Athena~ ; • IEFINGS December; 2000 2000-2001 Upcotlling Meeting OFI~ICERS AND BOARD WHEN: Thursday, December 7 PHI~Ij)I\T ........................ Jl DY Ml '\:-0'\ 5 - 7:30 p.m. PRI:-.lDIXI-EIHT ................ ,\lou.Y CRE\\: VP/l\h\IIIlR~1!11' ................. ELSIE (~\H,\1i{ WHERE: Henry B. Plant Museum VP/PI«)(.It\\b ................... SI..,Y\ (~IL\m 401 W. Kennedy Blvd. SICllIT.\I{Y ...................... .11,\,\\ VI'\!I{O PROGRAM: Victorian Stroll Tln .. \:->IRIR ............................11))) R)\:'\ "Toys, Trees and Traditions" hl\1. P.\S! PH!SIDlXr .............. 1.1:\1),\ Flms RSVP: By December 4 with enclosed card, call BOARD Eleanor Hubbard (251-9172) or e-mail I)()(TII lhl{(.!Ii
[email protected]. N.\\() F()IW RII()il.\ FIt\,\KII,\ CLOSED MEETING - MEMBERS ONLY Ih:\1 KII\(()I( JI\,\ITTIT\II Athena members can enjoy a very special evening in celebra BIIT' TIUIlIlU tion of the holidays at this unique venue. Every room in the museum will be decorated to reflect celebrations of an earlier MEMBERSHIP era: traditional carols, sentimental cards, classic stories and poems. These memories will be brought to life using trees and COMMITTEE toys throughout the museum, and music will accompany your NO:\1 BRill walk through the history of this exceptional bUilding. .1\ '\ COI{'\ 1111: l\1\1{\,\ Ctn,\:-II.\\\ Heavy hors d'oeuvres/dinner will be served along with wine R\RB \Ii.\ )lr\\I\(;n):\ and hot cider on the verandah, Small tables will be available so you can sit and visit with friends, but please bring a wrap if the ./1 IllFT\(,(, \Ii I temperature is cool.