Manchester Historical Society
The weather Inside today . -i Partly sunny today, highs mid 70s to 80. Fair tonight. Lows around 60. Sunny Area news 12-13 K itchen..................19 Thursday, high 75-80. National weather Classified .. .13-16 Obituaries . .18 forecast map on Page 14. C om ics..................17 People ..................19 Dear Abby . 17 Sr, C itizen s......... 7 ‘The Bright One** Editorial . 4 Second Thought 19 TWENTY.9IX PAGES F a m ily ................. 20 S p o rts...............10-11 TWO SECTIONS ‘ MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 8, 1978 - VOL. XCV, No. PRICEi FH-TEEN CENTS Antiabortionists hostile Carter " By LEWIS LORD ban them, told reporters that the sensitivity in the Ford White House. United Press International federal government last year He said FBI Director Clarence Jimmy Carter, who had financed 300,000 abortions although Kelley should have been fired for experienced nothing but friendly President Ford opposes the accepting gifts and services from welcomes in his first two days of operations. subordinates. campaigning, is starting to encounter “I don’t think there’s much Pewje teve a right to ask, he said hostility as a result of his position on difference between my position and in Philadelphia, that “if the big shots abortion., his,” Carter said. “He’s not an abor in Washington get by with it, why As the Democratic presidential tionist. I’m not either,” can’t I?” nominee spoke in a Lutheran church While Carter jetted about the “From the top on-down, you got to in Philadelphia Tuesday, right-to-life Northeast, speaking in New York, have a commitment to the control of demonstrators marched outside Connecticut and Pennsylvania, Ford crime,” Carter said.
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