
The Problem Houston Schoonmaker Department of Biology; College of Arts and Sciences Abilene Christian University

Evolutionary attempt to explain how innocent , death, and extinction seen throughout the evolutionary process of evolution can coincide with believing in a loving . Since Darwin, scholars have questioned the importance of studying at such an intricate level. With the knowledge of natural selection, the fact that great suffering is witnessed across nature permits doubts in discussions regarding a benevolent God that created the . In this paper, I begin with background about evolution, theodicy, and how they are related. I look at two major perspectives: the that evolution ameliorates the theodicy problem or that evolution exacerbates the theodicy problem. After comparing these two opposing views, I critique the position that evolution is a gift to . At the conclusion of this paper, evolution be seen as an aid to explain the innocent suffering witnessed in the world.

Grief, in the context of , Christians with a basic knowledge of God, causes one to begin questioning God and the but also those that spend a vast majority of characteristics of His being. These questions their lives searching to explain the goodness vary from shallow, surface level questions, of God. to deep, philosophical questions that experts A further dimension to the theodicy have been trying to answer for years. One of problem introduced is seen in light of those deep philosophical mysteries is the evolution. Evolution, at its core, is the question of evolutionary theodicy. The proliferation of favorable genotypic and question of evolutionary theodicy presents phenotypic characteristics that stem from many different angles, and it invites a many life and death cycles. If evolution is variety of perspectives to speculate on the believed to have persisted since life began, it issue. The premise of the theodicy question would indicate that suffering, death, and is that if the presence of , death, and have always existed. Evolution can attempt suffering has existed since the formation of to explain the theodicy problem, but it is the earth, how does God remain ? The also the cause of confusion and is that it inherits the ability misunderstanding. Whether evolution helps to counter the omni-benevolence and us to understand the theodicy problem or of God. Evil has the ability to not, opinions can vary, especially when challenge God’s goodness and bring doubt. confronting God’s goodness. Including two It is then posed that either God can control opposite points of view allows a critical evil, but since He chooses not to, He is not analysis of the theodicy problem with an all-good; or He is unable to control evil, evolutionary basis, but with biblical therefore rendering Him incapable of being implications. Evolution helps to explain the an all-powerful God. The crux of the theodicy problem of God remaining good theodicy problem is the intersection of God while the presence of innocent suffering and being good but allowing suffering in the the inherent viciousness of nature and death world. This question challenges not just the is observable throughout time.

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Evolution and the Problem of Innocent The evidence that God exhibits those Suffering characteristics of love is observable through The theodicy problem poses the Jesus and His resurrection. The atonement that God is good but allows of Jesus’ death on the cross can be separated the manifestation of evil in the world. This into two types: objective and subjective. The is prevalent in discussions between theists objective perspective contains the idea that and atheists; due to the difficulty of grasping Christ’s death on the cross transforms the thought of an all-powerful, loving God creation, regardless of whether it was that allows suffering and death to enter the necessary. The cross plays a major role world, these discussions rarely promote a when trying to understand the possibility of change of thinking. One side of the suffering in light of a good God because it argument questions why God has allowed hints at the fact that God suffers, too. With four billion years of suffering among this idea of God being able to experience species, only to give a purpose to already suffering, the first time this could be seen is dead organisms. God has put in place a plan through the event with as much magnitude for Creation in which He oversees as the cross. Realizing that God co-suffers personally and is involved in. He is along with humanity, grants evolutionary intimately involved in every person’s life. theodicy a way to explain such a possibility The question of whether God allows evil to that God allows us to suffer because He manifest in the world is another aspect of the loves us. It is a challenge to justify the death theodicy problem that must be addressed of organisms, even if it is for a better future. when discussing the benevolence of God in The subjective view of suffering is that a broken world. Southgate states that “the when Christ is innocently put to death, His crux of the problem is not the overall system love for the world transforms creation. It and its overall goodness but the Christian’s transforms because Jesus was able to choose struggle with the challenge to the goodness the cross, but other organisms have had of God posed by specific cases of innocent suffering imposed on them by God for the suffering.”1 This statement comes in betterment of the whole species. With this response to the argument of theodicy in statement, death, which has been Christian practices. He explains that categorized as sin, is permissible because it Christians do not struggle with believing is beneficial for others. Unfortunately, some that the world is broken, but that a broken organisms have to act as a stepping-stone for world can challenge God’s power that the betterment and survival of the offspring. accompanies his ability to maintain While this may seem cruel, it is goodness. Innocent suffering has rivaled the how these situations must be viewed when since the formation of the looking through the lens of evolution. theodicy question. In light of evolution, innocent suffering is what perpetuates the An Evolutionary Explanation succession of certain species. Exacerbates the Theodicy Problem The possibility that God may not be Darwin’s ideas about natural all-powerful is something that would cause selection tend to hint at the exacerbation of chaos in many Protestant circles. This is an the theodicy problem by looking at how unfavorable aspect that the theodicy vicious nature can be in regards to the problem presents. God may not be all- survival of the slightly better. Considering powerful, but He would still be all-loving. the timeline that Darwin was following, it is

1 Southgate, 2008, 13

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Theodicy understood that millions of years of death Nineteenth Century would demolish the and suffering had already occurred. John religious power that the Catholic Church had Haught states: “to anyone aware of the established. Once the idea of evolution was Holocaust, widespread warfare, genocides, presented to the people, people would turn political purges, and the prospect of from the church. This would result in the ecological catastrophe, evolutionary science church falling from prominence. is hardly going to add much to what is Theologians refer to Darwinian already the most pestilent of all and evolution as “his dangerous idea.” Based on religious concerns, the problem of innocent this phrase, it can be concluded that the suffering. However, even if it fails to deepen religious institution was staunchly against the wound, evolution clearly seems to widen introducing evolution to the people. With it.”2 Haught blatantly states that evolution is this new scientific information, religious entirely detrimental to dealing with the institutions would struggle regaining a problem of theodicy. It is clear where foothold in society as an authoritative voice Haught stands on the issue, which provides in each community. Hunter states that an insight about the ongoing repercussions “Darwin’s solution [to theodicy] distanced of Darwin’s Origin of Species. With this God from creation to the point that God was assumption of the observed viciousness in unnecessary. One could still believe in God, nature, it implies that Darwin abandoned but not in God’s Providence. Separating any form of morality among nature. This God from creation and its meant that absence of morality challenged Darwin’s God could have no direct influence or view of God because of the many control over the world. God may have imperfections seen in organisms, plants, and created the world, but ever since that point it even his personal life. This led to the idea has run according to impersonal natural laws that creation was irrational and chaotic, that may now and then produce natural hinting that God lacks benevolence. Darwin evil.”3 With the distancing of God, it can did not out to denounce the goodness of create a bigger theodicy problem because God. However, nature continually pushed then it portrays God as a watchmaker or him to doubt. Darwin’s fault was that he cosmic architect that set the universe into looked to natural processes and the motion, and has stepped away from any interactions between organisms to prove the interaction. This argument further pushes the existence of a good God: nature cannot questions of theodicy to be directed at God’s prove this. This evolutionary idea further power, but if He is so far removed, how can separates the ability of God to maintain he maintain that power from a distance? goodness in the presence of suffering This thought creates a wider gap between witnessed in nature. Evolution works God’s goodness and the manifestation of because of the lack of reconciliation evil because God is so distant from creation between God and nature, instead of one that His power is irrelevant. species noticeably evolving from another. The religious community is still very An Evolutionary Explanation hesitant to discuss the idea of evolution Ameliorates the Theodicy Problem because it proposes that a supreme being While evolution can impede the does not guide the universe. The effect of of solving the theodicy problem, it Darwinian thought spreading to a large also contains the uncanny ability to answer number of people in the mid-to-late challenging . Proponents of

2 Haught, 2008, 23 3 Hunter, 2001, 16

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Theodicy the idea that evolution does not aid in better suffering is as detrimental for nature to answering the theodicy problem would experience. struggle with the concept of a mother seeing Without death, nature would not her child and wondering if her suffering was have the ability to evolve and transform into worth giving life to the child. Evolution the observable world that gave rise to human works because the recurrent deaths of weak descent. Domning presents the idea that individuals promote the more adept, but it “what God has done is put us in a position can also provide means for another unrelated where we must and can choose: between the species to increase its survival chances. It is selfish way of natural selection, and the easy to observe this suffering as unnecessary selfless way of Christ, which alone can or redundant, but in order for an ecosystem liberate us from this world’s futility.”5 to develop, suffering is required. If God Domning concludes his argument regarding requires the evolutionary process to bring Darwinian evolution by giving a poignant about creation, then unfortunately organisms reminder of the innocent suffering Jesus will have to die to accomplish this method endured. Domning states that there is a clear of development. Domning concludes that choice between the inherent selfishness “many have pointed to the inconceivable found in nature and the altruistic life Jesus numbers of organisms that have had to live lived. Christianity is entirely based on the and die throughout the ages in order for the example that Jesus left. Jesus’ life was in present world to evolve… there is no such complete opposition to the self-centered thing as waste. Everything is somehow nature of the world. The only explanation recycled, as thoroughly as the laws of for someone to be able to accomplish an act thermodynamics permit.”4 Daryl Domning like this is through the divine ability that uses the word “waste” here to indicate was instilled in Him. It is evident that Jesus something not achieving the purpose in was anything but “natural” due to the fact which it was intended. For example, the that any natural way of living would have ultimate purpose of nature seems to still be led Him to be entirely selfish. unfulfilled, so creation appears to ache for God to bring it to fulfillment. If nature is not Evolution as a Gift to Theology able to fill this potential, some of the beauty Open and Process theologians that God has revealed through nature is lost. welcome the idea that evolution is a gift to Domning intends for the word to have two theology, but other theologians are resistant meanings. The second meaning is a to accept the same view. Haught points out reference to fecal matter. This is significant that “Darwin’s challenge turns out to be a because organisms known as detritivores great gift to theology. It spreads out before rely on fecal matter as a source of energy. us a panorama of life that can pilot us away He hints at an underlying analogy that from cheap and easy representations of the proves nature promotes adaptation, even if it sacred such as that implied in a one-sided requires one organism to excrete the commitment to the notion of intelligent product, and the other to consume the design … but we shall see that Darwin’s product, survival is accomplished. It is portrayal of the way the universe works important to remember that situations rely actually invites us to think about God, once on the perspective, not always the outcome. again, in a meaningful and truly inspiriting When Darwin’s ideas are presented in this light, it doesn’t seem that death and

4 Domning & Hellwig, 2006, 51-52. 5 Domning & Hellwig, 2006, 158

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Theodicy way.”6 Haught continues to break down Jesus’ act of sacrifice would not have some of the mental barriers that are formed carried much meaning. By having a when trying to fuse conversations regarding theology that reflects evolutionary thought both God and evolution. He encourages the impact of the innocent death of Jesus has future discussions. An important aspect of astronomical implications. Darwinism has the Christian is to evangelize. By even been stated to be innately more having difficult conversations about Christian than any form of supernatural suffering, God, and evolution, it allows for design because it shows God’s presence in this aspect to be seen. This then puts nature and His creative power. But what is evolution in a category that would be known is that God continually loves Man, considered a gift to theology. It is vital to all while Man proceeds to fall into the same remember that a gift is something that is repetitive cycle of sin. Out of God’s given without the expectation of anything in immense love for Man, He gives the gift of return. The dichotomy between theology and grace. The grace given to Man is evolution can work as a mutualistic undeserved, inappropriate, and faultless. It is relationship. Theology can benefit from out of this grace that Man has the answers observed in nature, and nature opportunity to draw nearer to God. could benefit from insights given through Universal laws, theories of evolution, or theology. If evolution is viewed as a gift to world cannot provide the same theology, it insinuates that theology needs experience as receiving unwarranted grace. evolution in order to progress forward. This is not inherently detrimental to theology, but Conclusion it could lead to later complications if The question of evolutionary evolution is treated as complete truth. theodicy is very intricate and contains many Evolution can help better explain the layers. It includes thoughts on science, presence of evil in the world. Some , and suffering, which accompanies individuals believe that evil arose from God expert opinions all over the spectrum. It can giving creation independence. Within this fascinate that possess the most belief, God must have implemented laws elementary mind, all the way up to experts that would separate Him from nature, thus in the field of biology and theology. The resulting in the eventual presence of evil. most interesting aspect of this contradiction This is inaccurate because as mentioned is that there is not an answer that could previously, God distanced Himself from possibly attempt to cover, in detail, the creation, which released the control He vastness of the theodicy problem. But that maintained on creation. Haught again will never hinder humans from trying to indicates that “reflection on the Darwinian uncover the answer to one of life’s most world can lead us to contemplate more intriguing and mentally exhausting explicitly the mystery of God as it is made questions. The exacerbation or amelioration manifestation the story of life’s suffering, of the theodicy problem hinges more on the the epitome of which lies for Christians in perspective of the person attempting to the .”7 The reflection resolve the question. If one were to bring in made by Haught gives insight to how a perspective that favors , the evolution can be beneficial to theology. He person would be much more inclined to takes a position that without the explanation believe that evolution widens the gap of evolutionary processes and suffering, between the goodness of God and the

6 Haught, 2008, 24 7 Haught, 2008, 50

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Theodicy viciousness of nature. If another person were atheist, humans struggle to answer the trying to denounce the existence of God, that question of innocent suffering that is person would focus on innocent suffering witnessed throughout the world. Whether and death in the presence of a loving and trying to refute this suffering as not part of powerful God. Both of these people bring a God’s plan, or attempting to eliminate the valuable ideology into the discussion that belief of a higher being all together, people must not be dismissed. Evolution is a theory need explanations and reasons. It is this that has caused within many religious innate wondering that drives humans to the establishments, schools, and homes, but that depths of the ocean and to the face of the is not the goal of the theory. The goal is to moon, all in pursuit of the ever-fleeting better understand the origins of life. answer. Whether Christian, Jew, Muslim, or

Literature Cited Domning, DP, & Hellwig, M. (2006). Original selfishness: and evil in the light of evolution. Burlington, VT: Ashgate. Haught, JF. (2008). God after Darwin: A theology of evolution. Boulder, CO : Westview Press. Hunter, CG. (2001). Darwin’s God: Evolution and the problem of evil. Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos Press, c2001. Southgate, C. (2008). The groaning of creation: God, evolution, and the problem of evil. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press.

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