FMM WORKING PAPER No. 59 • October 2020 • Hans-Böckler-Stiftung POLITICAL ASPECTS OF ‘BUFFER STOCK’ EMPLOYMENT: A RECONSIDERATION Peter Kriesler1, Joseph Halevi2, Mark Setterfield3 ABSTRACT Advocates of Job Guarantee (JG) or Employer of Last Resort (ELR) schemes have suggested that if the state provides ‘buffer stock’ employment to workers displaced from private employment, then full employment can be maintained over the course of the business cycle. Kalecki was sceptical about the prospects for maintaining full employment in capitalist economies, without fundamental institutional change that would alleviate certain political constraints on the maintenance of full employment. We argue that in and of themselves, JG/ELR schemes do not create the fundamental institutional change required to address Kalecki’s concerns and so ensure that full employment becomes achievable as a permanent state. ————————— 1 School of Economics, University of NSW, Sydney NSW 2052, Australia, email
[email protected] 2 International University, College of Turin, 10121 Torino TO, Italy, email
[email protected] 3 Department of Economics, New School for Social Research, New York, NY 10003, USA, email
[email protected]; FMM fellow Political Aspects of ‘Buffer Stock’ Employment: A Reconsideration* Peter Kriesler Joseph Halevi Mark Setterfield School of Economics International University Department of Economics University of NSW College of Turin New School for Social Sydney NSW 2052 10121 Torino TO Research Australia Italy New York, NY 10003
[email protected] [email protected] A US
[email protected] August 2020 Abstract Advocates of Job Guarantee (JG) or Employer of Last Resort (ELR) schemes have suggested that if the state provides ‘buffer stock’ employment to workers displaced from private employment, then full employment can be maintained over the course of the business cycle.