Ref Date Address Proposal Parish Council Decision 21/00898/H 30/04/21 7 Harwood Park Proposed single storey rear / first floor No Observation HOLD Redhill RH1 5EJ side extension with rear balcony, following the demolition of existing conservatory 21/01030/F 05/05/21 The Gatwick Cambridge A new conservatory on existing terrace. No objection but the proposed conservatory it out of character 21/01031/L Hotel 19 Bonehurst Road with the main building BC Surrey RH6 8PP 21/00850/F 06/05/21 Rosemary Farmhouse Demolition of existing house and stable The three bedroom house does not look bulkier than the one Ironsbottom Sidlow building and construction of one granted permission under 20/00725. But:- Surrey RH2 8PP replacement three bedroom house with Object to the new garage for the existing house, this is a new detached garage and one, single storey building in the green belt, in front of the building line where it detached annex. would be obtrusive. Object to the new single storey detached annex, this has a kitchen, living and dining area, a bedroom and bathroom and is a new dwelling in the green belt. Object to the access for the annex and new parking area being from the track which is for access to the agricultural land and is outside the area of residential land. 21/00192/F 06/05/21 Land Parcel South West Construction of a crematorium with Object - As a matter of principal the Parish Council objects to Of Woodhatch Road associated landscape, parking and the loss of green belt land and being consistent with that Surrey infrastructure, including a revised principal objects to this proposed development. The Parish junction with Woodhatch Road. As Council questions whether this site is common land in which amended on 01/04/2021, 09/04/2021 case where would the Borough find other land to compensate and on 04/05/2021. for the loss of this area of common land. The proposed building would be visually intrusive even if it is partially dug into the landscape. The route to the site is along the busy Woodhatch Road which would be adversely affected by the typically slow-moving convoy of funeral cars From the plan of existing crematoriums in Crawley, Leatherhead, Croydon and North East Surrey, the North East part of the Borough least well served 21/01069/H 06/05/21 Kinnersley Oaks Remove existing oak and glass canopy No Observation HOLD Lonesome Lane Reigate and replace with infill extension. replace Surrey RH2 7QU entrance glazed roof with more conventional flat roof with lantern roof light 21/01227/T 12/05/21 Woodlands 5 Bonehurst T3 Oak- Reduce height and lateral No Observation PO Road Salfords Surrey branches by 1.5m by removing RH1 5ED secondary growth leaving a natural SALFORDS AND SIDLOW PARISH COUNCIL - PLANNING APPLICATIONS 14 JUNE 2021

form. Two Oaks trees next to t3 have been reduced previously and with the majority of growth over 27 Harwood Park a reduction would bring tree back in line and form of T1 and T2. 21/001014/ 12/05/21 Bartreth Lodge Lane Part two storey, part single storey, No objection subject to neighbours HHOL Salfords Redhill Surrey extension to side and rear of property along with single storey link extension between garage and main house.

21/01096/P 20/05/21 Former Delcot Reigate Re-build fire destroyed building No Observation IP Road Hookwood Surrey 21/01062/ 27/05/21 Duxhurst Farm Duxhurst Proposed conversion of detached barn Object – new dwelling in the green belt without special Lane Sidlow Surrey RH2 into a dwelling circumstances to outweigh the harm 8QQ 21/01663/F 28/05/21 Woodleigh Horley Lodge The construction of a new single No observation Lane Salfords Redhill dwelling in the grounds of the existing Surrey property. Resubmission of approved application 16/01379/F NATTRAN/ 02/06/21 Hillford Place, Salfords, Stopping up of highway Object – application to develop the land has been refused? SE/S247/4 Surrey RH1 5BD 702. 21/00872/C 03/06/21 Land At 2 Brickfield Change of use of farmland to residential Object. There is still a very large area of new garden no U Cottages Ironsbottom garden land. As amended on demonstrated need for the change of use for the drainage work Sidlow Reigate RH2 8PP 02/06/2021 to be carried out. If permitted. Permitted development rights should be removed.

21/00933/ 03/06/21 Land Parcel 529620 Creation of new vehicle access Object - access to this land has been achieved for many years. 146676 Axes Lane The sight lines on Axes Lane are very poor and not good at Salfords Surrey this position. 21/01238/F 09/06/21 Clyvon 45 Reigate Road Demolition of existing single storey No observation Hookwood Surrey RH6 bungalow and the erection of a 0HL replacement dwelling (renewal of planning permission 16/03000/F, varied under 18/02677/S73). 21/00720/F 21/04/21 Horley Place 17 Demolition of existing buildings and the Object - See below Bonehurst Road Horley erection of a Class E retail unit with Surrey RH6 8PP (Aldi) access, car parking and associated works


21/00720/F - Aldi The site is in the Green Belt. There are not sufficient grounds to outweigh the objections to this development in the green belt. The proposed development would have a larger footprint and volume and be more intrusive than the existing building. The proposed development would lead to a loss of natural habitat, biodiversity and openness. There will be a significant loss of mature trees. The proposed development would mean the loss of potential housing on this site. The site is not in Borough designated employment land. The accesses to and from the site are very close to the access to Lawsons timber merchants and the junctions of the A23 with Cross Oak Lane and the new road into Westvale. Traffic on this section of the A23 Road is already very heavy, The traffic lights for Cross Oak Lane and the new road into Westvale are offset which adds to the complexity of traffic flowing by the application site, this will get much more severe when the houses have been built. The new junction from the A23 to Westvale is, as yet, only being used by a small amount of traffic associated with the new development because building work on the new housing is only just starting. Once the new houses have been built, traffic using this junction will add significantly to the existing heavy traffic on the A23. If the Borough is minded to consider granting permission this application should be deferred until a thorough traffic survey along the A23 and its junctions, from the Chequers roundabout in Horley to the junction with Three Arch Road in , has been carried out and the results established. There are no bus stops close to the site and the width of the road and footpaths make provision for bus stops virtually impossible. Buses would have to stop on the main carriageway as there isn’t the width for bus stop bays. The majority of customers would therefore visit the site by car further adding to the existing heavy traffic.