RISK SHARING WITH MULTIDIMENSIONAL SECURITY MARKETS FELIX-BENEDIKT LIEBRICH GREGOR SVINDLAND Department of Mathematics, University of Munich, Germany Abstract. We consider the risk sharing problem for capital requirements induced by cap- ital adequacy tests and security markets. The agents involved in the sharing procedure may be heterogeneous in that they apply varying capital adequacy tests and have access to different security markets. We discuss conditions under which there exists a representative agent. Thereafter, we study two frameworks of capital adequacy more closely, polyhedral constraints and distribution based constraints. We prove existence of optimal risk alloca- tions and equilibria within these frameworks and elaborate on their robustness. Keywords: capital requirements, polyhedral acceptance sets, law-invariant acceptance sets, multidimensional security spaces, Pareto-optimal risk allocations, equilibria, robustness of optimal allocations. JEL Classification: D52, D53, G12 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 91B16, 91B30, 91B32, 91B50 E-mail address:
[email protected],
[email protected]. Date: August 2019. 1 2 1. Introduction In this paper we consider the risk sharing problem for capital requirements. Optimal cap- ital and risk allocation among economic agents, or business units, has for decades been a predominant subject in the respective academic and industrial research areas. Measuring financial risks with capital requirements goes back to the seminal paper by Artzner et al. [6]. There, risk measures are by definition capital requirements determined by two primitives: the acceptance set and the security market. The acceptance set, a subset of an ambient space of losses, corresponds to a capital adequacy test. A loss is deemed adequately capitalised if it belongs to the acceptance set, and inad- equately capitalised otherwise.