686 CAXTON PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Thursday 13 September 2018 at 7.45 pm

Present: Councillors: K Howard (Chairman), H Barbour, R Jack and R Millard. In attendance: Mrs C Newton (Minutes Secretary, LGS Services). 1. Apologies for absence and declarations of interest 1.1 To receive written apologies for absence and reasons Apologies were received from Cllr Bushby, District Cllr Mark Howell and District Cllr Nick Wright. 1.2 To receive declarations of interests from councillors on items on the agenda Cllr Barbour declared an interest in items 5.2 and 9.1 as the Village Hall’s Treasurer, and the existence of her dispensation to speak only during the public session on matters relating to the Village Hall. Cllr Jack declared an interest in item 7.1.3 as a neighbour. 1.3 To receive written requests for dispensations including requests and to grant any requests for dispensation as appropriate None. Comments & observations from members of the public and reports from District & County Councillors The Treasurer of the Village Hall Committee was asked why funding was needed and where they currently stood. Cllr Bushby will be asked for an update. 2. To approve the minutes of the previous meetings on 12 July and the extra- ordinary meeting on 30 August RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting on 12 July 2018 be approved and signed by the Chairman at the end of the meeting. (Prop RJ, 2nd RM, unanimous) RESOLVED that the minutes of the extra-ordinary meeting of 30 August 2018 be approved and signed by the Chairman at the end of the meeting. (Prop RJ, 2nd RM, unanimous) 3. Appointment of Acting Clerk RESOLVED to confirm the appointment of Ben Stoehr as Acting Clerk during the Clerk’s sick leave. (Prop KH, 2nd HB, unanimous) 4. To co-opt to fill any vacancies resulting from insufficient candidates at election and to make arrangements for any remaining vacancies to be filled RESOLVED to co-opt Andrew Halket as a member of the Parish Council. (Prop KH, 2nd RJ, unanimous)

5. Matters arising from the minutes On a proposition by the Chairman, items 5.1 and 8.4 were taken together. 5.1 (Open) Resident – frequency of cutting roadside verges and 8.4 To consider the grass cutting specification for 2019 -2021 inclusive RESOLVED having considered the frequency of cutting of the roadside verges, to make the following changes to the schedule: (Prop KH, 2nd HB, unanimous) RESOLVED that in St Peter’s Street, Road, Gransden Road, there should be a one width cut, including June and a full cut in the winter cut. Cutting is required in June as otherwise the vegetation overhangs the road. The footpaths are also cut by the Council at the end of June. RESOLVED within the 30 mph signs, to reduce the number of cuts (one width) of all verges except for St Peter’s Street, Bourn Road and Gransden Road, from eight times a season to six times a season. Ermine Street between Crowdene and Brockholt Road bank to be cut twice a year only. ______Caxton Parish Council Minutes Thursday 13 September 2018 687 Pond area – to be cut twelve times a year. 5.2 (4.1) Village Hall refurbishment update Cllr Barbour, having previously declared an interest in this item, left the room at 8.15 pm. RESOLVED to note that the grant request would be submitted at the end of this month. Cllr Bushby was thanked for the work she had done on this project. Cllr Barbour returned at 8.18 pm. 5.3 (4.4) To consider the Village Flood Plan RESOLVED having considered the framework of the Caxton Emergency Flood Plan that a letter for residents it will affect should be drafted by the Clerk and sent to the Chairman. Contact details for inclusion in the Plan will be provided by the Chairman. 6. Local matters and members’ items for info only unless stated 6.1 Reports on local matters for information only Cllr Howard reported that he had heard from CCC regarding the LHI bid works. The Council had been successful but no schedule had been provided. Potholes should be reported on the County Council website. 6.2 Affordable Housing – to consider whether to invite Mark Deas, Rural Housing Enabler, ACRE, to a meeting RESOLVED to write declining the offer, as the Parish Council is concerned that whilst a survey was carried out in 2014, it notes that the affordable housing currently in the village is not solely occupied by people with a connection to Caxton, and that the eight houses recently completed have completely fulfilled the need as the development was unable to fulfil all with people associated with Caxton. The Council is further concerned with the limited facilities in the village, as affordable housing is better served within the existing and proposed facilities of Cambourne. (Prop RJ, 2nd RM, unanimous) 7. Planning and Tree Works 7.1 Applications received since the last meeting 7.1.1 S/3126/18/NM – Land adj 94 Ermine Street – Non-material amendment of planning permission S/0539/16/FL and to note comments from residents RESOLVED that the Parish Council supports the application. (Prop RM, 2nd HB, unanimous) 7.1.2 S/2614/18/DC - Land adj 94 Ermine Street – Discharge of condition 3 (Materials) of planning permission S/0539/16/FL RESOLVED that the Parish Council supports the application. (Prop RM, 2nd HB, unanimous) 7.1.3 S/2602/18/FL – 23 Brockholt Road – Proposed detached house, pair of garages and alterations to existing driveway Cllr Jack, having previously declared an interest in this item, left the meeting at 8.47 pm. RESOLVED that the Parish Council supports the application. (Prop HB, 2nd KH, unanimous) 7.1.4 S/2709/18/DC – Land to the west of Cambourne – Discharge of condition 8 (Site wide design code) of planning permission S/2903/14/OL Noted. 7.1.5 S/2895/18/DC – 53 Ermine Street – Discharge of condition 3 (Materials) and 4 (Precise details) of planning permission S/0181/16/LB Noted. 7.1.6 S/2866/18/VC – Land at Airfield, Longstowe Road, Little Gransden – Variation of conditions of planning consent S/0607/90/F for use as Gliding Club and ancillary purposes – to note response made between meetings and comments from neighbours Noted.

______Caxton Parish Council Minutes Thursday 13 September 2018 688 7.1.7 S/2443/18/FL – Land between 20 and 30 Bourn Road – Erection of a single detached dwelling and garage and S/3148/18/RM – 20 and 30 Bourn Road – Application for approval of reserved matters following outline planning permission S/1227/17/OL for a dwelling with garage and formation of new agricultural access The application for minor changes was noted. 7.2 and Cambridge Local Plans – publication of Inspector’s report Noted. The key thing was that Caxton would remain a small village. 7.3 SCDC Decision notices 7.3.1 S/0361/18/FL – Pastures, St Peter’s Street – Proposed single storey extension linking existing kitchen and garage – Permission refused. Noted. 7.3.2 S/1849/18/OL – Land off Ermine Street – Outline planning permission for up to 30 dwellings with all matters reserved except access – Permission refused. Noted. 7.3.3 S/2294/16/OL – Firs Farm, St Peter’s Street – Outline planning application with access included for custom self build housing development of eight properties – Permission granted Noted. 7.3 Tree works applications – to consider any received None. 8. Finance and procedure 8.1 To receive the financial report and approve the payment of bills RESOLVED to receive the financial report, and that the invoices and bank statements be checked at the end of the meeting, before the cheques are signed. RESOLVED that the payments as listed be approved for payment plus PKF Littlejohn LLP (External audit) £360.00. (Prop HB, 2nd RM, unanimous)

Salary £2.42 Salary £27.13 Salary £111.23 NEST (Pension) (DD) £118.11 HMRC (PAYE) £130.80 Buchans (Grass cutting) £413.69 Netwise (Website) £514.00 LGS Services (Admin support) £613.39 LGS Services (Admin support) £556.25 Receipt of the verges grant was noted. 8.2 To consider any quotes for urgent works required because of risk and Clerk’s use of delegated powers RESOLVED to note that the Clerk used delegated powers to respond to the Planning application for Little Gransden Airfield. RESOLVED to check the fire door as the work had still not been carried out. 8.3 To consider play equipment checks reports RESOLVED given that the flooring around the play equipment had shrunk and raised up, having calculated the cost of 65 linear metres at £45.00 per linear metre to be approximately £3000.00, to delegate to the Clerk to arrange for repair at the best price obtainable, taking the funds from reserves. 8.4 To consider the grass cutting specification for 2019-2021 inclusive ______Caxton Parish Council Minutes Thursday 13 September 2018 689 Taken earlier. 9. To consider matters arising out of correspondence received including 9.1 Village Hall Committee – request for financial support for paper towel dispenser and pedal bins Cllr Barbour, having previously declared an interest in this item, left the room at 9.10 pm. RESOLVED to decline the request, as the items could not be considered as a fixture or fitting, and as the Parish Council has just applied for a grant for the refurbishment of the cupboard which will cost several thousand pounds, it feels the request should be rejected in this instance. Cllr Barbour re-joined the meeting at 9.15 pm. RESOLVED that the cheques be sent monthly to the Chairman to arrange signature. (Prop KH, 2nd HB, unanimous)

9.2 SCDC – Parish Council emergency plans Noted. 9.3 SCDC consultation – Gambling (2005 Act) Policy Noted. 9.4 Joint Minerals and Waste Local Plan Noted. 9. Closure of meeting There was no further business and the meeting closed at 9.25 pm.

Signed …………………………………….Chairman ……………………date.

______Caxton Parish Council Minutes Thursday 13 September 2018