
“The Three Women: Joanna, Mary and

“On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb.” Luke 24:1

Today on the Lutheran Church calendar we recognize three women recorded in the ; Joanna, Mary and Salome. We know from Luke’s that Joanna, was the wife of Cuza. Cuza was the manager of Herod’s household. (Luke 8:3) We know from Mark’s Gospel that there was a woman by the name of Mary who was the sister of Joseph, the step-father of our Lord. (Mark 15:40) We learn from Matthew’s Gospel that Salome was the sister of the Virgin Mary and mother of James and John, the apostles of . (Matthew 27:56, Mark 15:40)

These women were with Jesus early in his ministry. They were eye witnesses to His ministry, crucifixion, death, burial and resurrection. These women provided finances and logistics as Jesus and the apostles traveled from town to town. The women we remember today make me think of two important areas of the Christian church.

1) Service – The women were an active part of the Lord’s ministry. I am grateful for the women who serve as teachers, musicians, board members, and leaders of our churches. I am also grateful for the work of our altar guild ministry which is made up of women. As the women in the Gospels prepared Jesus’ body for burial, so the Altar Guild handles the linens of the altar. These linens are like the burial cloths of Jesus. The women of the Altar Guild handle the bread and wine of Holy Communion, which will be the body and blood of our Lord Jesus . Jesus chose and empowered women with the distinction of serving Him and His church. The service of the women leads to the second item to remember today.

2) Witness – The women had the privilege of being the first eye witnesses of Jesus’ resurrection. When the women told the Good News to the apostles, the Gospel of Luke records that they thought the women had lost their minds. Jesus, however, confirmed the witness of these women as He appeared to the apostles. We have good news to share with others around us, but don’t always expect an open audience. We must, like the women, stand firm in what we believe and teach. Our Lord Jesus Christ will confirm and vindicate our witness for Him.

Take a moment to give thanks to the Lord and to all the faithful women who serve!

Pastor Tim