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Microsoft Windows XP Microsoft Windows Vista Microsoft Windows 7 Microsoft Windows XP Microsoft Windows Vista Microsoft Windows 7 Microsoft Windows 8 Arial Aharoni Bold Aharoni Bold Aharoni Bold Version 5.02 Arial Black Andalus Andalus Aldhabi Version 1.00 Arial Bold Angsana New Angsana New Andalus Version 5.99 Arial Bold Italic Angsana New Bold Angsana New Bold Angsana New Version 5.00 Arial Italic Angsana New Bold Italic Angsana New Bold Italic Angsana New Bold Version 5.00 Comic Sans MS Angsana New Italic Angsana New Italic Angsana New Bold Italic Version 5.00 Comic Sans MS Bold AngsanaUPC Angsana UPC Angsana New Italic Version 5.00 Courier 10, 12, 15 AngsanaUPC Bold Angsana UPC Bold AngsanaUPC Version 5.00 Courier New AngsanaUPC Bold Italic Angsana UPC Bold Italic AngsanaUPC Bold Version 5.00 Courier New Bold AngsanaUPC Italic AngsanaUPC Italic AngsanaUPC Bold Italic Version 5.00 Courier New Bold Italic Arabic Typesetting Aparajita AngsanaUPC Italic Version 5.00 Courier New Italic Arial Aparajita Bold Aparajita Version 5.92 Estrangelo Edessa Arial Black Aparajita Bold Italic Aparajita Bold Version 5.92 Franklin Gothic Medium Arial Bold Aparajita Italic Aparajita Bold Italic Version 5.92 Franklin Gothic Medium Italic Arial Bold Italic Arabic Typesetting Aparajita Italic Version 5.92 Gautami Arial Italic Arial Arabic Typesetting Version 5.92 Georgia Batang Arial Black Arial Version 6.80 Georgia Bold BatangChe Arial Bold Arial Black Version 5.21 Georgia Bold Italic Browallia New Arial Bold Italic Arial Bold Version 6.80 Georgia Italic Impact Browallia New Bold Arial Italic Arial Bold Italic Version 6.80 Latha Browallia New Bold Italic Batang Arial Italic Version 6.80 Lucida Console Browallia New Italic BatangChe Batang Version 5.00 Lucida Sans Unicode BrowalliaUPC Browallia New BatangChe Version 5.00 Microsoft Sans Serif Modern BrowalliaUPC Bold Browallia New Bold Browallia New Version 5.00 MS Sans Serif 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24 BrowalliaUPC Bold Italic Browallia New Bold Italic Browallia New Bold Version 5.00 MS Serif 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24 BrowalliaUPC Italic Browallia New Italic Browallia New Bold Italic Version 5.00 Mv Boli Calibri BrowalliaUPC Browallia New Italic Version 5.00 Palatino Linotype Calibri Bold BrowalliaUPC Bold BrowalliaUPC Version 5.00 Palatino Linotype Bold Calibri Bold Italic BrowalliaUPC Bold Italic BrowalliaUPC Bold Version 5.00 Palatino Linotype Bold Italic Calibri Italic BrowalliaUPC Italic BrowalliaUPC Bold Italic Version 5.00 Palatino Linotype Italic Cambria Calibri BrowalliaUPC Italic Version 5.00 Roman Cambria Bold Calibri Bold Calibri Version 5.72 Script Cambria Bold Italic Calibri Bold Italic Calibri Bold Version 5.72 Small Fonts Cambria Italic Calibri Italic Calibri Bold Italic Version 5.72 Symbol Cambria Math Cambria Calibri Italic Version 5.72 Symbol 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24 Candara Cambria Bold Calibri Light Version 2.00 Tahoma Candara Bold Cambria Bold Italic Calibri Light Italic Version 2.00 Tahoma Bold Candara Bold Italic Cambria Italic Cambria Version 6.80 Times New Roman Candara Italic Cambria Math Cambria Bold Version 6.80 Times New Roman Bold Comic Sans MS Candara Cambria Bold Italic Version 6.80 Times New Roman Bold Italic Comic Sans MS Bold Candara Bold Cambria Italic Version 6.80 Times New Roman Italic Consolas Candara Bold Italic Cambria Math Version 6.80 Trebuchet MS Consolas Bold Candara Italic Candara Version 5.61 Trebuchet MS Bold Consolas Bold Italic Comic Sans MS Candara Bold Version 5.61 Trebuchet MS Bold Italic Consolas Italic Comic Sans MS Bold Candara Bold Italic Version 5.61 Trebuchet MS Italic Constantia Consolas Candara Italic Version 5.61 Tunga Constantia Bold Consolas Bold Comic Sans MS Version 5.11 Verdana Constantia Bold Italic Consolas Bold Italic Comic Sans MS Bold Version 5.11 Verdana Bold Constantia Italic Consolas Italic Comic Sans MS Bold Italic Version 5.11 Verdana Bold Italic Corbel Constantia Comic Sans MS Italic Version 5.11 Verdana Italic Corbel Bold Constantia Bold Consolas Version 5.32 Webdings Corbel Bold Italic Constantia Bold Italic Consolas Bold Version 5.32 WingDings Corbel Italic Constantia Italic Consolas Bold Italic Version 5.32 WST_Czech Cordia New Corbel Consolas Italic Version 5.32 WST_Engl Cordia New Bold Corbel Bold Constantia Version 5.90 WST_Fren Cordia New Bold Italic Corbel Bold Italic Constantia Bold Version 5.9 WST_Germ Cordia New Italic Corbel Italic Constantia Bold Italic Version 5.90 WST_Ital CordiaUPC Cordia New Constantia Italic Version 5.90 WST_Span CordiaUPC Bold Cordia New Bold Corbel Version 5.61 WST_Swed CordiaUPC Bold Italic Cordia New Bold Italic Corbel Bold Version 5.61 CordiaUPC Italic Cordia New Italic Corbel Bold Italic Version 5.61 Courier New CordiaUPC Corbel Italic Version 5.61 Courier New Bold CordiaUPC Bold Cordia New Version 5.00 Courier New Bold Italic CordiaUPC Bold Italic Cordia New Bold Version 5.00 Courier New Italic CordiaUPC Italic Cordia New Bold Italic Version 5.00 DaunPenh Courier New Cordia New Italic Version 5.00 David Courier New Bold CordiaUPC Version 5.00 David Bold Courier New Bold Italic CordiaUPC Bold Version 5.00 DFKai-SB Courier New Italic CordiaUPC Bold Italic Version 5.00 DilleniaUPC DaunPenh CordiaUPC Italic Version 5.00 DilleniaUPC Bold David Courier New Version 6.80 DilleniaUPC Bold Italic David Bold Courier New Bold Version 6.80 DilleniaUPC Italic DFKai-SB Courier New Bold Italic Version 6.80 DokChampa DilleniaUPC Courier New Italic Version 6.80 Dotum DilleniaUPC Bold DaunPenh Version 5.00 DotumChe DilleniaUPC Bold Italic David Version 5.02 Estrangelo Edessa DilleniaUPC Italic David Bold Version 5.02 EucrosiaUPC DokChampa DFKai-SB Version 5.00 EucrosiaUPC Bold Dotum DilleniaUPC Version 5.01 EucrosiaUPC Bold Italic DotumChe DilleniaUPC Bold Version 5.01 EucrosiaUPC Italic Ebrima DilleniaUPC Bold Italic Version 5.01 Euphemia Ebrima Bold DilleniaUPC Italic Version 5.01 FangSong Estrangelo Edessa DokChampa Version 5.00 Franklin Gothic Medium EucrosiaUPC Dotum Version 5.00 Franklin Gothic Medium Italic EucrosiaUPC Bold DotumChe Version 5.00 FrankRuehl EucrosiaUPC Bold Italic Ebrima Version 5.06 FreesiaUPC EucrosiaUPC Italic Ebrima Bold Version 5.06 FreesiaUPC Bold Euphemia Estrangelo Edessa Version 5.00 FreesiaUPC Bold Italic FangSong EucrosiaUPC Version 5.01 FreesiaUPC Italic Franklin Gothic Medium EucrosiaUPC Bold Version 5.01 Gautami Franklin Gothic Medium Italic EucrosiaUPC Bold Italic Version 5.01 Georgia FrankRuehl EucrosiaUPC Italic Version 5.01 Georgia Bold FreesiaUPC Euphemia Version 5.05 Georgia Bold Italic FreesiaUPC Bold FangSong Version 5.01 Georgia Italic FreesiaUPC Bold Italic Franklin Gothic Medium Version 5.01 Gisha FreesiaUPC Italic Franklin Gothic Medium Italic Version 5.00 Gisha Bold Gabriola FrankRuehl Version 5.02 Gulim Gautami FreesiaUPC Version 5.01 GulimChe Gautami Bold FreesiaUPC Bold Version 5.01 Gungsuh Georgia FreesiaUPC Bold Italic Version 5.01 GungsuhChe Georgia Bold FreesiaUPC Italic Version 5.01 Impact Georgia Bold Italic Gabriola Version 5.92 IrisUPC Georgia Italic Gadugi Version 1.03 IrisUPC Bold Gisha Gadugi Bold Version 1.03 IrisUPC Bold Italic Gisha Bold Gautami Version 5.94 IrisUPC Italic Gulim Gautami Bold Version 5.94 Iskoola Pota GulimChe Georgia Version 5.51 JasmineUPC Gungsuh Georgia Bold Version 5.51 JasmineUPC Bold GungsuhChe Georgia Bold Italic Version 5.51 JasmineUPC Bold Italic Impact Georgia Italic Version 5.51 JasmineUPC Italic IrisUPC Gisha Version 5.01 KaiTi IrisUPC Bold Gisha Bold Version 5.01 Kalinga IrisUPC Bold Italic Gulim Version 5.01 Kartika IrisUPC Italic GulimChe Version 5.00 KodchiangUPC Iskoola Pota Gungsuh Version 5.00 KodchiangUPC Bold JasmineUPC GungsuhChe Version 5.00 KodchiangUPC Bold Italic JasmineUPC Bold Impact Version 5.10 KodchiangUPC Italic JasmineUPC Bold Italic IrisUPC Version 5.01 Latha JasmineUPC Italic IrisUPC Bold Version 5.01 Leelawadee KaiTi IrisUPC Bold Italic Version 5.01 Leelawadee Bold Kalinga IrisUPC Italic Version 5.01 Levenim MT Kalinga Bold Iskoola Pota Version 5.94 Levenim MT Bold Kartika Iskoola Pota Bold Version 5.94 LilyUPC Kartika Bold JasmineUPC Version 5.01 LilyUPC Bold Khmer UI JasmineUPC Bold Version 5.01 LilyUPC Bold Italic Khmer UI Bold JasmineUPC Bold Italic Version 5.01 LilyUPC Italic KodchiangUPC JasmineUPC Italic Version 5.01 Lucida Console KodchiangUPC Bold KaiTi Version 5.01 Lucida Sans Unicode KodchiangUPC Bold Italic Kalinga Version 5.95 Malgun Gothic KodchiangUPC Italic Kalinga Bold Version 5.95 Malgun Gothic Bold Kokila Kartika Version 5.95 Mangal Kokila Bold Kartika Bold Version 5.95 Marlett Kokila Bold Italic Khmer UI Version 5.02 Meiryo Kokila Italic Khmer UI Bold Version 5.02 Meiryo Bold Lao UI KodchiangUPC Version 5.01 Meiryo Bold Italic Lao UI Bold KodchiangUPC Bold Version 5.01 Meiryo Italic Latha KodchiangUPC Bold Italic Version 5.01 Microsoft Himalaya Latha Bold KodchiangUPC Italic Version 5.01 Microsoft JhengHei Leelawadee Kokila Version 5.92 Microsoft JhengHei Bold Leelawadee Bold Kokila Bold Version 5.92 Microsoft Sans Serif Levenim MT Kokila Bold Italic Version 5.92 Microsoft Uighur Levenim MT Bold Kokila Italic Version 5.92 Microsoft YaHei LilyUPC Lao UI Version 5.01 Microsoft YaHei Bold LilyUPC Bold Lao UI Bold Version 5.01 Microsoft Yi Baiti LilyUPC Bold Italic Latha Version 5.94 MingLiU LilyUPC Italic Latha Bold Version 5.94 MingLiU-ExtB Lucida Console Leelawadee Version 5.05 MingLiU_HKSCS Lucida Sans Unicode Leelawadee Bold Version 5.05 MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB Malgun Gothic Levenim MT Version 5.03 Miriam Malgun Gothic Bold Levenim MT Bold Version 5.03 Miriam Fixed Mangal LilyUPC Version 5.01 Mongolian Baiti Mangal Bold LilyUPC Bold
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