Annual EN FR Report 2017 Société de la Loterie de la Suisse Romande 14, avenue de Provence Case postale 6744 CH-1002 Lausanne Tél. + 41 21 348 13 13
[email protected] • #AvecLoRo – follow us on: Contents ANNUAL REPORT Mission and values 3 Snapshot 4 Interview with the Chairman 6 Governance 8 Interview with the CEO 12 2017 results 14 Results by type of game 16 Sales network 20 What’s new? 23 Stakeholders 26 Certification 28 Working for the public good 30 Beneficiaries 33 SOCIAL REPORT CSR Priorities 38 Community 40 Responsible Gaming 42 Human Resources 45 Environment 48 FINANCIAL REPORT Financial report 51 Publishing details 70 MISSION AND VALUES Company with a public-service mission MISSION Trust and credibility Since it was founded in 1937 with its objective to work for the public Management and members of staff act as guarantors of the good, Loterie Romande has been organising and operating lottery integrity, reliability and credibility of the games intended to games and sports betting in the six cantons of French-speaking inspire dreams and provide fun. Switzerland. It distributes 100% of its profits to non-profit-making bodies and organisations active in a broad spectrum of fields, such Responsibility and transparency as social welfare, culture, sport, education and the environment. The company’s business operations undertaken for the common good, demand services of an exemplary standard and permanent With its business model that is unique worldwide, Loterie Romande commitment to serve the general public. runs its business operations ethically and judiciously. Efforts to prevent and combat addictive gambling form a wholly integral part Innovation and creativity of its corporate strategy.