Claude Elwood Shannon (1916–2001) Solomon W
Claude Elwood Shannon (1916–2001) Solomon W. Golomb, Elwyn Berlekamp, Thomas M. Cover, Robert G. Gallager, James L. Massey, and Andrew J. Viterbi Solomon W. Golomb Done in complete isolation from the community of population geneticists, this work went unpublished While his incredibly inventive mind enriched until it appeared in 1993 in Shannon’s Collected many fields, Claude Shannon’s enduring fame will Papers [5], by which time its results were known surely rest on his 1948 work “A mathematical independently and genetics had become a very theory of communication” [7] and the ongoing rev- different subject. After his Ph.D. thesis Shannon olution in information technology it engendered. wrote nothing further about genetics, and he Shannon, born April 30, 1916, in Petoskey, Michi- expressed skepticism about attempts to expand gan, obtained bachelor’s degrees in both mathe- the domain of information theory beyond the matics and electrical engineering at the University communications area for which he created it. of Michigan in 1936. He then went to M.I.T., and Starting in 1938 Shannon worked at M.I.T. with after spending the summer of 1937 at Bell Tele- Vannevar Bush’s “differential analyzer”, the an- phone Laboratories, he wrote one of the greatest cestral analog computer. After another summer master’s theses ever, published in 1938 as “A sym- (1940) at Bell Labs, he spent the academic year bolic analysis of relay and switching circuits” [8], 1940–41 working under the famous mathemati- in which he showed that the symbolic logic of cian Hermann Weyl at the Institute for Advanced George Boole’s nineteenth century Laws of Thought Study in Princeton, where he also began thinking provided the perfect mathematical model for about recasting communications on a proper switching theory (and indeed for the subsequent mathematical foundation.
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