In Helsinki, 12 March 2012



You are cordially invited to attend the lecture presented by professor Paul Hoyer, Forty-five fascinating years in

upon his retirement from the . The lecture will take place on

Wednesday 3 April 2013 at 14:00 in Auditorium D101 Department of Physics, Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2, 00560 Helsinki.

Coffee and tea will be served after the lecture.

Professor Juhani Keinonen Head of the Department of Physics

Paul Hoyer 45 years

Fysiikan laitos PL 64 (Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2), 00014 Helsingin yliopisto Matemaattis-luonnontieteellinen tiedekunta Puhelin (09) 191 50600, faksi (09) 191 50610,

Institutionen för fysik PB 64 (Gustaf Hällströms gata 2), FI-00014 Helsingfors universitet Matematisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten Telefon +358 9 191 50600, fax +358 9 191 50610,

Department of Physics P.O. Box 64 (Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2), FI-00014 University of Helsinki Faculty of Science Telephone +358 9 191 50600, fax +358 9 191 50610,

2 Forty-five fascinating years in physics Retirement lecture 3 April 2013

Paul Hoyer University of Helsinki

My career:

HU reform Birth U studiesMSc PhD Prof FIN Nordita→ CERN Retirement I I I I I I I I I 45 64 68 73 81 91 94 02 13 1/3 2/3 x/3

Paul Hoyer 45 years A brief history of particle physics 3

U studies 64 I Quarks are postulated MScQuantum68 I Quarks Chromodynamics: are found at Yang-Mills SLAC theory for SU(3)c Single quark flavor: PhD 73 I Standard Model (SM) is postulated = ψ¯(iγµ m)ψ 1tr(G G µν) L Dµ − − 2 µν Gluons are found at DESY I composite spinor for color-3 quarks of mass m Prof 81 W and Z are found qatred CERN ψ = q  green 

I q HU reform 91 LEP confirms SM, predictsblue top quark mass →   FIN CERNGauge-covariantI derivative: mtop 94 Top quark is found at Fermilab 338 500 = I ∂ + igB Electroweakmel theory! tests: CKM paradigm Dµ µ µ I gNordita :02 strong coupling; Bµ:3 3 matrix in color space formed " × 1 " from 8 gluonSM mechanism fields Bµ and for SU(3) c generators 2λ ... Chris Quigg (FNAL) Potential Discoveries at the LHC Spaatind 2012 3–6.1.2012 9 / 130 CP violation confirmed ·

Retirement 13 I Higgs boson discovered at LHC: SM complete. Chris Quigg (FNAL) Potential Discoveries at the LHC Spaatind 2012 3–6.1.2012 56 / 130 · Paul Hoyer 45 years Awakening interest in physics: 1961-64 4

Importance of popular texts

Kimmo Pietiläinen: Terra Cognita publishing

Frank Close Kari Enqvist Jukka Maalampi ...

Importance of school - university contacts

Electrons moving faster than light. Experienced at the Triga FiR 1 nuclear reactor in Otaniemi (1963).

Paul Hoyer 45 years 5 University studies: 1964-68

First choice for university studies in 1964: Technical physics at TKK • TKK was innovative, visible • Challenging “elimination course” • Engineering was/is a “real” profession

Change of studies in 1966: Theoretical physics at HU • Theory >> technology (for me) • Successful studies at TKK • Study line of theoretical physics at HU (1961)

Paul Hoyer 45 years 6 1968 A very special year...


Kandidaten i naturvetenskaperna p a u l G u s t a v H o y e r

som utdimitterats från svensk språkigt läroverk, har för vinnande av filosofie kand idatgrad terminen 19 - avlagt godkänt prov

Pekka Tarjanne Pekka i - språket, ett den 24 oktober 1968 med vitsordet

eximia cum laude approbatur bedömt skrivprov pro gradu teoretisk fysik .. på svenska, ävensom nedannämnda kunskapsprov: huvudämnet

teoretisk fysik laudatur (utmärkta ins ikter )

biämnena matematik cum laude approbatur (~tmärkta in- sikter) fysik MScapprobatur På grund härav har genom i dag avkunnat offent Iigt utslag Paul Gustav Hoyer vunnit filosofie kandidatgrad, varöver detta honom , filosofie kandidaten Hoyer som bevis meddelas. Helsingfors, den 24 oktober På Fiz. fakultete s vägnar: ./ A~.-:-c_ • Ernst Palmen

Vittnesböre _",amen.

Lösen 1,50 mk

12004-68/22 Paul Hoyer 45 years ~~------~---- 7 1968

... but did affect my life.

Thanks for your crucial support during 45 years!

Ulla Kankkonen

Paul Hoyer 45 years The 12 “Postdoc” years: 1969-81 8 Institutes Homes I U studies 64 I 68 HU Svinhufvudintie I MSc 68 I 69 Rue Cavour

I CERN PhD 73 Avenue de Vaudagne Chan Hong-Mo I 71 Thesis adviser

Pulker Close 1969 – 73

I Oxford Prof 81 I 73 Svinhufvudintie Stony Cedar Dr Brook Cedar Dr I HU reform I 91 75 FIN→CERN 94 I Berkeley Francisco St. Francisco St.

I Siv 1973 77 I Nordita 02 Kronebakken Nordita Kaplevej Kanslergade Classensgade Patrik 1975 I Retirement13 I 81 Rantatöyry Paul Hoyer 45 years 9 My PhD Thesis Adviser

Chan Hong-Mo and Tsou Sheung Tsun Paul Hoyer 45 years Photo by Keijo Kajantie 10 Ordinary Professor in Elementary Particle Physics 1981

The position was announced as a three-line notice in Finnish newspapers. The procedures were strictly regulated and very transparent.

Sen jälkeen kun alkeishiukkasfysiikan varsinaisen professorin viran haltija professori K. V. Laurikainen oli anonut eroa virastaan siirtyäkseen täysinpalvelleena eläkkeelle 1.2.1979 lukien, julistettiin virka haettavaksi 4.12.1978 mennessä. Virkaa hakivat...

Helmikuun 14. päivänä 1980 pidetyssä matemaattis-luonnontieteellisen osaston kokouksessa avattiin saapuneet asiantuntijanlausunnot. YLIOPISTO Osasto totesi, että... Helsingin yliopiston tiedotuslehti Tasavallan Presidentti nimitti 28.11.1980 tapahtuneessa esittelyssä Vsk 29 n:o 27 D 2.10.1981 Helsingin yliopiston kanslerin esityksestä dosentti Paul Gustav Hoyerin Helsingin yliopiston alkeishiukkasfysiikan varsinaisen professorin virkaan 1.12.1980 lukien.

Only Finnish applicants were expected. The strict procedures limited the possibilities to influence the result, decreasing the risk for “inbreeding”. It also made the outcome difficult to predict.

Alkeishiukkasfysiikan professori Paul Hoytr (vas.) ja patologisen anatomian ruotsinkielinen professori Leif PaulAndersson Hoyer astuivat virkaansa 45 years 23.9. - Siv u S.

• Emer. prof. Göran von Bonsdorff: Positiiviset aloitteet vievät asioita eteenpäin ...... s. 3 • Ota nuori työpaikallesi ...... s. 8 • Tullaan tutuiksi -palstalla eläintenhoitaja Raili Savolainen ...... s. 13 • Tapahtumakalenteri ...... s. 15 11 1832 Department of Physics Developments at HU 1960-96 16

... Avainhenkil(Info from¨oni 1958-1962: Claus Montonen)

1960 I Prof. K. V. Laurikainen YFL Theoretical physics study line. YLT TFT = Research Institute for Theoretical Physics Collaboration with CERN starts (ad hoc)

70 I TFL = Department of Theoretical Physics

YFL → SEFL YLT → FLT (name changes)

80 I K. V. Laurikainen SEFL joins UA1Gustaf and J ¨aDelphirnefelt tcollaborations¨ahtitiede 1901-1988 at CERN K.V.Laurikainen ydinfysiikka 1916-1997 Nimitys 1960, rakensi teoreettisen fysiikan, TFTn (+Jauho, Palmen, Nevanlinna, Linkomies), ko- keellisen hiukkasfysiikan, laskentatston,.. 90 I University reforms SEFL → JSEFL¨a¨ahluento + SEFT 1979 ”kolkko(split tilaisuus) ”; halusi arvos- becomes member state of CERNtusta (and filosofiastaan, EU) ei aloitteistaan

I SEFL + TFL → FL TFT + SEFT → HIP (mergers) Paul96 Hoyer 45 years 12 Recruitment matters

The most important element at a university is its human resource.

Basic research and personnel commitments, are long-range (for me, 32 years)

Active recruitment of researchers is required.

Once hired, researchers should be trusted and supported.

The present system of research funding is inefficient The administration of many small grants means massive bureaucracy.

Paul Hoyer 45 years Persons matter 13

Thanks to Liisa for the photos!

Keijo (1984) Pipsa, Liisa and Maila (1980)

Paul Hoyer 45 yearsSEFL UA1 team (1984) Jorma (1992) My brilliant PhD students 14 Mikko Vänttinen Mikko

Samu Kurki Matti Järvinen


BLEGDAMSVEJ 17 TELEFON TELEFAX EMAIL DK – 2100 KØBENHAVN Ø • DANMARK Copenhagen(+45) 3532 5500 was a world(+45) 3138 physics 9157 [email protected] 1930-60.

CERN theory group was in Copenhagen 1952-57

Nordita was established 1957. The premises were provided by the Danish state. PRESSEMEDDELELSE

Nordisk Institut for Teoretisk Fysik - 40 År Persons involved included Niels Bohr,

TorstenNORDITA, Gustafsson det nordiske and institut Tage forErlander teoretisk. fysik, fejrer 40 års jubilæum den 3 - 4 november 1997. Nuclear physics was sensitive after WW II: § 1 IStk. jubilæet 1. Nordisk deltager institut generalsekretæren for teoretisk fysik -Nordita- for Nordisk har til formålMinisterråd, at fremme Søren Christensen, samarbejdetrepræsentanter mellem de for nordiske nordiske lande forsknings inden for denministerier grundlæggende og forskningsråd forskning i samt fremtrædende fysikere fra Norden, Baltikum, Europa, USA og Asien. teoretisk fysik. Nordita skal ikke befatte sig med virksomhed, der tjener militære

formål.I programmet Arbejdsresultaterne indgår skalforedrag offentliggøres og drøftelser eller på somanden belyser måde blive anvendelsen gjort af den almentteoretiske tilgængelige. fysiks metoder på andre områder, globaliseringen af det videnskabelige forskningssamarbejde samt samarbejdet indenfor forskeruddannelser. The first Finnish Board members were PekkaFor yderligere Jauho andinformation Rolf Nevanlinna og program,. kontakt venligst administrationschef Helle Kiilerich, tlf. 3532 5227, e-mail [email protected] . Paul Hoyer 45 years


BLEGDAMSVEJ 17 SeniorTELEFON stipendiate 1977TELEFAX – 81 EMAIL DK – 2100 KØBENHAVN Ø • DANMARK (+45) 3532 5500 (+45) 3138 9157 }[email protected] years! Director 1994 – 2002, 2005 – 06

Memorable experience:

• Nordic institute with international scope PRESSEMEDDELELSE • High-level research in astrophysics and cosmology, biological physics, condensed matter physics and nuclear Nordisk Institutphysics, for asTeoretisk well as particle Fysik physics. - 40 År Aage Bohr and Ben Mottelson • Minimal bureaucracy NORDITA, det nordiske institut for teoretisk fysik, fejrer 40 års jubilæum den 3 - 4 november 1997.

I jubilæet deltager generalsekretæren for Nordisk Ministerråd, Søren Christensen, repræsentanter for nordiske forskningsministerier og forskningsråd samt fremtrædende fysikere fra Norden, Baltikum, Europa, USA og Asien.

I programmet indgår foredrag og drøftelser som belyser anvendelsen af den teoretiske fysiks metoder på andre områder, globaliseringen af det videnskabelige forskningssamarbejde samt samarbejdet indenfor forskeruddannelser.

For yderligere information og program, kontakt venligst administrationschef Helle Kiilerich, tlf. 3532 5227, e-mail [email protected] . PaulPetter Hoyer Minnhagen 45 years and Paul Hoyer (2002) Helle Kiilerich

Program og information om Nordita vedlægges. 17

Nordita was run by the Nordic Council of Ministers until 2006. Then all Nordic institutes were transferred to national authorities.

Today Nordita is “owned” by the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) and Stockholm University. The new start-up has gone well. EU population in % The five Nordic countries together have ca 25 million inhabitants. (5% of EU) D F Nordic collaboration is 5.0 useful in specialized areas PL UK such as theoretical physics. E I

Paul Hoyer 45 years 18

Member and Board chair 2004-08 A European center for theoretical physics located in Trento, Italy. Has become a global facility for topical meetings in nuclear and particle physics.

Member of I3HP Management Board 2007-09 European consortium in hadron physics.

The PANDA Experiment Chair of Theory Advisory Group 2009 – FAIR, Darmstadt

Paul Hoyer 45 years fyysikkobanner.jpg (JPEG Image, 900 ! 160 pixels) 19 Physical societies matter

Established 1947, now ca 890 members (decreasing?) Membership comparable to those of Italy and France! Board member 1989 – 95 Organizes “Physics Days”, participation 400...500 Vice Chair 1991 – 93, Chair 1993 – 95 Publishes Arkhimedes (Fysiikka Tänään)

Society meetings used to be more lively...

header.jpg (JPEG Image, 471 ! 104 pixels)

Created in 1968, is a forum for European physicists. Displays the positive aspects as well as the Member of the Executive Committee 2003 –06 difficulties with European integration

Participate in your local and European society! Paul Hoyer 45 years

1 of 1 25.3.13 4:29 PM

1 of 1 25.3.13 4:32 PM 20 Physics will go on...

In my remaining x/3 bonus time, consider a puzzle within the Standard Model: Why are hadrons so similar to atoms, even though binding energies differ by 11 orders of magnitude? The theory of both is known: QED and QCD, and there is plenty of data.

Positronium atom Mass [MeV] Charmonium hadron Binding energy + [meV] e e− QED 4100 (4040) cc¯ QCD 3P (~ 3940) Ionisationsenergie 2 3 0 3 D 3 (~ 3800) 3 3900 P1(~ 3880) 31S 33S 31D 3 D2 0 1 2 3 1 3 P (~ 3800) D 3 D1 (3770) 0 2 3 -1000 3 3 D2 1 2 P2 3 D1 1 3 2 P 3 D2 2 S 2 S 1 1 3 0 2 P1 (3686) 3 3700 DD 2 P0 ~ 600 meV c(3590) -4 2(3556) -3000 10 eV hc(3525) 1(3510) 3500 0(3415) -5000 3300 13S 11S 1 0 8·10-4 eV -7000 (3097) 3100 + - 8 e 0.1 nm e c(2980) 10 eV C 1 fm C

2900 Paul Hoyer 45 years Man People Working Construction Carrying Building Industr...


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