The NATIONAL HORTICUL TURAL MAGAZINE APRIL - · - - 1929 The American Horticultural Society A Union of The National Horticultural Society and The American Horticultural Society, at Washington, D. C. Devoted to the popularizing of all phases of Horticulture: Ornamental Gardening, including Landscape Gardening and Amateur Flower Gardening; Professional Flower Gardening and Floriculture; Vegetable Gardening; Fruit Growing and all activities allied with Horticulture. PRESENT ROLL OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS March J, 1929 OFFICERS President, F. L. Atkins, Rutherford, N. J. First Vice-President, F. L. Mulford, 2400 Tunlaw Road, Washington, D. C. Second Vice-President, Mrs. Francis King, Alma, Mich. Secretary, D. Victor Lumsden, 1629 Columbia Road, Washington, D. C. Treasurer, Otto Bauer, 1216 H Street N. W., Washington, D. C. DIRECTORS TERMS EXPIRING IN 1930 Miss Mary McD. Beirne, Ashland, Va. Mrs. Mortimer Fox, Peekskill, N. Y. Dr. Harrison Howe, Washington, D. C. Prof. A. P. Saunders, Clinton, N. Y. J. C. Wister, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. TERMS EXPIRING IN 1931 Miss Isabel Busbee, Raleigh, N. C. Frank W. Campbell, Detroit, Mich. Mrs. L. H. Fowler, Washington, D. C. Fairman R. Furness, Media, Pa. J. Marion Shull, Chevy Chase, Md. AFFILIATED SOCIETIES GEORGIA STATE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. G. H. Firor, Secretary, Athens, Ga. ALBEMARLE GARDEN CLUB. Mrs. Allen Perkins, President, Mid<llebrook Hills, University, Va. ALEXANDRIA, VA., GARDEN CLUB. Care of Miss Mary Lindsey, President, Braddock, Alexandria, Va. GALESBURG HORTICULTURAL AND IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY. C. Z. Nelson, Secretary, 534 Hawkinson Avenue, Galesburg, Ill. GARDEN CLUB OF HAGERSTOWN, MD. Care of Mrs. Marshall Wilson, President, The Terrace, Hagerstown, Md. GARDEN CLUB OF SOMERSET HILLS, N. J.
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