Wimbledon Chase Primary School Hall Road, SW 19 3QB telephone: 020 8542 1413 fax: 020 8542 1668 email: [email protected] www.wimbledonchaseschool.co.uk Headteacher: Mr.B.Foley B.Ed.Hons., NPQH

January 2018

Dear Parents and Carers

You may be aware that the school is once again working on a reduced budget this year with the result that we are finding it difficult to meet all the hidden costs for such a large school.

Our Amenities Fund is therefore a very important source of revenue for us. It enables us to provide all the extra things that are not covered by our main budget, such as extra classroom furniture and resources, art equipment, cookery resources, printer cartridges, the website service, gifts, prizes, refreshments for visitors, Christmas activities and various licenses.

The fund is also used to subsidise the overall cost of school trips and to contribute towards the costs of visiting authors, theatre workshops and special visits that we organise to enrich the curriculum. Please note that this only helps to reduce the price to parents and does not cover the full costs of these activities.

We therefore respectfully request that all parents make a donation towards our School Amenities Fund of £10 per month or whatever you can afford. We are grateful for any donation no matter how small because every child will benefit in some way. For example, this year the School Fund has been used to subsidise the cost of our additional drama teacher who will work with every class.

It would help the school if parents could pay by Standing Order; a Standing Order form is attached. We are endeavouring to make the school office cash and cheque-free and would appreciate your cooperation by using this payment method if possible.

I would like to thank you for your generosity to the school. The Amenities Fund is invaluable to us and we are always grateful for parents’ support.

Yours sincerely

K. ELLIS Acting Headteacher

PROFORMA – to be returned to the school office

Please tick to confirm how you will be donating to the School Fund.

Amount Other By Standing Order (per month) £10 One off donation £120




 ------

STANDING ORDER MANDATE (to be completed and sent to your bank) Personal Details (Section 1)

Account Name: Bank Name Branch Sort Code Account Number

Standing Order Details (Section 2) PAYMENT REFERENCE (Child(ren)’s Name(s) and Class(es)) Recipient’s Name Wimbledon Chase Primary School Amenities Fund Bank Lloyds Branch and W Wimbledon Branch Sort Code 30-99-66 Account Number 01242306 Amount £ First Payment ____ / ___ / ______and then Monthly on ___ / ___

I authorise you to debit my/our account in accordance with the details in Section 2. This request is addressed to the bank which holds my/our account.

Signed: ______Date: ______

Wimbledon Chase Primary School Merton Hall Road, London SW 19 3QB telephone: 020 8542 1413 fax: 020 8542 1668 email: [email protected] www.wimbledonchaseschool.co.uk Headteacher: Mr.B.Foley B.Ed.Hons., NPQH

Amenities - Expenditure 2016-17

Artis (Drama Teacher) 10,769 Teaching Aids and Equipment 2,412 ======>> Growth Mindset resources 94 Accountancy Fees 849 Twinkl 584 Workshops/Speakers/Events 4,602 ======>> Hope workshop 425 Power of Reading 235 Minibus 150 Anti-bullying workshops 1,020 MyMaths 299 General 2,282 =>> Community Day 238 Samba workshop 400 Online Library 300 Class Resources 532 Photography 260 RAH-Year 5 728 Colour printer 333 Playground equipment 2,300 Stickers - various 232 Dance week 680 Cameras 567 Total 23,896 Hardy Board Engraving 84 Bookfest Sponsorship 325 Oven cleaning 128 Hobgoblin theatre 564 Badges 87 Learning Dome 210 TV license 146 Fire exhibition 250 Medals 215 Christmas Tree 90 Piano Tuning 125 Furniture 677

* This is not an exhaustive list