY organizations ts a ludicruous spec­ To Start Monday tacle because he is one o f the founders and moving spirits of March of Dimes coin collection the Americans for Democratic Ac­ banka in Manchester places of tion,” Pinney said. , - business will be pitked up starting The Democrats, he said, "are in­ Monday, Feb. 8, It was announced deed bereft of talent and com­ today by John Willard, chairman TOPINOTCH B. C. pletely ineensiUve to the thinking of the 1962 campaign. HUZZ SAWYER BY JOHNNY HART o f Connecticut when they h^yp ’The chairman advised managers BY ROY CRANE Bowles as a principal speaker at and personnel of business places their affairs. It ehows how coln- HOID rr, COR.SAWVERI THESKimR' WElLPONEjSAWVSR* SOME OF THE ^ X THINK THEY SHOULD KNOW THAT.yDU HMJtNTinllO FOR not to relinquish the coin banks to VWNT5 TO SEENDU m HIS OFFICE pletely arrogant they , have be­ anyone without an authorised iden­ 1150 Burnside Avenue JAPANESE PRESS HWE HEARD OF YOUR THIS MISSIONJN SPITS OFTHIHAZARP MVDIVSO AND THS , L.T.WOOD1 MMEDIATELV. COME AS you ARE. RESCUE OF WaO ANO PROF. IWAKI UNDER come when- they parade, their fail­ tification card, signed by John PlFnCUtTYOFAftAKlNGTHERESCUE IMA HELICOPTER / ures and expect us ki Connecti­ VERY AOVERSf WE ATWER COHPITWHS. ------l^WITH LIMITED IMSTRUMlNTfi, / WUlard. iLocker Plant and Meat Market! cut to swaHow them.” 7/ Bowles wail recently appointed FRESH MEATS ~ RETAIL DEPARTMENT EAST HARTFORD 7 r ~ as ths President’s sp^al advisor on Asian, Airioiyi and Latin Public Records EXTRA LEAN-^RESHLY GROUND NATIVE GRAYLEDGE FARMS American affairs with tfie rank Just Over The Manchester Town Line! of ambassador-at-large. Previous­ NOT PRE-PA^AGED ______. » ly, he was under secretary of stale Wairantiea Deed in the Kennedy administration. M argaret Platt, also known as TOP NOTCH MEAT HAS A WAY OF TASTING IBHER! Margaret J. Platt, to James 8. Deuse Jr. and Elinor B. Deuse, 5 Held in Larceny property at 23-25 Oriswrold St. CHUCK Norwich, Feb. 1 (P) — Piw .Lease Notice Chops ■a.s.’attaitr young men were to be presented Raymond O. Miller to Cullman' in circuit (^ r t today (diarged with Bros., Inc., about 10 acres off and MORTY MEEKLE several burglaries In towms of this Spencer St. and Hillstowm Rd. GROUND BY DICK CAVALLI Attachment MICKEY FINN area. LAMB Stew lb BY LANK LEONARD All were arrested yesterday O. Fox A Co. against Kathor p's B. Hynes, also known as Kath­ after an inin^tigation by state TMeBEVKAOATWe--" erine G, Harris, property off Ver- | and local police. They were charg­ 9 to 12 LBS. Meat BS tOBBIBECANB non St., $1,800. : G COMBO ANA5TBDNAUr— ed with larceny and breaking and Building Pennlts { entering with criminal intent. Fred Knolla for the Hartford TOBIN’S FIRST PRIZE WH0IIUeH?TD Police said the loot included sev­ lb STRICTLY FRESH, CHICKEN BeAPlROLCXS^. Gas Co., alterations at 687 Main BRO W N and SERVE eral thousand dollars worth of an­ S t, $1,000. tiques, some of which were later In H £ / / ^erett W. VanDyne for Virgil / Quarters sold In various parts of the state. Hartsog, basement room sltcra- / LOOK Many have been recovered, they tions at 132 Mountain Bd., $1,500. LEGS-BREASTS GROTE and WEIGEL—MUCKE’S b a n c / said. John Wennergren Jr, for John 'Those arrested were Identified Wennergren, alterations At 90 Ox­ SAUSAGE our// FRESH IOWA,.XX>RN-rED PORK—WHOLE by State Police m (JIarencs Wal- ford S t, $1,600. FRANKFUXTS 85c PORK LOIN 'lb WE’LL CUT THESE INTO ROASTS A.ND CHOPS FOR YOIT. BRATWURST l. 95e i*s- 5 3 * iWa».i«.Tja>»,iu.,«.«> 2-1 U. 8. NO. 1 CAPTAIN EASY PRESCRIPTIONS ■ f A c I WESSON MR. ABERNATHY BY KAI.SION JONES anil PRANK RIIK;EWAY BY LESLIE TURNER HOME FREEZER DEPARTMENT--U.S.DJk. CHOICE POTATOES NO WDU0Be.eAsyi t h m kmcmomcko ira ACABLs FoaoR. 'Tiow rew D XNEEOSOAIEONETO HOW ABOUT/ NO/THIS CALLS FOR MUBT 8k UALlMBiel. IMOT15 IC..AN 50 Lb. Bo9 / % ! OIL XEAD up OUR NEW AAAFmN ? / THE PCSPONSIBILfTieS DUMNOMUCH WERNBtiFROW LONDOMl ’EM TO MM HIHDQUARTERS OF WESTERN ABOUT 1MB CHAP imutmmmont TucB euR s SAUBS CAAAFyVeN... L OF AM BXPBfUENCeP LnoMtcBTeuikU u hrotamSm WHO CAN YOU WHO totter 7M» 9-9814 PECXMAAABND? AfWmUBMTTOMB. W E DELIVBB CARNATION BUTH5A60irMe F VALUABLE COUPON* CHECKED OH AMH MILK i PINE PHARMACY! STEER BEEF 6 d r e x t r a 1 8TBBBT—OOBNKB OF ADI FOREQUARTERS O F VTESTERN 7 J a l 8 9 c n . •MAXWELL HOUSE ► 2 0 0 s t a m p s

10% diseoBBt on 12 or morn popkogos of Sodbrook For fretM fruits. vofpotoUos flosi juicos. ,W e rent ieold storsfe lockers for jroiir frozca meats and vegetables for as little as w lN ^ tiiT e a month. This locker holds about 250 pounds of meat. Monday thru Saturday

DOUBLE STAMPS WEDNESDAY .. 1160 BURNSIDE AVE„ EAST HARTTORD gnat Over tb« BfaMliaator Town Line . . . V n ' ’ ‘ ' (♦

TAOE iWlNTY-FOtJR SUNGHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN:. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1^62 / i , . MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHES’TBR. CONN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, ld62 PAGE TWENTY.FIVlr THE Mays Highest Paid Player at $90,000 Herald Angle uesne Vaults to Top as ower By. ^ ‘ rii Star Casually FRANK CLINE ^ SKI Slip Showing on Pyo Level Aaslstaat Sports Editor Seventh Rated Walks In, Signs Duhesv Win 15 Coventry Triumphs Some Fellowa Become Men Real Early EAST SIDE MUKiETS 1962 Contract As Baseball Looks at Self Whether or not Manchester High’s basketball team quali- Paced by Ricky Burr and John fies for ^ ConnecticutHnterscholastic Athletic Conference’s In 17 Starts Savlno the Cruisers romped over Over Cheney, 48-30 Class A Tournament later this month is problematical. Going the Lawmen .45-32 ' at the East New York» emerged as the powerhouse of winning. Tech ^J'esterday afternoon defeating the Silk City shbotefs, straight year when he signed ing itself to a changing world. ersficld the two biggest stumbling Burr, who played a fine floor blocks. Eastern college basketball this 48-30, on the victor’s court. The first time these two fo/s his 1962 contract for a report­ By BOB BROWH While other sport-s whittled game, was the pace setter for. the ed $90,000 yesterday. .No matter what happens, there season. winners, ripping the nets for 20 tm et Coventry had to aetUe for a Sometimes a skier has a problem away at its dominant position, 42-39 triumph. There was no elaborate press baseballHsat on its fat reputation is one lad on the Indians’ roster^ The Iron Dukes from Pittsburgh, points. Savlno netted 13 points negotiating a difficult slope but, ranked seventh In this week’s As­ With 11 of the 12 players em­ conference accorded the signing as as the national pastime. ..whom this writer thinks deserves' for the winners. For the Lawmen, Pip ers Bought Is usually the case when a name last week Marge ancL Morgan great deal o f credit for whatever sociated Press poll, throttled VII- Dale Ostrout (7) set the pace ployed by Coach Jot DeGrdgorio Some say professional football getting into the Scoring act, Cov­ player comes to terms. Mays cas­ Grant had a problem negotiating fu'l'Mss the Injuns have had to lanova 53-51 at the Pitt Field while teammate Charlie Buder and- the language barrier In the pre- already has caught up. Others House last night to enhance their entry roiled to a 14-7 first, period ually walked into the Giants' of­ maintain this is "utter nonsense. date hr may have the r*st of the Jim Olbrys added six and five For $175,000 fice and gave Charles (Chub) dominatly French speaking ski way. i r ^ u think we’re going to national stature. The victory was points respectively. advantage and stayed rdmfortably areas of the Laurentian Uplands. Golf has Hs boosters as the No. 1 Duquesne’s 15th as against two ahead the re.at of the way. The Pa- Feeney, the team’s vice president, sport. You can get an argument mention PatU Quey, George May, the signed pact. Finding the skiing in New Eng­ Fred McCurr)M>r one of the other setbacks and avenged a previous triota held a 22-14 halfUme mar­ for horse racing, bowling, hunting, WEST SIDE JUNIORS By Grid Owner gin and, with substitutes playing land poor the couple ventured into starters — you^ra dead wrong. loss at the hands of Vlllanova'. First game last night saw Per­ Willie received about $8S,000 last fishing, basketball. the last half, wefit into the fourth season and Feeney said that this Canada to find what the Canadians This trio, along with Dave McKen­ which is 15-3. sonalized Floors score an easy 42* call fair to good skiing, that is four The purpose here is to take a Cleveland lA*i—Ralph Wilson Jr., quarter with a 24-point, 40-16, year’s contract included a slight hard look at baseball, admittedly na, Don Simmons and,Tommy Kel­ Second-ranked Kentucky was 22 victory over PonUceUl's. High bulge. inches of fresh powder on three the only other member of the top Floors’ scorer was Dick Getzewich a Detroit insurance executive who raise. Mays had indicated pre­ in an era of translUon. What are ley has all had a hand hi the sev­ The Rangers never gave up and viously that he was satisfied i^th foot soft base. If the Canadians call en victories the Indians Have reg­ 10 to see aetion last night and (20). Jim Kuhn played a good owns a professional football team this fair to good then they would Its problems? How does it hope to game for the lo.serii and in doing cut the margin down the stretch the terms offered him, and the solve them? What does the future istered. I the sizzling Wildcats racked up in Buffalo, haa purchaaed the probably consider New England’s so tallied 11 points. Cleveland Pipera of the Americah but were too far behind to seriously oniy surprise was the way the h o l d ? / But the lad the writer has’ in their 14th straig.''t triumph. Ken­ threaten Coventry’s lead when they agreement was Enounced. excellent conditions, unsklable. mind is Bill Andrulot, who co­ tucky. the Southeastern Confer­ Ip the second game. Lea’s Mar­ Baaketball I.a-ague for an eatlmat- Morgan reported that the hospital­ / Game for All ket took advantage of a cold ed *175,000. did make their move. Tqps Mantle Baseiball prefers to speak of It­ captains the Indians along with ence leader, disposed o f Georgia Fourth Triumph ity was great and the expense Quey. Who’s Andrulot you ask? 86-69 in Atlanta for its 15th suc­ shooting Nasstff Arms’ quintet The announcement waa made The $90,000 contract was believed relatlvly low, all day ticket on a self as "A great American Insti­ and won 38-15. Don Hutchinson In regl.sterlng their fourth vic­ to exceed the salary given to He’s the youngster who had the cess in 16 outings. -- last night by George Stelnbrenner, chair lift $2. That is what I call tution’’ covering all phases of the ( 20) played a good floor game for TOM IX>DGE tory in 15 sUrts this winter, C36v- Mickey Mantle of the New York natiofi—a game for all America. "guts” to accept what, at first, A year ago Duquesne finished TOM MALIN president of the Pipers, who said enty hit at a respectable 33 per really low when you consider that with a flourish, ■winning its last the winners while being high scor­ the team would remain in Cleve­ Yankees. Mantle has signed for a to ski some of the better areas of The owners are a-sked to remember must have been an unpalltable sit­ er. cent fom field caging 23 of 70 shots reported $85,000. that major league baseball, or uation, live with it and give best three games—including the finale Starting Guards with Eagles land and that there would be no they threw up. The Patriots had Southern Vermont and New Hamp­ against St. Bonaventure, which Herm’s Camera kept alive their front office changet now. The highe.st paid players in re. even professional baseball, is a effort every , time Coach Phil Hyde first place hopes by defeating only eight attempts from the foul shire the better part of $10 will be had gained a berth in the NCAA The Pipera hired a new coach — cent years have been Ted Wil­ used to Just purchase a lift ticket. very small facet of the whole ha$ looked to the bench ahd call­ House A Hale, 44-30. Carl Ho- line and made good on but two of liams and Stan Mu.slal, both of picture. ed upon him. « , ' CSlamplonahips. The Iron Dukes henthal scored 28 with Pete Herdlc Consistent performers with East Catholic’s fine fresh­ - - Tueaday after them. whom received in the neighbor­ Ford Frick, the commissioner, Last winter, when most of this compiled a 15-7 won-lost record in playing a good floor game for the man basketball team thi.s season have been starting John McLendon reeigned in a dle- The Rangers, beaten for the 13th With the poor conditions exist­ the strength of their strong wind­ pute with Stelnbrenner. WORLD CHAMPS READY—Members of the Holiday Lanes’ bowling team which set a hood of $100,000 in their peak sea­ ing throughout New England last loves to point out that more boys year’s present varsity was play­ winners House’s George Galla­ guards, Tom Lodge and Tom Malin. Both, lads will be time as against three triumphs, sons. Musial has dropped down up. gher had nine points, McLendon, first Negro ever to hooped only eight field goals out of world’s record last season with a 647.47 team game average will take part in the Tron- weekend the annual Manchester than ever are playing baseball in ing together with the Jayvees and with the Eagles Friday night in Hartford against South coach a profesaional team, was to considerably in the last couple organized leagues. Counting the posting a fine 14-2 record, An­ Bavlstaned Upset 47 tries for a poor 17 per cent. fkv Open this weekend. The s(}uad, left to right. Hippo Correnti, Giiorge Pelletier, years. Day outing was postponed. The Catholic. The locals have won 11 of 12 starts. meet with Stelnbrenner today and new date is Feb. 11, the sAme Little Leagues, American Legion drulot waa the regular center. He The enthusiastic student body BUSINESSME.N’S I-EAOUE Cheney, however, converted 14 of Roy Lipp, Jerry Maloney and Walt Berthold. Action starts Saturday noon at the Hol­ Mays, who broke in with the had envisioned an upset of the there were Indications he would re­ schedule of events and departure Junior B a s e b at 1, Bahe Ruth scored 146 points and trailed only Opening game saw Telso pin the join the club, probably as person­ the 34 free throws awarded tham. iday Lanes. (Herald PhotoL______Giant.s in 1961 when they were In times will be used. League, Pony League Baseball Quey and McCurry In the scoring Bonnies and had written' letters to first lo.ti Smith. At the men came up with a big th'ird period to overcome a halftime Is expected to continue as presi­ Cheney will closa out Its season rinks. It seems to me when you con­ attendMce drops back from Its cess consistently. Mays informed the Giants’ ex­ playing slowdo'wn with Cross. As It tourney in December. Tihe tdema end of the regulation game the deficit and defeat McIntosh 'Boat, 62-55. Then underdog dent. with an aftamoon game at tha sider that certain areas derive 80 peak years, pro football sets new ■ When It became obvious that the turned out, wily old Sam was with­ ecutive, "I’m in good shape from highs with each passing season. It play a rubber match in Philadel­ Bcore was 48-all. With a minute left Headquarters Co. stunned second »■ The 42-year-old Wilson also Arena against St. Anthony’s of There will be five shifts, with working out in gymnasiums per cent of their business from the lanky McKenna, who stands 6-4 in three points of being right on in overtime, Bob Edwards sunk twq breeds and races horses, In addl- Bristol. Correnti expifcts over 200 bowl­ large heavily populated cities of must be remembered' pro football^ but didn't start playing with this phia Feh. 7. place Iona Manufacturing, 64-54, By EARL YOST < room lor 48 bowlers in each shift- throughout most of the winter.” both counts. He neglected to tell The Dukes’ other defeat was ad­ foul shots and Dave Lehman sank to drop the runner-up club two tlon Jo his footbsll interest. He Is Cevaatrz (U) , ers from Coruiectlcut, Massachu . , u ■,.> Southern New England they could is a once-a-wcek sport played group until last summer when it the former local pro that he was Shooting at top cash prize j Y , j j ___Starting times Saturday will be 12 Willie has divided his time in ministered by Cincinnati, currently the clincher. Pelle with 15 points gamea off the pace. a graduate of the Unlverelty of Morrlmm ...... ^ * 4 setts, Rhode Island and Maryland ^.30 g p gyn- at least put out an honest report 22 big league clubs (14 in t l/N a - entered the nocturnal Summer Rec going to beat him the second time o f ?750 this weekend at the the off-season between San Fran­ tional League and elgh^dn the No. 3 In the rankings, by 62-54. and Smith with 17 were high for G eorp Clifton and Bill Vlot Virginia and the University of to take part. The 200 figure in en- of the conditions prevailing at their League as a unit, was going to be around as he did first time. Michigan Law School. He served day’s starting times at the same cisco and his Birmingham, Ala,, American League). RaSeball is able to do the job. someone had Coach Red Manning’s veteran the Winners, while Wally Darling paced McIntosh in the second pe­ Holiday Lanes will be many of ,tries has almo.st .-been reached hours. Sunday’s 9 p.m. shift will home. areas. I have seen conditions re­ (11) and Gary Donahue (13) led riod to overcome a Moriarty 18-16 in the Navy during Wordd War n. ported as good to excellent and you played six or seven days a week by to be s«t down. Coach Hyde tabbed club doesn’t have a starter over I i j th e country’s best duckpin which will make it the biggest be rolled only if .sufficient interest There were other developments 6-6, but the Dukes can run. pass, the Caterers. first period lead to go ahead 86-31 After the war, he jdlned hie fa­ Eb4rl* ...... 4 a a could have read a newspaper 18 big league teams (1961) or 20 Andrulot as the lad to move to the Good Attraction* Draw ther In the Insurance business, but rrenrli ...... J n 4 bowlers. The occasion will be field even for the Tronsky Open. warrants, Correnti .said. in baseball Wednesday. Southpaw bench and he accepted the situa­ shoot and play defense effectively. Nassiff’s broke out on top in the at halftime. Dan ^ n to and Jim through six inches of their so (1982). Pro foptoall drew about BASEBALL’S BIG STICK—Baseball Commissioner Ford The CIAC Tournament Commit­ Glenney teamed up to put .Mori- Y LEAGUE soon branched out Into Intereets the Nick Tronsky Open, a two- Each roller will take part in 10 Named after the former No. 1 pitcher Bud Daley -became the five million year. The two big tion gracefully. The Dukes went in front to stay third quarter to edge out the Mail­ games. Last year there were 113 called packed powder. It would be Frick, top authority in organized baseball, displays a few tee has decided not to televise the arty’s ahead in the third quarter Standinga that Include road building and oil day affair opening Saturday at the bowler in the country, the Tronsky 13th Yankee player to com-e to laseball were Just shy Had Andrulot been a different 49-47 on Bill Stromple’s jumper men in a close game. Led by Rol- W. L. Pot. entries. Open was started in 1944 and has nice to read an excellent report and trophies he has gathered at his New York office. (AP tournaments this year. Reaaon the llo Rutherford. Na-ssiff’s edged aa they out-scored the Bontmen 20- drilling. I.nck» ...... 1 0 J Holiday house at 12 noon. Second terms, signing for a reported $23,- actually find excellent conditions of 19 njUfion. type of lad than he is he might have with 5:68 to go. Villanova waa Don WDlls ...... ___12 6 .667 MsrNMl ...... I fl 4 Defending champion will be Pat been a fixture ever since„ Tronsky, committee offered was that it did ahead at the half 29-27 and the ahead of the Poet Office and then 10 to take a 51-46 lead. Fine defen­ place wll be worth $375 and the 000. Pitchers Dick Stigman, Bill prevailing. Attendance Off Photofax). caused dlssention oi\ the squad sive play by Morlarty’s limited the Holiday Lanes ...... 11 6 .611 Tolali Cacciola who chalked up a 1,369 one of the beat for 30 years, will Dailey, Steve Hamilton and Floyd grumbling about hi.s "seniority” not want ”to do anything that lead then changed hands several stayed there until the final whistle. third highest pinner will receive i^seball's major league attend- would detract from attendance at Boatmen to nine points in Ihe final E A 8 Gage ...... 11 7 .611 Ch*s*r (N ) $225. Paul Correnti, Holiday man- total last year at the Bowl-a- be one of the men to watch. In Weaver sent In their signed con­ rights both as co-captain and a times. Rutherford hit 13 points and was Overlime Triumph r. Pta. There will be a meeting of the hce dropped off about five per cent reviving the Southern next year. the intermediate level and four at the games." period as the league leaders went Man. Motors ...... 8 10 ;444 H#nr« .... ager, reports there will be addT- Drome. Runner-up was Roy De- several leagues, the New Britain tracts to increase the number of graduating senior. But he didn’t With 10 seconds remaining. Vll­ followed by Bob Tup;>er who scored 6 9 Ski Club Monday night at in 1961 but the figures showed a The deaths of the Southern and the lowest level. Tha top level Only time and a detailed surv'ey on to their seventh straight win. Maple Service ...... 7 11 .339 1 tional cash awards according to veau, by one point, with Rock- native la averaging 138 per swing. satisfied Cleveland players to 29. healthy total of Just under 19 mil because he’s just too big for that. lanova gained possession and tried 10. Chubby Wright with 10 led the Correntl’s Ins...... 4 13 .222 For Central Five Oliver ..T., 0 0 He will roll in the Sunday after­ American Legion. Any que^ons the Three-Eye League earlier were (Class Triple A ) would Involve a can really reveal just how much Mailmen while BID Kodes did a Pinto, with 23 points, led all flnin«n« a. 3 7 the entry. Co-sponsors will be the! vllle's Walt Berthold third with The Los Angeles Dodgers signed pertaining to the outlngy:^!] bo lion, le.ss than two million .short of Some one of these nights Andy to produce the equalizing basket. scorers with Jim Moriarty and I noon shift at 4 ;30. Just part of a great upheaval In combination of the various Triple may get the opportunity to wear the televising of a schoolboy game tremendous job on the backboards. KUIn ...... 1 1 Manchester Motor Sales. 1 1,350. utllityman Lee Walls and Inflclder answered and followimp^a brief the all-time high in 1948. in one town affects the attendance But Jim McMonagle’s shot missed. Frank Butkus each getting 10 for Listed with the outstanding pin­ New Britain (A3-^ *n tra l Con VUIa ...... n 3 the structure of the minors. The A and double A Leagues now in the hero’s mantle which Is the Marih 5 0 Daryl Spencer. business meeting, DuC^ Fogarty But the minors who drew 41,- of that In others. It is interesting A brief flareup by Willie Som­ the Winners. Bill Viot (I'T), Mike ners were Fred McCurry 162-lM— necHcul pul on a dlaplay of mark- ] gli'an'riii old, neighborhood rivalry among operation. The Intermediate level natural desire of any athlete, par­ erset of Duquspne and McMonagle 40.3, Pete Aceto 138-396. Larry Satisfied List will show the flrstxSart of the Ski 900.000 in 59 leagues in 1949 the small cities that once dotted to note, however, that second time Ehiers (16) and George Clifton manship in overlime iaal night to i i,aRnn. J \ (Class Double A ) would be a com­ ticularly those of schoolboy age. It occurred late In the first half and Bates 135-149 -395, Ed Kovis 148- Pitcher Pete Burnside and out­ Club mo\dc. TJjt? film i.s being shnihk to 10,900.000 In 22 leagues the minor league map in Class C bination of Class A and Class B. that the Governors and. Hlllhouse Conran’s Score Win (12) scored well for McIntosh. whip rival Southern Connecticut, I in 1961. At the latest count only almost came two weeks ago in both benches emptied. Several Headquarters led b.v Ken Lowd 395, Paul Correnti 152-394. Dave 14 16 fielder Willie Tasby brought the made up of ptub skiing activitie.s and Class D has been replaced by The lowest level (Class A ) would were on TV, Manchriiter jfiayed 80-67. Score St half rn veetry M-11, 19 expected to operate in 1962. Willimantic when his apparent tie- punches were thrown before order and Buzz Keeney, got off to an Saunders 14.3-144-.392. Vic Abraltls list of Washington Senators’ sign- the first segment wa-s filmed at the small fry leagues for young­ Include Class C and Class D. Nat­ Bristol Eastern before a full house In Y ‘21’ Contest Central oulacored the visiting What Is ba.seball doing about breaking hoop with less than eight was restored. early' lead and continued ah even 14B-388, .lack Vlttner 138-.380. ees to 15. Outfielder Lee Maye .lay PraSf7 New Year’s weekend sters between 10 and 20. Mom and urally, there would be more leconds left was nullified because of 1,900 fans at the Arena while a Owls. 15-2, In the extra session af­ Life of Pro Grid Player by V^J^'^Fiano. Various club mem- the plight o f the minora ? few weeks earlier ^ylthout competi­ The winners’ Mike Rice ahd pace to lead 49-31 going into the Cliarlle Varrick 379, ED Fl3h 134- ter the see-saw game was dead­ came to terms with Milwaukee, the Pop have transferred their rooting of a traveling violation. The facts of the matter are the leagues at the lowest level and on­ Hubie White of Villanova shared Tommy -Conran, the "Old Pro” final period. Matt Wallace sparked 377, Ralph Fotherglll 386, Al Bu- 22nd Braves’ member to do so. are planning to film the ac­ interest to "Junior" and “ the kid ly a few, possibly three, at the But whether or not he ever does tion of video the Indians drew only and hia *on, Chipper, took on all locked 6.5-65 St the end of repils* Sports Schedule many big league officials are not about 400 fo r/th e ir game with scoring honors with 21 points a last half bid by Iona as he scored jauclus 144-363, Dick Burkley 136- The Pittsburgh Pirates received es of the outing and other next door." They find enough top. get the chance to bask in the role oppoaition at th-i Community Y 23 of his 26 points in the final 16 tlon time. tripe which the club has planned mdully excited about the situation. Platt. j apiece. 359, Jerry Smith 356, ,Don Car­ Each team had built up and lost pacts from pitcher A1 McBean apd' professional baseball on radio and of a hero on the floor, Andy has last night to win the annual Fa­ minutes but It was not enough to penter 354. this year. Before the annual ban­ They regard it as part of a long TV to meet their needs. The big league clubs working Reason of course is obvious. | " Sixth In Row considerable leads during the Friday, Feb. f Told in Full by Bednarik shortstop Bob Bailey, a b o s with the minor league franchise proved one thing. He’s learned how ther A Son ”21" contest. Only nine overcome the tremendous bulge range backing and filling operation Ekistern cam / in as the undefeated ' course of the game. Southern led youngster. They became th-''Rlp Repulskl, own needs for the development of ■ome of us never have learned and ’s lads opened up a Guards with Keeney netting 16 and 13. 2, Arens. By HAL ’TURKING’TON ■ minors on all levels. against loss and given the Incen­ Sporin fans are the same every­ Kevin O’Neil In the finals, 21-3. 360, Norma Allen 122—333, Alice containing about 200 pages filled scores quickly and often and builds 32, was given l^-outright release Providing the weatherman co­ players, rather than upon the pos­ othere never ■will. commanding 39-23 advantage at doing a great job of rebounding. Shortly before the end of regular Glastonbury at Rockville, 1:86. What’s it like to become a pro In fact, it is quite possible that tive of profits, depending on his where and on all levels. If you have The Conrans, on their way to the Gsgnon 118, Shirley Hampton 113. time, however, two key Southern with offensive ahd defensive plays up a lead of 17-21 points. Then by the Minnesota Twins so that operates and we have some snow sibility of niaklng money or break-, • e • the intermission and steadily pull­ Ron Fallettl added 11 points to the Coventry at RHAM. the majors and minors eventually initiative. a good ball club and an interesting ed away. championship, defeated Bill players, Arch Tracy and Sal Dl- Smith at Ellington, 8. football player? and pess patterns. It cost you it’s a case of demoralizing the op­ he could b a p ^ n directly with oth­ during the month o f February the Ing even at the lower level. Even­ winners’ score. Chuck Bednarik described it for ponent. He .says this is what hap­ will be supervised in the same cen­ Other minor leagues could be Bender Still Cagey attraction, they’ll turn out to see It Moo'rehouse and partner, 25-6, Morning Glory — Fran Jamal- Nieola, left on personals. East Catholic at South Catholle, $100 if you lose the book. And er majorileague clubs. "I’d like one Mt. Nebo slope will operate. The tually only the larger cities, group­ Larry Purslful headed the Ken­ Wallace was helped in the scor­ his listeners at the Masonic Sports pened in the Green Bay-Giants tral office. At present the com­ organized and operated, but they live rather than stay J)ome and tucky scoring parade with 21 George May and son. Chuckle, 22- tla 139. In the overtime, Central’s Fran 8:15. you better read it and memorize more year in the majors to make first-aid class conducted by Karl ed geographically to save travel While Uila writer didn’t get to ing by Dave Turkington with 12 Smoker Tuesday night. the plays. Players are subjected game. Some days things don't go missioner’s office Is In New York, costs, will have professional base­ would have no guarantees of big see the seeond version of the Wil­ Watch a video version of the same points and Cotton Nash added 1*. 13 and A1 and Jim Sproul, 21-17. add bowling st hd apryrts . , , Franglone hit on four straight foul Riflo—Windham at Manchseter. 10-yenr man on the pension Kehler, has completed the ad­ but it was a case of too little and The Philadelphia Eagles train at to test.s every three days to make right, and that's what happened the National League in Cincinnati, ball. league support. bur O o is an d' Killhouse court t>T>e of entertainment for free. Alien Johnson contributed 18 for Tom Conran ran a consecutive shots and Dave Freuenhofer scor­ Saturday, Fab. * he said. vanced work plus the dry portion string of long shots, good for two too late. Hershey. Pa., and have for the sure they know their assignments. to the Giants. They got off to a of the frosted course. With a final the American League in Boston and The program now is In a state Before the realignment and re­ rivalry on video last Friday night Fred Post, sports editor of the the bulldogs. Mnriarty’e (SI) M'eal Side Mlkad OouMaa — ed a key field goal and two free Swimming, Manchester at Ma­ Bednarik said mental mistakes by bad start and the Packers d ^ the minor league headquarters In being busy at the Arena with the Middletown Press, offered an inter­ points from seven to 19 in the fi­ B, F. PI" Herb Smith 354, Ted Lawrence throws. loney. last 10 years. check-out under actual snow con­ of flux. Baseball men think there classification can be carried out, West Virginia edged Wake Pinto ...... S 5-S 2.1 WTio can go to camp? Anybody, one player hurt the other 10 on moralized them. If those tc^rSTs Ties Record Columbus, Ohio. There is consider­ will be 24 big. league clubs In an­ the majors must decide ( 1) how Indians tussle with Bristol East­ esting compromise to the problem. Forest 101-99 on the winners’ court nals that pushed them on their 138. High scorer was Tracy with S3. Morlarty’a at Wlnsted. ditions the group will be qualified His luggestlon was if the CIAC way to victory. Chipper was in Clenney ...... 4 i-2 • providing he has signed a contract the team. Players ' have been were to play five games, he^'^says to perform ski patrol work. There able duplication of effort. other 10 years, divided Into two 12- many minors they need, (2) how ern, reports that we’ve heard and as the Mountaineer rebounded from Moriarty ...... 4 2-4 > Ij with the club. And anybody can .snubbed for forgetting a.s.sign- one wouldn't win more than 3 of Springfield, Mass., (iPi—In 1936, Realignment Is a vague phrase club leagues or three eight-club many classes of minors they need, read are that no one is going to failed to halt televising of regu­ their surprise defeat Monday by their pitching in the shots and his Biitka" ...... 2 S-S 10 will be adequate supervision at Mt. lar season games next year to at early hits put them .in a good po­ Hyde ...... 2 2-2 S sign one. he said, but no contract ments. Eiach has a Job to do, and them. David 'Tyler Jr. of West Hartford, Nebo and operating times -will be that could mean anything. Just leagiues. Perhaps 150 or 175 minor (3) how to guarantee financial beat the Governors at their favor­ Virginia Tech. Jim McCormick Cyr ...... 2 0-n 4 la binding until the player has made Is expected to do it. Conn., defeated Ted Klepach of what does the word mean specif­ league clubs will be needed to train operation but still leave an Incen­ ite game — the deep freeze. Hill- least ask that they be aired on powered West Virginia’s Southern sition to win. O’Neil’s, on their There's more splpH^in pros than Springfield in the 40-yard free­ posted. other nights than Tuesday and Fri­ Total...... 23 1S^2 S2 the club and the season starts. The Ail money in fines is returned to living for the pro. ically in terms of baseball? the talent. ./ tive' for the local operator. house tried it but it didn’t work Conference front-runners with 35 way to ths finals, defeated Elton college. It’s a style swim. Tyler’s son, David III, The most recent example was and Coach Sam Bender is one of day, perennial favorite schoolboy and Charles Brackett in a close Mrlaloth (U) club provides all housing, meals the team—not players---at the end He said he's s^ n more big men Different Problem While the owners mull over polnU. Big Len Chappell’s 37 B. F PI" bested Ted Klepach Jr. yesterday, The latest reports from the the meeting In Charlotte, N.C., the beet exponents of this type of basketball nighti in Connecticut. It one, 23-20, than took ArnokMRlna)- and tran.sportatlon during training of the .sea.son. and there is a big cry after Icydng a tougli game be­ "W e have a’ different problem these problems, you can expect points were high for the Deacons Rhterr -. rr:::t. - r. — -r-4 M — J« po.sting an 18 second time for Wll- North are that conditions are im­ that resulted in the decision of the ^ play when he wants to employ it. seSms to this writer that Post’s Clarke and son, Artie, 24-12. K*lly ...... 0 IVO 0 SEIRIT and SPUNK season. But nobody draws a pay- party. They distribute plenty of more shuffling in the minors. More of the Atlantic Coast Conference. cause o^-a break, a ml.ssed as- liston Academy against Spring- proving. Klllington reports that old Southern Association, a bul­ than football," said one high base­ At last week’s Connecticut suggestion makes more sense than Btiore ...... 1 0-1 2 check until after the first league gifts, but a player could have con­ In Big Bight games, Oklahoma Rvan ...... 4 ivfi I signmentl etc- Togetherness Is field Technical High School. 'Young six Inches of fresh powder has Im­ ball executive. "The college foot­ mergers. More backing and fill­ Sports Writers Alliance Dinner a complete blackout. game. That means the players tributed as much as $700 himself wark for 61 years, to suspend op­ State whipped Oklahoma 65-49 for viol ...... ,... S (i-S 17 mor^^revalent among the pros, Tyler's performance was good proved the prospects of half-way ball player often can step right ing. More Indecision. Clifton ...... 6 ivn 12 w m THE I K MEWUly eOSET S-S train and play the series of exhibi­ Into the fund and wind up. with a erations. Two of its four remain­ its fifth straight decision over Its Hesekpy at a Glance /fjfficlating generally good, but enough to tie the national prep decent skiing this weekend. Watch ing cities, Nashville and Chatta­ Into the big league in pro foot­ To an outsider, it Is comforting Kennedy ...... 0 0-0 0 tion games without getting paid. couple of long-play recorcts from -'some bad calls. In the Giant game, school record, shared by three oth­ for nearby area conditions In the ball. It is the exception In base­ to know that somebody Is thiak- state rival and Iowa State beat Knees Rata Attention the prize drawings. Then, top:' nooga, Tenn., planned to Join the Missouri, 85-73. NATIONAL LEAGUE Toiale ...... 21 13-16 5B the ru.shing the punter penalty ers. ** Friday edition of Ski Notes. South Atlantic League for one sea­ ball. Usually, the players need Ing seriously about these prob­ Big B ill Russell Returns At hAlf MclntoEh. AS THE SUOKEST PERSONAL COMPACT ON THE ROAD The first day at camp usually a other.s might get a color T \ \ /«- three or four years In the minors. lems. It Is nice to know that base­ Gordon Hatton triggered Day- Now York 5, Boston didmt hurt as., much as a run by son only. The Southern Association Chicago 4, Detroit 1 Monday—everyone gets a complete pensive luggage, etc. a back to the one-yard line, only Football has no minor league ball no longer has Its head buried ton with a 27-polnt harvest as the 1 physical checkup. Including car­ was Class Double A, the South A t­ Flyers downed Drake ! 79-74 for AMERICAN LEAGUE B. F Pin Players lodk forward Ui the ex- to have a roughing penalty called lantic Class A. problem. We do.” in the sand, hoping that "some­ Skinner ...... 2 IVI 4 diograms and the like. The doctors hibitionis, because they break up There Is talk of seven minor thing will turn up.” Celts Act Like Boston Again their 18th win in 17 games. Norm Cleveland 7, Pittsburgh 2 ■ M(*rormACk ...... 1 (Ui 2 against McDonald on the 45-yard Rangers Use Giants’ Grid Tactics George Trautman, head of the Hershey 3. Springfield 1 pay particular attention to new col­ the -monotony of//th e training line. The official claimed Tommy league clubs for each big league Next — How the game can be Halberstadt propelled Virginia rifikA ...... a 1-2 7 minor leagues, presided over the Military to an 80-72 conquest of EASTERN LEAGITC MnrRAn ...... 2 1-a ft lege graduates, because many of camp. The Elaglps fly to all ex­ ...... 7 took a slug at Katcavage. Tommy meeting. He talked hopefully of team. Qne at the top level, two at changed. Clinton 7, Charlotte 8 ... 2-a 15 these athletes came out of college hibitions, fronvTlarrislarrisburg. about claimed he was trying to regain By Beating Chicago Packers George Washington with a 36- FAlMUt ...... ft M 11 Johnstown 4, New Haven 2 ...... * • 3-4 ranks with injuries they think 12 miles fropi'camp.fropi' They fly back his balance after having been 10-Game Losing Streak Ended point output and Jim Roy caged 22 lX)Wf1 .... are of a minor nature. Knees, es­ of his 24 points in the second half to camp after the game to return brushed while going out on a pass Total" ...... M as Wllllsm Mary jolted Furman, Ti pecially, are checked and X-rayed. New York 012 — National Bas-t J*Ty West, however, was the Iera MfR. (M) to training. pattern. The Eagles figure that Marksmen Victors big gun. HU 39 points kept the 79-67. Dog Show More hopefuls are dropped because lost a score'that would have off- As Wqrsley Registers Shutout GoWs Only 90-Hole Tourney ketball Aasociation teams please B, F P i " . ! of this type injury than any other. Day Off Monday Lakers in contention, and his two Hofstra upended Manhattan 83- Nl#l ...... 2 IM 4 l set the other penalty. note: 's back...... 5 (Ml 12 Legs are Important to a football Thirlng Uie season, most games In Loomis Match free throws with thrae seconds 62 for the small-college school’s Boston (iP) — Nearly 1,000 dogs Turkinrtnn will be on hand at Comonwealth WunACP^ ...... 11 4-4 35 player, ^ are played on Sunday. Monday Is New York* (A*)—A page borrow-^saves registered lij an NHL shut- Finds New Faces Showing Way Ajsd. with Big Bill back, the Bos­ left tied it at 113-llS and forced 14Ui consecutive vWtory and 15th OonrAn ...... 3 0-0 5 ton Celtics are acting like the Bos­ Armory Saturday and Sunday for Augutt . . . 3-4 4 Players are quartered two to a an off day. Tiesday morning, the ed from the book of the New York out this season. Gump’s biggest Manchester High’s undefeated It Into overtime. And he scored tlx In 16 gamea, Oornell annexed its ...... 1 players view films from the last test was early in the final period ton CelUca again. That la, they the 49th annual Eastern Dog Club Sh"a ...... 3 (M) 4 room at camp. Everybody la up at football Giants and a standout per­ riflemen added another to their of Loe Angelee’ 10 points In the 18th triumph aa against two set­ g.ame, then don warmup suits and Palm Springs, Calif. Iff)—G olf'sf_ Also to be reckoned with was win. Show. More than 90 recognized Total" .... 7 a.m. An assistant coach ha.s the formance by goalie Gump Worsley when the Rangers were two men extra setaion. back In handing Springfield (Mass) breeds will be represented...... 24 M Job of getting the team up. usually run. Legs are important, and they were the chief factors in halting short for a minute and 54 seconds. string of consecutive -victories yes­ only 90-hole tourneunent, the $50,- Sam Snead. He had a 70 in hla They did last night, 122-115 In * 71-64 defeat and NaVy laced Col­ Rror« At hAlf, HAAdqiiAiiPri 27-15. run for a couple of hours before first 1962 tournament. j; Chicago. led the losers with throwing open doors to the rooms New York’s 10-game losing streak “ One of his better games,” com; terday at the Waddell range de-. 000 Palm Springs Classic, swung 27. gate, 113-61. WITH INDIVIDUALLY ADJUSTAILI knocking off the rest of the day. mented Harvey, who Was relaxed feating strong Loomis School from Even with par 71 was Jack and sounding a whistle to break In the National Hockey League. into its second stage today with Before that the Celtics hadn’t _ Other Action the sound sleep. Wednesday and Thunsday, players •ITie Rangers broke their losing and joking for the first time In a Windsor, 901-881. FYed Jacobs' Nicklaus, 1961 amateur champion been acting like the Celtict-at all. Syracuse’s victory, forged on a Elsewhere: Tom Wynne’s 13 jinheralded Stan Leonard and Rex turned pro, while last yeaifs Palm second quarter burst, gave the Everybody must be at the report at 10 a m. and work on of- fXJMMERCIAL TENPIN string—within one game of the month. 183 topped the match, which saw That la, they lost lour In a row — /parked St. Joseph’s of Heins^ Wasilieff -Set Marks BUCKET-TYPE FRONT SEATS breakfast table by 8 o'clock, and at •fen.se and defense for an hour and "February looks good,” he said. four of five Indian gunners in'the Baxter Jr. leading the procession. Springs winner, Billy Maxwell, had squalling their lo n g e s t losing Nats a five game leed over New ™ isdelphia, to a 94-47 shellacking Standings 1944 club record—with a 6-0 shut­ 9:30 evcrybisly is dressed and a half. U.sually on Wednesday, the out of the last place Boston Bruins "January was kind of stormy.” 180 circle, while Loomis mustered They scored 65s, six strokes un­ a disappointing 73. string since 1957 — while Big Bill York In the jockeying for the third o f Lehigh, Arkansas State outlast­ Everything about this aprightly beauty la DELUXE. The Indi­ ready for a two-hour drill. offerusive team will ntn Its plays W. L. Pet The Rangers won the first and two. der par In the first round at the Player attributed his poor scor­ was recuperating Iroiq an injured and last playoff -spot In the East­ ed the Citadel 80-75 In three over- last night. ds Tankers Defeat Bulkeley vidually adjuatabla buckat-typa front saata invlta you to alt Lunch is at noon. Then the again.st the defensive team using Nelco Tool ...... 30 10 .750 It moved them to within one last days of the month, with the Loomis Is suffering more heavi­ Thunderblrd Country Club yester­ ing in California this winter to achilles tendon. ern DlvUion. trimmed Albright 80- .700 10 loeses in between. players "sack out ' for a rest, but the defense of the next opponent. Dean Machine ...... 2 8 12 point of fourth-place Detroit, which ly from the current flu epidemics day. . faulty putting. But he was deft on He waa atill favoring the dam­ They hit 17 of 80 field goal at­ 56, Boston College bowled over and relax —anjoy tha surroundings. As in all '62 Mercury are back on the field again at 3 The.next day they switch the rou­ Barlow’s TV ...... 2 8 12 .700 currently holds the last playoff "It’s a shame we couldn’t get than Manchester, and the expected Baxter, 25, of AmariUo, Tex., is the greens yesterday. aged heel lest night and scored tempts in the eecond quarter ^ I c Northeastern 71-68, Fordham rip- Sotting two new achool racorda^man , Budd Saart, Skip Gannutz- for another two hours. tine so each team Is well prepared Burnside Auto ...... 2 6 14 .650 spot. The Red Wings lost to Chi­ that record,” he quipped. ’’You 900 score from Loomis failed to a relative newcomer to the money "I’ve been.playing the beat golf only 11 points as the Celts broke outscoring the Knleke, 42-1*. They Iona 72-50, DePaul drubbed for Manchester High’a twlmming and Ron Anderson which climaxed Comets, the 8-22 boasts extensive body Insulstlnn for a lower During* the first few days, the for the opposition. Both after­ ABA Tool ...... 2 8 14 .650 cago 4-1 In the league’s only other know, go in the record books and materialize. trail. Leonard, 47 tomorrow, has of my life recently out I have loat the losing string. The' big teat coasted In from there. ’s ^ Idw ln Wallace 79-49. Rhode team yesterday, were Bob Heins the meet by taking that event and sound level and greater passenger comfort, and glass 8ber workouts are exercises, hitting noons, afn hour and a half is spent Man. Upholstery . .. .24 16 .600 action. all that. Well, it (breaking the 'The'Indians fire against a Wind­ won the Canadian PGA tlUe eight any chance of good scores by some , comes tonight when Boston plays SO points topped Syracuse and laland humbled Colby 85-74, Air and Ivan Wasilieff; Both splashed giving the Indians a clean sweep -Idummies. and generally nothing 16 .600 losing string) had to happen ham High team of unknown cali­ miserable putting,” the little South Western leader Los Angeles In Col­ their way to liew ifiarks in their practicing the Eagle's plays again. Connectlqut Motel ...2 4 An artificial "road game” at­ times. Richie Ouerln had 22 for the topped DePauw of all 10 events on the program. hood insulation. Mercury Comet 8-22 la truly the smartest buy more than getting in .shape. Little Joe’.s ...... 2 2 18 .550 sometime.” bre here FYlciay. One stroke back of the leaders African said. lege Park, Md. Knleke. 72-56. Ohio Wesleyan out-dellbera- specialties as the Indian natators 9U0 Yd. UMi\ry Relay; 1. Mamhe.tfr Teams travel mostly by a ir - mosphere may have had something It'a a big one for each' team. At 6. dinner is served. Playcra on Saturday, There is a league Dugan’s Bakery .. .. .22 18 .550 to do with the Rangers’ vlctorj'. Praises Third IJhe Loomis’ only prior loss had been was Doug Ford, recent winner of Palmer understandably is get­ t ^ Wittenberg 88-81, Bgtler rout­ drowned out-classed Bulkeley, 71- (Evrrctl. Maher. Waalll*f( and Hunt­ Mercuc}' Comet .8-22 among personal compacta for '62. set together for all rneafs. During He had high praise for a newly' to a resurgent Wilbraham Acade­ Los Angeles which beat Detroit er). Time, 2-.00.3 rule that requires the visiting team WlDie’s Steak ...... 2 0 20 ..TOO Almost all the New York play­ the Bing Crosby Tournament, ting a little piqued at the frequent ed Valparaiso 92-70, LafayetU 15, at the Arena' pool yesterday. 300 Yd. Freeiiyle: 1. Verfallle (Ml, I Interior 'View training, roast beef and steak are Carter’.s ...... 2 0 20 .500 constructed third line of 'Vic Had- my beaten easily by the Indians in while two shots back were U.S. query: "What’s wrong with I%lm- 128-122 in overtime last night, Heins, who is a senior, set his 3. Miller (Ml, 3. Bartenatein (B). Time, | to be in the city where the game ers live on Long Island, about an leads Boston by two gsunes In the St. Fran- familiar entrees, since this is the Don W illis ...... 1 8 22 .450 fleld, Dave Balon and Pat Hanffl- the secuon’s first match. Wilbra- Open Champion Gene Llttler, the er?” He feels there is nothing ba- Third Round Set cls (Pa) walloped Geneva 104-78, record In the 2(X>-yard individual 3:16.4. < SIX IN STOCK— AVAILAILE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERIES is to be played at least 24 hours hour away from Madison Square gan, which produced two of the won column, and the team that K Yd. Fraeatyle: 1. Then (Ml. 3. j penod of "beefing up ’ the play­ in advance. As an example, he Nassiff Arms ...... 1 6 24 .400 Garden. Usally, they report just Juun’r newly developed ability will winner at San Francisco last Sun­ atcally wrong with his game but Alabama trounced Florida SUte medley as he swam the distance ers, and yoti need good, wholesorne goals. Asked if he planned on finishes the regular aeaeon with Trantolo. (B). 3. Alexander (M). 'nme, cited the Browns, saying the team Man. Sand ...... ,..1 6 24 .400 before game tltpe for home match­ make the return match a tight one, day; Lionri Hebert and Jerry he has confided to intimates that In Parish Event 72-67 and Arizona breezed past in 2:36.7. Wasilieff, only a junior 34.9. CHOICE OF COLORS AND EQUIPMENT meals to take care of what you .350 keeping his three lines intact, a$ will be the return match in Steelsmith. his many outside buaineaa interests the most victories gets an impor­ and with plenty of time to get sev­ 300 Yd. Individual Madley: 1. Helna would leave Philadelphia about 11 Sperry’s Glen ...... 1 4 26 es. Los Angelss SUts, 80-60. (Ml, 3. Peliy IB), 3. Jofinson (Hi. have burned off in practice. ...1 4 26 .350 Harvey started kidding again: Windsor with Loomis. have hurt his power of concentra­ tant, one-game home court ed- eral more cracks at it, lowered the a.m. and be In Cleveland about Bob’s Barber . . . Yesterday, however, they report­ Three other desert. courses are vantage tn the playoffs. Third round of the Parish Bas­ Time. 2:36.7 At 9:30 at night, the players ...1 2 28 .300 ”I don’t know. We’re so used to Match summaries; being used to handle the 128 pros tion on a golf course. school breast stroke mark to 1:13.8. Diving:-ig: ■ Manrheater wnn all elfhl SAVE TIME... STEPS.. AND MONEY 1:30. 'Right after the game the Roy Motors ...... ed In mid-afternoon for a team changing around, it might not Syracuse heat New York 138- ketball Tournament being spon­ meet again to go over plays, ’iliat ... 0 40 .000 and their 384 amateur partners. In Heins bettered his own old reC' point* ny fnrtell meeting lasts exactly one hour, next day, the team dresses and Jack’s Coffee .... dinner, as if they were on the road, seem right to use the same ones Manchester 901 109 In the other, game last night. sored by and played at E ast Pacf* Scorer* i'W— Yd. Butlerf'ly;Butlerriy; 1. Maher (Ml. 3. boards a plane for home, and Chuck and then were assigned rooms in something of a game of musical Catholic High School U scheduled ord of 2:39 in the medley (event. ( M < 3. GagGagnon IB). Time, BUY YOUR NEW CAR HERE! breaking up at 10 •.,30. Then, the two in a row.” Fred Jacobs...... 99 84 183 Veteran Bob Couey iparked an Wasllieff’s performance shanered said he will be flopped out on the Listed with the leading pin a mid-town hotel. A similar set-up Dave Landry ...... 95 86 181 chairs, the pros who played one McGill Challengied Saturday. Three games are slated _ * * * * ? " ^ — Jackie Foley of players are free for a half hour. In a more serious vein: course yesterday switch to another attack which gave Boston an 81- the old standard of 1 ;14 in th^ HunUr (M). 3. Free, that is, except they must couch in his living room by 9 p.m. were Emil Plltt 205—576, Al was used by the Giants before ”It was good to 'catch Boston at Allan Archibald ....100 81 181 61 lead 4% minutes deep in the with S t PAul’s of Glastonbury Holy Croae and Fran KaaheU of Baxter (Ml, I. Vaulting (R). Time. Sunday, the players are up early vigne 236—570,' Bob Arnold 589, home games last fall. today. And so it •will-go unUl Sun­ New York OP)—^The Bast, which Norwich pace the New Skigiand backatroke which belonged to grad­ M . t . be undressed and in bed at 11 this time. Just as we’re coming Allan S a u lt...... 100 80 180 seeMid half. But Uen Walt Bal- and St James of hunchsster hav- • 100 Yd. BackatrolM: 1. Xverett (M), and go to the church of their Aldo D'appollonlo 209—566, Joe "This way they weren’t tired Gary Harrison ...... 05 81 176 day for the final'round at a fifth hasn't had a major college acoi^ b^riball scorers, according to uated Dougtaa Stevena- o’clock sharp. Bed checks are out of It If we’d loet this one courae, beautiful Bermuda Dunea ing champion in baakelball in 11 lamy and Ralph Davis started hit­ Jng already been qpoted f»m this The irisltora from Hartford failed 3. Boyl* (B), 1. Wharton (M). Time,, made at 11:05 and sometimes choice in the morning. At 10:30, Palazal 662, Frank Copeland 659, from the long, drive,” explained and Detroit had won, that'd make double elimination tournament ^ U s tlca eompUsd by the V»Ueges. 1:14.6. Country Club. years, is tossing the tdg chaUenga ting. CUeago closed te w ith in to* win a single event and even 100 Yd. Braastatroke: I. Waallleff throughout the night. The coach­ the team eats Steak or eggs are Dave Hennegin 658, Ray Gough Player-Coach Doug Harvey. "And, a five-point difference. That’s a lot Loomis School 881 ' In the opener et o’eloclt, Foley has a 81.5 averags for the Steve BurM l...... 97 84 181 The 68 group included Mike Sou- this season to Billy (The Hill) Me- three points, 113-109 laU in ths 9 forfeited the diving to the Indiana. (M), X Petty (B>, 3. Blaachfleld (M). es expect players to follow In­ the choices. Chuck said he doesn’t 552—208. Frank Kicxuk 206—562, being all together, we got to talk­ of points at this time o f tha sea­ game before Boston reoovered. Bleesed Sacrament of. East Hart­ targe eollgge Crusaders, while Time, 1:U.6. MORIARTY chak and Xkigiand'a Neil Colea, GUI of Utah. SUUatics show Mc­ Bulkeley'a best efforts ware a BROTHERS structions to the letter. eat a meal then, because he Bob Schack 2M-203—552, Len ing hockey, thinking hockey, We son.” BUI Bauich ...... 98 88 181 ford meeta S t Francisbof Wind­ Kariiete is scoring at a 28.3 clip 300 TO. FreeMfle Relay; 1. Manchea- Tom P re ss...... 94 .81 176 while the 69 bracket waa Jammed Gill still leading with a 87.1 aver- Bellamy had 47 points and Davis for ths smsll bollegs Csdets. Holy quartet of second place finishes. ter (Oakman, Butrl. Gannuta and An- Strict Rules couldn’t be ready to play. He us­ Landers 228, A1 Turkington 200, were In the right ^frame of mind be­ Hadfield got a pair o f goals— sor. StB ritot's and Assumption Mike Moazicato 204, Ken Beaton Chuck Phmips...... 08 75 i n with promlMnt playera. u e on 630 points, tn 17 games. 28.* Cousy led the Celts with 27. Cross, ProTidsnee and Yale were Because of the one-sidedness of deraon). ‘Tima. 1:33.1. Players offending the rules are ually has some liquid and runs out fore getting on the ice." only hla sscond and third of tbs Hqwle JoUlff dropped in two Church, botn o f Maneheser, square 200, Bin Wright 200, Lee Paradlae Leon Harris .-•••-• 97 74 l7l Included were Gary Player, Ar­ They alao show that Nick Werk- ranked the three best, according the meet, several Indjans under- fined *100 the first Ume, $200 the to the drug store and eats a 40 Saves' ssssan—on tha new third Ufie, and free throws with 86 seconds left off at 11 wiUi St Mary's and St Lbicoln Continental — Mercury — Cornel — Englith Ford — WiUyt Jeep 209. Andy Hebenton, Earl Ingaifield Other Manchester gunners were nold Palmer. both signaling a re­ man of Baton Hall ahd Jack (Ik s to their-won-lpet recorda, among etaasman got an opportunity to gat Boeluttea—Alva. Doucette 112- second. The third time, no mat­ couple of chocolate bars. He uya- Goalie Wbrafey turned la 40 * In overtime to provide Los- An- Roae’a, the othaf two Bast Hart*- thera Is no such thing as o|is turn Mvea en route to his second diut- and Harry Howell the oth ^ for PhU Rusegpi, 174; Bob Dunflcid, turn to form after a droi^t of Shot) Foley of Holy Croas ars ths the targer schools, in ths smal! thslr first taata of varsity compe­ lia -lS l—862 (new Mgh triple), ter who you are, you're dropped its fifth straight vie- food hopefuls, clashing la the 30f-31S CENTIR ST., MANCHiSHR—Ml 3-5135 from the dub. Ho exceptions to being more 'up for a game than out o t the season, many spsotscu- the Rangers, who wers cut-shot in; PhU m sm aa 163; Jerry Cbnk- 1 good hooTss this winter. Jay He-Utah atar'a only aerloua ehal- gelaa ranks. It was Assumption. Rteker tition. This Inelndtd tha Mfi-yaM Xjbbm, Ahaani 113-U5, Aaa Btaa^ Monli^tMlee — VItUb Sheldon taqr. final eoBtsst at 1 yja. Bugle ndM, ha Mid. tha other. The team that's up is 181, EUeM Bocia US. lar. It was the highest number «< 46-28. “ ;Ua, 158; P&Hl WUhelm. 158. ■ bert and Jimmy Demaxst. lengera. fiiaalyta ratay aquad a< Al 0 ^ m

U f i

/ r-^a*-c-Tb j F V.- a ew.. ,->q , K , ■ -/

■ V ' . ■, ,: . ■ . ■■• ■ . .■ fWSft TWENTY-SIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, ld62 / MANCHESTER EVENING HER a I iD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1962 PAGE TWENTY-SEVEN Auto Driving School 7 Teneneota. Honagg For Sale . 72 Houom For'Sale 72 Houses For Sale 72 Houws For Sale 72 flc«, MS Main St.. MandiMMr. front hisatihg unit, A-i conditlta. tique Shop at 420 L oka St. w ill b s 63 STREET (area) - Six room SIX ROOM Cap* Ood with garage, oorrtetly "SiBjr 8avt MI clofsd unW furtbsr noUos. yCODERN 8 room apartment in MANCHESTER—6 room ranch ad­ GRACIOUS LIVING Buzzing Your Baby into Dreamland Tour Ute." Driver eOucanop s o w « r of atone fireplace, wall to wall car­ jacent Bowera School, priced rea­ Thia 6 room colonial home is de­ MCMO APART* PROMPT AND Courteous ssrvlea Vernon, heat and hot water includ­ g ^ land. House boa 8 bedrooms peting, $16,300. R. J. Wrobelskl, citwee. Member. Connecticut Pro- OPtMtnu.OFFAM RUCW, NEVER used, 9x12 green, sonable. Call owner. Ml 9-5828. signed for luxury 'living-attached teeatonal DrlvUig 8d»o| Aan. W , ANR WIND Iff $80; 9x16 green broadloem , $88. for your scrap iron and mstol in ed. Call YR 8*6816 after 4 p.m. basement, Broker, MI 3-2678. By ARTHUR AM.AN ahlt youngest daughter usuallyerum on the buzzer and security -AIACMCTE wiriHo; TURKiy r J A LA CARTE! any amount or slM. Ptpsa. fur* weekdays, or,any tim e Saturday TOceUent heating system. If you garage, 1% baths, 2 fireplaces, rec S-78M. BU 9^6966. room, large ■porch, beautifully land­ Newspaper Enterprise Assn. dropped off to sleep In the back returns. ADVERTISING d w n u M ’C wmioiirYnffpntt! naces, machinery, copper, brass, or Sunday. privacy plus, look this over. VERNON—5 room ranch, kitchen, SPECIAL scaped in one of Manchester’s most St. Paul, Minn.—(NEA)—From seat, A combination of noise and A batteryry-powered refinement of UARSON’B ConnecUcut'a flrat U *TUe MtlDEf r a t i M M R rn iK tci Three Rooms of Furniture e tc. OtU MI 8-2809: CTcellent value for $15,300 T J. living room, 3 bedrooms, large lot. vibration, he reasoned, promoted cenaed driving school trained — VWTfR.'^ yEAR! METfAOOP IWAMTLIGOPUIMBi Crockett, Realtor, Ml 8-1577. Tongren Agency, MI 3-8321. desirable locations. A real buy at the br.ck seat of an automobile the; Invention (marketed aa Slum* CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS WBOWW FROM MODEL HOMfe gDC ROOM dupl^ near Center. $21,900. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, and a kitchen Workshop conic.s a her slumber. bertonc) Is encased In a light Cettifled and approved la noa of­ o o p n io u 00 W t n o e c o u -M P « , MAKE IT EAEV LIMAS On the krtchen table he fashion­ tMM.com.en A O OP PEAS’ o r ME •Rooms Without Board 69 Call any time. M l 94890. SIX R:s- lot. real estate? (^li me at Ml 9-0320 OAIt-E i n (iA.S < many in lacy and textured weaves. IMIonr ARtweriig Service 8-T9M. P earl St. MANCHESTER — Modem 2 bed­ *»r prompt and courteoua service them on salad greens topped with with freezer. 82 O A St. after 7 room garden apartment to sublet Hutchins, MI 9-5132, perance, MI 9-7620. Newspaper Enlerprise Silk-and-worsted mixtures, of lots of minced parsley. p .m . Or ca ll M f 8-7437 between 6-7 Joseph Barth. Broker. SAM’S UPHOLSTERY >- Retired Heating and Plumbing 17 Business Opportunities *32 through September with option Women’s Editor course, for dross coats. Even Flea to Herald Readers Help Wanted— p .m . - NICE ROOM for rent In nice home, CHURCH STREET—A 10 lOom flat $17,800. FIVE ROOM ranch~»ijh Jack ]. Lappen fabrics carry out the feminine feel­ from the shop. Can taka cars of to renew lease. Call MI 9-4887. porch, large kitchen with built-ins, CASH WATTINQ tor property own­ . Save the livers from .vour broil* PLUMBING AND beotliig — rs^ Male or Female 37 reasonable. MI 9-9^ . In central location, one clock from Now York - - (NEA I . - This ing of spring fashions. an your upholstering needi at YOUNG COUPLE Main St., large lot and ?-car ga­ tiled bath, fireplace, combination ers. Please call ua before you buj is tije year of the slim cost. er-fryers and put them In th* Want Infoniiatlon on one of oar olasallled advertisements t No great s a v i ^ . CaU CB 8-8878. modeiiiw InstaUaUans, repairs. $6,000 SALARY YEARLY Or aell. Suftedy service. J. D. SSXmON managers cashiers and BREAKING UP HOUSEKEEPING ROOM FOIt' RteNT, kitchen privl* FOUR ROOM apartment MI rage. Occupancy of first floor window* and doors, home in excel­ Agency Redingote. princess or reefer, the freezer. When you have a suffi- answer at the telephone listed T Simply call the All work guaranteed, » years ex- Be your own boss and work only CAN’T USE THEIR lent condition. One owner. Full Realty. Ml t-SU6. COSMA APPLIANCE Service—Ro- periirienes. 24-boiir service. CaU clerks for new retail outlet, part- leges, parking, private entrance, 8-5838. available shortly. Fairly priced s*^ * Bi.ssell St. MI 9-4506 coat for spring, 1962, Is narrow. cicnl supply, thaw them and coolc 24 hours a week In nation’s No. 1 time and fulI-Hme openings. Apply 8 ROOMS OF FURNTTUIIE gentleman. hQ 8-4734. $19,000. Robert J. Smith, Inc. Ml ba.sement, hot water oil heat, re­ MI 4-1894 lliem In butler, add to a tomato palrs all makea refrigerators, E ar,r| VanCoinp. Ml 9-4749. Ml 4-0149 ASK US about our cash offer for Adm. e • KimmeL MANCHCSTER ANSWERIN«» SERVICE self-service business, c ( ^ operated Connecticut State Employment AND APPLIANCES MANCHESTER — 8 room apart­ 9-5241. cessed ca-st iron radiators. City There are syil wide bark and spaghetti sauce. heesora, wsahlng machines, dry- NICE ROOM for girl or wroman, your property. No red tape, Hon era ranges, oil and gas burners. laundries, located in busy shopping S ervice, 806 M ain St., M anchester. THEY HAVE HAD ment, heat and hot water. lesa water and sewerage. Near school, SINGLE HOME four rooms all on est value. H. J. Bradley. Ml 8-7379. full back coats around. But if Ml 9-0500 centers. ExceUent financing avail­ FOR 8 MONTHS home privileges, call after 6, MI CUSTOM BUILT 8 room Ranch, bus line, quiet nelghborho<^. Quick ft MI 9-0086. All w ork guaranteed. RSdio-TV Repair Services 18 than one block from a’chools. one floor, gag stove, gas heater, you're shopping for the very new­ Angry as Ever, Preparing hard sauce for a and leave your meesage. You’ll bear from our advertleer In Jig able. Write Box Y, Herald. WHICH IB PRACnCALLY NEW 9-3388. buses, shopping and churches. Call large living room with fireplace, occupancy. CTiarles I^esperanc'e. water heater, garage. 321 Oak­ HELP! DUE to many recent salea, formal dining room, family size MI 9-7620. est look, the narrow coat will be steamed pudding? Add a lltllft time without opendlng all evening at the telephone. LAWN MOWERS sharpened TV s e r v ic e ;—All makes. Honest, Sitnations Wanted— ‘ nr YOU ARE A MI 3-4385. land SI.. MI 3-0179 after U45 p.m. our listings are low. Buyers are your choice. grated lemon, rind and lemon Julca repaired sales and aefviee, pick Economies!, High quality parts. kitchen 2 Mdrooms, 1% baths, waiting for all types of property. Hints Betrayal Female 38 RESPONSIBLE PERSON Apartments— Flats— CENTER ST.—Four room apart­ recreation room with fireplace! at to the creamed butter (or mar­ up and dellvsry. OompiSte hne of Guaranteed 90 days Famous for WHO’S GOING C If selling buying or trading, call Shaping is back in favor. Some- garine) and sugar mixture. Toro riders, reels, ^ rotaries, service since 198L Flioas Ml Help Wanted— Female 35 Tenements 63 ment, second floor, heat, garage, enclosed breezeway, attached ga­ Mr. and Mrs. MODERN,R.ANTH at once. Free Inspections upon re­ Lost and Foand 1 Antomobiles For Sale 4 HOUSEKEEPING $85, Box X, Herald. rage. landscaped yard 91x194. time.s, this takes the form of high (Continued from Page One) lies. L A M 9-4687. P otterton’s. 180 Center S t IRONlNa DONE In my home. Ml YOU CAN TAKE OVER $12,900 quest. (iall the Ellsworth Mitten R oute 88, WAITRESS wanted 8 days weekly, 9-6148. GENERAL RENTAL agency. J. D. Marion E, Robertson Realtor Ml Agency. Realtors, Member of MLS front shaping with darts to mold Use tho.se trimmings leftover FOUNt>—Cross-bred German Shep­ NEED A CAR and iuid your credit TELEIVISION ontannas and rotor UNPAID BALANCE R ealty, 470 M ain Street. M I MANCHESTER—A two room and a 8- 5953. Two large bedioom.s. 12x20 kitch­ the bustline. Nearly all coats ad­ they would have been court-mar­ when .you've made a pie or two, to 9-6. Apply Comer Soda Shop, MONTHLY PAYMENTS HOMESEEKER service. Ml 3-6930. herds, one female at>d one male; turned downT Short on down pay­ systems Installed tnd' repaired. State Theater Building. 8-6120. 3 room apartment available on en and living room, .I.Sxl.l heated here to, the body at front, though tialed. concoct some small tart shells. Fill ment? BankruptT Repossession? $33.14 BOLTON—Williams Road. 6% room one Collie male; one mongrel FLOORS WASHED and waxed, Serving Manchester and sur­ CLEANING by the hour or day. Center St., heat and hot water FOR TOP VALUE IN family room, alr-ronditloning. easy they may ease into cape, barrel- "It thc.v were not carrying out the shclL-i with fruit preserves. Hound, male; one female Beagle; Don’t give upt See Honest Doug- windows cleaned, painting, paper- rounding areas. Modem TV Serv­ CONNECTICUT registered licensed M I 8-7026. “ WESTINGHOUSE" REF. LAR G E 8 ROo M apartment, heat, furnished, rentals from $80 per brick ranch 2 years old, heated HOMES IN THE financing. - —■ shape or tapered line at bark. the oi-dcrs of the commander In IBS, get the towdown on the lowest breezeway, oil hot water heat, full one black and white Collie. Call "ing, walla washed, odd JoIm . Handy ice, 406 Center S t . M l 8-8200. racUcal nurse for 11-7 a.m. shift "CALORIC’ RANGE hot water, stove, refrigerator, ga* month up, immediate occupancy. m a n c h e s t e r -v e r n o n a r e a Letter to Kennedy chief, why did they not give us Andover Dog Warden, PI 2-7800. down and smaUest paymenta any­ Man Service. Phone Ml 8-8946. I convalescent home in Rock- rage. hU 4-(KiS8. Call Mr. Werbner, Jarvis Realty basement, l-car garage, large lot EUGENE E. RUSHEY the Information they had that war Making roll-out-and-cut cijok- where. Not a small loan or finance "EMERSON’’ TELEVISION CALL THE JARVIS OFFICE Hie narrow, set-in sleeve has the les? If the cookie dough is rich, CONNIE’S TV and Radio Service, gyUle. Tel. TR 8-4261. Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 Co., MI 3-4112. with trees, owners anxious. Phil- TODAY' IT WILL BE OUR AGENCY New Haven, Feb. i (49)—Presi­ look of high fashion this year. was Imminent. . . " LOST—5 months old German Shep­ company plan Douglia Motors, BUSINESS-Professional' accounta. available all hours. Satisfaction BLONDE BEDROOM ROCKVILLE;— Apartments newly brick Agency, MI 9-8484, Kimmel read a sentence from roll out a small portion at a time; herd vicinity Parker and Wood- LTVINO ROOM SUITE decorated, dinette, ' kitchenette, PLEASURE TO WORK WITH YOU MI 9-2083 dent Kenned.v hss been asked by And with it goes the notched, keep the rest'Of the dough refrig* 833 Main St. If your receivables need action, guaranteed. Call Ml 9-1816. WANTBlD—Mature woman to care TEN MONTHS old Seal Point Sia- 62 Yale faculty members to with­ hli book. "Admiral KImmel's bridge SU. Call MI 9-7451. phone MI 9-5317 any hour; AAA Re­ for two elderly ladies, reasonable bedroom tile bathroom appli­ FOUR ROOMS, first floor, conven­ MAIN STREET shopping —custom standaway collar. There are some crated until you are ready to use mese cat, male, altered, asking 5-PC. DINETTE SET $9,400 -4 room older home on draw his support of fallout ahel- collarless coats, of course. Story." published In 1955: 1956 PLYMOUTH Belvedere. 4-door imbursement Service, 869 Main St. RAOIO-TV REPAIRS, any make, pay. Must live in. Call TR 6-6147. $20. TR 6-8448. MAYTAG WASHER ances, $66 per month. daU Ml ient location, $60. MI 3-8515. brick and frame ranch, h\ige "To utilize the Paclllc fleet and it. sedan, good condition, $395. M l' Autumn St., Manchester. A lot ters. They .said in an open letter Bonded. free pickup and deUvery on HOOVER VACUUM 8-1869, TR 6-8488. kitchen, 3 bedrooms, immaculate for a little. THE YARD’S NICE TOO the army forces at Pearl Harbor 8-1898. iha. H ours 6-10 condition reasonably priced. Carl­ to the White Hou.se that shelters Softnes.s Is the keynote of all Those fashionable tights need to Announcements SEALT BOXSPRINO The Cape with the most of every­ "might save a .small fraction of aa a lure for a Jap attack wlihout SNOW PLOWING, day and night ^ TV. Ml R-N. PART-TIME. Call MI 9-2368. BOXER-SHEPHERD puppy for SEALT MATTRESS Business Fxicatinns ton W Hutchins, Ml 9-51.32. $12,900 -Cozy cape on Phoenix St., feminine fa.shlons this spring. In advising the commander In chief be "siidsed out” after every wear­ service. Rates according to lob sale, $2. Call PI 2-8198. FIVE ROOM apartment, second thing, Shed dormer makes upstairs the population in a nuclear war, coats, thus can take the form of INCOME TAXGIS prepared In your Also included "Mohawk" For Rent 64 Vernon, just over the Manchester of the fleet and the commander of ing. Just like regular etockinga 1956 FORD, V-8, standard transmis- and/or conditions. MI 9-5650 all floor. 13% Ford St, Tel. M 8-4781. TWO-FAMIUES-We ha^them^A bedrooms large, 1'^ bath.s, living but this gain is more than off.sct embroidered or lacc collars and home or by appointment. B l^ r - Bion, good condition. MI 9-7243. MANCHESTER Housewives! The V Ruga, Sind Tables, Ccxsktall line. 3 bedrooms, recently redec.o- the army base at Hawaii is some­ and lingerie. Washing actually Im­ hours. new one (i'i and 4>i flat); older rated. Garage. room fireplace, garage, Waddell l)v the fact that auch activities cuffs. Detachable, of course. Fem­ lenced tax work, 24-hour sendee. increasing demtuid for Avon’s Tables, Lamps, Smoker, Dishes THREE ROOM apartment. Heat, STORE near Main St. at 38 Birch 6 and 4 flat for only $16,900; a 6 School area. Evenings Bill Boies, thing 1 am wholly'unable to com­ proves their atretchabtlity, making Millinery, Dressmaking 19 Articles For Sale 45 St. 2,000 aq. ft., parking. Apply prepare the people tor acceptance inine, yea. prehend.” them fit smoothl.v and snugly. Call MI 8-4723. GERARD J. BARONOUSKY, fragrances, toiletries luul beauty Silverware, Kitchen Cabinets stove. re£plgerator. Gables, 118 and 6 duplex on F'oster St. for $1.5,900- -Cute ranch homo. Features .MI_ 9-9858. of thermonuclear war a.s an in­ 1955 STUDEBAKER pickup, good Plumbing, Installation and repair. ALTERATIONS — dressmaking, aides, uid the continued growth Mirrors, Pictures, Pots and Pons M ain St. M I 0-6239. 9-5 Md^rlow's, 8t7 Main. $18,400 ; 5 and 5 flat (nice one) for A board of Inquiry headed by FEDERAL INCOME taxes prepar­ condition, $295. MI 9-7243. HOME MADE ravimi, fresh or 2 bedrooms. Using room with hay strument of national policy.” Black, black combined with Many new clothes dryers coma MI 9-6126. suits, quick service and reason­ of Miuichester, hse created open­ froze!:, 80c dot. H. Pasquallnl. 844 And Few Other Items $20,000; and a 6 and 6 on Walnut WARREN E. HOWLAND Supreme Court Jusllre Owen J. ed with yoUr sa'vings in mind. THREE ROOMS heated on Main EXCELI.ENT STORE for anv bual. Window, birch cabineted kitchen. Tile letter wa.s the same as that white in bold checks, navy blue, Roberta attributed "dereliction of with a humldlty-govemed control able. MI 3-8688. ings for representatives. I f you Avery Street, Wapplng. Phone Me Immediately ness or office, apartment Includ­ St, for $22,000. T. J. Crockett, Attached garage. REALTOR sent the President by faculty Reasi^able rates. E. J Bayles. 1967 CUSTOM Ford, 2-door, Fordo- SAVE A BUCK at Manchester Hartford CHapel 7-0858 Sf., available now, for married while, green, light blue snd peach duty" to Kimmel and Short. 'Iliey which aiitomaticaily reduces tha Tel. Ml 9-6246. matlc, radio, 6 cylinder, light blue. have spare time, why not turn It ed 478 Main St. Ml 9-5229. 9-5. Realtor, Ml 3-1577. .576 Main St. MI 3-1108 member.^ at Harvard and Mnss.1- Welding Service, MI 3-1658, MI EXPERT TAILORINO on ladles Into dcdlars so you, too, can get SNOW BLOWERS — From $79.95 couple or single lady, CaU between $16.900—An outstanding buy in a 3 1 are all sound coat colors for spring. retired shortly thereafter. A 1946 drying temperature as the clean MI 3-1016. See It Day Or Night 6:80-7:80. MI 8-6441. chu.seUs Institute of Technologj- Add to thc.se the light and airy clothes lose moisture. Other serv- INCOME TAX returns prepared by 9-8762. Have It welded, repaired, and gentlemen’s clothing. 139 the extras ypu want. Call BU and up. Parts and service Capi­ CUSTOM BUILT 8 room (Colonial, bedroom ranch with lovely ‘ congressional investigation report sharpened. Guaranteed. Woodland St. CiUI MI 3-2264. A. If you have no means of transpor­ EXCELLENT LOCATION 2 fireplaces, large cabinet kitchen, WARPING--Just over Manchester last fall. 'The Y'ale .signer.s incliid- pa.stela with peaoli.due to replace concluded that the errors made by lee features Include an automatio ‘ former Internal Revenue agent In 1961 RAMBLER American, radio 9-4922 for Interview. tol Equipment Co.. 88 Main at. MODERN 6 room apartment, see* screened and glassed porch off ed Carl W. DeiiUsch, Henri Peyre, lovine.' Hours '^•8 dally, 7-9 Thursday, 7-4 tation, I’ll send my auto for you! 1% baths, screened porch, swim­ kitchen. Three acre lot. line. Recent 6 room ■ranch, $199 la.sl spring’s pet pink. the Hawaiian commands were er­ shut-off. when the load Is dry, and the convenience of your home for and heater, very reasonable. Call ond floor, heat, hot water, stove, Ideal for beauty salon, 818 Cen­ down, $125 monthly. Why pay rent? •Tohn Blum, Fowler V. Harper and a damp-dry setting which per- Individual and business. MI 9-8938. COVENTRY — Good home In ex­ S a tu ^ a y . No Obligation! ming pool, garage, comer lot rors In Judgment, arid not derelic­ PI 2-6683. Household Services change for housework, care of refrigerator, $138. C all M l 9-0728 ter St., off atreet parking, 20x50, 90x178. Shown by appointment. Direct from owner. Ml 4-0014. Arthur 'Wright. Fabrics are lightweight woolens. tion of duty." pares. clothes for Ironing. A—Lr-B—E—R—T— S INCOME TAX returns prepared by Offered 13-A Moving— ^Trucking^— school aged child, some salary. K OAK PICTURE frames, special newly decorated, reasonable rent. Marion E. Robertson, Realtor MI 1955 FORD CONVERTIBLE, fair 2-7031. purchase, sizes 8x10 to M-18, 99c 48-45 ALLYN ST., HARTFORD 3-5953. JARVIS auditor. Business and individual. condition, new tires and top. Call Storage 20 Open Every Night Till 9 FIRST FLOOR 6 room flat, oU Accounting services. Raymond FLAT ETNISH Holland window each. Sizes 16x20 and 18x24, IT.49 furnace, $86 a month. MI 8-5582. J. D. REALTY MI 9-1423. GIRLS TO learn btuieball and soft­ e x c e l l e n t LOCA’n O N - 6 room Girard. Ml 9-5008. ahade's made to measure. All MANCHESTER Moving and Truck­ each. Sherwin-Williams. 981 Main KENMORE automatic washing ma­ 470 Main St. Ml 3-5129 REALTY CO. metal Venetian blinds at a new ing Company. Local and long dis­ ball winding: also, for packing St. TWO ROOM apartment, heat, gai colonial, 1'4 baths, fireplace, dish­ TAX PROBLEMS? Call PI 2-6607 j I?®! TOMET 2-door, black, deluxe room. Apply Tober Baseball, 114 chine, good condition, $80. MI washer, garbage disposal, rec REALTORS MI^ INSURERS low price. Keys made while you tance moving, packing and stor- 9-8706. stove and refrigerator fumiahed, and have your return prepared for interior. Immaculate condition. wait Marlow’s. age. Regular service throughout Brooklyn St., Rockville. CHOICE WOOLEN remnants and room, wail to wall carpeting, 2-car MI.S-4112 MI 9-2616 MI 3-8446. ’ Adults only. MI 3-6888. STORE FOR rent 243 N. Main St. you. You always save more than It New England states and Florida. strips for rug makers. Lacing MI 9-5229, 9-5. gara^ , unesite drive, excellent MI 8-7847 MI 3-1023 YOU SCORE 2 POINTS FOR THE "HOME TEAM" TYPIST-CLERICAL position avall- MOTOROLA televlsicm and mis­ costs. w a s h e r REFRIOERA’TUR re­ Ml 8-6563. threads, needles, braid clamps, cellaneous articles for sale. MI THREE ROOMS, furnished or un­ condition throughout, near bus, 1953 CHEVROLET, ‘ automaUc pairs. Prompt, economical, expert, able local insuiance company, dyes, hooks, patterns, frames, cut­ furnished, gas heat, ground floor, school. Charles I-esperance Ml TWO-FAMILY flats 5-8. with 2 transmission. In running condition hours 8:15-4:15, 6 days weekly. 3-6857. guaranteed. Flione MI 9-4617, Pot- MANCHESTER Package Delivery. ters. burlap. Colonial Renmdnt adults, reasonable. New Bolton Houses For Rent 65 9- 7620. rooms finished on third floor, 2- but needs slight repain, $50. Mf terton’i, 180 Center St Light trucking and package deUv­ Good stai'tlng salary. Evening in­ Shoppe, 115 Center St. ALMOST NEW repossessed Singer Road. MI 8-6389. car garage, off East Center St., Personals 8-2051. terviews by appointment. Call Ml $11,500—2 bedroom ranch, cellai. EVERY TIME YOU SHOP AT HOME! ery. Refrigerators, -washers and 81ant-o-matlc Portable. When new MY OWN LOVELY home 4 rooms near Post Office, schools and shop­ SAM’S UPHOI.STERY - Retired 8- 1124 or MI 8-1125, Mrs. Lubas. TWO ROOM apartment and bath, double garage, trees, near bus, Hn^ECSROLUX Sales and Service, stove moving specialty. Folding $279.50. You pay $2 weekly after and bath, beautifully furnished, ping. Philbrick Agency, MI 9-8464. from the shop. Caij take care of chairs for rent. Su 9-0752 BOY’S BLACK figure skates, size electricity and heat, |60. 180 Cen­ stores Carlton W. Hutchins, MI bonded representative, Alfred 1954 DODGE, 2-door, radio, heater, BOOKKEEPING machine operator small down payment. Singer Sew­ modem with all conveniences, all your upholsterlu needs at 7, $6. Tel. MI 8-6314 after 6:80. ing Center, 832 Main St., MI 3-8883. ter St. Call MI 8-2487, 9-6 only 9-5132. MANCHESTER—7 room ranch In AmeU, 806 Henry St. T el. Ml enow tires, $150, Call MI 9-2610. great aavlnjgs. C oll 2-287*. THE AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS C*>. In modem office, good opportunity steam heat, garage, full cement 8-0450. WALLPAPER, new selection of cellar, on main road in Coventry, AA zone with view, spacious kitch­ Moving, packing, storage -local in pleasant surroundings. Call BU TO REU4T—-Small heated apart* SPLIT-LEVEL, 7 rooms, l*-4 baths, en with built-ins. baths, 2-car ga­ RADIO-IV REPAIRS au makea. 9- 4337. closeouts, good stock, 57c per sin­ ment. Tel. MI 3-5117 between 8:30- lake privileges. Must leav* on ac­ family room, modem kitchen with 2 WANTED—Ride to and from Hart­ and long distance. Agents for rage, park-like yard, and much 1952 MERCURY, 2-door, needs Cars, phonograpba changers. Lyons Van Lines, Inc., world-wide gle roll, many others available 47C Musical Instruments 53 4:30. count of death in family. $125 i built-ins, one-csr garage, large ford, Burnham, Croft, Windsor minor repair, $35. MI 4-0370. month. PI 2-8374. more. Trim 6 room Cape with Hotiestj^econonilcOl. Guaranteed 90 mowers. Free estimates. MI 8-6187. to 07c per single roll. Sherwin-Wil­ lot, $19,500. Philbrick Agency, MI aluminum elding, fireplace, formal POINT NO: 1 St. area. Hours 8-4:30. MI 4-1316. days. Famoua for service for 80 PART-TIME Bookkeeper, exper­ liams, 981 Main St, ACCORDION, full sire 120 bass, SEVEN ROOM duplex, oU furnace, 9-8464. $99. Trumpet, $35. Bongos all ODVENTRY LAKE — 8% room dining room, lovely yard. So much PASSENGERS wanted from vicin­ 1951 PONTIAC, 4-door sedan, hy- years. Phone Mi 9-4637. Potter- ienced, MI 9-9592. garage, adults and older children dramatlc, good condition, MI ton's. Painting— Papering 21 1960 EDITION encyclopedia Ameri­ sizes. Sheet music. Ward Music preferred, 83 Oak St., MI 9-7808. house, winterized, one minute SAVE TIME7-On display, more for $14,900. Vernon — Spotless 8 ity Center to Hartford, via Silver AGGRESSIVE |Aone solicitors, cana, complete with Year Book. Co. 99 Summer. Open evenings. from beach. Call MI 9-0338. bedroom ranch with garage, fire­ Lane. Hours 6 ;30-3:30. MI 3-7655. 9-4067. than 150 pictures with pricea of The dollars you spend at home go WEAVING of Bums motli holes PAINTINO AND paperfaanging. part-time, day or night hourly Will accept best reasonable offer. homeg in Manchester and vtciniiy. place. aluminum combination LOOKING FOR an organ or piano? WOODBRIDGE ST.—8 room Cape storms and awnings, well located. WATITED—Ride to vicinity Under­ 1952 MORRIS MINOR, black, heat­ and tom clothing, Melery runs, Good clean workmanehlp at rea­ plus commission. Miss Joan, BU Call MI 8-8066 aftCr 6. Carlton W. Hutchins. 5U 9-6132 er, good condition, reasonable. Ml handbags repaired, zipper re­ sonable rates. 80 years In Man­ 9-1645 any time. See our complete line of keyboard Cod. fireplace, 1% baths, breeze­ Asking $11,900. The Elsie Meyer into circulation locally, help sustain wood. Hartford, first shift, from Instruments including hll new OFFICIAL way, garage, residential area Agency, Realtors, MI 6-5524, MI Woodbridge St. MI 3-5054 after 6. 3-0076. placements, umbrellas repaired, chester , Raymond Flake. &Q men's shirt collars reversed and 9-9237. SEWING MACHINE operators, 8 BOY’S HOCKEY skates size 10. Hammond Home Organs and NOTICE close to school and transportation. 3-6930, replaced. Marlow's Little Mend­ a.m.-4:30 p.m. experienced pre­ $6. MI 9-7253. Cable-Nelson, Everett and Steck Call New Britain, BA 9-4000 after MANCHESTER local trade, commerce, employment HENRY J, good running condition, ing Shop. EXTEUUOR and Interior painting. ferred. Apply Kaklar Toy Co., 60 Spinet Pianos. See this week’s spe- 8 p.m. VERNON—We have several homea Automobiles For Sale 4 TURPENTINE, pure steam dis­ BOARD OF TAX REVIEW in business lo^tlons, good possi­ $75. Call Ml 9-5828. Paperhanging. WaUpaper booka. Hilliard St., Manchester. clalg on a used Story & Clark The Board of Tax Review of the AN UNUSUAL bargain! . Reuphol Wallpaper removed. CeUlnga. tilled, special this week, $1.19 per Spinet Piano and 3 used Hammond bilities. Check today. Tongren OLDER CARS mecbanlcs spe- ster 8 piece living room set; sofa RN’S ON ALL shifts for Chronic gallon. ■ Sherwin-Williams, 981 Town of Manchester, Conn, will be AND VICINITY Agency, MI 3-6321, and general prosperity. They also Floors. Good clean workmansMp. Organs. Ask for our Mr. Hilliard, in session at the Municipal Build­ Wanted To Rent 68 jcials, flxit yourself oars, always and 2 chairs. $146. Choose from FuUy uuiured. Reasonable rates. Disease and TB units. Low cost Main St. Thursday and Friday evenings; $13,500—Bolton, 6 room ranch, at­ a good selecUon. Look behind our Trailers— Mobile Homes 6-A group of Hne fabrics. Work done Leo PeUetler. Ml 9-68J6 or Ml quarters available. Liberal vaca­ ing, In the Hearing Room, on the WOULD LIKE to rent 2 or 8 bed­ tached breezeway and 1 car SIX ROOM ranch—One-car garage, office. Douglaa Motors. 333 Main. all day Saturdays. Watkins Bros., following days during the month of 1*4 tiled baths, built-ins, comer by expert craftsmen on our prem- 9-6082. tion. sick leave, time and a half Inc., 935 Main St.. Manchester. room house, one six year old child, garage, wooded lot. convenient help local merchants former to im> 1955 31x8 PONTIAC Chief. Vernon Ises. All work fully guaranteed. overtime pay, and many other BOY’S ICE skates, size 6, excellent February 1062. Manchester or idclnlty. Call Mr. location. fireplace, family room with cathe­ Trailer Court Ke’ly Road. Ml Mill Fabric Salesroom, 175 Pine PAINTING, papering, Hoor sand­ benefits. 40 hour week Minimum condition, $3.60. MI 9-8706. February 3rd, Saturday Bastian, MI 9-8308. dral celling, city utilities, pstio, 4-0235. Asking $1,405. ing. remodeling. Call Mr. Charles, hot water oH heat. Excellent loca­ prove their facilities and their service St., exclusive Caieney Fabric starting salary $165.52' bi-weekly. WearinR Apparel— Furs 57 *- t4-P.M ^------$15,900- Vernon. 5 room ranch, at­ Handy Cover-All salesroom. In Manchester. Ml MI 9-0728, Director of Nursing, Cedarcrest tached garage, finished family tion. trees galore, Charles UftS- Diamonds— Watches— February 5th, Monday Business Property For Sale 70 perance. MI 9-7620. 3-7322. Budget terms arranged. Hospital, Newington ii, Connecti­ NORTHERN back muskrat coat, room, convenient location, WS INTERIOR painting, decorating, cut. Tel. Ml 6-4613. Jewelry 48 2 -4 P.M. $1,600 assumes 4 'j% GI mort- to you, help them" maintain even Elegant Lace! SLIP COVERS made at low cost, ceilings, wallpapering, floor sand­ size 12. excellent condition, $100. AN 8 ROOM house easily converted $13,500 — ATTRACmVE 6 room MI 9-8706. February 6th, Tuesday (?««:«• from $12 plus fabric. Also, all ing and refinlshing. Clean work­ LEONARD W. YOST. Jewelers - to office use. Zoned for irisinesj, ranch, 2-car attached garage, NO EXPERIENCE necessary. Run 2 -4 P.M. large lot. Carlton W, Hutchins, MI kinds of reupholstering. Workman, manship, No Job too small. John little shop-by-mall club. 2 hra/wk, Repairs, adjusts watches eniert- one block from Main Street. Space $19,800—Manchester. 6 room ranch. wider selections of merchandise you Verfallle. Ml 9-5750. All persons claiming to be ag­ available for parking area. Ml 9-5132, ship guaranteed. Alex Quail, 252 10 weeks. Earn $50 or more ' In ly. Reasonable prices. Open ‘Tues­ 1% baths. Enclosed porch, fin­ Spruce. MI 9-1154 after 6. day through Saturday, Thursday Wanted— To Buy 58 grieved by the doing of the Asaea- 9-5241. ished family room, with built- CEILING reflnlshed, painting, wall, famoua products. Club shopping sors of the Town of Manchester, CAPE—4 finished rooms, close but saves friends money. Write today evenings. 129 Spruce St. MI 9-4887. in, bar, fireplace, combination need and want. papering. WaUpaper books bn re­ WE BUT, 8ICLL or trade entlque Conn, and those requiring adjust­ windows, awnings, wall to wall quiet location, nice yard, garage, for free 276-page catalog. No obli­ and used tumiture, china g!asa, Building— Contracting 14 quest. Fully insured. Call Edward ments must appear and file their Houses For Sale 72 carpeting, nice lot. convenient good-sized rooms, rec room in gation. Popular Club, Dep. E852, silver picture frames and old cellar, oil hot water heat, fairly R. Price. MI 9-1003. Fuel and Feed 49-A complaint at one of these meetings location, good value. ADDITIONS, recreation rooms, re­ Lynbrook, N. Y. coins, old dolls and guna, hobby or at some adjourned meeting of BOLTON — Two pleasant homea. priced at $14,900. Robert Wolver- modeling all types of carpeiitiy. collectlona, attic contents or whole said Board of Tax Review. One a seven room colonial with $25.500—Bolton. I.Arge 7 room ton Agency. MI 3-1914. Nelson Higgins. Ml 4-1700. Electrical Services 22 „ , . FOR SALE —Fireplace wood. Call estates. Furniture Repair Service Floyd E. Forde, attached two-car garage. The ratich, I 'i baths. 2-cap garage, TalcottvU le, Conn Tel Ml 8-7449 other a compact ranch with, ga­ C07.Y 3 ROOH year 'round furnish­ Help Wanted— Male 36 m i 9-oo58. Chairman large Roman brick fireplace, WHAT DO YOU need? More room, FREE ESTIMATES—Pro IT pt serv­ rage aeliing for $14,750 ($2300 and built In range and oven, well ed home at Bolton Tjike, full cel­ rec rooms or attics finished, addi­ ice on all types of electrical Wir­ Eldgar H. Clarke, you can assume let mortgage). lar and attic. large lot. all beach POINT NO. 2 Secretary landscaped lot, •» tions, storage cabinets, bullt-lns, ing Licensed and Insured Wilson LUCRATIVE sales opportunity for Garden— Farm— Dairy T, J. O o ckett. Realtor. Ml 3-1577. privilege.*. Ideal for newU-weds, | bookcase, ceramic tile bath for- Electrical Co., -Manchester, Ml ambitious person. No seasonal NOTICE EMward J. Dupre $27,000—Bolton. Large 5 'i room de­ retired coiiole or an extra income I Mica counters. If you have a leaky 9-4817, Glastonbury, ME 8-7876. work, no la.voffs! Management op­ Products 50 DARTMOUTH RD.—Off Spring St. Call MI 9-9770 after 6 p.m, j To Whom It May Concern; I, luxe ranch, 2 baths, 2-car ga­ Dollars spent at home largely STAY root Or a house to build, call us portunity W h en qualtfieU. Write 7 room colonial, 1% baths, 2 fire­ rage. 2 acres, secluded location. W. Smyle, YMCA. Wllllmantic, or MACS, BALDWINS, Starks, Romes, Stella Olender, will no longer be places, 2-car garage, dishwasher, NEW CONTEMPORARY raised { and I’m sure we can help you. MI Greenings, No, 1 size $1.40, No. 2 3-6352 after 5 p.m. . Private Instructions 28 call HA 8-6374. responsible for bills contracted by garbage dispoeal, built-in oven and ranch, 6 large rooms, plus ms-1 utility 75c. Bunoe Farm, 629 West my husband, Harry Oleqder. Dated surface unit, lapge family room hogany paneled game room. 2-car at home, where they can help build ^OOMS Uled, remodeling, DIB MAKERS wanted, full or part- Center. January'26, 1062. with fireplace, porch, patio with U&R Realty Co. garage. Weatlnghouse dishwasher PRIVATE PIANO Instructions. Ml NOWBUYim lions, recreation rooms, all time mornings, all fringe benefits, Signed: barbecue. 1reea, amesite drive. MI 3-2692 and built-in terrace top stove with ! 9.-5892. , Stella Olender a better community for you and your tyfilfs of carpentry. Also. faU-out excellent working conditions. Ap­ Household Goods 51 SCRAP NEWSPAPER Charles Lesperance, M I 9-7620, hood, 2-zone hot water heat. .300: shelters buUt. Call Ml 9-4291. ply Gunver Manufacturing Co., . 6 Main St. R D. Murdock MI 3-6172 feet of Anchor fence borders this | TUTORING, High School, algebra, SK ROOM ranch, 8 yaars old. plane geometry, trlgonometi^, 284 Hartford Rd. MOVING OUT 6f state—Anxious to Manchester, property, located near Church of Conn. Spocid PrlcM to Bowers School, all rooms better TALOOTTVnZE - 2-fami}y. 5-4, the Assumption and Verplanck 1 family. They help local merchants to Florists— Nurseries 15 chemistry. Reasonable rates. MI sell at big loss 3 brand new rooms 3-8435. EXPANSION contemplated—baker- of furniture plus stove and refrig­ Orgonliatlofls ^ than average In size, entire base­ extra lot. Convenient. Bua1 line. School at 308 W, Center St. on Sil- ‘ ment flnlsheil off Into large family ver Lane bus line. Bob Samuelson, CARNATIONS, fresh cut, $1.95 a trainees wanted for Mister Donut erator for my unpaid balance of Tongren Agency, MI 3-6321- J Shops, ex^rlence preferred but only $268.48, C redit M gr. wriu ar­ DELIVER TO ' ibom. 4%% mortgage, priced for Builder. MI 9-0498 pay the taxes and make the contri­ bunch; African violets, large size. quick soia. $18,900. PhUbrick THREE BEDROOM ranen, large 98c each; Cyclamen plants $1.50 Bonds— Stocks will train. Apply Mister Donut, 255 range for you to take over small W. Middle ‘rpke., Manchester. weekly payments of $2.80. 67 pcs. A gency, > q >-8404. living room, firftplaqe, nice yard, “ t a k e Y h e I^ a n d l o r iP and-$1.96 each: also large assort­ M ortRanes 31 convenient location. Owner trana- butions that support the schools, ment of foliage plants, 25c each bought fo r $559.96 includes l l m g OSTRIN5KY Ma n c h e s t e r —l bedroom home, OFF YOUR PAYROLL SECOND MORTGAGE meuey—Ws EXPERIENCED tool and gauge room with lamps, tables, rugs; 6-ROOM ferred—anxious to aell. OU) Dia- and up. Open 7 days a week, Pon- 731 PARKER ST. mceilent clcaet and storage space, coe Agency, Ml 9-0626. Are you tired of paying rent? ticelli’s Greenhouse, 433 N. Main. can supply any amount of mooey makers. Please apply st E A -8 bedroom with bedding, lamps; 6- Gage Co., Mitchell Dr. ' urge estdoaed porch, 5-car ga­ Why not look at this terrific 8-8-2 streets, parks, civic services and for moiuages Terms to tit your , between 8-5 pc. formica kitchen set with dishes rage, $19,700 PhUbrica A gency, k a 80. WINDSOR—Priced for quick needs. CbnstrucUon mortgages p.m . flat. Ver>’ clean and the location is and sUverware. Payments start In RANCH 9-8404. aale. Buy direct 8*4 room^ranch, ideal. Live rent free-great Invest-! Roofing— Siding 16 avauabts. J. D. Roaity, 470 April. Contact Credit Mgs. Flimi- CLAIMS and 0.8. A D. assistant to 1% bathe, carport, patio, many ment. T. J. O ock ett. Realtor MI other endeavors that make this a 8234 Mam St., Ml 8-6129 ture D iscount Center, JE 3-1468, MANCHESTER Suburba- Two-fam- . extras. $14!600. BU 9-5132. t. A. DION INC. Roofing siding, department head, Cloaa I motor 3-1577. 36-52 323 M ain SD H olyoke, any tim e Uy ranch 6-4, two fumacee. ga­ painting Carpentry iterations ALMOST unlimited funds available caiTler in the RockvlUe area. Call from 9 to 9. Call collect. Reduced rage, completely modem, tremen­ MANCHESTER—a room Cape In NEW 2-FAMILY, 4-4, knott.v pin* WITH THE NEW “■ for private mortgages. If you need \ and additlona. Cetllms. Workman- CH 9-7671 o r T R 6-3888 fo r ap­ dous opportunity. Only $19,500. quiet location, nice yard with aibinets. ceramic tile hatfi, oil better place in which to live. ihlp guaranteed. 399 Autumn 3t. money to consolidate worriaoms pointm ent. FOR QUICK SALE Carltca W. HutAlna. M l 9-8182. tTMS, upstairs finished In knotty PAH-O-RAMA debts, to Improve your property, heat, $20 500 • R. J. Wrobelskl. Protect your nicest Ifocks from Ml 8-4860. TAPE RECORDERS tor rent Mar­ pine dining room, fireplace, 3 Broker. MI 3-2578 spots and q>lashes about the or for any purpose, and can pay low ’s, «6T Mmtn. Gall MI ASSSI. Hz,600 - ROtaCVHXJB. • room M i^ m s. screened porch, garage, Tempt your ctx'het hook with BIDWELL HOME Improvement $22.26 per month fo r each $1,000 DRIVERS for school buses. 7:80-0 INalag room, kitchen, living ranch, large UvlBg room, cabinet . kitchen withithls amply sized bib Company--ali types of siding and a.m., 2-8:80 p.m. Call MI 8-3414, very clean Immediate occupancy, these lovelies! The beautiful square you borrow, call Frank Burke, at room with Srepinoe, 8 gen- Utche^ beautifully landscaped $15,900. Robert Wolverton Agency, u ron . Trim with little friilt ap­ roofing. Ahimtnum clapboarda a eroos size bedrooms and aa pliques. and searf are designed for gracious Connecticut Mortgage Exchange, lot. teown by appointment. MI 3-1914. living! speciaiyr. Unexce’led Onex irorkmaa- 15 I.iewia St., H aiU ord, CH «.8897 exgnlslto recreation room In Morion E. Roberteon. Realtor, MI No. 8234 with PaU-O-Rama is ship Ml 9-0495 days, JA 9-5353 eves. REGISTERED HOME and BUSINESS the baiement.^Only 2 blocks 8-5flB. NOW!' la sizes 36, 38. 40, 42. 44. 46. 48, Pattern No. 5586-N has crochetf MANCHI2STE;R—Beautiful 6 room PHARMACIST On busy Route 80 near Veraoa to Bowers School. • Owners Cape, excellent condition, nice lo­ You can move into a 6 room so, 52. Size 38, 3 yards of 36- directions for 17 in. square and ALL TYPES of roofs repaired or PtORENCE ST.—7 room home In Cape near Waddell School, fire­ 13 in. X 30 In. runner; fllet dla> Circle. S-nOOM BANCSi. Ftr»- bmist on a qnick solo so a cation, aluminum , siding plus liuth; use scraps for applique. replaced, specUlliing In Bonded Business Opportunities 32 Due to expansion plans ws nsed tew price of flg,800 hoa I excellent condition inside and out, place, back porch, finished rec krams; atitch illus.tratl^. * * wateawMaAiwl^ — -----* ------*— piaea, eoraMaatteaa, tile bath, many extras. A special at 814.900. To order, send S5c In coliu to:— buUt-up and ohingle roriOng. another pharmacist prefsraly in been set Don't salso out en enclosed porch, one-car garage, room with bar. fencad yard on bus GROCERY fidl baaemeat, ekody lawia Short way out—new 8 bedroom' .-it-Sue Burnett. 1716 Manchester Ehre- Ta order, send 86c in coins to:— CoughUn Roofing Company. Man­ Msndiaster-RockvUls arsa,.-taMuf- thte OM. priced for quick sale, 818,900. Phil- Una, all for $18,800. nli^ 'Herald,' 1160 AVE. OF Anns Cabot. The Manchester Kvfh chester, M I S-770T. m eat and Uurge 40 X 40 steM boMtag ta ranch; fu ll price $18,490; $490 anee, Blue Griwa, vacation and Prick Agency. MI 9-8494. down. M a^ more priced from . A in a u c A s , n e w f o r k s6, n . ning Herald. IlM AVE. OF with parUiig rear, U tL eleoraace. eut iieOa other company benefita. Apply Mr. $4,900 up. Gall the EUswortb M it­ r . ' A.MERICAS. NEW YORK Sg, N.Y. B y iM . fleer, MOO gaOen gas. teak and ONE BLOCK from Main St. I room Roofing and Chimneys 16-A ESSO HAS excellent service sta­ pomp, water, electricity. On boa eelolnial. 1% baths, large eneloaed ten A gency, R eaitore, M I S-9990 or Beechler-Smith For Ut-class mailing add 10c For 1st-class mailing add 10c for M l 94624. for each pattern. Print Name. Ad­ tion opportunity. Modem 8-bay ARTHUR DRUG Une and brndaeas tens. B£LFIOIiE porch, ftredace, t i t e r e d wails, each pattern. Print Name. Address ROOFING—Spectallxlng repairing Realtors iEupning IfpralJJ dress with Zone. Style No. end with zone and Pattern Number. service center located at Man­ 943 M ain St. M andiester mil Inaulatlon, bat water oU heat, roofs of nU- nnda, new roofs, gut­ chester Green on' heavily traveled huilt-tns, city u n ties. Vacant. VALUE TG 8PARE-9H room old­ Slse. Send SOc for the - new, big>sise' er home, fireplace, dining room, MI 9-8952 MI 8-6969 R sad y for ypu now—spring and ter work, chimneys cleaned, re­ highway with fine reslaentiai po- TONGREN AGENCY AGENCY Qiarlea Lei^ ra n ce, MI 9-7920. '02 album Oiled with lovely ds- paired. Aluminum aiding. 80 I cellar is warm and comfortably Himnii ’ES lasus a t our pattern ^ tia l. Phone Mr. Dorley days, MAN FOR DELIVERY and bslp la slgns. a needlework stitch ssetiee rtoaee. Free eatimatea. otors, luU-tima. Mnnchsater Drug. MI S-5U1 A lts YOU looking fOr sosnethlng in finishsd, 3-car garage, beautifully book Baste Fuhloa. Send Me. and frss pattsmo. Bpnngtlald ' mi 34321 m s-dia. MI Aom. anpctntmsat eon MX MB4L r o v 99Uto and ctn ’t find It? Call landscaped UQzl60 lot. Far below T n gN B Agmmy. M l m s s l "Any* book m ndsoi at |U,oe6. R4ibort n x ROOM eMor bouM «■ bua QUag telteal Yatate.** WelTsnaa Litaaty, Ml ^ Une, M I M I 19. JL

I ■ / . It'. PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT L ' rnURSDAY, FEBRUARY, 1, 190* jlanrifpBtpr il^ralb Averate Daily Net Preae Run r « r tlM Week E eM I The Weather rereeaat of C. S. Weetlier Buraaa '8" Jaanary 27. IMS Increasing elondlaeaa toalght. FREE PARKING , 13,540 Lew of S-U. Saturday ^moatly. OPEN THURSDAY Rear O f Store Menber at tke Audit cloudy with a chance of mow do- Bureau at rireniatiau veloplog. High 15-20. and FRIDAY Manche$ter——^A City o f Village Charm TILL 9:00 P.M. VOL. LXXXk, NO. 104 (SIXTEEN P.\GES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1962 (Clakstlled Advertltlng on Page 14) G O O D ^ i ^ E A R PRICE FIVE CENTS Algerian Peace Due Stat&News Byrd Airs REAL OLD-FASHIONED Washers - Dryers - Ref rigerators PORK SALE! Police, Military R oundup W aste in U.S. Set to Ask Allies Tender Fresh ^ Stereos - Television Blood Bank’s Type O Dips Research f r r r m aris To 169 Pints Washinifton (TP)— Sen, Har­ ry F. Byrd, D-V(t„ questioned Aid in Isolating Cuba Hartford, Feb. 2 (iiP) — The today whether the hundreds PORK By JOSEPH E. DTNAN Security forces also were rein­ LOINS < of millions of government dol­ Connecticut Red Cross blood . Pans (TP) — French army forced in hotbeds pf rightist ter­ When your food money has to stretch rorism in Algeria. Two hundred program has jllect-jd its mil­ lars being poured into health ^ ^ xs ^ 4. ^ ^ ^ X ^ ai and stretch, it's nice to know that tanks converged on Paris to­ 7-RIB C IT crack assault commandos moved lionth pint of hlood in its 11 research are being spent you .can eat well and save money, day to forestall any attempt too! Our tender corn-fed pork . . . Into Algiers Thursday to rein­ years of operating Blood- w'isel.v. by the rightwing Secret He cited as an example $1,201,- May Slap direct from the "Land of the Tall force French troops already put mobiles. ,s. 92.5 allotted for a study of "the Com" specially priced this week. A Army to overthrow President on emergency footing. A t the sai.ie time, tlie organiza­ mouth-watering treat at^any price, Charles de Gaulle as reports The Algerian rebel cabinet was tion announced it has cartalled affectional relationship of the in­ v' c . this budget-pampering pork i.s Jean, meeting today in Tunis, reported­ hospital orders for blood because fant monkey to hl.s mother." of an imminent peace pact for This sum for a continuing 6-year jjv , » ' V, V ' ' • sweet flav'ored. wonderfully meaty! Algeria persisted. ly to take up the projected peace of a drop in donations and In the Total Ban Serve a delectable pork roast this accord before putting it before a reserve at the blood center at study is planned at a time when ' With mounted machine guns, two 100 week . . . and be real thrifty - lb apecial session of the National Farmington Ave. the government "Is operating on choose the^^pork loin combination for squadrons totaling 32 tanks moved This was the first curtailment deficits reaching billions of dollars S hearty meals at a small cost. on the capital to give armored (Continued on Page Eleven) since the bank ran dry last Au­ a year and running a debt of $200 On Trade support to 25,000 riot police alert­ gust. billion," Byrd said in a statement. ed against the threat of an upris­ Dr- Julius C. Elarly. program He added that there are many CHINE ROAST lb. 59c ing by the rightist undergfround. medical director, said last night it other re.search project.s he que.s- By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER De Gaulle will address the na­ was a "toss-up" whether pint one tions and mentioned studie.s of the tion by radio and television Mon­ Numbers Ban Washington (TP)—The Unit­ Serve savory pork roast for hearty appetites. million was donated by a i-esident biological control of snails by ed States was expected today day night in what shaped up as a of Southington or a resident of shellcracker sunflsh and of the crucial statement on the long Held Futile by Greenwich. diving reflex and volume recep­ to direct prompt and urgent PORK LOIN COMBINATION lb. 57c secret negotiations with the Al­ "Up to yesterday, a total of 999,- tors of the seal, appeals to its NATO allies and gerian Nationalist Liberation 595 pints had been donated since a Includes Rib and Chine Roasts and Best Center Cut Chops. "It is difficult to be criticfil of other Allied countries to co­ Front to end the seven-year re- Boston^s Press Danbury resident donated the first health'^ research," B>Td said, "but operate with the newly-adopt­ bellian. pint on June 5, 19.50. it seems to me that mucli more French public opinion was being Bloodmoblle units were located care shoiild he exercised In the ed inter-American policy of prepared for a deal with the rebels Boston, Feb. 2 (Ab — The first in New Britain. Southington and expenditure of taxpayers' money isolating Cuba. ^ to carry out De Gaulle's policy of returns were In today on House Greenwich during the day with the even in this Importsnt area." The U.S. government itself is NOW— a t p in e h u r s t putting Algeria on the path to Speaker John F. Thompson's pro­ New Britain unit closing'early. Byrd said he turned up his ex­ reported rea«iy to make more s k - Independence. But to offset the milestone. Dr. posal that newspapera cease pub­ amples in a check of research ex­ terwlvs use of its naval forces in Well-informed diplomatic sourc- Early said the total number In the an effort to cut off Cuban arms lishing racing results and treasury penditures by the National Insti­ as said the agreement already had blood bank Thursday was 169 tutes of Health operated by the shipments to sub'venrtve groups in Save 20c been drafted and needed only the balance figures, to curb gambling. pints, down from 3,000 in reserve other Latin-Ameiican countries. As expected, the proposal -- of­ Public Health Sendee. He said he ON G|ANT 10 OZ. formal signatures of both sides. just before Christmas. This was will ni,ake a further study of proj­ President Kennedy, and Secre­ Franco's allies'reportedly have fered by the (.udlow Democrat in for t>’pe "O," the universal blood tary of State Dean Rusk also are the form of a resolution adopted ects ''undertaken in the name of INSTANT been notified that the De Gaulle re­ type. public health.” kmking into the posstbUity of slap­ gime seriously fears an attempted by the House on a 162-32 .roJt call Two bad days of collections, he A spokesman for the National ping a total embargo on U.S« coup by the right-wing extremists — . met a mixed reception. said, would leave the bank in poor Institutes of Health said the $1 .- trade with Cuba, one effect of MAXWELL HOISE either in France or Algeria—or in The Boston Herald said in an condition to fill hospital orders. 201.925 figure for the monkey which would be to deny Cuba a both ^ai^a^when the peace ac­ editorial that if Massachusetts study Is not a grant but "a moral source of’ income amounting to cord is atm^lliced. newspapers stopped printing the Four Indicted commitment based on what the •bout $15 million a year at the Special Grocery Values treasury balance "every better Thera were^reports that some New Haven, Feb. 2 lg base 3 5 1M6-1957. ried out by a psychology profes­ Adoula Says Congo would bs brought home. Rocky’s Wife Takes sor, H. F. Harlow, at the Univer­ By Argentina Thrss hugs aircraft carrlsrs, the MAXWA.L HOCSE 14 to 22 sity of Wisconsin. Entsiprlse, Forysstal and Constel­ lation are enflsing ii) ths Carlb- CHERRY 6 y Hartford, Feb. 2 (A*i—The State Congress has repeatedly voted (iOFFEE lb. can 69c far more money for health re­ To Bar Interference By FRANK N. MANITZAB bsan and eeuld bs deployed speed- Usualli 39c on .sale cans Motor Vehicle department'a dally Uy in the. Ouatanamo area If 3 9 ^ Residence-isu Reno record automobile fatalities as search than pvestdents' have re­ Buenos Aires, Argentina OT)— No Limit ot necessary. . o f laat midnlgiit. and the totals on quested in recent years. Argentina today recallsd Ambas­ sador Julio Amoedo from Cuba, Offlelaia dlscount the chance o f Reno, Nev. (/P)—‘Mrs. Nelson A. the aame date last year: By TOM HOGE • the U.N. General Assembly that the Foreign Ministry announced. a Castro decision to attack Guan­ Rockefeller has ani\'«d in this 1961 1962 United Nations, N. Y. (A5—C3on- his government and the U.N. Com­ mand are ending secession In Ks- The step had been expected as tanamo directly since that would DOVALK'ITES divorce capital—apparently to end Killed ...... 14 22 golsae Premier CyrilU Adoula ar­ Involvs open conflict with the Free Coii her- 31-ye€ir marriage to New Senator Says rived hare today declaring the cen­ tanga Province as quickly as pos­ President Arturo Frondizl sought tral Congo government will never sible, drove directly from the air­ to appease military critics of hts United States. But a battalion of STOCK 'N SAVE York's governor in a quick and Girl Still Critical Marines Is said to be in the vicin­ Get your first new Swanson Deep quiet ^'ay. permit outside interference to dic­ port to U.N. headquarters. soft line toward the Fidel Castro Pish Pie free . . . one refund per Suffield, Feb. 2 !/P)—Tina Hill, Bircliers Don’t tate to Its people. * On his arrival he went to Act­ regime In Cuba at the recent In­ ity of ths base In csss trnubls family. They separated In New York brings a need for reinforcements. several months a g o .. 4-year old daiignter of Mr. and "I am saddened by the events ing Secretary-General U Thant’s ter-American foreign . ministers' In rcspon.se to demand for a larg­ Mrs. Mark Hill, Mouptaln Rd , is which have taken place In The headquarters, accompanied b.v a conference. ' Mora could quickly be flown in er Pic, Swanson offers this full SALE Mns. Rockefeller's attorney. Wil­ from Camp LsJeune, N.C. liam K. Woodbum of Reno, would atllLln critical condition at Hart­ Know History Congo in the last fe\v months," military aide. Adoula reportedly Recalling the ambassador does pound .size deep dish Chicken. Ginger Ale-Club Soda-Cream Soda SHURFINF, ford Hospital. She received bums Adoula told newsmen on arrival at briefed Tliant and Assembly Pres­ Rusk was received by Kennedy Beef or Turkey Pie at fl!)c each. not confirm that she came to Ne­ not constitute a diplomatic break, In an unusual White House wel­ vada for a divorce. "She’s here in on her chest, back and arms Wed­ ' New Haven, Feb. 2 JIF)—Sen- Idlewlld Airport." "I am alao sad­ ident Mongl Slim on progress be­ but morning newepapers here had Simply mail main panel of pack­ PEANUT BlITER nesday when the housecoat she dened by the strife wliich has been ing made to unite his divided coming ceremony when he flew age to Reno—period,” he said after her I John Sherman Cooper, R-Ky., says suggested that the crisis between back to Washington Thursday FULL $ 1 arrival Thursday night. was wearing burst Into flames as manifested In The Congo and homeland before addressing the the president and the nation's Deep Dish Meat Pie •he bruahed againat an electric :hl8 contacts with John Birch So- which la due to Influences and in­ from the foreign ministers con­ gr.ART? J[_ Woodbum, a former Democratic 104-nalioii assembly’. leading military men was nearing P. O. Box 30-C beater. Her mother extinguished i clety members have convinced him terests opposed to etch other and Adoula was expected to tell the ference In Uruguay. Mt Vernon. N Y national committeeman, has han­ an end. They predicted a gradual Kennedy pj-aiaed tbs results of the flames by wrapping the child ; their understanding of the nation's coming from outside The Congo." assembly that flirther U.N. debate break In relations with Cuba. and Swanson will send fiOr to vou. Plus Uepo.sil dled many divorce cases but is not "The Congo will never permit In­ Rusk's diplomacy at Punte del 3 " ■ 9 9 ' generally known as a divorce in a blanket. I problems is sketchy. on the Congo at this time would Ho'woyer, many officers were re­ Dr. Donald O. Bard Jr., who terference to carry out propaganda only hinder efforts to extend his specialist. ported etlll demanding the Imme­ (Oonttaoed en Page Six) was summoned, sent ‘tins to the They “ don’t know anything about or promote Interests contrary to government’s control over his un­ Six weeks’ residence in Nevada history" and apparently “ never the welfare of our people." the 40- diate complete break wtUch the hoapltal. ruly African country. la required for filing suit for di­ read anything at all," he said last year-old premier added. nation's military leadership de­ Hamburger... ALPO CAT TUN A vorce, which may be granted by night in a speech to the Ygle Po­ Adoula. who flew here to assure The U.N. Security Council met manded in an ultimatum to the a county judge on many grounda. Etcapec Hunted litical Union. briefly Tuesday In response to a president Thursday night. Good rooks the world oi'e^iavr huilt strme of t.heir flne.st cre­ Usually 2 for 25c Adultery la the only ground for Preston, Feb. 2 (JP>—State Police When asked by a student to com- Soviet charge that Katanga The latest crisis, for Frondlzt'i ations around popular versatile, readily available hamburger. On Sale divorce in New York state, and today were still searching for an : ment on reports that the society, President Mnise Tshombe had not government, now in Its fourth Bulletins 4 2 9 ‘ many New Yorkers establish resi­ eacapee from Norwich Hospital, I an extreme right wing group. Is is ended hts province’s defiance of year, stym ied from Argentina's CuUed from AP Wire* When you buy ground meat at Pinchiitel. wlicie meat is sold dence in other states to obtain refusal at the Inter-American con- the aervice way. not pre-uTapped. you ran he sure "it s freshrr- GREEN GIANT who is described as having a bad ! “ silent partnership" with the Re­ NeWs Tidbits^ the central government and ex­ hy-far." divorces on different grounds. criminal record and dangerous. publican party, Oioper said that pelled white mercenaries em­ ' ference earlier this week to vote Rockefeller was in Des Moines. from the AP Wires I with the U.S.-supported majority edns Police said Alexander Desimone, only one Republican In Congress ployed In his- army, as demanded CRITICIZED FOB NO VOTE PEAS 2 4 3 DELUXE Iowa, for a Republican dinner alias Savey, 35 of an uncertain admitted being a member, by the council. Despite Soviet ob­ j to oust the Castro regime from LEAN CHUCK GROUND ...... lb. 79c Thursday night at about the time < ^ to, Ecuador (P) — Oenser- address, baa been miaaing from i Nevertheless, he said, there ts an jections. the council adjourned — the Organization of American FREE his wife arrived in Reno. Soviet Premier Krushchev's soii- I States. v a ^ e s today Joined two other the hospital grounds since about I Inherent danger in the society be- and set no date to resume debate 3 in I BLEND OF BEEF, PORK and VEAL . , lb. 79c The, governor's press secretary. In-lsw, Alexei I. Adzhubei — edi­ minority partlee In erittclslng Automatic 1 mm, yeaterday. ‘ cause it “takes our minds away: tor of Izvestla, offlclBl Soviet — In deference to Adoula's cabled Publislied reports said the serv- President Carlos Julio Arose- MURCOT Delivery Robert L. McManus, said the gov­ Desimone wa's described as hav­ protest that debate now would on­ ' Ice chiefs had threatened to resign EXTRA LEAN ROUND GROUND ...... lb. 99c AUTOMATIC ernor would have no comment 'from the ways our problem s ought newspaper — says in .New York ma’s government for net having TANGERINES New ing light brown curly hair, blge to be met." j new., conference that the Kremlin ly rock the boat. unless Frondizi swings his foreign voted at the Punta del Esta, now- or later on his wife's move. eyea and a fair complexion. He Adoula. 40. has insisted that policy’ to the right, breaks with doi. 39c Anywhere! Mrs. Rockefeller was accompa- Many persons he said, are anx- may some day adopt the Aninrlean Uruguay, conference to ezcludea Pinehurst Regular 59c M weighs about 175 pounds. ious about the safety of the coun- i presidential-type news ronferenee five of the Congo's six provinces Cuba and fires Foreign Minister Prime Mlnistor Fidel Castro's Birds Eye try and to them the John Birch; . . . Sen. John Stennii, D-Miss., are now under the control of hts Miguel Angel Carcona and other MAINE (Oontinned oa Page Five) MRS. NEUSON ROOnEFnUUUt Cuba from the organlzattott o f DRYER (Csmtinned on Page Eleven) Society is attractive because "it j says in Washington he will try to Ammlcan fitatoa. < POTATOES offers some kind of escape, how­ see whether "something short of (Continued an Page Mx) (OontiDued On Page Eleven) HAMBLRGKR 4 t U ® FROSTED E-Z 220 Volts ever Irratlona'i.'' an all out clash" with Secretary of This Week lb 25 lbs. 69c Defense Robert S. $IcNamara over M BELOW IN MAINE . At 17 Party Getdogethers Cooper, who has been aT Yale Boston (fiPi—Arctic cold, unof­ FOODS WASHER Automatic Dry Cycles » several days as a Chubb Fellow, Pentagon censorship Is po.ssible ficially down to 50 below zero GOLDEN Peas and Mushroo'ms For Regular, touched on a number of other sub­ . . . Mark Hopkins Hotel in San Another Satv Shadow Week Ago 10 lb. lots .S4..50 TERMS! Francisco, a landmari' and popular and officially at 41 degrees be­ CARROTS - 39c Delicate, Heavy jects-In his wide-ranging speech. low In early morning Weather Lima.s amf Tomatoes ’ Some o f his comjnents: tourist attraction, sold for $10 mil­ lion to Trans-Htll Properties in’e., Bureau records, chilled New bunch lOc 39c On Sen. Barry Goldwater. R- England today. The SO-belbw Com, Peas and Republicans Claim Democrats Arlz.—The Goldwater brand of affiliate of Transcontinental Prop­ erties Inc. of Nem- York. 2 Groundhogs Predict reading was taken on a Maine PERO'S Tomatoes 29c power company thermometer, re­ Old Time Beef Stew Peas and Onions 29c (Coathmed on Page Five) Pope John XXIIl expresses MeINTOSH grief about vlaience occurring in garded as valid by Weather Bu­ Petus and Celerv’ 29c reau men. It was recorded at How long .'^incp you srrvctJ >« Factory The Republicanj spent the eve­ •take.” he said, “let’s roll up our f)r.ba. preparing Fidel Castro's cozy burrow. But the premature forecast of nid daughter perished In the ning at 17 party get-togethers in sleeves and get going." while serving in Congress but did The incident came aa the com­ The Quarryvllle groundhog saw the Philadelphia woodchuck was so only once. mission lieard evidence 'ITtursday forces for limited aggression flamen yesterday, died *4 Rhode Take 4 Pinehurst Pork Chops and a can of soup. Now look what 17 cities, tied together for an It VM RMk^eller, trying for uu'ougnout Latin America . . , its atiadow at 7:51 >4 a.m.. accord- not what irritated Robert Herr, Island Hospital of extensive burna Service houie by closed circuit television. another term as governor this Former Vies President Richard against 10 doiTiutate liquot re­ In* to Robert W. Herr, chairman chairman of the Slumbering tailers who allegedly offered il­ Mikhail Menshikov, former Soviet on the body and severe Injuries ^Tiia was the nrarm-up and Mck- ear and pethaps-'for the White M. Nixon who dropped a close of the Slumbering Lodge of Lodge of Groundhog's board of suffered when he Jumped to the decision to Kennedy in the I960 legal discount prices to commis­ ambassador to United States, ts you can do. Our meat men will cut pork chops any thickness... On All Parts oS for the congressional election louse in 1964, who set off Oie appoiaUd foreign minister of Rus- Groundhogs here. governors here and Sam Light, sidewalk from the third floor. campaign o f 1962. , heaviest blasts at President Ken­ presidential race, {vaa sidelined in sion plainclothes investigators in Herr, said Dr. Carl Metzger, president of the Punxsutajvney His deatb left his 11-year-otd a raid last Dec. 1. suin Federal RepubUr, Tasa News and Labor The oratory at the parties fol­ nedy and his administration. the Republican political- doings in j Agetmy announces in Moscow . . . keeper of the field, was on watch groundhog Club in the we'etern daughter, Winifred, ail the sole lowed the usual political pattern Rockefeller accused Keimedy of a couple of ways. | The raid was kicked off when on Crow Foot at the time the part of the state. survivor of the family. MUSHROOM TOMATO House Speaker John W. McCor­ What irritated them was an an­ CELERY of swinging away at the opposi­ political fakery in the way the He was supposed to apeak io the commission received com­ mack. D-Maat., a ay a "a close groundhog emerged, saw his shad­ tion, upholding ths OOP -.cause President handled a propoaaL- to Fresno, CjiUf., but was put in bed plaints from area package store -frleadahlp” exists between himself ow reflected on the snow and nouncement by the National Geo­ FA.NFANf CABINET QUITS PPRK CHOPS PORK CHOPS PORK CHOPS with prdfesstotis o f confidence, and eatabllah a federal d etrim en t of in Los Angeles with a vims infec­ associations that underpricing in and President Kennedy. went back into his hole. graphic Sooiety Uiat men of sci­ Rome (.Pi— Premier A ^n tore holding up the party as the greet urban affairs and to install luma- tion. Fu'rdermorc, It was Eisen­ the area was widespread. Attired in tall hats and long ence had reported the groundhog Fanfanl and his mlddle-of-tbe- In skillet, brown chops un .both sides; In skillet, brown chop.s on both sides; White House says there is no In skillet, brown chops on both sides; hope the nation for getting ing administrator Robert C. Weav­ hower rather than the 1960 stand­ • State law requires that all beer, wtiite night shirts, the members a lazy creature wjio, if left un­ road government decided to re­ pour off drippings. Stir in 1 can pour off drippings. Stir in 1 can pour oft drippings. Stir In 1 can to lavlte Marshal Tito of sound, sensible, responsible gov­ er as the first Negro in the Cab- ard bearer to whom the GOP wine and liquor offered for sale Yugoalavia to rlsis this country .. of the two groundhog clubs started disturbed. wouldsleep right sign today, opening the way for Campbell's Cream of , Mushioom Campbell s Tomato Soup, i* cup Campbell's Cream of Celery Soup, 1* ernment. > ilMt. be clearly marked with the mini­ through Its biggest day In the Soup, U cup water, and ‘ j cup sliced feature role for the only foU-scgle Secretary ot Air Force Eugene M. out before dawn for the woods a historic s t ^ g to the left In u-ater, >» tap. garlic powder. Top cup water, and ^4 cup chopped green Service This was the othier side o f the Sen. Barry GoUwater o f Arizo­ mum falr-4rade price, and pro­ warm confines of his earth-lined Italian politics. Fanfaai’s 17- onion. Cover; cook over low heat t.") speech of the entire TV program. Zuckert tells senators in Washing­ and valleys seeking out the leg­ each chop with >5 thin lemon slice. pepper. Cover; cook over low heat 45 reconl the Democrats played on na. a favorite of the conservatives Actor George Murphy, filing in hibits sale below that price. burrow. month-old cabinet, nil Christian' minutes or until chops arc tender. Cover; cook over low heat 45 minutes ton that he hopes testa. eaa start endary weather prophet. minutes or until chops are tender. Jaif. 20—the first snalvetaary o f for a shot at ths presidmey. got for Nixon and all the rest were A crew of 19 inq>ecton was hy ead o f jiear oa 2,006-miie-an- Tliey carried dividing rods and Herr called that libelous. He Democrats, decided nn the res- Stir now and then. 4 delicious serv­ or until chops are tender. Stir now SUr now and then. 4 servtnga of su­ OOOD,iNfEAR the ■ New Frontier—wlmn they in his Uclis. He contended that allowed no more than fonr or five sent to Waterbury. New Haven quoted Dr, David E."^ Davis of Igaatioa scarcely 24 bea n after ings of mushroom pork chops. and then. 4 servings. perb celery pork chops. hour B79 . . . Body of Charles other gadgets, part of their an­ Store staged a fund-raisiiig banquet leftwingers dominate the New minutes splece. and Bridgeport .Dec. 1 to aee if (Lucky) Luciano, former Neiir nual Feb. 2 caper. Pennsylvania State University as a convention of their party vot­ that drew peoffie to Waabtngten Frontier and that the GOP muet provlnjg "our hero comes out of ed to try a new Idnd of left- 71.3 Main SL, Manchester— PhooM MI 9-0665 or MI 9-9523 Eisenhower nwAe from Los An­ they could buy package goods at Toric vies lord, will bo seat bade As legend has it, U the little Pinehurst, Corner Mein and Turnpike— Parking— Authorized Cheeks Cashed from over the country. "lead the way to fiscal sanity and geles, Reekefeller from Des Isas than m atted price. They were to Ualtad Stataa aarly next wedc beast sees bis sliadow, it is a' hibernation in t)te first few days leaning governnient backed by OPEN TONIGHT TILL 9 PJ«. t _ _ _ _ _ > Gen. Dwigtot IX Yissnhiwrsr rsaponstbUity.’’ for burial,. raporU from Naples, sign pf more winter, and back Ftetro NeonTo Sodallsts. onca paced tlM pamde o f RspabUcaa Ks was at It, ths senator « ea Fags Vhre) (OeirtlMMd M Page l ^ s a ) Italy, say. ba'jl scamper Into his hois. If (Oontlned Fsffs Tbrse) allies o f eemwiuslsm.
