Case 2:20-cv-09843-FLA-AS Document 65 Filed 02/22/21 Page 1 of 53 Page ID #:541 Michele Ronk
[email protected] February 22, 2021 13356 SW Macbeth Dr. Tigard, OR 97224 503-804-7437 Plaintiff, in Pro Per UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA MICHELE RONK Civil Action No. 2:20-CV-09843-FLA-AS(x) Plaintiff, Amended Complaint for Copyright v. Infringement KATHERYN ELIZABETH DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL HUDSON p/k/a “KATY PERRY”; BRITTANY HAZZARD p/k/a “STARRAH”; FERRAS ALQAISI; OLIVER GOLDSTEIN p/k/a “OLIGEE”; JOSH ABRAHAM; ROBERT MANDELL p/k/a “G KOOP”; CAPITOL RECORDS, LLC; UNIVERSAL MUSIC GROUP, INC.; Defendants. 1 AMENDED COMPLAINT Case 2:20-cv-09843-FLA-AS Document 65 Filed 02/22/21 Page 2 of 53 Page ID #:542 COMPLAINT FOR COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT This is an action by MICHELE RONK, Plaintiff, appearing Pro Se, to recover damages arising from infringement of MICHELE RONK’s copyright of her creative work by Defendants KATHERYN ELIZABETH HUDSON p/k/a “Katy Perry”, BRITTANY HAZZARD p/k/a “STARRAH”, FERRAS ALQAISI, OLIVER GOLDSTEIN p/k/a “OLIGEE”, JOSH ABRAHAM, ROBERT MANDELL p/k/a “G KOOP”, CAPITOL RECORDS, LLC. and UNIVERSAL MUSIC GROUP, INC. PARTIES 1. At all times mentioned, Plaintiff, MICHELE RONK, (hereinafter “Plaintiff” or “Mrs. Ronk”) is a citizen of Oregon, and is a singer/songwriter, and currently resides at 13356 SW Macbeth Dr., Tigard, OR 97224. 2. At all times mentioned, Defendant KATHERYN ELIZABETH HUDSON, p/k/a “KATY PERRY” (hereinafter “Ms. Perry”), is a citizen of California, and currently resides at 900 Knollwood Dr., Montecito, CA 93108.